Thanks, some senior read this, ME, and when I'm done answering you, I'm going to check if there are any of those grey/white/silver things in my eyebrows (such as they are). I needed a lift today (check my prayer request). I came to this site becasue of the prayer request. Have a blessed day. ;)PS I remember the hokey pokey and caught your pun even if some of our younger counter parts did not. I lead a Bible Study at my church and sometimes some things I say aren't understood becasue of that generational thing, imagine, you'd think I was old!!
Praise God from Whom All blessings Flow :-\My daughter has been living with a man for 6 yrs, has returned to church and their relationship is being stressed from outside right now because of job issues. They have one child and another on the way. We have been praying for change in their situation. Please pray the Lord's will and His power in the situation for all concerned. This is hard for all but we believe Our Lord has a purpose and a plan. It is hard as parents to watch this, pray for us as well but mostly for clarity of mind for her and a resurgence of faith that God WILL do what is best. Pray that the prodigal will reutrn. She is not our only prodigal but the road back for this one may be beginning to unfold. Thank you. I will let you know what the Lord does as I can.