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Theology => Prophecy - Current Events => Topic started by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:07:29 PM

Title: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:07:29 PM
Executions, detentions hang over Saudi reforms
MAY 2, 2022

Saudi Arabia is pushing to revamp its harsh justice system but reforms are overshadowed by executions and tough treatment of dissidents, raising questions about how much will change.

The kingdom is known for its strict interpretation of Islamic sharia law, which forms the basis of its judicial system. But in recent months it has moved ahead with reforms that analysts say could make its courts function more like others in the Middle East.

That effort hinges on a series of new laws for sensitive issues like women’s divorce rights and judges’ power to determine criminal sentences. Announced last year by de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the measures, including the first written penal code, appear to align with Saudi Arabia’s goal of opening up to the world and softening its extremist image.

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Title: They Call Them the 'Koran Riots' Scandinavia’s Islamization proceeds on schedule
Post by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:10:24 PM
They Call Them the 'Koran Riots'
Scandinavia’s Islamization proceeds on schedule.
Mon May 2, 2022
Bruce Bawer

It began on Easter weekend. In response to a rally in Örebro, Sweden, by Stram Kurs, a Danish party that opposes Islamic immigration and whose members threatened to burn copies of the Koran, mass violence broke out in Stockholm and several other Swedish cities, with scores of Muslims - mostly young men, both also women and children - throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at cops and setting cars, buses, dumpsters, and buildings on fire. Injuries resulting from these disturbances - widely dubbed the “Koran riots” - were in the mid two figures, with police officers the hardest hit. Further Stram Kurs events had been planned, but the party’s appropriately named leader, Rasmus Paludan, paladin of Denmark’s anti-Islamization movement, canceled them on the grounds that Swedish police had shown themselves to be “completely incapable of protecting themselves and me.” By the end of the month Swedish police had forbidden any further public gatherings by Stram Kurs.

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Title: Afghan asylum seeker butchers mother of 6 in the street An act of violence,
Post by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:15:13 PM
Afghan asylum seeker butchers mother of 6 in the street
April 30 2022

An act of violence, almost incomprehensible in its brutality and cold-bloodedness, took place in Berlin on Friday: In the morning, a young woman (31) was executed in the street – apparently by her former partner.

The crime took place at the intersection of the streets Maximilianstraße and Mühlenstraße in Berlin Pankow, near a refugee accommodation where, according to initial information, at least the woman – who has six children after her violent death – was housed.

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This news page, unless you understand German you need to press English at the bottom of the page for a translation

Title: Shia militants assault and disperse Sunni worshippers in a mosque
Post by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:17:47 PM
Shia militants assault and disperse Sunni worshippers in a mosque
5/1/2022 5:43:00
By Abdullah Abu Al-Hassan

Shia militants from the Houthi movement assaulted Sunni worshippers and dispersed them from a night prayer in central Yemen's Ibb governorate on Thursday, local sources have said on the condition of anonymity.

A Houthi mob led by Mufeed Al-Zohri  who is known exterior walls with fire causing some worshipers to sustain wounds from fragments

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Title: Blasphemy Case Against Imran Khan, His Supporters Hounded Pak PM In Saudi Mosque
Post by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:19:42 PM
Blasphemy Case Against Imran Khan, His Supporters Hounded Pak PM In Saudi Mosque
Shweta Sengar
7 hours ago

A case under stringent blasphemy laws was registered against Pakistan’s ousted premier Imran Khan and 150 others, including some members of his former cabinet, in connection with the hounding of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his delegation at Masjid-e-Nabwi in Saudi Arabia.

Video clips circulating on social media showed some pilgrims – apparently supporters of Khan – shouting ‘chor’ (thief) and ‘gaddar’ (traitor) as soon as Sharif and other members of his delegation arrived at the Prophet’s Mosque in Madina last Thursday.

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Title: Palestinians fume at UNRWA’s proposed delegating of services to other UN agencie
Post by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:22:43 PM
Palestinians fume at UNRWA’s proposed delegating of services to other UN agencies
Today, 9:06 am

RAMALLAH — A proposal by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees to delegate some services to other United Nations agencies has sparked outrage among Palestinians, who have warned of a plot to “dismantle” the body.

Established in 1949, a year after Israel was founded, UNRWA is the only major UN body dedicated exclusively to one conflict and one people, and holds a symbolic role that experts say matches its importance as a provider for Palestinian refugees.

Some warn of plot to dismantle the body they see as a ‘reminder’ of the issue of Palestinian refugees, and not just a service provider; Israel has long pushed for its closure.

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Title: AK-47 rings in ears: Family of civilians killed in Kashmir living a nightmare An
Post by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:25:28 PM
AK-47 rings in ears: Family of civilians killed in Kashmir living a nightmare
Ananya Bhardwaj
11 hours ago

Srinagar: Each time there is a slight murmur, the door shuts, utensils clang or the wind blows through the trees, Jana Begum gets startled and runs to the main door of her house, suspecting that someone has entered.

Just over a month ago, at around 7 pm on 26 March, two terrorists, armed with an AK-47, barged into Jana Begum’s house in Budgam’s Chattabugh village, dragged out two of her four sons, Ishfaq and Umar, and shot them at point blank range. The sight of her sons bleeding to death has not left her eyes, which barely remain dry for more than a few moments at a time.

“Maine khudaya insaf dein (Oh Allah! Give me justice)” is all Jana Begum says, almost like chanting a mantra.

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Title: RCMP in Surrey, B.C., say incident at mosque not a racially motivated hate crime
Post by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:31:54 PM
RCMP in Surrey, B.C., say incident at mosque not a racially motivated hate crime
The Canadian Press
Posted: Apr 30, 2022 7:45 PM PT

Police in British Columbia say an episode involving a vehicle outside a mosque that had been called a "disturbing incident'' directed at the Muslim community was not a racially-motivated hate crime.

A news release Saturday from the Surrey RCMP says the two suspects are teenagers who belong to the Muslim community and are co-operating with the investigation.

RCMP had received a report Wednesday night alleging someone in a moving vehicle had thrown water at three pedestrians and minutes later the automobile veered off the road and almost struck one of the people walking.

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*****Yeah, this would be muslims trying to stir up trouble to get sympathy for laws to protect themselves. Muslims pull this and get all types of laws passed that gives them a advantage over the non-believers so they can get more and more laws passed for islam*****

Title: Hamas banner raised on Temple Mount during Eid al-Fitr celebrations
Post by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:36:22 PM
Hamas banner raised on Temple Mount during Eid al-Fitr celebrations
Published: MAY 2, 2022 08:54

A large Hamas banner featuring a greeting for Eid al-Fitr and a photo of a Hamas terrorist was raised on the Temple Mount on Monday morning, as over 200,000 Arabs visited the site to celebrate the holiday marking the end of the Ramadan month of fasting.

Israel Police said that the banner was removed shortly after it was raised.

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*****The Hamas Banner Was Extolling Terrorist Attacks*****   :o

Title: Muslim cleric who condemned Islamic extremism at the Manchester Arena bombing in
Post by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:43:00 PM
Muslim cleric who condemned Islamic extremism at the Manchester Arena bombing inquiry is forced to FLEE the city after receiving death threats
PUBLISHED: 04:57 EDT, 2 May 2022

Death threats have forced a Muslim cleric to flee Manchester, after he condemned Islamic extremism while a witness in the Manchester Arena bombing inquiry.

Mohammed El-Saeiti, a former iman at Didsbury mosque, has been threatened by three stalkers near his home and targeted on social media, after he appeared at the bombing inquiry in November last year.

The cleric was approached near his home by the three men, leaving Mr El-Saeiti scared for his life, after one of them told him 'you'll be dead', if he continued to speak out against Islamic extremism.

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*****Muslims have no problem killing other muslims, unlike other religions. In my opinion, muslims are a blood thirsty killers with no room for remorse*****

Title: (Videos) Chechens "Allah uh-Akhbar" on their destruction of Mariupol - 4 months
Post by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:48:05 PM
(Videos) Chechens "Allah uh-Akhbar" on their destruction of Mariupol - 4 months ago aglow with Christmas lights.
Sunday, 01 May 2022

A Japanese journalist Asami Terajima, based in Ukraine.

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*****Yes it is a tragedy, such a beautiful city, just gone in minutes.*****  :'(

Title: Osama bin Laden’s Miscalculations
Post by: Shammu on May 02, 2022, 01:54:04 PM
Osama bin Laden’s Miscalculations
Mon May 2, 2022
Robert Spencer

A fascinating article in the New York Post Monday reveals that “Osama bin Laden had been ‘very eager to replicate the 9/11 attacks’ against the US — and actively plotted to blow up oil tankers, derail trains and use private jets as weapons, according to a trove of seized documents.” Yet while there have been numerous jihad attacks in the U.S. since 9/11, none matched its magnitude. Osama wasn’t able to replicate, for as it turns out, he misjudged the U.S. as drastically as the U.S. misjudged him and his movement.

“The plots,” the Post reported, “were spelled out in more than 500,000 letters and files seized by the Navy SEAL team that executed the mass-murdering al Qaeda leader in 2011, according to Nelly Lahoud, an Islamic scholar who spent years carefully studying the trove.”

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*****Bin Laden's mistake was attacking America, Charlie Daniels said it best*****
Cause we'll all stick together
And you can take that to the bank
That's the cowboys and the hippies
And the Rebels and and the Yanks

Title: Pegasus said to dismiss employee for drinking rakı on Islamic holy night and pos
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 08:39:43 AM
Pegasus said to dismiss employee for drinking rakı on Islamic holy night and posting its photo
April 29 2022 03:50 pm
Serkan Alan

The head of the Turkish freight worker's union Nakliyat-İş has announced that airline company Pegasus had fired one of its employees after they shared a photo on their personal social media account showing a group of airline employees drinking alcohol on the 27th night of Ramadan, which is called “Kadir Gecesi” (known as Lailat al Kadr or the Night of Power.)

Nakliyat-İş head Ali Rıza Küçükosmanoğlu told Gazete Duvar that the fired employee was also being “threatened by” Islamists. Küçükosmanoğlu also said that Pegasus had launched a disciplinary process into the other employees seen in the relevant photo.

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*****I don't blame them, anyone who drinks while working should be fired!! However, the fired employee wasn't at work but on his own time.......... but muslims make their rules for everyone, it doesn't matter if they are muslim or not****

Title: Why Do Muslim ‘Victims’ Celebrate the Victimization of Others?
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:08:45 AM
Why Do Muslim ‘Victims’ Celebrate the Victimization of Others?
May 3, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

Speaking on the first day of Ramadan, April 1, 2022, Mahmoud al-Habbash, the Supreme Sharia Judge of the Palestinian Authority, extolled the jihads waged by the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, during Ramadan:

How was this month [of Ramadan] in the life of Prophet [Muhammad]? … Did the Prophet spend Ramadan in calmness, serenity, laziness, and sleepiness? Far be it from him… The Prophet entered the great Battle of Badr [624] during Ramadan... Also in the month of Ramadan, in the 8th year of the Hijra [629-630], the Prophet and the Muslims conquered Mecca.... Ramadan is … a month of Jihad, conquest, and victory.

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Title: 69% of tested migrant minors are actually adults, according to Belgian governmen
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:15:55 AM
69% of tested migrant minors are actually adults, according to Belgian government agency
May 02, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS
author: JOHN CODY

In 2021, Belgium saw 3,351 young migrants arrive who declared themselves to be minors, but testing tells a different story.

The Guardianship Service of the FPS Justice carried out 2,515 age tests to verify these claims. In the end, 69 percent of those tested turned out to be adults, while only 31 percent proved to be minors. The arrival figure represents a considerable rise compared to 2019. The vast majority of these so-called unaccompanied minors (UMs) originated from Middle Eastern and North African countries (MENA).

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Title: Germany: After radical left-wing agitation against it, a Catholic hospital must
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:18:56 AM
Germany: After radical left-wing agitation against it, a Catholic hospital must allow the Islamic headscarf for nurses
May 2 ,2022

A Muslim woman wearing a headscarf felt discriminated against because she was not allowed to wear an Islamic headscarf in a clinic in Herne, which is run under the auspices of the Catholic St. Elisabeth Group. After successful bluster and with the active support of the student parliament and the mainstream media, the headscarf ban has now been overturned. What’s more, the Islam-devote clinic group will provide headscarves at its own expense.

A ban on the wearing of Muslim headscarves is in force at the clinics in Herne, North Rhine-Westphalia. The hospitals are run by the Catholic sponsor St. Elisabeth Group. However, 24-year-old Melda had taken it into her Islamic head to complete her occupational therapy training at the hospital in Herne wearing her Muslim headdress. After she refused to take off the emblem of Islam during her training, the hospital terminated it.

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Title: After Muslim riots in Sweden, Swedish PM says integration has failed, immigrants
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:21:39 AM
After Muslim riots in Sweden, Swedish PM says integration has failed, immigrants fuel gang crime
May 02, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS
author: JOHN CODY

Sweden has failed to integrate the large numbers of migrants the country has received in the last two decades, and this has led to the creation of parallel societies and gang violence, said far-left Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson on Thursday while presenting several initiatives to fight organized crime.

Many Swedes have recently been shocked by the riots that left a hundred police officers wounded over Easter weekend, with the videos of burning police vehicles and rioting youth leaving the country in shock. The violence erupted after Swedish-Danish far-right politician Rasmus Paludan burned the Muslim holy book Quran at a rally. He also wanted to hold similar events in predominantly immigrant neighborhoods.

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Title: Islamist mob vandalises vehicles, clashes with police after Eid prayers, hours a
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:24:07 AM
Islamist mob vandalises vehicles, clashes with police after Eid prayers, hours after violence happened over replacing Bhagwa flag with an Islamic flag
3 May, 2022

On May 3, fresh clashes took place in Jodhpur following communal violence on Monday. The clash took place between Jodhpur Police and members of the Muslim community after Eid prayers. The mob vandalized vehicles parked in the market and residential areas. Some police vehicles were also damaged. DGP ML Lathar said, “After Eid namaz’s offering, some youngsters attempted to disturb the peace again. We used mild force to disperse them.”

He added that some community people had a scuffle with the Police after returning from Eid prayers. They vandalized vehicles parked on the road. The Police used a lathi-charge to disperse the crowd.

Speaking to the media, the Police said the situation is under control. “We are holding a flag march. I am sure we will be able to maintain peace in the area. I request everyone to stay home and celebrate the festival.”

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Title: Video Hamas: We will 'scorch' the Earth if Al Aqsa is desecrated Hamas leader in
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:26:10 AM
Video Hamas: We will 'scorch' the Earth if Al Aqsa is desecrated
Hamas leader in Gaza says that all 'settlements' in Judea and Samaria can be decimated within a year if the Palestinians 'exert' themselves.
02.05.22 16:45

Watch the video here

Title: Habitual thieves Arif, Monis and Sameer steal mobile phones to ‘celebrate Eid’,
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:29:41 AM
Habitual thieves Arif, Monis and Sameer steal mobile phones to ‘celebrate Eid’, arrested
3 May, 2022

On May 2, Kaushambi Police and Bike Squad, Ghaziabad, arrested three youth, Aarif, Monis and Sameer for attempting to snatch mobile phones. Reports suggest they did not have enough money to celebrate Eid. The trio chose to snatch mobile phones for quick cash for the festival.

Inspector Abhay Kumar Mishra told Hindi daily Jagran they had received information that three bike-borne robbers had tried to snatch a mobile phone under the UP Gate flyover. They were seen escaping towards Kaushambi. The Kaushambi Police Station and Bike Squad came into action to apprehend the culprits.

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Title: Mosque Family Night with Alleged Wife Abuser Hassan Shibly The women-hating hypo
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:36:54 AM
Mosque Family Night with Alleged Wife Abuser Hassan Shibly
The women-hating hypocrites at the Southeast Texas Islamic Society.
Tue May 3, 2022
Joe Kaufman

Unless they were being hidden in a room far from the event, there appears to be no women at last month’s Family Night, at the Beaumont, Texas mosque. That may be a good thing, though, because they may not have been too thrilled about who the mosque had invited to speak at it, ex-CAIR leader Hassan Shibly. It was little over a year ago that Shibly was accused by his then-wife of domestic violence against her in front of their children, and the accusation was taken seriously enough to result in Shibly resigning from CAIR. Why would the mosque welcome such a toxic individual to speak at a family event? Why would they allow him to speak at all?

Much like CAIR, itself, Shibly is a Muslim extremist, whose targets are Jews and Israel. He has described Hezbollah as “basically a resistance movement” and “absolutely not a terrorist organization” and the Hamas Holy Land Foundation (HLF) charity as “humanitarian aid providers.” He used Facebook to laud Palestinian jailed terrorist Marwan Barghouti as a “hero” and tweeted that “Israel and its supporters are enemies of God.” In May 2021, he tweeted a graphic that repeated “Israel is an illegitimate apartheid terrorist state” two dozen times, and posted a brutally anti-Semitic video on Instagram, calling on Israeli Jews to “go back to Europe.”

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Title: Joe Biden Says Muslims Being Targeted With Violence Around The World
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:40:38 AM
Joe Biden Says Muslims Being Targeted With Violence Around The World  ::)
May 03, 2022 10:34 am IST

Washington: Around the world, Muslims are being targeted with violence, US President Joe Biden said on Monday asserting that Muslims make America stronger every single day even as they still face real challenges and threats in the society that they live in.
At a White House reception to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, Biden said he has appointed the first Muslim to serve as Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom.

"It's especially important because today, around the world, we're seeing so many Muslims being targeted with violence. No one, no one should discriminate against oppressed or be oppressed for their religious beliefs," he said to applause from the select gathering at the White House.

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*****Biden is out of his mind, after all I've read there has been one attack on muslims, but muslims have attacked 47 times, killing 437 people*****

Title: PA PM: Mother of 6 murderers is “awe-inspiring”
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:45:41 AM
PA PM: Mother of 6 murderers is “awe-inspiring”
Maurice Hirsch, Adv. 
May 2, 2022

After a day of fasting during the month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world enjoy a fast-breaking meal called an “iftar”. For the Palestinian Authority, even this festive meal is just another opportunity to glorify terror and declare its devotion to the terrorist prisoners.

One such event was the visit of none less than the PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh and Ramallah District Governor Laila Ghannam with terror mom Latifa Abu Hmeid, who is the mother of 6 murderers – 5 serving life sentences and 1 killed during an attempted arrest. At the fast-breaking mail Shtayyeh and Ghannam shared with Abu Hmeid, Shtayyeh conveyed the special blessings of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas:

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Title: Yemeni Academic Dr. Abd Al-Wadud Muqasher: Muslims Must Exterminate The Jews; Al
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:47:34 AM
Yemeni Academic Dr. Abd Al-Wadud Muqasher: Muslims Must Exterminate The Jews; Allah Transformed Jews Into Apes And Pigs, They Are The Filthiest Of Allah's Creatures
#9529 | 03:47
Source: Al-Masirah TV (Yemen)

Yemeni university professor Dr. Abd Al-Wadud Muqasher said in an April 26, 2022 show that aired on Al-Masirah TV (Houthis – Yemen) that the Muslims' conflict with the Jews is religious and existential and not a conflict over borders. He elaborated that according to the Quran, the Jews are the "filthiest and most evil human beings" and were transformed into apes and pigs by Allah. In addition, Dr. Muqasher said that the Muslims must exterminate the Jews and that every Muslim must fight in order to liberate Palestine and Jerusalem from their filth. Dr. Muqasher also cited Adolf Hitler and Mein Kampf, and accused the Jews of spreading AIDS, cancer, and immorality throughout Egypt after the Camp David Accords.

Abd Al-Wadud Muqasher: "We know that we are not fighting [only] Israel. If we were fighting [only] Israel, we would have wiped it out by now, but we are fighting Israel and those behind it - America and the Crusader West. We must unite and fight all these together. We should know that our conflict with the Jews is an existential conflict of civilizations. It is not a conflict about borders, be it the borders of 1967 or 1948. All this is not true, it is an illusion.

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Title: Taliban Tells Driving Teachers To Stop Issuing Licenses To Women:
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:50:33 AM
Taliban Tells Driving Teachers To Stop Issuing Licenses To Women:
May 03, 2022 3:06 pm

Taliban officials in Afghanistan's most progressive city have told driving instructors to stop issuing licences to women, professionals from the sector told AFP.
While Afghanistan is a deeply conservative, patriarchal country, it is not uncommon for women to drive in larger cities -- particularly Herat in the northwest, which has long been considered liberal by Afghan standards.

"We have been verbally instructed to stop issuing licenses to women drivers ... but not directed to stop women from driving in the city," said Jan Agha Achakzai, the head of Herat's Traffic Management Institute that oversees driving schools.

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Title: ‘Prophet said even if a woman is to deliver a child and her husband wants to hav
Post by: Shammu on May 03, 2022, 10:53:56 AM
‘Prophet said even if a woman is to deliver a child and her husband wants to have sex, she should fulfil his wishes’: Muslim cleric in a viral video
2 May, 2022

A video of a Maulana Jarjis Ansari Hafizullah addressing a crowd and saying that Muslim women should offer themselves to their husbands under all circumstances has gone viral on the internet. In the viral video, Maulana explains that even if a Muslim lady is pregnant and about to birth a child, under any circumstances, she should not deny her husband if he asks for sexual pleasures

In the video, Maulana says, “O Muslim woman! If you don’t allow your husband to take advantage of your body, you are committing a grave sin.”

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*****Sounds about right for islam, women are treated like 2nd class (sometimes 3rd class) citizens under islam*****

Title: Tipu Sultan: The Islamic tyrant who slaughtered the Hindus of Malabar and Kodagu
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 11:57:35 AM
Tipu Sultan: The Islamic tyrant who slaughtered the Hindus of Malabar and Kodagu, killed and converted lakhs of them
4 May, 2022

With India’s history sanitised to suit a certain narrative, much remains to be unearthed in order to reinstate the country’s lost heritage and cultural values, as well as to tell the rest of the world about the truth. Similar is the account of Islamic tyrant Tipu Sultan, dubbed the “Warrior of India” by Indian leftists and hardline Islamists.

According to historian Lewis B. Boury, the devastation Tipu Sultan inflicted on the southern part of India was harsher and more barbaric than the atrocities performed against the Hindu inhabitants in India by the infamous Mahmud of Ghazni, Alauddin Khalji, and Nadir Shah.

Tipu Sultan’s 17-year reign, according to Sandeep Balakrishna, author of ‘Tipu Sultan: The Tyrant of Mysore,’ was indeed a unified image of military, economic, and religious torment for the Hindu population. Tipu had declared openly that he would wage a Jihad against Hindus. Malabar was the place of most atrocities and anti-Hindu actions of Tipu Sultan. Malabar was simultaneously Tipu’s affluent and most chaotic territory. But, Tipu and his Moplah allies wreaked havoc in the region.

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Title: A Palestinian Imam’s Genocidal Prayer Will there be any consequences for calling
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:00:56 PM
A Palestinian Imam’s Genocidal Prayer
Will there be any consequences for calling for "the extermination of the evil Jews?"
Tue May 3, 2022
Hugh Fitzgerald

The Palestinian Authority likes to present itself as the “moderate” face of the Palestinian “resistance.” Unlike Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the PA does not itself conduct terror attacks. But it does encourage terror attacks by others. First, it continues to spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually on its “Pay-For-Slay” program, whereby it provides generous stipends to imprisoned terrorists, and to the families of terrorists who were killed in carrying out their attacks. Congress in 2018 passed the Taylor Force Act, that requires the American government to cease to provide aid to the PA as long as the “Pay-For-Slay” program continues.

Second, the PA honors terrorists by naming schools, streets, plazas, sports competitions, and more, after them, thereby keeping them fresh in the collective memory of the Palestinians, presenting them as exemplars to be emulated by the young.

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Title: Egypt: Muslim Pharmacist Berates, Slaps Christian Woman Her hair was uncovered d
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:07:21 PM
Egypt: Muslim Pharmacist Berates, Slaps Christian Woman
Her hair was uncovered during Ramadan.
Wed May 4, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

A Muslim man berated and beat a Coptic Christian woman because she entered his establishment with her head uncovered during Ramadan in Egypt.

According to the Apr. 27, 2022 Arabic language report, Nevin Sobhi, a 30-year-old married mother, went to her local drugstore to pick up some medication for her young son, who accompanied her.  On entering, she noticed that the head pharmacist, Dr. Ali Abu Sa‘da, was giving her “the evil eye.”  Before long, what was in his eyes reached his tongue: he launched into a loud and “hate-filled tirade” against her for daring to enter his store during Ramadan without any head covering and while wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt.

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*****As with muslims, they think they have a right to hit, slap any woman who doesn't conform to there idea of Islam. Even the women of islam have been known to cut the hair of non-muslims and feel they have the right to insult any other woman who doesn't conform to islamic statutes.*****

Title: Video Sweden: Muslim Mob Charges From Mosque Attempting to Assassinate Islam-
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:10:59 PM
Sweden: Muslim Mob Charges From Mosque Attempting to Assassinate Islam-Critical Politician (Video)
Amy Mek
May 3, 2022

This past weekend, the Danish-Swedish party leader Rasmus Paludan began his election tour for his newly launched Swedish party Stram Kurs Sverige. The politician, known for Islam-critical demonstrations and Qur’an burning in both Denmark and Sweden, has now set his sights on this Fall’s Swedish parliamentary elections. Paludan’s candidacy has caused a big stir in Sweden. This past weekend ended with a mob of violent Muslims rushing out of their Mosque, attempting to assassinate the politician.

Paludan announced he would kick off his election tour with several Qur’an burnings outside of mosques in Sweden starting Saturday. Also, on Sunday, Paludan scheduled a counter-demonstration at the Social Democrats’ May 1 parade in Stockholm. Following the demonstration, he planned to burn the Qur’an in Uppsala. However, after the Easter weekend Islamic riots, police denied his party’s request to hold the Qur’an burning in front of the Social Democrats’ May 1 Stockholm parade.

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Title: Inspirational Guide to Celebrate the European Diversity Month”, the European Com
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:12:56 PM
Inspirational Guide to Celebrate the European Diversity Month”, the European Commission depicts a woman with a prominent religious sign, an Islamic veil
May 4 2022

Let’s build a more inclusive society together!
European Diversity Month is taking place across the EU in May. We are calling on businesses and organisations across Europe to join us, the European Commission, in highlighting the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and society through events and activities throughout the month of May.

Building bridges in 2022
This year’s theme is “Building Bridges”. Build bridges between organisations and policy areas that address inclusion and diversity (ethnicity, gender, age, etc.).

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Title: “Did she really say Kafir?”: Netizens in disbelief as video shows Mamata saying
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:17:04 PM
“Did she really say Kafir?”: Netizens in disbelief as video shows Mamata saying something that sounds like ‘we are not kafirs’
4 May, 2022

On May 3, a video of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee went viral on social media where she was addressing the crowd on the occasion of Eid. During her address, she said something that sounded like ‘Kafir’. She said, “Let them do what they want. We are not scared. We are not cowards. We are not ‘Kafir’ [possibly]. We fight. We know how to fight. We will fight against them. We will finish them.”

#WATCH | West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee addresses people at Red Road in Kolkata on the occasion of #EidUlFitr

“Good days will come…we are not scared, we know how to fight,” says Mamata

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*****Yeah, islam is good at murdering innocent children too*****

Title: pating in the Muslim feast of breaking the fast The month of Ramadan ended on Su
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:19:27 PM
pating in the Muslim feast of breaking the fast
May 2nd 2022

The month of Ramadan ended on Sunday, May 1st. On Monday, Muslims will celebrate the festival of Eid-el-Fitr. There were a number of disputes during this period. These were about the presence of MPs at fast-breaking ceremonies, as reported in detail by La Croix. One question in particular arose: Does an MP violate secularism by attending such an event? The mayor of Lyon, Grégory Doucet, attended such a dinner on April 27 at the Institut français de civilisation musulmane. The Green city councillor was accompanied on this occasion by the prefect and the corps constitués (“constitutional bodies”).

Although the MP described the dinner as a “cordial moment to which non-believing and believing guests of all faiths were invited”, it was also an opportunity for him to assure his “fellow Muslims who are affected by political measures” of his “support”, as reported by the newspaper quoting his words. On social media, his dissenting approach to the religious ceremony of the vows of the jurors was highlighted by some.

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Title: Turkey’s Jewish community lacks freedom of religion and belief
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:22:54 PM
Turkey’s Jewish community lacks freedom of religion and belief
At the same time, anti-Semitic hate speech targeting Jews remains a serious problem
May 3, 2022

Non-Muslim citizens of Turkey, including members of the Jewish community, suffer from institutional violations of their freedom of religion and belief, according to a 2022 report titled “An Appeal to Move Forward From Aspirations to Actions: Monitoring Report on the Right to Freedom of Religion or Belief in Turkey.”

The comprehensive report published by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s Freedom of Belief Initiative notes that the Jewish community and its representative institutions in Turkey face systematic problems in areas such as a lack of a legal entity status, a lack of public funding for their religious services, the government’s interference in their right to appoint their religious officials and the government’s refusal to return their seized properties, among other abuses.

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Title: Controversy in Canada over resident's alleged Palestinian terrorism ties By MICH
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:26:32 PM
Controversy in Canada over resident's alleged Palestinian terrorism ties
Published: MAY 4, 2022

The status of a man living in Canada alleged to be a senior member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist organization has become the topic of concern for the Canadian Jewish community and the subject of debate in the Canadian senate after an expose by The National Post.

Khalid Barakat, who resides in Vancouver, has been named by Israeli intelligence services as a leader of PFLP, The Post's Terry Glavin reported. Barakat has also been described as such by Palestinian news outlets, and at times, the PFLP website. Supporters assert that he is a malaligned Palestinian rights activist.

Khalid Barakat, who resides in Vancouver, has been named by Israeli intelligence services as a leader of PFLP, and is connected to the PFLP affiliated NGO Samidoun.

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Title: ‘Are you Hindu or Muslim?’, ‘Naked woman’: Actor and TMC MP Nusrat Jahan faces v
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:29:42 PM
‘Are you Hindu or Muslim?’, ‘Naked woman’: Actor and TMC MP Nusrat Jahan faces vile abuse from Islamists for extending Eid greetings
3 May, 2022

On Tuesday (April 3), Bengali actress and Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Nusrat Jahan came under attack from Islamists on social media for greeting her fans on the occasion of Eid-al-Fitr.

In a 19-second long video message on Facebook, she said, “Hello everybody. Wishing you all Eid Mubarak from my side. May the Almighty shower His countless blessings upon you and your family.”

The actress further added, “May He open up all the doors of prosperity and happiness in your life. Have a joyous and peaceful Eid. Eid Mubarak!” She had posted the same video across various social media platforms including Instagram and Twitter.

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Title: Swedish-Iranian to be executed on spying charges by May 21: Report
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:34:37 PM
Swedish-Iranian to be executed on spying charges by May 21: Report
Published: 04 May ,2022: 12:37 PM GST
Updated: 04 May ,2022: 03:03 PM GST

A Swedish-Iranian national sentenced to death in Iran on charges of spying for Israel is to be executed this month, Iran’s ISNA news agency said on Wednesday, as the trial of a former Iranian official suspected of war crimes ended in Sweden.

Ahmadreza Djalali, a disaster medicine doctor and researcher, was arrested in 2016 on an academic visit to Iran and is to be executed by May 21, the semi-official ISNA said, citing sources.

Iran’s judiciary has yet to comment on the report. The Swedish foreign ministry did not immediately comment, but Sweden has in the past condemned Djalali’s death sentence.

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Title: Senior PA official Rajoub praises terrorists and murderers: “We all need to bow
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:38:30 PM
Senior PA official Rajoub praises terrorists and murderers: “We all need to bow our heads before their greatness”
Nan Jacques Zilberdik 
May 3, 2022

Official PA media on imprisoned terrorists:
* “We are proud of you… all the blessings to our heroic prisoners” – PA TV
*" “The [PA] leadership will not abandon a single one of their rights… It will continue to adhere to defending them, because they are symbols of the national struggle, lights of freedom, and beacons of liberation, peace, and justice” – column in PA daily

Whether it is the Palestinian annual Prisoner’s Day or not, Palestinian Authority leaders need no special occasion to praise its imprisoned terrorists and murderers. Long time terror supporter and Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub reminded Palestinians that the “brave prisoners” – among them killers, bomb makers, and planners of numerous murderous attacks – deserve that all Palestinians “bow their heads before their greatness”

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Title: Thousands displaced as Fulani militants kill 21 Christians in central Nigeria By
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:48:42 PM
Thousands displaced as Fulani militants kill 21 Christians in central Nigeria
By Masara Kim, reporting from Jos

Thousands of Christians in Nigeria’s Middle Belt region are currently homeless following a daylight attack by Muslim militants on 26 April, which killed at least 21 people.

According to local sources, dozens of armed men in multiple groups stormed four farming towns on the boundaries of Kaduna and Plateau States at about 4pm local time, shooting and burning houses.

Ezekiel Isa, a resident of one of the towns in southeastern  Kauru Local Government Area of Kaduna State, said the attacks in all four towns occurred simultaneously.

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Title: Imam jailed for confining wife to home Man found guilty of domestic abuse in den
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:53:12 PM
Imam jailed for confining wife to home
Man found guilty of domestic abuse in denying woman all freedom
Redazione ANSA
03 May 202216:21NEWS

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 3 - A Moroccan imam was jailed for two years and three months Tuesday for confining his wife to their home, depriving her of all freedom of movement and beating her when she tried to rebel.

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*****GOOD!! I have no use for any man that beats a woman!! Here's hoping he stays locked up for a long time*****  :D

Title: Malappuram man who renounced Islam attacked, police file case According to Askar
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 12:57:43 PM
Malappuram man who renounced Islam attacked, police file case
According to Askar Ali, his decision to renounce his faith has not gone down well with his family.
By: Express News Service
Updated: May 4, 2022 2:34:11 am

The Kollam police have registered an attempt to murder case against a group of men after a 24-year-old man who renounced Islam filed a complaint saying that he was attacked and was facing threats from within the community for doing so.

The Kollam police on Sunday registered the case after a complaint from Askar Ali, who hails from Malappuram. Ali, who has completed a 12-year Hudawi religious programme from a prominent religious academy in Malappuram, was in Kollam on Sunday to deliver a talk on his experience as a student of Islamic studies. He was to speak at an event organised by Essense Global, an organisation promoting “scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform in society”.

According to Ali’s complaint, a group of people from Malappuram tried to abduct him to ensure that he did not address the event. “They took me to Kollam beach, where I was manhandled. They destroyed my mobile phone and tore my clothes. They forcibly took me to a vehicle and tried to lock me inside. When locals raised an alarm, the police saved me,” he said.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on May 04, 2022, 01:08:24 PM
Just so everyone understands, I hold no grudge, malice towards muslims but I do toward Islam. The reason being, the vast majority of muslims don't know what is going on because the leaders keep them in the dark. Everyone from and below the Allamah is basically a nobody but cannon fodder for the leaders of islam to use as they wish.

In fact, I pray that they (muslims) wake up and see they are being mislead by the Allamah, Almami, Caliph, Imam, Grand Imam, Ghazi, and the Grand Mufti

I hope Jesus wakes them from the religious beliefs that will lead them to the "Lake of Fire"

Title: Algeria, Anti-Semitism Masquerades As National Interest
Post by: Shammu on May 05, 2022, 11:10:58 AM
Algeria, Anti-Semitism Masquerades As National Interest
Stephen J. Blank

Despite the undoubted success of the Abraham Accords, Anti-Semitism still flourishes across much of the Middle East and North Africa, e.g.  Algeria.  Indeed, the growth of Algerian Anti-Semitism is, at least in part attributable to the success of those accords because they now  regional politics these accords furnish the pretext for rising Anti-Semitism that masquerades as a defense of Algerian interests against Morocco.  In fact, this Anti-Semitism builds upon a long tradition in Algeria and the Arab world that predates the formation of the state of Israel but that greatly expanded due to the century-long conflict between Arabs and Jews over the destiny of the land of Israel.

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Title: At least 183 police officers were injured in the riots
Post by: Shammu on May 05, 2022, 11:13:41 AM
At least 183 police officers were injured in the riots
01:46 29.04
Adam Westin

SVT has previously   reported that at least 104 police officers were injured in  the riots during the Easter weekend , which took place in six cities. The riots were a reaction to Rasmus Paludan's planned burning of the Koran, although in the end they did not take place in all places.

But the number is rising. The police media center tells Aftonbladet that 16 police officers were injured to such an extent that it led to sick leave. 167 police officers received injuries that did not lead to sick leave. The figures are taken from the police system on 27 April.

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Title: To congratulate Eid, the person hugged and the friends stabbed him in the back w
Post by: Shammu on May 05, 2022, 11:15:36 AM
To congratulate Eid, the person hugged and the friends stabbed him in the back with a knife, a painful death

By Shruti Wilson
May 04 2022

Jamshedpur: Greeting friends on the occasion of Eid in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, cost a person dearly. Friends killed the man by attacking him on his back more than 10 times with a knife. The incident is from Tamoliya area of ​​Kapali police station area. On the day of Eid, Irshad went to his friends to congratulate him. As soon as he started hugging friends one by one, the same friends stabbed him after more than 10 times from behind.

He then fled from there thinking him to be dead. As soon as the news of the attack was received, the police reached the spot and rushed the injured Irshad to MGM Hospital where doctors declared him brought dead. Actually, Irshad was badly injured in the attack. And the local people informed the police on the call, after that, the police reached the spot.

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Title: Syrian rushed into school class and threatened pupils with murder Shock for a sc
Post by: Shammu on May 05, 2022, 11:17:32 AM
Syrian rushed into school class and threatened pupils with murder
May 5 2022

Shock for a school class in the Donaustadt district of Vienna: a Syrian migrant ( aged 21) suddenly stood in the classroom and demanded money from the pupils. When the headmaster, who had been called to help, confronted the perpetrator, the migrant threatened to kill him.

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Title: Islamic Group, MURIC Lambasts Nigeria’s Open University, NOUN For Holding Exams
Post by: Shammu on May 05, 2022, 11:21:46 AM
Islamic Group, MURIC Lambasts Nigeria’s Open University, NOUN For Holding Exams On Fridays, Demands Apology
MAY 05, 2022

An Islamic group, Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), has kicked against the examination timetable of the National Open University (NOUN) for the year 2022.
The organisation accused NOUN of preparing an examination timetable that leaves no room for Jumu‘ah prayer.

According to the group, Muslim candidates were thereby forced to sit examinations under duress while Muslim invigilators were compelled to work in a dehumanising condition.
The group described the examination timetable as anti-Muslim and neo-imperialist, according to a press statement sent to SaharaReporters on Thursday by the director of MURIC, Professor Ishaq Akintola.

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*****Yup, that sounds about right........... always demanding but never allowing*****

Title: Ex-pub landlord accused of sending Covid loans to fund Isis in Syria
Post by: Shammu on May 05, 2022, 11:23:27 AM
Ex-pub landlord accused of sending Covid loans to fund Isis in Syria
4 May 2022, 06:53
By Sophie Barnett

Tarek Namouz, a 42-year-old former pub landlord from London, of no fixed address, faces eight charges of entering into a terror funding arrangement on dates between November 2020 and May 2021.

He is also accused of two counts of possessing terrorist information relating to videos.

Namouz appeared at the Old Bailey on Monday via video link from Wandsworth jail.

Prosecutor Jonathan Polnay said that, in summary, it is alleged the defendant sent "the proceeds of coronavirus bounce back funding loans to Isis".

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Title: Palestinian teens seek death for Palestine following the PA’s calls
Post by: Shammu on May 05, 2022, 11:27:33 AM
Palestinian teens seek death for Palestine following the PA’s calls
Itamar Marcus 
May 4, 2022

While Israel today mourns its fallen soldiers and those killed in terror attacks, teenagers in the PA are announcing their desire to bring about their own deaths as Martyrs for Allah– in an attack against Israelis.

Encouraged by the PA’s endorsement of terror, praise for terrorists, and calls for “popular resistance” - the PA euphemism for terror - Palestinian teens have expressed how they actively seek a violent Martyrdom-death confronting Israel, “defending Palestine.”

* Teenager vows: “We will fight until the last Palestinian child [in the village] dies!”
* Teen killed during violent riots sought death: “Mom… My cousins and I… One of us needs to be a Martyr”

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Title: Taliban forces prohibit Shia mosques from holding Eid prayers: Reports
Post by: Shammu on May 05, 2022, 11:29:38 AM
Taliban forces prohibit Shia mosques from holding Eid prayers: Reports
Updated: May 05, 2022 06:17 IST

Kabul [Afghanistan], May 5 (ANI): The Taliban regime in Afghanistan prohibited dozens of Shia mosques from holding Eid prayers on Tuesday, local media said.

The reports of prohibition were reported from the major cities of Herat and Kabul with some Shia Muslims also forced to break their fast prior to the announcement of Eid by their mosques.

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Title: Video Eric Zemmour alerts the French: Emmanuel Macron prepares the France of the
Post by: Shammu on May 05, 2022, 11:32:09 AM
Video Eric Zemmour alerts the French: Emmanuel Macron prepares the France of the communist Mélenchon
May 4 2022

Translation: The crowd shouted “Allah Akbar” surrounding the blissful Macron
Is there anything else to add? It’s like Algeria … and the other swindler feels like a fish in water!

There is no difference between Macron and Mélenchon, Eric Zemmour explained it very well on Monday evening:

Emmanuel Macron is preparing the France of Mélenchon. He wants to dissolve it in a great European Union. He has only one conviction, and that is European federalism.

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Title: Ykee Benda contemplates converting to Islam, wants to marry four women
Post by: Shammu on May 05, 2022, 11:35:32 AM
Ykee Benda contemplates converting to Islam, wants to marry four women
by Solomon Mwesigwa
May 3, 2022

Singer Wycliffe Tugume alias Ykee Benda is contemplating converting to the Islamic religion so as he can be able to marry four women.  :o

The Mpaka Records boss opened up about his intentions of converting to Islam while giving food to Muslims in Kireka during Eid-Mubarak celebrations.

While speaking to media, the “Farmer” hit singer disclosed that he loves the Islamic religion because of the good packages that come with it, including getting married to four women which is different from the other religions.

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Title: On Camera, Hindu Man In Hyderabad Killed After Marrying Muslim
Post by: Shammu on May 05, 2022, 11:41:09 AM
On Camera, Hindu Man In Hyderabad Killed After Marrying Muslim
Reported by Uma Sudhir,
Edited by Deepshikha Ghosh
Updated: May 05, 2022

Hyderabad: A young man lay bleeding by a busy road in Hyderabad, his face smashed to pulp with iron rods, while his wife valiantly fought off his attackers, in a horrific killing in public caught on camera last evening.

The 25-year-old car salesman was beaten and stabbed to death by his Muslim wife's brother and relatives, the police say.  :'(

B Nagaraju and Syed Ashrin Sulthana, described in reports as "childhood sweethearts", had married three months ago, defying her family.

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*****I hope they get arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law since it can be viewed by police, judge and jury*****

Title: Palestinians celebrate victimizations of innocent Israelis
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 09:31:43 AM
Palestinians celebrate victimizations of innocent Israelis
ByDesk Blitz
Published on May 6, 2022

Gaza, Ramadan, Mecca, Al-Andalus, Palestinian, Christians, Spain
OPEDPalestinians celebrate victimizations of innocent Israelis
ByDesk BlitzPublished on May 6, 2022SHARETWEETCOMMENT
This is hardly the first-time leading Palestinians invoke the early history of jihad in connection to Ramadan. Writes Raymond Ibrahim

Speaking on the first day of Ramadan, April 1, 2022, Mahmoud al-Habbash, the Supreme Sharia Judge of the Palestinian Authority, extolled the jihads waged by the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, during Ramadan:
How was this month [of Ramadan] in the life of Prophet [Muhammad]? … Did the Prophet spend Ramadan in calmness, serenity, laziness, and sleepiness? Far be it from him… The Prophet entered the great Battle of Badr [624] during Ramadan… Also in the month of Ramadan, in the 8th year of the Hijra [629-630], the Prophet and the Muslims conquered Mecca…. Ramadan is … a month of Jihad, conquest, and victory.

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*****They ought to be ashamed of themselves, once upon a time muslims begged the Jewish people for protection. Now look at them, they attack their defenders who protected them. Backstabbing is another thing that islam is good at doing*****

Title: Muslim Brotherhood’s influence in US should be confronted and defeated
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 09:34:15 AM
Muslim Brotherhood’s influence in US should be confronted and defeated
01 May 2022

After its miserable failure in the Middle East and the beginning of the end in Turkey as Ankara seeks to mend its ties with Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood has begun to cut its losses and turn to the West, taking advantage of its freedom of religion and human rights laws.

In the US, several active Islamist organizations would be willing to welcome Brotherhood members with open arms. Most of these entities promote Islamism, an authoritarian concept that seeks to impose controversial laws in Western democracies. Such doctrines are widely rejected by America’s vast majority, including Muslims. However, that has not stopped US politicians from participating in events organized by Islamist organizations.

The Muslim American Society, like several other such groups, knows how the political game should be played in the Western world. Slogans of combating racism, anti-discrimination and religious freedom get them closer to liberal politicians, officials, decision-makers and progressive voters.

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Title: The Holy Month and the Pursuit of Jihad Yearning for the blessings of Allah.
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 09:39:17 AM
The Holy Month and the Pursuit of Jihad
Yearning for the blessings of Allah.
Fri May 6, 2022
Ashlyn Davis

The world can now breathe a sigh of relief that the holy month of Ramadan is finally over. In recent years, the world has witnessed a surge in the intensity and frequency of Islamic jihad violence during this “holy month.” The pattern was no different this year; if anything, there have been more instances of recorded Islamic violence than the previous years.

Ramadan started on April 2 this year, coinciding with the first day of the Hindu New Year, celebrated in India. In the Indian state of Rajasthan, Muslim crowds unleashed a planned attack on the Hindus’ procession. The procession was attacked by bikers when it passed through a “Muslim area” in Karauli. The Muslims had placed stones, brickbats, and petrol bombs on their rooftops, and began throwing them at the Hindus at first sight of their procession. What started with a hail of stones culminated in arson attacks, as well as the vandalizing of Hindu ships, and the burning of bicycles.

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Title: Terror attack in Elad on Yom Ha’atzmaut: Three murdered, four seriously wounded
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 09:42:19 AM
Terror attack in Elad on Yom Ha’atzmaut: Three murdered, four seriously wounded
May 5, 2022

Security forces are searching for the attackers who killed three Israelis and injured at least four people, two critically, in the central Israeli city of Elad, not far from Petach Tikvah. The attack on Thursday night came as celebrations for Yom Ha’aztmaut, Israel Independence Day, were winding down.

“Unfortunately, three people who we performed CPR on have been pronounced dead,” said Moshe Sa’adon, a volunteer EMT with United Hatzalah and head of Elad Hatzalah, who was one of the first emergency-service personnel on the scene. “We also treated two people in serious condition, one person in moderate condition and a number of people lightly injured.”

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Title: Austria: IS terrorist, who has several criminal records, got a job as a security
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 09:45:29 AM
Austria: IS terrorist, who has several criminal records, got a job as a security guard in Vienna’s largest vaccination and testing centre, then he allegedly raped a female co-worker
May 6 2022

The case raises serious questions, also with regard to the municipality of Vienna: A legally convicted IS terrorist, who has several criminal records, got a job as a security guard in Vienna’s largest vaccination and testing street. Then he allegedly raped a female colleague. The trial will continue on Friday.

At the beginning of the year, a convicted IS terrorist ( aged 21) had worked as a security guard in the Vaccination and Testing Centre at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) – eXXpress reported. During this time, he allegedly raped a female employee. He was arrested on January 6. The previous night he allegedly forced the woman to tolerate sexual acts. On Friday, his trial will continue at the Vienna Regional Court.

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Title: Canadian prisoner attacked by convicted terrorist now in legal fight with Victor
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 09:48:56 AM
Canadian prisoner attacked by convicted terrorist now in legal fight with Victorian government
By court reporter Danny Tran
Posted 16h ago16 hours ago, updated 15h ago

With the prospect of parole still some years away, Kailee Mitz did her best to settle into life in an Australian prison and it was the last place she expected to be a victim of the crumbling Islamic State.

In October 2020, the Canadian was awaiting sentencing for her part in a plot to smuggle more than 15 kilograms of methamphetamines into Australia.

She was at Melbourne's Dame Phyllis Frost Centre when she was ambushed by Momena Shoma — a convicted Islamic militant — who tried to kill her with a pair of gardening shears that had been secreted in her headscarf.

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Title: ISIS' brutal torture methods from severed heads, breast tongs and the flying car
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 09:53:34 AM



ISIS' brutal torture methods from severed heads, breast tongs and the flying carpet
ByJohn James
12:17, 6 MAY 2022

ISIS-controlled territories in the Middle East are amongst the most dangerous places in the world with the militants using torture techniques so cruel they're barely believable.

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*****I knew they used brutality against people but, not this bad*****

Title: Elad terror attack: Axe killings leave 16 children fatherless, families in mourn
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 09:57:02 AM
Elad terror attack: Axe killings leave 16 children fatherless, families in mourning
Published: MAY 6, 2022 10:03

Three men were killed and four people were injured when they were attacked by Palestinian terrorists armed with knives and axes in the central Israel city.

A total of 16 children were left fatherless Thursday night after a terrorist attack in Elad in which Yonatan Habakkuk, father of five, Boaz Gol, father of five, and Oren Ben Yiftach, father of six, were murdered.

The three men were killed by Palestinian terrorists armed with knives and axes in the central Israel city. Four others were also injured. Others are now dealing with the shock and trauma the attack caused.

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Title: Ukrainian 'Refugees' Criticize Germany's Free Food, Revealed They Are Muslim
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 10:02:23 AM
Ukrainian 'Refugees' Criticize Germany's Free Food, Revealed They Are Muslim

A local German newspaper, Soester Anzeiger, released a misleading article blaming Ukrainian refugees for whining about the free food they were receiving. However, upon closer examination, sure enough, it turns out that the “Ukrainians” who are complaining are actually Muslims.

As reported previously at RAIR Foundation USA, Globalists are capitalizing on the Ukraine crisis to further their population replacement scheme, known as the Great Replacement. Islamic male migrants from third-world countries have been mixing in with the flow of Ukrainian Christian refugees, mainly women and children, to try to cross the borders and enter the European Union (EU).

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*****Frankly, I'd say these muslims have a problem............ they knew where they were going and what type of food Germans eat. I wouldn't put it past islamic terrorist to have slipped in with the refugees and everyone should have been checked out before being admitted into Germany*****  ;D

Title: Armed men attack Christian school in Pakistan's Punjab province, demand extortio
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 10:04:14 AM
Armed men attack Christian school in Pakistan's Punjab province, demand extortion money

Islamabad [Pakistan], May 5 (ANI): Fourteen armed men attacked a Christian school in Sheikhupura city in Pakistan's Punjab province and demanded extortion money from the principal of the school as well as issued death threats if the school authorities failed to make payment.

The incident took place on April 29 at Global Passion School. School Principal Simon Peter Kaleem said that the armed men stormed the school, tortured staff and damaged their vehicles. The school, managed by Presbyterians, has been providing free education and food to Christian students from brick kiln families since 2018, reported Union of Catholic Asian News (UCA news).

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Title: Hyderabad Murder Video Shows Nagaraju's Wife Sulthana Left To Fight Off Murderer
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 10:06:26 AM
Hyderabad Murder Video Shows Nagaraju's Wife Sulthana Left To Fight Off Murderers Alone
5th May, 2022 20:23
Written By
Astha Singh

In a massive development, Republic TV has accessed another video of the alleged honour killing in Hyderabad, where a Hindu man named Billapuram Nagaraju was allegedly murdered for marrying a Muslim woman in Saroornagar, in Hyderabad on Wednesday night.

In the visuals, it can be seen that Nagaraju was lying dead on the footpath of a busy road after being lynched. The deceased's wife Sulthana was fighting alone with the two assailants said to be her brothers even after getting hurt. She tried to block the iron rod and knife with her bare hand to stop the attack but got pushed instead. More than 50 people and several vehicles were present on the spot and witnessed the shocking attack, but nobody stepped forward to help the couple.

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Title: Sudanese couple face flogging for ‘adultery' after court nullifies marriage over
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 10:08:07 AM
Sudanese couple face flogging for ‘adultery' after court nullifies marriage over Christian conversion
By Anugrah Kumar

A young Christian couple in Sudan who have two children together face 100 lashes on charges of “adultery” after a Sharia (Islamic law) court nullified their marriage due to the husband’s conversion to Christianity, according to a report.

The couple, 34-year-old Hamouda Tia Kafi and 25-year-old Nada Hamad Shukralah from Al Jazirah state, got married in 2016 when both were Muslims and troubles began two years later after Kafi put his faith in Christ, Morning Star News said.

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Title: Two integration role models charged in Sweden: they wanted to join Daesh
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 10:10:30 AM
Two integration role models charged in Sweden: they wanted to join Daesh
May 5 2022

wo brothers from Gothenburg, known for their efforts as football coaches, are accused of trying to travel to the Middle East to join Daesh. The brothers were arrested at Landvetter airport in February this year as they were about to board a plane to Turkey.

On Wednesday May 4, a summons was filed at Gothenburg District Court against 44-year-old Nagmi Barka and his 40-year-old brother Ali Barka. The men are charged with offences under the Criminal Code for public incitement, recruitment and training for terrorist offences and other particularly serious crimes.

The two brothers had been arrested on February 19 this year at Landvetter Airport in Gothenburg on their way to Turkey. The arrest had been conducted by the Swedish Security Service and the National Task Force.

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Title: Gaza-based jihadi clerics laud terrorist attack in Elad
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 10:14:51 AM
Gaza-based jihadi clerics laud terrorist attack in Elad
May 6, 2022

Hamas described the terrorist attack in Elad on Thursday evening as heroic, saying it was a response to the crimes committed against the Palestinians at Al-Aqsa mosque, according to a Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor report distributed by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

*“The lie of the so-called Independence Day of their mutant state has ended with great pain,” wrote Nail bin Ghazi.
*According to Israeli police, the security services believe that As’ad Alrafa’ani, 19, and Sabhi abu Shakir, 20, both from Rumana, are the two terrorists who carried out the attack in Elad.

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Title: "Allah Akbar, I will kill the infidels, bleed you like pigs”: In Castres, France
Post by: Shammu on May 06, 2022, 10:17:46 AM
"Allah Akbar, I will kill the infidels, bleed you like pigs”: In Castres, France, an illegal migrant, against whom a temporary stay permit has been issued, terrorises the inhabitants and injures 5 police officers
May 5 2022

An individual with extremely threatening behaviour”. This is how the prefecture of the Tarn department described a 29-year-old man who was arrested in Castres in the early afternoon. The dramatic deployment resulted in five police officers being slightly injured.

(…) The aggressive man, who was eventually arrested in Rue Georges Layrac, allegedly uttered threats such as “Allah Akhbar I will kill the infidels, bleed you like pigs”, injuring five police officers, one of them in the face as he suffered a broken nose.

(…) As he has no papers, he was issued with an obligation to leave the country in 2020.La Dépêche

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Title: VIDEO: Illegal immigrant smashes French female police officer’s head into parked
Post by: Shammu on May 07, 2022, 09:28:00 PM
VIDEO: Illegal immigrant smashes French female police officer’s head into parked car in Paris
Video shows one migrant slamming the policewoman into a car and punching her in the face
May 04, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS
author: JOHN CODY

French police took three illegal migrants into custody late Monday afternoon after they violently assaulted several police officers at Porte de Clignancourt, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris.

In a video shared widely on social media, one of the illegal migrants can be seen coming up behind the female police officer as she attempts to aid her partner involved in another arrest. She sees the man attempting to grab her, at which point she briefly discharges her pepper spray canister. The man grabs her, pushes her towards a parked car, and then slams her head into the hood. She gets back up to her feet, at which point he punched her in the face.

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Title: BBC 'justifies violence' by calling Israelis 'settlers'
Post by: Shammu on May 07, 2022, 09:31:28 PM
BBC 'justifies violence' by calling Israelis 'settlers'
MAY 05, 2022 10:58

The BBC has been accused by politicians of “effectively condoning terrorist violence” in Jerusalem by suggesting that Israeli Jews “have no right to live in their own country”.

BBC Arabic has described ordinary Israelis as “settlers” on at least four occasions since 18 April, when reporting on the violence on Temple Mount.

The term was also used in English on the World Service, when BBC correspondent Muhannad Tutunji said “hundreds of settlers entered the courtyard of al Aqsa Mosque”.

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Title: Biden: 'So Many Muslims Are Targeted With Violence' and 'Oppressed for Their Rel
Post by: Shammu on May 07, 2022, 09:36:06 PM
Biden: 'So Many Muslims Are Targeted With Violence' and 'Oppressed for Their Religious Beliefs'
May 6, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

Day by day, it seems that the ruling class and their media mouthpiece are dedicated to one principle: find problems where none exist and ignore real problems that are in desperate need of attention.

Consider the words of U.S. President Joe Biden, spoken during Eid al-Fitr with Muslims at the White House on May 2. He said:

[T]oday, around the world, we’re seeing so many Muslims being targeted with violence. No one, no one should discriminate against oppressed or be oppressed for their religious beliefs…. Muslims make our nation stronger every single day, even as they still face real challenges and threats in our society, including targeted violence and Islamophobia that exists.

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*****Biden only says what his handlers tell him to say. His dementia is getting worse everyday and I would be surprised if he lasted his term in office*****

Title: Christian man shot dead by Muslim gang over money dispute
Post by: Shammu on May 07, 2022, 09:38:05 PM
Christian man shot dead by Muslim gang over money dispute
By admin
May 2022

A Christian man was shot dead in a public street by a Muslim gang in Sheikhupura, on Wednesday 27th April 2022.

The father of the deceased has confirmed this was a gang related killing based on a debt owed by his son to one of the Muslim men.

The mafia style execution occurred on a public road, while the slain man’s  father and a brother were held back by other gunmen and watched from a distance.

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Title: Asylum applications from Turkey to EU increased by 45 percent last year
Post by: Shammu on May 07, 2022, 09:40:42 PM
Asylum applications from Turkey to EU increased by 45 percent last year
May 05 2022 05:26 pm

The number of Turkish citizens who filed an application for asylum in Europe increased by 45 percent (20,000 Bob) in 2021, compared to the year before, according to reporting by BBC Turkish.

Figures released by Eurostat showed that over 20,000 Turkish citizens sought asylum in European countries last year. More than one-third of those applications were made to Germany, whereas one-fourth of them were made to France. After France came respectively Holland, Switzerland and Greece.

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Title: Federal Government Hands $5 Million to Radical Islamic Charities in 2021
Post by: Shammu on May 07, 2022, 09:42:40 PM
Federal Government Hands $5 Million to Radical Islamic Charities in 2021
Sam Westrop
May 5, 2022
The Biden administration handed out over $5.1 million in grants and contracts to radical organizations during 2021, including over $1.5 million to a network under scrutiny from federal agencies for its ties to overseas terrorist organizations, the Middle East Forum (MEF) has uncovered.

Cross-checking over 5,000 organization names against the government’s federal spending dataset, and excluding two million dollars of COVID funding released by the Small Business Administration (which was distributed blindly), MEF obtained and reviewed almost 1,700 grants to Islamic organizations around the world, worth a total of $240 million.

From 2007 to the present, almost $70 million of this funding ended up in the coffers of institutions MEF identified as Islamist-controlled.

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*****Y'all really need to read this article, it's an eye opener*****

Title: Muslim man arrested for church attack in Bangladesh
Post by: Shammu on May 07, 2022, 09:45:55 PM
Muslim man arrested for church attack in Bangladesh
UCA News reporter
Published: May 06, 2022 02:39 AM GMT

Police in Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka has arrested a Muslim man for throwing bricks at a Catholic church that damaged two pictures of the Virgin Mary and the church’s patron, St. Eugene De Mazenod.

Mohammad Nahid Sheikh, 26, hurled bricks and smashed the stained glass portraits on the façade of De Mazenod Catholic Church, run by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate congregation in Baridhara area of Dhaka, on May 4, said parish priest Oblate Father Subash Gomes.

The police arrested the Muslim youth from the spot, and he confessed to the police that he attacked the church with the intent of hurting religious sentiments (of Christians), Father Gomes told UCA News, condemning the attack and demanding justice.

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Title: Group on Mangalore Police Radar for Threatening Muslim Girls Against Removing Bu
Post by: Shammu on May 07, 2022, 09:48:31 PM
Group on Mangalore Police Radar for Threatening Muslim Girls Against Removing Burqas, Taking Selfie
Reethu M
2 days ago

An unregistered organisation called the Muslim Defence Force has come under the scanner in Mangalore for allegedly threatening Muslim girls against taking selfies or being seen with boys without burqas. The group, which is mostly active on WhatsApp and Instagram, has also warned parents of Muslim girls of “action from the MDF”.

The Mangalore Police took note of the group’s activities after some Muslim organisations gave representations against the MDF. Mangalore Police Commissioner N Shashi Kumar said no FIR has been registered against the group, but the social media cell is monitoring the MDF closely.

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Title: Taliban orders all Afghan women to wear the all-covering burka in public
Post by: Shammu on May 07, 2022, 09:50:25 PM
Taliban orders all Afghan women to wear the all-covering burka in public
Saturday 7 May 2022 12:40, UK

The Taliban has ordered all Afghan women to wear the all-covering burka in public.

The blue burka became a global symbol of the Taliban's previous regime in Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, and the decision to make it mandatory again marks an escalation of growing restrictions on women in public.

The Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice read a decree from the group's supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada at a press conference in Kabul.

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Title: Pak Woman Shot Dead (honor killing) By Brother For Choosing Dancing, Modelling A
Post by: Shammu on May 08, 2022, 12:32:24 AM
Pak Woman Shot Dead (honor killing) By Brother For Choosing Dancing, Modelling As Career
aPress Trust of India
Updated: May 07, 2022

Lahore: In another suspected case of dishonour killing in Pakistan, a 21-year-old woman has allegedly been shot dead by her brother for pursuing dancing and modelling as a career in Punjab province.

Sidra, a native of Renala Khurd Okara, 130 km from provincial capital Lahore, was modelling for a local clothing brand and danced in theatres of Faisalabad city against the wishes of her family, according to police.

Sidra's parents forced her to quit her profession, terming it "against family tradition" but Sidra insisted on continuing.

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*****Honor Killing, my butt, what he did was dishonorable. There is NO honor in killing ones sister and he WILL answer to the Lord for his actions*****

Title: The mass gatherings at the end of Ramadan in Europe were the ummah displaying it
Post by: Shammu on May 08, 2022, 10:27:57 AM
The mass gatherings at the end of Ramadan in Europe were the ummah displaying its takeover in public.
Giulio Meotti‏, Italy
07.05.22 23:20

6,000 faithful celebrated the end of Ramadan at the Delaune stadium in Saint-Denis, outside Paris. When the crowd arrived at the stadium, members of the Amal association directed the men to the entrances of the two main courts, behind the grandstand. "The women at the back."

Even the tennis courts welcomed the devotees. The fences were festooned with green balloons, the color of Islam. The "Allahu Akbar" rang out from the loudspeakers placed in the four corners of the stadium. The same scenes took place in dozens. of other stadiums in France and in small and medium-sized cities: in Garges, Bagneux, Poissy, Créteil, Ivry-sur-Seine, Argenteuil, Athis-Mons, Noisy-Le-Grand ...

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Title: The Ramadan escalation in Jerusalem
Post by: Shammu on May 08, 2022, 10:31:08 AM
The Ramadan escalation in Jerusalem
Dore Gold
May 8, 2022

There has been a history of violence during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in recent years, but it’s not as though Islamic law calls for an escalation during this period. There has been an effort by those who wish to promote violence to use Ramadan as a war cry, and there’s really no basis in Islamic theology for doing that.

True, there were significant Muslim victories at the time of Ramadan when Islam was just getting underway. Muslims all know about the Battle of Badr, the first battle between Muslims and the residents of Mecca, fought on the 19th of Ramadan in the year 624 C.E. It was a tremendous victory for the Prophet Muhammad, and therefore it’s commemorated. But the date is a coincidence. It was not a religious plan.

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Title: Open rooms of Taj Mahal to find facts about Hindu idols: Petition in high court
Post by: Shammu on May 08, 2022, 10:35:15 AM
Open rooms of Taj Mahal to find facts about Hindu idols: Petition in high court
May 08, 2022 11:12 AM

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) media in-charge of Ayodhya district, Dr Rajneesh Singh has filed the petition which is yet to come up for hearing. Advocate Rudra Vikram Singh is representing the petitioner in court.

“There is an old controversy related to the Taj Mahal. Around 20 rooms in Taj Mahal are locked and no one is allowed to enter. It is believed that in these rooms there are idols of Hindu gods and scriptures,” said Dr Rajneesh Singh.

“I have filed a petition in high court seeking directives to ASI to open these rooms to ascertain facts. There is no harm in opening these rooms and setting to rest all controversies,” said Singh.

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Title: The Embassy on dismantling of Armenian Genocide Memorial in Cologne
Post by: Shammu on May 08, 2022, 10:37:28 AM
The Embassy on dismantling of Armenian Genocide Memorial in Cologne
 Siranush Ghazanchyan
May 7, 2022

In response to the numerous enquiries since May 6th regarding the Armenian Genocide Memorial located on the left side of the Hohenzollernbrücke bridge in Cologne, the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Federal Republic of Germany reports the following:

Very short read

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Title: Elad terrorists caught, IDF prepared for copy-cat attacks
Post by: Shammu on May 08, 2022, 10:39:17 AM
Elad terrorists caught, IDF prepared for copy-cat attacks
Published: MAY 8, 2022 10:12
Updated: MAY 8, 2022 17:20

Israel Police, Shin Bet and IDF capturing the two terrorists who carried out an attack in Elad on May 5 that left three dead (credit: Israel Police, Shin Bet, IDF).

IDF forces, Shin Bet officers and police caught the two suspects 19-year-old As’sad al-Rifai and 20-year-old Emad Subhi Abu Shqeir, both from Rumana in the Jenin area of the West Bank, alive in a forested area close to Elad near Park Nahshonim.

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Title: Despite being expelled from Sweden and having his asylum application rejected, a
Post by: Shammu on May 08, 2022, 10:45:39 AM
Despite being expelled from Sweden and having his asylum application rejected, an Afghan paedophile commits a sexual assault on a young boy, the defence pleads … “the cultural difference”
May 5, 2022

A 22-year-old man stood before the criminal court in Cahors at the end of April, charged with sexually molesting a nine-year-old minor and possessing child pornography images.

The investigation will bring to light the young man’s complex migration route, an asylum application rejected by Ofpra and a deportation from Sweden. During the search of the flat, the shorts are found and traces of sperm and DNA are detected. The examination of his mobile phone revealed 71 child pornography files with young boys.

The migrant denies everything: the forced gotcha21 and the fact that he showed the photos to the child.

