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Prayer => General Discussion => Topic started by: Soldier4Christ on January 17, 2006, 09:51:56 PM

Title: "The Leaping Lame Man...and Me!"
Post by: Soldier4Christ on January 17, 2006, 09:51:56 PM
A LEAPING lame man? That doesn't make sense--lame people don't LEAP....and I should know. I'm currently battling an alleged case of fibromyalgia--and I don't leap. Limp? I do that well! Somehow, as I try to limp and hopefully leap through these circumstances, I am drawn to a Bible story we all know so well. The crippled man at the Gate Beautiful had sat there for a long time--no microwaveable back pac for the pain, no anti-inflammatory or muscle relaxant medicine, no Dr. Scholl's shoe inserts and no miracle-purported health food magic. He was just plain crippled and probably hurting quite badly.

That is, until one day he would never forget. Peter and John, full of the Holy Spirit, approach the Gate, and the man looks expectantly at them for alms. Silver and gold they have not, but they have something better: "In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk," The lame man rose, walking, leaping and praising the Lord!

A great story of faith, but it's hard to relate when you're not crippled--AND "I'm not crippled," you say. Really? Hold on to your hat because you may be in for a surprise awakening!

Crippled in Soul!

You walk around nicely, normally. You may jog or walk the neighborhood, swim at the "Y," have fun at the fitness center--all looks fine on the outside. But inside, deep inside of you, lies a crippled soul. Crippled by hate, anger, unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness--you name it, it fills your life with gloom, despair and defeat.

Be crippled no longer! Bring the negative emotions to the Cross and leave them there. Receive God's love and forgiveness--it's there for you, as sure as it was for the lame too can "walk, leap and praise the Lord," set free from the bondage that's eating you alive. Don't put up with it any longer--look to the Lord, leave it with Him, and go on your way rejoicing!

Crippled in Spirit!

You sit in church; you sing the praise melodies, you mouth the hymns, but there's an inner connection that's not right. You read God's Word, you pray--and yet, something feels dead inside. The enemy would love to rob your spirit of the love, joy and peace of the Lord--and that is what he's doing. You're crippled in your spirit and you're tired of "playing church" - you want to be real!

Well, be crippled no longer! Rise up in the Name of Jesus and walk the world in HIS Joy; know HIS peace, experience HIS love - let it flow into the depths of your spirit and being; let His life and His Word come ALIVE in the depths of your "inner man," and be set free in the Name of the Lord. It's time to "walk, leap and praise the Lord!"

Crippled in Mind!

So YOUR mind's OK? Your memory is great? (Well, sometimes, if you're over 50!) You think your thought processes are working pretty well--or are they? This is the enemy's favorite battleground--he places a negative thought in our minds, over and over it rolls, recalling the downside of life with perfect precision, until we are captive, crippled by his schemes and designs to discourage us.

Be crippled no more. Saturate yourself with God's Word, fill your home with praise-and-worship music, exalt Jesus Christ in prayer, mingle with upbeat believers, call on His Name....and the negative thoughts must flee. You are God's property so tell the devil to take a hike - as YOU "walk, leap and praise the Lord!"

Crippled in Body!

Your body is hurting; you're discouraged, disappointed, distressed--where is your God? He's there for you, crippled in body, whatever the ailment. He is still the Great Physician; He is also the Sovereign Lord. There is divine intervention for you, be it by a miracle, or by medicine (God uses doctors too!), or by a move to glory - when we are all redeemed with perfect bodies that know no pain. Jesus, who walked through Galilee, stands in front of you this day. Trust Him--through His miraculous power, you too can "walk, leap and praise the Lord"--here or there--He is still the same, "yesterday, today and forever."

Be at peace--God is in control; we don't know all the answers, but we can trust Him. THIS 'limpin' lady is going to praise the Lord! May you walk, leap and praise the Lord, too, for physically or spiritually--healing is for us all!

Let your limp turn into a leap! It's time for us all to get up from our crippled perspective, to leap and praise the Lord--it won't scare heaven. It will delight the heart of our Father, who cares for us all, crippled or whole - and He wants us to be whole, in spirit, body and soul. Believe it--it's a good word of faith from "The Limpin' Lady" so let's ALL hang on to it, and have a great day!

Title: Re: "The Leaping Lame Man...and Me!"
Post by: Shammu on January 17, 2006, 10:05:51 PM
AMEN Pastor Roger, as you know I do have  fibromyalgia.  Fibromyalgia is something I wouldn't wish, on anyone. The flares are at times, unbearable. When a flare starts, I look to the Bible I draw strength from the Book of Job.

I have been dealing with a flare, since 4:00 this afternoon. And I can feel Gods touch, easing the pain. Thats why I left earlier today.

Resting in the hands, of the Lord.

Title: Re: "The Leaping Lame Man...and Me!"
Post by: Soldier4Christ on January 17, 2006, 10:19:25 PM
Brother, I do understand. With what I have gone through with my wife in the last 24 hrs, mine seems to have flared up also to the point the pain has caused my muscles to start cramping. With the Lord's help and plenty of rest it will subside as it always does. Isn't it wonderful that we have the Lord helping us with these infirmities? I would really hate to face such without Him.

Title: Re: "The Leaping Lame Man...and Me!"
Post by: Shammu on January 17, 2006, 10:45:22 PM
Brother, I do understand. With what I have gone through with my wife in the last 24 hrs, mine seems to have flared up also to the point the pain has caused my muscles to start cramping. With the Lord's help and plenty of rest it will subside as it always does. Isn't it wonderful that we have the Lord helping us with these infirmities? I would really hate to face such without Him.

Psalm 69:29 But I am poor, sorrowful, and in pain; let Your salvation, O God, set me up on high.

I am poor, sorrowful and in pain. With this verse, God eases my pain, and sorrows. I am richer because I know my Lord, Jesus. I don't think I could face life, without Jesus.

Title: Re: "The Leaping Lame Man...and Me!"
Post by: airIam2worship on January 18, 2006, 10:40:39 AM
Amen DW, I know what you mean.