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Theology / Debate / Re: abortion and homoperversion
on: May 03, 2006, 10:34:35 PM
After reading through these threads, I realize that, if I drank, I would be on my fifth drink by now. I got lost when it turned to step mother's sleeping with sons. I thought this was about homosexuality and abortion, but I got lost somewhere between NYC and Houston along the way.
Homosexuality is wrong. I have always said, even before being saved that, if God wanted us to sleep with the same sex, there wouldn't have been two. He didn't give us a woman and a man so we had a choice! He created us this way for a reason. I have two cousins--one is fully Gay, the other can't make up his mind and is Bisexual. I love the sinner but hate the sin, pure and simple. Even worse, they are wiccan to boot!
Abortion--presaved I believed in no one interfering on a woman choosing what would be best in her life. Post-saved (and after birthing 6 children, and one dying), I can't imagine anyone saying that the baby is not a life until the child is born. I watched the heartbeat at about 3 weeks on an ultrasound machine. A heartbeat means the child is living! The fact that she wasn't breathing air didn't matter. She was alive, plain and simple! God said THOU SHALT NOT MURDER--He didn't say, "However, there is one exception. You only have to worry about those that take in oxygen from the air".
It was just so much easier when we only had 10 laws, brought down by Moses after receiving them from God. What happened after that is a tragedy. If only this world still went by those 10 commandments, the world would not be in the state it is today.
Wishful thinking on my part..but exactly how I feel.
God Bless, Kelly
Theology / Debate / Re: Freemasonry
on: May 03, 2006, 10:26:41 PM
God Bless!
I never even heard of Freemason's until I had my "Godsent Daughter" from England live with me, who came from a family of satanists (she was saved, as is her daughter). Her grandfather was a freemason. There are more myths than there are truths about this. It starts out innocent enough, until you "work your way up" past apprentice. Then, it goes into the occult and mysticism theories. In many cases, satanic ritual groups start up after being brought up in a high authority freemason family.
The rumors that are urban legend, are about the boyscouts, ALL American Presidents, our US dollar. Yes, there are truths behind some things, but most are just like the whisper that you start off at the front of the line in church--by the time you tell the secret to the last guy in the seat at the end, the secret has changed to being so far off from the truth, you don't remember the original wording to begin with.
There is only one "religion" to follow, and that is Jesus. He didn't belong to any group. He belongs to all of us that accept Him into our heart! And, we belong to Him!
God Bless, again, Kelly
"Disclaimer:lack of sleep and too much Indian food at church dinner tonight might have had me word things a bit wrong in this post. Parental Discretion is advised"
Theology / Completed and Favorite Threads / Re: The Lowly Duty of Fidelity
on: May 02, 2006, 07:46:39 AM
Okay, this is my BIGGEST problem I have with mankind--well, one of the biggest. ADULTERY.
I have always, ever since I can remember, been an advocate of fidelity. One time, a neighbor of mine came over to tell me that, (and proudly tell me), she was having an affair. I was friends with her and her husband, and her husband was the type of man that loved this woman with all his heart. First thought in my head was, "How could you"? Second thought in my head is, "God, please comfort her husband, for she has no remorse and he deserves the love of a true woman". They were divorced within a few months. She couldn't want to go and live with her new man. She admitted that, she only got married to..GET MARRIED AND OUT OF HER PARENT'S HOUSE. By her infidelity, she not only hurt her husband, but a child they had together as well.
Fidelity is something we all should adhere to, as well as all the laws that come with being a Christian. It is easy for the flesh to give in, but even easier to just walk away and turn back on your own convictions. JUST SAY NO! Okay, a little Nancy Reagan there, on a different subject.
I will always, and forever be faithful, no matter what the situation. I took a vow, and plan on keeping it. Even during the 5 years I was separated, I never once thought of looking for another man. I prayed and stayed faithful to my husband, and to God.
There, I feel better again!
God Bless, Kelly
Theology / Apologetics / Re: Forgiveness? How?
on: May 02, 2006, 07:38:42 AM
I have, for years fought hard on the forgiveness issues. I have relatives, by blood only, that only showed up when people died, to see what they could get. I have had people in my home, that needed a place to sleep, only to steal from me. There are many things that took me a long time to be able to forgive. But, I am learning and finding ways to do so.