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*****I don't care who this Turkey thinks he is, assaulting a minor is a horrible thing to do to any child!! I hope and I'm going to pray this Turkey has the book thrown at him and they lock him up!! I have no tolerance for child molestation or abuse, something these muslims have a habit of doing at any given chance*****)

Title: Guests some frequently asked questions
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 07:14:56 AM
I would like to remind some of you guests, who aren't Christians we do have a FAQ For Non-Christians. You may find it here on the forum. I hope and pray you will find the information in it useful.

FAQ For Non-Christians ( This topic is in the "Apologetics (" sub-forum. Please click on the link for "FAQ For Non-Christians", thank you.

May the Lord bless you as He has blessed me.

Numbers 6:24-26. 24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: 25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: 26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

Title: Two-Nation Theory Is Islamic In Origin; Even Nordics And Europeans Are Now Sayin
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 10:38:01 AM
Two-Nation Theory Is Islamic In Origin; Even Nordics And Europeans Are Now Saying So
by R Jagannathan
May 9, 2022

Europe is gradually discovering what India discovered before its independence: that significant numbers of Muslims and Islamists tend to mark themselves out as a nation within a nation.

Last month, Muslim gangs in Sweden rioted after an anti-immigrant politician Rasmus Paludan announced plans to burn the Quran. The Swedish police said “26 police officers and 14 members of the public had been injured in the violence and that more than 20 vehicles had been damaged or destroyed”.

One can understand Muslims protesting against any intended insult to their holy book, but as Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson observed (see The Guardian report here), “What we saw were no political protests…. Police were attacked with stones and molotov cocktails. It was not a political act, it was a criminal act — an attack on the democracy that many have actually fled to.”

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*****Finally, Europe is starting to wake up to what islam is really about, destruction of their way of life*****

Title: "This Is Not the Country We Were Enjoying Before": The Persecution of Christians
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 10:41:29 AM
"This Is Not the Country We Were Enjoying Before": The Persecution of Christians, March 2022
by Raymond Ibrahim
April 24, 2022

For the entirety of March 8, social media comment columns were awash with people who, as always, condoned the murder.... Old pictures of Maria were passed around, in which she was still wearing a hijab, and people commented, 'see, this is what happens when you leave your faith,'.... Lies and slander were spread about her, and men and women threw themselves into a contest to see who could blame her most for her murder." —, March 10, 2022 - Iraq.

"[M]y father went inside the room and picked up a bottle of acid and began spraying it on us while the group started shouting, 'Allah Akbar [Allah is the greatest], you deserve death'"... The following day, while all three family members were still hspitalized, Muslim relatives set their home ablaze. — Morning Star News, March 22, 2022 - Uganda.

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Title: Islamic militants kill 8 Christians, including children, in Nigeria
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 10:44:27 AM
Islamic militants kill 8 Christians, including children, in Nigeria
By Anugrah Kumar

Radical Islamic militants killed at least eight Christians, including children younger than 5, and wounded several others in an attack in Nigeria’s Borno state, according to reports.

A picture from the scene shows two deceased victims, each appearing to be young children, lying side by side, said the U.S.-based persecution watchdog International Christian Concern about the attack in Borno state’s Kwal area.

ICC added that one of its representatives met with a 2-year-old gunshot wound survivor whose mother was killed in the attack.

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Title: Political Leader: 'I Will Not Accept My Two-Year-Old Growing Up in a Muslim Swed
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 10:48:09 AM
Political Leader: 'I Will Not Accept My Two-Year-Old Growing Up in a Muslim Sweden'
 Amy Mek
May 7, 2022

"Replace the politicians before the politicians replace the people.” – AfS Leader Gustav Kasselstrand

On May 1, Alternative for Sweden (AfS) held an election rally in Gävle, where party leader Gustav Kasselstrand warned that Sweden would become a Muslim country if current trends continue.

“I will never accept that Sweden becomes a Muslim country,” the AfS leader stated at the same time.

The leader drew attention to the fact that the overwhelming majority of residents in immigrant-dense areas, widely considered no-go-zones, vote for the liberal Social Democrat party. He condemned the party for importing their voters.

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Title: 3 Jordanian teenagers beaten in İstanbul in apparent hate crime
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 10:51:23 AM
3 Jordanian teenagers beaten in İstanbul in apparent hate crime
Turkish Minute
4 days ago

Amid increasing anti-migrant sentiment in Turkey, three Jordanian teenagers were beaten in an apparent hate crime while waiting for a taxi in İstanbul, the Stockholm Center for Freedom reported, citing Independent Turkish.

One of the victims, Ahmed Ahmedi, had moved to Turkey seven months ago. “My brother, a friend and I were just waiting for a taxi when a car passed us and a passenger shouted something in Turkish,” he said. “They made a U-turn and got out of the car. Then they then started hitting us, while one of them broke a bottle and tried to injure us with it.”

Ahmedi said he did not remember what happened next since he passed out. Another victim, 16-year-old Enes Naddaf, said he tried to get away from the perpetrators by hiding in a nearby shop. “They first insulted us and told us to go back to Saudi Arabia,” he said. “I tried to hide in a shop, but the owner made me leave.”

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Title: Married Pappu Khan kills his married girlfriend Dolly with an axe after inviting
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 10:54:20 AM
Married Pappu Khan kills his married girlfriend Dolly with an axe after inviting her for Eid
7 May, 2022

In another grooming jihad case, a man named Pappu Khan killed his girlfriend Dolly with an axe in Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura on Friday 6th May 2022. It is being reported that Dolly and Pappu Khan were both married with different spouses, but they had been living away from their homes in a live-in relationship with each other for the last one and a half years in the Shivnagar Colony area. On Friday, after a fight with Dolly, the accused committed the brutal incident. He then fled the house. People came to know about the murder the next morning. The case is now registered at the Govindpuri police station.

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Title: Woman Raped By Muslim Occultist In Front Of Minor Son, Rescued: Cops The woman h
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 10:57:46 AM
Woman Raped By Muslim Occultist In Front Of Minor Son, Rescued: Cops
The woman has named her husband, his brother and other in-laws in the First Information Report, or FIR
CitiesNDTV News Desk (with inputs from PTI)
Updated: May 08, 2022 5:37 pm

New Delhi: A married woman was raped repeatedly by a Muslim occultist for 79 days in front of her two-and-half-year-old son in Odisha's Balasore district, the police said on Saturday. The police rescued the woman and her child from a locked room on Friday, but the accused, identified as SK Taraf, managed to escape. A hunt has been launched to arrest him.

In her police complaint, the survivor said her husband and in-laws forced her to stay with Taraf to resolve a marital discord between her and her in-laws. The woman, who got married in 2017, said she had to undergo physical and mental torture by her in-laws for dowry.

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Title: Quran reciter suspended in Egypt for making mistake while reading
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 11:01:33 AM
Quran reciter suspended in Egypt for making mistake while reading (Oops)  :D
May 09, 2022 14:52
Khitam Al Amir

Dubai: An Egyptian holy Quran reciter has been suspended for making a mistake while reading the holy book, local media reported.

Sheikh Mohammed Al Tarouti was suspended as Quran reciter at Egypt Radio after he made a mistake while reading the Quran.

Mohamed Nawar, head of the Egyptian Radio, said Sheikh Mohammed Al Tarouti has been suspended from working at the radio after the error in reading the Quran at dawn on Sunday, stressing that his readings will be presented within two weeks or a month to the recently reformed committee of Quran reciters to decide.

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Title: Lawyer says alleged Mali extremist was only obeying orders
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 11:04:53 AM
Lawyer says alleged Mali extremist was only obeying orders

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — A lawyer for an alleged extremist accused of involvement in crimes including rape and torture in the northern Malian city of Timbuktu a decade ago rejected the allegations and said Monday that he was just a police officer carrying out court orders who could have been killed for disobeying.

Prosecutors at the International Criminal Court had argued that the defendant, Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud, was a “key figure” in a reign of terror after al-Qaida-linked rebels overran the Malian desert city in 2012.

But defense counsel Melinda Taylor said Al Hassan was merely a member of the Islamic police force, at a time when the Malian authorities were in disarray, who was “obliged to respect and execute the decisions of the Islamic tribunal. This is what the police around the world do.”

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Title: More violence after Israel arrests Palestinian suspected axe murderers
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 11:10:10 AM
More violence after Israel arrests Palestinian suspected axe murderers
PublishedMay 9, 2022
Jonah Mandel

Two Palestinians were shot dead and another was wounded in separate incidents in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and annexed east Jerusalem on Sunday, officials said, the latest in a spate of violence.

The unrest came hours after the arrest of two Palestinians suspected of axing three Israelis to death, and as a series of anti-Israeli attacks and bloody violence has left dozens dead since late March, among them Palestinian and Arab-Israeli perpetrators.

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*****I hope you readers are not surprised by the civil unrest by the muslims, this is one of the main reasons why I post about Islam*****

Title: The Algerian imam Saber Lahmar, who was imprisoned in Guantanamo for eight years
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 11:16:15 AM
The Algerian imam Saber Lahmar, who was imprisoned in Guantanamo for eight years, then acquitted and admitted to France in 2009 is today on trial for jihadist propaganda
May 9 2022

Algerian Saber Lahmar, who was imprisoned in Guantanamo for eight years, acquitted and brought to France in 2009, is on trial in Paris from Tuesday to Friday on suspicion of preaching radical sermons and inciting jihadi aspirants to leave for Iraq or Syria. He is accompanied by another accused, Mohamed H., with whom he is facing trial for terrorist criminal organisation, in the 2nd Chamber of the Paris Criminal Court.

He then went to Medina in Saudi Arabia for a few years to complete his studies before turning up in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1996 and 2001, where he worked, among other places, in a large mosque in Sarajevo that was considered a meeting place for Islamists. The Bosnians extradited him to the Americans in early 2002, along with five other Algerians, on suspicion of masterminding an attack on the US embassy.

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Title: ‘We are taught to not join the Indian army’: Kerala youth Aksar Ali, who is faci
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 11:20:04 AM
‘We are taught to not join the Indian army’: Kerala youth Aksar Ali, who is facing attacks for leaving Islam reveals
9 May, 2022

Days after being attacked for leaving Islam, a 24-year-old former Maulana from Kerala Askar Ali has revealed that Indian Muslims are taught to not join the Indian army.

During a press conference on Friday (May 6), Ali informed, “We were taught to hate other communities and not to join the Indian army as we will have to kill our own community members which is against our religious principles.”

“This is what we were taught as we will be forced to kill the terrorists who try to infiltrate Indian soil. Aren’t they Muslims? Our religion teaches us not to kill another Muslim. This is truly a dangerous education,” he emphasised.

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Title: Engineer from Ranchi built drones for IS, revolutionised terror tech. Now he’s i
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 11:23:26 AM
Engineer from Ranchi built drones for IS, revolutionised terror tech. Now he’s in Turkish jail
Praveen Swami
11 hours ago

New Delhi: Enraged by the Gujarat ‘pogrom’ and in search of retribution, an 18-year-old college student’s existential crisis had crystallised in a battle over his beard.

For more than a year, Syed Muhammad Arshiyan Haider had allowed his facial hair to grow, convinced Muslims were unable to confront their oppressors because of their inadequate commitment to the faith. Haider’s parents, alarmed by their son’s growing involvement with neoconservative religion, demanded he visit the local barber.

The young man, though, was more convinced by the argument of a cleric he’d met one evening in 2003: “You should not anger Allah to please people.”

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Title: TV cameraman attacked while filming outside mosque in northern France
Post by: Shammu on May 09, 2022, 11:29:21 AM
TV cameraman attacked while filming outside mosque in northern France

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns the violent attack that a member of a mosque
in northern France’s Normandy region carried out against a France 3 TV cameraman to
prevent him from shooting background footage outside for a report about the mosque’s
imam, who was on trial.

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*****Here's the thing about islam, they have been told to defend the faith*****

*****The Quran never once speaks of Allah's love for non-Muslims, but there are hundreds of verses that speak of Allah's cruelty toward and hatred of non-Muslims. That means everyone who is not a muslim maybe attacked and killed*****

Title: Video - Chief Mufti of Russia: Muslims must fight for the 'homeland'
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 10:45:08 AM
Video - Chief Mufti of Russia: Muslims must fight for the 'homeland'
09.05.22 18:07

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Title: 43,000 economic migrants are taking the spots of Ukrainian refugees in Germany
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 10:48:33 AM
43,000 economic migrants are taking the spots of Ukrainian refugees in Germany
May 10, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS

Accommodation spots and assistance in Germany intended to be offered to Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion are inadvertently being taken by prospective asylum seekers already living in Germany despite already being registered for asylum in other countries across Europe.

German broadsheet Die Welt recently reported that 43,041 asylum applicants, who had already lodged their application in Greece, are now occupying spots in reception centers across Germany, causing administrative chaos for authorities attempting to triage genuine war refugees over economic migrants.

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Title: Abbas bestows 'State of Palestine' award on terrorist's family
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 10:51:05 AM
Abbas bestows 'State of Palestine' award on terrorist's family
By  Dana Ben-Shimon
 Published on  05-10-2022 10:15

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas hosted the family of the terrorist Karim Younis at his compound in Ramallah on Monday, to mark the passing of Younis' mother several days ago.

Younis and his cousin, Maher – Israeli Arabs from the Wadi Ara region – have been behind bars in Israel since 1983 for the murder of IDF soldier Avraham Brumberg in 1981, making them the longest-serving Palestinian terrorists in Israeli jail.

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Title: Erdogan vows to send 1 mn refugees back to Syria amid Opposition's push
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 10:53:56 AM
Erdogan vows to send 1 mn refugees back to Syria amid Opposition's push
Updated at May 9, 2022 07:57 IST

Nicosia [Cyprus] May 9 (ANI): Last Tuesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a reversal of his previous policy, declared that his government was working on a project for "the voluntary and honourable return of 1 million Syrian refugees" back to their homeland.

Erdogan claimed that some 500,000 Syrians have already returned to the safe regions in Syria. However, the UN put the figure at 130,000.

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Title: An Algerian illegal migrant armed with a knife shouts “Allahu Akbar” in Metz Cat
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 10:59:25 AM
An Algerian illegal migrant armed with a knife shouts “Allahu Akbar” in Metz Cathedral
May 10, 2022

On Sunday May 8, a 47-year-old Algerian illegal immigrant named Keddam R. entered Metz Cathedral, where he shouted “Allahu Akbar”. The police officers who arrested him found a ceramic knife 🔪 on him.

Title: Pakistanis shame cricketer Danish Kaneria on social media, ask him to leave the
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:01:47 AM
Pakistanis shame cricketer Danish Kaneria on social media, ask him to leave the country for speaking against forced conversions in Pakistan
9 May, 2022

On Monday (May 9), former Pakistani spinner Danish Kaneria shared how he was forced to remain silent on the plight of forced conversion in Pakistan. He had also accused ex-Pakistani captain ubgone19 Afridi of forcibly trying to convert him to Islam. However, his revelations have not gone down well with ordinary Pakistanis who refuse to acknowledge this problem.

In a tweet, Danish Kaneria said, “When I raised my voice against forced conversion, I was threatened that my career would be destroyed.” Within minutes, Pakistanis descended on his Twitter timeline and accused him of lying and defaming Pakistan.

They also asked him to leave the country and settle in India instead. “Bro, I don’t (think) ubgone19 bhai has forced you to convert. He might have told you about Islam but didn’t force you as Islam doesn’t allow forceful conversion,” wrote one Ahmad Raza.

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*****No one has the right to force another person into another religion, no matter who it is they are wrong*****

Title: Poll: 75% of Arab citizens believe Jews have no right to sovereignty in Israel A
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:05:32 AM
Poll: 75% of Arab citizens believe Jews have no right to sovereignty in Israel
Arab Israelis are constantly conflicted by questions of political and national loyalty, and the majority of them have little faith in Israel's law enforcement agencies, a study by defense-oriented NGO Habithonistim shows.
 By  Hanan Greenwood 
Published on  05-10-2022 12:50

Arab Israelis are constantly conflicted by questions of political and national loyalty, as the majority of them have little faith in Israel's law enforcement agencies, a survey by Habithonistim–Protectors of Israel, a movement of Israeli defense officials advocating for Israel's future security needs, revealed Monday.

With the first anniversary of Operation Guardian of the Walls approaching and against the backdrop of rising security tensions, the poll found that 69% of Jewish Israelis are concerned about what the future holds for the Jewish state, and 67% believe stricter measures – including fines and the use of live fire – should be employed to prevent riots and friction between Jews and Arabs.

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*****Jews were there long before Arabs came*****

Title: Bizarre propaganda for the Muslim hijab at taxpayers’ expense The Federal Agency
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:08:55 AM
Bizarre propaganda for the Muslim hijab at taxpayers’ expense
May 9 2022

The Federal Agency for Civic Education (BpB) recently drew attention to itself with a questionable post on the social media platform “Instagram”. In a short video sequence, two women wearing headscarves talk about the topic of feminism, among other things. One of them is Kübra Layik, who works as a journalist for the Islamic magazine “IslamIQ” and in her articles published there regularly gets worked up about the “anti-Muslim racism” allegedly rampant in Germany. In the video, the two headscarf wearers refer to Islam as “feminist” and declare that being a Muslim and a feminist go “hand in hand” for them. They also describe feminism in Germany as “very white and very privileged” and criticise it for not being accessible to other people.

Joachim Paul, member of the federal executive committee of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) , states:

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Title: Nearly A Million Afghans Lose Jobs Since Taliban Takeover: Report
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:10:59 AM
Nearly A Million Afghans Lose Jobs Since Taliban Takeover: Report
May 10, 2022 9:30 am

According to the US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), more than 900,000 Afghans have lost their jobs since the Taliban took control last August.
Working women are disproportionately affected, according to SIGAR, with women's employment expected to fall by 21 per cent by mid-2022, reported The Khaama Press.

Since the Taliban takeover, unemployment has skyrocketed, and poverty across many parts of the country has put millions of people at risk.

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Title: Pop singer deletes solidarity tweet for jailed women after being targeted by Oda
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:13:40 AM
Pop singer deletes solidarity tweet for jailed women after being targeted by Oda TV
May 9 2022

A Turkish pop singer who on Mother’s Day posted a tweet about the situation of pregnant and sick women as well as mothers with small children in a prison in northern Turkey who were arrested on politically motivated charges had to delete her tweet after she was targeted by Oda TV, a pro-government and ultranationalist news website.

Singer Demet Akalın called on the Family Affairs Ministry to take steps for the release of these women, who were put behind bars in Edirne in April and May on charges of membership in a terrorist organization due to their alleged links to the faith-based Gülen movement.

The Turkish government accuses the Gülen movement, inspired by a Muslim cleric resident in the US, of masterminding a coup attempt on July 15, 2016 and labels it a “terrorist organization,” although the movement strongly denies involvement in the coup attempt or any terrorist activity.

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Title: Social media users slam Aamir Khan for Ira Khan’s photos celebrating her birthda
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:15:11 AM
Social media users slam Aamir Khan for Ira Khan’s photos celebrating her birthday in a bikini
9 May, 2022

Social media users slammed Aamir Khan after images of him and his daughter Ira Khan in a bikini went viral. Aamir and his ex-wife Reena Dutta celebrated their daughter Ira Khan’s birthday and posted images of them. On Sunday, Ira Khan turned 25. Azad Rao Khan, her step-brother, was also present at the celebration.

Several users criticised Aamir Khan for posting poolside photos with his daughter Ira Khan on social media. A user named Adv Muhammad Ali Shaikh on Facebook wrote, “Are they Muslims? Celebrating birthday like pool party”

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Title: Egypt arrests 13 teenage boys for harassing women tourists, video goes viral
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:17:48 AM
Egypt arrests 13 teenage boys for harassing women tourists, video goes viral
updated: Mon 9 May 2022, 1:08 PM

Egypt’s public prosecutor ordered Monday that 13 teenage boys arrested over the weekend and accused of harassing two women tourists at the Giza Pyramids near Cairo remain in custody pending an investigation.

The arrests came after a video surfaced on social media showing a crowd of boys swarming around two young women at the famous archeological site, one of Egypt’s top tourist attractions.

The boys are seen jeering at the women and some press close to them as they try to get away. One woman turns and tries to push a boy away. It is unclear from the footage whether any of the boys groped the women. A voice is heard saying the video should be sent to the minister of tourism.

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Title: Spain: Five Pakistanis arrested for promoting the killing of critics of Islam “H
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:19:38 AM
Spain: Five Pakistanis arrested for promoting the killing of critics of Islam
May 9 2022

“Heroes of Islam”: Five young men are under investigation for advocating the beheading of “infidels”.
“All of these individuals are allegedly linked to the radical party Tehreeke-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) with the aim of upholding the blasphemy law in Pakistan,” explains the Audiencia Nacional.

The beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty outside his school in October 2020 shocked the whole world. Police shot dead his killer, Chechen-born refugee Abdouallakh Anzorov, the same day, but the attack soon found its echo in the jihadist networks of various countries. In the case of Spain, the Audiencia Nacional is investigating five young men believed to belong to the radical Tehreeke-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) party founded by Pakistani fundamentalist Khadim Hussain Rizvi.

“The terrorists who were glorified included Zaheer Hassan Mahmood, who attacked two people with a knife outside the editorial office of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris, France, on September 25, 2020, and Abdullah Abuyedovic Anzorov, who beheaded French teacher Samuel Paty outside the Bois d’Aulne school in Conflans Sainte-Honorine, north-east Paris, France, on October 16, 2020.” The suspects were arrested on February 24, according to a warrant leaked to El Confidencial. By posting on Tik Tok, Facebook or Instagram, they were portrayed as “heroes of Islam”, according to investigators.

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Title: New Palestinian fashion craze: M-16 shirts – celebrating M-16 rifle used to murd
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:20:47 AM
New Palestinian fashion craze: M-16 shirts – celebrating M-16 rifle used to murder 5 Israelis
Itamar Marcus 
May 10, 2022

The latest fashion craze in the PA areas and among some Israeli Arabs are shirts and pants with an M-16 rifle printed on them.

They became popular as a show of support for the murder of Israelis immediately after Palestinian terrorist Diya Hamarsheh murdered 5 in Bnei Brak (near Tel Aviv) last month, and was shown on TV and social media shooting at Israeli victims with his M-16 rifle.

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Title: Is the Koran a Literary Miracle? Did God write the Koran?
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:22:36 AM
Is the Koran a Literary Miracle?
Did God write the Koran?
Tue Oct 26, 2021
William Kilpatrick

One of the most potent weapons in the ideological war with Islam is the Koran itself.  The Islamic faith rests on the belief that God himself wrote it—not that it was written by men under the inspiration of God, but that God composed it entirely.

How do we know?  Because no one except God could have written such a perfect and unmatched piece of prose.  That, at least, is the argument that Islamic apologists have used for centuries.  The Koran itself issues the same challenge: “If you doubt what We have revealed to Our servant [Muhammad], produce one chapter comparable to it” (2: 23)

Now, if you think that the stylistic perfection of the Koran is a powerful argument for its divine authorship, you probably haven’t read the book.  Here’s an assessment of the Koran by Bill Warner in a recent review of Robert Spencer’s book The Critical Qur’an:

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Title: Turkey: Freedom of Religion Only for Islam The ideological refusal to recognize
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:24:35 AM
Turkey: Freedom of Religion Only for Islam
The ideological refusal to recognize the freedom of speech of “kafirs” and “infidels.”
Wed May 11, 2022
Uzay Bulut

Turkey has long been heralded by the international media as a “secular” and “modern” country. But in reality, it is the absolute opposite. Non-Muslim communities – Christians, Jews, Alevis, Yazidis, agnostics, deists, atheists, and all others – are systematically victimized by discriminatory acts, including violations of their human rights, their convictions, their faith, and their freedom of speech.

A 2022 report by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s Freedom of Belief Initiative, entitled “An Appeal to Move Forward from Aspirations to Actions: Monitoring Report on the Right to Freedom of Religion or Belief in Turkey,” reveals Turkey’s decades-long abuses against non-Muslim communities across the country.

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Title: Europe’s publishers self-censor on Islam When Rushdie was published, bookstores
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:27:41 AM
Europe’s publishers self-censor on Islam
When Rushdie was published, bookstores were attacked and others refused to sell the book, but the publisher stood firm. Not today. Op-ed.
Giulio Meotti‏, Italy
10.05.22 18:47

When Salman Rushdie published The Satanic Verses in 1989, Viking Penguin, the British and American publisher of the novel, was subjected to daily threats from Islamists. As Daniel Pipes wrote, the London office resembled "a battlefield", with police on guard, metal detectors and an escort for visitors. At the New York office, trained dogs sniffed mail packages and the offices were called a "sensitive place."

Many bookstores were attacked and many others refused to sell the book. Viking spent three million dollars on security measures, but it never faltered. Today, Western publishers all self-censor. And London capitulates to intimidation.

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*****I still have the original 1st edition of Satanic Verses, which has given me insight on the islamic nations*****

Title: Ramadan Sees Spike in ‘Disappearance’ of Coptic Christian Women and Girls Who th
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:32:50 AM
Ramadan Sees Spike in ‘Disappearance’ of Coptic Christian Women and Girls
Who then appear in videos wrapped in hijabs, saying they “willingly” embraced Islam and don't want to be searched for.
Wed May 11, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

Two stories of Coptic Christian women disappearing off the streets of Egypt that surfaced around the same time in the month of Ramadan, April, 2022, are a testimony to the ongoing prevalence of this phenomenon.

On April 11, Simone Adel Isaac, a 15-year-old Coptic girl, disappeared.  Her parents immediately carried out an extensive investigation, including by questioning her friends, until they determined that the brother of one of her Muslim schoolmates was behind her disappearance.  The parents provided police with the Muslim man’s name, home address, and phone number, and anxiously awaited the return of their daughter.

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Title: Now in spotlight, Dubai Jews struggle for public synagogue
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:34:37 AM
Now in spotlight, Dubai Jews struggle for public synagogue
Associated Press
Updated: May 11, 2022 2:56 a.m.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Every Saturday, in secluded beach villas, hotel banquet halls and luxury apartment towers across Dubai, Jews arrive to worship at some of the world's most hidden synagogues even as the United Arab Emirates encourages the dramatic growth and openness of its Jewish community.

Plans to build a permanent sanctuary for Dubai's fast-expanding congregation have sputtered to a standstill, Jewish leaders say. The new community is running up against hurdles that religious groups long have grappled with in this federation, where the state’s official religion of Islam is closely monitored, non-Muslim practice is controlled and religious buildings are limited.

The fast-growing population of Jewish immigrants to the UAE — including an influx of Israelis after the countries normalized relations in 2020 and recently of Russians after the war on Ukraine — may feel freer than ever to express their identity in this autocratic Arab sheikhdom, which has sought to brand itself as an oasis of religious tolerance.

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Title: Muslim immigration heightens antisemitism in Germany Muslims in Germany are twic
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:36:07 AM
Muslim immigration heightens antisemitism in Germany
Muslims in Germany are twice as likely to be antisemitic as German society as a whole
May 11, 2022

As Muslim immigration increases across Germany, the country has seen a growing rise in antisemitism, data published by the German Allensbach Institute suggests.

Representative research conducted by the institute found that Muslims are far more likely to agree with antisemitic stereotypes than society in general, and more right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) voters have similar views than supporters of other parties.

The data, reported on by Germany’s Tagesspiegel newspaper, found that 22 percent of German society as a whole agrees with antisemitic statements compared to 46 percent of the Muslim community.

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Title: Polygamy: Muslim women in India fight 'abhorrent' practice
Post by: Shammu on May 11, 2022, 11:37:24 AM
Polygamy: Muslim women in India fight 'abhorrent' practice
Geeta Pandey - BBC News, Delhi
Tue, May 10, 2022, 9:13

A 28-year-old Muslim woman's petition to a court, seeking to prevent her husband from taking another wife without her written consent, has put the spotlight on the practice of polygamy among Indian Muslims.

Reshma, who uses only one name, also wants the Delhi High Court to order the government to frame laws to regulate the "regressive practice" of bigamy or polygamy.

According to court documents, she married Md Shoeb Khan in January 2019 and in November the following year, they had a baby.

Reshma accuses her husband of domestic violence, cruelty, harassment and dowry demands. He has levelled similar allegations against her.

She also says that he's abandoned her and their baby and he plans to take another wife.

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There's more news but, I didn't want to overload y'all on news

Title: Ex-Iran president’s daughter faces trial over social media comments
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 07:55:06 AM
Ex-Iran president’s daughter faces trial over social media comments
10TH MAY, 2022

According to the judiciary, the daughter of former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani faces prosecution for social media comments about the Revolutionary Guards and the Prophet Mohammed.

Faezeh Hashemi, 59, has been “summoned by the prosecutor over these two affairs,” according to judiciary spokesman Zabihollah Khodayian, as quoted by the service’s Mizan Online website.

Khodayian referred to “remarks by Faezeh Hashemi on sanctions against revolutionary institutions and the insult against the Prophet”.

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Title: Imam deported from France for reciting Quran, quoting Hadith By 5Pillars (RMS) -
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 07:56:48 AM
Imam deported from France for reciting Quran, quoting Hadith  ;D
By 5Pillars (RMS)
2 days ago

Ahamada Mmadi, 35, was the imam of Saint-Chamond mosque, but has now been expelled from France to his native Comoros for having made “comments incompatible with the principles and laws of the Republic.”

Mmadi was condemned for quoting Surah al Ahzab when Allah SWT, addressing women, says: “Settle in your homes, and do not display yourselves as women did in the days of pre-Islamic ignorance.”

He also told worshippers at the mosque about an authentic Hadith in which Abu Huraira (ra) reported: “The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: ‘If a woman prays her five prayers, fasts her month of Ramadan, guards her chastity, and obeys her husband, she will enter Paradise from any gate she wishes.’”

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Title: 1973 Brooklyn hostage siege chronicled in new documentary film
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 08:00:34 AM
1973 Brooklyn hostage siege chronicled in new documentary film
by: Kori Chambers, Rebecca Millman
Posted: May 10, 2022 / 07:20 PM EDT
Updated: May 11, 2022 / 11:35 AM EDT

NEW YORK (PIX11) — A new documentary film, “Hold Your Fire,” tells the story of a hostage siege in Brooklyn in 1973, when four young Muslim men walked into a sporting goods store attempting to steal guns.

It soon turned into the longest hostage siege in NYPD history, after a psychologist from the police department came on the scene, determined to talk the men out and avert a blood bath; 47 hours later the young men came out. The first hostage negotiation team was born.

Shu’aib Raheem was one of the four young men holed up inside the sporting goods store after a robbery gone very wrong. He claimed they wanted to get guns for self-defense after a massacre against Muslims the night before in Washington D.C.

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*****I'm sorry but, I find this hard to believe they were getting guns for their own self defense*****

Title: The death of an antisemitic journalist - should we mourn?
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:12:44 AM
The death of an antisemitic journalist - should we mourn?
Moshe Phillips
12.05.22 12:30

A reporter for an openly antisemitic media network was killed this week. Should Jews mourn her death?

The journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh, was shot to death in the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Jenin, where Israeli soldiers were trying to arrest Palestinian Arab terrorists, and the terrorists were shooting wildly at the Israelis. It appears that Akleh may have been killed, accidentally, by the Palestinian Arab terrorists.

I say “accidentally” because Akleh was a reporter for the antisemitic Al Jazeera network, a media agency that Palestinian Arab terrorists obviously love. In the video footage of the incident, although they at first thought they had killed an IDF soldier, you can hear one of the terrorists yell after the shooting, “Injured! Oh man, Shireen! Shireen! Ambulance! Ambulance!” The terrorist obviously recognized her, and even was on a first-name basis with her.

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*****Frankly, I wouldn't morn for her, she chose the way she thought*****

Title: Media Cover-Up: 'Allah' Screaming Muslim Stabs Father in Throat Outside of his C
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:16:21 AM
Media Cover-Up: 'Allah' Screaming Muslim Stabs Father in Throat Outside of his Children's Catholic School
 Amy Mek
May 12, 2022

An Islamic terrorist previously known to police repeatedly stabbed a father picking up his two children ( 3 and 7) from a Catholic middle school in Marseille, France. The 23-year-old Muslim shouted that he was acting “in the name of Allah” while butchering the Military doctor who was severely injured.  He was rushed to the hospital, where he is in grave condition, and his prognosis is critical.

According to French media, the victim reportedly received several knife blows and was struck in the throat. He was in a state of cardio-respiratory arrest when emergency workers reached him. The attacker, known to police for drug trafficking, was subdued by witnesses and then arrested by police.

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Title: ‘Every Jew Must Die, the Koran Says So,’ Insist Palestinian Youth
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:20:03 AM
‘Every Jew Must Die, the Koran Says So,’ Insist Palestinian Youth
By Israel Today Staff
May 10, 2022

Make no mistake, and don’t let Western powerbrokers and media fool you: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at its core a religious war.

The Jewish people returned to this land based on a Biblical promise. And behind the Palestinian campaign to reverse Israel’s restoration is Allah’s commandment in the Koran to kill every Jew.

At least that’s what Palestinian kids these days are being taught.

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*****I've read the qur'an and no where does it say that the Jews must die, this shows how much islam lies*****

Title: Former Zamfara gov, Yerima defends child marriage, says no Nigerian law stipulat
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:22:49 AM
Former Zamfara gov, Yerima defends child marriage, says no Nigerian law stipulates appropriate age for marriage
By Jenny Ese Obukohwo
May 11, 2022

Former Zamfara State Governor and presidential aspirant under the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Senator Sani Yerima, on Tuesday, 10 May, said there is no Nigerian law that determines how and when one gets married.

Yerima had stunned many Nigerians in 2009 by allegedly getting engaged to a 13-year-old Egyptian girl, paying $100,000 to the bride’s family.

Speaking during an interview on Channels Television’s Politics Today, the ex-governor defended his decision, saying he never did anything wrong.

According to him, there is no society in the country that has an age bracket before marriage can take place.

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*****I will say it, this man is a pedophile and I have no use for a pedophile*****  >:(

Title: US, others say Africa has become main target of ISIS group
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:27:09 AM
US, others say Africa has become main target of ISIS group
MAY 11, 2022 — 9:05AM

RABAT, Morocco — A senior U.S. official said Wednesday the world must remain vigilant about the continued threat posed by the Islamic State group around the globe — especially in Africa — a reminder of an unfinished war despite the overwhelming preoccupation with the conflict in Ukraine.

Victoria Nuland, the U.S. undersecretary of state for political affairs, said the threat from IS was particularly high on the African continent, which she said saw nearly 500 IS terrorist incidents in 2021 resulting in the deaths of more than 2,900 people.

"At the same time as we are preventing the resurgence of (IS) in Iraq and Syria, we need to remain vigilant to the continued threat it poses elsewhere in the world, especially here on the African continent," she said.

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*****The article uses IS for ISIS but most Americans don't recognize IS, so I changed it to ISIS*****

Title: French magazine: Hungary’s anti-migrant wall is now a model for Europe despite p
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:29:13 AM
French magazine: Hungary’s anti-migrant wall is now a model for Europe despite past criticisms
In just a few years, 1,200 kilometers of fencing have been erected across Europe
May 12, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS
author: JOHN CODY

In 2015, as refugees fleeing the war in Syria poured into Europe, Viktor Orbán‘s initiative was labeled as a new “wall of shame,’ but times have changed.

Seven years later, the Complément d’Enquête investigative news magazine is reporting that much the “anti-migrant” system championed by Hungary’s conservative-populist president improved and served as an example for many other countries. In just a few years, 1,200 kilometers of fencing has been erected at the gates of Europe. France Info broadcast reported.

Hungary’s eastern border with Serbia is one of the most monitored areas in Europe. Between the two countries, fencing stretches for 175 kilometers and stands 3.50 meters high. In 2015, its construction, amid the migrant crisis sparked a lively controversy.

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Title: Germany: Mosque named after SS-Sturmbannführer
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:33:21 AM
Germany: Mosque named after SS-Sturmbannführer
May 12 2022

During his research on problematic mosque communities in Bavaria, journalist Irfan Peci came across the Bosnian “Islamische Kulturgemeinschaft Dozo e.V.” in Ingolstadt. He found out what apparently no one had noticed before: this community names itself in all seriousness after Husein Dozo, who was an SS-Sturmbannführer of the Handzar Division in World War II and also worked there as a military imam.

Dozo was an enthusiastic National Socialist and a deeply convinced Jew-hater. In December 1943, Dozo wrote a letter to Himmler in German that it was an “honour” for “us Muslims” to “dedicate our lives in battle for the great leader Adolf Hitler and the New Europe”.

The divisional imam Dozo was in complete agreement with the National Socialist agenda. In 1943, he wrote in an article for the “Handzar” magazine that Europe had to be liberated from its “enemies” with the help of the SS. He specifically named Jews, Freemasons, capitalists and communists as these “enemies”. Dozo expressed his conviction that the SS would “build a better future for Europe”.

After the Second World War, Dozo was sentenced to five years in prison for collaborating with the Nazis. His views, however, seemed to have changed little, at least as far as anti-Semitism was concerned. Dozo, for example, met with his old SS crony, the former Grand Mufti, at the Fourth Islamic Conference in Cairo in early October 1968. At this conference, attended by representatives from 34 Islamic countries, a call was adopted for Jerusalem to be “liberated” from the Jews in a “holy war”. Dozo promised “in the name of Yugoslav Muslims” to contribute to the “victory of jihad in the Middle East” by means of volunteers and donations.

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*****Walls do work, now if the democrats would finish the southern wall, we would be much safer*****

Title: Hyderabad hate crime: ‘Murder was planned’, police report says Mubin Ahmed had u
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:35:34 AM
Hyderabad hate crime: ‘Murder was planned’, police report says Mubin Ahmed had used spyware to track Nagaraju
12 May, 2022

On Thursday, the remand report by the Hyderabad police revealed that the accused Syed Mubin Ahmed had planned the murder of B Nagaraju, the Hindu man who was brutally killed in full public view over an inter-faith marriage with his Muslim wife. Syed Mubin Ahmed had killed Nagaraju brutally in full public view because he was angered over the interfaith marriage of his sister Ashrin Sulthana.

According to reports, the accused had used a mobile spyware to track and locate Nagaraju on the day of his murder. The accused had first planned to kill Nagaraju outside a car showroom where he used to work but could not execute the plan due to heavy traffic. Later he along with an accomplice attacked Nagaraju and his wife when they were on their way to home from the residence of a relative.

Sulthana, wife of Nagaraju has 2 sisters and a brother who is the prime accused in the case. The police report mentions that Ahmed had beat up his sister on multiple occasions and had warned her to stay away from the Hindu man. Sulthana then left her home on January 30 and married Nagaraju in Arya Samaj as per Hindu traditions.

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Title: Video Multicultural Switzerland: Communist Kurds Attack Islamic Turks at Childre
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:37:50 AM
Video Multicultural Switzerland: Communist Kurds Attack Islamic Turks at Children's Festival

As RAIR Foundation USA has warned many times, Communists and Islamic Supremacists have a long history of uniting to destroy their common enemy: those who believe in sovereignty and individual freedom.” To achieve their own goals, they use one another until their goals are achieved, and only at that time will they “turn on one another and, in the end, fight to destroy the other.

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Title: Germany: Because “certain cultures” are offended by it, a school forbids pupils
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:43:25 AM
Germany: Because “certain cultures” are offended by it, a school forbids pupils to wear miniskirts
May 11 2022

An uproar at a secondary school in Bavaria: Despite summer temperatures, schoolgirls are forbidden to wear short dresses or shorts. This clothing is not appropriate out of consideration for other cultures and religions. The school management says that the school stands for a “cosmopolitan society”.

At a secondary school in Ebersberg, Bavaria, tight, airy clothing is forbidden for female pupils despite high temperatures. The school headmaster justifies the modest dress code by saying that the school stands for a “cosmopolitan society”. Some fellow pupils with a migration background and foreign teachers would feel disturbed by the short skirts and belly-free tops. One has to be considerate of all cultures, “the right of the individual ends where others feel disturbed,” says the headmaster.

The dress code had been discussed in detail in all classes, there had even been PowerPoint presentations on the subject. The parents of some of the students are outraged: they were not informed. “Otherwise we get a notice for every negligible matter”, says a mother to the daily newspaper “Merkur”. She says it is strange that teachers get “sexually aroused” when girls are dressed belly-less or have a neckline that is too low. “Bans and prohibitions that only affect girls are not up to date,” says another.

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*****I agree there should be some dress code but, having islam telling the school what the dress code should be I disagree with 100%!!*****

Title: Palestinian Authority rules out joint investigation into death of Al Jazeera rep
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:47:05 AM
Palestinian Authority rules out joint investigation into death of Al Jazeera reporter
Israel asked to receive bullet extracted during autopsy to determine its origin, request rejected.
Israel National News
12.05.22 09:21

Hussein a-Sheikh, the Palestinian Authority's minister in charge of civilian affairs and one of the PA's senior officials tasked with maintaining relations with Israel, announced on Thursday morning that the Palestinians have rejected the Israeli request to hold a joint investigation into the death of the Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh, who was shot in Jenin on Wednesday in unclear circumstances.

"Israel requested that we hold a joint investigation into the incident and into the bullet that murdered journalist Shireen," a-Sheikh wrote on Twitter. "We refused, and announced that our investigation will be conducted independently, and at its conclusion, we will inform the family of Abu Aqleh, the Americans, Qatar, and the whole world, of the results of the investigation which will be conducted with a high level of transparency. All the indications and witness accounts point to the fact that she was assassinated by an Israeli special forces unit," he added.

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*****Of course the Palestinian authority will disagree, they will use the shooting to try and turn more of the world's press against Israel*****

Title: France: Salafist head of mosque tries to grab a police gun during a raid
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:49:23 AM
France: Salafist head of mosque tries to grab a police gun during a raid
May 12, 2022

On Wednesday, the head of the Al-Houda mosque in Grande-Synthe was arrested along with his two sisters and the treasurer. They were taken into police custody, CNEWS has learned.

An operation by the department’s anti-fraud committee brought to light that an unauthorised madrassa was located on the mosque’s premises. The investigation also reveals opaque accounts.

Investigators found that funds originating from abroad, which corresponded to donations, were misappropriated to an estimated amount of 350,000 euros, as well as fraud in social benefits, estimated at 70,000 euros.

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Title: Eight soldiers killed in Togo, raising spectre of first deadly Islamist attack
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:52:00 AM
Eight soldiers killed in Togo, raising spectre of first deadly Islamist attack
May 11 2022

Eight soldiers were killed and 13 wounded in an attack in northern Togo on Wednesday, the government said, marking potentially the first deadly raid on its territory by Islamist militants who have killed thousands in neighbouring countries.

Before dawn, a group of heavily armed gunmen ambushed an army post in the Kpendjal prefecture near the border with Burkina Faso, the government said in a statement.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack. The government blamed "terrorists", without providing specifics.

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Title: Coimbatore: Nallur Police arrests man for forcing Dalit woman to convert to Isla
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:56:10 AM
Coimbatore: Nallur Police arrests man for forcing Dalit woman to convert to Islam
Pramod Madhav
May 12, 2022

A 21-year-old Dalit woman filed a complaint with Nallur Police in Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore district stating that her partner, with whom she was in a live-in relationship, was torturing her and forcing her to convert to Islam.

The woman had stated that the accused, Iman Hameef, had contacted her through Instagram in 2021 and their friendship turned into a relationship.

He had then brought her to Tiruppur where they lived together, but Iman began to force her, and allegedly also tortured her to convert to Islam.

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*****Good!! I hope they throw the book at him. No one should ever be forced into accepting another's person's faith, cult. Something islam does quite often to others*****

Title: Gujarat: 22-year-old Mithun Thakur beaten to death by Muslim girlfriend’s brothe
Post by: Shammu on May 12, 2022, 11:59:47 AM
Gujarat: 22-year-old Mithun Thakur beaten to death by Muslim girlfriend’s brother in Rajkot
12 May, 2022
OpIndia Staff

Wednesday, May 11, a 22-year-old youth identified as Mithun Thakur succumbed to his injuries in the Ahmedabad Civil Hospital in Gujarat. He had been admitted to the hospital on Monday (May 9) after being brutally assaulted by the brother of his Muslim girlfriend, who was disapproving of their interfaith relationship.

On hearing the news of Thakur’s death on Wednesday, the 18-year-old girl, Sumaiyya Kadivaar, also tried to commit suicide by slashing her wrist. She was, however, rushed to the hospital where she survived. The entire matter came to the fore after the girl was admitted to the hospital.

According to reports, Mithun Thakur, a native of Bihar, who was working in a local factory in Rajkot, Gujarat, was romantically involved with the 18-year-old Sumaiyya Kadivaar for the past few months. They stayed in the same neighbourhood in Radha Krishna Society on Jungleshwar main road.

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Title: How Western dupes help propagate murderous Palestinian lies
Post by: Shammu on May 13, 2022, 12:43:16 PM
*****Opinion piece*****
How Western dupes help propagate murderous Palestinian lies
May 12, 2022

A Palestinian Arab journalist with Al Jazeera, Shireen Abu Akleh, was shot dead this week in a firefight between Hamas and the Israelis in the West Bank city of Jenin.

Western news outlets initially reported uncritically the Hamas claim that the Israelis had shot her, eagerly regurgitating Al Jazeera’s assertion that the Israelis had “assassinated” her “in cold blood.”

When the Israelis said Abu Akleh might have been killed instead by Palestinian gunfire, journalists grudgingly incorporated this into their reporting while continuing to repeat extensively the incendiary but unsupported Palestinian accusation.

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Title: Why the Koran Is Responsible for the Slaughter of a Christian Priest Especially
Post by: Shammu on May 13, 2022, 12:46:32 PM
Why the Koran Is Responsible for the Slaughter of a Christian Priest
Especially by way of these three verses.
Fri May 13, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

On April 7, 2022, in Egypt, a Muslim man lunged at and viciously stabbed a Christian priest thrice in the neck with a knife; Fr. Arsenius Wadid died soon thereafter.  Although the murderer was instantly apprehended by passersby—the crime was committed on a crowded street—Egyptian authorities initially tried to do what their Western counterparts often do: portray the murderer as “insane,” an aberration of society.

Due to a combination of public outcry (primarily from the Copts themselves), the testimonials of seventeen eyewitnesses, and even the murderer’s own coherent responses—to say nothing of the fact that of all the people he could have “randomly” murdered he targeted the one openly professing his Christian faith by wearing a large crucifix around his neck—prosecution finally confirmed that he would be tried as sane and cognizant of his actions.

Why both Westerners and non-Westerners constantly seek to portray Muslim murderers of non-Muslims as “insane” should be clear by now: the alternative—that Islam somehow promotes such behavior—would open a massive can of worms that no one wants to deal with.

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***** Just one here off the top of my head. Verse 9:5. "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush.*****

Title: Kidnapped Priest in Kaduna, Nigeria Killed by Captors
Post by: Shammu on May 13, 2022, 12:49:42 PM
Kidnapped Priest in Kaduna, Nigeria Killed by Captors
Morning Star News Nigeria Correspondent
Morning Star News
Thursday, May 12, 2022

ABUJA, Nigeria, May 12, 2022 (Morning Star News) – A Roman Catholic priest kidnapped in early March in the city of Kaduna, in northern Nigeria, was killed around April 18-20, according to church officials.

The Rev. Joseph Aketeh Bako, parish priest of St. John’s Catholic Church, was kidnapped at about 1 a.m. on March 8 from his home at the church premises in the Kudenda area of Kaduna city, Kaduna state, in a raid that killed a security guard. The Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Kaduna, Christian Okewu Emmanuel, released a statement on Wednesday (May 11) stating that the captors killed Bako, and that information about his death was withheld until investigations could verify it.

Bako was 48.

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Title: Proposed US legislation holds Jordan accountable for failure to extradite Hamas
Post by: Shammu on May 13, 2022, 12:51:38 PM
Proposed US legislation holds Jordan accountable for failure to extradite Hamas terrorist
May 12, 2022

Right before Jordan’s King Abdullah II is to meet with U.S. President Biden at the White House, the parents of an American teenager murdered in a Palestinian terrorist attack in Jerusalem in 2001 are hailing proposed U.S. legislation that would hold the government of Jordan accountable for its years-long refusal to extradite the Hamas terrorist who facilitated the suicide bombing.

Arnold and Frimet Roth’s campaign for justice stems from the murder of their 15-year-old daughter, Malki, who was killed in the suicide bombing at a Sbarro pizzeria in downtown Jerusalem.

“The woman who boasts of having had the key role in the massacre lives freely and famously in Jordan’s capital, protected and celebrated in ways that simply appall us,” said Arnold Roth.

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Title: Video “Wallah, I’m going to bury you […] dirty faggot”: Homophobic attack in Lyo
Post by: Shammu on May 13, 2022, 12:55:12 PM
“Wallah, I’m going to bury you […] dirty faggot”: Homophobic attack in Lyon, France (VIDEO)
May 13, 2022

On Thursday at around 6.30pm, a person was attacked in the Confluence shopping centre in Lyon’s 2nd arrondissement. The 23-year-old victim denounced the homophobic attack in a video posted on Twitter in the evening.

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Title: Actress Emma Maembong receives backlash, religious advice online over ‘sexy atti
Post by: Shammu on May 13, 2022, 12:57:04 PM
Actress Emma Maembong receives backlash, religious advice online over ‘sexy attire’ (VIDEO)
Milad Hassandarvish
11 hrs ago

KUALA LUMPUR, May 13 ― Actress Emma Maembong has come under fire for appearing in a “sexy” singlet in her Instagram boomerang clip.

The 30-year-old captured the attention of social media users when she shared the six-second video posing for the camera in a white singlet and red pants.

Online users were quick to react by throwing in their criticism and religious advice in the comment section.

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Title: Pak-based Jaish behind the killing of Kashmiri Pandit Rahul Bhat
Post by: Shammu on May 13, 2022, 12:58:57 PM
Pak-based Jaish behind the killing of Kashmiri Pandit Rahul Bhat
Masood Azhar (AFP)
Published on May 12, 2022 10:17 PM IST

The terrorists belonging to Pak-based and globally proscribed Jaish-e-Mohammad are suspected to be involved in the killing of the Kashmiri Pandit government employee Rahul Bhat in Jammu and Kashmir's Budgam district.

According to intelligence inputs, the Jaish-e-Mohammad group has been desperate to take action against the minority community in order to keep the terror plot boiling. "After the fall of Afghanistan to Islamist Taliban and globally designated Haqqani network the Jaish-e-Mohammad leadership based in Bahawalpur believes that they can also take on the might of Indian security forces," said a senior security official.

While the JeM chief Maulana Masood Azhar runs a terror factory from Bahawalpur, the Pakistan government for the record has told the FATF that the terror kingpin cannot be located and presumably not in Pakistan.

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Title: Tamil Nadu: Police arrest Iman for leaking nude images of Hindu woman for not co
Post by: Shammu on May 13, 2022, 01:03:46 PM
Tamil Nadu: Police arrest Iman for leaking nude images of Hindu woman for not converting to Islam, had forced her to wear Hijab, abused for being Dalit
13 May, 2022

On Wednesday (May 11), a 21-year-old man named Iman Hameef was arrested for forcibly trying to convert a Dalit Hindu woman to Islam and posting her intimate pictures on social media.

As per reports, the accused befriended the victim on Instagram and started living with her. He took control of the girl’s smartphone and posted her intimate pictures on her Instagram handles.

Iman had also sent compromising images of the victim to her friends and family through Whatsapp. He also threatened to post more of her intimate pictures if she did not convert to Islam.

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*****Good, lock this Turkey Iman Hameef up!! No one should be forced into another person's religion no matter what but muslims think they are above the law*****

Title: Paris: Magassa O. tries to kill two police officers, whom she calls “crusaders”,
Post by: Shammu on May 13, 2022, 01:05:42 PM
Paris: Magassa O. tries to kill two police officers, whom she calls “crusaders”, shouting “Allah akbar
May 12 2022

A21-year-old woman was charged and detained for trying to kill police officers at Lariboisière Hospital in Paris (Xe) on May 5. It is a strange case that has been investigated by the anti-terrorist justice system without any jihadist trail being investigated so far.

For no apparent reason, Magassa O. then attacked the female police officer of the railway police (Brigade des réseaux ferrés) and tried to violently mangle and kick her while shouting “Allahu akbar”. (…)

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Title: Deborah Samuel: Nigerians fume over killing of student who ‘insulted’ Prophe
Post by: Shammu on May 13, 2022, 01:08:31 PM
Deborah Samuel: Nigerians fume over killing of student who ‘insulted’ Prophet Mohammed
Published on May 12, 2022
By Nsikak Nseyen

Nigerians on social media have condemned the killing of a female student of Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto State.

DAILY POST had reported that the student identified Deborah Yakubu was lynched by some male Muslim students and burnt, for allegedly insulting Prophet Mohammed.

Reacting, some Nigerians called for justice for the deceased and arrest of all the perpetrators.

Here are some comments DAILY POST gathered on Twitter.

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Title: Sokoto-based Islamic Preacher Urges Muslims To Kill Blasphemers, Says It's the L
Post by: Shammu on May 13, 2022, 01:12:37 PM
Sokoto-based Islamic Preacher Urges Muslims To Kill Blasphemers, Says It's the Least They Can Do For Prophet Mohammad
SaharaReporters reported on Thursday how Ms Deborah, a student of the Shehu Shagari College of Education in‪ Sokoto State was burnt to death by her colleagues for allegedly insulting Prophet Muhammad.
NEW YORKMAY 13, 2022

A Sokoto-based Islamic cleric has in a viral video encouraged the Muslim faithful to assassinate anyone who dares to insult Prophet Muhammad.

The preacher vehemently charged Muslims to take action against anyone who attacks the integrity of the prophet.

He also made reference to someone who had allegedly insulted Prophet Muhammad and was in police custody.

The cleric urged his congregation to kill the suspect once he was released.

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*****Well, I guess I've made their list but, all they know is I'm in Arizona, not where*****

Title: Hamas Has Grossly Humiliated World Media in Gaza
Post by: Shammu on May 13, 2022, 01:51:55 PM
Hamas Has Grossly Humiliated World Media in Gaza (Old Story but still relevant to today)
David Singer
This originally appeared in 2016 (Bob)

A family of 11 previously reported dead in an Israeli air strike in Gaza has turned out to be false – further fuelling the unprecedented furore caused by the Tel Aviv based Foreign Press Association (FPA) issuing the following statement on 11 August slamming Hamas for its treatment of journalists during the current conflict:

 “The FPA protests in the strongest terms the blatant, incessant, forceful and unorthodox methods employed by the Hamas authorities and their representatives against visiting international journalists in Gaza over the past month.

"The international media are not advocacy organisations and cannot be prevented from reporting by means of threats or pressure, thereby denying their readers and viewers an objective picture from the ground.

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*****This is still happening today but, the mainstream media ignores it*****

Title: West Bengal: Safizul Islam pretends to be ‘Rahul ubgone9’ to entrap girls, arrest
Post by: Shammu on May 14, 2022, 01:55:04 PM
West Bengal: Safizul Islam pretends to be ‘Rahul ubgone9’ to entrap girls, arrested for rape, abduction and trafficking
13 May, 2022

On May 6 this year, a man named Safizul Islam was arrested in connection to the rape, abduction and trafficking of at least 15 women in Siliguri city of West Bengal.

As per reports, the accused hails from Gossaigaon town in the Kokrajhar district of Assam. Safizul Islam, who worked under the alias of ‘Raju’ and ‘Rahul ubgone9’, reportedly befriended women with a false identity. He then entrapped them under the pretext of love and got married.

Thereafter, he would sell them to other men. Following the disappearance of 3 women, two complaints were lodged at Bhaktingar police station. Another complaint was registered against the accused at the Siliguri Women’s Police Station.

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Title: Palestinians Lie to Murder Jews; U.S. Rewards Them
Post by: Shammu on May 14, 2022, 01:59:57 PM
Palestinians Lie to Murder Jews; U.S. Rewards Them
by Bassam Tawil
May 11, 2022 at 5:00 am

The Palestinian terrorists who used axes to murder three Israeli Jewish men in the city of Elad on May 5 have cited the recent violence at the Aqsa Mosque compound (Temple Mount) in Jerusalem as their main motivation for the attack. The violence began when Palestinian rioters attacked Israeli police officers at the compound with fireworks, stones and other objects during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. The goal of the rioters: to prevent Jews from conducting peaceful walking tours of the Temple Mount, as has long been officially agreed.

The rioters attacked the police because Palestinian leaders had told them that Jews were planning to "storm into the mosque" during the Jewish holidays.

These leaders, who belong to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas, had told their people, falsely, that Israel was planning to "commit crimes" against the Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site to Muslims, and the leaders urged Palestinians to converge on the site to "defend" it against the "aggression of Jewish settlers."

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*****As I've stated in the past, muslims will lie to their own if they can make it believable*****

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on May 14, 2022, 04:27:48 PM
France: Islamist imam sentenced to one year in prison for terrorist offences
May 13 2022
The court sentenced Bassam Ayachi on Friday May 13 for belonging to a Salafist group in Syria and recruiting fighters, reports Le Figaro. In order to reduce the required sentence (five years imprisonment, two of them unconditional), the court decided to “take into account” the fact that the imam had been an “informant” for the intelligence service, as “it cannot be excluded that he had provided real assistance to France”. On the other hand, “this circumstance does not make the offence disappear”. “French law does not provide any exemption for the police informant.

Bassam Ayachi, who is on trial for terrorist criminal organisation, is suspected of belonging to the Islamic nationalist group Ahrar Al-Sham and of ” plotting ” with Al-Nosra, an affiliate of Al-Qaeda. A video from 2015 shows him “entering Idlib like a warlord” and “giving orders” while “a banner of the Al-Nosra Front” can be seen in the background.

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Title: Knifeman stabs and slashes five on German commuter train in 'Islamic extremist'
Post by: Shammu on May 14, 2022, 04:30:30 PM
Knifeman stabs and slashes five on German commuter train in 'Islamic extremist' attack before being overpowered by hero plain-clothes cop
PUBLISHED: 12:05 EDT, 13 May 2022

A suspected Islamist terrorist today knifed five people on a packed commuter train before he was outmuscled by a 60-year-old off-duty policeman.

The Iraq-born suspect, 31, was disarmed and arrested after 7.40am today in Herzogenrath, a suburb of Aachen, western Germany.

He was pulled off the train by police after the 'indiscriminate and arbitrary' attack and put in a body suit to protect the crime scene and his identity, cops said.

More than 200 emergency services workers attended the scene.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on May 14, 2022, 04:34:10 PM
First picture emerges of underworld war's 13th victim: Slain father, 23, died after gunmen stormed his home and sprayed him with bullets in front of his pregnant wife and child - just days after his gangster uncle 'Mr Big' was killed
PUBLISHED: 18:04 EDT, 13 May 2022

The nephew of gangster Mahmoud 'Brownie' Ahmad was gunned down in front of his pregnant wife and two-year-old child just days after his uncle was killed.

Rami Iskander, 23, was shot in the torso in front of his family at his home on Knox Street at Belmore just before 4am on Saturday.

Devastated relatives performed CPR on him until paramedics arrived on scene and attempted to treat his injuries before he died.

His wife, who is pregnant with their second child, was taken to Canterbury Hospital for a welfare check. 

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Title: Muslim Religious Leader Charged With Incitement Over Temple Mount Remarks
Post by: Shammu on May 14, 2022, 04:38:02 PM
Muslim Religious Leader Charged With Incitement Over Temple Mount Remarks
Ran Shimoni
May. 13, 2022

A Muslim leader from the central Israeli city of Lod was indicted for incitement on Friday over remarks celebrating Palestinians who "defend Al-Aqsa Mosque."

The indictment against Sheikh Yusuf Albaz, the imam at Lod's Great Mosque, came as the city's Arab residents demonstrated on Friday to mark the anniversary of the shooting death of a local man during a nationwide wave of violence in May 2021.

That's it

Title: Nigerians Threw Stones, Abused Me For Taking Stand Against Sharia Law – Ex-Vice
Post by: Shammu on May 14, 2022, 04:40:43 PM
Nigerians Threw Stones, Abused Me For Taking Stand Against Sharia Law – Ex-Vice President, Atiku Reacts To Deleted Tweet Condemning Deborah’s Murder
MAY 14, 2022

A People Democratic Party (PDP) presidential aspirant and former Vice President, Abubakar Atiku, has given an excuse for asking that his tweet condemning Deborah Samuel’s murder by a Muslim mob in Sokoto State be deleted.

Atiku claimed that he was not scared to speak on critical issues, noting that he would, however, not allow any post on his official social media handles to be published without his approval.

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Title: Christian Student in Sokoto, Nigeria Stoned to Death
Post by: Shammu on May 14, 2022, 04:43:54 PM
Christian Student in Sokoto, Nigeria Stoned to Death
Morning Star News Nigeria Correspondent
Morning Star News
Friday, May 13, 2022

ABUJA, Nigeria, May 13, 2022 (Morning Star News) – A Christian student stoned to death at a college in northwest Nigeria on Thursday (May 12) was falsely accused of blaspheming the prophet of Islam because she had refused to date a Muslim, sources said.

Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu, a 200-level student at Shehu Shagari College of Education in Sokoto, the capital of Sokoto state, was beaten, stoned to death and her body set on fire, area residents said; a video showing the attack reportedly appeared on social media on Thursday (May 12). In the video, an unidentified man reportedly rages in the Hausa language that he killed Yakubu and set her body on fire.

Yakubu, a member of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) in her native Tungan Magajiya town, Rijau County in Niger state, was falsely accused of blaspheming Muhammad by a Muslim whose advances she had refused, said David Ayuba Azzaman, senior pastor at The King Worship Chapel and Ministries, Inc. in Kaduna city.

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Title: Belgium: After criticising Islam on social media, transgender person Laura is be
Post by: Shammu on May 14, 2022, 04:47:31 PM
Belgium: After criticising Islam on social media, transgender person Laura is beaten up in Charleroi (VIDEO)
May 14, 2022

In February this year, Laura had caused a controversy on social networks. The transgender woman from Gosselies (Charleroi) had vehemently attacked and insulted Islam. Since then, she has been harassed both psychologically and physically.

Two youths beat Laura with violence. The scene can be seen on a video shared on social media. After the two youths have thrown their victim to the ground, they kick her. At this moment, the victim can be heard calling for help, while one of the two attackers shouts several times to his colleague: “F*** him!”. Meanwhile, a third accomplice is filming what is happening.

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Title: Christian Student in Sokoto, Nigeria Stoned to Death
Post by: Shammu on May 14, 2022, 04:49:43 PM
Christian Student in Sokoto, Nigeria Stoned to Death
Morning Star News Nigeria Correspondent
Morning Star News
Friday, May 13, 2022

ABUJA, Nigeria, May 13, 2022 (Morning Star News) – A Christian student stoned to death at a college in northwest Nigeria on Thursday (May 12) was falsely accused of blaspheming the prophet of Islam because she had refused to date a Muslim, sources said.

Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu, a 200-level student at Shehu Shagari College of Education in Sokoto, the capital of Sokoto state, was beaten, stoned to death and her body set on fire, area residents said; a video showing the attack reportedly appeared on social media on Thursday (May 12). In the video, an unidentified man reportedly rages in the Hausa language that he killed Yakubu and set her body on fire.

Yakubu, a member of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) in her native Tungan Magajiya town, Rijau County in Niger state, was falsely accused of blaspheming Muhammad by a Muslim whose advances she had refused, said David Ayuba Azzaman, senior pastor at The King Worship Chapel and Ministries, Inc. in Kaduna city.

Pastor Azzaman said he received information about the killing from Christians at the college in Sokoto.

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Title: "Even If Husband-Wife": Taliban's Restaurant Gender Segregation Plan Taliban: T
Post by: Shammu on May 14, 2022, 04:53:46 PM
"Even If Husband-Wife": Taliban's Restaurant Gender Segregation Plan
Taliban: The rule of the Ministry for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice applies "even if they are husband and wife."
WorldAsian News International
Updated: ay 14, 2022 12:28 am IST

Kabul: The Taliban has implemented a gender segregation plan in the western Herat province, a media report said on Friday.
Men are not permitted to dine with family members in family restaurants, Khaam Press reported citing sources in Herat province.

According to the Afghan news agency, the rule of the Ministry for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice applies "even if they are husband and wife."

An Afghan woman revealed the manager of a Herat restaurant told her to sit separately from her husband.

Riazullah Seerat, a Taliban official at the Ministry for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, said that the ministry has issued a directive requiring Herat's public parks to be gender-segregated, with men and women authorized to attend only on separate days.

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Title: Lebanese Election and the Broken Oar
Post by: Shammu on May 15, 2022, 12:04:23 PM
Lebanese Election and the Broken Oar
by Amir Taheri
May 15, 2022 at 4:00 am

A general election in Lebanon is bound to be news if only because it is years overdue.

But what is it for?

Is it a step towards the exit from the maze of misery and terror that the Lebanese have endured for years or a step deeper into it?

The Iranian media see the Lebanese election as "a referendum on the Resistance" and expect a resounding endorsement of the role that the Islamic Republic "Supreme Guide" Ali Khamenei has scripted for Lebanon and tried to impose through a branch of his Hezbollah in alliance with the breakaway Maronite faction led by President Michel Aoun.

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Title: Nigeria is World’s Scariest Country to be a Christian
Post by: Shammu on May 15, 2022, 12:08:33 PM
Nigeria is World’s Scariest Country to be a Christian
International Christian Concern

Nigeria – At least 896 civilians have been killed in violent attacks in Nigeria during the first three months of 2022. This, according to Open Doors, includes hundreds of Christians who were murdered because of their faith.

Open Doors is a non-denominational organization supporting persecuted Christians in the world.

Open Doors cited a report by SBM Intelligence, a Nigeria-based research firm, for the reported killings in the West African country. The attacks are blamed on Islamist extremist groups such as Boko Haram and Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP), militant Fulani herdsmen, bandits and violent gangs.

Open Doors reported that there were increasing signs that these groups were working together and widening the impact of their violence. The organization alleged more Christians are killed for their faith in Nigeria than in the rest of the world combined.

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*****By now, I'd imagine that muslims have killed at least a 1,000 by ISWAP*****

Title: Six, including three children, and three Pak soldiers killed in suicide blast in
Post by: Shammu on May 15, 2022, 12:12:45 PM
Six, including three children, and three Pak soldiers killed in suicide blast in North Waziristan
Updated on: Sunday, May 15, 2022, 03:41 PM IST

Three children and as many soldiers of the Pakistan Army were killed in a suicide blast on Sunday in Pakistan's restive North Waziristan tribal district bordering Afghanistan, the Army said.

The incident occurred in the Miran Shah town, some 250 kms from here, the Army's media wing Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement.

The children were aged between 4 to 11 years, it said, adding that three soldiers also died in the incident.

"Intelligence agencies are investigating to find out about (the) suicide bomber and his handlers/facilitators," the ISPR added.

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Title: Austria: Afghan raped 15-year-old Ukrainian refugee girl – and remains at large
Post by: Shammu on May 15, 2022, 12:16:03 PM
Austria: Afghan raped 15-year-old Ukrainian refugee girl – and remains at large for now!
May 14 2022

A Ukrainian refugee girl in the Upper Austrian town of Weyer, district of Steyr-Land, was apparently raped by an asylum seeker. As first reported by the newspaper “Krone”, the alleged perpetrator, a 19-year-old Afghan, allegedly dragged the slightly intoxicated 15-year-old girl to a railway embankment that was difficult to see and forced her to have gotcha146 there. Shockingly, the investigation into the crime, which took place late on Wednesday evening, is “in full swing”, according to the police – but the urgent suspect is to remain at large at least until the first results of the investigation are available on Monday.

