thank you all for your replies.
I hate to think of myself as disabled but I must face it as well. I have many health problems and some of them I have been avoiding and ignoring (or trying to ignore) for quite sometime. I have had to find a new doctor because frankly I dont think my other one has a clue what to do with me. I have put off finding a new doctor until today. I had a fitful rest last night because of the symptoms I am experiencing. Being an RN I thnik thru all the senarios as to what could be wrong and I am afriad. Jesus has told me 365 times in the Bible to not be afriad. I am not afriad to die, I am just afriad of suffering more than I do already. It was really hard for me to make the doctor's appt. But I did it. I have an appt with an Internal Medicine Doctor tomorrow at 1:00pm. Please pray for me and for him. His name is Dr. Branning. Thanks to you all in advance.