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1  Prayer / General Discussion / Re: Is itwrong ...... on: December 23, 2006, 07:33:32 AM
Since my last post I have really gained some understanding. God is so faithful!
I have cried out to Him for a little bit of understanding and He replied with many Scriptures regarding affliction and compassion,
such as Psalms 119:67..." before I was afflicted I went astray.,vs 75 "and in FAITHFULNESS you have afflicted me"
Lam. 3:19-33
These pertain to my mom so very well. Before she was saved she practiced witchcraft and many other occult things, she had searched all of her life for things of "spiritually" and rejected God' but when this illness started, she had no choice except to rely on my help. When this happened she had to leave her home to come here and eventually she gave her heart to the Lord.( I'm sparing alot of time and details here) So I understand some things now that I didn'tbefore and am so deeply moved by God's love and great compassion. I still hope that she will go to heaven soon,( maybe for Christmas.)because watching this is so hard and it's really breaking my heart. But I will no longer give over to great struggling over her suffering. He will take her home when it's time.

How precious that He would hear and answer. I see His love and faithfulness and I could not really ask for more.
Thanks again for your prayers. Much appreciated !

p.s. Tom I hope you're feeling better.
2  Prayer / General Discussion / Re: Is itwrong ...... on: December 09, 2006, 09:03:09 PM
Amorus, I'm sorry you lost your mom.
Tom and P.R. I am sorry that your dads have gone too.( I am glad they where each saved!)
I also truly believe God has a purpose.
I don't blame God. I blame Satan.
I know that there is a day coming when all will be answered and she will be healed, remembering none of the former pains and sufferings in this life. I as much as you each thank Him for that. Not just for her but for me and yo as well.
I guess I wanted to know if you all felt it was wrong to pray for such a thing.
Is it a sin to not want to endure pain or witness such things or to say "no fair!" and to pray to the contrary?
I feel very conflicted by what I know about the Lord and His word (that His ways ARE better than mine and His will IS the best way)and what I feel about this situation.

Thank you so much for your prayers and insight. I am tremendously grateful for this forum because I have really needed to talk to someone about this.
Blessings back at you!
3  Prayer / General Discussion / Re: Is itwrong ...... on: December 09, 2006, 03:01:25 PM
Thanks so much for the response and especially your understanding.
I do wish that hospice was an option for her. Unfortunately, for many reasons, including that she no longer has a home and she is now completely funded by the state, nursing home care was what was available when I was no longer able to care for her a few years ago.
I have been praying for His mercy and for her suffering to be lessened. It is just this that I 'm struggling with.It just seem pious to say "just trust in the Lord" etc... as if that can make it better, or not as complicated. I just don't understand and it grieves me to see this slow and undeniably hard way to go through life. I realize I sound angry, maybe I am. I am defiantly saddened.
Thanks for listening.
4  Prayer / General Discussion / Is itwrong ...... on: December 08, 2006, 08:46:47 PM
Is it wrong to pray for my mom to die?
My mom is terminally ill. She is 72 years young and wasting away. She lives in a nursing home now because she requires 24 hour care. I know that in her condition she is often neglected and most certainly lonely (she has told me that)
She has become almost completely unable to communicate with anyone who isn't EXTREMELY patient.She is nearly blind. Worst of all she is totally cognitive, fully aware of what is happening to her. Many times she has told me she really wishes it was over and I in the past have told her all the verses in the bible I could think of, now sometimes to say that there is purpose in this way, seems somehow cruel even ridiculous, because how can that be true. We have prayed and I realize that even though this is happening so slowly, it is going to happen, I hate the thought that the only relief will be in her death. But she'll be in the arms of her Savior, so I pray it could be over for her, that she wouldn't have to face the things this disease has in store. I'm not asking for the easy way, believe me, she has suffered so much in this life, including every abuse and abandonments you can think of.
I know God is God.I know  He is Holy. I do trust Him. I have searched the scriptures and cannot find any answers that satisfies this question.
Do you believe that He answers this prayer. I just want her suffering to be over. I hate how lonely and scared she is.
What do you think?
5  Theology / Apologetics / Re: Back and worse than ever (spritually)... on: November 16, 2006, 08:06:44 PM
Hey there Brad5.
I was thinking about what you've posted.....
Most of the people I know have felt like you do now.
I really agree w/Roger, God has NEVER left you, you turned away. Okay, so turn back.
There are times in my life I have seemed alone. But what I see here for you is HOPE. When I feel alone or am struggling or going through a season of dry times, it"s what I "know" that keeps me walking the walk. We walk by FAITH, not by what's moral. I am a sinner.