The young Ukrainian woman, who suffered injuries to her neck and limbs, confided to her brother the next day, whereupon the family filed a complaint. The preliminary arrest of the suspect by the Weyer police was initially cancelled by the responsible public prosecutor’s office due to a lack of current investigation results. Julia Rauscher, spokesperson for the Steyr public prosecutor’s office, said that they had only been informed verbally about the accusations, and that written results of the investigation were still pending. A medical examination of the girl, the diagnosis of which is expected at the beginning of next week, should provide further information about the course of events. The complainant had only recently fled to Austria with her mother and two siblings to escape the war in Ukraine.

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Title: Kashmir: Chemistry Professor Altaf Hussain Pandit, known as ‘Geelani of Kashmir
Post by: Shammu on May 15, 2022, 12:21:50 PM
Kashmir: Chemistry Professor Altaf Hussain Pandit, known as ‘Geelani of Kashmir University’, sacked after his links with terror groups exposed
15 May, 2022

Former Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Terrorist and Professor of Chemistry at Kashmir University, Altaf Hussain Pandit, has been sacked from his post on Friday. The decision came after Altaf Hussain Pandit’s links with terror groups were exposed.

It has been learnt that Pandit was an active terrorist with JKLF from 1990 to 1993. Despite his exercises in terrorism, he served as an executive member of the Kashmir University Teachers’ Association (KUTA) from 2015-17 and was its vice-president from 2017 to 2018. Pandit was involved in organising student protests against the Indian State, especially after the killing of Hizbul terrorist Burhan Wani in 2016.

Under Article 311 (2) C, the J&K government’s designated committee was scrutinizing cases on separatists active in the state. The committee recommended Pandit’s termination after it was found that he did not go the formal character and antecedent verification which is a mandatory requirement for government employees joining the service.

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Title: Two Members Of Sikh Community Shot Dead In Pakistan: Report About 15,000 Sikhs l
Post by: Shammu on May 15, 2022, 12:24:46 PM
Two Members Of Sikh Community Shot Dead In Pakistan: Report
WorldPress Trust of India
Updated: May 15, 2022 1:42 pm IST

Peshawar: Two people belonging to the Sikh community were shot dead by unidentified gunmen in the Sarband area in Peshawar on Sunday, a suburban locality situated in Pakistan's restive Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region, authorities said.
The two men killed were shopkeepers who sold spices in Bata Tal bazaar in Sarband, police said.

The victims, identified as Saljeet Singh (42) and Ranjeet Singh (38), died on the spot.

Police rushed to the spot and have encircled the area to arrest the culprits. No one has immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.

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Title: Switzerland: Despite conviction for plotting attacks and despite deportation,
Post by: Shammu on May 15, 2022, 12:28:26 PM
Switzerland: Despite conviction for plotting attacks and despite deportation, an Iraqi Islamist gives Koran lessons to children in a mosque
May 15 2022

Osamah M.* was convicted of belonging to the Islamic State (IS). Nevertheless, the 35-year-old Iraqi regularly gives Arabic and Koran classes in the mosque of the Islamic Cultural Association of Schaffhausen in Neuhausen am Rheinfall. Children and young people also attend his classes […].

The teacher was arrested in 2014. Among other things, he was accused of planning attacks, spreading propaganda and being a member of IS. In 2016, the Federal Criminal Court sentenced him to 4 years and 8 months in prison for membership of a criminal organisation. The Federal Police ordered his deportation, combined with an indefinite ban on entering Switzerland. Nevertheless, this Iraqi remains in Switzerland, as he could face torture and death in his home country.

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This is one you have to change into English

Title: Katra bus fire was an act of ‘war’ against ‘Hindutva regime’ and ‘demography cha
Post by: Shammu on May 15, 2022, 12:32:15 PM
Katra bus fire was an act of ‘war’ against ‘Hindutva regime’ and ‘demography change’, Islamic terror outfit takes responsibility
15 May, 2022

The Jammu and Kashmir Police are suspecting the role of the Islamic terror outfit in the Katra bus fire incident that killed four people and injured 24 others on Saturday.

Hours after the blast, a letter issued by one Islamic terror outfit, ‘Jammu and Kashmir Freedom Fighters’ began doing rounds on social media platforms. In the letter, the terror outfit claimed responsibility for the Katra bus fire incident, which it said was an ‘IED blast’ triggered by one of its ‘special squads’.

The letter issued by a terrorist Nadeem Choudary, who claimed to be the spokesperson of the terror outfit, read, “In the guise of religious pilgrimage, this Hindutva regime is trying its best to change the demography of Jammu and Kashmir. But we will sabotage their filthy propaganda at every level. This attack is linked to a series of bombings carried out by our special squad at Jammu, Udhampur and Rajouri areas. We warn the non-locals who are used as cannon fodder by this Hindutva regime not to visit the disputed territory.”

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Title: Video Watch Tommy Robinson's Documentary Exposing Britain's Islamic Rape Gangs
Post by: Shammu on May 15, 2022, 12:41:05 PM
Video Watch Tommy Robinson's Documentary Exposing Britain's Islamic Rape Gangs

At the beginning of the year, citizen journalist Tommy Robinson’s new documentary series premiered, The Rape of Britain. Robinson’s film follows a woman who survived one of Britain’s many rape gangs. The case featured in the documentary leads to a major investigation that reveals corruption within the police, the municipality, and the social services. Yet, leaders did nothing but sweep the gang-rape epidemic under the rug once again.

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*****These muslims don't care who they hurt or kill, to them these women are to be used anyway they want. Islam has no problem breaking the host countries laws, it doesn't matter to them. They will use rape, threats or killing un-believers and sometimes they will kill other muslims who have a different idea. If a muslim wants to become a friend to you, don't allow it to happen, you may become a target for them*****

Title: A Mind-Blowing Lie by the World’s Most Influential Muslim Centuries of Islamic j
Post by: Shammu on May 16, 2022, 05:08:15 PM
A Mind-Blowing Lie by the World’s Most Influential Muslim
Centuries of Islamic jihad and terror were really about bringing “knowledge, justice, freedom, and equality” to infidels.
Mon May 16, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

On April 24, 2022, the grand imam of Islam’s most prestigious university, Al Azhar, delivered an address before the heads of state, with Egyptian President al-Sisi sitting in the front row, during state-level celebrations of Laylat al-Qadr (the “Night of Power”), which, in Islamic teaching, is the night when Allah first revealed the Koran to Muhammad.

Considering the occasion of the speech and the speech deliverer himself, Grand Imam Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb—arguably “the most influential Muslim in the world”—Islam was praised to the ceiling.  Of especial interest, however, was al-Tayeb’s rendition of history.  At one point he said:

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Title: Jihadists In Borno Plot To Kill Another Young Woman For Alleged Blasphemy, Post
Post by: Shammu on May 16, 2022, 05:11:13 PM
Jihadists In Borno Plot To Kill Another Young Woman For Alleged Blasphemy, Post Death Threats On Facebook
MAY 14, 2022

Some religious extremists in Borno State have threatened to kill a young woman, identified as Naomi Goni, after claiming that she allegedly insulted Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on Facebook.
SaharaReporters learnt that championing the threat is one Abdulmajid Tanko Izge who claimed to be the President of a group, Borno Youth Support.

He vowed that the death penalty was the punishment that would be meted out to Naomi.
The threat by the Borno extremists comes while the country has yet to resolve the gruesome murder of a 200-level Shehu Shagari College of Education student in Sokoto State, Deborah Samuel, last Thursday by a Muslim mob which comprised of her classmates.

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Title: A recent survey has found that 71 percent of health workers in Turkey want to go
Post by: Shammu on May 16, 2022, 05:14:07 PM
A recent survey has found that 71 percent of health workers in Turkey want to go abroad in the face of a deteriorating economy and worsening working conditions.
Saturday May 14 2022 08:31 am

Some 71 percent of health workers in Turkey want to go abroad and 87 percent want to work in other professions, according to a survey conducted by the Health and Social Services Workers’ Trade Union (SES).

The results of the survey were shared by the public on May 13 during a press conference held at the union's headquarters in Ankara.

SES co-chair Hüsnü Yıldırım said that 2,063 people participated in the survey. He recalled that the poverty threshold for a four-member family was 17,340 liras in April 2022 whereas the poverty threshold was 5,323 liras. “But, 60.11 percent of health workers earn a salary between 7,500-10,000 liras,” he said.

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Title: Arab students arrested for assaulting Jews at Tel Aviv U
Post by: Shammu on May 16, 2022, 05:18:27 PM
Arab students arrested for assaulting Jews at Tel Aviv U
15.05.22 12:27

Arab students were arrested by police on Sunday after physically assaulting Jewish activists who held a counter-demonstration across from the controversial Nakba Day ceremony held by students at Tel-Aviv University.

Several Jewish activists who sustained head injuries were treated by paramedics who arrived at the scene. The counter-demonstration was moved to the other side of the street.

Nakba Day is observed annually by the Arab world on May 15 to commemorate the "Nakba" or "Catastrophe" of Israel's establishment.

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Title: New provocation at Hagia Sophia – Muslim students recite Quran passages :
Post by: Shammu on May 16, 2022, 05:21:41 PM
New provocation at Hagia Sophia – Muslim students recite Quran passages
Author: Thema Newsroom 
Published: May 16, 2022

The UNESCO site was turned into a Mosque

In the latest provocation by Turkey, and the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a group of students from an Islamic religious school recited passages from the Quran in the Hagia Sophia.

At a ceremony, 35 students of a religious school dressed in white recited the Quran at the UNESCO World Heritage Site which was converted into an Islamic Mosque.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan had recently stated that “we will put the Hagia Sophia mosque in our passports”, demonstrating Ankara’s ideological obsession with Hagia Sophia, despite there being numerous impressive mosques in Constantinople built during the Ottoman Empire.

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Title: ‘I will not wear the burqa’: Some Afghan women defy Taliban edict
Post by: Shammu on May 16, 2022, 05:24:35 PM
‘I will not wear the burqa’: Some Afghan women defy Taliban edict
Issued on: 14/05/2022 - 11:14

A day after the Taliban issued a decree on May 7 ordering women to fully cover their faces in public – ideally with the burqa – a group of women took to the streets of Kabul to protest the edict.

One of the women at the protest, who declined to be identified for security reasons, said the Taliban did not let them continue the demonstration.

"They insult us. We can't even reply because they have guns and their fingers are always on the trigger. They don't care that we are women, they don't value women. I am not just defending my own rights, but the rights of all women in Afghanistan," she said.

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Title: PA incited riots and terror during Ramadan, using PA libel that Al-Aqsa is being
Post by: Shammu on May 16, 2022, 05:28:11 PM
PA incited riots and terror during Ramadan, using PA libel that Al-Aqsa is being “desecrated” by Jews
Nan Jacques Zilberdik 
May 15, 2022

The above statements and many more were all made by PA and Fatah officials and/or broadcast to the Palestinian people via official PA media during the month of Ramadan. This way the PA encouraged violence at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and its surrounding plazas as well as elsewhere, including within Israel. These calls for violence were heeded by terrorists who attacked and murdered Israelis, rioted violently, and shot at Israeli security forces.

Two weeks into Ramadan, the PA Jerusalem District called on Palestinians “to come to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque… and to defend it against the [Jewish] extremists and their aspirations to violate its sanctity”:

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Title: After protest by Muslims: German school authority bans subject of forced marriag
Post by: Shammu on May 16, 2022, 05:33:52 PM
After protest by Muslims: German school authority bans subject of forced marriage
May 15 2022

n Germany, an exercise from a school textbook caused a fierce gotcha2storm: the pupils were asked to examine a sensitive topic in class, on which different cultures have very different opinions, from different points of view. To give the children the opportunity to empathise even better with the task and their argumentation, a concrete situation was given: A forced marriage within a family from the Turkish-Muslim cultural circle, living in Germany.

Strong accusations were quickly raised against the allegedly “racist and populist” lesson, apologies were made, the example and the topic of forced marriage in general should be taken out of the book – but the authors of the book took to the barricades.

The specific example was as follows: “A Turkish family father in Germany marries his daughter to his deceased brother’s son without her consent in order to secure him a residence permit for Germany and thus an existence.” Based on this initial situation, the students were supposed to start an open discourse in the classroom – but this developed into a full-blown gotcha2storm against the school, the textbook and the supposedly “dangerous” ideas behind it.

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*****Germany is becoming a islamic State more and more over time the worse part is the chancellory isn't standing up for the rights of the German people*****

Title: 23% of Israeli Arabs would support invasion of Israel
Post by: Shammu on May 16, 2022, 05:36:02 PM
23% of Israeli Arabs would support invasion of Israel
May 15 2022

Video only

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Title: Zionists control the world, buy up media outlets, says Mohamed Hadid
Post by: Shammu on May 16, 2022, 05:39:37 PM
Zionists control the world, buy up media outlets, says Mohamed Hadid
Published: MAY 16, 2022 09:13

"The Zionists have the world under their control, unfortunately. They even want to kill the the [sic] journalists and buy the outlets..." wrote the father of supermodels Bella and Gigi.

Zionists control the world – and to get around their sway over news outlets, one should follow a controversial BDS figure that has promoted violence and intifadas – Mohamed Hadid, father of International supermodels Bella and Gigi Hadid, said in an Instagram post on Sunday.

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Title: Pilot comes under fire for supporting killing of Deborah
Post by: Shammu on May 16, 2022, 05:44:53 PM
Pilot comes under fire for supporting killing of Deborah
Ifeoma Okeke-Korieocha
May 15, 2022

A pilot identified as Captain Jamil Abubakar has come under fire for a statement he made via his Twitter handle, defending the killing of Deborah, a student of Shehu Shagari College of Education accused of passing unflattering comments about Prophet Mohammed on campus.

His tweet reads: “In Islam, we respect the Injil, Taura, Zabur, we were never taught to disrespect any of the book, or any of the prophets from Adam to Muhammad SAW and the Quran. The punishment for blasphemy is death In most religions including Christianity. Respect people’s religion, it’s simple”

This statement however did not sit well with people, especially aviation experts and stakeholders who raised concerns on how the pilot’s opinion show a personality that could threaten safety of passengers.

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*****I hope y'all noticed he said in Christianity we kill people for blasphemy, he is completely wrong!! Christians don't kill people for blasphemy and Muslims sure don't respect any other religion besides islam*****

Title: Muslim Mob Beats, Stones, Torches a Female Christian Student in Nigeria
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 12:17:14 PM
Muslim Mob Beats, Stones, Torches a Female Christian Student in Nigeria
Apparently she “blasphemed” against Muhammad.
Tue May 17, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

Last Thursday, a Muslim mob beat, stoned, and then burned the body of a female Christian student in Nigeria.  She was apparently accused of “blasphemy.”

A brief video clip shows a massive fire against a wall, where the hapless woman was likely driven to and cornered in, and Muslims jumping around it and crying “Allahu Akbar.”  One man, dressed in traditional Muslim attire, triumphantly jabbers while waving around a box of matches—perhaps the same used to ignite the “blasphemer.”

The Christian girl had apparently challenged a group of Muslim students spreading Islamic propaganda, thereby rousing their ire in a nation where Christians are being purged in a genocide (and where just two days ago 29 other Christians were hacked to death by Muslims).

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Title: How mocking Hindu Gods is a free hit but speaking about Prophet Muhammed results
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 12:20:01 PM
How mocking Hindu Gods is a free hit but speaking about Prophet Muhammed results in death
18 May, 2022

‘It was a Mistake’ – is what all it took for Journalist Saba Naqvi to get away with her casual exercise in Hinduphobia. Naqvi had shared an obnoxious meme stating it as a WhatsApp forward on Twitter. When the news of the Shivling being found in the disputed Gyanwapi structure came, India’s left intelligentsia got themselves an opportunity to ridicule the ‘false gods’ of the heathen Hindus.

For them, the only reality is the Mosque. That is the only truth they subscribe to. The only principle Islamic propagandists like Saba Naqvi adhere to is defending their religion and ideology, at all costs. And if reality serves a different picture, an engagement with the fact without ridicule, mockery, and denial doesn’t go far away. Earlier, Naqvi had tweeted an image comparing a Shivlinga with that of a reactor at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in Mumbai.

Saba Naqvi, Islamists mock Hindu Gods after the discovery of Shivling at Gyanvapi structure

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Title: Burkina Faso: Armed Islamists Kill, Rape Civilians Army, Militia Respond with Su
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 12:23:24 PM
Burkina Faso: Armed Islamists Kill, Rape Civilians
Army, Militia Respond with Summary Executions, Enforced Disappearances
May 16 2022

Armed Islamist groups and government security forces and militia in Burkina Faso are committing increased abuses against civilians as the conflict there intensifies and widens, Human Rights Watch said today. The Burkina Faso government, which took power in a January 2022 coup, should better protect civilians from attack and ensure that government forces respect human rights.

Armed Islamist groups that began attacking Burkina Faso in 2016 have become increasingly abusive, carrying out hundreds of killings, summary executions, rapes of civilians, and widespread pillaging. Also since 2016, government security forces and militias engaged in counterterrorism operations have allegedly unlawfully killed hundreds of civilians and suspected Islamist fighters, fueling recruitment into armed groups. The fighting has forced 1.8 million people from their homes, most from the Sahel and Centre-Nord regions of the country.

“Armed Islamist groups are demonstrating day after day their profound disregard for the lives and livelihoods of civilians,” said Corinne Dufka, Sahel director at Human Rights Watch. “Government forces and associated militias must scrupulously uphold international human rights and humanitarian law and desist from killing in the name of security.”

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Title: Rioters attack Christian sites over arrests in Nigeria
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 12:28:00 PM
Rioters attack Christian sites over arrests in Nigeria
16 MAY 2022 · 18:05

ABUJA · 16 MAY 2022 · 18:05 CET
Rioters upset over the arrest of two Muslims in connection with the killing of a Christian college student in Sokoto, Nigeria attacked three church buildings and looted and damaged Christian-owned shops on  May 14, sources said.

Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu, a 200-level student at Shehu Shagari College of Education in Sokoto, the capital of Sokoto state, was beaten, stoned to death and her body set on fire on Thursday May 12 after she was falsely accused of blaspheming the prophet of Islam because she had refused to date a Muslim, sources said.

Following the arrest of two Muslim suspects, Muslim rioters started bonfires and damaged the Holy Family Catholic Cathedral, St. Kevin’s Catholic Church and an Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) building in Sokoto, area residents said.

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Title: Just arrived in France from Lampedusa, a “refugee” rapes a tourist Awoman of Eng
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 12:35:12 PM
Just arrived in France from Lampedusa, a “refugee” rapes a tourist
May 16 2022

Awoman of English nationality was raped in the street in the Le Port district of Nice on Wednesday morning. The main suspect of the assault was subsequently arrested.

The crime took place shortly after 5am on Wednesday May 11 in the Le Port neighbourhood. A woman of English nationality was leaving Place Garibaldi. She is followed by a man who rapes her at Rue Arson 5.

The national police alerted the Nice Metropolitan Police’s Urban Surveillance Unit (CSU), which succeeded in tracing the path of the victim and the attacker until the rape, thanks to the city’s cameras, which also captured the heinous act.Nice-Matin.

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Title: Once Again, London Has an Islamist-Run Borough
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 12:38:12 PM
Once Again, London Has an Islamist-Run Borough
Sam Westrop
May 11, 2022

The United Kingdom’s local elections at the beginning of May were dramatic. Across Britain, much was made of the fact that the ruling Conservative Party lost almost 500 council seats in the wake of scandal and sleaze. Meanwhile, endless hours of analysis on the BBC have been dedicated to Northern Ireland, where Sinn Fein, the political offshoot of the IRA, achieved a majority for the first time.

But it is in the London borough of Tower Hamlets where more focus should perhaps be placed. The Islamist-linked Aspire Party has just won a sweeping victory. It now controls a majority 24 of the 45 seats available, with the party’s founder – Islamist activist and fraudster Lutfur Rahman – now the mayor.

This is not Rahman’s first stint in charge of this important London borough. He served as mayor from 2010 to 2015, initially as a representative of the Labour Party. His tenure was marked by widespread Islamist extremism, cronyism and outright corruption – all exposed by expertly-conducted documentaries and investigations from mainstream British media, although largely ignored or downplayed by police and national politicians.

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Title: There’s no evidence Jean-Claude Van Damme is Muslim
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 12:42:46 PM
There’s no evidence Jean-Claude Van Damme is Muslim
16 MAY 2022

An image shared widely on Facebook claims the actor and martial artist Jean-Claude Van Damme said the following: “After I converted to Islam, I did not get any job offer from directors…But this is not important. I believe that I got the right role in the Cosmos test. I have never been regretful even for once, because I believe in Allah.”

We could find no evidence that he ever said this. Online searches for the whole alleged quote and parts of it only surface other posts making the same claim.

We often see quotes wrongly attributed to celebrities, and other prominent figures like politicians, as part of our work fact checking online misinformation.

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Title: 25 Muslim League workers get life imprisonment for siblings’ murder
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 12:45:52 PM
25 Muslim League workers get life imprisonment for siblings’ murder
17th May 2022 06:32 AM

PALAKKAD:  The Palakkad Additional District and Sessions Fast Track Court on Monday sentenced 25  Muslim League members of Kallankuzhi to life imprisonment for killing two brothers belonging to the AP Sunni faction in 2013.

They were directed to pay a fine of Rs 50,000 each to the family of the deceased by Judge T H Rajitha.
There are 27 accused in the case. Fourth accused Cheenan Hamzappa died during the trial, while a case is also pending in the Juvenile Court against one of the accused who was a minor at the time of the crime.
The court declared all accused persons guilty on May 11.

Brothers Kunhi Hamza, 48, and Noorudheen, 42, of Pallath house were killed by the accused on November 20, 2013.  The duo’s eldest brother Kunhu Mohammed, 66, was seriously injured in the incident and later became one of the main witnesses in the case.

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Title: The five community leaders squeezed into a rattletrap Mercedes-Benz and braced t
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 12:49:50 PM
The five community leaders squeezed into a rattletrap Mercedes-Benz and braced themselves for a daunting mission. They were going to meet the jihadist militants who had made their lives unbearable.
May 16 2022

The purpose of the meeting was to secure the release of a well-known teacher, snatched by jihadists in a village beneath the sandstone cliffs that cut through central Mali – the country’s epicentre of violence and displacement.

But when the leader of the five – a village chief and farmer fed up with years of conflict in his district of Koro – stepped forward to take back the teacher at a gathering point in the bush, he found himself unable to hold back tears.

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Title: Wine shop attacked by terrorists in J&K's Baramulla, TRF claims responsibility
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 12:52:04 PM
Wine shop attacked by terrorists in J&K's Baramulla, TRF claims responsibility
May 2022

SRINAGAR: A group of terrorists hurled a grenade inside a newly-opened wine shop in Jammu and Kashmir’s Baramulla in which four employees of the wine shop got injured and one among them is said to be serious.

Around 8.10 PM, 2 terrorists riding on a bike stopped near the newly-opened wine shop at Dewan Bagh in Baramulla. The pillion rider wearing a burka walked to the window of the wine shop and hurled a grenade inside the said wine shop through the porthole window and thereafter fled away on the bike from the spot.

In this attack, 04 employees of the said shop received splinter injuries. All the injured were immediately shifted to a nearby hospital. However, one among the injured identified as Ranjit Singh, who is the son of Kishan Lal and a resident of Bakra Rajouri, succumbed to his injuries.

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Title: Singapore denies entry to Muslim 'hate' preacher
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 12:57:17 PM
Singapore denies entry to Muslim 'hate' preacher
Katharina R. Lestari, Jakarta
May 18, 2022 09:04 AM

An Indonesian Muslim cleric has been denied entry into Singapore because of “extremist and segregationist teachings” that target other religions, including Christians.

Abdul Somad Batubara, who boasts a large online following in Indonesia, was stopped and refused entry at Singapore’s Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal on May 16 after arriving from Batam in Indonesia’s Riau Islands with his family.

He and his group were sent back to Batam the same day.

In a short video posted on his YouTube channel on May 17, he said his visit was for a holiday, not for religious purposes.

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Title: Controversy as French city Grenoble allows women to wear 'burkinis' in swimming
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 01:04:38 PM
Controversy as French city Grenoble allows women to wear 'burkinis' in swimming pools
By Euronews  with AFP 
17/05/2022 - 20:07

The French city of Grenoble has formally allowed Muslim women to wear burkinis, or swimming costumes covering the whole body, in public pools.

Members of the municipal council narrowly approved the new rules during a meeting on Monday despite political opposition.

After a tense debate, there were 29 votes in favour of the measure, with 27 councillors voting against and two abstentions.

France's interior ministry has stated that it will block the move, which contradicts French laws on secularism and the "neutrality of public service"

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*****Ewwwwww, that is so unhealthy, who knows what germs are in those burkinis*****

Title: France: High school students walked out of music class because their teacher pla
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 01:09:44 PM
France: High school students walked out of music class because their teacher played them a Beatles song during Ramadan
May 16 2022

Agroup of students at a collège in the centre of the rose city of Toulouse walked out of music class because their teacher played them a Beatles song during Ramadan. They were reprimanded by the headmistress, who made a report to the headmaster’s office.

The music education teacher plays a Beatles song to investigate the structure of the piece. A pupil stands up and refuses to continue following the lesson on the grounds that he is not allowed to listen to music during Ramadan. He leaves the room, followed by seven other students, “not all of whom are of the Muslim faith and who followed their classmate out of peer pressure rather than religious conviction,” explains Mostafa Fourar, the headmaster of the Toulouse academy.

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Title: Boy, 13, arrested on suspicion of sharing Islamist terrorist material His home w
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 01:13:44 PM
Boy, 13, arrested on suspicion of sharing Islamist terrorist material
His home was searched by police
By Margaret Davis (PA)Steven SmithNetwork Content Editor
11:32, 18 MAY 2022

A 13-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of sharing Islamist terrorist material. The teenager was held in west London on Tuesday by officers from the Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Command (CTC) before being released on bail until mid-June.

He was arrested on suspicion of the dissemination of terrorist material and his home was searched. The arrest comes against a backdrop of growing concern about the radicalisation of young people.

Head of the CTC, Richard Smith, said: "While it is still very rare for such a young person to be arrested for a terrorism offence, in recent times we have seen a worrying increase in the number of teenagers being drawn into terrorism. This particular investigation remains ongoing, but more broadly, we work closely with a whole range of partners to try and protect and divert young, vulnerable people away from extremism and terrorism.

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Title: der of an critic of Islam in Germany The Federal Prosecutor’s Office has request
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 01:17:13 PM
der of an critic of Islam in Germany
May 17 2022

The Federal Prosecutor’s Office has requested a prison term of from four to twelve years against five suspected Tajik IS terrorists. This was announced by the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court on Tuesday. The trial against the alleged terrorist cell of the “Islamic State” (IS) in Germany began there a year ago. The accused all lived in North Rhine-Westphalia – most recently in Essen, Kreuztal, Neuss, Selfkant and Siegen. They are between 25 and 34 years old.

In their indictment, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office had accused the suspected Islamists, among other things, of planning an assassination attempt on an critic of Islam in Neuss. The murder of the Youtube channel administrator is said to have been narrowly prevented by the intervention of a special unit. However, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office had only raised the charge of preparing a terrorist attack against one of the defendants in the pleadings. According to the prosecution, a semi-automatic weapon with a removed serial number and a silencer was to be used for the murder. When the weapon was handed over, a special unit had intervened.

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Title: Facebook Censors Persecuted Christians
Post by: Shammu on May 18, 2022, 01:22:41 PM
Facebook Censors Persecuted Christians
While giving Muslim hate speech an open platform.
Wed May 18, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

Facebook is at it again—censoring the (Christian) victims of violence and sexual abuse while covering up for their (Muslim) abusers.

A few months ago, I wrote about how Facebook had variously “punished” and censored me for writing about the Muslim persecution of Christians.  The only explanation the “social media giant” gave was that I had offended its “standards.”

If there were still any ambiguity as to Facebook’s true motivation, consider the following story which was reported by ReMix earlier this year:

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*****Well that's no surprise, FB censors the truth quite often. Would I post this on Facebook, no not a chance I would be banned another 30 days in a heartbeat on FB*****

Title: A French-Catholic Humanitarian Tells His Story of Islamist Captivity in Iraq
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 11:59:39 AM
A French-Catholic Humanitarian Tells His Story of Islamist Captivity in Iraq
Edward Pentin
May 18, 2022

ROME — In January 2020, Alexandre Goodarzy was bundled into the back of a car in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad along with three other colleagues belonging to SOS Chrétien d’Orient, a French-based charity helping people in disaster areas requiring humanitarian aid.

Fearing for their lives, the four Catholic charity workers were held captive by Islamists for 66 days, during which they were threatened with execution, dragged from hideout to hideout, and psychologically tortured.

In this May 16 interview with the Register, Goodarzy recounts the terror of that ordeal, how his faith helped him through it, and why it was, ironically, the coronavirus that rescued them. He also explains what motivated him to work to defend persecuted Christians in Syria and how the country’s people are dealing with continued hardship today.

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Title: Coptic Christian Pope Condemns Attacks on ‘Religious Groups’ Without identifying
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:03:49 PM
Coptic Christian Pope Condemns Attacks on ‘Religious Groups’
Without identifying them -- or their persecutors.
Thu May 19, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

You know the situation of Egypt’s Coptic Christian minority is unenviable when their otherwise notoriously diplomatic pope starts to speak up.

From the start of his papacy in 2012, Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria made clear that he was not his predecessor, Pope Shenouda III, a man who always seemed to call it as he saw it—so much so as to be placed under house arrest for years by former President Sadat.

Far from having a strained relationship with the president of Egypt, Tawadros is seen as a close ally of President al-Sisi.  The two often appear standing beside one another, shaking hands, and/or embracing.

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*****We all know which "Religious group he is talking about, muslims*****

Title: Islamist terrorists plotted the murder of an critic of Islam in Germany
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:07:02 PM
Islamist terrorists plotted the murder of an critic of Islam in Germany
May 17 2022

The Federal Prosecutor’s Office has requested a prison term of from four to twelve years against five suspected Tajik IS terrorists. This was announced by the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court on Tuesday. The trial against the alleged terrorist cell of the “Islamic State” (IS) in Germany began there a year ago. The accused all lived in North Rhine-Westphalia – most recently in Essen, Kreuztal, Neuss, Selfkant and Siegen. They are between 25 and 34 years old.

In their indictment, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office had accused the suspected Islamists, among other things, of planning an assassination attempt on an critic of Islam in Neuss. The murder of the Youtube channel administrator is said to have been narrowly prevented by the intervention of a special unit. However, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office had only raised the charge of preparing a terrorist attack against one of the defendants in the pleadings. According to the prosecution, a semi-automatic weapon with a removed serial number and a silencer was to be used for the murder. When the weapon was handed over, a special unit had intervened.

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Title: Germany: Berlin police may no longer report attacks on Jews and gays The Berlin
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:09:46 PM
Germany: Berlin police may no longer report attacks on Jews and gays
May 17 2022

The Berlin government likes to pretend that it is particularly friendly to minorities. But in future, when attacks against Jews and homosexuals take place, the police will no longer be allowed to report them to associations that help the victims. The data protection commissioner ensures this.

In future, the Berlin police may not transmit data on assaults to victim support institutions and counselling centres – because of data protection. This is what the data protection commissioner of the Berlin law enforcement agencies has decreed, as reported by the newspaper Berliner Zeitung. His reasoning in a memo seems absurd: “In order to prevent re-identification”, the information transmitted must not describe the crime, nor the place, for example the street, the time of the crime or the age of those involved.

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Title: Terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Islam, threats to Kashmiri Hindus and its connections
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:12:08 PM
Terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Islam, threats to Kashmiri Hindus and its connections with Pakistan: Here is all you need to know
18 May, 2022

On Sunday, May 15, a letter surfaced on social media that threatened to exterminate Hindus living in the Kashmir Valley if they do not vacate their homeland.

“All migrants and RSS agents leave or face death. No space for Kashmiri Pandits who want another Israel in Kashmir to kill Kashmiri Muslims. Double/triple your security, be ready for targeted killing. You will die,” the letter by terror outfit ‘Lashkar-e-Islam’ read.

A copy of the contentious letter was posted on social media by the Assistant Editor of CNN News18, Tejinder Singh Sodhi. He also shared that the cops have started investigating the letter and security has been increased around the migrant colony Hawal in the Pulwama district of South Kashmir.

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Title: Nigerian Policeman Endorses Killing Of Sokoto Student, Deborah, Says Muslims Con
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:14:03 PM
Nigerian Policeman Endorses Killing Of Sokoto Student, Deborah, Says Muslims Condemning Act Are Unbelievers
According to the yet-to-be-named officer, those who are not in support of the action of the mobs are Kafiri (unbelievers).
MAY 16, 2022

A video of a Nigerian policeman supporting the lynching of Deborah Samuel, a female student of the Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto State, by her colleagues over alleged blasphemy has been obtained by SaharaReporters.

According to the yet-to-be-named officer, those who are not in support of the action of the mobs are Kafiri (unbelievers).

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Title: 9 school children confirmed dead in alleged suicide bomb attack
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:18:06 PM
9 school children confirmed dead in alleged suicide bomb attack
Published on May 18, 2022
By Maina Maina

Nine dead bodies of young school children have been deposited at the Armed Forces Hospital in Kano state, North Central Nigeria following a blast at a private school in Sabon Gari community on Tuesday.

Sabon Gari is a community in Kano State, the commercial capital of the northern Nigeria state.

According to the National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, the explosion is suspected to have come from a gas cylinder at a welding shop near the school.

However, community members told newsmen that a gas cylinder explosion from a welding shop near the school can not bring down a building so massive as a school in the community.

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Title: For German courts, Islamist assassins are mentally ill, only right-wing extremis
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:23:12 PM
For German courts, Islamist assassins are mentally ill, only right-wing extremist perpetrators are considered punishable by law
May 19 2022

Gabriele Tilmann, senior public prosecutor in Munich, has warned against automatically inferring religious motives when perpetrators of violence shout “Allahu Akbar”. Referring to the attack in Würzburg, she said: “During the attack, the man shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’. But even that does not necessarily point to an Islamist background,” she told the magazine Der Spiegel.

Experts later came to the conclusion that the perpetrator was mentally ill. At that time, a man of Somali origin had stabbed women indiscriminately in a department store in Würzburg. Three of the victims died, five were seriously injured.

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Title: Muslim parents protest after primary school gives children pork instead of veget
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:27:50 PM
Muslim parents protest after primary school gives children pork instead of vegetarian sausages
Samantha Haynes
PUBLISHED Tuesday 17 May 2022 - 21:07

Muslim parents have protested against Ryders Green Primary in West Bromwich after the school served children pork instead of vegetarian sausages for their lunch.

Angry parents took to the school gate to demand the Claypit Lane school explain the "mix up" as pork, which is banned in the Quran, was served to children at the school where around 70 percent of pupils are Muslims.

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*****Seriously though, accidents happen*****

Title: Pakistani Man from Minority Ahmadi Community Stabbed to Death Over Faith
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:30:48 PM
Pakistani Man from Minority Ahmadi Community Stabbed to Death Over Faith
May 18 2022

A 35-year-old Pakistani man belonging to the minority Ahmadi community has been stabbed to death by a religious fanatic over his faith in the country's Punjab province, the police said on Wednesday.

Pakistan's Parliament in 1974 declared the Ahmadi community as non-Muslims. A decade later, they were banned from calling themselves Muslims. They are banned from preaching and from travelling to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.

The latest incident took place in Okara district, some 130 km from here, on Tuesday. Abdul Salam, a member of the minority Ahmadi community, was brutally stabbed to death by "religious fanatic" Hafiz Ali Raza apparently because of his faith, senior police officer Muhammad Saddique told PTI.

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Title: Egypt's top mufti to weigh in on penalty for priest's killer
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:34:26 PM
Egypt's top mufti to weigh in on penalty for priest's killer
Associated Press
Updated: May 18, 2022 1:39 p.m.

CAIRO (AP) — An Egyptian court is asking the country’s top mufti, the highest religious authority for Islam, to weigh in on the case of a man accused of stabbing to death a Coptic Christian priest, the leading judge in the trial announced Wednesday.

A decision from Grand Mufi Shawky Allam on whether the suspect should be given the death penalty and executed is a non-binding opinion, but it can significantly influence the court’s ruling.

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*****Of course the mufti will say no to the death penalty. If the situation was reversed, this mufti would agree with the death penalty*****

Title: ‘I do not wish to be anonymous’: Doctor becomes ‘first’ Qatari to publicly come
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:36:55 PM
‘I do not wish to be anonymous’: Doctor becomes ‘first’ Qatari to publicly come out as gay
David Harding
8 hrs ago

The moment Nas Mohamed knew for certain he was gay, he panicked.

“I walked into a gay club and I knew I was 100 per cent gay,” he tells The Independent. “I went home and cried, I thought my life is in crisis. I thought I was going to go to hell, my life is damned.

“That was the main thing. And then I thought about the risk of anyone finding out. I genuinely feared I would be killed if anyone knew.”

Nas, 35 this month, is Qatari.

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Title: Cultural Differences Keep Pakistani Women Cricketers Behind Foreigners: Fatima S
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:39:29 PM
Cultural Differences Keep Pakistani Women Cricketers Behind Foreigners: Fatima Sana
By Imad Ali Jan
Published May 19, 2022

Pakistan’s emerging all-rounder, Fatima Sana, has said that they are working hard on improving their fitness but due to the cultural differences, they are far behind their foreign counterparts.

While speaking to the media ahead of the Sri Lanka series, Sana said, “I have observed that we are behind them in terms of fitness. We also work on our fitness but their level is different from ours, maybe due to cultural differences.”

While answering a question regarding her experience with other foreign players in the Fairbreak Invitational in Dubai, the bowling all-rounder said, “They keenly take care of their diet and I saw it during this league. We always try to learn from them.”

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Title: Germany: Mediterranean man burns bible while shouting “Allahu Akbar”
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:41:42 PM
Germany: Mediterranean man burns bible while shouting “Allahu Akbar”
May 18 2022

On Monday afternoon, an as yet unknown man burned a copy of the Bible in broad daylight in the Niendorf district of Hamburg, shouting “Allahu Akbar” several times. The police are looking for witnesses.

Passers-by became aware of the man and called the police. In the course of the search, the suspect could not be traced.

He is described as follows:

about 25 to 35 years old

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Title: Islamic cleric reportedly defends killing of Nigerian Christian woman: 'Here we
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:43:22 PM
Islamic cleric reportedly defends killing of Nigerian Christian woman: 'Here we kill'
By Ian M. Giatti, Christian Post Reporter
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

A Muslim cleric in northern Nigeria reportedly defended the murder of a Christian woman over false accusations that she committed blasphemy, which is punishable by death under Islamic law.

Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu was fatally beaten and burned on May 12. She was accused of sending blasphemous messages to a group chat after refusing to date a Muslim boy.

A purported video of her killing showed an angry mob vandalizing cars and other targets while shouting "Allah akbar" as Yakubu's apparent body is burned underneath a pile of objects.

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Title: Leaflets urging 'stoning LGBTI+s to death' distributed in Turkey's
Post by: Shammu on May 19, 2022, 12:45:20 PM
Leaflets urging 'stoning LGBTI+s to death' distributed in Turkey's
İstanbul - BIA News Desk
19 May 2022, Thursday 13:03

LGBTI+ rights activists and lawyers in Eskişehir, central Turkey, on Tuesday (May 17) filed a criminal complaint regarding the anonymous leaflets calling for killing LGBTI+s with Islamic references.

Reading out a statement in front of the Eskişehir Courthouse, LGBTI+ activist Matti Solak said, "We know that these leaflets without a signature are distributed by the reactionary, jihadist gangs."

They recalled the statements targeting the LGBTI+s by senior government officials, including the president, the interior minister, and the president of religious affairs, saying, "they are criminalizing our existence."

"None of us is safe in Eskişehir, the city picked the eighth safest city of Europe, which Governor Erol Ayyıldız, who posed with jihadists gangs, brags about," Solak remarked, referring to a recent visit by religious community leaders to the governor.

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Title: Riots at the Funeral Cortege of Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh The real story of w
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2022, 12:10:54 PM
Riots at the Funeral Cortege of Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
The real story of why Israeli police intervened.
Fri May 20, 2022
Hugh Fitzgerald

You have all seen the videos of Israeli police appearing to be beating back, for no apparent reason, Palestinian mourners trying to hold onto, or to reach, the coffin of Shireen Abu Akleh. The videos make the police look bad, because the viewer has not been provided with any context: why are the police doing what they are doing? But if you investigate further and find out what the police felt they had to do for the sake of Shireen Abu Akleh’s family, your mind will change. A report on what the Israeli police were trying to do, and ultimately succeeded in doing, is here: “Israel Police: Officers Intervened at Reporter’s Funeral to Prevent ‘Mob’ From Taking Coffin Against Family’s Wishes,” Algemeiner, May 13, 2022:

Israeli police said Friday that they charged a group of Palestinians carrying the coffin of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh to prevent them from taking the coffin on an “unplanned procession by foot,” against the wishes of the slain journalist’s family.

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Title: Europe's descent to dhimmitude: A conversation with Bat Ye'or
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2022, 12:16:43 PM
Europe's descent to dhimmitude: A conversation with Bat Ye'or
Giulio Meotti, Italy
20.05.22 11:00

She inspired Oriana Fallaci and Michel Houellebecq mentioned her in his novels. As Le Monde recounts, Bat Ye’Or is the historian who imposed the theme of "dhimmitude", the fate of Jewish and Christian minorities in the Islamic world. Bernard Heyberger, one of the most famous experts on Eastern Christians, Director of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, acknowledges in Le Monde that Bat Ye’or was "the first to draw attention to the phenomenon of dhimmis."

Bat Ye'Or, you wrote that only one winner will emerge from this war: the Islamic Ummah. Because?

When the Berlin Wall fell, we hoped in Europe for a peaceful relationship and mutual respect with Russia, but very negative observations from the Muslim world came. It was said that Europe needed to find an enemy and that reconciliation with Russia would make Islam an enemy and that immigration from the Mediterranean, a euphemism used so as not to mention Muslim immigration, would be replaced by that of Eastern Europe, the Poles, the Hungarians, the Germans

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Title: 'Loyalty to Allah' Prompted Muslim Man to Murder Coptic Christian “I had read th
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2022, 12:20:52 PM
'Loyalty to Allah' Prompted Muslim Man to Murder Coptic Christian
“I had read the Koran and my heart was inflamed with fire, so I killed him.”
Fri May 20, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

The Muslim murderer of a Coptic Christian man in Egypt said he was moved to the act, not because he personally knew the Christian, but because he was inflamed with zeal, especially after reading the Koran, and because he is “loyal to Allah.”

In late April—a few days after a Muslim man slaughtered a Coptic Christian priest—three masked men pulled up in their vehicle near the workshop of Rani Ra’fat, a 28-year-old engineer, in the town of al-Daba in Egypt’s north-western coastal Marsa Matrouh area (near Libyan borders).  Once the Copt appeared, a hail of fire was opened on him; he died on the spot; 22 bullets were found in his body.  His killers then fled the scene.

On May 13, a man claiming to be the murderer, made a brief video, in which he beams a smile and congratulates himself for his action. He identified himself as Faisal Abdul Nasser, said that he did not know his victim, but that he had heard that the Christian man, a “polytheist,” was “involved” with a Muslim woman, which is forbidden in Islam.

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*****Murder is murder and Faisal Abdul Nasser admits it, that's no excuse for killing anyone. Islam is the New Murder Inc, with all the killings they have done to mankind*****

Title: Iran ‘heavily disrupts’ internet access after protest
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2022, 12:24:10 PM
Iran ‘heavily disrupts’ internet access after protest
Ayush Narayanan, Al Arabiya English
Published: 20 May ,2022: 10:59 AM GST

Iranian authorities have “heavily disrupted” internet access in multiple provinces, a Human Rights Watch report published on Friday found.

The report also found that Iranian authorities arrested several prominent activists on “baseless accusations” in the midst of labor union strikes and the ongoing protests against rising prices, since May 6, 2022.

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Title: Pakistan bans import of luxurious items as weak rupee, low reserves batter econo
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2022, 12:28:03 PM
Pakistan bans import of luxurious items as weak rupee, low reserves batter economy
Edited By: C Krishnasai
Islamabad Updated: May 19, 2022, 08:12 PM(IST)

Pakistan banned imports of several luxury items under the so-called "emergency economic plan" on Thursday as the economic crisis accentuates on account of low foreign reserves and the weakening Pakistani rupee.

The announcement was made by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Twitter saying that the decision would "save the country precious foreign exchange".

“My decision to ban import of luxury items will save the country precious foreign exchange. We will practice austerity & financially stronger people must lead in this effort so that the less privileged among us do not have to bear this burden inflicted on them by the PTI govt,” he said.

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Title: Chhattisgarh: Ishtiaq Alam gives Triple Talaq to wife over phone for not giving
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2022, 12:31:13 PM
Chhattisgarh: Ishtiaq Alam gives Triple Talaq to wife over phone for not giving birth to a child, says ‘talaq, talaq, talaq’ and disconnects call, case registered
19 May, 2022

On Thursday, the Chhattisgarh Police registered an FIR against a person named Ishtiaq Alam for divorcing his wife over the mobile phone. The Police said that the accused uttered ‘Talaq’ three times on the phone while he was in conversation with his wife and divorced her.

According to reports, Ishtiaq Alam, a resident of Balumat, Jharkhand married the victim in the year 2007. The lady was tortured by her husband and father-in-law for not giving birth to a child. In October 2021, she then shifted to her maternal home in Chhattisgarh and told her family members about the torture she had to face in Balumat.

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Title: France: A woman stabbed in the neck by a hitchhiker who shouted “Allah Akbar” af
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2022, 12:37:58 PM
France: A woman stabbed in the neck by a hitchhiker who shouted “Allah Akbar” after giving him a lift and helping him find a hotel room
May 19, 2022

On Tuesday May 17, 2022, shortly before midnight, a couple travelling by car in the area of Chantilly (Oise) sees a man hitchhiking. The couple stops to give him a lift. The man did not speak French and asked them to take him to the Campanile hotel near the road D1016.

After arriving at their destination at around 00:20, the couple escorted the man to the reception of the hotel complex. As they have no proof of identity, the handover of keys does not take place.

“For reasons yet to be clarified, the same person then physically attacked the young woman by holding a knife to her neck,” explains the Senlis prosecutor. The woman then fled to a room behind the bar of the hotel restaurant.

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*****I guess this is how muslims show gratitude, by trying to kill the person who was trying to help them*****  >:(

Title: Sweden Prosecutes Former Politician Who Criticized Sharia-Adherent Teachers at D
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2022, 12:41:24 PM
Sweden Prosecutes Former Politician Who Criticized Sharia-Adherent Teachers at Daughter's School
Amy Mek
May 19, 2022

The Swedish government and their media are destroying a Swedish father and former politician’s life for complaining that Muslim teachers at his daughter’s school are fully veiled while teaching in the classroom. His views are considered unacceptable in the new sharia-compliant Sweden. As a result, the state has launched a war to legally, financially, and reputationally destroy the father. They even used a ‘Trump Hat’ to slander him in their desperate attempt to destroy dissenters.   

This embracement and glamorization of Islamic headwear and bodywear are helping to advances sharia in Germany, Austria, and the West. Cultural jihad is the attempt to change and subvert Western culture from within, or more simply put: to Islamize it. Sharia fashionwear is an example of a cultural and civilizational jihad   and the submission of Western non-Muslim women to that jihad.

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Title: A love jihad victim, who had accused one Akram Qureshi of ‘trapping’ her by faki
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2022, 12:44:35 PM
A love jihad victim, who had accused one Akram Qureshi of ‘trapping’ her by faking his identity and forcing her to convert to Islam, found dead in her house in Loni, Uttar Pradesh
19 May, 2022

On May 18, Wednesday, a 32-year-old Hindu woman named Neetu Yadav was found dead in her house in Prem Nagar Colony in Loni, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. Neetu Yadav had in 2021, become a victim of grooming jihad. The woman had in November 2021 filed a police complaint against one Akram Qureshi, accusing him of faking his identity and lying about his marital status in order to enter into a relationship with her. He had also assaulted her while forcing her to convert to Islam and pressurised her to abort her child.

According to a report by Hindi daily Dainik Bhaskar, the grooming jihad victim was found hanging in her flat in Loni’s Prem colony. She used to run a clinic near the house. The police, who reached her house after getting information about the incident from Neetu Yadav’s neighbours, immediately took the body into possession and sent it for post-mortem.

While the police await autopsy reports, it has been said that prima facie it appears to be a case of suicide.

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*****To me, this sounds fishy*****

Title: University pulls image of women in hijabs kissing after Muslim community protest
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2022, 12:51:30 PM
University pulls image of women in hijabs kissing after Muslim community protests
“Shame on you... for such an insulting mockery post to my religion,” one commenter wrote about the call to "celebrate the power of love."
By Daniel Villarreal Thursday, May 19, 2022 

A university has deleted and apologized for a social media post showing two women in hijab headscarves about to kiss. The post garnered criticism from some members of the Muslim community.

Western University — a school in the Canadian city of London, Ontario — marked the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia on Tuesday by posting an illustration on Instagram which proclaimed, “Celebrate the power of love.” The image showed four couples embracing: a male couple, a heterosexual couple, a person embracing someone in a wheelchair, and a female couple wearing hijabs as they leaned in to kiss each other.

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*****Even though I completely disagree with same sex relationships, it's this university's right. They mock everyone's Religious views but, say something about islam and they will riot. That seems to be the answer for anything islam gets upset about but, one day try will answer to Jesus for their actions*****

Title: Women on TV Ordered to Cover Faces (Islam-Ruled Afghanistan)
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2022, 12:55:52 PM
Women on TV Ordered to Covers Faces (Islam-Ruled Afghanistan)
May 19 2022

While he framed the move as “advice”, Mahajar added: “The last date for face covering for TV presenters is May 21,” referring to when compliance with the new requirement should begin.

He did not respond to a query on what the consequences would be of not following the advice.

 Most Afghan women wear a headscarf for religious reasons, but many in urban areas such as Kabul do not cover their faces. During the Taliban’s last rule from 1996 to 2001, it was obligatory for women to wear the all-encompassing blue burqa.

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*****This webpage is on the weird side, however there's no trace of viruses*****

Title: Video “How sweet it is to kill Jews” – Palestinians chant at funeral of Al-Jazee
Post by: Shammu on May 20, 2022, 12:59:45 PM
Video “How sweet it is to kill Jews” – Palestinians chant at funeral of Al-Jazeera journalist Abu Akleh
Nan Jacques Zilberdik 
May 19, 2022

As the PA is accusing Israel of deliberately having “assassinated” Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, Palestinians at one of the funeral processions held for the journalist openly expressed their ideology: “How sweet it is to kill Jews.”

Chanting at the funeral procession in Jenin, the participants called for more terror attacks – “operations and kidnapping of [Israeli] soldiers” – expressed their desire to die a “sweet Martyrdom-death,” and take “revenge”:

Crowd: “O mother, how sweet is Martyrdom-death! …
Respond to the rifle with a rifle
With operations (i.e., terror attacks) and kidnapping of [Israeli] soldiers…
How sweet it is to kill Jews…
Millions of Martyrs are marching to Jerusalem…
Revenge, revenge! O Jenin, O Al-Qassam [Brigades]! …
Tel Aviv, we will teach it [a lesson]
We will keep it under fire”

[Palestine Post twitter account, May 11, 2022]

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*****Seems that's all muslims like to do, kill people, not just Jews but any non-believer*****

Title: Forgetting the Genocide of the Yezidis While the international community hides b
Post by: Shammu on May 21, 2022, 11:29:08 AM
Forgetting the Genocide of the Yezidis
While the international community hides behind virtue signalling.
Fri May 20, 2022
Zidan Ismail

In the summer of 2014, the Islamic State (ISIS) committed genocide of the Yezidis in their largest city in Iraq and the world, Sinjar.

The Yezidis are a religious minority in the Middle East; their main center is Iraq. At the time that the genocide began, their number was no more than 550,000 people, according to the United Nations when it was evaluating the crimes committed by ISIS against the Yezidis, which were classified as genocide and crimes against humanity.

It seems clear that what happened at the time had a goal, namely to wipe out the presence of the Yezidis. While it appeared initially that the world had grasped the significance of these crimes, now the Yezidi cause is largely being neglected amid the many crises and regional wars around the world.

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Title: The medieval Mughal emperor being debated today
Post by: Shammu on May 21, 2022, 11:31:10 AM
The medieval Mughal emperor being debated today
15 hrs ago

A Mughal emperor who died more than 300 years ago has become a hot topic of debate in India in recent months.

Aurangzeb, often described as the "last effective Mughal emperor" ruled India for nearly 50 years from 1658 to 1707 - but he was never a favourite in the eyes of historians.

For a start - he came to the throne after imprisoning his father and having his older brother killed.

And in comparison with other Mughal rulers, he fared badly - his great-grandfather Akbar was described as the benign secular ruler, grandfather Jahangir was known for his love for art and architecture and father Shah Jahan was the great romantic who built the Taj Mahal.

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Title: Juvenile among 5 held for Ludhiana blast
Post by: Shammu on May 21, 2022, 11:33:56 AM
Juvenile among 5 held for Ludhiana blast
May 20

Even as the National Investigation Agency (NIA) probes the December 23 Ludhiana court complex blast case, the Special Task Force of the Punjab Police has arrested five suspects, including a juvenile, in this regard.

The juvenile allegedly used to provide “technical support” by generating international numbers from the Internet for calling. These were used by traffickers for smuggling in improvised explosive devices (IEDs) from Pakistan.

The others arrested are Sawinder Singh, alias Bhola, of Dhanoe Khurd village, Dilbagh Singh, alias Baggo of Chak Allah Baksh village, Harpreet Singh of Dhanoe Khurd and Surmukh Singh of Panju Kalal village.

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Title: Authorities to take action against Quran apps spreading Shiah teachings, says ho
Post by: Shammu on May 21, 2022, 11:37:02 AM
Authorities to take action against Quran apps spreading Shiah teachings, says home minister
Saturday, 21 May 2022 5:40 PM MYT

SELAMA, May 21 — Authorities including the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) will take appropriate action in curbing the spread of Shiah and mu’tazilah teachings detected in the digital Quran application, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin.

"Jakim or any enforcement authority will definitely take action," he told reporters at the Larut Perikatan Nasional Aidilfitri Open House at the Selama District Council Hall here today.

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Title: Teenage boy and girl, 18 and 17, arrested in terror swoop on suspected Islamist
Post by: Shammu on May 21, 2022, 11:40:26 AM
Teenage boy and girl, 18 and 17, arrested in terror swoop on suspected Islamist cell in Essex and London
Published: 17:26 EDT, 20 May 2022

Two teenagers have been arrested in a terror swoop on a suspected Islamist cell, Scotland Yard has said.

An 18-year-old man was arrested at an address in Essex on Wednesday and remains in custody while a 17-year-old girl was taken to a London police station on Friday.

The 18-year-old was originally held on suspicion of encouraging terrorism and a warrant of further detention application was granted by Westminster Magistrates' Court on Thursday, allowing detectives to keep him for a further six days.

The girl was arrested at an address in east London under section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000.

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Title: Women TV presenters defy Taliban order to cover faces on air
Post by: Shammu on May 21, 2022, 11:44:49 AM
Women TV presenters defy Taliban order to cover faces on air
21 May ,2022: 03:35 PM GST

Women presenters on Afghanistan’s leading TV channels went on air Saturday without covering their faces, defying a Taliban order that they conceal their appearance.

Since surging back to power last year, the Taliban have imposed a slew of restrictions on civil society, many focused on reining in the rights of women and girls.

Earlier this month Afghanistan’s supreme leader issued a diktat for women to cover up fully in public, including their faces, ideally with the traditional burqa.

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Title: Turkish police detain, batter Boğaziçi students for attending pride march on cam
Post by: Shammu on May 21, 2022, 11:50:19 AM
Turkish police detain, batter Boğaziçi students for attending pride march on campus
Saturday May 21 2022 08:46 am

Turkish police on May 20 detained and battered several Boğazçi University students for attending the 9th Pride March on the university campus premises. put the number of detentions as 70.

Several videos showing brutal violence against the students were shared on social media, drawing severe criticism.

Amnesty Turkey said on Twitter: "Those who participated in the 9th Pride March at Boğaziçi University faced with unlawful use of force by the police. The footage we have analyzed shows a police officer hitting someone’s head against the police bus."

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Title: Imran Khan called out for 'sexist, misogynist comments' on Maryam Nawaz at Multa
Post by: Shammu on May 21, 2022, 11:52:38 AM
Imran Khan called out for 'sexist, misogynist comments' on Maryam Nawaz at Multan rally (DNA Web Desk)
13 hours ago

After Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman and former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s objectionable comment against Pakistan Muslim League-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz during his Multan rally, politicians, journalists and civil societies members criticized Khan for his "sexist and misogynist" statement, a local media reported.

Addressing the Multan rally, Imran Khan, citing Nawaz`s Sargodha rally said, "In that speech, she uttered my name with such passion that I would like to tell her, Maryam, please be careful, your husband may get upset because you were constantly repeating my name. "Following his comment, many politicians, journalists and civil society members poured out their strong disapproval on social media, Geo News reported.

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Title: Man stabbed to death in Yumbe New Vision
Post by: Shammu on May 21, 2022, 11:56:55 AM
Man stabbed to death in Yumbe
New Vision 15 hrs ago

Some of the reports indicate that the murder is over the row between Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) and Supreme Administration factions in the district, while others indicate that the murder is one of passion.

Rival Muslim factions' version

Azabo has been a resident of Kululua ward in Lobe town council and watchman of Fauzu mosque (mosque of conflict).

According to the councillor representing Lobe town council, Hakim Banduga, the incident happened at midnight.

He said the eyewitnesses allege that the deceased was stabbed by Turab Hassan county sheikh of Awoba Supreme Administration. ;

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Title: Radical Muslims physically assault female for wearing jeans, tops
Post by: Shammu on May 21, 2022, 12:09:14 PM
Radical Muslims physically assault female for wearing jeans, tops
ByNews Desk
Published on May 21, 2022

According to media reports, the female college student was travelling by railway along with two of her male classmates. As the train arrived at Narsingdi railway station, a group of thuggish supporters of pro-jihadist Jamaat-e-Islami and pro-Caliphate Hefazat-e-Islam charged the female as to why she was wearing jeans and tops in a Muslim country. They even said, the female was violating sharia rule and causing insult to Islam. As the male classmates of the female student protested the matter, the group of radical Muslims began physically assaulting the female student along with her male companions. They also charged one of the male companions as to why he had tattoo in his hand. This incident took place in broad-day-light while several people had videoed the entire incident and uploaded on social media. As the situation deteriorated, the female student had to run and take shelter inside the office of the station master to save her life from the unruly attackers. Railway Police rescued the female student along with her male companions and boarded them in a Dhaka-bound train. But the law enforcement agencies did not take any action against the attackers.

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*****Muslims as you can see, only care about what they think and will attack anyone else who they disagree with, including killing and other muslims. It needs to be said, muslims have killed more people in one month (5000+ in November, 2014) than were killed in 350 years of the Inquisition. That's a sad fact that muslims call themselves "The Religion of Peace" when they are so violent*****

Title: Palestinian Islamic Jihad: ‘Military wing ready to fight in Gaza, Jenin, everywh
Post by: Shammu on May 21, 2022, 12:14:51 PM
Palestinian Islamic Jihad: ‘Military wing ready to fight in Gaza, Jenin, everywhere’
May 19, 2022

Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Palestine Today TV aired its rally held in Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, showcasing a Kornet anti-tank missile launcher and a giant statue of one of its fighters.

According to a report by the Middle East Research Media Research Institute (MEMRI), the broadcast showed what it claimed was an anti-tank missile attack against an Israeli vehicle on May 10, 2021.

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*****Jewish people should DEMAND compensation for all the centuries of abuse under islam, even today the Israelites are still being attacked by islam*****

Title: Questioning Saudi Arabia’s religious moderation
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:05:25 PM
Questioning Saudi Arabia’s religious moderation
Dr. James Dorsey
19 May 2022

The continued production and distribution of Qur'ans that included unaltered ultra-conservative interpretations sits uneasily with Mr. Bin Salman's effort to emphasize nationalism rather than religion as the core of Saudi identity and project a more moderate and tolerant image of the kingdom's Islam.

When the religious affairs minister of Guinea-Conakry visited Jeddah last week, his Saudi counterpart gifted him 50,000 Qur’ans. Saudi Islamic affairs minister Abdullatif Bin Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh offered the holy books as part of his ministry’s efforts to print and distribute them and spread their teachings.

The Qur’ans were produced by the King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur’an, which annually distributes millions of copies. Scholar Nora Derbal asserts that the Qur’ans “perpetuate a distinct Wahhabi reading of the scripture.”

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Title: Non-Binary Muslims in the West Are Queering Islam
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:08:05 PM
Non-Binary Muslims in the West Are Queering Islam
21 May 2022

InNovember 2020, Oklahoma elected its first non-binary-identified and first Muslim lawmaker elected into office, Mauree Turner. Turner’s full list of identity labels is: queer, non-binary, femme, Muslim, and goes by they/them pronouns.

Feeling confused about the non-binary Muslim combo? Well, she’s not the only one claiming it.

Take British-Iraqi gay non-binary-identified Muslim drag-queen Amrou Al-Kadhi. He published a memoir titled Life as a Unicorn: A Journey From Shame to Pride and Everything In Between and did a TEDtalk in London titled "How I embrace contradiction as a queer Muslim drag queen."

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Title: ‘We are worse off’: Afghanistan further impoverished as women vanish from workfo
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:11:07 PM
‘We are worse off’: Afghanistan further impoverished as women vanish from workforce
Ruchi Kumar and Hikmat Noori
Mon 16 May 2022 01.30 EDT

One morning last summer, Nasira* arrived for work at the government building in Kabul where she was employed in a managerial position to find men from the Taliban had occupied her office. “I wasn’t allowed to enter,” the 32-year-old says. “When I enquired why, I was told to wait for a government announcement, which never came.”

This was shortly after the Taliban swept to power and seized Kabul, the capital city, on 15 August 2021. That was the last day that Nasira and thousands of women like her were able to go to work. Though the Taliban’s acting prime minister, Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund, claimed that women would be allowed to continue working under sharia law, female government employees in Kabul were told to stay at home, and only women whose jobs cannot be done by men were allowed to work.

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Title: Taliban supreme leader advises officials against multiple marriages
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:16:02 PM
Taliban supreme leader advises officials against multiple marriages
Decree instructs members of the Islamic Emirate to avoid two, three or four marriages
News Desk
May 20, 2022

Afghan Taliban supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada has issued an edict refraining officials of the interim government from marrying more than once.

“A new decree of the supreme leader of the Islamic Emirate Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada instructed the members of the Islamic Emirate to avoid two, three or four marriages, which are not necessary and expensive,” read an official statement shared by Afghanistan’s ToloNews on Friday.

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Title: Indonesian preacher denied entry to Singapore says he will not give up trying to
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:19:00 PM
Indonesian preacher denied entry to Singapore says he will not give up trying to visit
Saifulbahri Ismail
21 May 2022 04:03PM (Updated: 21 May 2022 07:08PM)

SINGAPORE: An Indonesian preacher who was denied entry to Singapore on Monday (May 16) said he will not give up trying to visit Singapore, describing the country as Malay land similar to Riau where he is from.

In a YouTube video on Wednesday, Abdul Somad Batubara said people in Riau see Singapore as part of their land because Singapore was part of the Temasek Malay kingdom.

"To say that I'm tired of going to Singapore is the same as saying I'm tired of going to Minangkabau. This is because Singapore is a Malay land. My grandmother has brothers, children and grandchildren who live in Singapore,” he added.

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*****Frankly I wouldn't trust him, he is a radical hateful preacher for islam*****

Title: Women-only phone kiosks installed in Saudi Grand Mosque
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:21:59 PM
Women-only phone kiosks installed in Saudi Grand Mosque
May 21, 2022 14:05
Tawfiq Nasrallah, Senior News Editor

Dubai: Saudi Arabia’s General Presidency of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque has announced that special phone stations for female worshipers have been provided inside the grand mosque.

The women-only phone kiosks aim to ease the performance of rituals inside the grand mosque and provide female worshippers answers to their inquiries.

Dr. Noura bint Hillel Al Dhuwaibi, Vice President for Scientific, Intellectual and Women’s Guidance Affairs at the Grand Mosque, clarified that the service is available 24\7 and dedicated for women worshippers only to maintain their privacy and facilitate the performance of rituals inside the mosque. It is also provided in several languages by experts in Sharia.

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Title: France: The mayor of Marignane to take the initiative to ban Islamic clothing in
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:25:06 PM
France: The mayor of Marignane to take the initiative to ban Islamic clothing in swimming pools
May 21 2022

He wants to prevent the burkini from finding its way into his city’s swimming pools. After Éric Piolle’s mayoralty in Grenoble gave the green light to allow Islamic swimming costumes in public pools, some politicians are already taking the initiative to prevent the phenomenon from spreading. This also applies to the mayor of Marignane, Éric Le Dissès. On Friday May 20, he passed a municipal council resolution for a burkini ban in the municipal swimming pools of the municipality in the department of Bouches-du-Rhône. In a statement reported by La Provence on Saturday May 21, the mayor of Marignane recalled that the ban also applied to “Bermudas, shorts and the like”: “Only swimming costumes are allowed”, he reminded.

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Title: Soyinka wants National Mosque Imam sacked over blasphemy comment
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:27:54 PM
Soyinka wants National Mosque Imam sacked over blasphemy comment
 May 22, 2022 9:54 AM

The deceased, a 200-level Home Economics student of Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto State, was gruesomely murdered by a mob following accusation of blaspheming Prophet Muhammad.

Reacting to the dastardly act, Imam Maqari claimed that there are some red lines in Islam which must not be crossed, adding that if issues of blasphemy against the prophet are not addressed by the authority, the Muslims would do so themselves.

Soyinka has now accused the Islamic cleric of instigating his followers to take laws into their hands in the name of religion.

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Title: Afghanistan: Policing faces, bodies and beards on Kabul streets
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:31:12 PM
Afghanistan: Policing faces, bodies and beards on Kabul streets
Secunder Kermani - BBC News, Kabul
Sat, May 21, 2022, 4:03 PM

In their long white gowns, the inspectors of the Taliban's Ministry for the Prevention of Vice and Promotion of Virtue look more like food safety inspectors than "moral police".

But they're at the forefront of attempts to mould a new, more "Islamic" identity in Afghanistan, in keeping with the group's hard-line views.

Their role seems broad. During their last visit to a multi-storey shopping centre in Kabul a few months back, shopkeepers remembered the inspectors checking whether products were past their expiry date, as well as instructing them to remove posters featuring women's bodies.

Many of the images, however, still appeared to be up when the inspectors returned earlier this week, accompanied by the BBC.

