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Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:ARE SOME THAT STUPID
on: May 26, 2004, 05:12:53 PM
On Sainsbury's peanuts -- "Warning: contains nuts." (talk about a news flash) Since peanuts aren't actually nuts, I guess this one is technically correct.
Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Pray for power
on: May 26, 2004, 05:10:29 PM
They still haven't dealt with it??? I'd start asking for some supervisors. Or, here's a tactic that seems to have served me very well in the past: send them written notice of a fine you'll be charging them for every day you have to pay for your new place, on which the place is unusable because of their delay. When put in writing, politely yet directly on good bsuiness stationery with letterhead, addressed to a high-ranking supervisor, it gets immediate attention. Believe me.
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Prideful and arrogant Christians
on: May 23, 2004, 03:05:37 PM
This is a good post: it's a very common problem. And there are few things harder to deal with than pride. It has been said (and I wish I could remember who said it) that pride is the one illness that makes everyone sick but the person who has it. I've seen it on every level-who hasn't. The straightforward kind, and the kinds that hide under other personality characteristics. What I do is, I hand it over to the Lord and let Him deal with it. He does a really, really good job.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Is the Spirit in me?
on: April 29, 2004, 09:32:40 PM
Well, I can't claim to be a wise soul, but for what it's worth, I hope this may be of use to you: The true test of the Spirit is written in 1 John. Determining the presence of the Spirit is more in how we think, what we believe, and how that manifests itself in our lives and character, rather than a particular gift. Your question is a very godly one, and I pray God will bless you with His sweetest reassurance. There's also a very good treatise on this very subject by Thomas Brooks, called Heaven on Earth.
Blessings, Whitehorse
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Do you know?
on: April 29, 2004, 09:21:38 PM
How do they get this info? Does the Chinese Government have a score sheet or something? Just a thought... It just seems to me, from the description of how they are persecuted, it would be hard to get hard facts out about such things. The organization was started by a Romanian martyr, Richard Wurmbrand, who actually died recently. He had spent 13 years in a communitst underground prison. Anyway, the organization works closely with the Christian Communities in China and other countries, because it offers supplies and aid, schools, funding, etc. They keep in contact with lawyers representing the Christians, etc.
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Any hope for an ignore button?
on: April 29, 2004, 08:56:24 PM
an ignore option... some people need to grow up... i thought this was a christian forum... how christian is it to ignore someone because you dont like what they have to say?
It's possible you're new to discussion forums in general. The problem is, too many people want to be abusive and get away with it. They abuse you, and then they try to use your Christian theology (something they're entirely unsubmitted to themselves) to get you to submit to their abuse so they can go on abusing you. If someone is behaving so badly they need to be ignored, I don't think the maturity problem is with the person doing the ignoring.
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Ordinary John
on: April 28, 2004, 11:27:29 PM
Truly the Lord works in mysterious way: what man sees, is not at all what God sees. And in partaking in His spirit, we see it from His view, too.