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Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Christian Love In Our Posts
on: January 15, 2004, 02:32:41 AM
Forgive me if I am wrong but there should be no differences. Love does no wrong to its neighbor as the scripture states. Simply stated, do not do to others that you yourself would not want done to you. To do this you must, ask first yourself this question. Am what I am about to do to another is what I would want to be done to me. If not, then you have your answer. All we have is conscience and guidance by the Holy Spirit of God our teacher. If your conscience says no, after careful examination and patience and pray, then your answer is obvious. do not injure your brother or sister if you think for one moment that they would be harmed by your opinon or answer. Love is patient, Love is kind, be gentle to those who perhaps are younger then you in the faith of our Lord. Be still, be quiet, and rest in the fact that the Lord is the Father of us all and is able to cause the growth according to his time frame not ours. There is to much meddeling in the affairs of our Father. He and He, alone knows the heart, please do not ever forget this. It is the one thing which causes us all to become patient in our dealing with the rest of our family in Christ. Be quick to hear, slow to speak. Cry with those who are hurting and sincerely want to learn the truth about love. Be patient with those who are less instructed then you are, for that is the way to those who are of a understanding nature, and who are truly growing in the ways of Love. Do not ever think yourself above another, for even in your revelation and wisdom, and in your understanding of scripture, please remember that the ways of the Lord, and the Heart of the Lord are one of Mercy and Compassion for those who do not yet know, the ways into the kingdom of God. For Truth is not that which is necessaryily true, but rather truth is a person, the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, who said I am the way, the truth, and the life. Truth is the Lord Jesus and He is able to make all of His truth come to those who ears are open. In His time it will occur. So do not be concerned the Lord knows those who are His.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:No Worries
on: January 15, 2004, 02:14:29 AM
If I may, Let me ask you this. Why do you worry, unless your worry convicts you of sin. For after all, there is no worry to those who are doing right. Your conscience must be your guide. For law is only given to lawbreakers, it is not given to those who need no law, and law is that which convicts us all of wrong. Therefore, Love all as yourself, and you will fulfill the law, thus setting yourself free from any law breaking. I understand that we are not justified by the keeping of the law, yet one must also understand that all laws are only made for lawbreakers. You do not make a law, in any society that states thou shalt not murder, unless one already understands, that there are murders among you. Now do you? Live a peaceful and gentle and quite life in Christ Jesus, for this is Godly. And what is Godly? loving your neighbor as yourself. For in these understandings, you certainly need no law. Now do you? Unless you desire someone to murder and injure you. Which I think not. Truth is so simple. For if you, do not love your brother whom you do see, how shall you say, you love God whom you do not see. For love does no harm to its neighbor. Just as God has done no harm to you and desires only your well being and welfare above all else. For He is your Father. I belive I have said enough. Forgive me if I have rattled on to much.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:What's in a name ?
on: January 15, 2004, 02:00:38 AM
Here is whats in a name. By your name I call to you, and you respond to it. Once you respond to it, I have your attention. Once I have your attention, your ears are open to what I have to say, whether my words be good or evil to you. From that point you will respond with, to whatever I have said to you. Whether it be to ignore me or respond to words. Your mind has heard the words that I spoke, and your ultimate response to those words will always be determined by the words, I spoke. If I spoke words of kindness and love to you, you will respond. For that is how we all communicate in this world. If I speak words of insult and hostility you will either ignore me, if you are wise, or you will respond as well in like hostility. For what I sow I shall also reap, as you will too. A name is more then a title. It is the very thing in which, all are attention becomes focused. A name is what differentiates us from animals. A name is, that which we all use to determine what it is we have labeled it unfortunately. A name is,that which seperates us from others. A name is, that which we know cannot change. For example, if I were to tell you that your name is something other then what it is,you would tell me without a doubt that I am wrong. For you are certain that your name is exactly what it is, and no one can covince you otherwise. A name gives you certainty of who you are and what your character is, supposedly according to the old traditions. A name can define who you are once you realize, what your name represents. A name defines much of your dignity, and honor if you so understand its meaning. A name such as the kings of kings and Lord of Lords is Distinctively defined and means there is no one else above you. Names are extremely important my friend, more then most realize in this socitety. However, this is not surprising given the fact that in todays world a name is virtually meaningless, other then to get a simplistic response. Such as, yah did you call me? Unfortunately our society makes a name nothing more then this. It is to my regret that, we all no longer find dignity and honor in a name. But then again, why should we, we have all been taught no better.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:What's in a name ?
on: January 15, 2004, 01:35:11 AM
What is it in a name that instinctively tells you whether it is male of female. I have tried to fathom it out and failed.
Does anybody else know ?
God bless