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Title: Family of missing Lina Sardar Khil, 3, being stalked and harassed with conspirac
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:36:08 PM
Family of missing Lina Sardar Khil, 3, being stalked and harassed with conspiracy theories: report
By Audrey Conklin | Fox News
May 21, 2022 3:00pm

The family of missing Texas toddler Lina Sardar Khil is being stalked and harassed with conspiracy theories during public search parties, according to local reports.

Khil was abducted on Dec. 20, 2021, while she was at a playground

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Title: Pakistani family’s murder shocks small-town Texas
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:42:14 PM
Pakistani family’s murder shocks small-town Texas
Anwar Iqbal
Published May 22, 2022 -  Updated about 15 hours ago

WASHINGTON: A Pakistani-American man estranged from his wife and four-year-old daughter allegedly shot them and his mother-in-law in a small Texas town before turning the gun on himself, police said.

The local police have not yet disclosed their names but the Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH), which arranged their janaza prayers, identified the victims as Sadia Manzoor, her daughter Khadija Mohammad, and mother Inayat Bibi. The alleged shooter was only identified by his last name, Mohammad. They were laid to rest in the ISGH Muslim Cemetery in Waller, Texas.

“Please keep sister Sadia, her daughter and mother in your prayers and we ask that Allah give her father and other surviving family members patience to cope with this great loss,” ISGH said in a brief statement. The family lived in a Houston suburb called Spring, Texas, which is under the jurisdiction of Harris County Police.

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Title: Nigeria: Blasphemy - Muric Demands Arrest of Pastor in Osun
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:44:07 PM
Nigeria: Blasphemy - Muric Demands Arrest of Pastor in Osun
22 MAY 2022
Daily Trust (Abuja)
By Abbas Jimoh, and, Ahmed Mohammed
The Osun State Chapter of the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has urged the security agencies and well-meaning Nigerians to act on the alleged misdemeanours of one Pastor Akintaro Joshua Ojo, over his recent utterances, which are capable of plunging Osun State and the entire South West Nigeria into chaos and religious war.

The MURIC Chairman, Osun State Chapter, Dr. AbdulAzeez Ademokoya, said Saturday in a statement that few days into mourning Deborah Samuel, whose brutal killing MURIC condemned, a pastor by name Akintaro Joshua released an audio tape insulting Allah, Islam, the Qur'an, and Prophet Muhammad, an effrontery more dangerous than one could imagine and which no sane Muslim can stomach.

He said that Akintaro did not only "release his rancorous and venomous audio" but went ahead to include his two mobile numbers.

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Title: Pakistani-Spanish sisters killed for ‘honour’ in Gujrat
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:48:41 PM
Pakistani-Spanish sisters killed for ‘honour’ in Gujrat
Police say Aneesa Abbas and Arooj Abbas were lured back from Spain to Gujrat and shot on Friday night
May 21, 2022

Punjab Police were on Saturday investigating the murder of two Pakistani-Spanish sisters as an "honour killing", a brutal patriarchal practice that sees women put to death for bringing "shame" on their families.

A spokesperson for Punjab Police said Aneesa Abbas, 24, and Arooj Abbas, 21, were seeking separation from their husbands and were lured back from Spain to Gujrat where they were strangled and shot on Friday night.

Both the sisters, residents of Nathia village of Gujarat district, returned Pakistan from Spain on May 19, 2022, along with their mother Azra Bibi.

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*****Honor killings are nothing more than plain old fashioned murder*****  >:(

Title: ‘The internet is not safe for us’: Atheists are afraid online as Pakistan violen
Post by: Shammu on May 22, 2022, 01:50:27 PM
‘The internet is not safe for us’: Atheists are afraid online as Pakistan violently cracks down on digital blasphemy.
Kunwar Khuldune ubgone19 Kunwar Khuldune ubgone19
Posted on May 20, 2022   Updated on May 20, 2022, 11:08 am CDT

Noor Khan Baloch* is a digital rights activist and professional from Quetta, the capital of Pakistan’s volatile Balochistan province. As a Pashtun-Baloch woman, Noor personifies the intersection of many identities that are marginalized in the country, and she has actively sought to address the multipronged power imbalances in the digital sphere. However, there’s a major part of her identity that she can neither strive to safeguard, nor unveil: atheism.

“As an atheist I fear that if I post something on Islam, someone will lodge a police complaint, or I’ll become the target of a mob,” Noor said to the Daily Dot. “I’ve stopped expressing my own views online because even condemnation of killings over blasphemy, or criticizing the law, can be fatal.”

Pakistan is one of 32 Muslim-majority countries with harsh penalties for blasphemy, apostasy, or atheism, and one of 12 that punishes these “crimes” with death. As a result, Pakistani atheists, agnostics, and other dissenters of Islam are fast losing their safe spaces online, which they had built to dodge the institutionalized threats engulfing them. 

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Title: Islamic Society of North America Called Out for Fomenting Violence Against Jews
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 12:17:56 PM
Islamic Society of North America Called Out for Fomenting Violence Against Jews
One of the nation’s foremost Islamic organizations is encouraging Jew-hate.
Mon May 23, 2022
Robert Spencer

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is one of the largest and most respected Muslim organizations on the continent. Politicians routinely fawn all over it. But it is also easily one of the most sinister Islamic organizations in the West ISNA manifested its truly evil agenda once again recently, when it issued a statement denouncing “Israeli violence against Palestinian worshipers” without, not surprisingly, bothering to notice that those “worshipers” were actually Islamic jihadis who were stockpiling stones and other material to use as weapons in attacks against Israeli civilians.

On May 5, one group finally called out ISNA, which continues to enjoy mainstream acceptance and wield considerable influence in the corridors of power in Washington. The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), which represents “over 2000 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in matters of American public policy,” called on ISNA to “retract its statement issued April 16 entitled, ‘ISNA Condemns Israeli Violence Against Palestinian Worshipers.’ CJV pointed to numerous factual errors in the statement which, taken together, could easily be characterized as promoting a false narrative, encouraging antisemitism and even fomenting violence.”

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*****Robert Spencer knows a lot more about islam then I do, he can break down the suras better as well as the qur'an*****

Title: Nigeria’s Christians are under attack, but does the West care?
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 12:23:33 PM
Nigeria’s Christians are under attack, but does the West care?
19 May 2022, 6:51am

The victim was a Christian student named Deborah Samuel, from Sokoto in the north west of the country. Samuel's 'crime', for which she paid with her life, was to have allegedly posted a ‘blasphemous’ comment on a WhatsApp group against the prophet Mohammed.

Even in a nation riddled by decades of ethnic and religious conflict where thousands of Christians have been killed, the incident has sparked uproar. But this outrage has mostly been confined to Nigeria itself; much of the Western world turns a blind eye to the horrors unfolding in Africa.

In the last year, more Christians have been killed for their faith in Nigeria than anywhere else in the world combined. In 2021, at least 6,000 Christians died for their religion; eight in ten were Nigerians, often at the hands of jihadists.

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*****Under Trump's term as President, he took a stance against Christians being killed. Yet under Biden's watch, more Christians have been killed then under any other President*****

Title: The Blatant Hypocrisy of Islamic Apologias Straining at gnats while swallowing c
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 12:29:14 PM
The Blatant Hypocrisy of Islamic Apologias
Straining at gnats while swallowing camels.
Mon May 23, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

An Arabic-language video of a Muslim cleric addressing how terrorists “misuse” Islamic scriptures to justifying killing non-Muslims is an ideal example of the hypocrisy of Muslim apologias.

During his sermon, Sheikh Samir Hashish—who was addressing the bombings of Coptic churches in Egypt, which have left hundreds dead over the years—said that those Muslims who attack churches and kill infidels often cite a sahih hadith (a statement attributed to Muhammad and deemed authentic), where the prophet said, “A Muslim must not be killed on account of a kafir [a non-Muslim, or infidel].” After saying that the hadith does not justify the outright slaughter of non-Muslims, Hashish elaborated:

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*****Yet, Sheikh Samir Hashish is under fire for making this comment from islam*****

Title: ‘I thought he was an antelope’
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 12:34:52 PM
‘I thought he was an antelope’ – Hunter arrested for shooting Imam deadPublished on April 26, 2022
By Wale Odunsi

The Police in Osun have arrested a hunter for the death of an Imam, Adegun Yusuf.

The 78-year-old Islamic cleric was a resident of Alaguntan village in Orile-Owu, Aiyedaade Local Government Area.

The suspect claimed that he mistook the deceased for an antelope, NAN reports.

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*****I'm sorry he is dead but, some how this brings to mind a scene from "Hot Shots" where Mailman, he is mistaken for a deer*****

Title: Damascus blasts Erdoğan ​​plan for return of one million refugees
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 12:37:56 PM
Damascus blasts Erdoğan ​​plan for return of one million refugees
May 20 2022 09:22 Gmt+3
Last Updated On: May 20 2022 09:41 Gmt+3

The government of Syria has rejected plans by Ankara for the return one million Syrian refugees to a “safe zone” on the border, Al Arabiya reported on Friday, citing Syrian state media.

Earlier this month, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced that his government is working on a new project to facilitate the voluntary return home of some 1 million Syrian refugees living Turkey, marking a change in tone on Ankara’s long-held migrant policy. The Turkish leader said his government would build housing and local infrastructure in the war-torn country.

Erdogan’s “cheap statements” reveal his regime’s “aggressive games against Syria and the unity of its land and people,” Al Arabiya cited the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as saying in a statement on state-run news agency SANA.

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Title: Iran will ‘avenge’ killing of Revolutionary Guards colonel, president vows Raisi
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 12:40:44 PM
Iran will ‘avenge’ killing of Revolutionary Guards colonel, president vows
Raisi says there’s ‘no doubt the hand of global arrogance can be seen in this crime,’ employing a term often used to refer to Israel and the US
Today, 10:19 am 

Iran will avenge the killing of a Revolutionary Guards colonel in Tehran, President Ebrahim Raisi warned on Monday.

Col. Hassan Sayad Khodayari was shot dead Sunday outside his home by assailants on motorcycles, in a killing Iran blamed on “elements linked to the global arrogance,” its term for the United States and its allies including Israel.

It was the most high-profile killing inside Iran since the November 2020 murder of top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

“I insist on the serious pursuit (of the killers) by security officials, and I have no doubt that the blood of this great martyr will be avenged,” Raisi said. “There is no doubt that the hand of global arrogance can be seen in this crime,” he added, echoing what the Guards said the previous day.

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Title: In English, a child victim of Israeli aggression. In Arabic
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 12:45:46 PM
In English, a child victim of Israeli aggression. In Arabic, a heroic fighter and martyr.
Sunday, May 22, 2022
Elder of Ziyon

The official Wafa news agency said:

A Palestinian teenager was killed and another one injured early this morning by the Israeli occupation forces during an Israeli army raid of Jenin city, north of the occupied West Bank, according to the Ministry of Health.

It said Amjad Fayed, 17, was killed and another one, 18-years-old, was seriously injured during the raid.

An Israeli military force stormed Haifa Street in Jenin sparking confrontations with residents during which Israeli soldiers fired live bullets at the Palestinians killing one and injuring another, who was reported in critical condition at a local hospital.

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*****The cropped photo doesn't show Amjad holding a gun, which you can see in the original picture*****

Title: Movie Based on Serial Murder of Iranian Prostitutes Ali Abbasi’s ‘Holy Spider’
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 12:48:41 PM
Movie Based on Serial Murder of Iranian Prostitutes Ali Abbasi’s ‘Holy Spider’
By Stephanie Bunbury
May 22, 2022 9:06am

Sometimes it hardly matters whether we know a story is based on truth or not. Watching Ali Abbasi’s thunderously damning Holy Spider, on the other hand, it drives a wedge into your mind knowing that a serial killer really did terrorize the Iranian holy city of Mashhad in the early 2000s, that he killed 16 street prostitutes, that there were police who conspired to help him escape and that there were people in Iran — a lot of people, he keeps assuring his family — who were on the murderer’s side. He was doing God’s work.

Swedish-Iranian director Ali Abbasi’s last film was the unclassifiable Border, a fable about outcasts and aliens in which an unfortunately grotesque Swedish customs official turns out to be a troll. Border won the prize for the best film in Cannes sidebar section Un Certain Regard in 2018. Holy Spider is in the festival competition — nominally a step up from UCR’s ranks of newcomers and experimentalists — and is ostensibly a more conventional kind of film, a crime thriller in which a courageous, driven young female reporter (Zar Amir-Ebrahimi) unpacks the scandal nobody in power wants to touch. Reduced to one line, it sounds like a rerun of a dozen thrillers. Holy Spider never feels like a safe genre choice, however. Quite the opposite. It crackles and glistens with anger.

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Title: Fact Check: Did Catholic priest convert to Islam after waking up from coma?Socia
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 12:51:20 PM
Fact Check: Did Catholic priest convert to Islam after waking up from coma?Social media users are claiming that a Catholic priest converted to Islam after waking up from a one-year coma. They are sharing a screenshot of a Hindi newspaper to substantiate their claim.12:00:23 pm - May 23, 2022
Sabya Singh

Hyderabad: Social media users are claiming that a Catholic priest converted to Islam after waking up from a one-year coma. They are sharing a screenshot of a Hindi newspaper to substantiate their claim.

Fact Check

The claim is false.

NewsMeter searched on the web using relevant keywords and found a tweet from 'Utusan Online' news website. It confirmed that the report of a priest embracing Islam after waking up from a coma was a hoax.

'Utusan Online' shared a link to their clarification article about this story in the tweet. It said the 'World News Daily Report' website about a Catholic priest converting to Islam after being in a coma for 17 months was false.

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Title: "Children Would Never Become Doctors, Engineer Till Madrassa Will Be In Mind":
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 12:54:32 PM
"Children Would Never Become Doctors, Engineer Till Madrassa Will Be In Mind": Assam CM
Aleesha Sam
23 May 2022 8:45 AM GMT

Himanta Biswa Sarma Sarma said children will not be willing to go to a madrassa if they are told that they won't be able to become a doctor or engineer after studying there.
Children Would Never Become Doctors, Engineer Till Madrassa Will Be In Mind: Assam CM
New Delhi: Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, who opposes madrassa education for children, said on Sunday that schools should provide modern education so that pupils can choose to pursue anything in the future and that religious education can be provided at home.

He claimed that anyone entering a religious organization should be of legal age to make their own decisions.

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Title: BJP worker arrested for allegedly killing 65-year-old man in Islamophobic attack
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 12:57:37 PM
BJP worker arrested for allegedly killing 65-year-old man in Islamophobic attack
Scroll Staff
Yesterday · 08:15 am
Updated Yesterday · 01:40 pm

The Madhya Pradesh Police on Saturday arrested Bharatiya Janata Party worker Dinesh Kushwaha, who was seen assaulting a 65-year-old man with mental illness on video, The Indian Express reported.

The man, identified as Bhawarlal Jain, was later found dead in the Neemuch district.

The video shared on social media showed Kushwaha repeatedly slapping Jain and asking him about his identity. Kushwaha was seen asking him if his name was Mohammed and demanding his Aadhaar card.

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Title: Muslim man pushes 90-year-old Jewish neighbor to his death in France
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 01:01:26 PM
Muslim man pushes 90-year-old Jewish neighbor to his death in France
By  Neta Bar 
Published on  05-23-2022 12:42

According to a report by the local Jewish newspaper Tribune Juive, René Hadjaj was pushed to his death from a 17th-story window in the residential building where he lived.

According to Le Progres, a local newspaper in Lyon, police believe Hadjaj and his neighbor had been embroiled in a dispute. While Hadjaj was wearing a kippah at the time of his death, police are not treating the murder as an antisemitic crime, according to the newspaper's report.

Despite police claims, Jewish community members are up in arms over the similarities in the case to the murder of Sarah Halimi, who was murdered when her Muslim neighbor threw her off her apartment balcony while shouting "Allah Akhbar" and "I killed the devil."

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Title: Man Shouting Allahu Akbar Kills Female Security Guard at Qatar Embassy in Paris
Post by: Shammu on May 23, 2022, 01:03:44 PM
Man Shouting Allahu Akbar Kills Female Security Guard at Qatar Embassy in Paris
By Jacob J
On 5/23/22

A security guard at the Paris embassy of Qatar has been killed in an apparent terror attack. A man screaming 'Allah Akbar' forcibly entered the Qatari embassy premises close to Champs-Élysées on Monday morning and beat the guard to death, according to reports.

The identity of the attacker is not revealed yet. According to local reports, the 40-year-old attacker was already known to the police and was taken into custody.

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Title: Muslim Sleeper cells in the Sunshine State
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 11:38:07 AM
Muslim Sleeper cells in the Sunshine State
Adina Kutnicki
23.05.22 16:24

It is not for nothing that Florida is affectionately dubbed the "Sunshine State." This is so because of the (mostly) lovely weather conditions, as well as the laid-back lifestyle. Atop it lies another attractive lure - the non-existent personal state income tax. It is an added incentive for all financial brackets. And, having Governor DeSantis at the helm makes living there that much more welcoming.

Even so, in light of the devastating fire at Chabad in Tallahassee (the evening of May 7, 2022), it behooves examining what, more likely than not, went down - never mind what officialdom and compliant media types will proclaim.

Over the years, and up to this day counterterrorism contacts in Florida (throughout the U.S., too) uncover trail upon trail of terror plots. Due to expertise in Islamic jihad, this writer is part of the hunt to expose key terrorists.

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Title: True Dialogue with Islam Its wages and benefits.
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 11:42:09 AM
True Dialogue with Islam
Its wages and benefits.
Tue May 24, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

When the Vatican and Pope Francis announce, as they often do, that they are engaged in interfaith dialogue with leading Muslims, what exactly are they conveying to the world?  What are they accomplishing?

The answer to these questions is the difference between what true interfaith dialogue is—namely, an excellent thing that acknowledges and tries to overcome complications—and what most modern day interfaith dialogue amounts to: soothing but false panaceas that serve only to suppress, leaving complications to fester and metastasize beneath the surface.

As an example of the latter, consider the “historical” document signed by Pope Francis and his Muslim counterpart, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb of Al Azhar.  Far from even hinting that Islam has any connection to all the terror and havoc caused in its name, the document pins all the blame on “incorrect interpretations of religious [Muslim] texts and to policies linked to hunger, poverty, injustice, oppression and pride.”

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*****Is it possible this is a prelude to the One World Religion in Revelation?? That's food for thought*****

Title: Germany: Because a gay man discussed Islam, presumably Muslims beat him up
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 11:46:02 AM
Germany: Because a gay man discussed Islam, presumably Muslims beat him up
May 23 2022

Two men beat up a 31-year-old man from Bremen in a pub on the Rembertiring on Sunday afternoon. According to the police, the sexual orientation of the victim was the trigger for the attack.

The 31-year-old was allegedly talking about religion with a friend of the same age and a 28-year-old girlfriend in a fast food restaurant on Rembertiring. Two men at the next table overheard the conversation.

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Title: 10 years after allegedly orchestrating an attack on an Israeli diplomat in India
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 11:48:49 AM
10 years after allegedly orchestrating an attack on an Israeli diplomat in India, Iranian Colonel assassinated outside his Tehran home
24 May, 2022

Colonel Hassan Sayyad Khodaei, a senior member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), was shot dead outside his home in Tehran on Sunday, 22nd May 2022. Khodaei, a member of the shadowy Quds Force of IRGC, was killed in his car, a Kia Pride, outside his home by 2 unidentified people on a motorcycle.

Following his assassination, Israeli media has shared that he was the alleged mastermind behind a car bombing targeting an Israeli diplomat in the Indian capital New Delhi back in 2012.

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Title: Arab students wave PLO flags at Ben Gurion University 'I am embarrassed,'
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 11:50:48 AM
Arab students wave PLO flags at Ben Gurion University
'I am embarrassed,' says Beersheba mayor, after Ben Gurion University releases statement defending anti-Israel demonstration.
Israel National News
23.05.22 14:26

Arab students held an anti-Israel demonstration at Ben Gurion University in Beersheba Monday, to mark ‘Naqba Day’, lamenting Israel’s establishment in 1948.

The demonstration received approval from school administrators, who defended the students’ right to freedom of expression, adding that it would promote diversity and encourage Jewish students to meet their non-Jewish peers.

“Two days after the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, we saw how our campus is inclusive towards male and female students from all of Israeli society, with people who hold a wide range of views and opinions,” the university said in a statement.

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Title: Saudi airline hails first flight with all-female crew The flight operated by fly
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 11:52:55 AM
Saudi airline hails first flight with all-female crew
The flight operated by flyadeal was from Riyadh to the Red Sea coastal city of Jeddah
Published:  May 21, 2022 21:51

Riyadh: An airline in Saudi Arabia has completed the country's first flight with an all-female crew, officials said Saturday, framing it as a milestone for women's empowerment in the conservative kingdom.

The flight operated by flyadeal, budget subsidiary of flag carrier Saudia, was from the capital Riyadh to the Red Sea coastal city of Jeddah on Thursday, flyadeal spokesman Emad Iskandarani said.

The "majority" of the seven-member crew were Saudi women, including the first officer, but not the captain, who was a foreign woman, Iskandarani said.

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Title: Switzerland: Fired Egyptian heart surgeon threatens to kill hospital workers
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 11:59:32 AM
Switzerland: Fired Egyptian heart surgeon threatens to kill hospital workers
May 23 2022

The Zurich District Court on Monday sentenced a paediatric heart surgeon to a fine for multiple threats. The 45-year-old had threatened staff members of the children’s hospital with death.

For the court, it was established that at a mediation session in 2019, sentences were uttered that “made everyone present feel uncomfortable afterwards”, as the judge put it. These statements had affected all the aggrieved parties’ sense of security.

The heart surgeon therefore received a fine of 80 daily fines of 30 francs for multiple threats, conditional on a probationary period of two years. The sentence is not yet legally binding. The doctor can still appeal to the higher court.

Those present, including members of the management of the children’s hospital, all said that they had been threatened with death by the previously dismissed doctor. Among other things, he had announced that he would get justice, but that he would “not get his hands dirty”.

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*****Clearly this doctor has come close to breaking the Hippocratic Oath.
I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.

I will not be ashamed to say "I know not", nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.

I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.*****

From Wikipedia Bob

Title: Iran caught off guard by surging economic protests
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 12:02:48 PM
Iran caught off guard by surging economic protests
The rulers hoped unrest wouldn't start until summer, when water shortages and rising prices synergize. Will this affect nuclear deal? Op-ed.
Potkin Azarmehr, Steve Emerson
24.05.22 06:00

Iran's rulers are alarmed at the prospect of nationwide mass protests and unrest as the hot summer months approach. Prices of some basic goods like bread, dairy products and chicken skyrocketed as much as 300 percent overnight. Already there have been nightly protests against the price rises and mismanagement of the economy in the oil rich province of Khuzestan. Protests are spreading to neighboring provinces.

Last week, a leaked audio file from a senior Iran state TV executive demonstrated the depth of the regime's concern. "The country is going through an exceptional situation, the soaring prices, frustration with the officials and so on," Alireza Habibi tells producers and presenters. "... But we should try to calm the public's anxieties, not incite it further .... Don't go and make programs highlighting these problems. This is not the time for making such programs. Wait till things calm down."

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Title: US Pakistani Man shot 3 Family Members over Divorce Row
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 12:06:02 PM
US Pakistani Man shot 3 Family Members over Divorce Row
May 22 2022

A US Pakistani man shot his wife, mother-in-law and his four-year-old daughter before taking his own life.

The four bodies were discovered in an apartment in Houston, Texas, on May 19, 2022, after the suspected gunman failed to appear for work.

Sheriff Ed Gonzalez explained that the couple were “going through the divorce proceedings”.

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Title: German man shot and killed by group of six foreigners during fairground chaos
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 12:08:15 PM
German man shot and killed by group of six foreigners during fairground chaos
The foreigners fatally shot a 40-year-old man who was not involved in the preceding dispute
May 24, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS
author: JOHN CODY

At the opening day of a fair in the German city of Lüdenscheid, individuals from a group of six men who were described as “foreign-looking” opened fire, killing one man.

The man reportedly shot to death was a 40-year-old individual who was uninvolved in the initial dispute. The victim was transported to the hospital, but despite efforts to save his life, the man was declared dead.

The incident began as a dispute between a group of young men of “Southern appearance” and a 16-year-old at the traditional Steinert festival on Saturday evening. The attackers surround the youth, and a scuffle ensued. Although the situation calmed down, the group met the teenager again half an hour later, but this time the teenager’s father was present.

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Title: Brides of the Quran: Cloistered to their room to safeguard property
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 12:10:54 PM
Brides of the Quran: Cloistered to their room to safeguard property
about 5 hours ago

Women being “married to the Quran” is a custom that has been practiced in different parts of Pakistan for decades. The abusive practice is particularly widespread in the southern province of Sindh, where many feudal lords have married members of their family, including daughters and sisters to the holy book.

Their ultimate aim with the practice is to ensure that these women forfeit their inheritance rights in property and other wealth.

Once “married to the Quran” these women are cloistered to their residences, they are neither allowed to leave their homes nor can they wear new clothes.

One such ‘Bride of the Quran’ has shared her story with SAMAA TV.

The woman said she was quite young when her father passed away. Her brothers, however, did not wish dissolve the family-owned property.

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Title: Taliban Leader Backs Girls' Right To Education But Wants Them To Only Learn Shar
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 12:15:03 PM
Taliban Leader Backs Girls' Right To Education But Wants Them To Only Learn Sharia Lessons
Written By
Riya Baibhawi
May 23 2022

A senior Taliban leader has advocated for women’s right to education, saying that it is right based on Islamic culture and values. Sher Mohammad Abbas Shanikzai, on Sunday, said that it was the responsibility of the government to provide a safe education to females. His remarks came days after the Sunni Islamist government issued a diktat barring girls from attending school after sixth grade.

“Women can’t even ask for their inheritance. They are deprived of the right to education. Where will women learn Shariah’s lessons? Women make up half of Afghanistan’s population,” he said at an event marking the death anniversary of former leader Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour. Shanikzai backed his stance by asserting that women should also be provided with all their rights based on Islamic culture and values.

At the event, he also slammed the small budget for development in economic sectors and also said that due to the economic challenges, people were forced to leave the country. “We don’t have a chair in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), we don’t have a chair in the United Nations and we don’t have a political office in Europe,” he said. Prices of all commodities, including the essentials, have skyrocketed in recent weeks.

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Title: Islamic State executes 20 Christians as warning to believers
Post by: Shammu on May 24, 2022, 12:25:07 PM
Islamic State executes 20 Christians as warning to believers
Staff writer 
21 May 2022 | 11:01 AM

The so-called Islamic State has released a video showing the execution of 20 men said to be Christians.

The video was released to the terrorist group's Amaq news channel.

The BBC Monitoring service said the executioners were from the Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP) and that the captives came from Borno state in north-eastern Nigeria.

IS called the executions a warning to "Christians around the world" and said that "jihadists will be at war with them ... till the end of times".

The video shows the men divided into three groups and shot dead by four masked militants.

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∆∆∆∆∆My prayers are with the families of these martyrs. Thankfully we know those who are martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ will rise again when He calls us to our true home in heaven. In fact, all who have died will be the first to rise and then those of us who are living will rise to join them∆∆∆∆∆

*****Sadly those who will go though tribulation will not find it easy when the angels open the scrolls, trumpets and bowls judgements*****

Title: Turkey threatens new ethnic-cleansing invasion of Syria
Post by: Shammu on May 25, 2022, 02:46:39 PM
Turkey threatens new ethnic-cleansing invasion of Syria
Published: MAY 24, 2022 23:33
Updated: MAY 25, 2022

Turkey has threatened a new invasion of Syria similar to the ones in October 2019 and January 2018 that resulted in the widespread ethnic cleansing of Kurds, Yazidis and other minorities.

In comments this week, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Ankara was planning a new military operation. This could result in demographic change, as Turkey has vowed to return Syrian refugees, who are mostly Arabs, to the “safe zone” it wants to create.

In the past, Ankara’s invasions led to Kurds and other minorities being persecuted and forced to flee and extremist groups taking hold in Turkish-run areas.

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Title: Nigeria: Muslim mob burns shops and houses in anger after it fails to locate ano
Post by: Shammu on May 25, 2022, 02:48:39 PM
Nigeria: Muslim mob burns shops and houses in anger after it fails to locate another Christian woman to lynch over blasphemy allegations
24 May, 2022

On Monday, an enraged Islamist mob went on a rampage and set fire to over a dozen commercial and residential properties after they failed to nab a 40-year-old Christian lady whom they wanted to lynch over the charges of alleged blasphemy.

The incident was reported from a town in Warji, Bauchi where the violent mob was upset over a message that was posted by the Christian lady on social media. The message was deemed offensive to Islam and was declared as an act of ‘blasphemy’.

Barely two weeks after Deborah Samuel was killed in Sokoto over alleged blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad (SAW), some youths in Katangan Wargi, headquarters of Warji Local Government Area of Bauchi State have launched a manhunt for another Christian lad

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Title: Cyberbullying of critic of Islam Mila: The accused are given sentences ranging f
Post by: Shammu on May 25, 2022, 02:56:42 PM
Cyberbullying of critic of Islam Mila: The accused are given sentences ranging from 3 months suspended to 4 months in prison by French court
May 24, 2022

Amore than expected verdict. Six men and women who had been tried in April for hate messages and calls for murder against Mila, a young woman who had been harassed online since her polemical video criticising Islam in 2020, were sentenced on Tuesday May 24 by the Paris Criminal Court to prison terms ranging from three months suspended to four months. Among them were three mothers who had been investigated last September by gendarmes from the Central Office for Combating Crimes against Humanity, Genocide and War Crimes (OCLCH), Le Parisien reported.

Melinda D., mother of two children, who had already been convicted several times for theft, fraud and driving without a licence, was only convicted for threatening to kill. The other five defendants were convicted of felonious stalking.

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Title: Germany: Gunman from the funfair caught – It is a Syrian asylum seeker
Post by: Shammu on May 25, 2022, 03:00:02 PM
Germany: Gunman from the funfair caught – It is a Syrian asylum seeker
 May 25, 2022

Three days after the shooting at the funfair, the suspected shooter is in custody: The Lüdenscheid District Court issued an arrest warrant on Tuesday afternoon for premeditated manslaughter against the boy, who is only 16 years old.

The investigators assume that the Syrian shot indiscriminately into the crowd on Saturday, when he fled with five acquaintances after a quarrel. In the process, a fairgoer (40) from Gummersbach, who had been hit in the spleen, died. According to the current state of investigation, the Sudanese was an uninvolved random victim.

He later died of internal bleeding – that he had been hit by a bullet was only revealed during the autopsy on Sunday.

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Title: Intra-Arab Apartheid, Palestinian Authority style
Post by: Shammu on May 25, 2022, 03:02:34 PM
Intra-Arab Apartheid, Palestinian Authority style.
David Singer

The appointment of a new Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Authority territories 'occupied' since 1967 – Francesca Albanese – serves to highlight the anti-Israel bias that dominates the United Nations (UN), to its eternal shame.

Albanese was appointed Special Rapporteur by the UN Human Rights Council in March 2022 - taking up her role on 1 May 2022.

Albanese’s mandate as Special Rapporteur derives from Resolution 1993/2 passed by the UN Committee of Human Rights on 19 February 1993:

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Post by: Shammu on May 25, 2022, 03:06:00 PM
by CAMERA Arabic
May 24 2022

(All translations, emphases and in-bracket remarks are by CAMERA Arabic unless otherwise specified)

Five Western Arabic-language media outlets – Sky News Arabia, France24 Arabic, Independent Arabia, Vice Arabia and Euronews Arabic – have falsely claimed, as if it’s a fact, that the “Israeli military” was responsible for the killing of Aljazeera reporter Shireen Abu Aqleh in Jenin, and have failed to issue corrections.

However, English versions of the same outlets have correctly refrained from determining the identity of the shooter. (The coverage of BBC Arabic and AP’s Arabic Twitter account was also highly problematic.)

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*****Yet anyone who has seen the full video knows better, the police went in to protect several muslims, while muslims started beating Jews and muslims*****

Title: Pakistan ex-cricketer ubgone19 Afridi bats in favour of Yasin Malik, convicted of
Post by: Shammu on May 25, 2022, 03:08:12 PM
Pakistan ex-cricketer ubgone19 Afridi bats in favour of Yasin Malik, convicted of terrorism and secessionist activities in Kashmir
25 May, 2022

As the National Investigative Agency demands the death penalty for Yasin Malik, the former Pakistan cricketer ubgone19 Afridi has come out in support of the terror convict, seeking UN intervention in the matter.

Characterising Malik as a “freedom fighter” of “Kashmir’s struggle”, Afridi painted Malik as a victim of “fabricated charges” even though he had pleaded guilty to all charges levelled against him.

“India’s continued attempts to silence critical voices against its blatant human rights abuses are futile. Fabricated charges against #YasinMalik will not put a hold to #Kashmir‘s struggle to freedom. Urging the #UN to take notice of unfair & illegal trails against Kashmir leaders,” Afridi tweeted.

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Title: Islamic State Terrorists Kill More Than 70 People In 72 Hours In Nigeria
Post by: Shammu on May 25, 2022, 03:10:35 PM
Islamic State Terrorists Kill More Than 70 People In 72 Hours In Nigeria
May 25 2022

Terrorists belonging to Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) killed 30 men in a revenge attack days after their top commanders were killed in military air strikes in Nigeria’s northeast Borno state.

Militia leaders speaking to news agency AFP said that the terrorists seized the men from Mudu village of Nigeria’s Dikwa earlier on Saturday.

A militia leader, Babakura Kolo told AFP, that most of the men were slaughtered by the ISWAP but many who tried to flee were shot.

Kolo who is stationed in Maiduguri said that the men were metal scrap scavengers who were in the area in search of burnt vehicles which are now common in villages in northern Borno following the Islamist violence in the region.

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Title: PA religious council emphasizes ban on selling land to Jews
Post by: Shammu on May 25, 2022, 03:12:30 PM
PA religious council emphasizes ban on selling land to Jews
Maurice Hirsch, Adv. 
May 24, 2022

Apartheid in South Africa started already in 1913, when the South African government passed the Natives Land Act. According to this law, black South Africans were prohibited from buying or renting land in 93% of South Africa. This law was one of the foundation stones of the later adopted official policy.

When compared to the PA approach to selling land to Jews, the Natives Land Act, seems almost positive.

At a recent meeting of PA Supreme Fatwa Council, led by PA Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian Territories and Supreme Fatwa Council Chairman Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, the PA reiterated that Palestinians selling land to Jews is not only a criminal offence but also forbidden according to Shari’ah law:

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Title: FBI uncovers ISIS plot to assassinate former US president Bush - report
Post by: Shammu on May 25, 2022, 03:15:09 PM
FBI uncovers ISIS plot to assassinate former US president Bush - report
Published: MAY 24, 2022 20:29

The Ohio-based suspect reportedly said during interrogation that he sought to kill Bush because he sees the 43rd president of the United States as responsible for the killing of Iraqis in the Iraq War, the invasion of the Middle Eastern country by US forces in 2003 in order to overthrow Saddam Hussein as part of Bush's 'War on Terror' following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The suspect even went as far as to travel to Dallas, Texas in November to take videos of the former president's home, Forbes further reported. The assassination plan also included recruiting a team of Mexicans smuggled through the US' southern border.

According to the report, the man claimed to have killed "many Americans" as part of the "Iraqi resistance" between 2003 and 2006, even claiming he had filled vehicles with explosives, waiting for American soldiers to pass by for the detonation.

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Title: Young Muslim children are being taught ‘how to kill Hindus’: How radicalisation,
Post by: Shammu on May 25, 2022, 03:19:17 PM
Young Muslim children are being taught ‘how to kill Hindus’: How radicalisation, hate and bigotry is ruining another generation
24 May, 2022

Recently, Kerala Police started a probe after a video of a child from Kerala went viral in which he was raising anti-Hindu and anti-Christian slogans, warning that Muslims are coming to kill them all. The video was from a march by the Popular Front of India (PFI).

In the video, the PFI members and the child could be heard saying, “Be ready for your death rituals if you won’t live in our land quietly. Be ready with rice flakes to fill your mouth if you won’t live quietly (For Hindus). Be ready to burn amber in your home if you won’t live quietly (For Christians). Because we are coming, we are your death. We won’t go to Pakistan or Bangladesh, you have to live here as we say, or else we know how to make you live quietly, we will kill you even if we are attacked. We take pride in being a martyr, we salute them. If you won’t live quietly, we know how to ask for ‘Azadi’. Be prepared for your death.”

It was not a random rant by a child. It was a song, a hateful verse that has been taught to the kid which he then sings and waits for people to join him in the sloganeering. The crowd around the kid seems familiar with the song because they know when to chant the appropriate slogans.

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*****It's a sad day when children learn how to hate another person because of what they believe. I've come to expect no less from muslims and their hateful ways towards anyone who doesn't believe how muslims believe*****  :'(

Title: Why It’s So Hard to Pity Sharia Followers
Post by: Shammu on May 25, 2022, 03:25:11 PM
Why It’s So Hard to Pity Sharia Followers
May 25, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

How does one pity a group that itself regularly exhibits no pity or even mere tolerance for others?  This is the conundrum one faces when considering Muslim victim groups.

Take the Rohingya, for instance, a Muslim people that primarily lived in Myanmar, while, like most invading and conquering Muslims, not being indigenous to Myanmar.  There they have been severely persecuted by the indigenous Buddhists of that nation.  While the Rohingya are regularly presented as victims—aspects of which is no doubt true—historically and precipitating their current status, whenever they had the chance, they were the ones quick to victimize others.

In fact, and not unlike the Muslim minorities of other nations, the Rohingya have been committing the same sort of anti-infidel mayhem, violence, terrorism, and rape that one is accustomed to associating with “radical Islam”—though news of it seldom reaches the West.  The main difference is that, unlike, say, the West, Myanmar has responded with uncompromising ruthlessness.

Consider the words of Wirathu, the leading anti-Muslim Buddhist monk in Burma: “If we are weak, our land will become Muslim.”

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*****I fully agree with Raymond Ibrahim and as he says, not all muslims are troublemakers. Though it's hard for me, I do pray that the Lord will soften their hearts and accept Jesus as their Savior*****

Title: How the cracks in the Leftist-Islamic alliance might just widen into a chasm.
Post by: Shammu on May 26, 2022, 11:47:43 AM
How the cracks in the Leftist-Islamic alliance might just widen into a chasm.
Thu May 26, 2022
Robert Spencer

A recent controversy at Western University in London, Ontario, has shown that the Leftist/Islamic alliance, though for the most part firm and untroubled on both sides, has cracks that could easily widen into a chasm.

Many people over the years have asked me how two such disparate groups could work together in such harmony, but they certainly do. Sharia-observant, hijab-wearing Muslim women such as Linda Sarsour and Zahra Billoo of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are deeply involved with the radical Left, which welcomes them as “brown” (even though both are whiter than white) “sisters” from a “marginalized community.” Amid all the Left’s talk about oppression, not a word is said about the oppression of Muslim women, except to denounce those who dare to speak about it as having a “white savior complex.” It’s as if there is a tacit agreement that such oppression is off-limits even for those who have dedicated their lives ostensibly to aiding the oppressed.

The most likely reason why the Leftist/Islamic alliance is so strong is that both ideologies lend themselves to authoritarianism, and are dedicated to establishing a paradise on earth enforced by a reign of terror. The radical Left has imposed this reign of terror in France, Russia, China, Cambodia, and everywhere else it has held power; in Islam, Islamic law, Sharia, establishes Allah’s perfect law on earth, which is enforced by a slow-motion reign of terror involving the stoning, or amputation, or beheading of those who get out of line.

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*****I ask everyone to read this article, I feel it's important for everyone to understand what is going on*****

Title: Pakistan: Ahmadis Killed, Tortured, Hounded – Analysis
Post by: Shammu on May 26, 2022, 11:50:34 AM
Pakistan: Ahmadis Killed, Tortured, Hounded – Analysis
 May 24, 2022
By Sanchita Bhattacharya

On May 17, 2022, Abdul Salam, a 33-year-old man from the Ahmadi community was stabbed to death by a seminary student, Hafiz Ali Raza alias Mulazim Husain, in the Okara District of Punjab.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), condemning the killing, tweeted, “The brutal murder of an Ahmadi man in Okara, who was reportedly stabbed to death by a seminary student, serves to remind us just how precarious the lives of religious minorities have become. Until the rising tide of religiosity is stemmed and better protection mechanisms put in place, they will remain lesser citizens. This is unacceptable and the perpetrators must be brought to book.”

Earlier, on March 5, 2022, a man was killed and another wounded when unidentified assailants attacked the clinic of an Ahmadi doctor in the Scheme Chowk area of Peshawar, the provincial capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). A Police official disclosed that the doctor was not at the clinic when the attack took place.

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Title: J&K cop killed, daughter injured as terrorists open fire in Srinagar
Post by: Shammu on May 26, 2022, 11:56:51 AM
J&K (Jammu and Kashmir) cop killed, daughter injured as terrorists open fire in Srinagar
Kamaljit Kaur Sandhu
Ashraf Wani
May 24, 2022

A Jammu and Kashmir policeman died after terrorists opened fire at him in Srinagar's Soura area on Tuesday. The cop, who sustained bullet injuries, succumbed while receiving treatment in a hospital.

The victim has been identified as Saifullah Qadri, a Jammu and Kashmir Police officer. According to the police, the terrorists fired at Saifullah Qadri outside his house.

Qadri's nine-year-old daughter also got injured in the incident as she tried to save her father. She sustained bullet injuries in her arm and is receiving treatment. Her condition is stable.

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Title: UK: 12 men charged over non-recent child sex offenses
Post by: Shammu on May 26, 2022, 12:05:41 PM
UK: 12 men charged over non-recent child sex offenses
The cases of those accused were referred by magistrates on Friday to the Crown Court for trial
May 25, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS

Twelve adult males have been charged in the United Kingdom with historic child sex offenses, a statement by West Yorkshire Police released on Thursday confirmed.

The alleged offenses relate to sexual assaults on girls under the age of 16 in the Bradford and Keighley areas of West Yorkshire in the north of England between 1996 and 1998.

It is understood that one of the victims was under 14 at the time of the alleged attacks.

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*****Good, I hope they all get the maximum amount of time in the British Justice system if, they are found guilty!! I don't have any patience for child molestation, which is a fault of mine and I pray that the Lord works on me for my intolerance towards child molesters. My prayers are with the girls being able to recover (physically, emotionally and mentally) from these men. The men range from 42 to 64 and are listed in the article*****

Title: Turkey Has Detained Islamic State’s New Leader, Officials Say
Post by: Shammu on May 26, 2022, 12:09:13 PM
Turkey Has Detained Islamic State’s New Leader, Officials Say
By Firat Kozok
May 26, 2022

Senior Turkish officials said Islamic State’s new leader has been captured in a recent raid in Istanbul.

Anti-terrorism police and intelligence agents detained a man they believe has led the jihadist group since its previous chief was killed in a US operation in Syria in February, the officials said, asking not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter.

Turkish news website OdaTV identified the arrested man as Abu al-Hassan al-Qurayshi without saying how it obtained the information. Previous reports have given a similar name for the new Islamic State leader.

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Title: Uttar Pradesh: Muslim man held for trying to kill wife he married after forcing
Post by: Shammu on May 26, 2022, 12:13:23 PM
Uttar Pradesh: Muslim man held for trying to kill wife he married after forcing her to convert
May 26, 2022 08:08:31 IST

Bulandshahr: A man along with his two accomplices has been booked for allegedly trying to kill his estranged wife whom he had married after forcing her to convert to his religion, police said on Wednesday.

The three accused have been identified as Abbas and his friend Mujabir Hussain of Sakhni village under the Jahangirabad Police Station area in the district, besides an unnamed driver of a vehicle used in the crime, they said.

The case against the trio was lodged under sections 323 (causing hurt), 354(B) (assaulting a woman to disrobe her), 307 (attempt to murder), 506 (issuing threat) and 504 (causing insult) of the Indian Penal Code, police said.

The FIR lodged at Bulandshahr's Kotwali police station also listed sections 3 and 5(1) of the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Act, which deals with forcing or tricking one to change his or her religion and the punishment for it, they said.

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Title: Fatah openly supports “the pure and heroic” Tel Aviv
Post by: Shammu on May 26, 2022, 12:17:27 PM
Fatah openly supports “the pure and heroic” Tel Aviv / Bnei Brak terrorists who murdered 8
Nan Jacques Zilberdik 
May 25, 2022

The two Palestinian murderers who killed 8 people in two separate terror attacks in central Tel Aviv and in Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv in March and April have been named “heroic Martyrs” by Abbas’ Fatah Movement.

Terrorist Ra'ad Hazem shot and murdered 3 Israeli civilians and wounded 14 others when he opened fire on a crowded bar on Dizengoff Street in central Tel Aviv on April 7, 2022.

Terrorist Diya Ahmed Hassan Hamarsheh, a Fatah member himself, shot and murdered 5 people – 2 Israeli civilians, 1 Israeli police officer, and 2 foreign workers from Ukraine – in Bnei Brak on March 29, 2022.

Fatah Secretary in Jenin Ata Abu Rmeileh counted these crimes as part of the “triumph over the occupation,” and stressed Fatah’s admiration for the murderers. He vowed that “we adhere to the covenant and the oath to these Martyrs” and to arch-terrorist Abu Jihad who was behind the murder of at least 125 Israelis:

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Title: Male Afghan TV presenters mask up to support female colleagues after Taliban dec
Post by: Shammu on May 26, 2022, 12:26:46 PM
Male Afghan TV presenters mask up to support female colleagues after Taliban decree  :D
By Zahra Joya
Tue 24 May 2022

Male TV presenters in Afghanistan are wearing face masks on screen to show solidarity after the Taliban issued an order that all women on news channels must cover their faces.

In a protest dubbed #FreeHerFace on social media, men on Tolo News wore masks to mimic the effect of the face veil their female colleagues have been forced to wear after a Taliban crackdown.

The Taliban’s Ministry of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice ordered all Afghan media outlets to use masks for female presenters. The decision was final and there was no room for debate, it said.

Sebghat Sepehr presented the news wearing a mask shortly after the order was made public.

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Title: Ukrainian women in Sweden warned not to dress in a way that could provoke Muslim
Post by: Shammu on May 26, 2022, 12:33:56 PM
Ukrainian women in Sweden warned not to dress in a way that could provoke Muslim men
A women’s shelter is now advising the women on their rights
May 26, 2022
editor-author: REMIX NEWS

Ukrainian women at the Galaxen refugee center in Olofström, Sweden, have been told not to dress in a way that could provoke men from “other cultures” who also live at Galaxen housing facility, according to the Swedish online newspaper, Nyheter Idag.

The instruction has prompted one women’s shelter to start informing Ukrainian women of their rights.

Gitana Bengtsson, who has been helping refugees, reacted to the “advice” from the refugee housing management and made sure to connect with a women’s shelter.

“I have talked to a woman from the women’s shelter in Olofström. She said that we should go there and have an informative meeting for the women,” Bengtsson told Swedish Radio. “So that if they feel unsafe, they can call, and they should feel safe. Tell them a little about their rights and where they can turn.”

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*****Muslim men need to learn how to control themselves, if that's possible*****  :-X

Title: (Video) Burning of the Bible committed by Muslims – Open hatred of Israel in Ber
Post by: Shammu on May 26, 2022, 12:39:59 PM
(Video) Burning of the Bible committed by Muslims – Open hatred of Israel in Bern, Switzerland
May 25, 2022

These are threatening and hateful scenes that unfold on May 19, 2022, as part of a anti-Israel demonstration in Bern approved by the police, at the culmination of which a Bible in Arabic is publicly burned.

The “Palestine Group Bern” had called for a “square rally in Bern” to “mourn and protest” on Bern’s station square. The reason for the mourning and protest was, according to the event flyer, the alleged “murder of the Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by Israeli occupation forces”, “another Israeli crime”. Prejudgements and unsubstantiated accusations with which the predominantly Lebanese Muslim demonstrators announced their anti-Israeli march.

The flyer was distributed by the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions against Israel) movement, which is classified as “clearly anti-Semitic” by leading anti-Semitism experts and the German Parliament.

Once a month, the pro-Israeli “Israel Forum Bern” also runs a stand on Bern’s station square selling dates from Israel and educational reading material, including on the day of the Palestinian demo. “We have set ourselves the goal of supporting and actively participating in the fair dissemination of information to Israel,” reads the association’s mission statement. By means of “correct public relations work” we want to counteract the “tendentious reporting on Israel in Switzerland” and “anti-Semitic tendencies”.

“We don’t actively approach people, but wait and then talk to people who are interested in the stand,” writes Israel Forum Bern member C. F. (name known to the editors), who describes on Facebook the aggression of the BDS-porting demonstrators, which was also captured on video.

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This isn't even a eighth of the article, I had a hard time (almost like it was being deleted) and finally copied the whole article to read on my tablet.

*****Sadly in a country where the Hitler salute is permitted by a federal court decision, where Jews are forced to use their tax money to support a population group with hundreds of millions that calls for the destruction of Israel (Fatah/PLO) or all Jews (Hamas). This in a country where its constitutions, parliamentarians are obsessively engaged against Israel. There are considerable dangers in publicly standing up for the Jewish state, as I know several (myself included) people who will stand up for Israel*****

Title: Violence erupts in Srinagar as Yasin Malik is sentenced to life imprisonment, Is
Post by: Shammu on May 26, 2022, 12:49:36 PM
Violence erupts in Srinagar as Yasin Malik is sentenced to life imprisonment, Islamists pelt stones, clash with security forces
25 May, 2022

An attempt was made to vitiate the atmosphere in Srinagar just before the separatist leader convicted terrorist Yasin Malik was sentenced in a Delhi NIA court on 25th May 2022. A clash broke out between Yasin Malik’s supporters and the police in Srinagar’s Maisuma area. Yasin Malik’s supporters pelted stones at the security forces. As a precautionary measure, the security forces took the lead and started firing tear gas shells to control the crowd.

The administration has suspended internet services in Srinagar with immediate effect. The city was also closed after the stone-pelting incident took place. However, the violent protests intensified after Yasin Malik was awarded life imprisonment by the court in terror funding charges. After the sentencing verdict was issued, Islamists came to the streets to register their protest against the sentence.

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Title: Terrorists Kill Three PDP Party Delegates Ahead Of Niger Governorship Primary
Post by: Shammu on May 26, 2022, 12:51:43 PM
Terrorists Kill Three PDP Party Delegates Ahead Of Niger Governorship Primary
MAY 26, 2022

At least three delegates for the governorship primaries of the People Democratic Party from the Mariga Local Government Area of Niger State have been reportedly killed by terrorists

This was announced by the Chairman of the Electoral Committee and Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State, Lawrence Ewhrudjakpo, at the State PDP Secretariat, venue of the primaries in Minna.

Daily Trust reports that the delegates were killed on Wednesday while returning to Mariga after the party postponed the primaries due to a protest by some of the aspirants who expressed distrust with the delegates list.

Those who lost their lives in the incident were substituted to complete the number of delegates from the local government.

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Title: Time to stop lying to ourselves about Qatar
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:06:31 AM
Time to stop lying to ourselves about Qatar
05-27-2022 07:33
Caroline B. Glick

The news this week that US President Joe Biden has decided not to remove Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps from the State Department's list of foreign terrorist organizations shouldn't have come as a very big surprise. A majority of senators oppose removing the largest and most lethal terror group in the world from the list. And if Biden had crumpled to Iran's demand to remove it, he would have endangered the 2015 nuclear deal, which as far as Biden and his advisors are concerned, is the be all and end all of their Middle East policy.

Follow Israel Hayom on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

What Iran will receive to make up for the Revolutionary Guards staying on the list is still unclear. But two things are clear. First, the administration is completely committed to the 2015 nuclear deal.

This position, which is not subject to change, is indefensible on its face, and not merely because the deal guarantees that the largest state sponsor of terrorism will have a nuclear arsenal in eight years at the very latest. And it is indefensible not merely because the deal gives the UN Security Council's stamp of legitimacy to an illicit nuclear weapons program developed by a UN member state that is pledged to annihilate another UN member nation.

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Title: Nothing has changed about Taliban, from terror to Sharia. Islamic world should p
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:09:52 AM
Nothing has changed about Taliban, from terror to Sharia. Islamic world should pressure them
Zardasht Shams
1 day ago

Ever since they seized power from former Afghan president Ashraf Ghani, the Taliban have continued to impose brutally suppressive diktats in the name of religion. A series of recent repressive measures indicate hard-line ideologues among the Taliban flexing their muscles to assert power within their internationally unrecognised regime. Ban on girls’ education, imposition of hijab or face veil on women, compelling male employees to grow long beards and wear turbans or caps, segregation of parks, leisure venues and even restaurants by gender are just a few of these sanctions. They have also tried to limit access to independent information by taking off air broadcasts of international media, including Voice of America, BBC and Deutsche Welle. Local media is already facing unprecedented censorship and restrictions. Several news anchors and senior journalists working in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan resigned after being threatened for criticising or questioning the regime’s draconian codes. In another recent move, the Taliban’s Ministry of Vice and Virtue has instructed all TV channels to make sure that female presenters cover their faces.

But before they came to power, the Taliban had presented another face to the world.

Dashing dreams of girls
With the hope of regaining power, even before the conclusion of the Doha agreement with the United States in February 2020, the Taliban were presenting their softer image by agreeing to human rights—particularly women’s rights and girls’ education.

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Title: Islamophobia and Islamoignorance Our problem is not that we fear Islam -- but th
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:15:54 AM
Islamophobia and Islamoignorance
Our problem is not that we fear Islam -- but that we know so little about it.
Wed May 25, 2022
William Kilpatrick

When the word “Islamophobia” first became current many years ago, I was sure it wouldn’t catch on. People, I thought, would quickly see that it was a gimmick—an obvious attempt to capitalize on “homophobia.” It was also an obvious attempt to stigmatize discussion and/or criticism of Islam as hateful.

I was wrong. The word has entered our language, and it doesn’t appear to be going away any time soon. And even though it is still obviously a ploy to prevent any honest discussion of Islam, very few are willing to admit as much in public.

The word “Islamophobia” is a propaganda tool. It’s used to beat people into submission or silence. Most recently, it was used to influence GOP voters to vote against Kathy Barnette in the Pennsylvania primary election for Senate. One of her chief opponents, Dr. Mehmet Oz (who is Muslim) accused her of having made “Islamophobic” remarks in the past, but so also did conservative icons, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin.

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*****I learned about islam over 20 years ago and studied the qur'an, I was shocked how violent muslims can be at any given moment in time. Every single person (Christians and non-believers) needs to know about muslims and there are several threads (posts) on Christians Unite forum*****

Title: Suspected jihadists kill dozens in eastern Burkina Faso
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:19:23 AM
Suspected jihadists kill dozens in eastern Burkina Faso
Issued on: 26/05/2022
Text by:

Suspected jihadists killed around 50 civilians in Burkina Faso, the Eastern region's governor said Thursday, in the latest attack in the impoverished Sahel nation.

The civilians from Madjoari died on Wednesday trying to flee a jihadist blockade, said Colonel Hubert Yameogo in a statement, adding that the toll was provisional.

Survivors told AFP by telephone they had been trying to get away from the attackers as food ran out.

"The people were intercepted and executed by the terrorists," one survivor said. "All the dead were men."

The governor of the region said: "Security operations are underway to restore peace".

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Title: Kashmiri TV actress Amreen Bhat killed; 10-year-old nephew sustains bullet injur
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:24:44 AM
Kashmiri TV actress Amreen Bhat killed; 10-year-old nephew sustains bullet injuries by terrorists
Kashmir's Budgam district.
by Pinkvilla Desk   
Updated on May 26, 2022

On Wednesday, May 25, Kashmiri television actress Amreen Bhat, 35, was killed in a terror attack in the Chadoora area of central Kashmir's Budgam district. She was accompanied by her 10-year-old nephew when the incident took place. While Amreen was pronounced dead by the hospital, the nephew sustained bullet injuries on his arm. The Kashmir Police took to their official Twitter handle to confirm the news. Reports claim that Amreen was a local TV artist, who also uploaded her singing videos on various social media platforms.

The Kashmiri officials wrote, "At around 1955 hrs , terrorists fired upon one lady Amreen Bhat D/o Khazir Mohd Bhat R/o Hushroo Chadoora at her home. She was shifted to hospital in injured condition where doctors declared her dead. Her 10-year-old nephew who was also at home received bullet injury on his arm (sic)".

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Title: New data: Number of Muslims in Austria doubled to 745,000 since 2001
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:27:29 AM
New data: Number of Muslims in Austria doubled to 745,000 since 2001
May 27 2022

Some Austrian Christians might be a little surprised by this new survey by Statistics Austria: The fact that 745,600 Muslims already live in Austria and 284,000 of them in Vienna is a huge increase compared to 2001 – after all, there are currently as many Muslims living in Vienna as there are inhabitants of Linz.

The growth of the Islamic religious community in Austria has been documented by statisticians for 50 years: in 1971 there were 22,300 Muslims living in Austria, in 1981 76,900, by 1991 the number had doubled to 158,800, in 2001 there were already 339,000 and now last year 745,600.

Vienna is currently home to by far the largest number of Muslims: 284,900 according to Statistics Austria. This means that 14.8 per cent of the Viennese are members of the Islamic religious community – and only 31.8 per cent are Roman Catholics (34 per cent of the people living in the federal capital have no religious affiliation).

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Title: Hamas Warns Israel Allowing Flag March To Proceed Risks Violence
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:31:12 AM
Hamas Warns Israel Allowing Flag March To Proceed Risks Violence

A controversial “Flag March” planned by Jewish right-wing groups and scheduled for Sunday, threatens to spark violence.

Nationalist groups traditionally hold the march in parts of the Old City for Jerusalem Day, the annual commemoration of the unification of the city after Israel occupied east Jerusalem in 1967.

The traditional route, approved by Israeli authorities for this year’s event, sees marchers enter the Old City through Damascus Gate, heavily used by Palestinians, en route to the Western Wall.

Last year violence erupted when the march got underway; Palestinian factions in Gaza fired a barrage of rockets into Israel triggering an 11-day war.

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Title: Uyghur Mugshots, Guard Expectations Among Leaked Xinjiang Police Files
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:34:28 AM
Uyghur Mugshots, Guard Expectations Among Leaked Xinjiang Police Files
By Celine Ryan Ciccio 
May 25, 2022

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC) says that the documentation “conclusively refutes these claims and shows the extent to which the central government in Beijing has been directly involved in masterminding and supporting the campaign of mass internment.”

Among the leaked  Xinjiang Police Files are 2,884 mugshots of Uyghur detainees as young as 15. Other images show heavily armed guards, as well as detainees in handcuffs and hoods during what are believed to be “security drills.”

One document detailing a plan for transferring detainees to the “Industrial City Education and Training Center,” instructs staff to “prepare 430 sets of handcuffs, shackles and hoods in advance,” noting that “all the trainees who need to be transferred must wear all three” and that each individual detainee must be accompanied by at least two guards during the transfer.

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Title: Iranian Religious Song Seen As Attempt To Indoctrinate Children
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:37:50 AM
Iranian Religious Song Seen As Attempt To Indoctrinate Children
May 26, 2022 15:14 GMT
By Golnaz Esfandiari

Iran's clerical establishment is promoting a new religious song as part of what critics say is an attempt to indoctrinate children.

In recent weeks, Iranian state media has published videos and images of children performing the song, titled Salute Commander, in schools, squares, and stadiums across the Islamic republic.

The song is believed to be backed by the Education Ministry and has been praised by the powerful Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the elite branch of the country’s armed forces.

It appears to be the latest effort by authorities to promote the clerical establishment's ideological values among the youth and ensure their loyalty to the regime. Critics have blasted the song as an attempt to brainwash vulnerable children.

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Title: “Protect your families, you infidels. I will cut your throats like I did in Syri
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:40:50 AM
“Protect your families, you infidels. I will cut your throats like I did in Syria”. : Man convicted of threats in France but acquitted of glorifying terrorism
May 26 2022

On the night of May 21-22, he was provoked by the noise of his neighbours and shouted insults at them for over an hour. With two bottles of vodka in his pocket, he recited the encyclopaedia of insults from A to Z, garnished with a few references to Daech. “Protect your families, infidels. I will cut your throats, as I did in Syria. I will drink your blood.” The group of young partygoers across the street, laughing more than worrying, videotape the scene.

The Magistrate is trying to ascertain whether the offence of glorification of terrorism has been committed. According to case law, such an offence only exists if the accused attempts to incite or arrange terrorism. Otherwise, it is a simple threat. ” I don’t know anything about it at all. I don’t even have an Arab background or anything,” the accused claims awkwardly. I’m just a normal Spaniard.”

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Title: Middle East, North Africa in a spot over family
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:46:35 AM
Middle East, North Africa in a spot over family GBV
Friday, May 27, 2022
By Kamau Maichuhie

* Millions of women and girls across the region have no security and safety that a family can bring because of discriminatory family laws.
* Domestic violence in the region is the second-highest worldwide, with 34.5 per cent of its married women having experienced intimate partner violence.

A section of rights organisations have raised concerns over failure by family laws in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) to protect women and girls.

The absence of a unified secular family code in most Mena countries deepens the discrimination against women. Domestic violence in the region is the second-highest worldwide, with 34.5 per cent of its married women having experienced intimate partner violence.

Loopholes in laws and patchy implementation result in 700,000 child brides in Mena every year.

One in five girls is married before the age of 18 and one in every 25 is married before the age of 15. The prevalence of child marriage varies from country to country depending on social norms and economic situations. The highest percentage is in Yemen (32 per cent), followed by Iraq 24 and Egypt 17 per cent.

Child marriage has increased significantly among Syrian refugees, reaching almost 50 per cent in Turkey, Lebanon (40 per cent) and Jordan at 32 per cent.

Equality Now, an organisation fighting for a just world for women and girls since 1992, in a statement, said lack of laws and proper implementation has put millions of child brides at risk of pregnancy and childbirth complications, which is considered the number one killer of girls aged between 15 and 19.

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Title: Sharia in Italy: Burned with an iron for not wearing a veil
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:49:03 AM
Sharia in Italy: Burned with an iron for not wearing a veil

She was abused at home for months, maybe even years: her mother is said to have even burned her with an iron, her brother not only beat her but even went so far as to hit her with a glass.

This is the verdict of the court of Brescia (Italy) in a case of ill-treatment and assault initiated following a complaint (2019) by a young girl of Pakistani origin, who was only 15 at the time.

The girl, who was harassed by her Islamic relatives, is said to have run away from home several times before reporting the incidents. She was later placed in a sheltered community ....................................

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Title: New Delhi: Hindu woman raped for eight months, fed beef, forced to embrace Islam
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:54:11 AM
New Delhi: Hindu woman raped for eight months, fed beef, forced to embrace Islam; accused Saif Ansari and others booked
27 May, 2022

Despite the existence of stringent laws, grooming jihad cases continue to emerge from various parts of the country. In one such recent case, a Hindu woman from Delhi was abused, physically assaulted, and forced to convert to Islam after refusing to marry the accused, Saif Ansari.

According to the reports, the Hindu lady was locked for more than 8 months in the Paharganj area of Delhi, Gurugram, and Rohitas, Bihar and was gang-raped several times by the accused, his father, and other male relatives. The accused also recorded video every time the victim was assaulted and used it to blackmail her into converting to Islam.

The incident dates back to 2021 when accused Ansari approached a 26-year-old Hindu woman at the Gurugram metro station.

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Title: Biden’s Iran Envoy: Terrorist Groups Hamas, Hezbollah Are Misunderstood, ‘Have T
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 11:59:36 AM
Biden’s Iran Envoy: Terrorist Groups Hamas, Hezbollah Are Misunderstood, ‘Have Their Own Rationality’
By  Hank Berrien
May 26, 2022

President Joe Biden’s Special Envoy to Iran, Robert Malley, whose anti-Israel positions have been cited as well as his ambition to secure a nuclear deal (JCPOA) with arch-terrorist state Iran, has said that the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah are simply misunderstood by the West.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), possibly the staunchest opponent of Iran in the U.S. Senate, reacted harshly when reports indicated Biden would select Malley for his current post.

“It’s deeply troubling that President Biden would consider appointing Rob Malley to direct Iran policy,” he stated. “Malley has a long track record of sympathy for the Iranian regime & animus towards Israel. The ayatollahs wouldn’t believe their luck if he is selected.”

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*****Ha ha has hahahahahaha, no they are not misunderstood and this administration better learn the facts quickly. In Iran, America is called the "Great Satan*****

Title: Two LeT terrorists who killed Kashmiri actress Amreena Bhat shot dead in encount
Post by: Shammu on May 27, 2022, 12:05:10 PM
Two LeT terrorists who killed Kashmiri actress Amreena Bhat shot dead in encounter, the actress was abused by Islamists for making musical videos
27 May, 2022

On May 27, Friday, the Jammu and Kashmir police gunned down the two Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terroists who had killed the Kashmiri actress and singer named Amreena Bhat in Kashmir’s Budgaon district on May 25.

The slain terrorists have been identified as ubgone19 Mushtaq Bhatt and Farhan Habib. Both were associated with the Pakistani terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba. They had killed the TV artiste on the instruction of LeT Commander Lateef., informed IGP Kashmir Vijay Kumar.

The police further said that 1 AK-56 rifle, 4 magazines, and a pistol were recovered from the terrorists during the encounter, which had begun the previous evening.

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Title: Palestinians: A Vote to Destroy Israel
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 04:24:10 PM
Palestinians: A Vote to Destroy Israel
by Bassam Tawil
May 24, 2022 at 5:00 am

The Palestinians have once again shown that they have not given up the dream of destroying Israel and replacing it with an Islamist state funded by Iran and its terrorist proxies, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hezbollah.

On May 18, Hamas, on the US list of Foreign Terrorist organizations, and which does not believe in Israel's right to exist, scored a landslide victory in the elections for Student Council at Birzeit University, one of the most important Palestinian academic institutions in the West Bank.

The Hamas-affiliated Islamic Bloc won 28 of the 51 seats of the council; by contrast, the list belonging to Fatah, the ruling Fatah faction headed by Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, got only 18 seats.

*As the last poll showed, 70% of the Palestinians are opposed to an unconditional return to peace negotiations with Israel. Another 58% expressed opposition to the two-state solution.

*The truth is that Abbas called off the elections [in 2021] because he was afraid that Hamas would defeat his Fatah faction in the parliamentary election, as took place in 2006.

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Title: Minnesota Politicians Join with Sex Slavery Advocate
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 04:26:23 PM
Minnesota Politicians Join with Sex Slavery Advocate
By Dexter Van Zile
May 26, 2022

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison are scheduled to attend a conference in Baltimore this weekend featuring talks by Islamists who have declared Western society to be “filth,” sanctioned sex slavery, called on Muslims to hate homosexuals and to support jihad in countries throughout the world.

The two Minnesota Democrats are slated to speak at a convention taking place over Memorial Day Weekend organized by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim American Society (MAS). ICNA is a franchise of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), a radical, theocratic group that has supported terrorism in South Asia. One of JI’s prominent leaders, Motiur Rahman Nizami, was convicted and executed for his role in the mass murder of civilians during Bangladesh’s 1971 war for independence.

