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2431  Entertainment / Movies / Re:Gay Agenda. More. on: June 01, 2003, 05:03:51 PM
Not a chance. People offent forget Jew ere not the only people on the Nazi hit list. They did treated homosexuals the same way. I don't see the gays getting to much more powerful. Vocal, yes, they get more and more vocal every year, but as for power, they are just getting weaker. Here is Texas, a Constitutional Amendment was just added that says we will not support or recognize Gay unions! The Gays thought it would help these cause to make homosexuality politically correct. It didn’t, it just made them a larger target.
2432  Entertainment / Movies / Re:Gay Agenda. More. on: June 01, 2003, 12:25:42 AM
Here is it:


Now that is one twisted show. What a shame.  Sad
2433  Entertainment / Movies / Re:Is anyone else offended by... on: May 31, 2003, 08:46:56 PM
The plot isn’t just that some loser is going to get God powers for the heck of it. From what I can gather, he is cynical guy who curses God for being such a bad God, and God gives him his powers for a week, to teach him a lesson. And of course, it works. It will not doubt be a Mask/groundhogs day style movie, were he is given a great power, screws around with it, then at the end learn a lesson.

This give an objective look at new movies and videos. It even gives list of the good lessons in it, and a list of the curse words used. It is a GREAT site. They don’t really rate the movie, mostly they just give the fact, how much drugs and violence is in it, how much sexuality is in it, where the Jump scenes are, etc. and it puts it in as easy to understand format, you can click on what yo want to know about the movie, takes you right to the part of the page talking about it. It even talked about the part of the movie where disrespect is displayed! It is great, I suggest you all give it a try, specially if you have kids and you want to see a movie with them! I haven't check Bruce Almightly yet, but go for it, see what they have to say about.
2434  Entertainment / Sports / Re:Sports Fighting on: May 31, 2003, 08:36:13 PM
I used to box. That is how I got into weightlifting, which I love. I did Karate for a while, too. I give Kick Boxing a try, it was fun, but I'm not a big fan of kicking. I've always been able to put more power and force into my punches with out going off balance. I guess my Boxing just go me used to using my hands. Now, I'm trying my hand at Jiujutsu, and I love it, more then ANY other fighting sport. The Problem with Karate is it takes out a lot of grappling. It still has a little for self defense, but not much. Some arts have no Grappling at all, they tell their students to shove the grappler way and kick him! But then again, I take all my martial Arts mainly for the sports aspect of it, not Self Defense. I'm sorry if this sound cocky, but my muscular build scares off more would be attackers.

I went to the Jujutsu school I'm going to know because it does a lot of Judo Training. I like to watch Sumo Wrestling, which is a lot like Judo in Practice. Many think it is just shoving the foe out of the ring, it isn't. They Practice many, many throws, which is what I'm really enjoying. I LOVE to throw. I think it is fun to be thrown and throw, and my body is made for it. I'm short (around 5'4") with shoulder very board from Boxing and weightlifting, so it makes throws easy for me. My 6'4" Sensei has to squat down to pick me up and throw me, I just have to run under him and BAM, he is on his back, lol. Don't get me wrong, he can kill me, but talk a guy his size with the same skill level as me, and I'll make fast work of him! It is great.

Anyways, you get the idea, I'm into a lot of Martial Arts. But I don't believe in sports fighting. My belief is that fighting skill is a power, a power with 2 purposes. One, as a sport against OTHER skilled fighters, and two, to defend those without such power against those who choose to misuse their power.

It is great that your respect your Master so, but I'd advise going to another school. Give judo a try, or Aikido. Not that you have TKD (a striking art) down, you might want to give a Grappling art a try, just to come full circle. Beside, I've found I learn different things from my Karate, Boxing, and Kick Boxing masters. Just like in Christianity, no master is infallible with the fighting arts. They al have a piece to add. The more you learn and objectively look at, the better you will become. I’m not trying to give you off of TKD, I just think you might want to give a few months at another school to get a different view at Martial Arts. I mean, it is called MARTIAL, meaning war-like, it is fighting sport, injury is a part of it. Try to avoid injury, but don’t fear it. It happens to the best.
2435  Entertainment / Movies / Re:Gay Agenda. More. on: May 31, 2003, 08:11:06 PM
Are you kiddign me, Noah had it luck! lol, he never had the Anna Nicole Smith Show! And I use the word "show" losely. lol. Any of your poor souls had this displeasure of seeign that waste of Air time?

Anyways, what other details can you give us on this show, saved? Do you have a website for the show, so we can write letters of protest? And we though Mr. Personality was bad!

The Reality show crazy is getting out of hand! Why can't they just go back to sitcoms! I guess it is all about money, liek I said in a prevous thread.
2436  Entertainment / Sports / Re:Sports Fighting on: May 29, 2003, 11:39:17 PM
How long have you been in it? Every go to torunaments?
2437  Entertainment / Sports / Physical Fitness on: May 29, 2003, 12:42:00 AM
So people, what sports do you all do. Weight lifting and Martial Arts for me. Don’t tell me the rest of you spend all your time on the computer all day  Wink Laziness if a sin!  Grin
2438  Entertainment / Movies / Re:Schindler's List on: May 29, 2003, 12:37:12 AM
Ben-her was great. Schindler's List was about the Holocaust. Don’t want to tell you anymore, but it is a great movie. Rent it ASAP!
2439  Entertainment / Movies / Re:"Leap of Faith" on: May 29, 2003, 12:32:25 AM
Nah, I'm already there!  Grin
2440  Entertainment / Movies / Re:"Leap of Faith" on: May 28, 2003, 03:40:53 PM
Both! lol, it depends on the movie. Some movies pull of these great last minute rescues that shock and awe the audience, while other movie cut off the half-done ending the wrote at the last second. I am just saying, it just the kind of thing Hollywood, and Martin, would do. Even the Bible has a few of them. Some stories, like that of Ruth, are great endings, the perfect Romantic Comedy, a lonely poor girl meets a Rich guy, happy ending. Don’t some of the stories in Judges (Not all, some) they are like “And he saved the kingdom, the end” And your like WHAT!?

