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2476  Theology / Apologetics / Re:Is Mohandas Gandhi in HELL? on: May 18, 2003, 10:45:41 AM
GarColga- you know better then to say something about the bible hear and NOT give a referrance!  Grin

Where did you find this passage?
2477  Theology / Apologetics / Re:Is Mohandas Gandhi in HELL? on: May 18, 2003, 12:43:23 AM
Ah, that is good, Early 57. However, the thing with Religions and Philosophy is anything can be proven by adding on paper, but when it gets out in the real world, when people try to apply the theories, that is when the true test comes.

What better way for a person who is searching for the true religion (such as Gandhi was) to find it then by watching the religions followers? You can read all the holy texts from a thousand different theologies, but they will not make a lick of different if you don’t see real life experiences.

Instead of blatantly dismissing Gandhi’s beliefs as foolishness, learn from it. Think of how the world would be different if the Christian’s Gandhi had met would have followed Gods commandments! The majority of the citizens of India and South Africa, and countless other Nations might be saved! We must learn from this, otherwise we may end up smaller then a fool. Grin
2478  Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Child Murderer on: May 16, 2003, 07:18:23 PM
I don’t know. If the ACLU hadn’t poked into nose in the Prison system, them life in prison might be worst them death. Be these guys not have Computers, gyms, all kinds of crazy stuff to do! In Military Prisons, large boulder are brought in, and the prisoners have to hack away at the rock with a pick axe all day. The Guard are always from a different branch, so as there is the animosity there, causing  the guard treat them terribly, and no one cares what the guards do to punish them. We need to bring more of that to Civilian Prisons.  Any of those guards who have Daughter will make sure the Sex offender gets what he deserves.

I think the Death Penalty in this country is a joke. As soon as you are put on Death Row, you get an immediate appeal. That is costing more then the budget of most public high schools! On top of that, what do we do if the Criminal on death row kills a guard or fellow inmate? Or he escaped and rapes someone else? What do we do when he is caught? Can’t put him on death row again, now can we? You can only die once.

It angers us when we hear about things like this, but death isn’t always the answer. Perhaps if we more frequently use a resource that has worked to get millions of young men and women back on track: BOOT CAMP! Take out all but the most basic combat and weapons training, and leave them there for much longer, a few years, even.  Then, force then into a reserve program. Once the are finished with this 2-3 year training camp, lack them up. If we need Infantry, we don’t have to worry about training men of the draft, we have plenty of already trained men ready to ship out!
2479  Entertainment / Movies / Re:Ho...Ly...Crap... on: May 16, 2003, 04:24:06 PM
X-men is awsome and if you think otherwise you can hang out with  michael and John the baptist.   Tongue   Or maybe even you will be forced to sit in silence in a catholic church for a year eating Jesus everyweek.   Tongue Huh

YEAH Tongue Hey, what a minute... lol Wink
2480  Theology / General Theology / Re:2 Timothy 3:16 KJV on: May 16, 2003, 02:50:27 PM
2481  Theology / Apologetics / Re:Mohandas Gandhi is in HELL? on: May 16, 2003, 02:48:37 PM

Was Mohandas Gandhi, Roman Catholic?  

Yes and no. He was a synergist.
2482  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Sapphire W34PON on: May 16, 2003, 10:21:51 AM
Happy birthday, bro. One more year and you get to drive  Cheesy
2483  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Bible Study Software on: May 16, 2003, 10:20:07 AM
Personally, for fast quote, I use biblegateway.com

but for more research, I have Sword Searcher.
2484  Welcome / About You! / What is a llama? on: May 16, 2003, 10:17:39 AM
As I’m sure you know, the actual llama referrers to a hoofed animal in South America, related to a camel.

However, I’m guessing in this case, I’m guessing the Admin is a Monty Python fan. You’d have to watch Monty Python stuff to understand.