MAS was founded in the early 1990s by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization committed to promoting sharia law in the Middle East and Western democracies.

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Title: Hindu Man Killed Over Relationship With Muslim Woman In Karnataka: Cops
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 04:30:03 PM
Hindu Man Killed Over Relationship With Muslim Woman In Karnataka: Cops
Reported by Sreeja M S,
Edited by Divyanshu Dutta Roy
Updated: May 27, 2022 1:15 pm IST

Bengaluru: The murder of a 25-year-old Hindu man over a relationship with a Muslim woman has prompted authorities to step up security and call in additional forces in Karnataka's Kalaburagi district.

Vijaya Kamble, a resident of Bheema Nagar Layout in Wadi town, was waylaid by a group of men near a railway bridge on Monday night.

An argument is said to have ensued before they attacked him with sharp weapons, leaving him bleeding profusely. Vijaya died from the injuries on the spot.

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Title: France charges 18-yr-old over ISIS attack plot: Judicial source
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 04:32:19 PM
France charges 18-yr-old over ISIS attack plot: Judicial source
25 May ,2022: 07:54 PM GST

French authorities have charged an 18-year-old man on suspicion of planning an imminent terror attack with a knife in the name of ISIS extremists, a judicial source said on Wednesday.

Initial investigations indicated that he planned to carry out a terror attack “in the name of ISIS, to which he had pledged allegiance,” said the source, who asked not to be named.

The source added that the man had been detained in the Drome region of southeast France and charged in Paris.

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Title: Connecticut Congressional Candidate Bankrolled by Libyan Muslim Brotherhood Supp
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 04:34:51 PM
Connecticut Congressional Candidate Bankrolled by Libyan Muslim Brotherhood Supporters
By Benjamin Baird
May 27, 2022

Muad Hrezi, Connecticut’s 27-year-old longshot candidate for U.S. Congress, is concerned about campaign finance. “The game has been rigged,” he proclaimed when he kicked off his campaign in September 2021. “When some of our leaders take millions from Wall Street, the defense industry, and health insurers … it means that they’re fighting for them,” he said.

For whom is Hrezi fighting? Based on publicly available federal elections data, the Libyan American’s campaign appears to be bankrolled by an ensemble of Islamists, accused terrorists and terrorism financiers, and senior officials allegedly tied to Libya’s violent and illiberal Muslim Brotherhood movement.

Hrezi has secured impressive fundraising figures in his bid to unseat 11-term Congressman John Larson (D-CT), raking in nearly $500,000 since launching his campaign for Connecticut’s First District. Many of these contributions came from out-of-state donors, with just 72 of 242 individual donations raised in 2021 coming from Connecticut residents.

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Title: 4 arrested for forcible conversion, marriage of 16-yr-old boy in UP
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 04:38:04 PM
4 arrested for forcible conversion, marriage of 16-yr-old boy in UP
Desk NewsDrum Desk
May 25, 2022 - 16:02

Kanpur (UP) May 25 (PTI) Police have arrested a 24-year-old woman, her parents and a Muslim cleric, accusing them of illegal confinement of a minor boy, his forcible religious conversion and marrying him to the woman, an official said on Wednesday.

The arrests were made after a video of the marriage went viral on social media. It also prompted members of right wing group Bajrang Dal to stage a protest at Kakadeo Police Station on Monday.

Two policemen, including the station house officer (SHO) of Kakadeo Police Station, were suspended on Tuesday for negligence in investigation, officials said.

Police sources said the boy and the woman came in contact through a popular social media platform and regularly chatted with each other.

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Title: About the Iraqi Asylum Seeker Who Allegedly Wanted to Import an ISIS Terrorist H
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 04:40:58 PM
About the Iraqi Asylum Seeker Who Allegedly Wanted to Import an ISIS Terrorist Hit Squad
Todd Bensman
May 27, 2022 12:01 AM

An Ohio FBI criminal complaint from a complex sting investigation alleges that a self-proclaimed ISIS fighter seeking asylum in the Buckeye State, who claimed to have killed “many Americans in Iraq between 2003 and 2006” while operating in a hit squad called “Thunder,” plotted to smuggle up to eight of his brethren over the southern border to kill former President George W. Bush at his Dallas residence.

The arrest warrant affidavit alleges that Shihab Ahmed Shibab originally flew into America on a tourist visa in September 2020 and then stayed to plot terrorism on a bogus asylum claim when it expired.

But because these men were probably on western intelligence radars, thus “dirty,” the terrorists who would kill a former president instead would pay $40,000 each to reach Brazil on fraudulently obtained visas and then make their way up to the U.S.-Mexico border and cross wearing faux Border Patrol uniforms, the arrest warrant affidavit alleges.

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Title: Russia’s Chechen leader Kadyrov warns Poland it could be invaded next for suppor
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 04:44:45 PM
Russia’s Chechen leader Kadyrov warns Poland it could be invaded next for supporting Ukraine
May 27, 2022

Russia’s Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has claimed the issue of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is now “closed” and has threatened to attack Poland.

In a video posted on social networking site, Twitter, Kadyrov can be seen dismissing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and warning Poland that it will be next.

“Ukraine is now a closed issue. After Ukraine if there is an order in six seconds, we will prove what we are capable of,” Kadyrov can be heard saying. He also demanded that Poland issues an apology to Russia’s Ambassador Sergey Andreev for the incident in the Soviet Military Cemetery in Warsaw where he was pelted with red paint. His second demand was that Poland takes back its “weapons and mercenaries,” as Poland is among countries most actively helping Ukraine.

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*****Russia is becoming more of a dictatorship-communists country as time passes*****

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 04:47:05 PM
Marseille: The parent of a student who was stabbed in front a college is dead
27 May 2022 - 14:31

According to the Marseille prosecutor's Office, the victim, who was seriously injured by a Swiss knife attack in front of a Marseille school, died from his injuries in May.

According to the Marseille prosecutor's Office, the victim, who was seriously injured by a Swiss knife attack in front of a Marseille school, died from his injuries in May. This information is consistent with the weekly Le Point.

The attacker had struck the victim in the chest as he was trying to collect his children from school.

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Title: Maulana chains 2 boys at madrasa to prevent them from running away
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 04:49:55 PM
Maulana chains 2 boys at madrasa to prevent them from running away
FPJ Web Desk
Updated: Saturday, May 28, 2022

Lucknow: In a shocking incident, two minor boys, escaped from a madarsa in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on Friday after they were allegedly tied the feet of two boys in chains to prevent them from running away.

The case came to light after a local made a video and sent it to the police, who reached the site and freed the children before detaining the accused.

Meanwhile, the parents of the boys have filed a written application saying they do not want any legal action to be taken against the maulana.

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Title: French prosecutor suspects antisemitism in murder of elderly man
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 04:53:35 PM
French prosecutor suspects antisemitism in murder of elderly man
Agence France-Presse in Lyon
Fri 27 May 2022 12.32 EDT

An 89-year-old French man who was pushed out of his 17th-storey window by a neighbour may have been killed because he was Jewish, a prosecutor has said, after several antisemitic murders in France over recent years.

The body of René Hadjadj was found at the foot of his building in Lyon, south-east France, on 17 May and his 51-year-old neighbour was arrested. Investigators did not initially charge him with a racist crime.

The BNVCA antisemitism watchdog, however, said on Sunday that it would seek to be a plaintiff in the case, citing its similarity with the 2017 murder of Sarah Halimi, a 65-year-old thrown from her window in a case that sparked national outcry.

“After social media postings were provided to us, the prosector’s office has asked judges to consider the aggravating circumstance of an act committed because of the victim’s ethnicity, nationality, race or religion,” the Lyon prosecutor Nicolas Jacquet said.

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Title: (Video) Jordanian Islamic Scholar Bilal Al-Qasrawi: A Nuclear Attack By The Infi
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 04:58:36 PM
(Video) Jordanian Islamic Scholar Bilal Al-Qasrawi: A Nuclear Attack By The Infidels Against The Future Islamic State Is Not A Concern; We Can Afford To Lose Two Million People, They Cannot
May 27, 2022

Jordanian Islamic scholar Bilal Al-Qasrawi said in a May 20, 2022 show on the Hizb-ut-Tahrir-affiliated Al-Waqiyah TV (Lebanon) that when an Islamic caliphate is reestablished, the infidels might use nuclear weapons against Muslim countries, but that the Muslims nonetheless will not surrender. He said that if the infidels kill a million or two million Muslims, the Muslims will kill as many infidels, adding: "We can afford to lose a million [lives], but can they? No. That's it." For more information about Bilal Al-Qasrawi

"Let [The Infidels] Use Nuclear Weapons; We Will Not Surrender"

Interviewer: "The infidels' war against the Muslims can assume a different form. Is it not possible that they will use nuclear weapons against the Muslim countries, when the second caliphate in the path of the Prophet Muhammad is established?"

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*****Bilal Al-Qasrawi is out of his gourd, that many deaths would have a shock to the muslim community*****

Title: The Religion of Peace terrorist attacks
Post by: Shammu on May 28, 2022, 05:03:13 PM
The Religion of Peace terrorist attacks
From May 14, 2022 - To May 20, 2022
Muslims have made:
*Suicide Blasts--2

Title: Turkey failing domestic violence victims, says Human Rights Watch
Post by: Shammu on May 29, 2022, 06:08:39 PM
Turkey failing  domestic violence victims, says Human Rights Watch
May 26 2022 04:39 Gmt+3
Last Updated On: May 26 2022 04:40 Gmt+3

Turkey is failing victims of domestic violence, Human Rights Watch said in a report released on Thursday, calling on the country to take urgent action to enforce protective measures.

The failure to enforce court orders, leaves Turkish women open to continuing abuse from current or former husbands and partners, HRW said, as it urged the country to implement rules that ensure accountability.

Violence against women and femicide remain serious problems in Turkey. At least 339 women were killed by men in Turkey last year, according to news website Bianet’s Male Violence Monitoring Report. In 2021, deaths of women at the hands of men rose to the highest level since Bianet’s annual monitoring began in 2010.

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Title: Women 'don’t feel safe' in the Taliban’s Afghanistan
Post by: Shammu on May 29, 2022, 06:10:33 PM
Women 'don’t feel safe' in the Taliban’s Afghanistan
by Beth Bailey 
May 24, 2022 06:00 AM

In just under nine months, the Taliban have decimated the rights previously afforded Afghan women. Most Afghan women have lost the ability to work. Women can no longer travel or leave their homes without a male relative. Secondary schools for girls remain shut down, and though Afghan women can attend college, fear of the Taliban leads many to continue studying online. Most recently, the Taliban have forced Afghan women to don the face-covering chador or niqab, though their orders falsely reference these garbs as “hijab,” a less restrictive head covering.

While women who break these rulings face assault, rape, imprisonment, and death, the all-male Taliban leaders who instate them travel the world, meeting with international organizations and garnering prestigious media interviews. A group of Afghan women collaborating with the nonprofit Global Friends of Afghanistan is working to bring the voices of Afghan women back into the spotlight. In the group's first countrywide survey of Afghan women from various economic and social backgrounds, it has given Afghan women the anonymous opportunity to provide their thoughts on school access and security. The findings of this survey reflect the diversity of Afghan women’s opinions. They also underscore the despair and anger that unite the women of Afghanistan.

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Title: Muslims urged to report 'makmum kipas' cases
Post by: Shammu on May 29, 2022, 06:13:24 PM
Muslims urged to report 'makmum kipas' cases
By Bernama
May 28, 2022 @ 2:17am

IPOH: The public has been urged to report to the religious authorities if they come across Muslims praying alongside a fan decked in 'telekung' (female prayer clothing), as though the fan is a person.

On social media, the 'trend' came about following videos of people praying next to an oscillating fan, pretending the fan was their make believe spouse, either as the imam (leader) of the prayer or the makmum (congregant).

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Idris Ahmad said this seemed to be the latest trend among young people and this should not be happening.

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Title: The New York Times outdoes itself in stupidity, says India was partitioned ‘from
Post by: Shammu on May 29, 2022, 06:18:36 PM
The New York Times outdoes itself in stupidity, says India was partitioned ‘from Pakistan’  :o
28 May, 2022

Factual accuracy and respect for truth are not among the strong suits of the American news daily, New York Times. For decades now, it has revelled in the art of peddling fake news, disseminating propaganda, and patronising countries it deemed deserving of civilising pontification, even to the extent of appearing prejudiced, arrogant and outright stupid.

But recently, it marked a new low in exerting its stupidity when it published a report saying India was partitioned from Pakistan.

In a recent article talking about the novel “Tomb of Sand”, a Hindi book written by Geetanjali Shree and translated by Daisy Rockwell that won the International Booker Prize, the New York Times misled its readers by publishing grossly inaccurate information about the partition of India.

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*****I don't trust the vast majority of the mainstream media, they all have lied to one degree or another. I'm glad that India has called out the New York Times for their misrepresentation and lies****"  :)

Title: Vandals desecrate Ahmadi grave in Peshawar
Post by: Shammu on May 29, 2022, 06:20:54 PM
Vandals desecrate Ahmadi grave in Peshawar
By Staff Report- May 27, 2022071

Vandals have desecrated the grave of an Ahmadi youth in Peshawar who died in Ukraine 26 years ago, his community said on Friday.

The mortal remains of Ishfaq Ahmad were dug from his grave and thrown out in the night between May 19 and 20 in village Sangu, near Achini Payan, Peshawar.

According to Saleem Ud Din, the spokesperson of the Ahmadiyya community, so far there is no information about those behind this attack.

“This is not the first incident of its kind with Ahmadis. It has become a daily routine to raid cemeteries, break tombstones, disrupt funerals and desecrate corpses. The dead have been made a training ground after dissatisfaction with abusing the living and bloodshed. Really regretful!” he stated in a tweet.

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Title: 80-year-old ‘beheaded’ for alleged blasphemy in Sargodha
Post by: Shammu on May 29, 2022, 06:24:11 PM
80-year-old ‘beheaded’ for alleged blasphemy in Sargodha
By Staff Report
May 21, 2022

In yet another horrific incident of violence over blasphemy allegations, an 80-year-old man has been beheaded for allegedly desecrating the flag of a religious organisation in Sargodha.

According to reports, Muhammad Sharif, who ran a tyre puncture workshop near Dharima Bus Stand on Sargodha’s Khushab Road for over 40 years, was beheaded by a 20-year-old, claiming the former had committed blasphemy.

“The youth started raising slogans after beheading Chacha Sharif,” eyewitnesses said, adding that the murderer claimed to have seen Sharif disrespecting some pamphlets, including the flag of a religious organisation bearing holy inscriptions.

The youth’s claims were, however, rubbished by locals who said the 20-year-old attacked Sharif over a payment dispute. They also claimed that the youth had “earlier been arrested for extremist activities as well”.

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*****These beheadings, those that commit this crime ought to be arrested for murder!! Islam is the New Murder Inc and all these killings add up to murder, no two ways about it!!*****

Title: Germany: Muslim Social Democratic Party (SPD) politician seriously claims that a
Post by: Shammu on May 29, 2022, 06:27:28 PM
Germany: Muslim Social Democratic Party (SPD) politician seriously claims that anti-Semitism threatens “especially Muslims”
May 28, 2022

Most people, in their simple-mindedness, assume that anti-Semitism mainly threatens Jews. But Sawsan Chebli, the well-known Berlin SPD style icon, knows better. The “Kreuzberg Initiative against Anti-Semitism” (KIgA e.V.) quoted her in a podcast saying: “Anti-Semitism threatens us all, it also threatens Muslims in particular”.

This statement has potential for improvement not only grammatically, but definitely factually as well. According to the information, Chebli added by way of explanation:
“Those who stir up anti-Semitism are very often also islamophobes.”

This obviously refers to right-wing Islam haters and anti-Semites. The 43-year-old likes to deal with them.

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Title: Pak Man Kills Wife For Resisting Minor Daughter's Marriage: Report Pakistan:
Post by: Shammu on May 29, 2022, 06:29:50 PM
Pak Man Kills Wife For Resisting Minor Daughter's Marriage: Report
WorldAsian News International
ay 29, 2022 11:18 am IST

Pakistan: The victim's brother told the police that the accused strangled her when she opposed his attempts to hand over their daughter to a man for marriage against a price of ₹ 100,000, a report said.

Dadu: In a gruesome incident, a man, Zulfiqar Jiskani from Pakistan's Lucky Shah Saddar area was arrested on Friday for killing his wife Babli Jiskani for resisting his attempt to marry off their underage daughter for a hefty price.

The victim's brother, Munawwar Jiskani, told the police that Zulfiqar strangled his wife to death when she opposed her husband's attempts to hand over their daughter Humera to a man for marriage against a price of ₹ 100,000, reported Dawn newspaper.

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Title: Who is ‘Ex-Muslim Sahil’? Why Twitter users are appealing to save him
Post by: Shammu on May 30, 2022, 11:17:38 AM
Who is ‘Ex-Muslim Sahil’? Why Twitter users are appealing to save him
29 MAY 2022

On 28 May, #ISupportExMuslimSahil trended on Twitter, surprising many users who are not abreast with Hindi and Urdu journalism in the subcontinent. While people were asking questions like “who is ex-Muslim Sahil?” and “where does ex-Muslim Sahil live?” some curated news websites came up with the keywords “ex-Muslim Sahil identity revealed” using click baits in equal measure. The identity of the so-called Sahil is finally out.

‘Ex-Muslim Sahil’ is an Indian national whose real name is Nisar Ahmed Sheikh. He is 36 years old, born in a Muslim family. He followed Islam, believing it to be s a true religion until his youth when NA Sheikh changed his religion, as he read up and came to know about the darker side of the religion he was born into.

Initially, he used to make videos hiding his face while delivering the message of Islam. Then a maulana based in Pakistan, Mufti Fazal Hamdard, exposed ‘Ex-Muslim Sahil’, displaying his face on his YouTube channel.

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Title: European Parliament: Don't Mention Christian Persecution
Post by: Shammu on May 30, 2022, 11:22:22 AM
European Parliament: Don't Mention Christian Persecution
Coming from the developers of “Combat Islamophobia Day.”
Mon May 30, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

Once again, a large governmental body has exposed itself as morally bankrupt if not wholly bereft of legitimacy.  On May 18, 2022, the European Parliament, one of the European Union’s legislative bodies, rejected a proposal to discuss the elephant in the room: the rampant persecution of Christians around the world.

The proposal came in response to the May 12 stoning and burning to death of Deborah Samuel Jacob (Yakuba), a Christian student in Nigeria murdered by Muslims for thanking Jesus on her performance in a test, and, therefore, precipitating an allegation that she had somehow “blasphemed” against Muhammad.  Her murderers also made a video laughing at and mocking her burning corpse.  Using that tragic incident as a catalyst, Jean-Paul Garraud, a French Member of the European Parliament (MEP), proposed a debate on the persecution of Christians and Christianophobia.

With a vote of 244 against, 231 in favor, and 19 abstentions, the proposal was rejected.  Considering that the European Union claims to champion human rights and religious freedom, several of those MEPs who voted for the proposal could be heard booing and shouting “shame on you!” across the plenary floor (video here).

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Title: Youth football in Germany: Turkish father chokes 14-year-old opponent of his son
Post by: Shammu on May 30, 2022, 11:25:24 AM
Youth football in Germany: Turkish father chokes 14-year-old opponent of his son and pulls knife
May 30 2022

Shocking scenes at junior football in Berlin: the Turkish-born father of a player stormed the pitch, choked his son’s 14-year-old opponent and then pulled out a knife. He shouted, “I’ll stab you.” The attack took place during the C-junior match between Turkish-dominated Berliner AK and SC Staaken. It was played on the George Floyd sports field. The pitch in the Post Stadium is named after the Afro-American who was killed by a white policeman.

The attack was allegedly caused by a kick by the Staaken player, who had previously been fouled by the son. The 47-year-old man then went berserk, violently threw the child to the ground and choked him. According to the police report, he then pulled out a knife and threatened other fathers who rushed to help. The armed man shouted “I’m going to stab you”. By then the score was already 2:0 for SC Staaken.

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Title: Magnetic Bombs, Grenades On Pak Drone Shot Down In Jammu And Kashmir Drone shot
Post by: Shammu on May 30, 2022, 11:30:27 AM
Magnetic Bombs, Grenades On Pak Drone Shot Down In Jammu And Kashmir
Drone shot down in Jammu and Kashmir: The incident occurred ahead of the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine for which security has been tightened.
All IndiaPress Trust of India
Updated: May 29, 2022 2:01 pm IST

Jammu: A Pakistani drone, carrying seven magnetic bombs and as many Under Barrel Grenade Launchers (UBGL) grenades, was shot down in Jammu and Kashmir's Kathua district on Sunday shortly after it crossed into the Indian side from across the International Border, a senior police officer said.
The incident occurred ahead of the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine in south Kashmir Himalayas for which security has been tightened.

A police search party picked up the movement of the drone at the border in Talli Hariya Chak area in the morning and fired at it, Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), Jammu, Mukesh Singh said.

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Title: Madrasa teacher accused of raping student in Gazipur
Post by: Shammu on May 30, 2022, 11:34:06 AM
Madrasa teacher accused of raping student in Gazipur
Raihanul Islam Akand, Gazipur
May 27, 2022 10:58 PM

A case has been started against a madrasa teacher on charges of raping one of his students in Gazipur.

The student’s mother filed the case at Kashimpur police station against Mehedi Hasan, 27, on Friday.

Quoting the complainant, Kashimpur police station OC Abu Siddik said Mehedi Hasan of Bandar Ali Darul Quran Model Madrasa called the student in question to his room on the first floor of the institution and raped him there late on Thursday.

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Title: Girl, 4, Dies As Angry Mob Sets 10 Houses On Fire In Pakistan The houses were se
Post by: Shammu on May 30, 2022, 11:42:24 AM
Girl, 4, Dies As Angry Mob Sets 10 Houses On Fire In Pakistan
The houses were set on fire in Pakistan after two women belonging to the Chauhan community were allegedly kidnapped by the men from Panhwar community.
WorldPress Trust of India
Updated: May 30, 2022 2:40 pm IST

Karachi: A four-year-old girl died in the Southern Sindh province of Pakistan when an angry mob set at least 10 houses on fire after a woman and her sister from one community were kidnapped by a group of men belonging to a rival community, in yet another incident of 'honour' crime, police said on Monday.
The houses were set on fire in Rohri on Sunday after the sisters belonging to the Chauhan community were allegedly kidnapped by the men from Panhwar community.

"A group of around 10-12 armed men attacked and torched at least 10 houses in Sham Kaladi village near Rohri on Sunday and a four-year-old girl who got trapped inside a house was killed," a senior police official said.

According to details, the woman from the Chauhan community fell in love and intended to contract a freewill marriage with a youth belonging to the Panhwar community. As she left her house along with her sister, the affected family complained to the community elders and claimed that the two sisters had been abducted by some Panhwar men.

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*****I see NO honor killing a 4 year old child, who should have had her whole life ahead*****  :'(

Title: Kerala woman Fathima Noora abducted by her family alleges her lesbian partner
Post by: Shammu on May 30, 2022, 11:47:58 AM
Kerala woman Fathima Noora abducted by her family alleges her lesbian partner Adhila Nassrin, expresses concerns on social media
29 May, 2022

A woman from Kerala has taken to social media to express her concern for the safety of her lesbian partner, who has allegedly been abducted by her own family members. Fathima Noora and Adhila Nassrin’s ordeal has been disclosed in a Facebook post with a video in which Adhila Nassrin alleges that her partner Fathima Noora has been kidnapped by Noora’s mother.

The video has been posted by Gargi H, a volunteer of Vanaja Collective, an organisation that claims to be engaged in “healing and creative exploration” of LGBTIQ+ and other marginalised groups. Gargi shared the information, as well as two audio snippets of Adhila detailing the incident.

According to the Facebook post, the lesbian couple escaped their houses and landed at Vanaja Collective in Kozhikode on May 19. Following this, Noora’s family caused a ‘problem’ at Vanaja Collective. The pair refused to accompany the families in the presence of the police. But Adhila’s parents arrived and assured them that they would look after the partners. They took them away after they agreed in writing to accept responsibility for the two.

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Title: Palestinian NGOs laud release of Japan terror head with Lod massacre role
Post by: Shammu on May 30, 2022, 11:51:21 AM
Palestinian NGOs laud release of Japan terror head with Lod massacre role
Published: MAY 29, 2022 23:49
Updated: MAY 30, 2022 15:18

Palestinian NGOs and activists celebrated the end of the prison term of "empress of terror" Fusako Shigenobu on Saturday, the co-founder of the Japanese Red Army (JRA) terrorist organization who coordinated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to commit the 1972 Lod Airport Massacre which killed 26 and injured dozens.

"Human rights" groups praise arch-terrorist
"Fusako Shigenobu is finally free!" wrote the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), the celebration coming just a day before the Lod terrorist attack's anniversary. "Palestinians everywhere salute and celebrate Fusako Shigenobu for her extraordinary dedication to our national struggle, and her friendship with our people."

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Title: Threats triggered by Alt News’ Mohammed Zubair’s dog-whistling continue
Post by: Shammu on May 30, 2022, 11:53:23 AM
Threats triggered by Alt News’ Mohammed Zubair’s dog-whistling continue, AIMIM (Inquilab) announces a bounty of ₹1 crore for killing BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma
30 May, 2022

Ever since Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair unleashed Islamists on Nupur Sharma, the BJP spokesperson has been receiving multiple death life threats. After TLP supporters from Pakistan announced a bounty of Pakistani Rupees 50 Lakhs on Nupur Sharma, now an outfit from Hyderabad, AIMIM (Inquilab) has announced a reward for killing Sharma.

On Sunday (May 29), a local Hyderabad-based party AIMIM (Inquilab) announced a reward of ₹1 crore rupees to any Muslim who would kill BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma for allegedly committing blasphemy.

The threats were made by the party leader Qavi Abbasi. In a video that has now surfaced on social media, Abbasi can be seen making derogatory remarks about Hinduism and labeling the BJP leader as a ‘white collar prostitute.’

At the very onset, he said, “As you know, the punishment for insulting Prophet Muhammad is death in Islam. Whoever commits blasphemy, we announce a bounty of ₹1 crore for killing him/her. We had earlier made a similar announcement for Waseem Rizvi.”

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Title: Germany: Turkish religious authority disseminates catechism advocating death pen
Post by: Shammu on May 30, 2022, 11:55:54 AM
Germany: Turkish religious authority disseminates catechism advocating death penalty for adultery
May 29 2022

Abdel-Hakim Ourghi cannot believe his eyes as he browses through this book in the Cologne Central Mosque: “Basic Knowledge for Women – According to the Hanaftian Madhab (predominant Sunni school of law, note)” explains to Muslim women on 527 pages what Islam-compliant living is. For example, that she may only be treated by a male doctor “if it is really necessary”, that “the mixed life of women and men (has) always led to the decay of societies” and that veiling protects against skin cancer.

According to the work published by Astec in Bochum, it is also life-threatening when man and woman are alone in a room. Because then “Zina” is in the air. Zina is the Arabic word for fornication and adultery.

What happens to Muslims who “do zina” is described on pages 467/468: single people receive 100 strokes of the cane, while adulterers are threatened with worse: “Islam introduced stoning to death as a punishment for married men and women as well as for widows and widowers. Elsewhere there is talk of 100 strokes of the cane before stoning. Islamic scholars are “in complete agreement” on this. This is followed by a description of relevant episodes from the time of Muhammad, each of which ends with the stoning ordered by the Prophet.

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Title: PA wants religious war, calls to fight Jerusalem flag parade
Post by: Shammu on May 30, 2022, 12:13:05 PM
PA wants religious war, calls to fight Jerusalem flag parade
Itamar Marcus 
May 29, 2022

In non-democratic regimes, when leaders recognize that they have lost the support of their own people and possibly are even seen as a corrupt enemy by their own people, they often seek conflict or war to create an enemy to distract them from the real source of their problems.

With PA and Fatah Chairman Mahmoud Abbas having lost support of the people, with 80% saying his government is corrupt and a similar number demanding he resign, and with his Fatah party facing almost certain defeat to Hamas if the PA were to hold elections, it is not surprising that he is trying to trigger a religious war against Jews and Israel.

Today Israel celebrates Jerusalem’s liberation in 1967 from nearly 2000 years of foreign occupation which ended with Jordan’s illegal 19-year occupation (1948 – 1967). For over 30 years now, tens of thousands of Israelis have celebrated Jerusalem Day by marching and dancing across Jerusalem waving Israeli flags, entering the Old City through the Lion’s Gate, and more recently the Damascus Gate. The Flag Parade ends at the Western Wall Plaza to celebrate with music and dance.

Just a few of the statements muslims are making
*“O coward [Jew], you must leave because you have no history in our Jerusalem, and it is not your homeland”
*“The Western Wall belongs only to believers of the religion of Islam”

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*****The Jewish people were in Jerusalem a long time before islam was ever invented!! All the qur'an is, is a twisted version of the Bible, Muhammad took what he wanted from the Bible, twisted the wording around to say what he wanted. In fact, islam-muslims have no place or business in Jerusalem or Israel. In 1000 B.C. King David made Jerusalem the capital of the Jewish kingdom. His son, Solomon, built the first holy Temple about 40 years later*****

*****The creation of Islam in the 7th century, made it the youngest of the major world religions, islam started in Mecca. In modern day Saudi Arabia, during the time of Muhammad's life. As you can see, islam started long after the Jews were in Jerusalem and Israel, having no say about anything. Muslims need to learn their history before they start making claims*****

Title: The Religion of Peace terrorist attacks
Post by: Shammu on May 30, 2022, 12:22:48 PM
The Religion of Peace terrorist attacks
From May 21, 2022 to May 27, 2022

Suicide Blasts---1

Title: The Ongoing Plight of Iraqi Christians
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 11:29:10 AM
The Ongoing Plight of Iraqi Christians
Mario Alexis Portella

Addai (or Thaddeus) of Edessa, one of the seventy disciples of Christ. Under Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, the 1.5 million Christians—Chaldean and Syriac Catholics and Syriac Orthodox—had found a modus vivendi that allowed them to both publicly worship and carry out their activities. After the US/British-led invasion of 2003 that deposed Hussein, violence against Christians rose, with reports of abduction, torture, bombings, and killings by Islamists—the number of Christians in the entire country today has diminished to approximately 200,000.

When the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL) occupied the Nineveh Plain, which is the cradle of Mesopotamian Christianity, more than 100,000 Christians were forced to flee their homes along with other persecuted minorities, such as the Yazidis, who nearly faced extinction at the hands of the jihadists.

It has been just over five years since the defeat of ISIS. While millions of displaced Iraqis returned to their homes, many Christians never did. Those that went back, approximately 45 per cent, have been faced with great challenges rebuilding their lives, much more so than their Muslim co-nationals.

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Title: Criticize multiculturalism and become a pariah
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 11:31:12 AM
Criticize multiculturalism and become a pariah
Giulio Meotti‏, Italy
31.05.22 08:22

"I have to justify even being German, to dare to refer to Goethe. Suddenly, you are like a pariah." This is how Uwe Tellkamp speaks at the Süddeutsche Zeitung. His is the cultural case of recent years.

Not only because in 2008 Tellkamp published the great novel "The Tower", which sold over a million copies and describes the last years of the German Democratic Republic through the educated middle class of Dresden. It has won numerous literary awards and has been celebrated by all feuilletons and literary critics.

But literary consensus is always linked to mainstream ideological respect. Thus, when Tellkamp spoke in Dresden on refugee policy, the consensus collapsed. “Most of them do not flee from war and persecution, they come here to immigrate to the social [welfare] system. Over 95 percent ". He said that in Germany there is an "ethical corridor" in which opinions like his are "only tolerated" and there is a risk of "moral dictatorship". Open up, heaven. The famous publisher of Tellkamp, ​​Suhrkamp, ​​attacked him; Tellkamp cancelled the tours of the novels and the press turned him into a rogue. Many presentations of his novels were skipped.

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Title: Why, for the UN, Is One Mosque Massacre So Much Worse than Countless Church Mass
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 11:37:24 AM
Why, for the UN, Is One Mosque Massacre So Much Worse than Countless Church Massacres?
by Raymond Ibrahim
May 30, 2022

The United Nations recently named March 15 as "international day to combat Islamophobia." That date was chosen because it witnessed one of the worst terror attacks on Muslims: on March 15, 2019, an armed Australian, Brenton Tarrant, entered two mosques in New Zealand and opened fire on unarmed and helpless Muslim worshippers; 51 were killed and 40 wounded.

*f one non-Muslim attack on a mosque is enough for the UN to institutionalize a special day for Islam, what about the countless, often worse, Muslim attacks on non-Muslim places of worship? Why have they not elicited a similar response from the UN?

*The above list, it should be noted, is hardly comprehensive; there have been many similar attacks on churches — in Egypt alone. But because there were few, if any, fatalities, they received little or no coverage in the Western press.

*This dismissal is especially true for those remote — and, apparently, in the views of Western media, "unimportant" — regions, such as Nigeria, where Christians are being purged hourly in a Muslim-produced genocide. Thus, after noting that Muslims have eliminated 60,000 Christians between just 2009 and 2021, an August 2021 report states that, during that same time frame, Muslims also destroyed or torched 17,500 churches and 2,000 Christian schools. How many undocumented souls perished in those largely unreported terror attacks?

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*****I urge each and everyone of you to read this article*****

Title: Bereaved families sue Hamas for $18M
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 11:39:49 AM
Bereaved families sue Hamas for $18M
 By  Yair Altman 
Published on  05-30-2022 08:58

The plaintiffs are the family of veteran police officer Pascal Avrahami, who was killed in a terrorist attack in southern Israel. They are seeking 60 million shekels ($18 million) in damages.

Pascal, 49, a decorated Police Counterterrorism Unit sniper, was one of eight victims killed in a Hamas shooting that targeted Israeli vehicles traveling on Highway 12, near the Israel-Egypt border, on Aug. 18, 2011. Forty others were wounded in the attack.

The families of several other victims have also joined the suit.

"Previous rulings in Israel recognize the authority of the Israeli court to award punitive damages in a case such as these, which involve intentional or malicious infliction of injustice," the lawsuit states.

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Title: “Carnage” at the Stade de France: hundreds of “young people” and migrants attack
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 11:48:42 AM
“Carnage” at the Stade de France: hundreds of “young people” and migrants attacked, chased and robbed English and Spanish supporters (Update: police report sexual assault)
May 31, 2022

Some police officers report sexual assaults committed in the vicinity of #stadedefrance on Saturday evening.

“I saw women being touched on the breast by several groups of North Africans,” reports a police officer who was on the spot.

Patrice Ribeiro (synergie Officers) related the same phenomenon of delinquency.“  New", according to him,“  young people, perhaps isolated minors, acting in packs." “We had never seen it on such a scale. Spectators were completely stripped, including their clothes, ”he said, adding that these scenes lasted until late at night.

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*Not everything is translated into English (specially the last paragraph), I had to reach deep to understand what was being said*

Title: As Palestinians hide evidence, Democrats demand U.S. investigate Israel’s role i
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 11:51:13 AM
As Palestinians hide evidence, Democrats demand U.S. investigate Israel’s role in reporter’s death
May 31, 2022

One quarter of the Democrats’ congressional delegation have signed an anti-Israel letter addressed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and FBI Director Christopher Wray. The letter calls for an American investigation into the death of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu-Akleh, while ignoring the fact that Palestinians are obstructing an investigation.

Despite the Palestinian Authority’s refusal to turn over the bullet that killed Abu-Akleh and rejection of Israel’s request for a joint investigation, the American legislators have cast doubt only on Israel’s role in the journalist’s death.

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*****Anyone else noticing a trend here with Democrats??*****

Title: PLO, PA TV promote world without Israel - even in TV quizzes
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 11:52:54 AM
PLO, PA TV promote world without Israel - even in TV quizzes
Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus 
 May 30, 2022

During the month of Ramadan, official PA TV entertained viewers with different quizzes. One evident goal was to reinforce the PA’s vision of a world without Israel by presenting all of the State of Israel as “Palestine.” The answers of the participants, who were all residents of refugee camps, confirmed that the PA policy of denying Israel's right to exist in any borders – which Palestinian Media Watch has shown the PA has taught to Palestinians for decades - has become rooted in Palestinian consciousness everywhere.

Correct answers denying Israel's existence were rewarded by the PLO Department of Refugee Affairs with 20 Jordanian dinars, approximately $28.

In one quiz, a participant was asked about the borders of “Palestine.” Without blinking an eye, the man cited “the Mediterranean Sea, the Jordan River, Lebanon, and the Gulf of Aqaba” as borders, completely ignoring Israel's existence:

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Title: Brazen attack of ‘collaborator’ has eastern Jerusalem residents worried
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 11:55:53 AM
Brazen attack of ‘collaborator’ has eastern Jerusalem residents worried
May 31, 2022

The Palestinian street is abuzz at a video published on social media showing a resident of eastern Jerusalem being attacked and humiliated on the Temple Mount for allegedly “collaborating” with Israel. The man, a resident of Wadi Joz, belongs to a large and well-known clan. He was accused of submitting information, pictures and video regarding events at the mosque to Israeli authorities. He denied it, but his family members turned their backs on him, fearing retribution.

Eastern Jerusalem residents say the incident has sparked a widespread sense of fear among the population.

“Today, everyone pulls out their phone and takes pictures. That’s what the guy who was attacked did. In a situation like this, every one of us could become a target. It causes fear. A person filming video becomes a suspect, and now people are more frightened,” said one eastern Jerusalemite.

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Title: Ireland: Ex-Soldier Convicted of Belonging to the Islamic State
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 11:59:05 AM
Ireland: Ex-Soldier Convicted of Belonging to the Islamic State
Amy Mek
May 30 2022

On Monday, a 40-year-old former Irish soldier was found guilty of belonging to a terrorist organization after the Irish justice system found that she had joined and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State when she visited Syria in 2015.

Lisa Smith, who had left the army in 2011, was declared not guilty of financing a terrorist organization with a donation of 800 euros, intended, according to her, for humanitarian purposes.

The judge told the court it could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Smith’s intentions when she sent €800 to an alleged Islamic State member were not charitable or humanitarian.

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Title: Celebrity Islamic preacher Da’i Syed walks on two unnatural sex charges
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 12:01:11 PM
Celebrity Islamic preacher Da’i Syed walks on two unnatural sex charges
By Justin Ong
Tuesday, 31 May 2022 3:18 PM MYT

PETALING JAYA, May 31 — The Sessions Court here today acquitted and discharged celebrity preacher, Da’i Syed, or whose real name is Syed Shah Iqmal Syed Mohammad Shaiful, on two charges of committing unnatural sex and using criminal force to a private college student with intent to outrage her modesty.

Judge Jamaludin Mat made the ruling after allowing the defence's application to free Syed Shah Iqmal, 27, on both the charges.

"The accused is acquitted and discharged in accordance with Section 254 (3) of the Criminal Procedure Code for both cases and bail (of RM25,000) is returned,” he said.

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Title: Video of youth performing ‘burqa dance’ at Kodagu cultural event goes viral, lea
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 12:04:47 PM
Video of youth performing ‘burqa dance’ at Kodagu cultural event goes viral, leaves Islamists fuming
31 May, 2022
Kannada News18

On Tuesday, an event organised by the West Kolakeri Village Development Committee in the Kodagu district of Karnataka received sharp criticism after a video of a ‘burqa dance’ by students went viral on social media. The event was hosted on the occasion of the completion of 75 years of the committee on May 28 and 29.

According to the local reports, some of the students wore burqas and performed an entertainer sequence on the Kodava Valaga music at the cultural event, the video of which went viral over social media. The video has however attracted sharp criticism from the community.

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*****I do have to admit, the dance is on the funny side and reminds me of Riverdance*****

Title: Migrant Threatens Politicians: 'I Will Chop Your Head Off - Rape Your Children'
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 12:08:46 PM
Migrant Threatens Politicians: 'I Will Chop Your Head Off - Rape Your Children' (Video)
Amy Mek
May 30, 2022

The Sweden Democrats are one of the few political parties that have fought for years against the invasion of economic migrants.

On Tuesday, during a Sweden Democrats (SD) political event in Rimbo, politicians handing out leaflets were threatened with death and rape by an enraged migrant.

“F******* dirty c***” and “Stand here tomorrow, and I’ll chop your head off” were the names, among other things. The threats also included “your children,” whom the migrant promised he would rape. “Do you want to know what I will do to your children? Do you want to know what I will do to your children? (Spitting on the ground) I will rape them,” screamed the migrant.

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*****Just when you think islam can't sink any lower, they do*****  >:(

Title: Nigerian Christian Association, CAN Condemns Video Of Clerics Inciting Muslims A
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 12:13:45 PM
Nigerian Christian Association, CAN Condemns Video Of Clerics Inciting Muslims Against Christians In Taraba, Calls For Arrests
MAY 30, 2022

The Christian Association of Nigeria in Taraba State has described as worrisome a viral video on social media where an Islamic cleric was heard urging Muslims in the state to stand up and take over political power.

The State CAN Chairman, Rev. Isaiah Magaji-Jirapye, who condemned such a message, in a statement, said the Christian body viewed the several videos being shared on the social media as calculated plots to set the stage on fire by outside forces that are not happy with the peace Taraba is enjoying.

Jirapye noted that the state has a long-standing history of religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims.

The statement read, “The attention of the Taraba State Chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria has been drawn to several video clips of Islamic clerics from outside Taraba State, threatening religious war and the establishment of a sharia Islamic government in Taraba over the recent APC governorship primaries in the state in which a Christian, Senator Emmanuel Bwacha was announced the winner.

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Title: Woman Teacher Shot Dead By Terrorists In Jammu And Kashmir's Kulgam
Post by: Shammu on May 31, 2022, 12:16:19 PM
Woman Teacher Shot Dead By Terrorists In Jammu And Kashmir's Kulgam
by Nazir Masoodi,
Edited by Akhil Kumar
Updated: May 31, 2022 1:29 pm

Kulgam: In yet another incident of targeted attacks on minorities in Jammu and Kashmir, a Hindu school teacher was fired at by terrorists in the Kulgam district of the Kashmir region. 36-year-old Rajni Bala, a resident of Samba in the Jammu region, sustained injuries when terrorists fired at her in the Gopalpora area of Kulgam where she was posted as a teacher, police said. She was critically injured and rushed to the hospital where doctors declared her dead on arrival. The police have said that the terrorists involved in the gruesome crime will be soon identified and neutralised.
#KulgamTerrorIncidentUpdate: Injured lady teacher, a #Hindu & resident of Samba (Jammu division) #succumbed to her injuries. #Terrorists involved in this #gruesome#terror crime will be soon identified & neutralised.@JmuKmrPolice

— Kashmir Zone Police (@KashmirPolice) May 31, 2022
The incident happened at a High School in the Gopalpora area of Kulgam. The area has been cordoned off.

National Conference vice-president Omar Abdullah termed the attack on the teacher a "despicable" act.

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Title: Why CNN’s Claim that the IDF Killed Shireen Abu Akleh in a ‘Targeted Attack’ is
Post by: Shammu on June 01, 2022, 11:19:04 AM
Why CNN’s Claim that the IDF Killed Shireen Abu Akleh in a ‘Targeted Attack’ is False
Jun 1, 2022
Hugh Fitzgerald

Shireen Abu Akleh is the Al Jazeera journalist who was killed while covering the fighting around Jenin between the IDF and Palestinian fighters. Everyone knows the story by now, what we know and what the Palestinians, by withholding critical evidence, will not allow us to know, and should be clear that assigning responsibility makes no sense as long as the bullet cannot be examined, if not by Israeli forensic experts than by Americans. For the bullet is key to determining whether an IDF rifle fired the fatal shot, or one of the guns used by the Palestinian fighters.

Here’s the latest on this continuing story: “CNN suggests Al Jazeera journalist was killed in ‘targeted attack’ by IDF troops,” Times of Israel, May 24, 2022:

CNN said Tuesday it had conducted its own inquiry into the death of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in Jenin on May 11, and said the results suggested she was deliberately targeted by Israeli forces.

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*****I wouldn't trust CNN if they were the only news source in the world, CNN has lied so many times I could never trust them*****

Title: EU Trains Journalists on 'Inclusiveness and Preventing Gender Islamophobia' (Vid
Post by: Shammu on June 01, 2022, 11:21:23 AM
EU Trains Journalists on 'Inclusiveness and Preventing Gender Islamophobia' (Video)
Amy Mek
May 31, 2022

“Be inclusive,” “avoid mentioning race and religion,” and “remember that women may prefer to wear the hijab”…

The European Union has funded a new project, MAGIC (Muslim women and communities Against Gender Islamophobia in soCiety) which will train journalists across Europe on “Inclusiveness and Preventing Gender Islamophobia.”

The new project claims that “this is the time when news media need to focus on inclusive journalism that eases public anxiety, calls out political intolerance, and pushes back against bias and prejudice in public life. And nowhere is that more needed than in confronting the threat of anti-Muslim bias”.

Below is the propaganda guide released by MAGIC that has been funded with European citizens’ tax dollars.

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Title: Hindu idols vandalized in Karnataka's Hassan, tension grips district
Post by: Shammu on June 01, 2022, 11:24:08 AM
Hindu idols vandalized in Karnataka's Hassan, tension grips district
Reported By:DNA Web Team
Edited By: DNA Web Team
Source: IANS
Updated: May 31, 2022

The incident took place at the exhibition centre of Malekallu Tirupathi Hill. This 300-year-old sacred place is known as Chikka (mini) Tirupathi. The temple is located 2-km away from the Arasikere town atop a hill and is revered by the people in the region.

According to police, at least four miscreants vandalised the idols which were ready for installation.

The police said the miscreants, who came to the premises of the temple on Monday, swam in the Kalyani (sacred water body of the temple). They also smoked despite objections and threatened and chased away the labourers working in the premises.

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Title: Activists to Highlight Oberlin Professor’s Islamism in Graduation Protest
Post by: Shammu on June 01, 2022, 11:26:56 AM
Activists to Highlight Oberlin Professor’s Islamism in Graduation Protest
By Susannah Johnston
May 31, 2022

A group of Iranian-American human rights activists and their allies will be protesting at Oberlin College’s graduation ceremony in Ohio on Sunday, June 5 to draw attention to the alleged complicity of religion professor Mohammad Jafar Mahallati in the Iranian regime’s mass killing of Iranian dissidents in the late 1980s.

Activists from a recently formed group, Alliance Against Islamic Regime of Iran Apologists (AAIRIA), are working to highlight Mahallati’s support for Shia Islamism as well as his continued links to the Tehran government, says organizer Lawdan Bazargan, whose brother Bijan was killed by the Iranian government in 1988.

Bazargan said that in addition to seeking justice for her brother, she is protesting for dissidents currently in jail in Iran.

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Title: Protesters chant 'death to Khamenei' over Iranian building collapse Unlike autho
Post by: Shammu on June 01, 2022, 11:30:38 AM
Protesters chant 'death to Khamenei' over Iranian building collapse
May 31, 2022

Protesters in several cities in Iran chanted anti-government slogans overnight, including "death to Khamenei", over a deadly building collapse in the southwest of the country, videos posted on social media showed.

Officials said the death toll had risen to 34 on Tuesday, with another 37 injured in the May 23 collapse of the 10-storey residential and commercial building in Abadan in the oil-producing region of Khuzestan. Rescue workers continued to search for victims under the rubble, they said.

Authorities are blaming the collapse of the Metropol Building on individual corruption and lax safety and say 13 people have so far been arrested for construction violations.

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Title: Sweden: Ethiopian family members arrested for suspected honor killing in Stockho
Post by: Shammu on June 01, 2022, 11:35:30 AM
Sweden: Ethiopian family members arrested for suspected honor killing in Stockholm
May 31, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS

A 46-year-old woman and two young men are in custody as suspects in the murder of a family member in the Stockholm municipality of Nacka. The suspects are Ethiopian citizens, and the police suspect they were involved in an honor killing.

According to previous media reports, the suspects are family members of a deceased teenage girl found dead in her home in Nacka on Thursday. Family members told police that the girl had taken her own life, but police quickly became suspicious and arrested three family members on suspicion of murder.

Reports show the police suspected the family had arranged the suicide to hide a murder after the stories of the family members failed to add up, Swedish news outlet Nyheter Idag reports.

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*****I fail to see any honor by killing someone, all I see is dishonor and murder*****  >:(

Title: Two Muslim groups get into hand to hand combat, kick each other, throw chairs at
Post by: Shammu on June 01, 2022, 11:39:11 AM
Two Muslim groups get into hand to hand combat, kick each other, throw chairs at one another ahead of namaz
1 June, 2022

On May 31, two groups of Muslims fought among themselves over the formation of the new Managing Committee following orders of the Waqf Board. As per reports, there was a dispute between the Jama Masjid’s Mosque Committee in Rampur’s Dagroo in district Vaishali that had reached Bihar State Sunni Waqf Board for a solution. After hearing both sides, the Waqf Board ordered the formation of a new Committee.

The Waqf Board had ordered the Sub-Divisional Officer of Mahua to give charge of the Mosque to the new chairman and secretary. Mahua’s CO Munna Kumar reached the Mosque on Tuesday with the new committee members to hand over the charge before Namaz. After he left, the new committee members were indulged in preparations for Namaz in the Mosque. Suddenly, a scuffle broke down between the two groups. Amar Kumar Sinha, CO, said the scuffle broke over management of the mosque.

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Title: Maulvi Ilyas described Shivling as men’s genitals, said – Hindus are destroying
Post by: Shammu on June 01, 2022, 11:41:49 AM
Maulvi Ilyas described Shivling as men’s genitals, said – Hindus are destroying the country by worshiping the gotcha10 and gotcha11 ocn news  :o
June 1, 2022

Controversy continues after the Shivling was found inside the disputed Gyanvapi structure in Varanasi. Meanwhile, Islamic scholar Ilyas Sharafuddin with controversial image has given a controversial statement. He compared the Shivling with the genitals of men. Ilyas Sharafuddin said during a debate on Zee News’ Taal Thok Ke show, “Hindus have a habit of worshiping idols and men’s genitals.”

In his response to the Shivling appearing in the video of the Gyanvapi survey, he cited the Vedas, the Gita and the Upanishads. Sharafuddin argued that Hindu texts mention, “Those who worship idols will be sent to hell. Therefore Hindus should not worship idols, lingas and genitals of men.” Ignoring the arguments of other people on the show, he laughed out loud and said, “The private part should not be worshipped.”

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Title: New data shows Germany’s 2015/16 migrant wave brought few skilled workers German
Post by: Shammu on June 01, 2022, 11:46:31 AM
New data shows Germany’s 2015/16 migrant wave brought few skilled workers
May 30, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS
author: JOHN CODY

Of the more than 1 million migrants who came during the 2015/16 migrant wave to Germany, almost 900,000 of them still live on Hartz IV, which is the country’s social benefit system.

According to Germany’s Federal Employment Agency, only 460,000 of the Syrians, Afghans, Somalis, Iraqis, and other Middle Eastern and African migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015/16 are employed, and more than half of those are in unskilled jobs. Many of the migrants who are employed also receive social benefits due to their low incomes.

In addition, 670,000 migrants are either unemployed or looking for work, with 235,000 unemployed and 437,000 looking for work. From both groups, 88 percent have no professional qualifications.

This information has emerged from a response from the federal government to a request from Alternative for Germany (AfD) MP René Springer. The data from the Federal Employment Agency shows has to do with the eight most common asylum countries of origin: Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, and Syria.

The proportion of refugees who live on standard benefits is almost twice as high as that of employed refugees and has leveled off at 66 percent. For comparison, 5.6 percent of Germans fall into the Hartz IV quota for social benefits.

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Title: An Afghan who vandalised a German church did not act with intent but only had pr
Post by: Shammu on June 01, 2022, 11:49:20 AM
An Afghan who vandalised a German church did not act with intent but only had problems with a Christ figure because of his faith
June 1 2022

The trial about the destroyed Christ figure in the Frauenberg church began on Wednesday at the Nordhausen district court. The defendant is a 26-year-old Afghan.

He allegedly removed church inventory at the end of October last year, tore the valuable Christ figure from the wall and damaged it, and broke an altar panel. He is charged with damage to property and trespassing.

After just under an hour, however, the trial was suspended. District judge Iris Kasch-Böse wants to question further witnesses and inspect files. She said that it might also be necessary to examine the culpability of the accused Afghan.

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Title: 13-year-old boy beaten, sodomised by two clerics at Madani Madarsa in Ahmedabad,
Post by: Shammu on June 01, 2022, 11:57:35 AM
13-year-old boy beaten, sodomised by two clerics at Madani Madarsa in Ahmedabad, POCSO case registered
1 June, 2022

A case of sexual harassment of a 13-year-old minor boy by two clerics at Madani Madarsa in the Bapunagar area of Ahmedabad has come to light. The child is under treatment at the nearby Shardaben Hospital. Police have registered a complaint under the POCSO Act and started investigating after the family lodged a police complaint.

According to exclusive information received by OpIndia through a reliable source, a daily wager, who lives in Gomtipur had sent the eldest of his six children, who is 13-year-old, to the Madani Madarsa in Bapunagar near him on 29th May 2022 for religious study during the summer vacation. On 30th May 2022, the parents were shocked when the child came home and told them about the inhuman act done to him by two clerics in the madarsa.

According to the child, he was also beaten up. He was taken to the nearby Shardaben Hospital for treatment as there were marks of beating on his body and injuries in the anal parts due to brutal sodomisation by the two clerics in the madarsa.

The father of the child informed that the eldest of his 6 children, aged 13 years, was studying in 7th standard in the government school no. 2. As the summer vacation was currently going on in the school, he had decided to send his son to a madarsa to study Islam as per the customs of his religion. On the morning of May 29, they took the child to the Madina Madarsa at Sundaramnagar in Bapunagar to inquire about the same, and finally, on the same day, the child was admitted there.

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*****I have no use for a pedophile and really have a dislike for anyone defiling a child. Yet in islam their qur'an allows this to happen to boys and girls. Now then, everyone wonders why islam is so nasty.*****

Title: The Arab-Israeli conflict
Post by: Shammu on June 01, 2022, 12:13:45 PM
The Arab-Israeli conflict

The Zionist (supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel as I am) settling of this country, which began at the end of the 19th century, did indeed create a conflict between Jews and Arabs. The amount of those killed in various clashes up till the establishment of the State of Israel was no more than a few thousands, of both Jews and Arabs. Most of the Arabs killed in those years were killed in armed struggles of Arabs amongst themselves; such as, for example, in the days of the Great Arab Uprising of 1936 – 1939. That was a sign of things to come. Many others were killed as a result of the harsh hand wielded by the British. Israel never did anything comparable.
Israel’s War of Independence, known also as the War of 48’, left between 5,000 to 15,000 dead from among the Palestinians and citizens of Arab countries. In this war, as in any war, there were indeed atrocities. The attackers declared their goal, and if they had won, a mass extermination of Jews would have taken place. On Israel’s side there were also barbarous acts, but they were on the fringe of the fringe. Less, far less, than in any other war in modern times. Far less than what is being perpetrated every day in these very times, by Muslims, mainly against Muslims, in Sudan and in Iraq.
The next event of importance was the Sinai War of 1956. About 1,650 Egyptians were killed, about 1,000 at the hands of the Israelis and about 650 by the French and British forces. Next came the Six Day War (1967- IJ). The highest estimates talk of 21,000 Arabs killed on all three fronts – Egypt, Syria and Jordan.  The Yom Kippur War (1973 – IJ) resulted in 8,500 Arab dead, this time on only two fronts – Egypt and Syria.

Then there were ‘smaller’ wars: The first Lebanon war, which was initially mainly against the PLO and not against Lebanon. This was a war in a war. These were the years of the bloody civil war in Lebanon. And thus also in the second Lebanon war, in which about a thousand Lebanese were killed.
Thousands of Palestinians were killed during the Israeli occupation of the territories, that began at the end of the Six Day War. Most were killed during the two Intifadas, the one that commenced in 1987 and resulted in 1,800 Palestinian deaths, and the one that commenced in 2000 with a Palestinan death toll of 3,700. In between, there were more military actions that caused further Arab fatalities. If we exaggerate, we can say that these were a few hundred more who were killed. Hundreds. Not hundreds of thousands, not millions as some news sources say..............
The total count reaches about 60,000 Arabs killed in the framework of the Israeli-Arab conflict from 1948 to today. Among them only several thousand Palestinians, although it is because of them, and only them, that Israel is the target of the world’s anger. Every Arab and Muslim death is regrettable. And it is okay to criticize Israel. But the obsessive and demonic criticism emphasizes a far more amazing fact: The silence of the world, or at least relative silence, in the face of the systematic extermination of millions of others by Muslim and Arab regimes.

Title: Jerusalem or Kabul? Jihadists Squabble Over Islam’s ‘Third Holiest Site’
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 08:39:49 PM
Jerusalem or Kabul? Jihadists Squabble Over Islam’s ‘Third Holiest Site’
By Israel Today Staff
June 1, 2022

The notion of Jerusalem as Islam’s third holiest site is beginning to unravel. The truth is that up until 150 years ago, Muslims didn’t pay much attention at all to Jerusalem or the Temple Mount (ie. the Al Aqsa Mosque). It wasn’t until Jews started returning and reestablished Jerusalem as their capital city that the Muslim world began pressing its own claim.

The assertion that this is Islam’s third holiest site centers on the Al Aqsa Mosque at the southern end of the Temple Mount (not the golden Dome of the Rock, which is situated over the spot where the Jewish Temples once stood). The Koran says that Mohammed ascended to heaven from “the furthest mosque” – “Al Aqsa” in Arabic.

As renowned Egyptian scholar and novelist Youssef Ziedan acknowledged in a series of television interviews in recent years, Jerusalem of course had no mosques at the time of Mohammed. It was still a Byzantine city with only churches.

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Title: Open Season on the Jews of France Yet another French Jew is murdered in an anti-
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 08:41:07 PM
Open Season on the Jews of France
Yet another French Jew is murdered in an anti-Semitic hate crime.
Fri Jun 3, 2022
Ari Lieberman

In what has become a disturbing, and all too familiar occurrence in France, another elderly French Jew has been murdered in an unprovoked attack motivated by antisemitism. On May 21, an 89-year-old Lyon resident named René Hadjaj was defenestrated from the 17th floor of the apartment complex where he resided. The perpetrator has been identified as a 51-year-old male of Algerian origin named Rachid Kheniche. Hadjaj was said to have been wearing a kippah at the time of the assault.

French police were quick to dismiss the attack as a dispute between neighbors unrelated to antisemitism. However, watchdog groups quickly alerted French law enforcement authorities to Kheniche’s social media postings where he engaged in antisemitic rants. After viewing the postings, the French prosecutor’s office requested that judges presiding over the case include an antisemitic motive charge as an aggravating circumstance in killing of Hadjaj.

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Title: Turkey, Terrorists and NATO
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 08:42:27 PM
Turkey, Terrorists and NATO
by Uzay Bulut
June 2, 2022

Turkey, reportedly on the verge of yet another military incursion into Syria, appears up to other fun and games as well.

While Russia's invasion of Ukraine remains ongoing, two Nordic nations have applied for NATO membership: Sweden and Finland.

However, one NATO member, Turkey, said it is opposed to their NATO membership based on their alleged support of "terrorism". On May 25, delegations from Sweden and Finland arrived in Ankara, seeking to address Turkish objections to their joining the military alliance.

"Turkey could not have a positive view on Sweden and Finland's NATO membership so long as these countries did not show that they would be in solidarity with Turkey concerning fundamental issues, combatting terrorism in particular," Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

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Title: Was the Muslim Conquest of Spain Driven by Piety or Plunder? “Bringing knowledge
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 08:44:14 PM
Was the Muslim Conquest of Spain Driven by Piety or Plunder?
“Bringing knowledge, justice, freedom, and equality” to the conquered.
Fri Jun 3, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

Recently, the Grand Imam of Al Azhar University, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, claimed that the seventh century Muslim conquests of the mostly Christian majority Middle East and North Africa “were not conquests of colonization that rely on the methods of plunder, oppression, control, and the policies of domination and dependency.”  Rather, they were about bringing “knowledge, justice, freedom, and equality” to the conquered.

A couple of weeks before al-Tayeb made these highly ahistorical claims, another prominent sheikh and professional historian, Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Salabi, wrote a lengthy article dedicated to making the same claims—also during Ramadan, when Muslims are wont to reminisce over the virtues of jihad—but in the context of the Muslim conquest of Spain.

Published by the International Union of Muslim Scholars, and titled “From Ramadan’s Victories: The Islamic Conquest of al-Andalus,” it offers a more focused case study on this phenomenon of wildly whitewashing Islamic history.

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Title: The stories behind a pink Koran used to swear in Australia's first two Muslim mi
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 08:46:32 PM
The stories behind a pink Koran used to swear in Australia's first two Muslim ministers and the enormous century-old Bible that had Anthony Albanese's girlfriend in stitches
2 June 2022

When Australia's first Muslim minister strode up to be sworn in at Government House, he held in his hand an object never seen at such a ceremony.

Matching his tie, new industry minister Ed Husic placed a bright pink Koran on the table and placed his right hand on it to swear his oath.

The surprisingly coloured holy book was steeped in symbolism, and not just as a demonstration of parliament's improving diversity.

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Title: Erdoğan reiterates Turkey’s opposition to Finland and Sweden's NATO bids
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 08:48:12 PM
Erdoğan reiterates Turkey’s opposition to Finland and Sweden's NATO bids
01.06.2022 15:06:11
English News
Ankara Haberleri

Noting that the administration worked hard to turn regional and global crises into opportunities for Turkey, Erdoğan said: “Thanks be to Allah, cries of victory have risen up from everywhere we supported our brothers and sisters from Libya to Karabakh. We have foiled every single plan on our region that might cause unfavorable results for us.”

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Title: Thai peace negotiator: Rebel group responsible for attack in Deep South Mariyam
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 08:50:12 PM
Thai peace negotiator: Rebel group responsible for attack in Deep South
Mariyam Ahmad and Muzliza Mustafa

BRN separatists carried out a dramatic attack along the Malaysian border last week that shattered a nearly two-month pause in violence in Thailand’s Deep South, a pro-insurgent Facebook page and a Thai government peace negotiator claimed.

Three Thai government security personnel were injured when more than 10 gunmen armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked a police station and a customs office in the Tak Bai district of Narathiwat province on May 25.

The lead negotiator representing Barisan Nasional Revolusi rebels in Malaysia-brokered peace talks with Thailand challenged Bangkok’s claim and questioned the validity of the social media post that his group was responsible for the raid.

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Title: No food in the hospital because of Ramadan… Enjoying holidays in Muslim countrie
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 08:52:57 PM
No food in the hospital because of Ramadan… Enjoying holidays in Muslim countries!
June 1, 2022

A young woman called Ingrid had the idea to go abroad to a Muslim country, the Maldives.

Islam is such a wonderful religion … that when she was hospitalised after a serious injury, she thought she was going to starve to death.

Poor thing, she had to do a forced Ramadan!

So much for eating Madame white tourist, in Rome behave like a Roman, in the Maldives behave like a Muslim and keep Ramadan.

“I felt I was being sucked into it. And then the propeller tore my calf. Then the other leg. I screamed and luckily I was able to hold on to the ladder,” she reports. The passengers on the boat thought it was a shark attack.
Yet everything had started well for Ingrid ten days earlier. When she flew to Sri Lanka with her travel partner, she had no idea that she would not arrive back in France until mid-May. “We had signed up for the Amazon Raid. This is a combination of trail running, kayaking, cycling, canoeing and archery. It is reserved for women and has a purely humanitarian orientation,”
she said.

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Title: “French national education system confronted with an “epidemic” of Islamic cloth
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 08:55:57 PM
“French national education system confronted with an “epidemic” of Islamic clothing” – Propagandists for this clothing have links to the Islamists who murdered Samuel Paty
June 2, 2022

Several academies are affected to varying degrees. The phenomenon has expanded recently, suggesting that it is, if not a concerted effort, at least a pronounced proselytism. “Challenges” have even appeared on social networks asking young people to challenge their school.
According to information from L’Opinion, the territorial intelligence service has alerted the Ministry of the Interior, just as the rectorates have done for education. The file will be quickly presented to Pap Ndiaye and could serve as a test for the new minister’s firmness on violations of secularism. In Grenoble, two young girls were called to order in mid-May. The school administration of the Lycée Mounier then sent an email, quoted by the newspaper Dauphiné libéré, to the parents of the students reminding them that “non-conformist clothing (high heels, beachwear as well as long tunics considered as an ostentatious religious sign) will not be accepted”. The next day, more headscarves were worn at the entrance and a petition “against discrimination against schoolgirls” was posted on the website

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Title: Another Hindu exodus in Kashmir? Hindu govt employees decide to leave the valley
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 08:58:16 PM
Another Hindu exodus in Kashmir? Hindu govt employees decide to leave the valley en masse after Islamic terrorists start targeted killing of Hindus
2 June, 2022

With fear gripping the valley due to increased targeted killings of Hindus, the minority government employees have decided to leave Kashmir en masse on Friday (June 3), giving rise to fears that another exodus, like the one in 1990 is ongoing. The decision came soon after Islamic terrorists shot dead a Hindu bank manager in Kashmir’s Kulgam district on Thursday.

According to reports, over 4,000 Pandit employees have made their intention to leave the Valley clear. They have resolved to mass migrate from numerous transit camps strewn over the Valley, as announced by their leaders.

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Title: Indian delegation in Kabul to meet Taliban members, to oversee India’s humanitar
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 08:59:36 PM
Indian delegation in Kabul to meet Taliban members, to oversee India’s humanitarian assistance of food, medicine and vaccines provided to Afghan people
2 June, 2022

On Thursday, India sent a team led by a senior official from the Ministry of External Affairs to Kabul to oversee and analyze the delivery operations of India’s humanitarian assistance provided to Afghanistan. This is India’s first official visit to Kabul after the Taliban took over the country in August last year.

According to the statement released by the Ministry of External Affairs, the India team will meet the senior members of the Taliban, and hold discussions on India’s humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan. The team will also meet representatives of the International Organisations involved in the distribution of humanitarian assistance.

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Title: VIDEO: Quran teacher thrashes students for neglecting lessons, arrested in Moroc
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 09:02:36 PM
VIDEO: Quran teacher thrashes students for neglecting lessons, arrested in Morocco
16 hours ago

The Moroccan security authorities managed to arrest a 44-year-old man for brutally beating children during lessons for memorising the Holy Quran in Tangiers.

A video clip of the incident sparked widespread anger on social media.

The incident took place on Tuesday evening. The clip showed a Quran teacher brutally beating the children on their feet, using a thick stick, despite their pleas and crying, and someone helped him to do so, in a scene that drew condemnation and anger.

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Title: Taliban Builds Dome Of The Rock Replica in Kabul To Express Solidarity With Pale
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 09:04:29 PM
Taliban Builds Dome Of The Rock Replica in Kabul To Express Solidarity With Palestine, Islamic State (ISIS) Supporters Criticize Project
May 21, 2022

On May 21, 2022, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (the Afghan Taliban) published issue 196 of their official Arabic-language monthly magazine, Al-Somood. The editorial on the third page of the issue is titled "Afghanistan: The Beating Heart of the Islamic Nation."

