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Welcome => Questions, help, suggestions, and bug reports => Topic started by: a.b. on July 24, 2003, 05:44:18 PM

Title: Are there any grants for ministry?
Post by: a.b. on July 24, 2003, 05:44:18 PM
My husband and I are wondering if there are any Christian organizations who give grants to start a ministry.  We desire to open a community center that will offer seminars,  and workshops on various topics, based on scripture.  We also desire to hold worship services and support group meetings and offer family counseling.  My husband would need a salary and we would need to hire someone to take care of bookkeeping.

If you know anything thing about this subject please write me.
Any tidbit may lead to the fulfillment of this vision.  

Thanks and God bless you! :D

Title: Re:Are there any grants for ministry?
Post by: Symphony on July 24, 2003, 11:08:50 PM

I'm guessing that as for Christian "organizations" their grants or funding is already spoken for; even if it isn't, I'm guessing it's going to be competitive!!  Just the grant writing industry generally is competitive, w/o specializing like just a Christian cause.

Maybe more productive might be individuals who are generous in this direction.

It will depend on how you attract them; and the factors of how you're going to put it all together--your "business plan" as it were.

In a way, you're marketing yourself to them.

But at the core is my faith and trust in Jesus Christ--and His very real guidance and leading.

His will will bring you in touch with the right people.  Having faith that this or that will happen is a big part of it.

Title: Re:Are there any grants for ministry?
Post by: a.b. on July 25, 2003, 04:27:17 PM
Thank you very much for your insight.  If you hear of anything in regard to this matter in the future please do remember us.  God Bless ;)

Title: Re:Are there any grants for ministry?
Post by: Symphony on July 29, 2003, 08:19:28 AM

It sounds to me, a.b., like you are basically wanting to just start a "church"; everything you mention there covers pretty much the basics as to what a church is.

All of the ones I know of who have done it seem to always have been the ones who've started out on a shoestring, rather than a business plan funded from the very beginning.  The problem with the latter is it sometimes might become binding on the Holy Spirit.  That is, if the basics are already planned out, and perhaps even funded, who needs the Holy Spirit?(hehe) ;D

Nothing wrong with a plan.  Just seems you may fall into this sort of thing gradually, as you work variously to maintain your income and add to it as you go.  

My inclination would be to have an overall plan in mind, as you apparently already do, but with a degree of flexibility, and willingness or readiness to start small--maybe just a house-fellowship starting with interested friends, or others who would like to come.  

But possibly the biggest "trick" (hehe) will be in having a plan but not becoming beholden to it, or making it too rigid.  "...Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."  I Cor. 2:9

"Man makes his plans, but God directs his steps..." (Proverbs 16:9)

Title: Re:Are there any grants for ministry?
Post by: Whitehorse on July 29, 2003, 06:21:17 PM
Agreed-if it's the Lord's will He'll provide you with what you need as you go. If you start with congregants, needs will arise and you can take care of them that way, or ask around and get people to donate office space, furniture, etc. Best wishes. What kind of ministry would you like to start?

Title: Re:Are there any grants for ministry?
Post by: a.b. on August 06, 2003, 06:05:29 PM
We desire to start a Christian Community Center that will offer a wide array of services:  seminars, workshops, youth activities, research library, counseling, community fellowships.
We would like to hold church services 2 to 3x's weekly, and permitt other churches to host their special engagements.  We would like to have a small prayer room, a large sanctuary; we would like to have several classrooms and an office or 2, and a full kitchen with a fellowship hall.  That's the short version of the vision the Lord has given us.

We are presently visiting different cities in search of the site to build this center.  We're asking lots of questions, researching lots of data, praying and trusting that God will
guide us...

Title: Re:Are there any grants for ministry?
Post by: Pastor Bruce on March 17, 2004, 09:24:41 PM
Hi, A.B.
We tried to do the same thing early last year and hit a brick wall at every turn.  But, as hard as we tried to ignore the calling, God kept pulling us back.

