The crusades
The Spanish Inquisition
The Reformation
The witch trials
The Holocaust
All that death and more iin the name of Christ.
It would perhaps be unacceptable in some circles to point out the fact that in many European countries, religion plays an even smaller role in people's lives than it does in America - yet levels of violence are lower than here. Were a lack of religion any sort of cause of violence, then we would find higher amounts of violence in countries like Germany rather than Ireland, where both religion and violence have been prominent in daily life.
Facts like this must lead any rational person to treat claim of religion as a solution to our ills - real or perceived - with real skepticism. Religion has in fact done even more to promote base inhumanity when it has become wedded to ruling political powers. It has been a common pattern throughout human history that wherever religious dogmas have gained worldly power, violence was abetted rather than stopped. Even if a person were to successfully argue that none of the violence was caused by religion, the fact would remain that religion not only failed to stop it, but has actually served as a useful tool for those perpetuating it.
Is Christianity only a religion of Peace and Love? I do not think that anyone can honestly and objectively examine American or European history and answer "yes" to that question. Christianity can encourage Peace and Love - but it certainly need not, and it quite often has done just the opposite. Although the people responsible for violence might have found a way to express their hatred without Christianity, it cannot be ignored that Christianity offers a convenient divine mandate for hatred and violent acts against a wide range of people.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Keanon, I wonder if someone went out and wrote a bunch of checks in your name, would it be fair for the people who received those checks to expect you to cover them??? I m sure if that was the case you would feel quite justified in refusing to take responsability. Many people have done horiffic things in the name of Christ or in most cases just used the name of Christ to gane a possition of power and then did did the evil having nothing to do with Christ( Hitler ) but as with those checks it is hardly fair to lay these evils at the feet of Christianity. I would ask you to at least read the first four books of the new testament, I am quite sure if you are a reasonable person you will conclude that Christ tought NOTHING that would justify any evil actions. compare this to Islam and the moslem expantion, if you go back to their founding you will find that Mohamed was violent and encouraged others to be violent. If you could make this kind of conection to the teachings of Jesus then it might be fair to blame Christianity for the things you mention, you should consider that at the times of some of the events you mention , most people did not own their own Bibles, this left them to trust in their leaders for the truth. you also dont seem to realise that there is 2000 years of Christian history 1600 of western domination by Christianity.. the universitys , hospitals and Christian charity is unsurpassed by any other group of people in the world. A strong Christian work ethic(rapidly fading) has made western industry thrive, creating wealth that feeds many impoverished nations. I hear the kind of retoric you offer from an athiest friend of mine. its ironic that an athiest would even try to use pain and suffering to atack Christianity, try looking into the deathtoll of communism; Russia, China, Cambodia, Vietnam and others check out the stagering death toll of atheism, abject poverty and opresion are rampant. when you look at it in a resonable perspective. I think you would agree that the best thing for this world, Is more of what Jesus tought!