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Entertainment / Books / Re:What I am reading right now
on: July 12, 2004, 09:18:27 PM
I am reading Holy Blood holy grail. it's very detail orientened and reasearch oriented, not a character book, like the Davinchi Code, but what that book used for it's facts. it's a good modern mystery though. I also just finished reading Al Franken's book "lies and the lying liers who tell them." Very Funny, Witty, and factual. Everyone should read it before this coming election. It'll give you a better perspective than what the mainstream media is going to give you, especially on this current administration.
Theology / Debate / Re:Domestic Violence in the Home
on: July 05, 2004, 11:42:36 PM
obviously you need to seek counceling for yourself, but also for the rest of the family members living in the same house where the problems are happening. Try talking to a close friend someone you can trust for support. Maybe some kind of family intervention, not necessarilly with the people who are being violent, not yet, just maybe with other people like close family members and a few close friends to discuss the issues you are having to come up with a plan, and then maybe an intervention with the people you are having problems with. my family had an intervention for my brother with drugs. It helped to have the family all there in one room to try to come up with a plan of action and also for communication and letting off steam. hope some of this info helps.
Entertainment / Movies / Re:Fahrenheit 9/11 Do NOT Boycott
on: July 02, 2004, 12:20:50 AM
Why should Christians boycott this movie? Why can't you let other Christians view it for themselves, and make up their own minds? This movie is not full of lies, but tries to reveal some truths about the Bush administration.
I'll be praying for all Christians to See the Movie and NOT boycott it, and to have an OPENED mind.