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Prayer / Prayer Requests / Prayer for my mother
on: April 10, 2005, 02:43:27 AM
Yeah, my mother is having many issues at the time, and I just ask that you would pray for her to get better, and for the rest of my family to get through this. Thanks. -Paul
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Has Jesus spoken to you?
on: April 26, 2004, 07:12:34 PM
Jesus has spoken to me recently as well.
The father of a child in my band is a pastor of his church. As a favor to him, some of our band went and played for his Easter service. At this service, I felt as if I was being called back into worshipping the Lord. That night when I got home, I asked another of my friends if I could begin going to Church with him. He said yes, and I am now a loyal member of his church. I feel that he got me to that Easter service, so that I could come back to him!
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Divorce
on: April 26, 2004, 07:05:49 PM
If its a good reason, like the ones you stated, then yes I believe that divorce is a good thing. If neither of the two is happy, and they've tried everything that they can, or they have a problem, such as beatings or mishaps, then I believe, yes it can be done. Nowadays, the divorce rate is well over 50%, and many of those I do believe are completely unnecessary. Many people don't even love the person they are married to. I believe that this type is wrong. Marriage should be an everlasting bond between a husband and a wife. Their love for each other should not break.
Entertainment / Movies / Re:The Matrix Trilogy
on: April 26, 2004, 07:00:12 PM
That is very true. I just thought that the second one had way too much emphasis on action, and not enough on story. In the third one, I really didn't like the Smith/Neo fight all that much, what was more fun was the Human/Machine fight.
Fellowship / What are you doing? / Re:Shirts
on: April 22, 2004, 07:58:23 PM
Arguablly, too, they could get the student for promoting a religion?? Technically, at least in my school, no. My school has no policy on someone promoting a religion. I often see kids wearing shirts that have something written on them about Jesus or God, and I have never heard of anyone suspended over that, I understand the school's reaction, do I think it's right, no, but I can see why they did it. He was doing something that could possibly hurt other children in the school. Even though often times it goes un noticed by other groups. -HH
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:God's mysterious ways
on: April 22, 2004, 06:20:29 PM
That was a cool story. It is true that everyone has a purpose in life, and theres no reason to give that up. If you keep working hard, something good will happen. Someday everyone finds that puzzle where their piece fits.
Prayer / Prayer Requests / Friends + Jazz
on: April 22, 2004, 12:07:24 AM
I'm having some disagreements with some of my friends at the time, and I just ask you to pray that we get over them.
Also, I have a big jazz contest on Friday, and I would just like to pray, that we all get there fine and that we have a great time doing what we all love! Thanks, -HH
Entertainment / Sports / Re:Favorite Sport
on: April 22, 2004, 12:00:47 AM
Oh yeah I love the Patriots too, they're probably my number 2 team!
I was the only person at the Super Bowl Party rooting for the Pats, and they won!!!!!
Welcome / About You! / Re:Hello!
on: April 18, 2004, 10:17:24 PM
Well, I've always been a believer, and I strayed away from God for a time being, but lately I feel that he has impacted my life more than ever. Showing me how to live my life. So you can take the sort of out of there.