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Theology / Debate / Evolution, Human remains & Biblical Dates
on: October 11, 2005, 02:41:52 PM
I am a young Christian.
1) How old does the Bible say the Earth is? 2) How long ago did Adam & Eve come about?
It seems that evidence has been found of humans dating beyond 10,000 to 12,000 year limit. It has also been proven that the Earth is about 4.6 billion years old.
Can someone please help me understand clearly how the theory of evolution could possibly fit in with the Bible?
There is some hard evidence now to support Evolution and I believe this evidence can help support the Bible if it is indeed true that there were humans or lesser humans beyond 10,000 - 12,000 years of human existance.
God created the Earth in 7 days I believe. People say that Adam & Eve came about 10,000 years ago? How does this fit in with the 4.6 billion years scientists have come up with?
Please help out, I dont' want to look like a fool in front of people and need to make some sense out of all this.
Theology / General Theology / Is my grandpa, friends & family going to Hell?
on: September 27, 2005, 02:51:14 PM
I am a young Christian(As in i'm 26 years old but a new Christian) and I desperately need your help.
I became a Christian through Scientifc Research & Math. I gave my life to Jesus because I love him! I can't look past what he did. He truly is the Son of God. I'm blessed to have been in a country like the US where I could discover him without it being forced.
I worry about my Grandpa, he grew up a Muslim and he had little exposure to Christianity. He passed away, is he in Hell now? I've heard that just because you are a good person does not mean you go to Heaven. He worshipped the Lord without Jesus everyday. But the problem is he wasn't saved with the Blood of Jesus he just didn't know too much about it.
Also there are a lot of people who strive to do great things but they are not perfect to be in the presence of God and they didn't accept Jesus as their saviour.
My Family raised me so well and they have all the fruits and values of Christians. But they grew up in a country where the muslim religion was forced down their throats. My dad carries great mental scars and refuses any type of religion. My dad waited for my mom and they both are still married and will never divorce there is so much good they do but I guess it doesn't matter if you don't accept Jesus? I understand the Science of how imperfection can simply not be in the same presence as perfection.
Please help me understand.
Also can accepting Jesus as your saviour be exploited in your death bed? People keep asking me about that and I have no idea how to answer them.
Will God show those who didn't accept Jesus any mercy? I worry for them because Satan has a strong foothold on the world. Please give advice. Is there anything I can do while i'm alive to save my families for the past 2000 years that were blind in Muslim countries?
Theology / Debate / Is everything in the Bible 100% accurate?
on: September 21, 2005, 09:53:15 PM
Is everything in the Bible 100% accurate or is it possible there are some human errors in there? Most of what I read is sound and just but some of the things I read don't fit in with what Christianity is supposed to be.
Jesus was noble and intelligent. His words were unbeatable and made perfect sense. But before Jesus came everything seemed so different. God is portrayed as an angry God who occasionally kills off a bunch of people or aids in their destruction. Is this because Jesus was not around to offer saviour for them?
I'm a young Christian and when people ask me about how people use religion to justify killing I don't know what to say.
Can a Christian kill if needed in the name of Jesus Son of God?
Don't worry I'm not psycho I'm just trying to figure this out so when people ask me I know what to say.
Let me ask the question again just one more time in a different way.
In the Bible it appears as though God aids some humans to kill other humans by giving them the clear advantage. The ones who don't have the advantage obviously were DEEP in sin as to not gain the favor of God. So they lost big time. Was there a chance they could be saved and turn to the Lord?
Do you really think God would kill people before their time? Or was it just their time to go?
I guess we live in a time now where God does not show himself anymore and I don't blame him with all the Sin that goes on. But back then he did.
Please correct me where I'm wrong thanks!