I remember when I was separated. I blamed my husband for it all. One day, while praying, I picked up the bible and there was a verse in it that hurt home. I don't remember exactly what verse it was but, it told me to look at my own faults and apply them to the situation, for none of us are blameless. I saw everything in a different light, and for the first time, saw myself in the mirror for who I was, and what part I had to play with the break up. I then began praying for forgiveness, FOR MYSELF. It was then that I first felt the Holy Spirit working hard inside of me, as God revealed things I needed to work on, instead of praying hard for Him to just work on my husband.
God restored my marriage, even though everyone told me to divorce him. We have been back together for over a year and a half now, and have a healthy, Christian marriage. Praise God!
One thing I have found in forgiveness is that, we must also throw out the emotions of yesterday at the same time. When the girl that lived with me returned to England, I found myself jealous that her parents were there with her and taking care of the child that had lived in my home with her mom. One day, God revealed to me that, the jealousy I felt had to be thrown out of my life, and I had to start praying for the parents to follow Jesus instead. I stopped being jealous and mad at the situation and who was involved. Instead, I felt peace. Yes, her parents were THROWING IT IN MY FACE that, they were now taking care of the daughter and granddaughter, and it hurt. But, I now am very courteous and forgiving to them when they write, asking for me to send back things that were left here. Instead of my responding with accusation and hurt, I respond with love and end each email with GOD BLESS instead (and they are not Christian--I am sure that goes over well). I feel at peace when I do so, and know that I am doing what Jesus would want me to do.
Next time that person throws something in YOUR FACE, respond with something positive. Tell them you are glad they are so happy, even if you don't feel that way. Smile and say, you are glad that they are blessed, and that God is also blessing you in other ways at the same time. Respond with love and peace. They are looking to hurt you. Instead, return to them the love that they are lacking. I can promise you that, sooner or later, they will stop doing this to you and go on to something else. They will also see you in a new light.
God Bless, Kelly
Theology / Apologetics / Re: MUSLIMS ARE TAKING OVER
on: May 02, 2006, 07:26:57 AM
Can I say one thing that might not be popular? Okay, well, I will say it anyway.
Jesus said for us to love one another as we love ourselves. I have met many muslims. Where I lived back home in Massachusetts, UMass was more muslim than it was Christian. I don't agree with their beliefs. I don't condone what the radical Muslims do in hatred. But not ALL muslims are bad people. Yes, they are misled in their faith. Their faith is not the true faith of our Bible. Yet, we are lumping all into one conclusion, and that shouldn't be done.
We should witness to these people more. I was once invited over to a home of a Pakistani family. We discussed religious beliefs. Never, once did we argue or have a heated debate. I simply discussed Christianity with them, in a civil manner. I wasn't saved then, and wish, now that I had been. I might have done a better job. But, never once did they try to convert me or push their faith on me. They fed us a nice meal and they were very nice to us in every way. We had helped them with some plumbing issues, and this was their way of thanking us. I know some so-called Christians that wouldnt take the time out of their busy lives to even say thank you, let alone show gratitude or love for one another.
Let us not forget other religions or false prophets, trying to overtake the world as well. Jehovah Witnesses and their door-to-door religion, Mormons and their own book of Jesus, Cults popping up everwhere, the Benny Hinn's of the world that are not appointed by God but by the world financial system. We, as Christians need to stand up, not to just one false religion but to all, and try to save as many as we can. Jesus is coming, and we must be ready. Even one person saved every day is one more that will share the kingdom of Heaven with us! Praise Jesus for this promise!
Okay, you can all throw pillows at me now if you want!
God Bless, Kelly
Theology / Apologetics / Re: A NATION WITHOUT GOD
on: May 02, 2006, 07:13:48 AM
Amen and amen to all of you! And, thank you so much for the welcome to my brothers and sisters in Christ!
My son came home from public school the other day, and told me about something they found in the playground at school. Someone had taken a Holy Bible and smashed it, kicked it, tore it, ripped it apart! Now, we are in the bible belt, per se and there is a Christian church on almost every corner of our town of Overland Park, KS. However, we are also loaded with Muslims. Although I have met many of this faith here, and found them to be very respectful and nice people, obviously some kids didn't feel the same way. I am not putting blame on anyone but, it is obvious that the parents of children that would do this to a bible were not brought up with respect, let alone the very thought of destroying such a book of our Lord! I was disgusted and told him how I felt about it--how wrong it was and how we, as Christians would not do such a thing to someone else's religious beliefs.
