Just wanted to say I enjoyed your posts Warrior.
"Most" Calvinists or hmm I am a baptist believe any "innocent" is saved until the age of accountability. Thus a mentally challenged person or child who dies before they may respond to (or even hear ... understand) the Holy Spirit's wooing are under grace even if yes the moment they are born their nature is selfish and sinful. Contradict? No nor is this worth debating in my eyes. Could I be wrong. Yes I know in many areas I shall be given insight from God and corrected. It is what I believe though. Nor will I toss scripture about and belittle God's word. If one is seeking wisdom yes scripture is profitable for ... thus good to share one with another. I doubt each here will change their opinions though and ponder to what purpose they debate this? Yet to utilize scripture to condemn ...
. Why?
We believe grace is by faith alone and no work is involved beyond acceptance. Yet by semantics you may of truth yell. You have to believe in the word of God first! Plenial verbal ... Trinity ... Divine inspiration ... You have to ... Works! It is but who we are and what we believe. He outlines the basic plan we as Baptists follow or so far as I have read he does. My mother belongs to the Assembly church, my best friend to the Catholic, my sister to the Lutheran ....
I trust each loves God and is saved. James asked a question and was heart sick over lip service which must have occurred back then as ... perhaps it does today. Just think they gave lip service 2000 years ago. Wow! Nothing new under the sun! However James does not contradict the plan of salvation. (or in my opinion) Just asks an honest question. You say you love God and believe Christ died for you then why do you live in willful disobedience? He pointed out a simple truth. Love and faith are to follow. Christian means Christ One or Christ follower. .... We may always rip scripture apart and use what we desire. It must fit together as a whole.
Repent and be Baptized .... We or I do not believe Baptism saves anyone yet I would wonder at someone who belonged to the church for 20 years and never took that step. Why because they did not "do" the work or act? No I as James would ask where is their Faith in action? If they say they love God then why do they not follow?
My sheep hear my voice ...
Yet do I as a Baptist condemn my mother or sister? No I believe they serve God o the best of their hearts and deeply love him. Nor do I believe any one "local" Body has all the answers I believe this is only seen in the whole bride not a mere part. Yet I feel I am where I belong and would I attend their bible studies? No I would end up debating and this serves no good purpose in God's house when it becomes a fight. I but push away those who may have come to understand whom Christ is.
Sorry so long;