In the editorial, a parallel is drawn between Kabul and its "sister" city Jerusalem. The writer argues that Kabul was the first of the two cities to achieve liberation   when it was freed from "the oppressive American occupation that lasted 20 years." In honor of Jerusalem, on May 18 the municipality of Kabul inaugurated a three-dimensional replica of Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock, inside a roundabout. The replica covers an area of 17 square meters and is nine meters high.

The editorial recalls the importance of Jerusalem in Islam as the first qiblah (direction of prayer) for Muslims; the third holy city in Islam after Mecca and Medina; and the city from which the Prophet Muhammad ascended to the sky in his night journey, known as the mi'raj.

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Title: Shae Gill responds to DMs shaming her for praying for deceased singer Sidhu Moos
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 09:06:50 PM
Shae Gill responds to DMs shaming her for praying for deceased singer Sidhu Moose Wala
31 MAY, 2022 11:25AM

The recent passing of Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala had a lot of celebrities around the globe sending their condolences and Gill was one of them. She posted an Instagram story sharing the news and wrote, "Heartbroken. May his soul rest in peace and may his family and friends have the strength to bear this loss."

This act of humanity was seen as otherwise by some netizens. Having had enough of being 'policed' by such people, on Monday, the singer shared screenshots of the DMs and made her stance clear.

The message read, "As a Muslim, you are not allowed to make dua for non-Muslims when they die."

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Title: Muslim man fills urine in a plastic bag, throws it at Hindu women observing Vat
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 09:09:52 PM
Muslim man fills urine in a plastic bag, throws it at Hindu women observing Vat Savitri Puja
Jun 2, 2022, 03:22 pm IST

A Muslim man named Naseer attacked a group of Hindu women while they were performing traditional Vat Savitri Puja rituals in Jashpurnagar, Chhattisgarh. The Muslim man allegedly poured his pee into a plastic bag and threw it at women who had assembled to observe Vat Savitri Puja ceremonies near the Rani Bagicha district of the city.

After the incident on Monday, the group of women who were attacked with urine by Naseer had left the Puja and gone home. They arrived at the local police station later that evening to file a complaint against Naseer.

According to local media reports, a huge number of Hindu women gathered on the streets to protest against this heinous act of sexual harassment and hate crime. On Wednesday, a bandh was held in Jashpurnagar over the assault because, despite complaints, the accused Muslim guy had not been arrested by local police.

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*****Islam has no respect for anyone's else except themselves and they will also kill other muslims who they disagree with*****

Title: Two Red Cross workers killed in attack in western Mali
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 09:11:27 PM
June 3, 20228:34 AM UTC
Last Updated ago
Two Red Cross workers killed in attack in western Mali

DAKAR, June 2 (Reuters) - Two Red Cross workers were killed on Wednesday when their car was attacked by unidentified armed men in western Mali, the global humanitarian organisation said on Thursday.

Armed men on motorcycles opened fire on the vehicle in the region of Kayes, the Malian Red Cross said in a statement.

The driver, who was Malian, and a staff member of the Netherlands Red Cross were killed, it said, while two colleagues survived the attack.

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Title: Two Jewish asylum seekers in Germany to be returned to Iran?
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 09:15:04 PM
Two Jewish asylum seekers in Germany to be returned to Iran?  :'(
Uzay Bulut
03.06.22 07:09

Two siblings from Iran who claim to have proof that they are halakhically Jewish and who have sought asylum, first in Sweden and then in Germany, are anxiously awaiting their threatened deportation to Iran, where they say they will face execution.

Pourya, 31, and Tala Heydariaref, 34, left Iran in October 2019 and arrived in Sweden on tourist visas. Their initial goal was to move to Israel from Sweden. That plan, however, failed when they did not receive a positive response from the Jewish Agency for Israel for reasons unknown to this writer. They thus had to apply for political asylum in Sweden on grounds that they have no freedom of religion in Iran.

Pourya claims: “We are Jewish from our mother's side and we believe in Judaism. We couldn't follow our beloved religion in Iran because our father was Muslim and according to Sharia of Islam that Iran practices, anyone who has a Muslim father has to follow Islam. And if not, they will get executed. So we decided to leave Iran to live as free individuals as Jews.”

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Title: Alleged gang-rape of woman on moving train sparks anger in Pakistan
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 09:17:04 PM
Alleged gang-rape of woman on moving train sparks anger in Pakistan
By Rhea Mogul, Sophia Saifi and Azaz Syed CNN
Updated 0824 GMT (1624 HKT) June 2, 2022

(CNN)The alleged gang-rape of a woman on a moving train has sparked anger in Pakistan, putting the spotlight on the South Asian nation's poor record with women's rights.

Three men -- one of them a ticket checker -- have been accused of raping the woman, a 25-year-old mother of two, as she traveled from the city of Karachi to Multan in Pakistan's Punjab province last week, according to Pakistan's Railway Ministry. It added the attack took place after the men asked her to move to a carriage with air conditioning.
The three men have been arrested on suspicion of rape, according to a police report seen by CNN.

Salman Sufi, the head of the Prime Minister's Strategic Reforms Implementation Unit, told CNN Thursday that the government had ordered railway operators to improve the safety of women on trains, with measures including CCTV cameras in common areas, emergency buttons in cabins, and patrols by women police officers.

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Title: Muslim Call to Prayer Arrives to Minneapolis Soundscape
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 09:19:53 PM
Muslim Call to Prayer Arrives to Minneapolis Soundscape
By Associated Press
June 1, 2022

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The chant in Arabic blasted from rooftop loudspeakers, drowning out both the growl of traffic from nearby interstates and the chatter and clinking glasses on the patio of the dive bar that shares a wall with Minneapolis’ oldest Somali mosque.

Dozens of men in fashionably ripped jeans or impeccably ironed kameez tunics rushed toward the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque. Teens clutched smartphones, and some of the older devout shuffled in with the aid of walkers from the high-rise complex across the street where thousands of Somalis live.

This spring Minneapolis became the first large city in the United States to allow the Islamic call to prayer, or adhan, to be broadcast publicly by its two dozen mosques.

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*****I wonder if these loud speakers are disturbing the peace?? I know my peace would be disturbed if they woke me up*****

Title: Video Evidence Proves Israel Not at Fault for Violence at Shireen Abu Akleh’s Fu
Post by: Shammu on June 03, 2022, 09:23:37 PM
Video Evidence Proves Israel Not at Fault for Violence at Shireen Abu Akleh’s Funeral
By Itamar Marcus
June 1, 2022

Palestinian Media Watch has examined the broadcasts on official Palestinian Authority TV and Al Jazeera prior to and during the May 13 funeral of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was killed on May 11 in a firefight between Palestinian terrorists and Israeli soldiers. This examination confirms the Israeli version of the events that led to the violence. Videos of Israeli police who hit some of those who carried the coffin on their shoulders were disseminated around the world to make it seem as if the Israel Police interfered with the funeral. In fact, the exact opposite was the case. It was a Palestinian mob that hijacked the funeral and Israeli police were forced to intervene and ensure the funeral was held as Akleh’s family had planned.

Anton Abu Akleh: At 2:00 pm, Allah willing, the body will set out from the French Hospital on Highway 1 (i.e., by hearse) to the Jaffa Gate, to the Greek Catholic Church next to the Jaffa Gate. There the burial prayer will be held for her soul. Afterwards we will set out from the church by foot to the [Mount] Zion Cemetery of the Greek Catholic Church.

It is clear from all this that it was the Palestinian mob that prevented Abu Akleh’s funeral from progressing to the church by hearse as the family wanted. It was the mob that took the body without authorization, which forced Israeli police to intervene and return the body to the hospital by force. Once returned, the body was transported to the church in a hearse under Israeli protection according to plan.

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Title: Nuclear Iran NOT an "Acceptable Risk"
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 10:33:08 AM
Nuclear Iran NOT an "Acceptable Risk"
by Peter Vincent Pry
May 31, 2022

*President Biden is defunding nuclear weapons critical to U.S. national security, such as the SLCM-N and B-83. He is also still seriously considering abolition of U.S. intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), and is doing nothing to accelerate desperately needed modernization of the U.S. nuclear deterrent -- despite increasing nuclear threats from Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.
*Unlike North Korea, whose overt pursuit of nuclear weapons is used for atomic diplomacy and blackmail, Iran's nuclear weapons program is clandestine and may remain covertly secret -- because Iran plans actually to use its "Islamic bomb."

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS), comprising largely former, mostly Democrat administration foreign policy and defense officials, in a new study — "Risk and Responsibility: Managing Future Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction Threats" — tries to sell the notion that Iran armed with nuclear, biological and chemical offensive weapons will be an acceptable risk. CNAS is a source of staff and "expertise" to the Biden Administration. Unfortunately, their idea is preposterous.

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Title: Islamic Antisemitism Drives the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Mark Durie Middle East
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 10:34:37 AM
Islamic Antisemitism Drives the Arab-Israeli Conflict
by Mark Durie
Middle East Quarterly
Summer 2022

An underestimated, unappreciated, and oft-denied driver of the Arab-Israeli conflict is Islamic religious antisemitism. How deeply entrenched is this religious bigotry, and can it prevent, or slow down, the nascent reconciliation between Israel and the Arab world?

Some might question whether it is justifiable to speak of "Islamic antisemitism" and view this charge as a slur on the name of one of the world's great faiths, followed by close to two billion people. Yet the numerous passages in Islam's canonical sources (the Qur'an and Sunna) that depict the Jews as a warmongering, cowardly, and treacherous lot have played a key role in the perpetuation of the Arab-Israeli conflict, as evidenced among other things by the outpouring of antisemitic hate speech during and after the May 2021 Hamas-Israel war.

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Title: Former Birmingham mosque worker charged with sexual offences
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 10:36:19 AM
Former Birmingham mosque worker charged with sexual offences
June 2 2022

A former agency worker at a Birmingham mosque has been charged with rape and other sexual offences against boys, police have said.

West Midlands Police said Said Daauud's alleged offences happened over the past few months and involved four boys.

One of the charges, assault by touching, is alleged to have taken place at the mosque, which cannot be named for legal reasons.

The other offences are alleged to have happened elsewhere, police said.

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Title: Kwara Reopens Baptist School After Four-Month Closure, Says Islamic Headcovering
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 10:41:40 AM
Kwara Reopens Baptist School After Four-Month Closure, Says Islamic Headcoverings Allowed
JUN 02, 2022

The Kwara State Government has announced the reopening of Oyun Baptist High School, Ijagbo, for students after about four months of closure over the use of hijab by female Muslim students.

The state government had closed the school on Thursday, February 3, 2022, saying it “condemns the flagrant act of discrimination against anyone, especially children, on religious grounds.”

“Such discrimination will not be tolerated in any public-owned institution in the state,” it had added.

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*****The next thing you know will be Oyun Baptist High School having to teach the qur'an, in place of the Bible*****

Title: 'Osama Bin Laden is my guru': UP official puts terrorist's photo in office
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 10:44:24 AM
'Osama Bin Laden is my guru': UP official puts terrorist's photo in office
Sanjay Pandey, DHNS,
JUN 01 2022

The official, identified as Ravindra Prakash Gautam, the sub-divisional officer (SDO) at Nawabganj town in the state's Farrukhabad district, about 250 kilometres from Lucknow, had so much liking for Laden that he installed the terrorist's picture in ...

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Title: Iran And Russia Expand Energy Ties Amid Ukraine War
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 10:53:17 AM
Iran And Russia Expand Energy Ties Amid Ukraine War
By Simon Watkins
Jun 02, 2022, 5:00 PM CDT

Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Alexander Novak, headed a high-level delegation to Iran last week, with the Kremlin-orchestrated invasion of Ukraine still in full swing. According to Iran’s Petroleum Minister, Javad Owji, part of Russia’s US$5 billion funds for Iranian energy, agricultural, and transport projects has now been allocated, and the two countries plan to increase their annual trade to a minimum of US$40 billion by 2025. Crucially from the West’s perspective, though, and from the perspective of any new ‘Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, or colloquially ‘the nuclear deal’) between Iran and the U.S., Owji highlighted that this significantly increased cooperation between Tehran and Moscow will also encompass the financial and banking sector, oil, gas, petrochemicals, and nuclear energy. He added that the two sides have also now agreed to conduct their bilateral trade in their own currencies.

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Title: McDonald's Knowingly Served Muslim Family Bacon, Complaint Says
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 10:55:24 AM
McDonald's Knowingly Served Muslim Family Bacon, Complaint Says
Mark Pratt
June 1, 2022

Workers at a McDonald’s restaurant in Massachusetts intentionally put bacon on a fish sandwich that a Muslim woman had ordered for one of her children, a civil rights organization said Wednesday.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations filed a discrimination complaint on the woman’s behalf with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.

“It is commonly known that Islam forbids Muslims from eating pork,” the complaint says. “McDonald’s employees willfully added bacon to the complainant’s food in an effort to offend, humiliate, and cause distress to complainant and her young children.”

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Title: 'Kidnapped in Iraq': Christian aid worker recounts his 66-day abduction by Islam
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 10:57:12 AM
'Kidnapped in Iraq': Christian aid worker recounts his 66-day abduction by Islamic militants
 2022-06-02 08:30

Shafaq News/ A French former Catholic school teacher has opened up about the torturous conditions he faced while being held hostage by Islamic militants for two months while serving a Christian humanitarian effort in Syria, something he felt God had called him to do.

In 2014, Alexandre Goodarzy became alarmed at reports of Christian oppression in the Middle East and responded by joining the relief group SOS Christians of the Middle East in Syria. He traveled to the country in 2015 to assist persecuted Christians in the region ranked as one of the worst when it comes to tolerance of Christianity.

As a history and geography teacher, Goodarzy told The Christian Post he first heard of SOS Christians — known in French as SOS Chrétiens d'Orient — from one of his students.

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Title: UPDATE: The perpetrator is Syrian – Muslim guardian of public morals threatened
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 11:00:52 AM
UPDATE: The perpetrator is Syrian – Muslim guardian of public morals threatened women in Vienna, Austria: they should wear headscarves
June 3, 2022

At the Vienna Praterstern railway station on Thursday evening, an Austrian citizen (19) threatened and insulted three girls aged 15 to 18. They were told to dress more modestly and put on a headscarf. The “guardian of public morals” chased the three young women from the underground station Praterstern to Schwedenplatz. There he pulled out a knife, kicked them and put one of the victims (17) in a headlock. The women then called the police.

The man was extremely aggressive towards the police officers. A small amount of cannabis was seized from the suspect during the arrest. The Austrian, who was known to the police, was arrested and charged with suspicion of dangerous threat, attempted bodily harm and violation of the Narcotic Substances Act. The victims suffered no physical injuries as a result of the incident.

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Title: France: Syrian refugee Hussein Ahmed goes on trial for the rape and murder of 24
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 11:04:14 AM
France: Syrian refugee Hussein Ahmed goes on trial for the rape and murder of 24-year-old Johanna Blanes, who was found naked in a tunnel – His lawyer invokes the cultural difference between Syria and France
June 3, 2022

The first day of the tunnel murder trial focused on analysing the personality of the accused. Hussein Ahmed presents himself as “helpful, friendly, empathetic”. “Impulsive, lying and manipulative”, the experts attest to him.

(…) He claims to own a “very nice house” in Syria. He is homeless and housed in a communal building with other Kurds. He even forges his ex-wife’s identity papers when the couple arrives in France with their two children in 2016. She is only 15 years old. He claims she is 22.

(…) For the defence, lawyer Frédéric Dutin regrets that “his social environment is limited to his ex-wife and her statements”, an ex-wife who incidentally denounces rapes committed by the accused. Addressing the jury, he continues: “The crux of this trial is the cultural difference between Syria and France and the background of this displaced migrant.”

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*****There is no difference, rape is rape and murder is murder, Hussein Ahmed is using this as an excuse*****

Title: Almost 2 gang rapes happen every single day in multicultural Germany, and cases
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 11:08:51 AM
Almost 2 gang rapes happen every single day in multicultural Germany, and cases more than doubled in just 3 years
May 31, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS
author: JOHN CODY

Not only are gang rape cases growing at a shocking rate in Germany, but new data shows that almost every second gang rape suspect does not have German citizenship.

The information has come to light after Alternative for Germany (AfD) member of parliament, Stephan Brandner, requested the German government release statistics on gang rapes. It shows that in 2021, 677 gang rapes occurred, and suspects were identified in 462 cases.

In 2018, there were around 300 such gang rapes, which means there has been an over 120 percent increase in just a matter of three years.

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Title: ‘They found our fear amusing’ – Gangs of mostly Middle Eastern and African youth
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 11:11:55 AM
‘They found our fear amusing’ – Gangs of mostly Middle Eastern and African youths robbed and even stripped UK and Spanish fans of their clothes during Paris Champions League match
June 01, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS
author: JOHN CODY

Following riots during Saturday’s Champions League final in Paris, more shocking information about organized gangs, made up primarily of Middle Eastern and African youths, is coming to light.

As Remix News reported yesterday, British and Spanish fans who arrived in Paris were subjected to mass assaults and thefts outside the Stade de Paris in the troubled, multicultural neighborhood of Saint-Denis, and witnesses are coming forward to share their traumatic experiences.

One Spanish fan speaking with French news channel CNews said that he arrived at the stadium with his family, when organized gangs targeted them:
“They attacked me. There were hundreds of ‘youngsters,’ or men, they were all men… They attacked me, and took my four tickets. They had cost me €6,000, but it didn’t matter anymore, we were scared for ourselves and for our children… At the exit, it was even worse. There were even more assailants. They tried to steal my wife’s bag. The attackers were watching my children cry, and they were laughing. They found our fear amusing.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 11:16:13 AM
Jharkhand: Bride murdered over dowry by inserting iron rod into private  ..
NK Agarwal
June 3 2022

RAMGARH: A 19-year-old woman, married for barely six months in Jharkhand’s Chatra district, was brutally tortured for dowry by her inlaws and later killed by inserting a hot iron rod into her private parts, police and family members said on Thursday.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 11:18:01 AM
Criticising Muslims: Austria’s secret service seeks to take action against the author of a letter to the editor
June 3 2022

The Minister of the Interior seems to have some need for action here: Austria’s secret service, the newly named “Directorate of State Protection and Intelligence” (DSN), wants the eXXpress to disclose data of a reader because he sharply criticised the Muslim parallel society.

The letter from the “Directorate for State Protection and Intelligence” ((DSN – previously known as BVT) caused some astonishment in the eXXpress editorial office: Without stating an order by a public prosecutor’s office, the “DSN” employees want all data from an eXXpress reader.

The reason given by the secret service agents: “The ☐ accused ☒ unknown perpetrator is specifically suspected of having committed the offence according to § 283 StGB by publishing the comment of 19.01.2022, 17:28, a comment on the article in question with inflammatory content. The offender is suspected of having committed the offence under section 283 of the Criminal Code by publishing a commentary on the article with inflammatory content.

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Title: Sweden, Population 10.3 Million, Has over 1 Million Migrants Eligible to Vote in
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 11:20:28 AM
Sweden, Population 10.3 Million, Has over 1 Million Migrants Eligible to Vote in 2022 Elections
2 Jun 2022

Out of a total population of just over ten million people, an estimated one million foreign-born residents of Sweden will be eligible to vote in the coming national elections to be held later this year.

Around 1.2 million foreign-born residents of Sweden will be eligible to vote later this year for the first time ever, with some noting that foreign-born Swedes tend to vote mainly for a specific party, namely the ruling Social Democrats.

The new number of foreign-born voters is a full 200,000 higher than the last Swedish national election, according to a report from broadcaster Sveriges Radio.

Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson, professor of political science, commented on foreign-born voting patterns, saying: “If you combine voting for the Left Party and the Social Democrats, it’s a clear red vote.”

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Title: Women prevented to do yoga at city park in Eskişehir following complaint to pres
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 11:22:01 AM
Women prevented to do yoga at city park in Eskişehir following complaint to presidency
Monday May 30 2022 10:35 pm

A group of women were prevented to do yoga by security guards at the Dede Korkut Park in the western province of Eskişehir on May 29.

The security officers initially cited "damage to the grass" as the reason for the ban, but after a while, they told the women that there was a complaint against them filed with Turkey's Presidential Communications Center (CİMER).

Yoga instructor Yağmur Uğur Dönmez said that they received the support of many people of the incident. "Despite everything, we will continue to practice yoga. We have got a lot of support. Even people who don't do yoga normally began to say they will start doing it [after the incident]," she said. 

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Title: Hindus singled out by name and assaulted, CM Yogi orders police to invoke Gangst
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 11:24:18 AM
Hindus singled out by name and assaulted, CM Yogi orders police to invoke Gangster Act against rioters, FIRs registered
4 June, 2022

In the violence that erupted in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur district on May 3, Friday, Islamists had singled out the Hindus by their names and assaulted them, reports Zee News. The violence had erupted over a call by Islamists to shut down the shops in the area in protest against BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma for allegedly committing ‘blasphemy’ against Prophet Muhammad

After Friday prayers, the Muslim mob began forcing Hindus in the Beconganj district to close their shops. When they objected, the enraged mob began throwing stones at Hindus. The Islamists insisted on knowing the names of the people, and those who were Hindus were attacked.

As per the report by Zee News, a rickshaw puller passing by was stopped by the enraged Islamists and asked for his name. The rickshaw puller identified himself as Mukesh. The Islamists brutally assaulted him after learning he was a Hindu. He was struck in his head which left him critically injured. The Islamists fled leaving Mukesh in a pool of blood. The critically injured driver was later rushed to the hospital, where his condition remains critical.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 11:27:22 AM
Blaming the Jews for the inability to reform Islam
Dr. Stephen M. Kirby
03.06.22 15:40

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, aspiring reformer and modernizer of Islam, founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, and one of the founders of the Muslim Reform Movement, recently wrote an article in the White Rose magazine in which he maintained that those like him who are aspiring to reform and modernize Islam are being held back by Jewish leaders in the United States.[1]

In this article Jasser noted:
…some of our most significant obstacles…come from within the Jewish community. If any of us reformers are going to ever make any headway at all, then the leadership of leading Jewish political and religious organizations must make strategic alliances with – eyes wide open, please [sic?]. The importance of those alliances cannot be overstated as it provides important legitimacy to American Muslim groups domestically and abroad.

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Title: Hindu Man Killed Over Relationship With Muslim Woman In Karnataka: Cops
Post by: Shammu on June 04, 2022, 12:21:25 PM
Hindu Man Killed Over Relationship With Muslim Woman In Karnataka: Cops
Reported by Sreeja M S,
Edited by Divyanshu Dutta Roy
May 27, 2022

Bengaluru: The murder of a 25-year-old Hindu man over a relationship with a Muslim woman has prompted authorities to step up security and call in additional forces in Karnataka's Kalaburagi district.

Vijaya Kamble, a resident of Bheema Nagar Layout in Wadi town, was waylaid by a group of men near a railway bridge on Monday night.

An argument is said to have ensued before they attacked him with sharp weapons, leaving him bleeding profusely. Vijaya died from the injuries on the spot.

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Title: Hindus singled out by name and assaulted, CM Yogi orders police to invoke Gangst
Post by: Shammu on June 05, 2022, 11:31:13 AM
Hindus singled out by name and assaulted, CM Yogi orders police to invoke Gangster Act against rioters, FIRs registered
4 June, 2022

In the violence that erupted in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur district on May 3, Friday, Islamists had singled out the Hindus by their names and assaulted them, reports Zee News. The violence had erupted over a call by Islamists to shut down the shops in the area in protest against BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma for allegedly committing ‘blasphemy’ against Prophet Muhammad

After Friday prayers, the Muslim mob began forcing Hindus in the Beconganj district to close their shops. When they objected, the enraged mob began throwing stones at Hindus. The Islamists insisted on knowing the names of the people, and those who were Hindus were attacked.

As per the report by Zee News, a rickshaw puller passing by was stopped by the enraged Islamists and asked for his name. The rickshaw puller identified himself as Mukesh. The Islamists brutally assaulted him after learning he was a Hindu. He was struck in his head which left him critically injured. The Islamists fled leaving Mukesh in a pool of blood. The critically injured driver was later rushed to the hospital, where his condition remains critical.

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Title: B’desh Guinness record holder killed for protesting girl’s harassment
Post by: Shammu on June 05, 2022, 11:34:45 AM
B’desh Guinness record holder killed for protesting girl’s harassment
JUNE 5, 2022

AGuinness World record-holding cyclist was stabbed to death for protesting harassment of a female friend in Bangladesh’s Bogura, police said on Saturday.

“We have identified the main accused and are making efforts to arrest him,” Sazzadul Selim Reza, the officer in charge of of the Bogura Sadar police station said, adding that the accused Ariful Islam Arif has two murder cases against him at the police station.

The deceased, Md Al Jamiul Boni, 22, achieved a Guinness world record for an official attempt for most users to complete a remote 10km in 24 hours on September 29, 2021. According to Guinness, the attempt was held for virtual runners (total 25,523) in Germany for other participants from different countries, and Boni was part of it.

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Title: Taliban Rebels Shot Dead 12 Innocent Civilians in Baghlan
Post by: Shammu on June 05, 2022, 11:36:55 AM
Taliban Rebels Shot Dead 12 Innocent Civilians in Baghlan
By Mohammad Shaker Rasa
Last updated Jun 3, 2022

Sources have reported that the Taliban rebels have shot dead 12 innocent civilians at a checkpoint in Nahrin district of Baghlan province while they were returning home from a party.

The rebels killed them on Thursday night, June 2.

According to sources, the Taliban fighters killed them for allegedly attending night parties, adding Sharia Law does not allow night parties.

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Title: Ansaru Terrorist Group Denies Responsibility For Train attack
Post by: Shammu on June 05, 2022, 11:39:36 AM
Ansaru Terrorist Group Denies Responsibility For Train attack
by Isaiah Benjamin
 21 hours ago

The Jama’ar Ansarul Muslimina fi Biladi Sudan also known as Ansaru terrorist group has denied responsibility for the March 28, 2022 train attack on Abuja /Kaduna train.

In a statement distributed to residents and motorists plying the Birnin Gwari road on Thursday which they titled,’ Message to Nigerian Government and the Citizens ‘ in Hausa a copy which was obtained and translated in English, the group distanced itself from the train attack.

According to the group, its main essence is to work for Allah by protecting Islam and Muslims who  have been cheated and oppressed.

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Title: Youth Pastor Killed in Muslim Extremist Attack on Church in Uganda
Post by: Shammu on June 05, 2022, 11:41:50 AM
Youth Pastor Killed in Muslim Extremist Attack on Church in Uganda
June 3, 2022

NAIROBI, Kenya, June 3, 2022 (Morning Star News) – A youth pastor in Uganda died on May 26 from an axe blow to the head sustained during an Islamic extremist attack on a church on May 20, sources said.

Emmanuel Mugabi sustained deep cuts on his leg and head and lost consciousness in the attack, said Bishop Sserugga John Assaph of Bukomero Miracle Center Church in Bukomero, Kiboga District, about 75 miles northwest of Kampala.

Mugabi succumbed to a blood clot from the head injuries after a week of treatment. He was 32.

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Title: Germany: Rejected asylum seeker stabs woman with 17 stabs with a knife
Post by: Shammu on June 05, 2022, 11:44:52 AM
Germany: Rejected asylum seeker stabs woman with 17 stabs with a knife
June 5 2022

Anour S. (name modified, 40) was waiting for the lift on the ground floor with a girlfriend. When the door opened, her ex rushed out, butchered her with 17 knife stabs. “Out of jealousy and an exaggerated sense of honour”, as it says in the charge of attempted murder?

Or, according to conjecture: Because of a residence permit that he, as a rejected asylum seeker, could only obtain by getting married? “I didn’t want to kill her,” claims the Tunisian Mohamed M. (42) in the trial before the Regional Court. “I still love her after all. And not because of these papers.”

The two had met in 2019. And first married according to Islamic law. “We were both still married. We had to wait until we got divorced to go to the registry office.” He moved in with her in Badstraße (Berlin district of Wedding). “It was very harmonious at first.” After selling his snack bar, he worked in construction. “I brought home good money.” But then there were more and more arguments. Also because of his alcohol and drug consumption.

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Title: New York Man Gets 15 Years in Prison for Supporting Islamic State
Post by: Shammu on June 05, 2022, 11:46:53 AM
New York Man Gets 15 Years in Prison for Supporting Islamic State
June 03, 2022 3:57 PM

A Uzbekistan citizen residing in New York City who had been convicted of conspiring to and attempting to provide material support to Islamic State was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Friday, the U.S. Justice Department said.

Dilkhayot Kasimov, 34, was convicted of both counts following a trial in 2019. He was charged in 2015.

"Kasimov is an ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) supporter who collected and gave money to another individual to fund his travel to join the terrorist group. With this sentence, Kasimov is being held accountable for his crimes," Matthew Olsen, assistant attorney general for national security, said in a statement.

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Title: Maulana Mufti Nadeem threatens to gouge eyes and chop hands over ‘blasphemy’ in
Post by: Shammu on June 05, 2022, 11:49:18 AM
Maulana Mufti Nadeem threatens to gouge eyes and chop hands over ‘blasphemy’ in presence of Police, watch video
5 June, 2022

On June 4, a video of Maulana Mufti Nadeem of Bundi, Rajasthan, went viral on social media in which he threatened to gouge eyes and chop the hands of those who speak against Prophet Mohammad. The controversial statement came in the backdrop of the remarks made by Bharatiya Janata Party spokesperson Nupur Sharma. Maulana Mufti gave the provocative statement in the presence of Rajasthan Police.

The Muslim community had gone to meet the collector on June 3 to submit a memorandum regarding the remarks made by Sharma. While addressing the crowd at Collectorate premises in the presence of Police, Maulana Mufti said, “If the administration says it is not against the law, we will go against the law. If it is against the law, the local administration and the union government must listen… If she has done blasphemy against my master, which she has done, and if someone else does the same, listen carefully… take action against them. If you fail to take action, Muslims will take the matter into their hands.”

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Title: Nigerian man burned to death after argument with Muslim cleric
Post by: Shammu on June 05, 2022, 11:51:27 AM
Nigerian man burned to death after argument with Muslim cleric
PUBLISHED JUN 5, 2022, 3:56 AM SGT
ABUJA (REUTERS) - A Nigerian man was burned to death by a mob in the capital Abuja on Saturday (June 4) following an argument with a Muslim cleric, police said.

Josephine Adeh, police spokesman for Abuja, said Ahmad Usman had an argument with an unidentified cleric, which turned violent.

Police who arrived at the scene took him to hospital where he was declared dead on arrival.

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Title: France's Islamist Challenge: Burqas, Niqabs, and "Living Together"
Post by: Shammu on June 05, 2022, 11:53:40 AM
France's Islamist Challenge: Burqas, Niqabs, and "Living Together"
by Eelco van Riel
Middle East Quarterly
Summer 2022

Addressing both houses of the French parliament on June 22, 2009—the first such speech by the head of state in one hundred and fifty years—President Nicolas Sarkozy stated that the burqa—an Islamic garment that conceals the face with the exception of the eyes—was "not welcome on the territory of the French Republic." He explained to the gathered delegates,
The burqa problem is not a religious problem; it is a problem pertaining to freedom, to the dignity of women ... It is not a religious sign; it is a sign of enslavement; it is a sign of debasement.

The next day, the National Assembly, the parliament's lower house, approved the creation of a fact-finding commission to study the practice of "wearing the full veil." In January 2010, the commission submitted its report, recommending a ban on face-concealing garments so as to sustain a public space where all French citizens can agreeably "live together"

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Title: How Lucknow-educated Chinese cleric lit the first Jihad fire in Xinjiang
Post by: Shammu on June 05, 2022, 11:56:11 AM
How Lucknow-educated Chinese cleric lit the first Jihad fire in Xinjiang
5 June, 2022 10:12 am IST

Two thousand, five hundred kilometres from his home in rural China, just edging into his teens, Hai Weiliang stood on the docks of Kolkata. The light of his faith had led him there, abandoning his voyage home from the Haj pilgrimage, but now he had no idea which way to turn. Finally, a kindly cleric found him a cheap room at an inn near a mosque. Arming himself with a Chinese-to-English conversation book for travellers, Hai began conversing with local seminary students.

Fires would be lit across central Asia as his speech grew less hesitant.

Late last month, new evidence emerged on the brutal incarceration of thousands of Xinjiang residents at China’s internment centres, set up to stamp out religion-fuelled secessionism. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan felt compelled to use repression against resurgent Islamist networks, whose lethal reach extends from the Ferghana valley to Europe’s heartlands.

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Title: Nigeria: ‘Gunmen’ storm Church in Ondo, kill over 50 Christians gathered for Sun
Post by: Shammu on June 06, 2022, 11:52:16 AM
Nigeria: ‘Gunmen’ storm Church in Ondo, kill over 50 Christians gathered for Sunday prayers and kidnap priest amid rising Islamic insurgency
6 June, 2022

At least 50 people, including women and children, were massacred during a Sunday Mass gathering at a Church in Ondo state, south-west Nigeria. The details about the unknown ‘gunmen’ aren’t known. As per reports, the armed men entered St Francis Catholic church in Owo during Sunday service. Reportedly, they also fired into the congregation and kidnapped a priest and other people who were attending the Church as per eye-witnesses.

There has been an increase in violence, especially Islamic insurgency across Nigeria in recent months. While the number of those killed in the Sunday massacre is not known, reports say that even children were killed in the same. Nigerian President Buhari said that the country will not give in to ‘evil and wicked people’ and Ondo state governor Rotimi Akeredolu said that the attack on Christians was ‘vile and Satanic attack’.

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****The media narrative is that Muslims are always and in every circumstances victims, and that Christians are white oppressors. Stories of this kind don’t fit their narrative and are actually ignored by the mainstream media*****

Title: Shakedown in Michigan After Muslim Woman Had to Remove Hijab for Mugshot
Post by: Shammu on June 06, 2022, 11:56:32 AM
Shakedown in Michigan After Muslim Woman Had to Remove Hijab for Mugshot
Mon Jun 6, 2022
Robert Spencer

As far as Michigan’s Oakland County Times is concerned, this was all about a Muslim woman being robbed of her dignity and having that dignity restored by means of a monetary settlement (the amount of which remains discreetly undisclosed). So all’s well that ends well, but there is more to this case than just dignity lost and restored: the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has once again demonstrated that it has mastered the art of the shakedown.

The lost-and-found dignity in question was that of Helana Bowe, a hijab-wearing Muslim woman who was pulled over for a routine traffic stop on 8 Mile Road in Ferndale, Mich., in October 2021. According to the Times’ report, she was “subsequently arrested,” although the Times does not bother to explain why. After all, people who are stopped for speeding or running a red light and the like are usually given a ticket and sent on their way. But for some undisclosed reason, Helana Bowe was taken to the station and booked, and that’s where her troubles really began.

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*****I don't care who it is if your having your mugshot taken, your face needs to be exposed*****

Title: Jammu & Kashmir: Man booked for posting video justifying fatal attack on TV arti
Post by: Shammu on June 06, 2022, 12:02:58 PM
Jammu & Kashmir: Man booked for posting video justifying fatal attack on TV artist Amreen Bhat
TN National Desk
Updated Jun 5, 2022

Baramulla: Days after the killing of TV artist Amreen Bhat in Jammu and Kashmir's Budgam, a man was booked on Saturday for posting a video justifying the same. The man, identified as Md. Irfan Bhat is a resident of Takiya Wagoora in Baramulla. In the video that he uploaded on his YouTube channel, Md. Irfan Bhat went on to say that those who followed Amreen Bhat on social media and otherwise were equally 'sinful.'

According to Budgam police, Md. Irfan Bhat was booked under Public Safety Act (PSA) for 'spreading hate' by uploading a video on YouTube justifying the killing of TV artist Amreen Bhat. The act of uploading the said video has not only caused alarm and fear amongst people in the performing arts field but also their family members. This act also amounts to supporting terrorism besides having the tendency to make more people vulnerable to such attacks, police said.

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Title: 73 percent of Turks want to live in secular and democratic Turkey
Post by: Shammu on June 06, 2022, 12:05:26 PM
73 percent of Turks want to live in secular and democratic Turkey
Saturday June 04 2022 02:43 pm

Some 72.9 percent of Turks want to live in a secular and democratic Turkey, according to a newly conducted poll by Metropoll Research.

The results of the survey were shared by the company head Özer Sencar on Twitter.

When asked “What kind of country would like to live in?”, 72.9 percent of the survey respondents answered “secular and democratic,” while 18.5 percent said “conservative and authoritarian.” Some 8.5 percent did not give a response.

Some 72.9 percent of Turkish citizens demand to live in a “secular and democratic” country, according to a new poll. This percentage was 58 percent for AKP voters, while it was 75 percent for MHP voters.

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Title: Attacks against Erdoğan equal attacks against Turkey, says Erdoğan
Post by: Shammu on June 06, 2022, 12:08:16 PM
Attacks against Erdoğan equal attacks against Turkey, says Erdoğan
Jun 05 2022 05:36 Gmt+3
Last Updated On: Jun 05 2022 06:01 Gmt+3

The real target is Turkey for all those who put down Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) or its chairman President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan himself, the president said, speaking at the closing ceremony of AKP’s 30th consultation and evaluation meeting.

“Whoever is attacking this brother of yours in this world is in truth attacking Turkey itself,” Erdoğan said.

There is a group of people who tell all sorts of lies about Erdoğan and his AKP, and another that is “ready to believe all lies told about my person, the AKP and our cadres”, the president said.

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Title: Qatar, which had given citizenship to MF Hussain after painting nude Hindu Godde
Post by: Shammu on June 06, 2022, 12:13:36 PM
Qatar, which had given citizenship to MF Hussain after painting nude Hindu Goddesses, gets upset at alleged blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad in India
5 June, 2022

On 5th June 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar summoned the Indian ambassador to Qatar to officially condemn the comments by BJP spokespersons on Prophet Muhammad. The statement added that the Qatar government welcomes the statement issued by BJP distancing itself from the comments and suspending the leaders who had made comments on the Prophet.

However, this stand of the Qatar government against blasphemy has reminded netizens of Qatar granting citizenship to India’s controversial painter MF Hussain after he painted nude paintings of Hindu Goddesses. Reminding people of Qatar’s double standards, comedian Nitin Gupta tweeted, “MF Hussain made nude paintings of Hindu Goddesses. Qatar granted him citizenship. Nupur Sharma quoted facts about Muhammad from Hadith. Vishwagurus bent over backward to appease Qatar!”

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Title: 'Boo Hoo, Poor You': UK Muslims Throw Tantrum Over 'Blasphemous' Film (Video)
Post by: Shammu on June 06, 2022, 12:16:28 PM
'Boo Hoo, Poor You': UK Muslims Throw Tantrum Over 'Blasphemous' Film (Video)
 Amy Mek
June 6, 2022

The goal of the left and Islam is to force all of the world’s people to submit to their ideology.

Muslims in the UK protested a film held in Blackburn that is said to provoke ‘Shia and Sunni tensions. It is alleged that the film makes a mockery of the “Prophet” Muhammad’s six-year-old child bride Aisha and his other companions. As a result, the film has been banned in several Islamic countries. Muslims in the UK hope to follow Muslim countries’ lead, ban free speech, and have the movie shut down.

British-made, The Lady of Heaven is directed by Eli King and written by Muslim cleric Yasser Al-Habib. Filming began in 2019, and the production was delayed due to the Covid pandemic.

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Title: n Agra, Shahi Jama Masjid Mosque committee’s chairman booked for threatening law
Post by: Shammu on June 06, 2022, 12:20:40 PM
n Agra, Shahi Jama Masjid Mosque committee’s chairman booked for threatening lawyer
AGRAJUNE 05, 2022 16:59 IST

The Agra police have booked the chairman of Shahi Jama Masjid’s management committee here over a purported audio clip in which he allegedly threatens a lawyer who claimed that expensive idols taken from a temple were buried under the mosque premises.

Mathura-based lawyer Mahendra Pratap Singh had recently sent notices to the Archaeological Survey of India and the Centre claiming that the idols of Keshav Dev temple of the Uttar Pradesh district were buried under the staircase of Sahiba Begum Masjid in Agra’s Shahi Jama Masjid complex by Mughal emperor Aurangzeb when he allegedly destroyed the temple in 1670, and sought their recovery.

Agra Senior Superintendent of Police Sudhir Kumar Singh said, “A case has been registered against the chairman of the Intezamia Committee at Sahi Jama Masjid Jahid alias Pappu at Mantola police station for giving a provoking statement and making it viral on the internet.”

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Title: Hyderabad gang rape case: Waqf board leader’s car was taken to a farmhouse, was
Post by: Shammu on June 06, 2022, 12:25:23 PM
Hyderabad gang rape case: Waqf board leader’s car was taken to a farmhouse, was wiped clean to destroy evidence, say reports
6 June, 2022

The Hyderabad police are collecting evidence on the rape incident that happened on the night of May 28th in the city’s Jubliee Hill area. As per reports, the accused had tried to destroy evidence of the crime by cleaning the white Innova car, in which the 17-year-old girl was raped. Notably, the names of kins of an All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) MLA and a TRS leader have appeared in connection with the gang rape.

The police have invoked Section 201 of the Indian Penal Code (causing the disappearance of evidence of the offence or giving false information to screen the offender) against the accused.

However, despite the accused’s best attempts, the investigators still managed to gather some crucial evidence after examining the recovered red Mercedes and Toyota Innova for close to three hours on Sunday. Notably, the police had recovered the Toyota Innova, the second car used in the crime, on June 4. The first car, a red Mercedes was seized earlier.

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Title: “White women are not allowed here”: In Italy, 6 girls between 16 and 17 years ol
Post by: Shammu on June 06, 2022, 12:27:47 PM
“White women are not allowed here”: In Italy, 6 girls between 16 and 17 years old were sexually assaulted on a train by about 30 migrants
June 5, 2022

Girls aged 16-17 report being groped and taunted by dozens of North African young men on the Verona-Milan train.

“Why did no one intervene at the station and on the train? Neither the train staff nor the police. We parents were far away, we called the emergency number 112, but no one came, even though our daughters were in danger, trapped in a carriage, at the mercy of a maniacal gang. They were attacked by about 30 people, they felt terrible, one of the girls had a panic attack. And we were sticking to the phones after their calls for help, trying (in vain) to achieve an “intervention”.(…) Il Giorno

A day that was supposed to be a pure fun day turned into a nightmare for six girls returning from Gardaland by train. The girls, four of whom live in Milan and two in Pavia, were all between 16 and 17 years old and were on board regional train 2640, which left from Peschiera del Garda in the province of Verona and was supposed to take them back to Milan after a day at the amusement park. As reports, the girls were allegedly harassed and sexually abused by about 100 North Africans for a long time and in a serious manner.

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Title: Suspected Islamists kill at least 18 in east Congo attack
Post by: Shammu on June 06, 2022, 12:30:06 PM
Suspected Islamists kill at least 18 in east Congo attack
By:Reuters Erikas Mwisi Kambale
Published: Jun 6, 2022

BENI, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) – Suspected Islamists killed at least 18 people in a village raid in eastern Congo on Sunday night, local sources said, while fighting resumed with the M23 rebel group in a neighbouring province.

Fighters believed to be from the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) killed residents and burned down houses in the village of Otomabere, in Irumu territory, Ituri province, said a witness, a local chief and a local human rights group.

Congolese army spokesman Jules Ngongo confirmed the ADF attack without giving a death toll, and said Congolese forces were in pursuit of the assailants.

The ADF is a Ugandan militia that moved to eastern Congo in the 1990s.

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Title: Iranian Protesters Shout ‘Death to Khamenei'
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:16:56 AM
Iranian Protesters Shout ‘Death to Khamenei'
Tue Jun 7, 2022
Hugh Fitzgerald

In Iran, the Islamic Republic has mired the country in misery. Iranian rulers would rather sacrifice their people’s economic well-being to their mad pursuit of nuclear weapons. Tens of billions of dollars have gone into the nuclear program, money that was not available to spend on food and medicine subsidies, on housing, on education and medical care. Furthermore, the continued nuclear program has led to the imposition of Western sanctions that have greatly reduced Iran’s exports of oil and natural gas. In 2019 there were widespread protests against the regime, suppressed with great violence.

Now protests are spreading again. They were prompted by the collapse on May 23 of a ten-story building in Abadan, which was widely seen as the result of corruption in the government, with well-connected builders getting away with lax safety standards. The protests have now spread from Abadan in Iran’s south to cities in central Iran, and the protesters have expanded their cries against corruption to include the most dangerous demand: “Death to Khomeini.” A report on the growing protests is here: “Protesters chant ‘death to Khamenei’ over Iranian building collapse,” Reuters, May 31, 2022:

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Title: NATO Should NOT Pay Ransom to Turkey; Instead, Should Amend Rules to Expel It by
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:22:25 AM
NATO Should NOT Pay Ransom to Turkey; Instead, Should Amend Rules to Expel It
by Burak Bekdil
June 5, 2022

*"Turkey is a member of NATO, but under Mr. Erdoğan, it no longer subscribes to the values that underpin this great alliance. Article 13 of the NATO charter provides a mechanism for members to withdraw. Perhaps it is time to amend Article 13 to establish a procedure for the expulsion of a member nation." — Former US Senator Joe Lieberman and Mark D. Wallace, Wall Street Journal, May 18, 2022.
*"[G]iving in to Ankara's demands amounts to letting an autocrat design the security architecture of Europe and shape the future of the Western system." — Cengiz Çandar, journalist, Al-Monitor, May 24, 2022.

Just when, after years of idling around, NATO appears to be gaining some strategic prominence following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the only Muslim member of the alliance is holding 29 other members as hostage, blocking the most critical move in its history. Surrendering to an Islamist's well-known oriental bargaining tactics will mean the demise of the alliance.

In a historic move, Sweden and Finland recently submitted their written applications to join NATO but Turkey's Islamist strongman, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is threatening to use his country's veto power to block the Nordic nations coming under the Western security umbrella. This is putting NATO's renewed credibility at stake, presumably to the delight of NATO's nemesis, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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*****Turkey is one of those countries (Ezekiel 38) that will try (but fail) to invade Israel, along with Russia and others*****

Title: Cleric, 11 Others Arrested over Abuja Blasphemy Killing
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:24:40 AM
Cleric, 11 Others Arrested over Abuja Blasphemy Killing
June 6, 2022 5:15 am
Olawale Ajimotokan  in Abuja

The cleric who incited a mob that killed a security guard, Ahmed Usman for alleged blasphemy against Prophet Mohammed (SAW) at the Tipper Garage, Lugbe, Abuja and 11 other suspects have been arrested.

It was gathered last night that the cleric, named Malam Lawan and others who participated in the exta-judicial mob action have been transferred to the Criminal Investigation Department of the FCT Police Command.

Usman, who was a member of the vigilance group at the Tipper Garage, was on Saturday stoned and burned to death by a mob for alleged act of blasphemy on the directive of the cleric.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:25:58 AM
Report: Iranian attack on Israelis in Thailand thwarted
Israel National News

Iran continues to target Israelis abroad in retaliation for assassination of senior Iranian officials.

Security forces in Thailand thwarted an Iranian plot to attack Israeli and western targets in the country, it was cleared for publication Monday evening, Mako News reported.

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Title: IDF reservists to dress up as Hamas terrorists to protest UNHRC probe
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:28:37 AM
IDF reservists to dress up as Hamas terrorists to protest UNHRC probe
Published: JUNE 7, 2022 08:14

Israeli activists and IDF reservists are set to launch a protest outside the United Nations office in Geneva on Tuesday at the beginning of its public and legal campaign against what they are claiming is an anti-Israel commission of inquiry by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

The campaign, led by the right-wing Shurat HaDin Law Center, will see several dozen IDF reservists gather outside the UN office at 11 a.m. local time (12 p.m. Israel time) dressed as ski-masked Hamas terrorists waving Palestinian flags, mockingly applauding UNHRC anti-Israel bias, whitewashing Hamas rockets fired at Israeli civilian cities and blood libels against Israel.

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Title: Muslims accuse Ilhan Omar of unbelief, call her ‘disgrace to the hijab’ because
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:33:03 AM
Muslims accuse Ilhan Omar of unbelief, call her ‘disgrace to the hijab’ because of her Pride Month tweet
JUN 6, 2022 5:00 PM

A hadith depicts Muhammad specifying the punishment for homosexual activity: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.’”

"On June 2 (local time) United States lawmaker Ilhan Omar published a tweet in support of the LGBTQ+ community. Notably, the world is celebrating ‘Pride Month’ to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and to fight ‘discrimination’ against them. In her tweet, Omar said, “Happy Pride Month! We won’t stop fighting until all LGBTQ+ Americans can live free from discrimination.”

Her tweet did not go down well with the members of the Muslim community who expressed their ‘disgust’ in comments and quotes over her views."

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Title: Turkey-based organisation that hailed Talibani terrorists and Palestinian jihadi
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:39:27 AM
Turkey-based organisation that hailed Talibani terrorists and Palestinian jihadists behind Twitter storm over anti-India remarks on Prophet Muhammad
6 June, 2022

Earlier yesterday, a malicious trend took Twitter by storm as bigoted online mob, consisting mostly of Muslim Twitter users, from the Arab world launched a coordinated social media campaign attacking Hindus residing in the middle east and outraging over the alleged blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad.

Whipped up by accusations of blasphemy, thousands of Islamists and their sympathisers around the world, most notably in India and the Arab countries, started trending ‘إلارسولاللهيامودي’, a message written in Arabic, on Twitter to mobilise support and demand action against the BJP leaders for quoting Islamic hadiths on Prophet Muhammad.

Now, interesting details have emerged about the social media campaign that culminated in the suspension of Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal from the BJP after some Islamic nations took cognisance of the Twitter storm and expressed condemnation of the statement made by the leaders.

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Title: Religious affairs minister advises Muslims not to participate in Japanese folk
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:42:13 AM
Religious affairs minister advises Muslims not to participate in Japanese folk festival to be held in Shah Alam next month
06 Jun 2022 10:44 PM MYT

SUNGAI BESAR, June 6 — Muslims are advised not to participate in the Bon Odori Festival to be held at the Shah Alam Sports Complex on July 16 as the festival contains elements of other religions, says Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Idris Ahmad.

“A study conducted by the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) found that the festival does have religious elements, so we advise Muslims not to participate in it,” he told the media after attending the groundbreaking ceremony for the Selangor Islamic Education Foundation’s (Yapis) Education Complex Project here today.

He said this when asked to comment on the organisation of the annual Japanese festival, which has also received negative reactions on social media, especially among Muslims in the country.

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Title: Caution your subjects against killing over blasphemy, activist tasks Islamic cle
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:44:14 AM
Caution your subjects against killing over blasphemy, activist tasks Islamic clerics
June 6, 2022
By Biodun Busari

Human rights advocate, Dr Leo Igwe has appealed to Islamic clerics in Nigeria to start reorientating their subjects to shun violent attacks and murder of innocent people in the name of blasphemy of their religion and prophet.

Igwe said the gruesome killing of innocent citizens perpetrated by Northern Muslims who accuse people of blasphemy is on the rise as Islamic scholars have failed to caution them.

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Title: Sheffield asylum seeker ‘posted Islamic State propaganda on social media after
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:47:47 AM
Sheffield asylum seeker ‘posted Islamic State propaganda on social media after Liverpool bomb’, court told
By Kim Pilling, PA
Monday, 6th June 2022

Ahmiri Ahmedi Azizi, aged 24, of Mount Street, is accused of sharing a video the day after Emad Al Swealmeen died when his device exploded in a taxi outside the hospital last November. The video, encouraging terrorist attacks against the West, was transmitted on his public Instagram account, Manchester Crown Court heard.

Later that month Azizi allegedly viewed a video about making a silencer for a gun.

Azizi, who came from Iran to Sheffield “in the back of a lorry”, is accused of seven counts of disseminating terrorist materialvia social media between June and November last year.

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Title: Germany: Group of ” Mediterraneaners” burns rainbow flag and kicks CSD participa
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:49:30 AM
Germany: Group of ” Mediterraneaners” burns rainbow flag and kicks CSD participant so that he had to be admitted to hospital
June 6 2022

On Saturday, June 4, 2022, at around 10:10 p.m., a group of people snatched a rainbow flag from the area of the Schlosspark and burned it. This apparently led to a brawl, the police reported in a press release.

According to the Karlsruhe police, a rainbow flag was snatched and burned by a group of people in the area of the Schlosspark on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at around 10:10 pm.

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Title: Maharashtra: ‘Nupur Sharma deserves the same fate as Kamlesh Tiwari, needs to be
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:51:28 AM
Maharashtra: ‘Nupur Sharma deserves the same fate as Kamlesh Tiwari, needs to be silenced’, say MDP chief and Islamic leaders
7 June, 2022

On Sunday, the Minorities Democratic Party (MDP) in Maharashtra’s Nagpur district issued death threats to the former spokesperson of BJP Nupur Sharma for her statement on Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. While speaking at a press meet organized by the Minorities Democratic Party, an Islamic leader named Mohammad Hamid said that Sharma had committed a ‘crime’ by speaking against the Prophet and that she deserves the punishment of death.

Mohammad Hamid, who is the president of an Islamic organization named Iman Tanjeem was speaking at a press event organized by MDP in Nagpur. He stated that Sharma by ‘attacking the character’ of Prophet had herself signed on a suicide note. “There’s only one punishment for this ‘crime’ and that is death. Kamlesh Tiwari was executed five years after he made objectionable comments on Prophet Mohammad. People stabbed him to death. Don’t think you’ll (Sharma) be forgiven. Do not ever play with the 1100 volt current”, he threatened. (Time Stamp: 01:30)

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Title: Karnataka: Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist, hiding in Bengaluru mosque, who delivere
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:53:56 AM
Karnataka: Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist, hiding in Bengaluru mosque, who delivered Friday sermons, arrested
FP Staff
June 07, 2022 15:04:56

Karnataka and Jammu and Kashmir Police in a joint operation arrested a suspected Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist from Bengaluru. The accused, Talib Hussain was arrested on 5 June.

News agency PTI quoted its sources in police saying that Hussain had fled Jammu and Kashmir with his wife and children as the hunt for him was intensified by the armed forces. He was hiding in Bengaluru and had allegedly taken shelter at a mosque in Srirampura.

At the mosque, he used to deliver sermons during Friday prayers.

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Title: Man Chops Off Wife's Hand to Keep Her from Taking Job
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 11:58:27 AM
Man Chops Off Wife's Hand to Keep Her from Taking Job
June 6 2022

The incident took place early on Sunday morning when Renu Khatun, 23, was in her sleep and Sariful Sheikh alias Sher Mohammed, along with his two friends, used a machete to chop off her hand.

Police sources say Renu was rushed to a private hospital in Durgapur after two government hospitals referred her to Calcutta, was stable, but critical.

The police have started a probe on the basis of a complaint from Azizul Haque, father of the girl.

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Title: The Politics of Persecution: Middle Eastern Christians in an Age of Empire
Post by: Shammu on June 07, 2022, 12:01:32 PM
The Politics of Persecution: Middle Eastern Christians in an Age of Empire
Tue Jun 7, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

Raheb, a Lutheran clergyman and academic in Bethlehem, argues that “Christian persecution is a Western construct that says more about the West than about the Christians of the Middle East.” Whatever persecution Christians may experience has little to do with Islam and is rather a byproduct of political developments that were and are almost always precipitated by Western or Israeli actions.

To make his thesis work, Raheb predictably begins his history in 1800 with the waning of Islam and the ascendancy of Europe. Christianity under Islam for the preceding twelve centuries—when it went from being the dominant faith to a tiny minority due to sporadic bouts of persecution and systemic discrimination—is otherwise presented in a rosy picture. Thus, the “persecution of Christians under the Ottomans, if any, was rare and localized.”

On the other hand, the “penetration by European powers had disastrous consequences for the region by introducing Zionism, nationalism, and colonialism.” The Mount Lebanon massacre of 1860 when Muslims butchered more than ten thousand Christians, and even the Turkish genocide of millions of Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Christians, are presented as byproducts of European interference. Thus, “the only two cases of Christian persecution [by Muslims] in the past two centuries must be interpreted within the context of Western imperial penetration.”

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Title: Slaughtered "in the name of Allah"
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 02:57:39 PM
Slaughtered "in the name of Allah"
This Islamist murder of a doctor near his children's Catholic school in Marseille did not even rate the horoscope page. Opinion.
Giulio Meotti
08.06.22 10:07

"The terrorist attacks and intimidation will continue, but the postmodern technological societies will consider themselves so strong, their capacity for cultural absorption so extensive, that nothing will prevent them from believing that they can also assimilate the terrorist act as is already done with car accidents. and natural disasters. The most likely scenario will be one in which nothing happens and everything continues like this, with the internal fracture of the West, the birth of two parallel societies, the continuous debasement of culture, up to its irrelevance.

"We will entrench ourselves even further behind our illusory Maginot lines, distracting ourselves with the psychodramas of America’s racism in Ferguson, the correct spelling in gender identity documents, bathrooms for transsexuals and celebrity gossip. Radical Islam knows that as long as it avoids another great massacre such as 9/11, it can continue to take away some human lives and undermine the West without waking it from sleep”.

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Title: How the unwarranted hounding of Nupur Sharma would shrink the space for dissent
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 02:58:48 PM
How the unwarranted hounding of Nupur Sharma would shrink the space for dissent in India
8 June, 2022

“Dissent is the safety valve of democracy”, the next-in-line Chief Justice of India, DY Chandrachud, famously said during his speech in Gujarat in February 2020. But the space for that dissent appears to be rapidly shrinking, spurred by the unwarranted and deplorable hounding of former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma for her comments on Prophet Muhammad.

Islamists, not just in India but around the world, are baying for the blood of Nupur Sharma because she refused to take the insults and barbs hurled at Shivling discovered inside the wuzukhana of the Gyanvapi mosque lying down and chose to confront the detractors with the same irreverence, albeit by quoting their religious scriptures, that they displayed against Hindu Gods and Goddesses.

Her decision to stand up for her faith proved catastrophic for her political career and mental peace after AltNews co-founder Mohammed Zubair dog-whistled about her comments to the rabid Islamists, setting off a chain of events that culminated in a continuous volley of threats directed at Sharma and a diplomatic fallout in the Persian Gulf, with many Islamic countries having an abject record of religious freedom themselves rushing to criticise her comments and sanctimoniously seeking an explanation from India.

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Title: Hate Crime or Shakedown for Money?
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 03:05:13 PM
Hate Crime or Shakedown for Money?
Jun 8, 2022
Robert Spencer

It’s hard to imagine sometimes that these people even believe the line they’re pushing on us. If you are willing to believe the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), “Islamophobia” is so rampant, so out of control in our once-green and pleasant land that Muslim children can’t even stop by their local McDonald’s for a sandwich without falling victim to the dastardly pranks of Muslim-haters who were just waiting, and watching, and biding their time for their chance to humiliate an unsuspecting Mohammedan lad. Or maybe CAIR is just looking to shake down a massive corporation that doesn’t want any bad publicity. You be the judge.

It all started, according to a Wednesday Associated Press story, when a hijab-wearing Muslim woman, Ghadir Alahmar, walked into a McDonald’s with her twin seven-year-old sons. Alahmar “ordered a plain fish sandwich,” and thoughtfully “had one of her children repeat the order to a worker in case they did not understand her accent.”

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*****As much as I don't like McDonald's, I don't see them putting bacon on the fish sandwiches, to me it sounds like a setup for money*****

Title: UN official, activists say slain terrorist another 'Palestinian journalist kille
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 03:09:56 PM
UN official, activists say slain terrorist another 'Palestinian journalist killed' by IDF
Published: JUNE 6, 2022

Ghufran Warasneh, who had been shot by IDF troops on Wednesday when she allegedly approached them brandishing a knife, was characterized by UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory Francesca Albanese and Palestinian activists as being "another journalist killed" by Israel last week.

"The news of another Palestinian journalist killed, hits with deep sorrow," tweeted Albanese. She called for journalists to be respected and not harmed, and to actively ensure that they were protected. "Condemning the death of a prominent journalist while glossing over the rest, breeds impunity."

The tweet was later deleted, according to Albanese, accidentally.

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*****Terrorist Slain While Trying to Kill Soldiers is Dubbed "Journalist" is how it should have been written*****

Title: One person dead, six with life-threatening injuries after car driven into crowd
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 03:12:27 PM
One person dead, six with life-threatening injuries after car driven into crowd in Berlin
By Benjamin Brown and Eliza Mackintosh,
Updated 2:24 PM ET,  June 8, 2022

A 29-year-old man drove a car into a crowd of people in a busy Berlin shopping district on Wednesday, killing a teacher and leaving six others with life-threatening injuries, authorities said.

The driver, identified by police as a German-Armenian national, ploughed into pedestrians on a sidewalk around 10:30 a.m. near Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, a well-known Berlin landmark. The car then crashed into a shop window on an adjoining street, according to the city's police and fire department.

Iris Spranger, Berlin's top security official, said the woman killed was a teacher accompanying a group of high school students on a trip from the German state of Hesse.

Fourteen of those students are among the injured, Berlin police said, adding that their relatives have been informed.

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Title: Twitter Germany blocks tweet of Austrian government politician regarding asylum
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 03:14:28 PM
Twitter Germany blocks tweet of Austrian government politician regarding asylum seekers
June 7 2022

Austria “suffers” from the second highest burden of asylum applications in the EU: Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Secretary General Laura Sachslehner was sharply criticised for this tweet. Now Twitter has even blocked her posting in Germany because it violates the legislation there.

In terms of domestic politics, it was the stir of the weekend: “A total of 16,000 asylum applications have already been filed this year,” Sachslehner tweeted on Whit Monday. “The vast majority of asylum seekers come from Afghanistan and Syria. Austria thus suffers from the second highest per capita burden of asylum applications in the EU.” Especially the word “suffering” caused sharp criticism, especially from the Green coalition partner – eXXpress reported.

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Title: Mysore Archeological Survey Report Mentions Temple Razed To Build Mosque
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 03:19:21 PM
Mysore Archeological Survey Report Mentions Temple Razed To Build Mosque
4th June, 2022
By Astha Singh

In an exclusive, Republic Media Network has accessed the Mysore Archaeological Department's 1935 report amid the raging Mandir-Masjid row in Karnataka. The report notes that Tipu Sultan demolished the Anjaneya Mandir and built Jamia Masjid after filling up the ground floor of the temple structure.
"Jumma masjid was constructed by Tipu Sultan on top of the Anjaneya temple after filling up latter's ground floor," the report stated.

As per the report, Tipu Sultan constructed a temple over the Hanuman temple. Also, when he was the ruler of Mysore and Srirangapatna, he demolished several temples and built mosques. Republic also accessed the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) letter that was published in 2004 which originated from the Mysore Archaeological Department's 1935 report.

In the letter, the ASI opposed the running of Madrassa in the masjid premises as it was illegal. It stated that the Waqf board was running it illegally since 1979. The Hindu organisation also demanded the closure of Madrassas at the site and other activities like cooking, etc.

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Title: Who is fanning the flames for religious war? Abbas’ advisor!
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 03:23:42 PM
Who is fanning the flames for religious war? Abbas’ advisor!
Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus 
Jun 7, 2022

* “The occupation wants to change its [Jerusalem’s] identity and character so that it will be a city without the Al-Aqsa Mosque and without the Dome of the Rock”

* The Palestinian people is “not defending only its existence in Jerusalem and only the Al-Aqsa Mosque, but also Islam, the Quran, and the entire Islamic nation”

At the International Conference for Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque (organized by the Directorate of Religious Affairs in Ankara, Turkey), PA Chairman Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations and PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash repeated the libel that Israel seeks to harm all Muslims by destroying Islam’s 3rd holiest place, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as the Dome of the Rock. He also made clear that for the PA, the conflict with Israel is not one over land and territory but is religious.

Al-Habbash described the duty of the Palestinian people, which is to “defend” not only itself, Jerusalem, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque but nothing less than “Islam, the Quran, and the entire Islamic nation” from Israeli dangers:
“Jerusalem is in the most complicated and difficult situation in its history, as the occupation (i.e., Israel) wants to change its identity and character so that it will be a city without the Al-Aqsa Mosque and without the Dome of the Rock… Our people is not defending only its existence in Jerusalem and only the Al-Aqsa Mosque, but also Islam, the Quran, and the entire Islamic nation.” Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 22, 2022

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Title: 'Multicultural' Europe: 14 Pakistanis Arrested Linked to 2020
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 03:25:35 PM
'Multicultural' Europe: 14 Pakistanis Arrested Linked to 2020 Charlie Hebdo Muslim Terrorist Attack
 Amy Mek
June 7, 2022

Pakistan’s Prime Minister has been warning non-muslims for years that ‘the day will come when westerners think twice before disrespecting the Prophet’

An anti-terrorist operation coordinated by Europol in Italy and elsewhere in Europe has led to the dismantling of a network of Pakistani terrorists in connection with an attack carried out in 2020 in front of the former premises of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, Italian police announced on Tuesday.

This operation, coordinated by the public prosecutor’s office in Genoa (north) and the management of the anti-mafia and anti-terrorism service, resulted in “the arrest of Pakistani citizens,” announced the police in a press release referring to the issue of 14 arrest warrants.

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Title: Kansas woman who led female ISIS battalion in Syria pleads guilty
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 03:27:13 PM
Kansas woman who led female ISIS battalion in Syria pleads guilty
By Holmes Lybrand
Updated 2:53 PM ET, Tue June 7, 2022

A female ISIS fighter from Kansas who led and trained a unique battalion of over 100 women and children in Syria pleaded guilty in an Alexandria, Virginia, courthouse Tuesday to conspiring to provide support to the terrorist global organization.

Allison Elizabeth Fluke-Ekren, who studied biology at the University of Kansas, traveled to Syria around 2012 to wage a violent jihad, after living in Libya, Turkey and Egypt, working with another terrorist group, Ansar al-Sharia, according to the plea agreement. She joined ISIS with her second husband, who led a group of ISIS snipers in the country and later died in 2016 from an airstrike.
While in Syria, Fluke-Ekren led a group of over 100 female ISIS fighters -- some of whom were as young as 10 at the time -- training them to use AK-47s, grenades and suicide belts. During Tuesday's hearing, Fluke-Ekren claimed she wasn't aware that some of the female fighters she was training were minors at the time, saying that "we didn't intentionally train any young girls."

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Title: Johara Khnefess, Shfaram deputy mayor's daughter, killed in car bombing
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 03:29:38 PM
Johara Khnefess, Shfaram deputy mayor's daughter, killed in car bombing
Published: JUNE 7, 2022

Johara Khnefess, 28, the daughter of Shfaram Deputy Mayor Faraj Khnefess, was killed Tuesday night in a car bombing.

“I was heartbroken. How does a man decide to kill a young woman, who was such a good girl and caused no harm to anyone?” Mayor Ursan Yassin told N12. “A terrible and difficult event. People are angry and afraid. Our country needs to do more to stop this violence. It cannot continue.”

