ChristiansUnite Forums

Welcome => Questions, help, suggestions, and bug reports => Topic started by: The_8th_Person on December 01, 2004, 01:28:49 AM

Title: help with images!!!
Post by: The_8th_Person on December 01, 2004, 01:28:49 AM
Hey everyone I was wondering how you insert images to your post that are on your computer? I know about the image button but do you have to give the directory your image is in to display it or anything special like that? Any help would be appreciated thanx.

Title: Re:help with images!!!
Post by: Patzt on December 01, 2004, 01:40:03 AM

You'll have to upload those images on your computer to a webpage and that webpage must allow linking.

Then you use the code [ img] (Without that space) before the image URL and then [ /img] (Without that space again) following the url.

Title: Re:help with images!!!
Post by: Patzt on December 01, 2004, 01:46:23 AM
For instance....

Here's the URL of a little graphic called "dumb guy"

I uploaded that graphic to my webpage and now I can show it here by putting it between those two codes or by highlighting the URL (which means Uniform Resource Locator or ADDRESS) and clicking on the little icon above while your URL is highlighted.... (

and then it will look like this:


Title: Re:help with images!!!
Post by: The_8th_Person on December 03, 2004, 01:34:46 AM
Thank you I joined that site you linked to thinking it would let me have my own personel galery that i could link to. But I can't seem to find out how to do it if it is even possable. Please help me with this problem also if you can't do what I stated. Do you know of any sites that will let me upload my images so I can link to them?

Title: Re:help with images!!!
Post by: Patzt on December 04, 2004, 08:40:23 PM

I'm sending you a PM.


Title: Re:help with images!!!
Post by: musicllover on January 13, 2005, 11:55:38 PM
Hey everyone I was wondering how you insert images to your post that are on your computer? I know about the image button but do you have to give the directory your image is in to display it or anything special like that? Any help would be appreciated thanx.

       I guess I dont see the image button can you direct me? I would love to do the images too but haven't figured out how. Even after reading thru the thread I'm still lost. Guess some one needs to post me a picture :P