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Fellowship / Just For Women / Re:Coveting and Lusting? Both are wrong.
on: December 08, 2004, 04:45:48 PM
I would be really careful with this one. If he has mentioned leaving his wife, then he may be looking for an easy way out and I doubt you want to be his excuse. I would mention to him about getting some marriage couseling and speaking with his pastor. Until things settle down in his life I would back off on being his shoulder to cry on. Think of how his wife would feel even if you are just friends?
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Bad music?
on: December 08, 2004, 04:29:34 PM
I truly believe music does influence us especially our youth. Most rolemodels for teens are musicians and actors. I like all kinds of music although I find that much of today's secular pop and rock music seems to irk me more and more becuase of the lyrics. I don't know if it's cause I'm getting older or because everyone's mind is in the gutter or both! Whenever I have a bad day, I do find Christian music to be the most relaxing. You never hear a bad lyric!
Fellowship / You name it!! / Church and Socializing
on: December 08, 2004, 03:16:56 PM
I think church is an awesome way to socialize with people who have a common bond in the love they share for Christ. A friend of mine who grew up Presbyterian has started coming to church (Baptist) with me which I think is awesome. However, I can't help but wonder if it's for the right reasons. I invited her to come experience worship and draw closer to Christ yet I get this feeling that she's merely going looking for social interaction. The first time she visited she asked if their were any single guys. Even if this is her reason, hopefully she will see beyond the social aspect and realize how much more there is to church. Can anyone give advice on this matter? I don't want to just straight out ask her about it cause then she may stop coming and that's the last thing I want!!!!!!!
Fellowship / You name it!! / being made fun of for being a christian
on: August 12, 2004, 03:10:35 PM
I have recently found my way back to the Christian life and wouldn't have it any other way. However, nearly every one of my friends are poking fun at me saying things like "you go to church?!". I have no desire to even be around these people if they can't accept the fact that I have changed my life for the better. I know it sounds like high school, but it's not. These are college educated adults in their late 20's. Has anyone else dealt with this and if so how did you handle it?
Fellowship / What are you doing? / Re:Just Beginning
on: August 06, 2004, 12:33:35 PM
Please don't give up! You will find yourself surrounded by many people and things in college that will tempt you to stray from your beliefs. I hope you stay strong and follow your dream. Make sure you join up with a ministry group at the college so you can meet people with similar interests. What college will you be attending?
Fellowship / What are you doing? / Re:Shirts
on: August 06, 2004, 12:31:03 PM
A good christian shouldn't go around kicking people for their weaknesses. Instead of spending time putting messages like that on a shirt maybe you should invest that time helping the weak and show them God.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Why aggressive atheism?
on: August 03, 2004, 04:31:43 PM
I have encoutered a ton of these kind of people. I think many haven't had the opportunity to see what christianity is therefore some of them feel threatened and intimitated by it. Many people think they aren't good enough therefore they dismiss it as being for them. Don't give up the fight!!!!!!!!!
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Self defence
on: August 03, 2004, 04:28:46 PM
There is bad intention behind murder. If you have to kill to protect yourself or a loved one that's different as long as it's not premeditated.
Fellowship / Just For Women / Re:preacher's kids- why do they stray?
on: August 03, 2004, 04:08:33 PM
We are both Baptist. I go to a different church than the one his dad is over. Sadly, my boyfriend doesn't ever go to his Dad's church or any for that matter. It seems like his parents would be upset and say something.
Theology / Debate / Re:Dealing with non-believers
on: August 02, 2004, 11:21:01 PM
I have lots of friends who are non-believers and they make fun of me for my passion. I could easily dump them for this but instead I will stick it out being their friends should one of them decide to explore christianity. Don't kick a man while he's down and weak. Instead pick him up and help him through his weaknesses! Moral of the story, have patience with the non-believers and pray for them.