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Title: Boy at Madrassah: "Hindus are Dirty, They Worship Idols"
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 03:33:16 PM
Boy at Madrassah: "Hindus are Dirty, They Worship Idols"
June 8 2022

On June 5, a video was shared on the social media platform Twitter by Voice of Bangladeshi Hindus in which a young Muslim boy explained the teachings of Madarsas in Bangladesh. In the video, when the person who was recording asked about Hindus, the boy said ‘Hindus are dirty’, and when asked the reason, he said ‘because they worship idols’.

The one-minute-long video was in Bangla. The boy, who identified himself as Arif, studies in a Madarsa in Bangladesh. He was asked if the Hindus are dirty or good, he replied, ‘Dirty!’ and gave the reason as ‘they worship idols’. He was then asked what the problem with idol worshipping was, and he said, ‘it is haram’. According to him, those who indulge in activities that are ‘haram’ are ‘dirty’, and he learnt it in Madarsa.

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Title: Imam Sentenced for Planting Bombs that Killed 16
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 03:36:51 PM
Imam Sentenced for Planting Bombs that Killed 16
Piyush Srivastava   
Published 07.06.22, 03:41 AM

A Ghaziabad court on Monday awarded the death penalty  to Waliullah, an imam from Allahabad, for his direct involvement in two bomb explosions at Varanasi’s Sankat Mochan Temple and Cantonment Railway Station on March 7, 2006.

Sixteen people had died in the two blasts and 76 were left disabled after suffering grievous injuries.

The  court of district and sessions judge Jitendra Kumar Sinha found that Waliullah, the imam of a mosque in Phulpur, was involved in a rarest of rare crime. A fine of Rs 2.65 lakh was also imposed on the 55-year-old cleric.

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Title: Al-Qaeda Warns Of Suicide Attacks On Indian Cities Over Nupur Sharma's Comments
Post by: Shammu on June 08, 2022, 03:41:25 PM
Al-Qaeda Warns Of Suicide Attacks On Indian Cities Over Nupur Sharma's Comments On Prophet
Bobins Abraham
Updated on Jun 08, 2022, 13:39

The controversy triggered the insulting comments made by two, now suspended BJP spokespersons Nupur Sharma and Naveen Kumar Jindal against Prophet Muhammad is refusing to die down.

Even as the government tries to firefight the backlash from Islamic countries in the middle east diplomatically, the controversy is only snowballing.

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Title: Nigeria’s Christians are relentlessly under attack
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 10:41:10 AM
Nigeria’s Christians are relentlessly under attack
8 June 2022
Kunwar Khuldune ubgone19

Dozens of Christian worshippers, including several children, were killed in a gun raid on a church in Nigeria’s Owo town on Sunday. Initial estimates place the death toll at around least 70 parishioners but that number is set to rise, given that the church in question, St Francis Catholic Church, has one of the largest parishes in the southwestern state of Ondo.

Nigeria is experiencing an epidemic of terror attacks. Over the last six months, gunmen have killed 48 in the northwestern Zamfara state, massacred over 100 villagers in Plateau state, and raided trains and buses leaving dozens dead and hundreds missing. At least 3,000 Nigerians were killed and 1,500 abducted in the first quarter of 2022 alone, according to the Nigeria Security Tracker.

Most of the recent attacks are carried out by ‘bandits’: local militants that are currently spearheading Nigeria’s abduction spree. However, just as local kidnapping gangs have borrowed Boko Haram’s modus operandi to abduct schoolchildren, various militants are increasingly following the jihadist rulebook to spread terror in Nigeria.

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Title: Iran Hangs 12 Baluchi Prisoners In One Day: Report Iran Executions:
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 10:43:30 AM
Iran Hangs 12 Baluchi Prisoners In One Day: Report
WorldAgence France-Presse
Updated: June 08, 2022 2:57 am IST

Iran has carried out a mass execution of 12 inmates at a prison in its southeast, an NGO said on Tuesday, as concern grows over the rising number of executions in the Islamic republic.
The 11 men and one woman -- convicted either on drugs-related or murder charges -- were hanged on Monday morning in the main prison of Zahedan in Sistan-Baluchestan province close to the borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan, Norway-based Iran Human Rights (IHR) said.

They were all members of the Baluch ethnic minority who mainly adhere to the Sunni strain of Islam rather than the Shiism that is dominant in Iran, it added.

Of the 12, six were sentenced to death for drug-related charges and six were sentenced for murder. None of the executions had been reported by domestic media or confirmed by officials in Iran, it said.

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Title: Pakistan: Islamists desecrate another Hindu temple, Hanuman idol destroyed and p
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 10:46:01 AM
Pakistan: Islamists desecrate another Hindu temple, Hanuman idol destroyed and priest attacked in Karachi
9 June, 2022

In another incident of vandalism against the places of worship of the Hindus in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, an idol of Lord Hanuman, placed in Shri Mari Mata Mandir in the Korangi area in Karachi was desecrated and the priest of the temple was also attacked. The incident occurred on June 8, Wednesday, in the temple located in the ‘J’ area, a short distance from Korangi Police Station. According to reports, 6-8 unknown people were behind the incident.

Video of the attack circulating on social media shows how the idol of the Hindu deity Hanuman was severely damaged and other religious things kept in the mandir were also destroyed.

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Title: Video “This is Africa” – African mob terrifies Italian village
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 10:48:42 AM
Video “This is Africa” – African mob terrifies Italian village
June 6 2022

The police of Verona and Milan are currently analysing hundreds of videos from social networks and images from surveillance cameras. But with the help of witness statements, the authorities have already been able to reconstruct what happened last Thursday between Peschiera del Garda, Castelnuovo and Desenzano: a mob moved through the narrow streets of the villages, destroying shop windows, attacking tourists and women tourists, harassing women and insulting passers-by.

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Title: Video The husband of a LR candidate is lynched and called anti-Semitic names whe
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 10:50:21 AM
Video The husband of a LR candidate is lynched and called anti-Semitic names when he puts up posters in a settlement. “Dozens of Muslims went after him and called him a dirty Jew”

Three different videos


Title: Muslim teen girls are getting pregnant at an alarming rate
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 10:55:13 AM
Muslim teen girls are getting pregnant at an alarming rate
 Sanbeer Singh Ranhotra
14 May 2022

Muslim girls have the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in India today. Lack of education is directly linked to the higher prevalence of teenage pregnancies among women. Therefore, it can be conclusively said that Muslim girls are being denied education more than the girls of any other community, which is leading them to become extremely young mothers. A report by the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5 report) shows that the rate of women who gave birth to their first child by conceiving at the age of 15-19 years decreased by 1 percent in 2019-2021 as compared to 2015-16. That is, the rate which was 8% in 2015-16 is now 7%.

The NFHS-5 report shockingly reveals that when it comes to becoming pregnant in the 15 to 19 age group, Muslim women surpassed all other women. At the age of 15-19, the rate of conception was 8.4 percent among Muslim women. The corresponding number was 6.8% among Christians, 6.5% among Hindus, 3.7% in Buddhists, and 2.8% among Sikhs.

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Title: Islam Is Not My Choice, Woman Challenges Herself To Be A Muslim In Court
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 10:58:55 AM
Islam Is Not My Choice, Woman Challenges Herself To Be A Muslim In Court
by Kumar Gaurav
June 4, 2022

An interesting case of conversion has come up in Malaysia, which will be heard by the High Court of Kuala Lumpur on June 15. A Malaysian woman born to Muslim parents has filed an application in the court to hear her case and get justice. The woman says that even though she was born to Muslim parents, she never accepted this religion. She believes in Confucianism and Buddhism, so she should not be considered a Muslim.

The 32-year-old woman was born to a Muslim-turned-father and a Muslim mother after conversion. The woman’s name is being kept confidential after the court’s intervention.

High Court Judge Datuk Ahmed Kamal Mohammad ubgone19, after hearing the arguments of his lawyer and Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC), said that the verdict in the matter will be pronounced on June 15. He said that on the same day it would be decided whether the decision of the Sharia Court would be allowed for judicial review or not

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*****Under islam and the sharia, women have NO Rights*****  :'(

Title: Islamist fear wins: Indian news channels start removing content that can offend
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 11:00:28 AM
Islamist fear wins: Indian news channels start removing content that can offend Muslims, show on ‘ex Muslims’ goes missing
9 June, 2022

Nupur Sharma’s comment and the subsequent outrage by the Islamic community, which led to calls for beheading and gang rape, has opened Pandora’s box. Since PM Modi came to power, Hindus managed to shift the Overton Window substantially, with taboo subjects being spoken about in the open – whether it was the Hindu genocide, the Islamic invasion, distortion of history or reclamation of cultural heritage. However, almost as a live demonstration of Nassim Taleb’s theory of how the “most intolerant wins”, the criticism of Islam seems to be leaving public discourse even before it started becoming “mainstream”.

After the Islamist community, including Taliban and Al Qaeda, in unison screamed “Gustakh-e-Rasool ki saza, sar tan se juda”, media houses seem to be getting scared enough to pull down interviews they thought might offend the Islamists.

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Title: German intel report shows Iran stepped up illegal attempts to aid nuke program I
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 11:02:32 AM
German intel report shows Iran stepped up illegal attempts to aid nuke program
Iran 'weeks away from dashing to a bomb. We need to take action or Iran will be a nuclear-armed power forever'
By Benjamin Weinthal

Iran has significantly intensified its efforts to obtain technology for its illegal nuclear program, Germany’s domestic intelligence agency said in a report released on Tuesday.

Fox News Digital reviewed the key passages in the 368-page document outlining security threats to Germany.

"The German domestic intelligence agencies were able to identify a significant increase in the indications of proliferation-related procurement attempts by Iran for its nuclear program," the report by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) reads.
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Title: Iran turns off two U.N. monitoring cameras at nuclear site
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 11:04:48 AM
Iran turns off two U.N. monitoring cameras at nuclear site
June 8, 2022, 5:21 PM UTC
By Dan De Luce and Abigail Williams

Iran says it has turned off two U.N. cameras monitoring its nuclear work, just as the United States and European governments were poised to rebuke Tehran over the regime’s failure to cooperate with an international probe of its nuclear program.

The move cast fresh doubts on efforts to restore a 2015 nuclear deal designed to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and underscored rising tensions between Tehran and Washington.

Iran announced the step through state television and other media outlets, saying two cameras from the International Atomic Energy Agency had been deactivated, but did not specify which nuclear site was affected or offer further details.

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Title: Taliban arrest Afghan fashion model, say he 'insulted' Islam
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 11:07:57 AM
Taliban arrest Afghan fashion model, say he 'insulted' Islam
Associated Press
Updated: June 8, 2022

The Taliban have arrested a well-known Afghan fashion model and three of his colleagues, accusing them of disrespecting Islam and the Quran, the Muslim holy book, according to videos released by Afghanistan's new rulers.

Ajmal Haqiqi — known for his fashion shows, YouTube clips and modeling events — appeared handcuffed in videos posted on Twitter by the Taliban intelligence agency on Tuesday.

In one widely circulated and contentious video, Haqiqi is seen laughing as his colleague Ghulam Sakhi — who is known to have a speech impediment that he uses for humor — recites verses of the Quran in Arabic, in a comical voice.

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Title: Islamic scholars and communist panellists on TV debate refuse to condemn beheadi
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 11:15:06 AM
Islamic scholars and communist panellists on TV debate refuse to condemn beheading calls by Muslim fundamentalists over alleged ‘blasphemy’
9 June, 2022

On June 8, during a debate on Times Now, Islamic ‘scholars’ and communist panellists refused to condemn calls for beheading by a Muslim fundamentalist. In Times Now show ‘India Upfront’ hosted by anchor and editor-in-chief of the channel Rahul Shivashankar, the discussion was on the threats issued by terrorist organization Al-Qaeda against former BJP Spokesperson Nupur Sharma’s remarks.

Activist Sushil Pandit, Chairman of Aarin Capital Mohandas Pai, Author Dr Anand Ranganathan, former State Vice President Samajwadi Yuvjan Sabha and political analyst Syed Masoodul Hasan, AIMIM social media administrator and political analyst Zubair Memon and Communist leader and politician Vivek Srivastava were among the panellists.

During the debate, Dr Ranganathan requested Rahul to question the panellists if they condemned the calls for beheading over alleged blasphemy. He said, “There is no meaning of shouting at each other. Let’s make it clear right now with a single question. We have six panellists. Just ask the simple question to all six of us. ‘Do you condemn the slogan Gustakh-e-Rasool Ki Ek Hi Saza, Sar Tan Se Juda’? Yes or No?” Mohandas Pai and Sushil Pandit did not take a second to condemn the slogan. However, Hasan, Memon and Srivastava had different thoughts.

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Title: Tackling Islamic Supremacy
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 11:18:49 AM
Tackling Islamic Supremacy
by Tarek Fatah
The Toronto Sun
May 18, 2022

President Joe Biden has condemned the "poison" of white supremacy in the "body politic" of the United States after an 18-year-old white gunman killed 10 people on Saturday at a market in a predominantly Black neighbourhood of Buffalo in New York State.

Here was a white man, president of the most powerful country in the world condemning the act of mass murder committed by someone of his own race.

European settlers who enslaved Black Africans to build an economy on land stolen from the aboriginal and indigenous people of America have come to recognize their forefather's crimes and have moved to make white supremacy an evil that should be eradicated.

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*****Biden has no room to talk, he is crooked as a crooked road. Anyone who has read Hunter Biden's emails, knows how much money he has gotten from payoffs*****

Title: CAIR Sex Offender Gives Keynote Speech at Pakistani Annual Boys Party
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 11:21:18 AM
CAIR Sex Offender Gives Keynote Speech at Pakistani Annual Boys Party
Wed Jun 8, 2022
Joe Kaufman

Usually, when people commit unforgivable crimes dealing with children, the perpetrators of such crimes become ‘persona non grata.’ No one wants to know or be associated with them. That is what appeared to take place with ex-CAIR official Ahmad Saleem – who was arrested for soliciting sex from someone whom he believed to be a twelve-year-old girl – until this author discovered that Saleem had been the keynote speaker at what was billed as a ‘Welcome Party’ for boys, at an educational facility in northeast Pakistan. Was hosting this an honest mistake made by the school’s administrators or did they intentionally ignore his dastardly background?

When it comes to American Islamists, Ahmad Abrar Saleem was a rising star. Indeed, he once referred to himself as such on Facebook. He was President of his university’s Muslim Students Association (MSA) and served in a national MSA position; he was a participant at numerous Islamist conferences and events around the US; in Muslim circles, he was given the honor of being called “Ustad” or Islamic scholar; and finally, he was a leader in the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). All of this vanished, however, when Saleem had become the subject of a police sting operation in central Florida, taking place near his home.

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Title: A Tehran court sentences seven Christians, including a clergyman, to a total of
Post by: Shammu on June 09, 2022, 11:23:33 AM
A Tehran court sentences seven Christians, including a clergyman, to a total of 32 years in prison
June 6 2022

Tehran (AsiaNews) – An Iranian court has sentenced an Iranian-Armenian Christian clergyman to 10 years in prison. Along with him, two women coverts from Islam were also given a six-year sentence for their role in house churches.

The court decision against Joseph Shahbazian and the two converts (pictured) came yesterday, this according to Article18, an advocacy group that documents religious oppression in Iran.

Four other Christians – Salar Eshraghi Moghadam, Farhad Khazaee, Somayeh (Sonya) Sadegh and her mother Masoumeh Ghasemi – were also given sentences ranging from one to four years but were also offered the option of paying fines ranging from US$ 800 to US$ 1,250 each in order to stay out of prison.

In total, the seven Christians were sentenced to 32 years in prison. However, the fate of Rev Joseph Shahbazian, 58, and the two converts – Mina Khajavi, 59 and Malihe Nazari, 48, is different. All three will have to go to prison following the sentence imposed on 29 May by Judge Iman Afshari, head of the 26th Branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court.

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Title: Nigeria suspects Daesh carried out church attack that killed 40
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:08:53 PM
Nigeria suspects Daesh carried out church attack that killed 40
JUN 09, 2022 7:13 PM

Nigerian authorities suspect the Daesh terrorist group's West African arm ISWAP carried out a massacre in a Catholic church in the southwest of the country on Sunday in which 40 people were killed, Interior Minister Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola said on Thursday.

The attack during Mass at Saint Francis' church in Owo last Sunday also injured more than 80 people and marked a rare assault in a relatively safe region.

Government officials said they suspected the ISWAP, a group that usually operates far away in the northeast of the country, was behind the violence.

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Title: Hindu temple vandalised in Karachi's Korangi area
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:11:14 PM
Hindu temple vandalised in Karachi's Korangi area
Imtiaz Ali
Published June 9, 2022 Updated a day ago

A group of unidentified people vandalised a Hindu temple in the Korangi area of Karachi on Wednesday night, desecrating an idol.

According to an FIR registered at the Korangi police station, five men on motorcycles stopped by the temple late last night and inquired about the whereabouts of the pundit (caretaker).

"At that time, there were just two workers inside the temple and they were painting the walls. When they told the men attackers that the pundit wasn't available, the suspects started pelting stones at an idol," the complainant, Sanjeev Kumar, said.

"They also threatened the workers and then fled from the crime scene," he revealed.

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Title: Global Muslim Brotherhood Founds “International Organization to Support the Prop
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:17:42 PM
Old news but, it's revelation to today and I just came across it today
Global Muslim Brotherhood Founds “International Organization to Support the Prophet of Islam”
December 1st, 2021

October 27, 2021: “International Organization to Support the Prophet of Islam” was inaugurated on Tuesday with a ceremony in Istanbul, Turkey’s most populous city as well as its cultural and financial hub.[…]

The International Organization to Support the Prophet of Islam was founded by 50 Islamic scholars from various Muslim countries on the first anniversary of the “Support Prophet Mohammed” campaign. The campaign was started by Egyptian scholar Sheikh Muhammed Saghir one year ago after the insults and smear campaigns had been launched against Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) in the western countries, especially France. Among the founders of the “International Organization to Support the Prophet of Islam” are Enver Kılıçarsan, the head of İTTİHADUL ULEMA, Abdulvahap Ekinci, the president of the International Islamic Scholars Organization, and Mehmet Görmez, the head of Institute of Islamic Thought, Academic Yasin Aktay, Mauritian Islamic Scholar Sheikh Muhammed Hassan Dedo and Ali Qaradaghi, the Secretary-General of the International Union of Muslim Scholars. (there's more to read)

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Title: Dutch MP Geert Wilders gets death threats from Muslims for supporting Nupur Shar
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:19:56 PM
Dutch MP Geert Wilders gets death threats from Muslims for supporting Nupur Sharma over her Prophet Muhammad remarks
June 09, 2022 12:31:50 IST

Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who has extended support to suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Nupur Sharma for her controversial statements on Prophet Muhammad, has received several threats from Muslims who want to kill him for supporting Sharma.

In a tweet, the chairman of the Party for Freedom, said: "I receive many death threats now from Muslims who want to kill me for supporting Nupur Sharma who spoke the truth and nothing but the truth about Muhammad and Aisha."

"My message to them is: go to h-ell. You have no morals. We stand for the truth. We stand for freedom," he further said.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:24:52 PM
The Government of Canada calls for applications to fill the new position of Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia
News release
OTTAWA, June 6, 2022

Islamophobia and hate, in any form, have no place in Canada. The Government of Canada stands with and supports Muslim communities across Canada and reaffirms its commitment to take action to denounce and tackle Islamophobia and hate-fueled violence.

Today, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, announced that the Notice of Appointment Opportunity, which invites applicants to submit their candidacy for the new position of Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia, has been posted on the Governor in Council Appointments website.

The Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia will serve as a champion, advisor, expert and representative to the Canadian government, for the purpose of enhancing efforts to combat Islamophobia and to address barriers facing Muslim communities, and promoting awareness of the diverse and intersectional identities of Muslims in Canada. The Special Representative will collaborate with domestic partners, institutions and stakeholders to support Canada’s efforts to combat Islamophobia, anti-Muslim hate, systemic racism, racial discrimination and religious intolerance.

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*****I've said this before, I don't hate anyone but I do get upset about some religious groups. I have no time for hate, all it does is take away time for something else that needs to be done or is more important*****

Title: Turkey's inflation surges to 24-year high of 73.5 percent in May
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:27:47 PM
Turkey's inflation surges to 24-year high of 73.5 percent in May
June 03 2022 10:36 am
1 minute read

Turkey's annual inflation rate jumped to a 24-year high of 73.5% in May, according to official data on June 3, below a forecast but fuelled by war impact, rising energy prices and a lira that has tumbled since a December crisis.

Month-on-month, consumer prices rose 2.98%, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) said.

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Title: Prayagraj: Islamists pelt stones at police, protest against Nupur Sharma’s remar
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:30:13 PM
Prayagraj: Islamists pelt stones at police, protest against Nupur Sharma’s remarks on Prophet Muhammad
10 June, 2022

The row over the remarks made by former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma on Prophet Muhammad is showing no signs of ending any time soon. Last Friday, violent protests were seen in Kanpur after the Namaz, and similar scenes were repeated by Islamists across many cities this Friday after the weekly prayers. Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh saw heavy stone-pelting on the police forces by Islamists after the Friday Namaz and the situation continues to remain tense.

The protest staged against Nupur Sharma quickly turned violent with the protestors pelting stones at the security forces after sloganeering. After the protests turned violent, Rapid Action Force (RAF) and Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) lathi-charged the protestors to clear the area. However, the stone-pelting continued intermittently despite the best efforts of the security forces.

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Title: Revealed: Hezbollah establishes positions under guise of environmental activists
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:33:00 PM
Revealed: Hezbollah establishes positions under guise of environmental activists
08.06.22 18:16

The Hezbollah terrorist organization is operating under the guise of the 'Green Without Borders' organization to gather intelligence at the Israel-Lebanon border.

In the new position built near the border, Hezbollah members operate under the guise of environmental activists, in violation of UN Security Council resolutions and in defiance of the Lebanese military.

The IDF's Arabic spokesman, Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee, revealed new photos of the organization's operatives. "Hezbollah is once again grossly violating UN resolutions despite the Lebanese army's presence in the region."

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Title: Israelis have a gas after claims Iran killed Mossad agent named 'Fart'
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:40:56 PM
Israelis have a gas after claims Iran killed Mossad agent named 'Fart'
Published: JUNE 9, 2022 17:45

While Iranian media often claims that attacks in Iraq are targeting "Mossad headquarters," their latest claim squeaked out a series of memes on Thursday after they reported that a Mossad commander named "Asa Flots" (which would mean "made a fart" in Hebrew) had been killed in a drone attack in Erbil.

Breaking (wind) news
The stink seems to have been first raised by the IntelSky Twitter account, which focuses largely on air traffic tracking.

The account tweeted "(Ilak Ron) Asa Flots, commander of the Mossad assassination unit, assisinated [sic] during an attack with kamikaze drone in Erbil, northern Iraq." The tweet has since been deleted.

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*****Oh man, I can think of a lot of breaking gas jokes and the Israelites I'd bet are laughing too. It's worth the couple of minutes to read this article and half is about the Israelites making jokes about the Mossad agent, "Fart"*****  :D
 ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D Hahahahahahaaaaa!!!!!

Title: Tunisian illegal migrant is first arrest in wave of mysterious hypodermic needle
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:43:47 PM
Tunisian illegal migrant is first arrest in wave of mysterious hypodermic needle attacks in bars and clubs in France and the UK
June 07, 2022
author: JOHN CODY

A mysterious wave of hypodermic needle attacks has gripped France and parts of the United Kingdom, with over 300 victims in France alone reportedly suffering strange illnesses and side effects after being punctured by a needle inside clubs and bars.

Now, one arrest has been made related to the attacks, with the alleged perpetrator an illegal Tunisian immigrant, according to French newspaper Le Figaro.

Authorities are hoping that the indictment makes it possible to begin solving the mystery behind the attacks, which have predominately occurred in France and the United Kingdom, along with parts of Belgium and the Netherlands. The suspect, arrested Friday night in Toulon, is currently in pre-trial detention, with investigators attempting to gather more evidence in the case.

Since the beginning of April, unexplained hypodermic needle injections have plagued young people in nightclubs, bars, and festivals throughout France, with complaints lodged in Lille, Béziers, Nantes, Rennes, and Strasbourg, as well as in Grenoble, Nancy, Lyon, Besançon, Valence, and Toulouse.

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Title: GP guilty of misconduct for asking Muslim woman to remove her veil could be stru
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:46:52 PM
GP guilty of misconduct for asking Muslim woman to remove her veil could be struck off
8 June 2022,
By Lauren Lewis

A GP has been found guilty of misconduct for asking a Muslim woman to remove her veil and could be struck off the medical register.

Dr Keith Wolverson, 55, was found guilty of misconduct over the incident and for criticising patients' English skills in medical records by a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) hearing on Monday.

The panel is yet to have made a determination on what sanction Dr Wolverson should receive but he faces being suspended from or struck off the medical register.

The Tribunal ruled the Derby-based doctor was "wrong" to ask a patient, known as Mrs Q, to remove her veil in order to "aid communication" during a consultation.

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Title: ‘Nupur Sharma’s head will be found somewhere and torso somewhere else, will behe
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:52:13 PM
‘Nupur Sharma’s head will be found somewhere and torso somewhere else, will behead those opposing azaan and hijab’: Threatens radical Islamist at Jammu mosque
9 June, 2022

Nupur Sharma, the suspended BJP spokesperson, has received a fresh set of threats from a mosque in Jammu district, Jammu and Kashmir. A video has gone viral on the social media showing a large number Muslims congregated around a Masjid and comments about beheading and killing people over blasphemy allegations being shouted over loudspeakers.

The incident took place at Jamia Masjid in Bhaderwah in Doda district in Jammu, where a Muslim cleric was openly threatening to behead Nupur Sharma and those supporting her over comments on Prophet Mohammad made by Nupur on a TV show, which had resulted in her suspension from the party. The cleric also threatened that if police do not arrest those who oppose azan and hijab, then Muslims will catch them and behead them.

In the video from Thursday, a cleric is heard saying that Hindus drink cow urine and bath in cow dung. The person from the balcony of the Masjid announces in the microphone, “Gaaye Ke Peshaab Peene Walon Ka, Gobar Se Nahane Walon Ka, Haisiyat Kya Hai Inki. Inko Jo Hawa Milti Hai Humari Ibadat Se Milti Hai, Inko Jo Dariyaon Se Paani Milta Hai Humari Barqat Se Milta Hai. Inka Wajood Kya Hai What is the status of these people who drink cow gotcha8 and bath in cow dung. The air they breathe is because of us and the water they drink is because of us. What is in their existence."

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Title: UI student facing hate-crime charges over rock thrown at Jewish students during
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 06:55:17 PM
UI student facing hate-crime charges over rock thrown at Jewish students during protest march
Jun 7, 2022

URBANA — A University of Illinois student who admitted to police that he threw a rock at students gathered at a Jewish center on campus during a protest march in April has been charged with committing a hate crime.

State’s Attorney Julia Rietz said the charge against Sayed A. Quraishi, 23, who listed an address in the first block of East Green Street, Champaign, is a Class 3 felony punishable by penalties ranging from probation to two to five years in prison.

The allegation is that Quraishi alarmed people at the Hillel Center, 503 E. John St., C, a known gathering spot for Jewish students at the UI, as he participated in a march protesting Israeli military action.

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Title: NDTV’s Vishnu Som admits that most terrorists are from Islam, but says the truth
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 07:00:12 PM
NDTV’s Vishnu Som admits that most terrorists are from Islam, but says the truth must not be spoken to preserve Muslim sentiment: Here is what he said
10 June, 2022

NDTV (New Delhi Television Ltd) journalist Vishnu Som recently courted controversy after he claimed that speaking about Islamic terrorism can hurt the sentiments of common Muslims.

During a debate hosted by Som on the ongoing Nupur Sharma saga, lawyer and co-panellist Desh Ratan Nigam alleged, “95% of the declared terrorists are from Islam. And 95% of terrorist organisations are from Islam.” He had cited the United Nations to bolster his claims.

“So do we, therefore, typecast everybody who are Muslims (billions of them exist around the world)?” the NDTV journalist defended. “So it is not the BJP that is creating the facts,” Nigam pointed out.

While referring to the Nupur Sharma case, he emphasised, “The matter has gone to the Court. FIRs have been registered.” Desh Ratan Nigam said the Courts will judge the facts presented by her and will determine whether her statement was in response to provocation.

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*****I'd imagine if it was said that most terrorist are muslim, there would be a full scale riot going on by these muslims*****

Title: 10 heinous murders over alleged blasphemy against Islam and Prophet Mohammed 8 J
Post by: Shammu on June 10, 2022, 07:06:18 PM
10 heinous murders over alleged blasphemy against Islam and Prophet Mohammed
8 June, 2022

While the world talks about tolerance, freedom of expression and liberal views, fundamental Muslims have taken to the opposite direction, with increase in violence against alleged blasphemy that alleged includes insult of Islam and Prophet Mohammed. Islamic literature and interpretations of the Quran have prompted to avenge the criticism or visual depiction of the Prophet, in the wake of Jihad. According to scholars, particularly the Hadiths from Nasai and Sunan Abu Daud, have supported punishment for Blasphemy while narrating that a Jewish woman slave was killed by her master for her repeated blasphemous behaviour against the Prophet. According to the story, when this was brought before Prophet, he declared no retaliation against the master.

Islamic juridical texts have also prescribes death punishment for blasphemy and are ‘agreed by all Islamic scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah’ as claimed by Mufti Obaidullah Qasmi from Deoband. In the modern-day parlance, however, avenging the acts of blasphemy by killing the blasphemer is the only rule of law. In the countries of Indian Subcontinent and Africa where the state has often surrendered before Islamist fundamentalism, ‘gustakh-e-Rasool ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda sar tan se juda’ is a war cry often justified. In Islamic nations like Pakistan, Iran etc, people are executed or jailed for years for alleged blasphemy, if not already killed by Islamist mobs before arrested by police.

On the occasion of the death anniversary of Prophet Mohammed on June 8, here are ten most well known murders by Islamist mobs due to alleged ‘Blasphemy’ which have rocked the world.

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*****Islam is the most intolerant religious group in the world today. All they need is a excuse to kill a person................... it doesn't matter what's said as long as it can be twisted by muslims so they can call it Blasphemy*****

Title: The Battle of Damietta: Saint Louis’ Greatest Victory Over Islam The Crusaders “
Post by: Shammu on June 11, 2022, 11:46:46 AM
The Battle of Damietta: Saint Louis’ Greatest Victory Over Islam
Wed Jun 8, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

This week in history, on June 6, Louis IX of France—better known to posterity as Saint Louis—scored a dramatic victory over the Islamic jihad.

It was late May, 1249, and the Seventh Crusade had begun.  Louis and his army, which consisted of some twenty-five thousand Crusaders, set sail from Cyprus. Their destination, based on the by now standard Crusader logic that Egypt must be neutralized before Jerusalem could be secured, was the Egyptian port of Damietta.

Considering that Damietta was also the focus of the Fifth Crusade (1217-1221), none of this came as a surprise to Egyptian sultan al-Salih Ayyub. He sent men under Emir Fahreddin to refortify Damietta’s garrison and hold the coast against any Crusader landing. He next sent a message warning Louis to forfend: “No one has ever attacked us without feeling our superiority,” the sultan boasted. “Recollect the conquests we have made from the Christians; we have driven them from the lands they possessed; their strongest towns have fallen under our blows.”

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Title: Persecution against Christians never ends in Turkey
Post by: Shammu on June 11, 2022, 11:49:27 AM
Persecution against Christians never ends in Turkey
JUN 9, 2022 4:00 PM

On June 6, a service was held in the Mor Gevargis Church in a village of Mardin province for the first time in a hundred years after the Assyrian genocide. The renovation of the church was started in 2015 by the Mardin Assyrian Ancient Foundation.

On the day of the opening ceremony of the renovated church, a group of 50 Muslims attacked the home of the only remaining Assyrian Christian family in the village, with whom the group had a property dispute. The family’s house was reportedly assaulted with stones, sticks, and weapons. Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident. The aggressors then set the family’s wheat lands on fire. The fire was extinguished before it got out of control, and the gendarmerie took precautions around the fields.

During the attack, the family was hosting guests, including Metropolitan of Mardin, Mor Filüksinos Saliba Özmen, Auxiliary Priest Gabriel Akyüz, and Midyat Mor Jacob Monastery Priest Daniel Savcı.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 11, 2022, 11:55:48 AM
Three Turkish high school students expelled from education system for kicking Quran
June 9 2022

Three Turkish high school students were expelled from the formal face-to-face education system ("örgün eğitim" in Turkish) as part of a punishment given for being involved in the kicking of a copy of the Quran.

The announcement was made by the Antalya branch president of the Eğitim-Bir-Sen Union during a press conference, Turkish media outlets reported on June 8.

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Title: Iran expands advanced centrifuge work underground, IAEA report shows
Post by: Shammu on June 11, 2022, 12:07:49 PM
Iran expands advanced centrifuge work underground, IAEA report shows
 Francois Murphy, Reuters
Published: 2022-06-09

The moves are described in a confidential International Atomic Energy Agency report sent to member states shortly before the IAEA's 35-nation Board of Governors passed a resolution criticising Iran for failing to explain uranium traces found at undeclared sites. Iran had warned of retaliation.

The IAEA report was seen by Reuters and confirmed by the agency.

Iran's commercial-scale Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP) at Natanz is its biggest and was built underground, apparently to protect it from potential aerial bombardment.

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Title: Beheading threats, videos enacting the act, and violent posts continue unabated
Post by: Shammu on June 11, 2022, 12:12:35 PM
Beheading threats, videos enacting the act, and violent posts continue unabated on Instagram against Nupur Sharma: Here are some of them
11 June, 2022

Although it has been 2 weeks since former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma made statements about Prophet Muhammad and then apologised and retracted, the death threats issued by Islamists seem to have no end. While the threats from the streets and even on Twitter are far more visible, threats issued on Instagram have gone under the radar so far.

In a video that has now come to light, three youths were seen openly threatening to avenge the alleged blasphemy committed by the ex-BJP leader.

“She has insulted our Prophet. It is the duty of the law to hang her. And if we take the matter in our hands (which is justice as per Islamists), don’t label us as terrorists,” they were heard as saying. A Twitter user named Sanghis United had posted the video clip and demanded action from the Kota police in Rajasthan.

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Title: Labour council group leader suspended over incendiary comments Speech calling fo
Post by: Shammu on June 11, 2022, 12:15:10 PM
Labour council group leader suspended over incendiary comments
Speech calling for Palestinian flag to fly over town hall implied Israel was comparable to Nazis
JUNE 09, 2022 20:49

A Labour council leader who implied that Israel is comparable to Nazi Germany in a town hall speech has been suspended by the party with immediate effect after a JC investigation.

Labour HQ confirmed today the action has been taken against Mohammed Iqbal in Pendle, Lancashire over his incendiary comments.

He is the sixth councillor to be suspended by the party over allegations of extremism since the locals election last month.

Mr Iqbal, leader of the council Labour group, is prevented from attending any party functions or meetings while he is investigated and may face expulsion.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 11, 2022, 12:17:23 PM
France: 3 Algerian migrants arrested for slitting 70-year-old woman’s throat
The three illegal migrants are accused of brutally murdering an elderly woman in a French retirement home
June 09, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS
author: JOHN CODY

Three illegal Algerian migrants slashed a 70-year-old woman’s throat inside her residence in a retirement home in the French town of Mulhouse on Monday, announced the town’s public prosecutor, Edwige Roux-Morizot.

The victim’s body was discovered in her bathroom shortly before 4 p.m with a slash wound on her throat and stab wounds on her arms; the injuries indicated that she probably tried to defend herself. The prosecutor described “signs of great violence,” with the septuagenarian’s accommodation in complete disarray.

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Title: Four people injured in stabbing at German university Students overpower man susp
Post by: Shammu on June 11, 2022, 12:20:22 PM
Four people injured in stabbing at German university
Students overpower man suspected of stabbing people at university city of Hamm. Motive for incident unclear.
Elad Benari, Canada
10.06.22 22:03

Students overpowered a man suspected of stabbing several people at Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences in the northwestern German city of Hamm on Friday, police said, according to CNN.

Four people were injured in the incident, including three women and one man, some of them seriously, said police. A 34-year-old male suspect was detained.

"Hamm Police has a major operation ongoing in the area of the Hamm-Lippstadt University. Several people were injured with a knife. The perpetrator has been detained. We are at the scene in numbers and ask you to avoid this area," Hamm police said on their official Twitter account.

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Title: ‘Islam teaches tolerance’: Kashmiri Youtuber enacts beheading of Nupur Sharma
Post by: Shammu on June 11, 2022, 12:29:28 PM
‘Islam teaches tolerance’: Kashmiri Youtuber enacts beheading of Nupur Sharma over blasphemy row, proclaims innocence after video goes viral
11 June, 2022

Amidst the death threats received by Nupur Sharma after she made some innocuous comments on Prophet Muhammad, a Kashmir-based Youtuber has digitally recreated the act of beheading the former BJP spokesperson.

The accused, identified as Faisal Wani, had posted a disturbing video on his Youtube channel named ‘Deep Pain Fitness’. In the said video, Wani could be heard as saying, “No action…Gustak-e-Rasool ki eki hi saza… Sarr Kalam (The punishment for blasphemy is beheading).”

The Youtuber then proceeded to behead an image of Nupur Sharma with an axe. The gory video also showed Wani, holding the former BJP leader’s severed head and tossing it away with disgust.

Kashmir based YouTuber Faisal Wani with YouTube Account of Deep Pain Fitness shares most violent graphic video showing him beheading Nupur Sharma.

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Title: Prophet remarks row: 'Nupur Sharma should be hanged,' says AIMIM MP Imtiaz Jalee
Post by: Shammu on June 11, 2022, 12:33:01 PM
Prophet remarks row: 'Nupur Sharma should be hanged,' says AIMIM MP Imtiaz Jaleel [Video]
Jun 11, 2022 | 12:29 AM

New Delhi: All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) MP Imtiaz Jaleel on Friday said that Nupur Sharma, who was suspended from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for making inflammatory remarks about Prophet Muhammad, should be hanged for her comments.

Jaleel described Islam as a religion of peace but noted that people were angry. This may be noted that protests broke out across the nation on Friday, with the agitators demanding the arrest of Nupur Sharma and her former party colleague Naveen Jindal.

"If she's allowed to let go easily, these things will continue. There needs to be a law against people who make such remarks about any religion or sect," said the AIMIM MP.

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*****"Islam is a Religion of Peace, Nupur Sharma Should be Hanged!" is how the title should read*****

Title: British Muslims need ‘reform’ version of Islam
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 11:39:26 AM
British Muslims need ‘reform’ version of Islam
June 01, 2022 15:02
Taj Hargey

Unlike Judaism and Christianity, Islam has not experienced a substantial renaissance or reformation. Many Jews have in the past 200 years morphed from rigid orthodoxy to reform manifestations of their faith, following in the footsteps of Christian transformations during the 16th century. A similar progression is imperative for British Muslims to fully take their place in society.

Such a philosophical evolution is theologically endorsed, since ijtihad (analytical thinking) is an intrinsic Qur’anic precept, as exemplified by the trailblazing 9th century Mu’tazilah, who championed rationalism, justice and liberty.

That is why, after two decades of gestation, last week we launched a progressive new Muslim think tank and research academy at St Peter’s College, Oxford. The independent, non-government funded Oxford Institute for British Islam (OIBI) is a pioneering scholarly initiative to promote a Qur’an-centric Islam that is rooted in, and relevant to, the United Kingdom.
It seeks to advance free-thinking pluralism by providing fresh insights benefitting the five-million strong Muslim community, so that they can become part of Britain and not apart from it.

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Title: Bizarro World: Mega-Terrorist Turkey
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 11:41:40 AM
Bizarro World: Mega-Terrorist Turkey
JUN 11, 2022 12:00 PM

That’s where Turkey, a notorious state sponsor of international terrorism, has the sheer gall to accuse Finland and Sweden of supporting terrorists.

Even more bizarre: Neither Finland, Sweden, the U.S., NATO, EU, nor any country or leader has, to my knowledge, pointed out Ankara’s glaring hypocrisy.

Turkey claims that Finland and Sweden host members of the PKK, the militant Kurdish organization that the U.S. and EU regard as terrorists. Both Nordic nations deny the charge.

Like many Europeans, however, Finns and Swedes sympathize with Kurds. Turkey has long repressed and ethnically cleansed the latter.

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Title: The Predicament of Religious Freedom in Islam
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 11:44:24 AM
The Predicament of Religious Freedom in Islam
Mario Alexis Portella

The European Convention on Human Rights, which deals with freedom of thought and conscience states:

‘Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.’ (Art. 9, 2)

This article essentially recognises that, notwithstanding a person’s right to exercise or not exercise their religious belief, if the body politic of a country judges an individual’s or a group of persons’ religious expression to be a threat to the order of its society, it could curtail the freedom of religious expression and even penalise those in question as it sees fit.

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Title: Remarks against the Prophet: 2 killed in Ranchi as protests erupt across country
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 11:50:45 AM
Remarks against the Prophet: 2 killed in Ranchi as protests erupt across country
June 11, 2022 4:03:23 pm

At least two persons died of a bullet injuries in Jharkhand’s Ranchi, where the police fired in the air to disperse a crowd pelting stones, as protests erupted in several towns and cities across the country on Friday against derogatory references to the Prophet made by former BJP spokespersons Nupur Sharma and Naveen Kumar Jindal.

The protests also turned violent in UP’s Prayagraj and West Bengal’s Howrah. The protests in Delhi and parts of Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Gujarat, Bihar and Maharashtra were peaceful even as a shutdown was observed in Srinagar.

In Delhi, the Shahi Imam distanced himself from the protest and called for reconciliation. The All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB), meanwhile, appealed to Islamic scholars and intellectuals to not participate in “those television debates in which the sole intention is to…insult Islam and Muslims”. Sharma’s comments were madeduring a TV debate.

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Title: Suspected Islamist insurgents kill 25 in Nigeria's northeast
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 12:15:04 PM
Suspected Islamist insurgents kill 25 in Nigeria's northeast
June 10, 2022

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria, June 10 (Reuters) - Suspected Islamist fighters killed 25 people on Thursday in a village in Nigeria's northeastern Borno state, two residents and a military source said on Friday.

An insurgency by Boko Haram and Islamic State West Africa Province in Nigeria's northeast and southern Chad has killed thousands of people and displaced millions more in over a decade, humanitarian groups say.

The residents said gunmen arrived on motorbikes in Boboshe Mukdala village of Dikwa local government area of Borno, where they shot at people who were searching for scrap metal in a nearby forest.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 12:19:24 PM
UK school blasted for dropping Judaism lessons, focusing on Islam

A British school has been blasted for dropping Judaism from its core religious classes in favor of focusing on teaching Islam to “combat the rise in Islamophobia.”

Foundry Lane Primary School in Shirley, England announced during a syllabus presentation at an Advisory Council for Religious Education meeting that it will scrap lessons on Judaism in favour of additional class time teaching about Islam, starting in September, Yahoo News reported.

The school claimed that the decision was made because it had no Jewish students or teachers.

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Title: France: Residents of a “haunted” social housing block demand urgent relocation…
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 12:27:52 PM
 France: Residents of a “haunted” social housing block demand urgent relocation…
June 12 2022

They wrote to the mayor of the municipality on May 23, reporting supernatural phenomena they claim to witness. A “ghost” is said to be responsible for strange noises, lights and shadows, but also illnesses.
On May 23, a letter arrived in the mailbox of the housing department of the town hall of Fontenay-aux-Roses in the department of Hauts-de-Seine. It mentions a request for “urgent relocation” of ten residents of a social housing block in the Blagis district. Nothing unusual and even less paranormal at the time. Until the reading of the reasoning.
The signatories, Le Parisien reveals, claim in this letter that their building is “haunted”. From the 1st to the 5th floor of a single stairwell, they claim to feel “a presence”, to see shadows and lights, to hear strange noises….......

“All tenants affected by this incident can substantiate what they have seen, namely ghosts appearing in our flats and in the building,” the authors of the letter to City Hall argue. As a result, almost all families with their children are sick and affected by this”.

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Title: Iran proxies engaged in 'invisible jihad' against Christians in Middle East, rep
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 12:31:56 PM
Iran proxies engaged in 'invisible jihad' against Christians in Middle East, report warns
The report warns of an "invisible jihad" by Iranian proxies in the region
By Adam Shaw
Fox News
June 9, 2022 4:48pm

Iran’s proxy militias are engaged in an "invisible jihad" against Christians in the Middle East and are having success in their efforts to push out and reduce the numbers of Christians, according to a new report.

The report by the Philos Project, a nonprofit organization and community that promotes Christian engagement in the region, says that the Iranian regime envisions Muslim demographic purity and that its militias have "labored to create conditions that forced Christians out."

"Iran’s proxy militias in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen have played a significant, though largely unrecognized, role in the dramatic decline of Christians in the region," the report outlines.

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Title: West Bengal: Hindu girl detained after Muslim Mob pelt stones at police chowk ov
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 12:35:57 PM
West Bengal: Hindu girl detained after Muslim Mob pelt stones at police chowk over her post asking rioters to migrate to Islamic countries
11 June, 2022

On Friday (June 10), a frenzied mob of Muslim men ambushed the Beladanga police station in the Murshidabad district of West Bengal.

As per reports, they hurled stones and bricks at the police station and demanded the arrest of a Hindu girl named Aishwani, who had asked rioters in the State to migrate to nearby Islamic countries. The girl was subsequently detained by the police.

Forced by circumstances, the cops had to fire tear gas shells to disperse the violent mob and pacify the situation. The police have not yet issued any statement in connection to the events that unfolded on Friday evening.

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Title: ‘Comedian’ Munawar Faruqui mocks singer Justin Bieber’s facial paralysis
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 12:38:28 PM
‘Comedian’ Munawar Faruqui mocks singer Justin Bieber’s facial paralysis
  Caroline Williams   
June 11, 2022 

‘ Comic’ Munawar Faruqui lately required to Twitter to tease vocalist Justin Bieber after he disclosed he is identified with Ramsay Quest disorder, a kind of partial face paralysis. The vocalist claimed the ideal side of his face has actually been paralysed as well as due to it he can not grin or blink.

Nonetheless, Bieber’s clinical problem did not quit Faruqui from teasing the vocalist while likewise taking a dig at India’s Right.

” Beloved Justin Bieber, I can absolutely comprehend. Also right here in India, ideal side not functioning appropriately,” Faruqui tweeted a day after Islamists, considered the ideological companions of India’s Left, took place a rampage in multiples cities as well as communities throughout the nation, releasing fatality dangers to Nupur Sharma as well as Naveen Jindal for their discuss Prophet Muhammad.

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Title: Watch Muslim Children Urinate On The Photo Of Nupur Sharma In The Middle Of The
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 12:43:27 PM
Watch Muslim Children Urinate On The Photo Of Nupur Sharma In The Middle Of The Road, Video Goes Viral
Saiman Das
Jun 12 2022

Nupur has been subjected to a barrage of hatred. And threats after she was featured on a Times Now news channel debate over Shivling within the disputed Gyanvapi temple. Even after she apologized for her remarks toward Prophet Muhammad and was even suspended from the BJP, the hate is not going away anytime soon as innate thirst of Muslims to behead her gains traction and violence is unleased across the country.

On Friday, June 10th, following the afternoon Namaz, Islamists staged huge protests against her. In some locations, they hung her image to remind her of what they intended to do to her, in others, they burned her effigy, and in yet others, they asked that she be crucified in person.

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*****When parents and teachers teach hate, haters are born to hate*****  :'(

Title: ISIS Plotter in Hipster Brooklyn Proves Yet Again That Immigration Is a National
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 12:49:43 PM
ISIS Plotter in Hipster Brooklyn Proves Yet Again That Immigration Is a National Security Issue
Why, exactly, is the Biden administration bringing jihad terrorists into the country?
Tue Jun 14, 2022
Robert Spencer

Dilkhayot Kasimov lived in Brooklyn, one of the nation’s leading hotspots for trendy young hipsters, but he had much more on his mind than checking out the street art scene in Bushwick or the Fort Greene Flea Market. Kasimov, 34, who was sentenced Friday to fifteen years in prison for aiding the Islamic State (ISIS), was involved in plots to strike within the United States, including possibly even killing Barack Obama. Dilkhayot Kasimov is a citizen of Uzbekistan, and so his case once again raises the question that Biden’s handlers steadfastly ignore: why is the U.S. bringing jihad terrorists into the country?

According to U.S. Attorney Richard Donoghue, Kasimov “was part of a conspiracy in which he willingly and eagerly sought to help fund a foreign fighter’s travel and expenses in Syria to wage violent jihad.” When Kasimov was sentenced Friday, Matthew Olsen, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, said: “Kasimov is an ISIS supporter who collected and gave money to another individual to fund his travel to join the terrorist group.” Breon Peace, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, explained: “Kasimov was part of a group of individuals who sought to travel to Syria to join ISIS or to fund others who sought to become foreign fighters for ISIS.” But Kasimov wasn’t interested only in Syria.

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Title: UK govt cuts ties with imam after Muslim film protests
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 12:54:33 PM
UK govt cuts ties with imam after Muslim film protests

The UK government on Saturday dismissed a Muslim cleric from his role as an official adviser, accusing him of fomenting protests against a new film about the daughter of the Prophet Mohammed.

Alleging The Lady of Heaven is blasphemous, Muslim groups protested outside UK movie houses this week, forcing the world’s second-largest cinema chain to cancel all screenings.

Cineworld’s announcement came after Qari Asim, an imam and lawyer in the northern English city of Leeds, posted on Facebook on Monday that the film had “caused much pain and hurt to Muslims”.

While noting that his own group had not taken part in protests, and expressing support for freedom of speech, Asim publicised details of one protest in Leeds coming up that evening.

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Title: Boko Haram attacks claim 55 metal collectors in Borno
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 12:56:15 PM
Boko Haram attacks claim 55 metal collectors in Borno
Published on June 12, 2022
By Shehu Usman

Borno State Police Command has confirmed that no fewer than 55 scrap metal collectors were killed in a series of attacks coordinated by ISWAP/Boko Haram insurgents in the last three weeks in Borno State.

Abdu Umar, the State Commissioner of Police made this known to newsmen during an engagement with stakeholders in security yesterday in Maiduguri, the Borno State capital.

Umar, while giving a breakdown on the attack, said Boko Haram insurgents recently killed 32 scrap metal collectors at Modu village in Kala-Balge Local Government Area, while 23 others were also murdered at Mukdala village of Dikwa Local Government Area, respectively.

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Title: Muslim Man Charged With Murder of Egyptian Christian
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 12:59:50 PM
Muslim Man Charged With Murder of Egyptian Christian
June 13, 2022

A Muslim man has been charged with the murder of 30-year-old Egyptian Christian Kyrillos Megally, who died in hospital on June 7, three days after being attacked with a cleaver.

Abdullah Hosni, who has confessed to the killing in the village of Arab Mahdy, Sohag Governorate, Upper Egypt, is alleged to have pushed Kyrillos from the motorcycle he was riding before striking him repeatedly with a cleaver, inflicting fatal injuries.

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Title: Portugal: A 41-year-old Pakistani raped a 6-year-old Ukrainian child in a refuge
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 01:02:05 PM
Portugal: A 41-year-old Pakistani raped a 6-year-old Ukrainian child in a refugee shelter
June 11 2022

The Criminal Investigation Department ( CID) identified and arrested a foreign man who is strongly suspected of committing a sex crime against a six-year-old girl, a refugee from Ukraine, at a reception centre in Guarda late last month.

A police statement said: “The crime occurred at a reception centre for refugees and other foreign citizens in the town of Guarda, where the perpetrator and the victim were living at the time”.

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Title: British Muslims may lose out after Mecca bookings switched to online
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 01:04:49 PM
British Muslims may lose out after Mecca bookings switched to online
June 13, 2022

British Muslims hoping to make a pilgrimage to Mecca are at risk of losing thousands of pounds after the Saudi government has enforced online booking.

Pilgrims have been told to use a website to register their interest and that a draw will take place to choose who will go on ubgone86.

Some have already booked with ubgone86 tour operators and could lose their money.

ubgone86 is a religious requirement for all Muslims who can afford it.

It is one of the five pillars of Islam along with five daily prayers, fasting, charity and a belief in God (Allah) and in Muhammad as a prophet.

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Title: Politicians Sanctioning Sex Slavery in Boston
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 01:07:55 PM
Politicians Sanctioning Sex Slavery in Boston
Sam Westrop
June 13, 2022
In May, Boston’s progressivist Mayor, Michelle Wu, appointed Yusufi Vali as her Deputy Chief of Staff. Vali is the former head of the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB), an institution once considered to be among the most radical mosques on the East Coast. Vali’s appointment appears to be yet another case of a graduate of Boston’s Islamist institutions finding a powerful foothold in Massachusetts politics.

Vali certainly has some explaining to do. He is a former trustee of the Boston branch of the Muslim American Society (MAS), one of America’s most notorious Islamist institutions and a designated terrorist organization in the United Arab Emirates.

In 2008, federal prosecutors wrote that “MAS was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.” Speakers at MAS conference have often openly glorified terrorism. In 2019, the Philadelphia branch of MAS made national headlines after it ran an event in which children sang about torturing and beheading Jews.

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Title: Ladakh: Islamists oppose construction of Monastery in Kargil, ask administration
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 01:11:42 PM
Ladakh: Islamists oppose construction of Monastery in Kargil, ask administration to stop Buddhist monk’s march in support of the Monastery
13 June, 2022

The situation is tense in Ladakh as on June 14, a march (Peace Pad Yatra) led by His Eminence, the 8th Choskyong Palga Rinpoche, is scheduled to reach Muslim-dominant Kargil. The march is facing opposition from local Muslims as it is in support of the construction of Gompa (Buddhist Monastery) on a 2-Kanal land that was allocated to the minority Buddhist community by the Government of Jammu & Kashmir in 1961. The march started from Leh on May 31 and will conclude in Kargil.

The journey was started by Choskyong Palga Rinpoche with the aim of laying the foundation stone of the Monastery on the allotted site. Notably, though the land was allocated for the Monastery, the then-government of J & K changed the use of land allegedly under the pressure of the local Muslim population and halted the construction of the Gompa.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 01:21:19 PM
Taliban's popularity in virtual world on wane
Monday, 13 June 2022
 Rakesh K Singh
 New Delhi
Following months of its rule in Afghanistan post-takeover of that country in August last year, the Taliban's social media profile is dwindling due to governance failures and stricter controls on citizens through the strict and forceful implementation of Sharia laws. The Taliban largely banks on social media platforms like Twitter for promotion of its policies and projection of its popularity.

Following the announcement of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan early last year, the Taliban began targeting multiple cities, including Herat and Kandahar, especially on the bases and outposts of the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces (ANDSF)  and finally entered Kabul on August 15, leading the then Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to flee the country.

 “The Afghans then backed the Taliban for two reasons---one was the assumption that the Taliban might have changed the operational perspectives and could lead the country in a better way and the other being the anger they felt for former President Ghani who fled country leaving the public to suffer,” said counter-terrorism expert Dr Rituraj Mate.

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Title: 'This Is Just Too Much': Venkatesh Prasad On Nupur Sharma's Effigy Hanging Outsi
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 01:26:48 PM
'This Is Just Too Much': Venkatesh Prasad On Nupur Sharma's Effigy Hanging Outside Belgavi Mosque
By: ABP News Bureau
Updated at: Sun, June 12,2022, 7:57 pm

New Delhi: Former India cricketer Venkatesh Prasad Sunday reacted to the hanging of the effigy of suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Nupur Sharma outside a mosque in Belagavia amid violent protests over controversial comments on Prophet Mohammad. Venkatesh took to Twitter to express his apprehension, and call out those who are involved in "such acts that could be a sign of things to come and could become a threat to more than one person in uncertain times". Protests are taking place all over India after Nupur Sharma's controversial statement. Action is also being taken against the accused involved in violent protests.

The whataboutery to this tweet is simply unbelievable. News channels along with justifiers and people indulging in whataboutery are significant contributors to the pitiful situation. This is not just an effigy By the way,but a threat to more than one person in no uncertain terms.

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Title: Pakistan court upholds death sentence of Christian brothers in blasphemy case By
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 01:32:59 PM
Pakistan court upholds death sentence of Christian brothers in blasphemy case
By Anugrah Kumar

A court in Pakistan’s Punjab province has upheld the death sentence for two Christian brothers charged with posting blasphemous content on a blog that, they maintain, they never created.

The Lahore High Court upheld the death sentence of Qaisar and Amoon Ayub, who were accused of blasphemy after Qaisar got into an argument with his friends at work in 2011, the U.K.-based Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement, an interdenominational aid agency that is supporting the accused, said in a statement Friday.

When Amoon learned about the court’s decision, he “burst into tears,” and his brother, Qaisar, “became very sad,” the group said.

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Title: Muslim Butchers Christian with a Meat Cleaver Another day, and another slaughter
Post by: Shammu on June 15, 2022, 01:36:09 PM
Muslim Butchers Christian with a Meat Cleaver
Another day, and another slaughter of a Christian in Egypt.
Tue Jun 14, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

Another day has passed, and another Muslim man has murdered another Coptic Christian in Egypt.

On Sunday, June 5, 2022—the same day Muslims attacked a packed church in Nigeria, massacring more than 50 Christians—Abdullah Hosni, a Muslim man with a long history of harassing Christians, randomly attacked a Copt, Kirollos (Cyril) Megali, with a meat cleaver in a village in Sohag, Upper Egypt.

Kirollos, who was rushed to a hospital “drenched in blood and with multiple stab wounds,” spent three days in an intensive care unit before succumbing to his injuries, including hack wounds to his skull.

According to the deceased’s brother, Abdullah was locally known for harassing Christians. He had relocated to Libya for a time but returned two days before assaulting Kirollos.  The latter himself had been working abroad (in Kuwait) and was visiting family when Abdullah knocked him off his motorbike and started hacking at him.

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Title: France: Islamist plotted murderous attack on, among others, the homosexual commu
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 07:29:19 AM
France: Islamist plotted murderous attack on, among others, the homosexual community
June 12, 2022

“The boy sometimes came out of the living room when I played music, rap or hip-hop from the 1990s. He said that was haram (sacrilege), the 41-year-old room attendant analyses in retrospect. Another time I reprimanded him for saying that women had to be veiled, and I told him that they were free to decide. But I would never have believed him capable of terrorism like they portray him on TV. He was going to take his high school exams on June 15. To me, he fell into Daech’s trap. These people take advantage of young people being at the stage of intellectual development to brainwash them.”

However, the counter-terrorist services are convinced: they have just foiled at the last minute one of the most advanced plans for violent action in recent years. A sheer killing with a knife, in line with jihadist propaganda. In police custody, by the way, Sofiane E. admitted to having had such intentions. A few hours before his arrest, he had made a video in which he pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (IS) organisation, and in messages on the encrypted messenger Telegram, he had spoken of his impending act: “on a Saturday”, a day with high visitor numbers, without giving further details.

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Title: Three quarters (75%) of French people are concerned about the increasing number
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 07:31:12 AM
Three quarters (75%) of French people are concerned about the increasing number of religious garments in school (e.g. Islamic veil)
June 15, 2022

The phenomenon is worrying the French. Three quarters (75%) of French people are concerned about the increasing number of religious (e.g. Islamic veil) or so-called “traditional” garments at school, according to a poll by CSA for CNEWS published on Wednesday June 15.

Specifically, 43% of respondents said they were “very concerned” and 32% “somewhat concerned”. In contrast, 13% are “somewhat not” concerned and 12% are “not at all” concerned.

It is remarkable that there is a huge difference in the assessment depending on the age of the respondents. Younger people say that they are much less concerned about the issue than older people. Thus, 18 to 24 year olds are the only ones who are in the majority “not worried” (at 58%). In contrast, the proportion of concerned people rises steadily in the different age groups and reaches 87 % among those 65 and older.

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Title: Palestine Cleric Calls For ‘Jihad’ Against ‘Cow-Worshipper Hindus’ Over Blasphem
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 07:35:01 AM
Palestine Cleric Calls For ‘Jihad’ Against ‘Cow-Worshipper Hindus’ Over Blasphemy Row
by Swarajya Staff
Jun 13, 2022

Following massive protests against former Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Nupur Sharma after her recent remark on Prophet Muhammad, a threat has now come from Palestine, a country more than 4,000 kilometres away from India.

A cleric named Sheikh Nidhal Siam, while addressing a rally at Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa Mosque on 12 January, said that the only way to teach a lesson to “cow-worshipper Hindus” is by declaring “jihad” to eradicate them. He mentioned India’s neighbour, Pakistan, and said that they have a capable army to teach discipline to Hindus.

A part of his speech from the rally has been shared and translated by MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) on its verified Twitter account. MEMRI is a non-profit press-monitoring organisation based in the Unites States.

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Title: Turkish police batter, detain LGBTI pride marchers at ODTÜ campus
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 07:37:32 AM
Turkish police batter, detain LGBTI pride marchers at ODTÜ campus
June 10 2022 11:17 pm

Turkish police have attacked an LGBTI pride march organized at the ODTÜ campus, battering and detaining several of the students. Previously, the state-appointed rector of ODTÜ had announced that this year's pride march would not be allowed and had warned that "all kinds of security measures" would be implemented to prevent it.

Turkish police on June 10 attacked a pride march held on the campus of Ankara's prestigious Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ), detaining and battering several of the students.

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Title: International hackers launch series of cyber attacks on India against Nupur Shar
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 07:41:47 AM
International hackers launch series of cyber attacks on India against Nupur Sharma’s statement
Shashank Shekhar
New Delhi
June 13, 2022

Following recent remarks by suspended BJP spokesperson, Nupur Sharma, about Prophet Muhammad, the Malaysia-based hacktivist group DragonForce has launched a series of cyber attacks against the Indian government. Sharma made some remarks about Prophet Muhammad during a panel discussion about the Gyanvapi Mosque survey, hosted by a television news channel, which offended many people around the world. Soon after, she apologised on Twitter.

The hacking group has launched a campaign OpsPatuk which translates to “strike back”, against the Indian government. It is also seeking help from "Muslim Hackers From All Over The World, Human Rights Organizations, and Activists (sic)".

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Title: Two Iran Guard members who died over weekend were reportedly arming Hezbollah
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 07:45:34 AM
Two Iran Guard members who died over weekend were reportedly arming Hezbollah
14 June 2022

Two aerospace division officers from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps who died over the weekend were involved in arming Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group, according to a Tuesday report.

An unidentified source told the UK-based opposition outlet Iran International that Ali Kamani and Mohammad Abdous were “developing arms” for Iran-backed Hezbollah and that the two men “were not killed in accidents,” as had been reported by Iranian media.

They died in separate incidents in different locations, the source said, but gave no details as to how they died.

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Title: At least 100 killed in Burkina Faso attack over weekend
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 07:51:46 AM
At least 100 killed in Burkina Faso attack over weekend
Published: JUNE 13, 2022 18:36

Armed men killed at least 100 civilians in a rural district of northern Burkina Faso over the weekend, a local and a security source said on Monday.

The attackers struck on Saturday night in Seytenga commune, part of Seno province, which lies in borderlands where militants linked to al Qaeda and Islamic State are waging an insurgency.

One security source told Reuters at least 100 people were killed.

A local source who did not wish to be named said the provisional death toll stood at 165.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 07:59:11 AM
Austria: Chechen IS sympathiser on trial for attacking judicial guards
June 13, 2022

He sympathised with the Islamic State and the Nazi regime and attacked judicial guards several times. The trial of a 26-year-old Chechen begins today. The eXXpress has summarised the chronicles of an example of failed integration.

In Krems, a 26-year-old Chechen is standing trial before the regional court today. He is charged with attempted murder, criminal offences, resisting arrest, attempted grievous bodily harm, dangerous threats and damage to property. He is also alleged to have travelled to Syria and to have fought there for the radical Islamic terrorist militia “Islamic State”. The Chechen’s life story is an exemplary example of failed integration.

At the age of six, the boy came to Austria with his family from the Russian Federation of Chechnya.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 08:01:20 AM
Horrifying moment groom beats his new wife at their WEDDING after flipping when his bride won a game on stage during toast in Uzbekistan
Published: 04:30 EDT, 13 June 2022

This is the horrifying moment a groom beat his new wife at their wedding after flipping out when the bride won a game during a toast in Uzbekistan.

The newly betrothed couple were on stage at their wedding reception when the toastmaster made them take part in a competition.

The bride won the unspecified game, and when the groom from hell realised he had been bested, he angrily struck her hard on the back of the head with his fist.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 08:03:58 AM

Austria: Chechen IS sympathiser on trial for attacking judicial guards
June 13 2022

He sympathised with the Islamic State and the Nazi regime and attacked judicial guards several times. The trial of a 26-year-old Chechen begins today. The eXXpress has summarised the chronicles of an example of failed integration.

In Krems, a 26-year-old Chechen is standing trial before the regional court today. He is charged with attempted murder, criminal offences, resisting arrest, attempted grievous bodily harm, dangerous threats and damage to property. He is also alleged to have travelled to Syria and to have fought there for the radical Islamic terrorist militia “Islamic State”. The Chechen’s life story is an exemplary example of failed integration.

At the age of six, the boy came to Austria with his family from the Russian Federation of Chechnya. He

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Title: Fatah official calls for terror: “Allah willing there will be a Shireen Intifada
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 08:07:08 AM
Fatah official calls for terror: “Allah willing there will be a Shireen Intifada, a Jenin Intifada, a Jerusalem Intifada… this intifada will be the Liberation Intifada”
Nan Jacques Zilberdik 
Jun 13, 2022

A few days after Palestinian-American journalist for Al-Jazeera Shireen Abu Akleh was shot and killed while covering a gun battle initiated by Palestinian terrorists who attacked Israeli forces during an operation in Jenin on May 11, 2022, a Fatah official called for a new Palestinian wave of terror. In fact, he called for several waves of terror – intifadas – one of which he suggested be named after Shireen Abu Akleh.

The goal of these terror waves would be the “liberation” of “Palestine”: 

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Title: ‘We want Nupur Sharma beheaded’: Muslim women, students in Kashmir take out prot
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 12:13:37 PM
‘We want Nupur Sharma beheaded’: Muslim women, students in Kashmir take out protests demanding death for comments on Prophet Muhammad
14 June, 2022

“We want Nupur Sharma beheaded’, ‘Sar tan se Juda’, the Islamist cries targeting suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma have now emerged in the Kashmir valley too. Videos of Kashmiri Youth and women have surfaced on the Internet demanding gory punishments for Sharma over her alleged ‘blasphemous’ remarks.

Amid continued death and rape threats publically issued to Nupur Sharma globally, the same has come from Jammu and Kashmir where local youth could be seen giving Islamist slogans and chants calling for the beheading of the politician. Times Now Executive Editor Padmaja Joshi shared a video on Twitter in which Hijab-clad college-going girls could be seen giving ‘Sar tan se Juda‘ chants in a protest rally.

They were seen raising slogans demanding Islamic rule and beheading of anyone who insults Islam.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 12:16:10 PM
Pakistan Jails Christian Who Refused to Convert…
Shafique Khokhar

Karachi (AsiaNews) - In Pakistan, an adult Christian, Rehmat Masih, has been in prison for five months in a new fabricated blasphemy case. He is accused of profaning and desecrating the pages of the Koran, but in reality he allegedly simply refused an offer to change religion. The police also threatened the family, warning them not to prosecute the case. As a result, he had to move to a safer location.