I don't think that how you "feel in your heart" has a whole lot to do with the TRUTH. The truth is arguable but still the truth. The truth is, HE LOVES YOU !
Go ahead call to God.....(He's waiting anyway). I know His forgiveness is bigger than ANYTHING you can do. He loves you the same as before. You changed He didn't so your new walk w/the Lord won't be as it once was, it'll be better, different and  better.
Since  you do "know" in your mind, make a choice for God. Not for God's sake but your own. After all He didn't go to the cross for His sake but for yours.
As for doing what's right, let Him sort all that out. Call out, ask him to prove Himself, HE WILL!
Peace brother. I'm praying.
6  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:need prayer for my missions team on: July 11, 2005, 09:14:02 PM
Hey out there!
I posted a prayer for my daughter's trip, God has faithfully answered ,abundandtly and well above her need. He also will for your team !
( She is going on the b-trip to Brazil ) I know it is so hard to wait, but God never is late. Those that He has called He has called indeed ! We are saved to do good works for His glory. So be sure it will be alright. Although we were getting concerned because one week ago she needed about $1100. that seemed impossible. We THOUGHT we had exhasted every resourse, but God...
Those His will is for, those that have a His heart for the nations and the lost, He WILL send. It comes down to a test of tremendous faith. God WILL say "good job, good and faithful servant."
 I pray along with you, for your team, for your safte, for those hearts to be prepared for a touch from the Lord, and I pray for peace and rest and JOY as the day draws closer. God bless you sweetie!
p.s. I also want to say thank youto you for your example of obedience. Never lose that fire!!!
7  Prayer / Answered Prayer / Spreading the word on: July 11, 2005, 04:20:42 PM
God is so faithful to provide !!
A couple of weeks ago I requested prayer for my daughter's mission trip. As I should know, God is never early nor late. All of the funds that were required were provided PLUS..a few dollars left over that she might be able to bless someone there while on this trip. Praise God. Not only does He call He really does FULLY equip those that He calls into service in His Name.....AWESOME !!! What a mighty God we serve!!
8  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Need a Job on: June 30, 2005, 11:34:48 PM
God SHALL supply ALL your need according to Hs riches in glory by Crist Jesus!  Phillipians 4:19
What a wonderful promise!