This world is getting worse. As our governments find more freedoms and civil rights, the laws, first set down by Moses and then, reinforced by Jesus are being trampled on, just as this bible was. Case in point: My daughter from God, Bekah is in prison for trying to get protection for her daughter, and did this on a Christian basis. Yet, the same time she was imprisoned, pedophiles were set free on ankle bracelets. I just don't understand, but I am praying and speaking out. I think everyone from Senator's to the Queen of England now have my name on their books--that is how many I have written in the past 3 months!
And I am just beginning!
God Bless! Kelly
Theology / Completed and Favorite Threads / Re: Reading The Psalms Daily
on: May 01, 2006, 07:57:20 PM
Oh, you have touched on the one place that really brings the Lord into my heart: Psalms. It isn't that I don't love the entire bible. I do. But Psalms speak directly to me, and I use them to pray.
When I was at my most down points, I started reading Psalms. I would pray to God to point out one or two that gave me strength by the situation I was in. I think God laughed when I said, ONE OR TWO. I found that I couldn't put the book down! Each Psalm had something in it that really hit home and made me praise God even more!
I now read psalms daily and pray with them. I have many bookmarked so, when I am in here on the computer, just for a burst of God in the middle of an Internet with so few Godly places (not this one, of course) out there.
Thank you for posting this! God Bless! Kelly
Theology / Apologetics / Re: A NATION WITHOUT GOD
on: May 01, 2006, 07:52:04 PM
Sadly, I have watched this country change to become more "politically correct" over the past 20 or more years. I remember the debate back home, In Lowell, Mass. because City Hall put up the Nativity Set every year at Christmas. This was a tradition that went on from the early 1800's. It didn't offend the Jewish Synagogue across the street. It didn't offend anyone, in the melting pot city. Then, Buddhists and Muslims moved in. The debate began. Within a year, the Nativity set was not allowed to be placed outside of City Hall ever again. If my right eye offends thee..pluck it out. Well, there is too much plucking these days. I am offended by the Buddhist alter that I drive by all the time, sitting right on my route. However, I have learned one master plan--don't look! I don't call the ACLU about it. I just drive by and look elsewhere. I do pray that Jesus will find a way into their hearts, but I don't scream about it offending me. I have the choice to look away. I do so. I remember having a moment of silence before saluting the flag as a child. That moment of silence wasn't aimed at one religion. It was aimed at all faiths. You could think about lunch if you didn't believe in God. You could pray if you did. It was SILENCE, and offended no one. Now, it is not part of the schools any more, and the pledge is also eliminated in many schools, eventually hitting all of them. (Try doing that in Iran and see how easily you would get away with not standing up for your country). Anyway, we didn't have guns in school. We had many races, but we all got along. There was no gang violence. We didn't have trench coat guys that came in and shot up the cafeteria (we did have a trench coat guy, but it was the inner city and I won't even go there, as to what he did with his trench coat). We all got along. We didn't have to lock the school doors, or put alarm systems in. We did just fine. Now, with all these freedoms (which are mostly NON CHRISTIAN freedoms), we have violence and hatred everywhere. The news is flooded with hate and violence. It isn't just here in America, either. England, for many years had Christianity taught in public schools. Now, many of the schools have gone to teaching religion--every type of religion, from Muslim to Buddhism. All of our countries that are FREE, are turning CHRISTIAN free these days. We, as Christians have fewer and fewer rights. In God we trust! One nation, under God. Praise Jesus! Boy, I am glad I found this board. I just love to go on rants!
Theology / Apologetics / Re: Is Jesus God? - Part Two
on: May 01, 2006, 07:40:44 PM
Um, duh! Father, Son, Holy Spirit--all One. All God. Plain and simple.
Are you mormon by chance?
It's okay to ask questions but, after reading your answers, they border (very close--you foot is edging over the line) to blasphemy.
I don't question. God is not of logic, but mystical in all His Infinite beauty and Holiness. I have faith. There is nothing to question, once you have faith.
