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16  Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:Election 2004! on: October 26, 2004, 03:00:03 PM
I think you hit the nail on the head. He wants us to beleive he is a Christian yet the majority of his posts indicate elsewise, that he wants us all to do the devils bidding by not voting so the devil can have his way and that we should all turn our backs on atrocities in other countries.

If you knew how little I cared about your belief concerning my salvation, your hair would stand straight up in shock.

The majority of my posts? Well, I don't worship George Bush, and frankly think him a simple minded fool, but aside from your claiming to know the motives of the Devil you haven't even demonstrated, or even tried to demonstrate one instance of where my theology differs from historic, orthodox Christian teaching.
17  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Death trap on: October 26, 2004, 02:04:54 PM
I think your explaination makes more sense than the drivil I heard in high school biology.
18  Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:Left-wing Bigotry on: October 26, 2004, 01:39:55 PM
No they don't. But the conservatives are not going around promoting the killing of unborn babies, are they!

Yes, the neocons that suckered us into the war with Iraq are mostly pro-abortion.

Kristol told the Times that John Kerry had the real answer to the problems there: we need to send more troops. Kristol explained that this agreement between the neocons and the Democrats should surprise no one:

I will take Bush over Kerry, but Kerry over Buchanan or any of the lesser Buchananites on the right. If you read the last few issues of The Weekly Standard, it has as much or more in common with the liberal hawks than with traditional conservatives.
Kristol continued, "If we have to make common cause with the more hawkish liberals and fight the conservatives, that is fine with me, too."

19  Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:Election 2004! on: October 26, 2004, 01:21:30 PM
Sure, the Devil wants me to stay home, and God wants me to vote for someone who takes my money and gives it to people who experiment with murdered babies.
20  Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:Election 2004! on: October 26, 2004, 12:47:58 PM
When you let ungodly leaders and politicians follow their natural aspirations, they will always end up at the door of big government, where personal liberties like freedom of religion, speech, and property ownership are few.

The modern Republican party is the party of big government and big spending.

I am glad for the tax cuts, though. I can make 60 thousand a year and pay no taxes thanks to my 7 kids. But the money has to come from somewhere. A quarter trillion just in Iraq/Afganistan, with the defecit the hugest in history.

I suggest to the board that it can't go on like this, and to keep out of debt, and invest in something you can control yourself. That's why I do beekeeping on the side, because eventually there is going to be a traumatic problem with our monetary system.

Goldwater was great, you don't spend what you don't have. But the modern Republicans have left traditional conservative values far behind. The best policy is not to vote at all in this presidental election to send a protest out.
21  Fellowship / You name it!! / Death trap on: October 26, 2004, 12:16:43 PM
This plant is Nepenthes albomarginata

The trap is a modified leaf, bigger view of a related plant is here


where you can see the trap is at the end of the leaf.

In the first species, the white substance at the top of the trap is very tasty to termites. The termites eat this hair, which grows back, and a certain percentage of termites fall inside, and are overcome with a viscous fluid which contains chemicals to stupify the termites, and other cells which digest them. This plant specifically lures, traps and eats certain species of termites.

Now explain that in terms of evolution.

22  Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:I thought Iraq had no WMD's ??? on: October 26, 2004, 11:53:37 AM
Your source is the Council on Foreign Relations. It's head is Max Boot, an leading Jewish neocon


This organisation is one of many controled by the same neocons who suckered us into the war with Iraq. One of there leaders, Strauss (whom Wolfowitz studied under) actually said that sometimes leaders had to lie to the masses for their own good. These people have no tradition of Christianity.
23  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Responsible spending on: October 26, 2004, 11:47:19 AM
The Bible does have much to say about debt, thrift etc... What are your ideas on this

The Bush administration intends to seek about $70 billion in emergency funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan early next year, pushing total war costs close to $225 billion since the invasion of Iraq early last year, Pentagon and congressional officials said yesterday.


Is it responsible to spend this much money in light of the fact that it has been shown that Iraq was never a threat to us, and that the Taliban and Bin Ladin were allowed to survive and even grow in numbers in Afganistan due to our activities in Iraq?

24  Prayer / General Discussion / Re:The sixteen grandsons of Noah on: October 26, 2004, 11:36:28 AM
It was an interesting read, and there is probably some truth to much of it, but mixed in were several glaring factual inaccuracies, as well as preconsived ideas and bad logic. The fact that a city sounds like the name of an historic figure is hardly proof that there is any connetion.

It is interesting to note that the word ‘Aryan’, which so fascinated Adolf Hitler, is a form of the word ‘Iran’. Hitler wanted to produce a pure Aryan ‘race’ of supermen. But the very term ‘Aryan’ signifies a mixed line of Semites and Japhethites!

Actually it's the other way around, Iran is just a form of the word Aryan. One of the Shah's traditional titals was "Light of the Aryans". As to them being of mixed background, there is no evidence that the Medes and Persians mixed, but there is more than a little evidence that the Medes are the modern day Kurds.
25  Theology / Debate / Re:Satanic Holy Days on: October 26, 2004, 11:18:54 AM
How can dispensationalism be a heresy when it is not a denomination or doctrine? IT IS A MANNER IN WHICH ONE STUDIES THE SCRIPTURES.

Which makes in a doctrine, right?
26  Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:I thought Iraq had no WMD's ??? on: October 26, 2004, 11:15:46 AM
If you didn't write that, you need to provide a source.

I guess the same reason you are unable to see they are attacking us there instead of here now.

Now I see!!

So, we spend 80 billion dollars destroying a country which killed Islamic terrorists when ever they were caught, just to bring the type of Chaos that attracts Islamic terrorists, so we can kill them. Sort of like a very expensive piece of bait.

You are a real master strategist!
27  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Evolution on: October 26, 2004, 11:08:34 AM
Thanks, it's all my photography. I've got over 100 species of carnivorous plants, and I'll plan on every now and then writing something interesting about them to show how ridiculous evoloution is.
28  Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:Election 2004! on: October 26, 2004, 11:04:57 AM
But I also know Who's in control of the lives of every living being, and it's not Bush.  It's not the Iraqi insurgents.  It's God.

You make God the author of sin. You say, in effect, that it doesn't matter what Bush does since God is in control. Bad theology and bad logic.
29  Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:I thought Iraq had no WMD's ??? on: October 26, 2004, 11:01:57 AM
You haven't a shread of evidence for that.

The only logical person on this board who supports the invasion is Roger, who justifies it by the good Samaratan argument. He also feel we Americans are obligated to stop evil in China and else where. This is a philosophy a thousand times more dangerous than that held by Al quada, but at least he's consistant.
30  Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:Bush is a liberal on: October 26, 2004, 10:58:22 AM
That was a thoughtful post, and I agree with everything except the last sentence. The most powerful man in the world should have at least the qualifications of a deacon.
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