I might also add, about Adam . . .he didn't need no snake to tempt him to blame someone, he came up with the blaming on HIS OWN. And did you notice who got the bigger a-s chewing? It was Adam, and do you know why? It's only when we're sorry for our sin that we find forgiveness, not when we blame someone for our sin.
Adam and Eve were both punished for their own sins (and not the sins of the other).
They both played the blame game.
Satan tempted Eve probably because he knew that she would be the easier target.
Adam, as the head of Eve, should have not given into her. He let both of them down when he let her have the power to sway him.
It just cracks me up the way that some women are so conditioned to think that men are not utterly flawed.
hmm... I don't think anyone on this forum said that.
You think that YOUR behavior is going to make or break your husband--it is only the Lord and the Holy Spirit's work in a man's heart-- but that's another subject.
As a wife I know that I can sway my husband's decisions. When he fulfills his duties as head of house, things go great for us. When he fails, disaster results.
As a Christian wife, I have learned that the power of prayer is amazing and also that our family is better off letting God sway him.