i (sorry in cyber land i don't use puctuation, caps, proper grammer etc., live with it!) just wanted to float this out there for some feed-back. we try to keep heart as we awaken each am, have our quiet time, then turn on or read the am paper. i know with me, it takes about 10 minutes before i've heard or read something that greatly discourages me. i don't have to list all the things that are a part of our politically correct culture and break our hearts. if you lived in the 40's 50's and attended school you know how good things were. (understood, we will always be an in-perfect people dealing with a perfect truth-we were and are sinners saved by grace & top of that list of sinful behaviors were predjiduces, agreed) put in the most general of terms, we felt secure, things were orderly-the worked-we were the greatest nation on this earth. well to my question-is there ever a point where we as believers who remember that world, should say as our father pilgrims did, enough. as abrahmam said to lot-if you take the east i'll take the west, if you want the west i'll take the east. fellow country men we've had enough, you take the land west of the missippi and we'll (believers) will take the east or v.v.? or should we keep fighting for what we believe is right until the Lord returns? any thoughts?