9  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Recognizing God’s Direction on: June 30, 2005, 11:30:11 PM
Hello, I have been thinking about all you wrote.
I pray that God's direction for you will be so very clear to you. Mostly I will pray for peace. When I am trying to disern the will of God for my life or for a decision I ALWAYS follow the way of peace, sometimes that peace comes only in weakness. What I mean by that is you said it makes you feel so weak. That is how the Lord is infact found , when we can no longer rely on everything we know or thought but just simply fall on our face and realize that others will have to be strong, and that you need to be carried (in prayer or in other ways). That by way is exactly where the LORD wants you!!!! I am so excited for you !I really sense this, you might be scared right now, because "flying" for the first time can be scary (and exhilerating) but it IS going to be alright, because He is in control. He has not nor will not let you go!
Bless you!
10  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Spreading the word.... on: June 20, 2005, 03:06:14 PM
Hello out there ! Please pray and agree with me and my family,for my daughter (17). She has a heart for missions,  :)she has scheduled a month long trip with a missionary group to travel to Brazil (rural Rio) she has been fund raising for a couple of months, she still needs a bit more support and time is getting short,  I pray that she'll not be discouraged.My husband and I are not in a position to assist her, she needs a financial miracle. Thanks!!!
11  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:husband off to war-prayers needed on: July 19, 2004, 12:58:06 AM
Thank you Lord, that we have freedom. thank you Lord that you hear us. Lord keep him safe, bring them home soon, bless and send comfort to their families Lord,  in Jesus Precious name.
p.s. Thank you also, my life is blessed too, because of you Smiley
12  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:So confused, I need prayer on: July 19, 2004, 12:48:47 AM
Hi Tam(?)
Sound to me also that you're going about it correctly, leave it to the Lord. I don't think any one can really advise you but to share the word that you are relying on..
Phill. 4:6 & 7  Do not be axious for any thing, but ineverything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God , which transends ALL understanding, WILL guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Psalm 37:1 7 2 Trust in the Lord...Delight yourself in the Lord and He WILL give you the desire of you heart.
I have always believed that the desire itself, when we are trusting and following Him, is the gift.
And finally,James 1: 12- 17 (please read this, I'll paraphrase here)Blessed is the man that perserveres under trial, because he has stood the test....13, ..When tempted, no one should say that God is tempting me. .....God isn't and DOESN"T tempt anyone.... Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change.
I don't think that God would tempt you with a desire that He has not predestinted for you. Keep trusting the Lord, ask Him to remove opportunity that He does not want for you and increase the desire that He does have planned.I hope that this helps. I'll be thinking of you and your family.
Thank you so deeply for the sacrifice that you guys are making for freedom. I can't imagine how hard it is for you but I am very grateful.
Be blessed!! Smiley
13  Theology / General Theology / Re:Is smoking cigarettes a sin? on: July 19, 2004, 12:15:49 AM
Very interesting question. I'll share a short (?) story. I was a smoker and a christian, for some time, about five years ago I was listening to a series of teachings and although I can't seem to recall most of the teaching now, I was impacted by a story about a man that was urged by the Holy Spirit to pray for his daughter that was in a tribal village on a missions trip. He went about his business and eventually was so pressed to praythat he could no longer ignore the beckoning of the Lord. He and his wife prayed for two days. Aftera period of time they were contacted by the daughter's husband and he told them of the two days that their child's life hung in the balance with a life defying infection!
For me, I never really prayedwhen I smoked, I always njoyed smoking but felt that God probably didn't smoke, and Him, being a non-smoker it didn't seem very respectful. I was so moved and I so wanted the Lord to use me in a real way, and becuse of my habit, I felt somehow seperated from Him. I wanted to be available at any time that God anted me, not just when I wasn't smoking. I never smoked again. I had asked the Lord many times and also felt the He hadn't "done it for me yet", that's a lie, He did it, remember the cross, He did do it.  It's like having an umbrella ans standing in the pouring rain. It does take work  (open your umbrella)and effort on our part, I know, believe me I know it IS hard, REALLY hard. I pray that you will be strenthened and encouraged in a real way that you will feel strong enough...
but, He DID do it already.
14  Prayer / General Discussion / Re:HELP!! on: July 18, 2004, 11:42:29 PM
Blessings Evangelist !
I just visited the web site, I'll visit there again. Smiley
I'm not sure how to help, but I'll promise this...
I'll pray. I'l pray that the work of your hands is blessed, I'll pray that many will see and seek salvation and know Him and His love, and I'l ask others to agree in prayer with me that huner and thrist for the Lord is increased.
Thank you so much, be awesomely blessed, and to God  be the Glory !!!
15  Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Does Prayer Change Things ? on: July 10, 2004, 09:41:53 PM
[img]Yep, prayer changes things.
Look in the mirror, who do you see... Jesus Huh
Yes, prayer changes things... and people....and circustances....and hearts....and minds... and lives ,even mine!  Grin Glory to God !
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