We finally planted a church in 11/03 with 4 people!!!  Today, there are nearly 30, and it is growing slowly every week.  We were looking for a place and I kept driving by a very large Karate studio that I thought would be a wonderful church!  Of course, I knew we couldn't afford it.  But, one day I just stopped and asked.  He asked me how much I could afford and I said $75. per week, tops.  He said fine, and gave me a key.  He has since proved to be a very good landlord, and he is also a Christian.

My point is this, if you feel the call, just do it.  God will pull the impossible off if that is what He wants you to do.  If getting a grant seems hard, don't pursue it.  God will test you, but He will never drive you into the ground with hardships.  Just go for it if that is what you think He really wants, and if you do ... He will open doors that you cannot even imagine of now!  And we shall keep you lifted.

Title: Re:Are there any grants for ministry?
Post by: ollie on March 17, 2004, 09:45:34 PM
Hi, A.B.
We tried to do the same thing early last year and hit a brick wall at every turn.  But, as hard as we tried to ignore the calling, God kept pulling us back.

We finally planted a church in 11/03 with 4 people!!!  Today, there are nearly 30, and it is growing slowly every week.  We were looking for a place and I kept driving by a very large Karate studio that I thought would be a wonderful church!  Of course, I knew we couldn't afford it.  But, one day I just stopped and asked.  He asked me how much I could afford and I said $75. per week, tops.  He said fine, and gave me a key.  He has since proved to be a very good landlord, and he is also a Christian.

My point is this, if you feel the call, just do it.  God will pull the impossible off if that is what He wants you to do.  If getting a grant seems hard, don't pursue it.  God will test you, but He will never drive you into the ground with hardships.  Just go for it if that is what you think He really wants, and if you do ... He will open doors that you cannot even imagine of now!  And we shall keep you lifted.
"We were looking for a place and I kept driving by a very large Karate studio that I thought would be a wonderful church!"

With all due respect, how can a karate studio or any building be a church? Were you not looking for a gathering or assembly location for the church? A building itself is not a church.  The church are the people of God called to be holy through Jesus Christ. The church is usually gathered in a building.


Title: Re:Are there any grants for ministry?
Post by: Willowbirch on March 19, 2004, 02:59:35 PM

"We were looking for a place and I kept driving by a very large Karate studio that I thought would be a wonderful church!"

With all due respect, how can a karate studio or any building be a church? Were you not looking for a gathering or assembly location for the church? A building itself is not a church.  The church are the people of God called to be holy through Jesus Christ. The church is usually gathered in a building.


Thanks, Ollie!  :D What a wonderful reminder!

Its good to hear about what God is doing in your life and community, Bruce.

How's it going, a.b.?

Title: Re:Are there any grants for ministry?
Post by: Pastor Bruce on March 19, 2004, 06:04:09 PM
Hi, Ollie.  You are right - the church is the body, not the walls that house the body, however, it might be a little easier on everyone if we used just a touch of good ol' common sense and didn't go overboard nitpicking.  The karate center made a wonderful "house" for the church to assemble in, and if you were to ever find yourself in Chandler, Arizona, I'd very much welcome you in - - to see how a karate center can house a church for the Lord's glory!  

I once heard that if there were three Christians gathered, there would surely be 4 different opinions and at least two of the three would get upset over something.  I don't really agree with that, but I do think that we sometimes overdo the semantics a little.

Have a blessed day and a LORD-filled weekend!

Serving Him,

Title: Re:Are there any grants for ministry?
Post by: a.b. on March 29, 2004, 10:01:23 PM
Hello there, it was so nice to read all the comments.  Thank you so much!

Keep up the great work, Pastor Bruce!  Hurraaaaay for Jesus!!

As for our ministry, we are starting a Kids Bible Club with four of my adolescent cousins and their friends.  We have 2 faithful adult members.  We are looking for a small building that we can afford with the present income from tithes and offering of the members.  We are holding leadership planning sessions and God is giving us new hope and motivation to keep
working in his vineyard.  As for the grant, I have not found anything along those lines, yet I praise God that he has enabled us to trust him to meet all our needs according to his
riches in glory...

God Bless You A Whole Bunch!! :)