It definitely sounds like you have a hunger and a thirst to not only get to know our Lord and Savior, but to make sure you are not mislead by anyone whether they are televangelists or those who seem to know the Bible inside or out. Billy Graham's daughter, whose name is Anne Lotz, wrote a book called "Just give me Jesus". In that book she talks about her mother was talking to the former head of Scotland Yard, who made a statement that he learned to tell forgeries, and counterfeits by studying the genuine thing. That way he could tell a counterfeit immediately. The point she was trying to make is quite clear. I remember when the present pope was first elected years ago, he urged all to get to know Jesus.
For the past thirty years or so, there has been a tremendous drive by most denominations to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all peoples in every corner of the earth. Satan hates this and will do anything to twist the truth just enough to make it seem like it is the real thing. You have been given a seed, and that seed wants to grow. Its kinda like the mustard seed Jesus speaks about in one of his parables. Like any seed, there are three factors that affect its growth as well as how well it grows. Light is one of them. Open the Bible, there is enough light there to light up every galaxy in the entire universe. Water is another factor. Jesus spoke about the living waters to a samaritan woman at the well of Jacob. All the words in the Bible hold the living waters of Jesus Christ. Good fertile soil is the third factor. Think about the parable of the sower who sowed seed in rocky ground, amoung briars and thorns, and in fertile ground. Get yourself planted in a good Bible believing Church. Get planted in a Bible study with a group at that Church. I use to have to weed the garden as a child, and I tell you, that is hard work. So isn't this. It is going to be hard work for you, but do not get disappointed. In time you will be able to discern who is speaking the truth from those who twist the truth just a little bit and therefore make that whole truth a forgerie by that one twist. Trust and have faith in Jesus Christ. He will send his Holy Spirit to help you and teach you as well. Be patient and realize that God is not going to give you all the answers in one day, week or year. Our entire hope, trust and faith is built up on what Jesus Christ, God's only Son taught us. He is the Way, Truth and Light, the Bread of Life, and my Savior.
I am saved only by the Grace of God, and through his Son Jesus. Get to know him completely so that you will be able to discern what is true and know a forgery when you see one. God Bless you in your struggles, keep up the good work and Smile......God Loves YOU. Don't take my words I speak as being the whole truth. Take those spoken in the Holy Scriptures and Pray often.