So, is a good or a bad thing? In the case of Leap of Faith, it is a good thing. People like happy endings. People spend money on what they like. Hollywood likes money. Therefore, Hollywood will produce more Fairytale endings.
2441  Entertainment / Movies / Re:Gay Agenda. More. on: May 28, 2003, 03:30:28 PM
As a Homosexual, I doubt he will make his own look bad in this. I’m guess the story will go along the lines of they are persecuted and ridiculed for being homosexual by the “evil” conservatives, and these “atrocities” push them over the edge. Classic Wrongdoer is a victim plot. Don’t you just LOVE when they do that. Yeah, you break a ma’s leg for trying to rob your house and murder you, and you get sued for all you have!  Clinton isn’t a womanizer, he just has mental problems because his mother and Grandmother fought a lot. So what if you got in a fight at a Football game, your black ,and that means it isn’t your fault, Society made you this way! God Bless America, where stupidity and sleaziness thrive. Who needs to take responsibility for their actions? We live for the moment! We can go online and say thing we never would in real life, because we have the right, too. Good ol’ America, where everyone who isn’t a middleclass white male is a victim.  Angry
2442  Entertainment / Movies / Re:"Leap of Faith" on: May 28, 2003, 03:17:19 PM
I don’t know, last minute saves are just Hollywood’s style, I think. This was a classic Hollywood/Fairy Tale ending.
2443  Entertainment / Movies / Re:Gay Agenda. More. on: May 27, 2003, 02:59:32 PM
No way people are going to allow this! It is a slap in the face to the victims of every Terrorist attack that has happened from the past 10-20 years! I normally don’t approve of violence to solve problems, but in Van Sant‘s case, if he goes thru with this, I’m open for a temporary change in principles! Sometime, actions are just so much better then words! Just ask the Money Changer in the Temple...
2444  Theology / Apologetics / Re:"Female Pastors" Is there any such thing? on: May 27, 2003, 02:44:40 PM
or maybe even teaching with disregard for other passages that give clear indication that regard women as not only free to assume leadership but called to do so, should at the very least give pause to your stance.

that's because there aren't any.  the best I've seen you do is pull out scriptures that give no clear anything.  You use the same tactics that a RC used to prove infant baptism.  she used the line where it said because the woman believed all the household was saved to mean that "there must have been children".  Talk about adding words where they weren't.  You do the same thing.

He is right, girls. We are talking about a Book written in a Culture when women where property of a mans. Her Father, Husband, Brother, or sometimes even son. And the bible only confirms this. Women can be great minds in the Christian church, and they can do a lot of good, but the bible clearly says they should not lead over men. Sorry, if we could change it, I’m sure most of us would, but we can’t. The bible says what it says, and it is the Word of God.

Saved- That was low. When will you  just let it drop? Grow up.
2445  Theology / Apologetics / Re:"Female Pastors" Is there any such thing? on: May 25, 2003, 10:28:55 PM
I'm from the North of England, Newcastle, near the border with Scotland. It might be a regional thing Smiley I keep finding that I'll use what I think is a common word (like "tat", "canny", "spelk") and find that it either has a different meaning or is an unknown word elsewhere in the country! (FYI: a tat is a tangle, canny means nice, and a spelk is a splinter). We have more in common, linguistically, with Scotland than with the south of England, so tight might mean something else again down there lol Grin

Yes. Here in America, we learn each other dialect because we spend so much time making fun of each other. We have Guys like Jeff Foxworthy and Chris Rock to “bridge the gap” for their cultures. The guy I was talking about had all kinds of crazy words. In America, we joke about the British vocabulary, but it is on joke. He called the local lake “dodgy” and I’ve already told you are the “tight” thing. lol, you crazy UKers! So, do you consider yourself English or Scottish? Sorry, the extent of my knowledge of English Geography comes from Stephen R. Lawhead books! Lol

Yep, it is indeed English Cheesy Old English, as opposed to Middle English (Chaucer), Early Modern English (KJV) and Modern English (what we speak). Actually, do you see the image in my sig? The bottom lot of words, they're in Old English.

Yeah, Modern English takes so much from the Languages of the local people, it is NOTHING like old English. I forget all the names, but it is like 100s of different English Dialects over the world today! At least 3 for each English speaking Nation.

Well, given that Paul was obviously fond of and knew well, Prisca/Priscilla, and that she taught a man, I don't see how it can be as absolute as it does look. I'd venture a guess that he was drawing the two things, authority and teaching, into the one condemnation - the issue of taking authority or using the wrong authority to do something. Perhaps Paul was saying don't teach with the wrong authority, as well as don't use your own authority/steal authority over a man?

That'd be my idea, anyway.

Well, I didn’t have an answer either. I was just wondering.

Hey Saved, where’d ya go, buddy?
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