Alpacas are better Tongue
2485  Theology / Apologetics / Re:Is Mohandas Gandhi in HELL? on: May 16, 2003, 10:10:52 AM
Just to add my 2 cents to what Lex said really fast. I’m surprised no one quoted John 14:15 (NIV) "If you love me, you will obey what I command.” If you are truly saved and you love God, the question of good and evil are irrelevant, you will do your best to serve him. PEROID. So yes, being saved is all you need, because if you are truly saved, the being good part will naturally follow.
2486  Theology / General Theology / Re:Why Crucifixion? on: May 16, 2003, 09:45:23 AM
I've heard of that principle before, Early57, but I'm not sure about it.

I mean, you could say that the Gospel of Thomas both quotes from the gospels, and they from it.....but you still wouldn't want it in the canon, would you?

And doesn't Jude quote from Enoch, of all things? But Enoch isn't in the canon either.

Right on! Like I said, since we are talking about using the bible as the sole word of God, show me in the bible where is says what the requirements for being an Old Testament book are! I for one don’t want the Gospel of Thomas in my bible! And I think I speak for all of his in this case.

Isn't George Washington the guy on the ONE Dollar bill?  

So yes, he is "ONE" of my buddies and sometimes I even mention his name sake the President dude from 200 or 300 years ago.

The Apostiles did not even find it remotely in the question to mention his name or even make a little quote that he had made.   I wonder why?

And Jude mentioned that other guy who is still alive.  Thats a good reason to mention Enoch.  Sirach must have lived around the rebellion time for Israel after the Prophets had went silent and God had finished the Old Covenant.

You again ask “I wonder why.”  The New Testament doesn’t mention all of the Old Testament books! Some are just mentioned in passing, and they resemble quotes from the Old Testament Books. Same with Sirach. As I said before, many parts of the New Testament are clear quotes from Sirach. Sirach 29:11, and Matt. 6:19-20, for example. Or, Sirach 27:6 expanded upon in Matthew 7:16-20.
2487  Theology / General Theology / Re:Why Crucifixion? on: May 15, 2003, 11:12:54 PM
I think that if I had a good friend that wrote some scriptures and I was writing some scriptures like Peter and Paul did,  and they Mentioned each other and Paul mentioned Tim, and Luke mentioned them all and all of them Forgot to mention their good friend Sirach.  I wonder why?

Gee, I wonder why as well. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the author of this book predates them all by 200 year… He is as much their “buddy” as you are to George Washington! I see what you were trying to imply. But where, in the bible or anywhere else, does it say being alluding to in the New Testament is a requirement for being in the Old Testament? If this is your only reasoning for why the “extra” books should not be in the bible, then maybe you are not as Sola Scriptura as you thought.

Then again, even if, contrary to the bible saying nothing about it, everything in the Old Testament HAS to be counted in the New Testament, then the deuterocanonical book are mentioned. Many times, as a matter of fact. Would you like a list? Taking only Sirach in to account, the very first reference would be Matthew 5:28, which is a reference to Sirach 9:8. Look it up. There are well over 100 references to Sirach. I can list them all if you would like me to.
2488  Entertainment / Music / Re:Great Lyrics! on: May 15, 2003, 06:03:46 PM
Do I know of any good Praise music? I do, but first let me define what I think Praise music is. I guess I’m a little picky, but I think Praise music should be just that, PRAISE! When you “praise” your dog for doing something good, you say “yes, you’re a good boy, aren’t you. Yeah, good puppy” you don’t say “I’m a great master, yes I am, yes I am!” When you see teenage girls "worship" Vin Diesel, do they say “I’m so sexy, I’m so good, I have such good taste” No, they “worship” him, and say thing like “He is so sexy. Oh, he is cute.” I guess I’m being  to critical, but many Praise and worship song are songs talking about us, or Satan. This is Gods time, not ours, and not Satan’s. I guess it is the heart that counts, but life and death is in the power of the tongue! Ok, sorry for the rant, it is just that some of the these songs are so self-centered. Maybe you will recall this little ditty from a few years back:

Hey look at me, living life for You
When it's good, when it's hard
You know me, You know my heart
Yea, Yea, Yea, I give up
Anything at all, when You call
All I know it's worth it all

No names, but you know how they are. Come on, he is said to be one of the foremost praise and worship artists! Over 20 first person nouns in this song, not including the repeated lines.  Now, these are some great lyrics “Look at me, I’m so great, I choose God, I’m so good how I stick with God throw it all. God is SO lucky to have me.” It makes me sick to know this song was played on Christian Radio for such a long time, and no one stood up and said, “Woe, time out, that song is find of selfish, don’t you think?”  