God Bless! Kelly
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re: Deep Thoughts
on: May 01, 2006, 07:32:22 PM
Now see, Feng Shui wouldn't work for me. I have to rearrange furniture. It is an OCD thing. I can't put things in one place for long. It just doesn't seem NORMAL. I come from Massachusetts originally, so this doesn't work for me again. Reason being: We say LEFT, RIGHT, GO STRAIGHT, etc. We don't use North, South, East or West. My house would need a compass and I think that would offset the magnetic balance or something. I hate goldfish. I don't like anything that has a memory of 3 seconds. Wait, what did I just say? I forgot. Windchimes INSIDE the house? Um, is Feng Shui a thing where you have to keep blowing on them to make wind or keep a ceiling fan going? I would have to get rid of the triple pane windows and go back to the single pane, broken ones I bought the house with. It's a good thing for someone with lots of hot air to let out. Benny Hinn..where are you? To share my OCD problem and furniture: One night, I decided to change the bedroom around. My husband worked nights. We lived on a lake and had no outside lights where we lived so, when he came home, it was very dark. He didn't turn the light on when he came to bed. I woke to a terrible THUMP and a few choice words to go with it. He had sat down on the edge of the bed but, found nothing there when he did so. He went straight onto the floor! He turns lights on now. Heck, he even calls home to ask me what I have done with the house while he was out. Anyway, I do like sushi. That must count for something.
Prayer / Prayer Requests / Prayer request for Bekah, Lauren and for our family as well
on: May 01, 2006, 03:20:52 PM
Hello and God Bless you all! First, I would like to ask for prayer for Rebekah. She is facing child abduction charges in England, after coming to stay with me for a while, escaping abuse. Sentencing is May 19, and she needs prayer that she will be released for home probation. She also has been told that, she will never have custody of her daughter again, and the daughter is now in custody of the (alleged, since they were never convicted) abusers, who are also nonChristians. Please pray that God intercedes and reunites mother and daughter, and that their faith will stay strong in Christ.
Please also pray for our family, who is suffering emotionally from losing these two from our lives. They became part of our family. God has been very good about giving signs that, He wants us to stay in contact. Countries and laws of man are making that hard. Please pray that we always are able to stay in touch and hopefully, be together again according to His Timing and Will. Please pray that England does not stop me from seeing them, which is a possibility, according to some of those involved in the case. I am supposedly going to be questioned in London on her being at my house during the 3 months of her visa stay. Rebekah is afraid that they will arrest me, but on this soil, I committed no crime. I simply let a Christian in trouble stay with me, who had all the proper papers and violated no crimes in this country.
Last request: I need sponsors for an upcoming mission in No. Ireland. No one is replying, including area churches. Please pray that sponsorship comes through so I can minister to the children in this war-torn part of the world. I am due to go in June, and am seeking sponsors from several areas--including friends back home where I come from (Mass.)...but have yet to get one single reply.
Thank you so much and God Bless you all! Kelly
Theology / Debate / Re: Benny Hinn or Ben Hinnom?
on: May 01, 2006, 03:09:32 PM
In the book of revelations, it clearly tells us to beware of false prophets, which will be springing up all over the place. Benny should be renamed "Sealy", since he has more springs spring up than the mattress does!
I was curious about him, after hearing someone called him "one of God's annointed" I went to his website. I put in a prayer request. Now, every place I put one in, replied personally. This guy has massive moolah and I am sure, massive staff. Instead of a reply, I got a threat: "If you don't send money now, I am going to have to call off my future speaking engagements and people will NOT be saved". Um, I don't remember Jesus, Paul or anyone else saying to people--sorry but, if you don't have cash, we have to call it a day!
Only thing this guy is annointed with is very expensive aftershave. I pray more people wake up to his blasphemy and he ends up sitting on tv, apologizing with his mascara running (like Tammy Faye).
There, I said it..I feel better now.
God Bless, Kelly
Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: The Ministry of Motherhood
on: April 30, 2006, 05:03:39 PM
I have been a stay at home/work at home mom for years. I used to work around the naps and school schedules, or when they went to bed. I have 5 children (living, one is with Jesus), including 2 sets of twins. 2 of my children are autistic, and one has mild cerebral palsy. There were times I wondered if God gave me more than I can handle. However, He taught me that, He trusted me to do this, and He provided our every need.
There were times when I thought I would bust, after listening to Barney or Teletubbies ONE MORE TIME. There were other times when I would be singing the Sesame street song while making the baby food. However, even through all the frustrations and tears (there were many, since I had 3 that were hospitalized..sometimes, all at once while 2 were home), the laughter and Joy of God's gift to me far outweighs anything else.
I am proud that I chose to stay home with the kids. You will hear many times, "we can't afford it". Granted, they won't have fancy cars (my minivan runs on prayer) or vacations (which, to me is more than 5 hours sleep). You won't have a big, fancy house or fine clothes (my house is very old, but provided by the Lord for clothes are donations from the church). But the GOLD that comes to you isn't material things. It is something only God can give you. I praise Him for showing me that, this indeed could be done, with His help and strength.
God Bless, Kelly