I tend to agree with the first post. I cringe when I hear Christians talk about respecting others' faith. Respecting their right to practice their faith is different, in my mind, than respecting their faith. I don't respect any other faith, including Judaism because it rejects Christ. But I strongly respect the right of anyone to practice whatever faith they please, be it Christianity or a false religion.
Hello all...I was informed about this place on another board. It looks nice!
I'm a married, 33-year-old believer from Lancaster County, PA. I've been a Christian since I was about 7 years old. I don't have a strong denominational preference, but we attend an Evangelical Free church and generally agree with the E-Free's statement of faith.
I've been married a little over 10 years, and have 3 kids, aged 6, 5 and 3.