Ok, I’d better get off this soap box before I fall off  Grin

I’ll check out that band of you’re ASAP. What kind of Rock are they? lol, so many Genre's now a days!
2489  Theology / General Theology / Re:Why Crucifixion? on: May 15, 2003, 04:25:26 PM
Sorry fiction isn't currently on my list of reading at the moment.  I looked in a catholic bible and could not find your sirach.  Wonderful you've added even more.  

Its sometimes called other things, Saved_4Ever. I've seen Sirach called Ecclesiasticus instead.

Yes, just like Revelations is also called Apocalypse.

I won't call you brother because you aren't.  If you disagree with the catholic church you need to leave it.  If you do not disagree with it it's painfully obvious you aren't reading your bible or just flat out refuse to believe it.

I read, in fact I personal bible in NIV. I am your brother, and I recently came to Catholic after spending time Charismatic.

There is no other name under heaven by which one must saved other than Christ Jesus.  Mary can't help you neither can dead "saints".

I know. We all know. That is the core Doctrine of the Catholic belief, as we put in the Apostles Creed. Mary cannot save us, and same with the Saints. This is a common mistake about our beliefs. We do not pray to the Saints, we ask them to pray for us. Just because people don’t live on this Earth doesn’t mean they are not longer part of they Church, does it? Death has no power of us, death isn’t the end. It is no different then going into the Prayer board and asking you to pray for me.

The pope is far far FAR away from infallible

Infalliblity as defined by the Catholic Church is so much different from the lies people say it is. When was say the “pope in infallible” we mean more than exemption from actual error. Think of it this way, let us say, hypothetical, the Pope IS infallible and is taking a Trig Test with 100 questions We he

A. get divine answers from god
B. Answer them wrong
C. Turn the paper in blank

The Anser is C. Infallible doesn’t mean God gives him the answer all the time. All infallibility means is he cannot give the wrong answers in Ex Cathedra. He is, in his daily like far, far, FAR from being infallible.

and your constant worship of idols and such is quite sickening.

Not worship and not Idols. Reverence to icons.  Showing respect to the thing that represent the Might men of God. It is no different then when Believing not to allow the American flag to touch the ground. It is out of Respect for what the Flag represents. The stautes and pictures are no different from the Pictures of your relatives and loved ones you keep around the home and office to remind you of them.

These are all facts of the catholic church written in your own "holy" books.  There is no misunderstanding at all.

Please understand, we are Christians. We read the same New Testament you do, and we believe in the Apostles Creed just like you. We wrote the Apostles Creed, and we hold to it today.

At least the protestants knew to seperate from that horrid group.

At first, the Martin Luther and his group wanted to only change the Church, correct a few problems it had in the Middle ages. After Problems and mistakes and misunderstandings on both sides, they left as a last resort. They NEVER wanted to separate from us.

Now, what Denomination are you affiliated with? What makes your beliefs so much more “infallible” then that of the Catholics?
2490  Entertainment / Movies / Re:Renting DVD Edited Movies? on: May 15, 2003, 03:52:23 PM
I've worked at Blockbuster for sometime now, and I think it is a bad idea. No one has EVER called to see if the can get edited DVDs. And we get some stupid calls. Sevreals a night, people ask about Wide or Full Screen versions, but never a call about edited DVDs. The idea is good, but it will never catch on. Frankly, no one cares anymore.

I noticed The Patriot was there. This brings up a bigger problem. Now tell me, who desides what is taken out? The Patriot is full of "Graphic Voilance" but we would miss the whole plot if we take those seens out. Think about the seen where he finally tells his son the story of his past, of the brutal genocide in the French and Indian War. That is a MAJOR peice of the plot, but it is so gory and graphic, I would hate to be the guy who desides to takes that out!

These Editiors/producers/writers make these movie like they did, it is their Artistic right, and they didn't mean for childern to watch them! If you don't like the things in the movie, then boycott it! Buying the video only shows you are ok with the Sex and voilance, and they will feel comfortable with making more similar movies.
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