Rehmat (44), the father of two teenage children, had worked for 20 years as a cleaner at the Zam Zam publishing house, which was responsible for printing and binding the Muslim holy text. The owners and employees had offered him to convert to Islam, but he had repeatedly refused to change religion.

On 28 December, Rehmat went to Zam Zam Publishers for his usual work. Here, he was asked about the defacement of some pages of the Koran found in the sewage drain. Rehmat replied that he was unaware of the missing holy pages from the publishing house.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 12:18:35 PM
Austria: 30,000 marathon runners were the target of a bloody Islamist attack in Vienna
June 14 2022

Investigators of the State Protection Service were able to prevent the catastrophe at the last minute: Islamist terrorists were planning an explosive attack on this year’s Vienna Marathon on April 24. 30,000 runners were at the start of the event.

Apparently, the radical Muslims of IS wanted to avenge the death of their leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi and had chosen major events in Europe as targets for attacks. The terror boss blew himself up in north-western Syria during an operation by an American special commando. The following calls for revenge were also picked up by the officers of the intelligence service DSN (formerly BVT). Together with other services, they managed to blow the cover of a sleeper cell.

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Title: Bishop rebukes Irish president for blaming Islamist massacre on climate change
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 12:20:24 PM
Bishop rebukes Irish president for blaming Islamist massacre on climate change
 CNA Staff
June 14, 2022 at 8:57 am

Attributing violence against Nigeria’s Christians to climate change is “incorrect and far-fetched,” according to the bishop of a diocese where at least 40 people were murdered at a Pentecost Sunday Mass.

Bishop Jude Ayodeji Arogundade of Ondo was responding to a statement issued by Irish president Michael Higgins after the June 5 massacre at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Owo, southwestern Nigeria.

Higgins condemned the attack on June 7, but appeared to link it to “the consequences of climate change”.

“While thanking the Honorable Mr Higgins for joining others to condemn the attack and offering his sympathy to the victims, his reasons for this gruesome massacre are incorrect and far-fetched,” Arogundade said.

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Title: ‘Beat the Ukrainians’ – Two Ukrainian refugee children assaulted by Arab gang in
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 12:25:34 PM
‘Beat the Ukrainians’ – Two Ukrainian refugee children assaulted by Arab gang in Sweden
author: JOHN CODY
June 14, 2022

An Arab gang was responsible for recently abusing two Ukrainian refugee children in Sweden, according to the victims’ mother and police reports.

The attack occurred in the town of Ronneby in the southern Blekinge County of Sweden. The Ukrainian boys were playing football when they were accosted by the gang. Among other things, the gang member shouted at them to go home to Ukraine, reported the Swedish news outlet Nyheter Idag.

The gang reportedly consisted of 12 members who came to the scene and started arguing.

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Title: Iranian hackers hijacked emails of high-level Israeli, US officials
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 12:28:11 PM
Iranian hackers hijacked emails of high-level Israeli, US officials
Published: JUNE 14, 2022

Iranian hackers targeted the emails of senior Israeli and American officials and executives, including former foreign minister Tzipi Livni and a former US ambassador to Israel, according to the Israeli cybersecurity firm Check Point.

Check Point was alerted to the hacking attempts by Livni after she received a number of suspicious emails from an email address belonging to a well known former major general in the IDF who served in a highly sensitive position. The emails were written in somewhat broken Hebrew.

The first email contained a link to a file which the attacker asked her to open and read. When she delayed doing so, the attacker urged her several times to open the file using her email password, prompting her suspicions.

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Title: Hindu Girl In Pak Rescued A Week After She Was Kidnapped
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 12:40:22 PM
Hindu Girl In Pak Rescued A Week After She Was Kidnapped
June 14, 2022 5:54 pm

Islamabad: A Hindu girl who was kidnapped in the Jhelum district of Pakistan's Punjab province was rescued on Monday, a week after she was abducted while returning from work.
The Dawn newspaper reported that the suspect was also arrested. The Hindu girl was rescued from the Singhoi area within the limits of the Chotala police station of Jhelum.

The report said the girl was kidnapped while she was returning from the hillside. According to an FIR, the suspect acting on the directions of his landlord, Raja Zafar, abducted the girl with the intention of raping her.

Local police told Dawn the victim has been brought back to Jhelum by the police team from Bahawalpur while raids are also being carried out to arrest Zafar.

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Title: Israelis Reportedly Whisked to Safety as Iranian Assassins Approach
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 12:46:38 PM
Israelis Reportedly Whisked to Safety as Iranian Assassins Approach
June 14, 2022

In a scene that sounds like it was right out of a Hollywood movie, a group of Israeli tourists were whisked away from an Istanbul market this week as an Iranian hit squad hunted them.

According to Israel’s Channel 13, the Israelis received a text message from Israeli security officials warning them to remain in the market until an armored vehicle could be sent to pick them up.

The tourists were instructed to by no means return to their hotel, where an Iranian hit or kidnap squad was already waiting for them.

The Israelis left behind their luggage in the hotel and flew directly to Israel, where they underwent intense questioning as security officials tried to determine why they in particular were targeted, and what the aim of the Iranians might have been.

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Title: ndian workers kept in ‘slave labour-like’ conditions in Qatar
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 12:51:37 PM
ndian workers kept in ‘slave labour-like’ conditions in Qatar: Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh
Nistula Hebbar
JUNE 14, 2022

The RSS-affiliated trade union, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), on Tuesday said it had taken up the “slave labour-like” treatment of Indian workers in Qatar with the government and trade union delegates of that country during the 110th International Labour Conference being held in Geneva. Significantly, Qatar was the first country to register its protest with the Indian government over objectionable statements made by now-sacked BJP spokespersons Nupur Sharma and Naveen Kumar Jindal on Prophet Muhammed and Islam.

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Title: Historic Church Service in Turkey Marred By Attack on Assyrian Family
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 12:55:24 PM
Historic Church Service in Turkey Marred By Attack on Assyrian Family
Posted 2022-06-13 23:02 GMT

A Christian family were attacked in a village in Mardin province, south-eastern Turkey, shortly before a church service on Sunday, June 5.
The service in Mor Gevargis Assyrian Church, Brahîmîye village, was the first held in the building in almost 100 years, after renovation work which began in 2015.

The Yilmaz family -- the only Assyrian family who live in the village -- were attacked at their home by a group of around 50 Muslims. The family were at the time entertaining visiting clergy who had come to officiate at the service.

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Title: Video Michigan: Islamic scholar says Khomeini ‘trained people to become giant ki
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 01:00:27 PM
Video Michigan: Islamic scholar says Khomeini ‘trained people to become giant killers,’ ‘Islam is supreme’
JUN 14, 2022 2:00 PM

"Michigan Islamic Scholar Usama Abdulghani: Khomeini Trained The Youth To Be “Giant Killers”, Like Soleimani, Nasrallah, Al-Muhandis; Islam Is Supreme,” MEMRI, June 3, 2022:

Usama Abdulghani, an Iran-educated Shi’ite Islamic scholar based in Dearborn, Michigan, said in a lecture delivered at the Hadi Institute Youth Community Center in commemoration of Ayatollah Khomeini that Muslims should have the goal of establishing Islam’s supremacy, and not just having a “seat at the table” or stopping Islamophobia….

Usama Abdulghani: “Islam teaches us that Islam is supreme. The supremacy of Islam, not that we want a seat at the table, not that our whole hope is to stop Islamophobia so that we can just be treated like human beings, no, Islam is supreme.

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Title: Court says won’t proceed to hear Malaysian woman’s bid to leave Islam for Confuc
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 01:06:39 PM
Court says won’t proceed to hear Malaysian woman’s bid to leave Islam for Confucianism, Buddhism
By Ida Lim
Wednesday, 15 Jun 2022 5:03 PM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — The High Court here today rejected leave for a lawsuit by a Malaysian woman who wants to be declared no longer a Muslim in order to be free to embrace Confucianism and Buddhism.

This means the High Court will not proceed to hear her case. She has however filed an appeal immediately.

Federal counsel Mohammad Sallehuddin Md Ali, who represented the attorney-general, confirmed that High Court judge Datuk Ahmad Kamal Md ubgone19 had dismissed the woman’s application for leave for judicial review.

"Leave dismissed with costs of RM2,000 to AGC,” he said referring to the Attorney-General’s Chambers, confirming that the decision was delivered through email with no grounds given for the decision.

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Title: 'We are Hamas' to 'Death to Israel' – Same Old CAIR When Muslim advocacy transla
Post by: Shammu on June 16, 2022, 01:11:24 PM
From 'We are Hamas' to 'Death to Israel' – Same Old CAIR
When Muslim advocacy translates to killing Jews.
Thu Jun 16, 2022
Joe Kaufman

According to Nihad Awad, co-founder and Executive Director of CAIR, the group was created with a goal to “combat anti-Muslim discrimination.” This, however, was merely a public face for CAIR meant to conceal its real mission: to assist in the annihilation of Israel. Nearly 30 years later, CAIR is still obsessed with ending the Jewish state. Last month, the group co-sponsored a rally in Fort Lauderdale that was billed as a way to honor deceased Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh, who was shot and killed while covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But the event quickly devolved with calls for Israel’s destruction, displaying once again the true face of CAIR.

CAIR was launched, in June 1994, as a part of the Palestine Committee (in America) and under the guidance of then-global Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook. The main national leaders of CAIR came to the group via the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), which was also a Palestine Committee member and which acted as a propaganda wing for Hamas. In 2007 and 2008, CAIR was named a party to the US federal trials against the Holy Land Foundation (HLF), another Palestine Committee member and a Hamas financier. CAIR used its websites to raise funds for HLF, and CAIR’s Texas chapter founder, Ghassan Elashi, was HLF Board Chairman.

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Title: Palestinians: The House Demolitions and Land-Grabs No One Talks About
Post by: Shammu on June 17, 2022, 08:10:37 PM
Palestinians: The House Demolitions and Land-Grabs No One Talks About
by Khaled Abu Toameh
June 16, 2022 at 5:00 am

While the international community and media continue to condemn Israel day in and day out about a host of grievances, including the demolition of houses built without proper permits, no one seems to be interested in the ongoing human rights violations against Palestinians by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.

The United Nations and many foreign journalists are so obsessed with Israel that they have paid no attention to the latest crime committed by Hamas against residents of the Bedouin village of Umm al-Nasr in the northern Gaza Strip. The village was established nearly 80 years ago, long before Hamas was founded in 1988.

On June 9, hundreds of Hamas security officers raided the village to destroy several houses, as part of the terror group's attempt to evict the residents from the area. Hamas claims that the village was illegally built on "state-owned" land.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 17, 2022, 08:17:29 PM
Minister urges Pakistanis to cut down 'chai' consumption
"I appeal to the nation to cut down the consumption of tea by 1-2 cups," says Ahsan Iqbal
By Web Desk
June 14, 2022
ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Planning Ahsan Iqbal Tuesday urged the masses to cut down the consumption of 'chai' amid a ballooning import bill draining forex reserves.

"I appeal to the nation to cut down the consumption of tea by 1-2 cups because we import tea on loan," Iqbal said, making a case for people to adopt more austere measures.

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Title: Fatah applauds Arab hitting religious Jew: “May your hands be blessed, hero
Post by: Shammu on June 17, 2022, 08:22:23 PM
Fatah applauds Arab hitting religious Jew: “May your hands be blessed, hero
Nan Jacques Zilberdik 
 Jun 15, 2022

Abbas’ Fatah party posted a video on Facebook of an Arab hitting a religious Jew in Jerusalem. Text on the video, which was produced by the digital media department of the Fatah-run Awdah TV station, said:
”May your hands be blessed.”

But this was not enough for Fatah. In its post on Facebook, Fatah expressed its admiration of the attacker, addressing him as “hero”:
Posted text: “May your hands be blessed, hero.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 17, 2022, 08:26:33 PM
Israel convicts former World Vision Gaza chief of aiding Hamas
15/06/2022 - 16:12

Israel had accused Palestinian Mohammed al-Halabi, who headed Gaza operations for World Vision, of siphoning-off millions of dollars to Hamas, which rules the Palestinian enclave.

He was arrested in June 2016 and indicted in August that year.

Both Halabi and the charity have staunchly denied any irregularities.

But the Israeli court in Beersheba on Wednesday convicted Halabi of belonging to a terrorist group, Hamas, and of financing terrorist activities, of having "transmitted information to the enemy" as well as the possession of a weapon, according to a summary of the ruling viewed by AFP.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 17, 2022, 08:30:37 PM
'Attacking Prophet Mohammed means death, Kamlesh Tiwari was killed after 5 years’: Islamic cleric issues threat over alleged blasphemy
16 June, 2022

Amid the political turmoil in the country over Nupur Sharma’s remarks on Prophet Muhammad, Islamic fundamentalists are constantly issuing death threats to her. A video has recently appeared on social media in which an Islamic cleric is seen openly issuing death threats to former BJP leaders Nupur Sharma and Naveen Kumar Jindal at a press conference.

An Islamic cleric named Hamid Engineer was openly threatening Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal in a press conference, saying that ‘insulting Islam means signing own suicide note’. The video was shared by the Middle East Media Research Institute. According to the report, Minorities Democratic Party held a press conference in Nagpur on 5th June 2022. Hamid Engineer, President of Iman Tanzim Islamic, was present at this press conference. In this press conference, he reacted to the allegedly derogatory remarks about the prophet Muhammad given by former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma and former Delhi BJP leaeder Naveen Jindal

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 17, 2022, 08:33:16 PM
India Cowers Under Islamist Threats, Again
De-escalating a diplomatic bonfire sparked by "blasphemy."
Wed Jun 15, 2022
Saurav Dutt

India has been thrust into a diplomatic firefight with Islamic nations due to a controversy ignited by BJP spokespersons’ remarks on the Muslim prophet Muhammad. The furor began after two spokespersons of the ruling party, the BJP, made derogatory references to Islam and Muhammad, forcing New Delhi into urgently trying to appease neighborhood Islamic nations and hardline Islamists that demanded nothing less than punishment for both, particularly whom they deemed to be the serial offender, one Nupur Sharma. The fact that it was a Hindu woman insulting Islam must have come as particularly galling. Responding to blatantly offensive and Hindu-phobic insults against a Hindu deity during a television debate on the flagship Times Now television channel, Sharma made the cardinal mistake of rebutting said insult by referring to the deemed inappropriateness of the Muslim prophet’s relationship with six-year-old Aisha.

Predictably, on Sunday, Qatar, Iran and Kuwait summoned India’s Ambassadors and expressed their strong protest and condemnation of the allegedly controversial remarks. On Monday, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, the Maldives, the UAE, Jordan, Bahrain, Oman and Afghanistan had also joined in. As Indian Express reported, “the BJP suspended its national spokesperson Nupur Sharma and expelled Delhi media head Naveen Kumar and amid protests by Muslim groups, the party also issued a statement aimed at assuaging the concerns of minorities and distancing itself from these members.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 17, 2022, 08:36:49 PM
Italian parliament opens investigation after hundreds of migrants blamed for ‘unleashing hell’ at lakeside towns with rioting and sexual assaults
author: JOHN CODY
June 16, 2022

After last week saw widespread chaos breakout at parties in Italian lakeside towns near Lake Garda involving up to 2,000 migrants, the Italian public prosecutor’s office and the Italian Parliament have opened a number of investigations, including into one case where 30 migrant men allegedly sexually assaulted six teen girls on a train from Lake Garda to Milan.

The investigation also deals with violent incidents committed by some participants in a previous event in the town of Peschiera, a popular tourist destination. The Italian parliament will also be concurrently investigating the case and debating the incident that generated national headlines in the country.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 17, 2022, 08:39:55 PM
Pakistan: Two minor Hindu sisters raped at gunpoint; police delayed filing an FIR due to the accused’s influential background
17 June, 2022

The atrocities on minority Hindus continue unabated in Pakistan. On June 16, Thursday, it has been reported that two minor Hindu sisters were raped at gunpoint in the Islamic country’s Punjab province. One of the accused belongs to an influential family in Pakistan.

BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa took to Twitter Thursday to share a report by DNA on the crime. He Tweeted, “Minorities continue to suffer in Pak: 2 Hindu teenage sisters raped at gunpoint in Punjab province of Pakistan. Pak Police registered a case after a 3-day delay as some influential people of the area reportedly wanted to settle the matter with the victims’ family.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 17, 2022, 08:43:34 PM
Beheadings Show Islamist Peril Persists for Total in Mozambique
Matthew Hill and Borges Nhamire

A fresh wave of attacks by an Islamic State affiliate in northern Mozambique has prompted the evacuation of the nation’s biggest solar power plant and threatens to further delay TotalEnergies SE’s $20 billion liquefied natural gas project.

Forces from Rwanda and a southern African regional bloc have helped retake towns from insurgents who’ve been wreaking havoc since 2017, largely securing a coastal stretch around Total’s project. But violence has recently spiked, spreading to new areas near Pemba, the Cabo Delgado province’s capital, and causing panic as IS disseminates photos of bodies it says were beheaded by its fighters.

All workers at a solar power plant situated in Metoro, about 70 kilometers (44 miles) inland from Pemba, and operated by Neoen SA and local partner Electricidade de Moçambique, were evacuated at the weekend following a nearby raid.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 17, 2022, 08:49:32 PM
PA: World War III if Jews are allowed to pray on the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site
Nan Jacques Zilberdik 
 Jun 16, 2022

Israel's actions in Jerusalem will lead to a “religious war… [that] will reach the US, Europe, and the entire world,” and “will exterminate everything.” These are threats coming from PA Chairman Abbas’ official spokesmen and advisors. However, all these PA warnings and threats are based on libels and lies.

The libel that Israel is planning the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to build a Jewish Temple in its place is one of the most potent and long-standing PA libels. As a prelude to this alleged Israeli plan, the PA claims Israel is also preparing a “division according to areas and times” of the Temple Mount – what the PA refers to as the Al-Aqsa Mosque plaza and defines as “belonging only to Muslims.” The alleged division would allow Jews and Muslims to pray at the site in separate places and at separate times. This would constitute a change in what is perceived to be the so-called “status quo” at the site, which de facto is interpreted to mean Jews are only allowed to enter the Temple Mount, but not to conduct individual or communal prayers there.

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Title: Ilhan Omar's Pakistan Trip Raises Questions of Foreign Islamist Influence in the
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 02:28:57 AM
Ilhan Omar's Pakistan Trip Raises Questions of Foreign Islamist Influence in the US
by Isabella Meibauer
June 3, 2022

In May, former US Ambassador to Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates Richard Olson pleaded guilty to violating lobbying laws. He had received monthly payments of $20,000 from a Pakistani American businessman and "political fixer," Imaad Zuberi, within one year of leaving his post. Zuberi was operating on behalf of Qatar and paid Olson to lobby for the Gulf state's interests in a 2017 dispute with its neighbors.

The courts sentenced Zuberi to 12 years in prison and ordered him to pay $16 million in restitution and $2 million in fines for illegally sending millions of dollars from foreign sources to whichever political campaigns they believed would benefit them. In addition to Qatar, Zuberi's clients included "the governments of Libya, Sri Lanka, Bahrain, Turkey, and a Ukrainian oligarch close to Vladimir Putin," according to the Daily Mail.

The considerable power that foreign agents with such connections can easily exert is troubling, and connections between these agents and elected officials warrant deeper investigation.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 02:32:35 AM
Switzerland: Illegal immigrant attacks massive church organ recently restored for €530,000 in Neuchâtel
June 16, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS
author: JOHN CODY

Police say an illegal immigrant caused tens of thousands of euros worth of damage to a recently restored church organ inside the Collegiate Church of Neuchâtel in Switzerland.

On Tuesday, the man broke into the church with the intention of spending the night inside. While on the premises, the man committed “significant” damage to the church organ, which had recently been restored for 550,000 Swiss francs (€530,000). He was immediately arrested on scene.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 02:34:15 AM
Viral Revenge Porn in Islamic Pakistan
Aliya Anjum
JUNE 16, 2022

Dr Aamir Liaquat was the newscaster on Geo Television’s very first news bulletin, after the liberalization of the electronic media in the Musharraf era.

Sporting a middle-class nerdy look, he instantly appealed to audiences.  Alim Online, shot him to fame, with Pakistanis at home and abroad.  He was also seen cooking Nihari on live television, and reviving the popular game show Neelam Ghar, during Ramadan.

Dr Aamir Liaquat possessed tremendous energy when he anchored shows with a live audience for hours on end.  He became extremely popular as a self-taught Islamic scholar, who was eloquent and gentlemanly. Fame is a slippery slope and a double-edged sword.  With fame come fake friends and real enemies.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 02:37:46 AM
Indore: Maulvi, five others booked for performing 'nikah' of 14-year-old girl in city

Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A case has been registered against a Muslim cleric and five others for allegedly forcibly performing nikah (marriage) of a 14-year-old girl in Madhya Pradesh's Indore city, police said on Thursday.

An FIR was registered on Wednesday for the ceremony that took place on July 4 2021 between a girl who was 14 at the time and a 19-year-old man, said Dinesh Verma, the in-charge of Khajrana police station.

According to the FIR, the man had not only forcibly confined the girl in his house, but had also raped her.

Apart from the maulvi (Muslim cleric), the FIR registered for violation of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 also named the groom's mother and three witnesses present at the time of solemnising the nikah, the official said.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 02:40:23 AM
Women not wearing hijab 'trying to look like animals', say Taliban posters
Thursday Jun 16, 2022

KANDAHAR: The Taliban’s religious police have put up posters across the southern Afghan city of Kandahar saying that Muslim women who do not wear an Islamic hijab that fully covers their bodies are “trying to look like animals”, an official confirmed on Thursday.

Since seizing power in August, the Taliban have imposed harsh restrictions on Afghan women, rolling back the marginal gains they made during the two decades since the US invaded the country and ousted the group’s previous regime.

In May, the country’s supreme leader and Taliban chief Hibatullah Akhundzada approved a decree saying women should generally stay at home.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 02:41:32 AM
Kowtowing to Islamists: Statue of Voltaire goes behind bars in France
June 16 2022

François-Marie Arouet fought for freedom of expression. Voltaire, as he later called himself, took great risks to do so. Undaunted, he criticised the fanaticism of religions – 244 years after his death, he is now an example of kowtowing to Islamism.

A poem about the rumour that Philippe of Orléans, the short-term reigning brother of the late Sun King, had fathered a child with his daughter put Voltaire behind bars. As punishment, he was sent into exile. During his imprisonment he wrote “Oedipus”. In it, he also processed the doubts about his own origins.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 02:44:33 AM
Saudi authorities seize rainbow toys for promoting homosexuality
By David Gritten
BBC News
June 15 2022

Authorities in Saudi Arabia have been seizing rainbow-coloured toys and children's clothing, which they claim encourage homosexuality, state TV says.

An Al-Ekhbariya report showed commerce ministry officials removing a range of items from shops in the capital Riyadh.

They included hair clips, pop-its, t-shirts, hats and pencil cases.

One official said the items "contradict the Islamic faith and public morals, and promote homosexual colours targeting the younger generation".

The commerce ministry tweeted separately that its teams were confiscating "products that contain symbols and signs calling for deviation and contradicting common sense".

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 02:46:28 AM
Bhim Sena Chief Nawab Satpal Tanwar arrested for issuing bounty to cut Nupur Sharma’s tongue, had said he would make her do ‘mujra’
17 June, 2022

The Delhi Police has arrested Bhim Sena Chief Nawab Satpal Tanwar after he announced a bounty of Rs 1 crore and threatened former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma for her innocuous comments on Prophet Muhammad. The Special Cell’s Cyber Cell unit arrested Tanwar from his residence on Thursday.

The arrest of Tanwar comes days after the Gurgaon Police had booked him for his threats and comments against Nupur Sharma. He was booked for promoting enmity between different groups, abetment, intentional insult and criminal intimidation.

The Delhi Police said that Tanwar had earlier too issued bounties and made threats. “We took cognisance of the video. The man is heard making life-threatening remarks and is trying to spread hatred. We arrested Tanwar from Gurgaon. He has been booked under IPC sections 506 (criminal intimidation), 509 (insult modesty of a woman) and 153A (promoting enmity between different groups)”, Cyber Cell police said to Indian Express.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 10:25:46 AM
Pilgrimage to Mecca is never easy. Saudi Arabia just made it a lot harder.
June 17, 2022
By Dilshad Ali

For two years as the COVID-19 pandemic raged on, Sumaira Malik and her husband, Nauman Chaudary, left their deposit with Dar El Salam Travel for their planned ubgone86, or pilgrimage, to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, from their Virginia home. In April, when the Saudi Ministry of ubgone86 and ubgone85 announced it would permit 1 million international and domestic pilgrims to perform ubgone86, Malik allowed herself to become hopeful.

“(Our travel agency) said they would start with those who had registered in 2019, and so we got in. Everything was settled,” said Malik. The couple made sure their vaccinations were in order and took time off from their work as physicians. Their three kids would be cared for by their babysitter and Malik’s mother, who would fly over from Pakistan.

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Title: Hezbollah members get life sentences for killing Lebanese prime minister
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 10:32:19 AM
Hezbollah members get life sentences for killing Lebanese prime minister
June 16, 2022

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (CN) — A special appeals chamber of a United Nations tribunal sentenced two men to life in prison on Thursday for the 2005 assassination that killed Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon gave both Hussein Hassan Oneissi and Hassan Habib Merhi the maximum penalty for their roles in the suicide bomb attack which killed Hariri and 22 others as his convoy drove along a seaside road in Beirut.

“The attack terrorized not only the direct victims but more generally the people of Lebanon,” Presiding Judge Ivana Hrdlickova said when reading the verdict. The men were found guilty in March of committing a terrorist act and murder.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 10:38:16 AM
Exclusive: Oberlin’s Iranian Prof Boasted of His Utility to Tehran
By Susannah Johnston
June 16, 2022

When students return to Oberlin College in Ohio in early September, some of them will be taking classes from religion professor Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, who has been accused of helping to cover up a mass-murder while serving as a diplomat for the Islamic Republic of Iran in the late 1980s.

Oberlin administrators have accepted Mahallati’s denials, but they now have more to consider than his guilt or innocence in the alleged coverup. In light of his ties to the Islamic Republic of Iran, they have good reason to question his real agenda at Oberlin. Is he using his position at the school to promote peace and friendship and an honest understanding of Islam, or is he a shill for the Iranian regime?

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 10:40:36 AM
LGBTI+ Pride picnic canceled after being targeted
17 June 2022, Friday 17:48

A picnic that LGBTI+ university students planned as part of LGBTI Pride Month activities in Istanbul University Beyazıt Campus was targeted by some religious groups today (June 17).

A crowd chanting "Takbir, Allah-u Ekber" (Allah (God) is the greatest) and "Beyazit is ours and will remain ours" gathered in front of the university campus and threatened the LGBTI+s.

The group also chanted slogans of hatred against the LGBTI+s.

After that, the vegan picnic, which was planned by the İstanbul University Equality Society - BÜLGBTİ+, has been canceled due to security concerns.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 10:43:01 AM
Afghanistan's non-violent resistance against the Taliban is led by women who risk torture and detention: 'Fear is everywhere'
Sarah Al-Arshani and Edris Lutfi
June 17 2022

When the Taliban came to power last summer, Wahida Amiri couldn't sit quietly.

She, alongside other women, gathered and staged protests in Kabul and other cities — a move that would lead to her capture, interrogation, and subsequent fleeing from Afghanistan to neighboring Pakistan.

Amiri told Insider that women were fighting "to get our rights and bring justice back to our country."

In retaliation, the Taliban abducted and killed female protesters. Many demonstrations even turned violent, with Taliban fighters firing shots in the air or spraying tear gas. Women have also mysteriously disappeared.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 10:51:23 AM
An inconvenient truth about Muslims and homosexuality
A.S. Ibrahim
June 14, 2022

Idrissa Gana Gueye, who plays soccer for the well-known Paris Saint-Germain Football Club, came under fire last month for refusing to wear a jersey with a rainbow-colored number as part of his team’s support of International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia. Gueye, a native of Senegal, is a devout Muslim, and he chose not to play in the match against Montpellier because of his religious beliefs.

“I support Idrissa Gana Gueye,” declared Senegalese President Macky Sall, also a devout Muslim. “His religious convictions must be respected.” Others from the West African Muslim-majority country also defended the player. In Senegal, homosexuality is considered a deviant act against nature with offenders punished with one to five years in prison.

If Gueye were a Christian, Western liberals would have portrayed his religion as malicious, intolerant, and the most irrelevant and unwelcoming belief system of our day. They would have swiftly hammered him with accusations of bigotry, homophobia, and other buzzwords recently added to the English language.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 10:52:49 AM
American Islamists Push Blasphemy Narrative in India's Prophet Controversy
by Abha Shankar
IPT News
June 17, 2022

Deadly riots broke out in several Indian cities June 10 over perceived blasphemous remarks by a spokeswoman for India's ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP). Enraged Islamist mobs burned posters and hanged effigies of Nupur Sharma after Jummah prayers over her controversial remarks on Islam's prophet Muhammad.
But rather than denouncing this over the top, hate-filled reaction to the controversy, American Islamists are fueling it by playing up their time-tested Islamist victimization rhetoric.

Sharma's exact words during a prime time television program are difficult to find. Videos of her remarks have been taken down and news reports refer to the controversy without quoting the specific comments. They involved Muhammad's marriage to Aisha, who was a child bride.

The reaction was swift and reverberated throughout the country.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 10:59:18 AM
British Columbia imam continues to deliver antisemitic sermons
17.06.22 23:02

A Victoria, British Columbia imam has continued to deliver extreme antisemitic sermons to followers in the city, even after videos of his hateful rhetoric were published by a watchdog organization, according to B’nai Brith Canada.

Younus Kathrada, the head of an organization called Muslim Youth of Victoria, was recently exposed yet again by MEMRI TV “pray[ing] for Allah to bring annihilation upon the criminal and plundering Jews.”

In a previous May 2021 video posted by MEMRI, Kathrada said that Muslims’ “enmity towards the Jews is just and sensible” and said, “Oh Allah, give strength to Islam and Muslims to humiliate the infidels and the polytheists.”

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*****As time grows closer, Satan's minions grow bolder*****

Title: A sex worker kept a Quran in her room in Lagos and was murdered for that
Post by: Shammu on June 18, 2022, 11:01:21 AM
A sex worker kept a Quran in her room in Lagos and was murdered for that
Deep Dive
June 14, 2022

You would think Nigeria is becoming tolerable in cases of faiths, but it seems to be getting worse. And, thanks to the internet, we can see people for who they really are.

Another human being and Nigerian citizen, Hannah Saliu, reportedly a sex worker, has been lynched for allegedly keeping the Quran in her room, at Alaba Rago, Ojo LGA, Lagos, Punch reports.

The deceased was killed after a disagreement with a man who patronised her for sex.

The report says the man reportedly paid Saliu ₦1,000 for her services, but after he left the room, the deceased discovered that her ₦5,000 was missing.

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 01:36:46 PM
3 CJTF members killed as ISWAP abducts humanitarian workers in Borno
AUTHOR: Samad Uthman
JUNE 18, 2022 2:20 PM

Three members of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) have been reportedly killed in an attack by suspected members of the Islamic State in West African Province (ISWAP) at the residence of humanitarian workers in Monguno, Borno state.

During the attack, TheCable learnt that the insurgents reportedly abducted three humanitarian employees of Damuli Investment Limited.

According to an intelligence source who spoke to Zagazola Makama, a counter-insurgency expert in the Lake Chad region, the insurgents carried out the attack on Monguno LGA around 9pm on Friday.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 01:38:28 PM
Terrorists join ‘toolkit’ gang after AltNews’ Mohammad Zubair triggers Islamists globally over Nupur Sharma’s remarks on Prophet Muhammad
19 June, 2022

Days after dreaded terror organisation Al Qaeda issued threats of terror attacks in India over ex-BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma’s comments on Prophet Muhammad on a debate in Times Now, Islamic State has claimed that they carried out terror attack on a Gurudwara in Kabul, Afghanistan, as reaction to her statements.

Surprising, not the terror attack, but the reason behind it. Because this is not the first time the Islamists in Afghanistan have attacked Gurudwaras and targeted Sikhs. Much so because in October 2021, soon after Islamist group Taliban took over Afghanistan, they had asked Sikhs to either leave or convert to Islam if they want to live. In the recent attack, it appears like Nupur Sharma and her remarks on Prophet Muhammad were just an excuse to carry out terror attack on religious minorities in Afghanistan and put the blame on Sharma.

It is worth noting that Nupur Sharma’s comments have been deliberately highlighted and given a disproportionate focus by a certain gang after AltNews cofounder Muhammad Zubair dog-whistled and called what was written in the Islamic scriptures ‘hate speech’.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 01:44:40 PM
PA reporter for Iranian agency beaten by PA security forces
Elad Benari, Canada
17.06.22 23:45

A Palestinian Arab reporter working for an Iranian news agency was briefly abducted, beaten and threatened by Palestinian gunmen after covering the violent dispersal of an Islamist student demonstration earlier this week, The Associated Press reported on Friday.

The Tasnim news agency said the men forced the reporter, Samer Khuaira, into a car at gunpoint on Tuesday, beat him and threatened him. The men said his coverage harmed the Palestinian Authority and the Fatah movement that dominates it, Tasnim said. He was released around a half hour later.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 01:50:10 PM
Netizens Slam Mandana Karimi For Twerking In A Burqa, Call Her Out For Making Fun Of Hijab
Jun 18, 2022, 12:18
Trishna Das

Lock Upp season one contestant Mandana Karimi has grabbed the attention for a controversial video on social media. The actress, who enjoys a massive fan following on social media shared a fun video on June 17 wherein she can be seen dancing and  while wearing a Burqa. The video was from a special shoot.

However, her twerking video seems to have landed her in some deep trouble as netizens are fuming over the same.

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*****I have no idea what twerking is and I have a feeling I don't need to know*****

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 01:55:01 PM
Al-Azhar calls for countries to enact laws criminalising Islamophobia
Ahram Online
Thursday 16 Jun 2022

The AOCE stated on its official Facebook page that it is making this call in response to increased hate speech against Islam and Muslims in many European societies.

According to a report by the nongovernmental organisation, 768 attacks on mosques in Germany were recorded between January 2014 and June 2021, an average of one attack every two days.

Moreover, according to the AOCE, the report stated that 83 Islamophobic crimes were recorded in Germany during the first quarter of 2022, in which five people were injured.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 01:56:58 PM
Terrorists get creative, try to blame Kabul Gurudwara attack on Nupur Sharma’s remarks; have earlier carried out multiple terror attacks targeting Sikhs
19 June, 2022

The Islamic State terrorists have become creative and are now putting the blame of carrying out attack on the Gurudwara in Kabul on ex-BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma’s statements on Prophet Muhammad. A report in Tribune says that on the Telegram channel of one of the affiliates of local branch of the terror group Islamic State claimed that the said terror attack was in response to Nupur Sharma’s statements on Prophet Muhammad a month back. At least two people died and seven sustained injuries in the terror attack in the Taliban-ruled country.

However, this is not the first time the terrorists have targeted the Sikh places of worship. In March 2020, armed terrorists had attacked a Gurudwara in Shor Bazar Area of Afghanistan killing Twenty-eight people. The Islamic State had claimed responsibility for the attack. The terrorist ‘Abu Khalid al-Hindi’ was identified as an Indian National who was responsible for the attack in order to avenge the supposed ‘plight of Muslims in Kashmir’.

In October 2021, Taliban, having ousted the elected government, forcibly entered a Gurudwara and threatened the worshippers. Sikh community had back then urged India to raise an SOS.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 02:00:34 PM
Christian Family Targeted by Mob in Turkey

Turkey (International Christian Concern) –  CCTV video footage shows several Muslims attacking an Assyrian Christian family in Turkey’s Mardin village. After the attackers beat the family with sticks, they set their wheat fields on fire. The Yilmaz family members are the only remaining Christians living in the area, and the attack occurred at the end of Sunday service on June 5. 

According to reports, approximately 50 Muslims were involved in the attack. The incident took place on the same day that priests traveled to the village to lead mass and inaugurate the Mor Gevargis Church after restoration work began in 2015. The church had reportedly been closed for 100 years, a timeline which means that the church was impacted by the genocide against Christians in Turkey during the early 20th century. 

The family told Asia News, "They threatened us, saying that they would not allow us to live in the village. But we are not scared. We will continue to stay here.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 02:04:29 PM
Swedish journalist quits due to threats
June 15, 2022, 1:05 pm

“Unfortunately, due to threats against my family, I must hereby announce that I am ending my work with journalism. I have worked as a journalist for almost 20 years but now it is over. ”

The independent journalist made the announcement on Facebook and on Wednesday night, he will be doing a live press conference, which will be his last ever broadcast:

He concluded by thanking all for the support over the years. Lamotte became known for broadcasting live from immigrant-dense ghettos and other areas affected by multicultural violence and chaos.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 02:10:09 PM
I've translated from German into English (Google translate......... I wasn't going to trust my German) and hope I've gotten It close to the true wording

A giant mosque named after a sociopathic Islamic mass murderer is being built in Bochum, Germany
June 19 2022

The “Islamic Cultural Association Bochum”, which was monitored by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution last year, wants to build a giant mosque with an area of 13,700 square metres. Cost: five million euros. The current mosque is named after “Khalid ibn Al-Walid”, according to Irfan Peci one of the “most brutal jihad field leaders” in history. He was a companion of the Prophet Mohammed, who gave him the name “Sword of Allah”.

And even Muhammad found this Khalid ibn Al-Walid too brutal at times, when he carried out unjustified massacres of the civilian population, as for example in 630 on the Banu Jadhima tribe. In the late autumn of 632, he had twelve men from the Yarbu tribe executed, even though they claimed to be Muslims. Khalid ibn Al-Walid then married the wife of the just-killed leader Malik ibn Nuwaira, a woman who was considered particularly beautiful. All this can be read even on Wikipedia.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 02:11:48 PM
Islamic State Claims Attacks on Christian Village

06/18/2022 Mozambique (International Christian Concern)
­­ ISIS has claimed responsibility for attacks on several Christian villages in Caba Delgado, Mozambique, that happened between May 23 and May 31. Six villages were attacked, leaving 8 people dead. Four of those who were murdered were Christians. Following the attacks, ISIS released photographs of six decapitated bodies, as well as images of the burned villages.

Mozambique is no stranger to Islamic State (IS) attacks. The Islamic State, or its affiliate groups, have  killed or displaced thousands of Christians in Mozambique.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 02:14:43 PM
Amidst the Nupur Sharma controversy, Saudi Islamic scholar confirms it as ‘100% true’ when asked a similar question about the Prophet’s marriage
19 June, 2022

As the controversy over the remarks on Prophet Muhammad by ex-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Nupur Sharma rages on, Islamic scholar Assim Alhakeem said it is 100% true when asked by a Twitter user if Prophet Muhammad married Aisha at the age of 6 and consummated the marriage at the age of 9.

A Twitter user by the name of Maulana Fayaz Uf Kani asked Alhakeem, “Salaam Alaikum sheikh @Assimalhakeem, its been said in India that Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) married Aisha(R.A) at the age of 6 and consummated the marriage at the age of 9. is it true? Please clarify.” To which, Assim Alhakeem responded, “This is 100% true.”

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Title: Iran: Young women forced into virginity tests, sometimes honor killed if they fa
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 02:18:22 PM
Iran: Young women forced into virginity tests, sometimes honor killed if they fail
JUN 18, 2022 8:00 AM

There is a solid reason to state that not all cultures are equal. Some are barbaric. While politically correct Westerners sidestep the pain and suffering of abusive cultures, caring more about the special interest lobbies that serve as apologists for such cultures, the abuse continues, especially targeting women.

Listen to this interview HERE about young Iranian women still being subject to degrading virginity tests, where some are being honor killed if they don’t pass, even though these tests don’t necessarily prove anything.

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Title: The New War on Islamism
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 02:22:45 PM
The New War on Islamism
June 14, 2022

Art and Islam often seem like oil and water. Other times, they behave like matches and gasoline.

It is hard to believe that more than 30 years have passed since Ayatollah Khomeini issued his fatwa against Salman Rushdie for The Satanic Verses (a book I still have) — longer ago than the fall of the Berlin Wall. I also experienced the combustion created when art meets Islam, back in 2004.

Over that summer, Submission, a 10-minute film that I co-created with Theo van Gogh, was aired on the taxpayer-funded VPRO channel in Amsterdam. I had pulled four very explicitly misogynistic verses out of the holy book, which Theo then inscribed on the bodies of women who acted out the selected verses. After a series of threats, Theo was murdered by a radical Islamist fanatic. Warned that I would be next, I went into hiding.

Dutch society got the message: Submission was pulled and since then nothing of any significance critical of Islam’s founding father or holy book has been aired or exhibited by any mainstream Dutch outlet. Two years later, the message was driven home in another small European country when Flemming Rose, the editor of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, solicited drawings of the prophet Muhammad after a Danish school teacher wrote a children’s book on the prophet but could find no illustrations for it. After Rose published them, both he and one of the illustrators, Kurt Westergaard, received credible death threats.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 19, 2022, 02:29:17 PM
For May, the total number of attacks by muslims, I'm going to try and this this monthly

Suicide Blasts.......5

Islam has become the greatest force for murder in the world, the new Murder Inc  :'(

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 20, 2022, 09:42:22 AM
Iran's Constitution exposes the Ayatollahs' threats
Amb.(ret.) Yoram Ettinger
19.06.22 13:45

Israel National News - Arutz Sheva
A the Ayatollahs' threats
Iran's apocalyptic regime –since seizing power in 1979 –is driven by a fanatic, megalomaniacal vision. Israelis and Americans, beware.Op-ed
Amb.(ret.) Yoram Ettinger
19.06.22 13:45

Terror AbroadAyatollahsAmb. (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

*The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran lays the foundation of the systematic, rogue, fanatic, domestic, regional and global conduct of Iran's apocalyptic Ayatollahs since assuming power in February 1979.

*The Ayatollahs' Constitution provides a roadmap for the exportation of the Islamic Revolution by utilizing subversion, terrorism, civil wars, the proliferation of ballistic technologies, drug trafficking and proselytization.

*The Ayatollahs' Constitution aspires for the triumph of the oppressed "mustadafun" (e.g., Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua) over the oppressive and arrogant "mustakbirun" (e.g., "The Great American Satan," Saudi Arabia, Israel).

*The strategic goal of the Ayatollahs' Constitution is to establish a universal Shiite society, based on the teachings of Ayatollah Khomeini, and bring to submission the Sunni Moslem "apostates" and the non-Moslem "infidels."

General Erik Kurilla, Commander of the US Central Command, warned that "our concerns about Iran go beyond its nuclear capability," noting Iran's ballistic missile program and Iran's support of terror entities and rogue regimes.

According to the Saudi ArabNews, "the free movement of Iranian and Hezbollah [Iran's proxy] agents through Mexico, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and especially the Tri-Border Area of Argentina-Paraguay-Brazil [facilitates] the entry to the US through legitimate border crossings or among convoys of illegal immigrants. The presence of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Hezbollah in Latin America is considered a vital Iranian asset, as it provides a base from which strikes can be launched against US targets….

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Title: Surging violence against Nigeria's Christians demands White House action
Post by: Shammu on June 20, 2022, 09:45:33 AM
Surging violence against Nigeria's Christians demands White House action
JUNE 19, 2022
By Lela Gilbert

On Pentecost Sunday in Owo, Nigeria, a horrifying massacre took place.

“Streaks of blood on the floors and walls, sandals abandoned in a desperate rush to escape, a well-thumbed Bible lying among shards of glass,” Reuters reported on June 6. “Those were some of the disturbing sights inside St. Francis Catholic Church in the Nigerian town … after unknown assailants attacked the congregation with guns and explosives during Sunday mass, killing and injuring dozens of people.”

Various estimates of the St. Francis Xavier church death toll ranged widely from 20 to 50. An email from a Nigerian friend pleaded with U.S. friends, “Please pray for our bishop and his people … untreated victims are dying of their wounds.”

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Title: Attack On Churches: 35 pastors abducted/killed in 17 months
Post by: Shammu on June 20, 2022, 09:49:05 AM
Attack On Churches: 35 pastors abducted/killed in 17 months
June 19, 2022
By Luminous Jannamike, Abuja

It’s quite a herculean task to get one’s head around how many Christians have been attacked, abducted and killed already in 2022. Though one might hear about individual events like the Owo church attack, it is quite tough to get a sense of the scale.

After terrorists set off explosives at St. Francis Catholic Church in Owo, Ondo State two weeks ago, the blood of 38 innocent worshippers who were murdered in cold blood was splashed on the ground around the whole of the church.

A few days before the Owo incident, suspected militants killed 32 Christians in an Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) parish in Kajuru, Kaduna State. After the attack, the church members could not attend service due to the trauma. The attackers reportedly arrived and left on inconspicuous motorcycles.

In Plateau State, which borders Southern part of Kaduna State, two Christian students were killed after Sunday service when suspected terrorists visited the school hostel at night and killed the two male students.

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Title: 169-year-old mosque in Melaka struck by lightning
Post by: Shammu on June 20, 2022, 09:51:30 AM
169-year-old mosque in Melaka struck by lightning
Bernama - 3h ago

Four congregants at Masjid Jamek Datuk Andak Kampung Serkam Pantai escaped unscathed earlier today when concrete fragments from the top of the minaret fell into the main prayer hall of the 169-year-old mosque

The incident was believed to be due to a lightning strike.

Speaking to reporters here today, mosque committee deputy chairman Zakaria Abu Bakar said he was in the prayer hall with the imam and a few others during the 6.45am incident.

Prior to this, 30 congregants had left the hall after performing Subuh prayers, he said.

"At the time, we heard very loud thunder and the electricity supply tripped. We also felt a little tremor, but only became aware of the incident after rainwater began pouring in from a hole in the roof caused by the incident.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 20, 2022, 09:53:09 AM
‘Muslim girl above 16 is competent to marry any person of choice’: Punjab and Haryana HC cites Sharia to justify child marriage
20 June, 2022

On Monday (June 20), the Punjab and Haryana High Court ruled that a Muslim girl above the age of 16 years is competent to marry any person of her choice.

The matter was heard by a single-judge Bench of Justice Jasjit Singh Bedi. A Muslim couple from Pathankot, aged 16 and 21 years, approached the court to seek protection from their family members.

The duo informed the court that their marriage was solemnised on June 8 this year in accordance with Islamic rites and ceremonies. They claimed to have received threats from their family members, who disapprove of their marriage.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 20, 2022, 09:54:34 AM
Muslims slam young LADY because of her dressing! LOOK
June 19, 20220

Muslims on Twitter have slammed a young Muslim woman over her choice of dressing.

Photos of the lady were posted on a Twitter account (Hafsa @wy_dee) on Saturday, June 18, however, it cannot be ascertained if she is the owner of the account or a catfish.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 20, 2022, 09:56:53 AM
France: A headmistress of a high school was threatened with death after she asked a pupil to take off her Muslim headscarf
June 19 2022

An investigation has been launched following the disturbing incidents that followed. As reported by the newspaper Le Figaro on Sunday June 19, a senior teacher (CPE) at the Lycée Charlemagne in the fourth arrondissement of Paris was threatened with death. The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office has therefore filed a complaint to clarify the circumstances of these threats, which occurred after an altercation with a student who refused to remove her headscarf to take part in a baccalaureate examination.

On Thursday June 16, a girl from a Parisian high school went to the Lycée Charlemagne for the French baccalaureate exam. She allegedly refused to remove her headscarf, thus preventing the identity check that is usually carried out before candidates enter the examination room. She insisted on wearing her headscarf “despite several reminders of the law (of 2004 on the wearing of religious symbols at school, ed.) by the staff of the education office who were present at the reception of the examination”, as reported by Le Figaro. The pupil is said to have finally given in after what was perceived as a “tense” exchange with the CPE.

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Title: Sharia Court sentences man to jail, 30 strokes for stealing fan from Bauchi
Post by: Shammu on June 20, 2022, 09:59:00 AM
Sharia Court sentences man to jail, 30 strokes for stealing fan from Bauchi mosquePublished on June 10, 2022
By Hafsat Abdulhamid

A Bauchi Shariah court has sentenced a 25-year-old man, Salisu Aliyu to 15 months imprisonment for stealing a fan from a mosque at Dass Park area of Bauchi metropolis.

The Sharia Court judge, Mukhtar Bello, sentenced Aliyu after he (convict) confessed to the offence.

The convict was, however, given an option of fine of N30,000 and 30 lashes of cane before the court.

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Title: Meet the Islamic scholars taking on Islamism
Post by: Shammu on June 20, 2022, 10:02:29 AM
Meet the Islamic scholars taking on Islamism
19th June 2022

This year marks the five-year anniversaries of the Manchester Arena bombing and the London Bridge attack. These two Islamist atrocities alone accounted for the deaths of 44 people.

Since 2017, Islamist terror attacks have shown no signs of abating. Two were killed in the London Bridge stabbings of 2019. Three were killed in a knife attack in Reading in 2020. And last year David Amess MP was stabbed to death at his constituency surgery.

One of the biggest contributors to the ongoing carnage is the lack of a compelling counter-narrative to Islamist ideology within Muslim communities.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 21, 2022, 11:51:16 AM
Syrian migrant blames rape of 8-year-old step-daughter on alcohol, claims ‘she’s older than that in her head’
June 16, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS

A Syrian migrant on trial in Belgium for the rape of his 8-year-old stepdaughter has offered in mitigation the defense that it was the first time he had ever consumed alcohol and that he had been seduced by the girl who he claimed is “older than that in her head.”

The Dinant criminal court heard how the accused, who had arrived in Belgium from Syria back in 2019, had allegedly raped his stepdaughter between January and March 2021 at their family home in the municipality of Doische.

Authorities became aware of the sexual offense when the 8-year-old stepdaughter, who remains anonymous, became pregnant.

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*****This guy, (step-father is full of it......... an 8 year old girl.......... he needs to be locked up for a long time*****

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 21, 2022, 11:54:00 AM
'Jihadists' Kill More Than 100 Mali Civilians In 3 Days
By AFP - Agence France Presse
June 20, 2022

More than 100 civilians have been killed over the past three days in neighbouring towns in central Mali in attacks blamed on jihadists, local officials and a senior government official said Monday.

The killings took place in Diallassagou and two nearby villages, Diaweli and Dessagou, in central Mali, a longtime hotbed of Sahelian violence.

An elected official speaking on condition of anonymity for security reasons told AFP that the violence was continuing Monday.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 21, 2022, 11:56:58 AM
Muslims Urged to Crack Down on Yoga, It's Not Allowed in Islam
21 June, 2022

As the World celebrates International Yoga Day on Tuesday, Islamists all over the social media are miffed with this ancient Hindu practice taking centre stage. With arguments like ‘Yoga is Shirk’, and ‘Yoga is not Islamic’, Islamists on Twitter have taken it upon themselves to urge Muslims not to follow this practice.

Major pushback against Yoga could be seen in the Maldives when India’s High Commission’s Cultural Centre organised International Yoga Day Celebrations in the Island nation. Apart from disrupting the actual event, Islamists from the country could be seen on Twitter flagging the event as ‘anti-Muslim’. Agitated with ‘Muslims’ being invited to the event (where everyone irrespective of their religion was invited) a Twitter user said that Yoga is Shirk and that the event is being held to humiliate Islam.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 21, 2022, 11:58:50 AM
US Navy reports ‘unsafe’ encounter with Iran’s Guards in Strait of Hormuz
Today, 8:49 am

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A US Navy warship fired a warning flare to wave off an Iranian Revolutionary Guard speedboat coming straight at it during a tense encounter in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, officials said Tuesday.

The incident on Monday involving the Guard and the Navy comes as tensions remain high over stalled negotiations over Iran’s tattered nuclear deal with world powers and as Tehran enriches uranium closer than ever to weapons-grade levels under decreasing international oversight.

Meanwhile, the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog said Iran now plans to enrich uranium through a second set of advanced centrifuges at its underground Fordo facility amid the standoff.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 21, 2022, 12:00:47 PM
How teacher ‘sexually assaulted’ nine children – Nurse
ByAgency Report 
June 20, 2022

A nurse, Oluchi Nwoke-okoi, on Monday told an Ikeja Domestic Violence and Sexual Offences Court how an arabic teacher, Farouk Adam, allegedly fingered his nine Islamic pupils, aged seven to 13 years.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Mr Adam is facing a nine-count- charge bordering on sexual assault.

Mrs Nwoke-okoi, a registered nurse and midwife, while being led in evidence by the state prosecutor, Olufunke Adegoke, said she was a staffer of Women At Risk Foundation (WARIF) and had 15 years experience in midwifery.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 21, 2022, 12:02:41 PM
Palestinians facing LGBTQ discrimination to receive special work visas
Published: JUNE 21, 2022 04:08

The need for work visas for Palestinians from the LGBT community who were persecuted in the PA territories was discussed by The Committee for Foreign Workers, headed by MK Abtisam Maraana, on Monday.

The hearing took place after the state informed the High Court that the permit that allows accommodation in Israel for "welfare needs" based on claims of intimidation, now also includes the possibility of working in Israel.

At the beginning of the discussion, the committee's chairman, MK Maraana, welcomed the state's decision to grant a sweeping work permit to Palestinians who have suffered violence in the PA territories.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 21, 2022, 12:06:06 PM
Imam Declares Jews 'Offspring of Pigs and Monkeys', Vows 'Non-Muslims' Will Be Conquered (Video)
 Amy Mek
June 20, 2022

In a sermon, the Malmö imam Basem Mahmoud called Jews “offspring of pigs and apes.” Now he is being charged with incitement against a people. Mahmoud denies the crime and says that he was only reading the Koran.
“When one reads the Koran, one cannot change anything,” states Mahmoud.

In October of 2020, Imam Basem Mahmoud gave a sermon in his mosque in Malmö that was hostile to Christians as well as anti-Semitic. He accused Christians, Jews, Shia Muslims, and police authorities of conspiring with each other in a “snakes’ nest” — synagogue — against faithful Muslims.

The imam talks about “the great battle” when all non-Muslims will be forced to submit themselves to Muslims and prays to Allah that the Islamic God will defeat or destroy Christians and Jews.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 21, 2022, 12:08:48 PM
Switzerland: Racial discrimination and fraud committed by Muslim preacher
June 20 2022

The trial of the controversial preacher Abu Ramadan began on Monday at the regional court in Biel (Canton of Berne). The prosecution accuses him of racial discrimination and fraud.

The Libyan is defending himself against a conviction for racial discrimination and fraud. In court, he rejected the prosecution’s accusations.

According to the indictment, Abu Ramadan allegedly incited hatred against people on the basis of their religion or ethnicity as a lay preacher in the Ar’Rahman Mosque in Biel on July 7, 2017. He is said to have targeted Jews, Christians, Hindus, Russians and Shiites.

The 68-year-old Libyan criticised that only one of his sermons had been scrutinised and that individual passages had been taken out of context.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 21, 2022, 12:11:11 PM
Pakistan-origin Australian woman murdered with an axe by her father-in-law in Sargodha while her father watched
21 June, 2022

A Pakistan-origin Australian woman named Sajida Tasneem was brutally hacked to death by her father-in-law, Mukhtar Ahmad in Karachi, Pakistan. Tasneem was allegedly gagged and then hit on the head with an axe, leading to her death. The incident reportedly occurred on June 11 at the home she shared with her in-laws near the city of Sargodha in Pakistan. Her father Sher Muhammad Khan was a witness to the brutal act.

Mukhtar Ahmed, according to reports, was enraged by the prospect of Sajida Tasneem, an engineer by profession, returning to Australia with her children. He is said to have killed her after the two got into an argument about the same.

Sher Muhammad Khan, Tasneem’s father, who was a witness to the incident, told The Guardian, that his daughter’s father-in-law Mukhtar Ahmad had taken away Tasneem’s passport after the latter got into an argument with him about her desire to relocate back to Australia to give her children a better education.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 22, 2022, 11:22:22 AM
Fury at police force that looked the other way while 1,400 girls were abused by Asian gangs as victims blast report that found NO officers have been sacked despite 260 complaints
PUBLISHED: 07:08 EDT, 22 June 2022

A Rotherham survivor said today she was 'disgusted' after a report into the scandal revealed almost 50 police officers all kept their jobs despite looking the other way as 1,400 girls were abused, trafficked and groomed.

The long-awaited investigation by the police watchdog - which took eight years to publish and cost £6m - found officers in South Yorkshire 'failed to protect vulnerable children' following a series of offences carried out between 1997 and 2013.

A total of 47 current and former officers were investigated by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) - but none were fired, despite 265 separate allegations being made by more than 50 complainants. 

The IOPC's investigation catalogued how children as young as 12 were seen as 'consenting' to their abuse by officers, who were told to prioritise other crimes.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 22, 2022, 11:23:51 AM
Saudi man accuses housemaid of 'sorcery' against family
‘All family members fell sick a day after she left house'
Published:  June 22, 2022 14:22
Ramadan Al Sherbini

Cairo: A Saudi man has accused a foreign housemaid of having exercised sorcery against his family during her two-year employment, local media reported.

The man returned the Indonesian woman to a labour-hiring firm in the capital Riyadh due to the suspected misconduct.

“All family members fell sick a day after she had left the house,” the man was quoted by the Saudi news portal Al Marsd as saying.

“Now there are three girls suffering from pains in their tummies,’’ he added.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 22, 2022, 11:27:11 AM
‘There is still blatant homophobia’: LGBT people in Qatar say they’re ‘ruled by fear’
By Josh Layton
Tuesday 21 Jun 2022 11:51 am

While the outward image of the Qatar World Cup is one of pristine stadiums and lavish hosting, the daily reality of life for LGBTQ+ people remains an existence in the shadows.

The tournament has been touted by the wealthy Gulf state as a place for everyone, although the rainbow flag is unlikely to fly inside the eight arenas.

David Beckham has lent his global appeal to the host country and, by the time the first game kicks off in November, hundreds of millions of people worldwide will be watching FIFA’s showpiece.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 22, 2022, 11:30:55 AM
Earthquake in Afghanistan claims 920 lives, tremors in Pakistan
 By Karthikeya
Updated: Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 16:28 [IST]

At least 920 people were killed and more than 600 injured in the earthquake in Afghanistan, authorities said. Information remained scarce on the magnitude 6 temblor that struck Paktika province, but it comes as the international community largely has left Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover of the country last year amid the chaotic withdrawal of the US military from the longest war in its history.

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Title: Pakistan horror: Newborn baby beheaded, head left inside Hindu woman’s womb by g
Post by: Shammu on June 22, 2022, 11:33:23 AM
Pakistan horror: Newborn baby beheaded, head left inside Hindu woman’s womb by govt hospital staff in Sindh province
21 June, 2022

On Sunday, June 19, the staff of the government-run Rural health centre (RHC) in the Sindh province in Pakistan reportedly cut off a newborn baby’s head and left the severed head in the mother’s womb, putting the woman’s life in jeopardy.

The woman was identified as 32-year-old Hindu woman from Bheel community. She was rushed to a neighbouring hospital in Mithi, but there were no medical facilities available to treat her. Her family eventually took her to Jamshoro’s Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences (LUMHS), where the newborn’s severed head was removed from the mother’s womb, saving her life.

Professor Raheel Sikander, who heads the gynaecology unit of LUMHS told the media, “The Bheel Hindu woman, who belongs to a far-flung village in Tharparkar district, had first gone to a Rural Health Centre (RHC) in her area but with no female gynaecologist available, the inexperienced staff caused her immense trauma.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 22, 2022, 11:35:19 AM
Poem in PA daily to Israelis: “You will become dust”
Nan Jacques Zilberdik  | Jun 21, 2022
PA poetry promises end of Israel: 

*“The revolution will set out against the lowly and the impure… The day of victory is already near” 
*“The day will come – you evil ones… you will leave the land… you will become dust”

The PA also publishes poetry in its official daily. Recently, several poems by a writer named Muhammad Al-Haifawi demonize Jews/Israelis and call to destroy Israel.

One poem predicts that “a revolution will set out against the lowly and the impure”:

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 22, 2022, 11:37:14 AM
Prayagraj: Eunuch accuses another eunuch of forcibly converting her into Islam, demands police action
22 June, 2022

On June 21, a transgender (eunuch) accused another transgender of forced conversion. A complaint has been filed at Georgetown Police Station in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. The victim, identified as Pankaj Kumar, reached the Police Station with a group of eunuchs and sloganeered, demanding justice. The Police are investigating the matter.

A poor woman, who resides in the Allahpur Police Station area, alleged that one of her children is a eunuch. She stated that a eunuch from the Shahganj area in Prayagraj enlisted her transgender child as one of her disciples. The woman alleged that a Maulana from Patthar Gali forcefully converted her child into Islam at the behest of other eunuchs. She further alleged that her child was fed objectionable things. He was allegedly physically and mentally tortured, she added. When her child tried to escape, they filed a complaint against him, accusing him of theft. As per the complaint, the victim was beaten up.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 22, 2022, 11:40:45 AM
Cleveland 'Officer of the Year' under investigation over alleged antisemitic social media posts
Minyvonne Burke
Yesterday 3:00 PM

A Cleveland police officer who was once recognized as officer of the year is under investigation after he was accused of glorifying Adolf Hitler and spreading antisemitism in old social media posts that have resurfaced.

The internal affairs unit of the Cleveland Division of Police and an ethics officer began investigating Officer Ismail Quran after the department was made aware of "inappropriate social media content," a police spokesperson said Tuesday.

"The City of Cleveland, Division of Police insists that officers provide the highest levels of professionalism and respect to all citizens," a police statement read. "Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated."

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 22, 2022, 11:47:43 AM
Germany: Deputy head of the Islamic Centre expelled on suspicion of terrorism
June 21 2022

The Hamburg State Office for the Protection of the Constitution has long considered the Islamic Centre Hamburg (IZH), which runs the Blue Mosque on the Alster, to be an outpost of the Iranian Mullah regime in Europe. Iranian Islamists” are at work here. The city is partnered with the centre via a state contract.

This is the subject of frequent criticism. Now the interior authority is taking action against a leading cadre of the centre. The deputy head, Seyed Soliman Mousavifar, will be expelled, the interior authority confirmed. He maintains close contacts with terrorist organisations, it said. The authorities are basing this on findings of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. First, the newspaper “Bild” reported on the case.

After Mousavifar was issued with an order, he now was given three months to leave the country. If he does not leave the country, he could be deported to Iran.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 22, 2022, 11:49:34 AM
Sex Ban At FIFA World Cup 2022: Football Fans Could Face Jail Time For One Night Stand In Qatar
Jayanta Oinam
Updated: 22 Jun 2022 12:49 Pm

Football fans, beware! Any extramarital sexual escapade during the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar could result in a seven-year jail sentence. (More Football News)

Sporting events are married with fanfare which often involves uninhibited exploits but this winter, football fans will need to learn and respect cultural differences as a World Cup is being held in the Middle East for the first time. And Qatar has strict Sharia law.

"Sex is very much off the menu, unless you are coming as a husband and wife team," reports the Daily Star reports quoting UK police. "There definitely will be no one-night stands at this tournament. There will be no partying at all really."

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Title: The Collapsing Pillars of the Iranian Regime
Post by: Shammu on June 22, 2022, 11:53:06 AM
The Collapsing Pillars of the Iranian Regime
Jun 22, 2022
Struan Stevenson

There were three pillars on which the Iranian regime was founded, following the 1979 revolution, hi-jacked by the elderly fanatical cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The first pillar was the system of velayat-e-faqih, or guardianship of the Islamic jurist, which laid the foundations for the first fundamentalist Islamic state and was written into the constitution. The second pillar was the complete transfer of all power and authority to the Supreme Leader and from him to the theocracy of ayatollahs and mullahs, who perversely claimed their authority came directly from God. The third and final pillar, carefully designed by Khomeini, was the creation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), his own version of the Gestapo, to spread their revolutionary policy of violence and terror at home and beyond Iran’s borders.Today, the theocracy is so hated by 80 million repressed and impoverished Iranians, that only two pillars remain, velayat-e-faqih and the IRGC. Everyone knows that a stool with only two legs cannot persist.

The IRGC controls around 70 percent of the Iranian economy, including its monetary and financial institutions. It pays no taxes and funnels resources into the pockets of the ruling elite. It also commands the regime’s clandestine campaign to build a nuclear weapon. Khomenei moved rapidly to eliminate opposition to his clerical dictatorship, ruthlessly using the IRGC to murder tens of thousands of political opponents whom he said were guilty of ‘moharebeh’ or ‘waging war against God.’ The secret massacre of over 30,000 supporters of the main democratic opposition movement, the People’s Mojahedin of Iran/Mojahedin e-Khalq (PMOI/MEK), in the latter half of 1988, stands out as one of the worst crimes against humanity of the late twentieth century and is now under active investigation by the UN. Startling as these figures may be, they are only a fraction of the estimated 120,000 political prisoners executed so far during the clerical dictatorship in Iran.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 23, 2022, 12:37:55 PM
Sudan: New Deadly Attacks in West Darfur
June 22, 2022 6:06AM EDT

(Nairobi) – New attacks by armed Arab assailants on civilians in west Darfur since April 2022 have left hundreds dead, thousands displaced, and hundreds of civilian homes scorched, and property looted, Human Rights Watch said today.

The large-scale violence has been carried out particularly against civilians in Kerenik and Kulbus. It underscores the Sudanese government’s failure to fulfill its duty to protect civilians and the urgent need for ramped up United Nations monitoring, protection through its presence, and public reporting on events in Darfur.

“The last two months have shown all too starkly the devastating dividends of withdrawing peacekeepers and ignoring the ongoing need to protect civilians in Darfur,” said Mohamed Osman, Sudan researcher at Human Rights Watch. “It’s hard not to feel like the international community, which watched Darfur with eagle eyes for years, has completely abandoned these victims of ethnic cleansing.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 23, 2022, 12:39:55 PM
At Least 10 Christians Killed in DRC Attack
06/22/2022 DRC
International Christian Concern

More than 10 Christians were killed on Tuesday, June 21, when an Islamist extremist group ambushed their three vehicles in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

The attack occurred near the village of Makisabo, Beni. The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an Islamist extremist group, allegedly blocked the road, shot all the passengers, and set the vehicles on fire.

Activities along the Beni-Kasindi Road have since been halted. International Christian Concern (ICC) spoke to one of the taxi operators along this route, which is the only corridor connecting Uganda and the eastern region of the DRC.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 23, 2022, 12:42:37 PM
Police chief on missing girl: 'Nobody disappears into thin air'
Yesterday 3:20 PM

Lina Sardar Khil disappeared from a park near her family's home in San Antonio in December and six months later, police appear no closer to finding the 4-year-old.

San  Antonio Police Chief William McManus spoke out about the case in an interview with KSAT, an ABC affiliate in San Antonio, and said that leads regarding Lina's case have slowed.

“Nobody disappears into thin air. Something happened to her. We just haven’t been able to discover what it was,” McManus said in an interview published on Tuesday.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 23, 2022, 12:46:08 PM
Watch: B’nai Brith asks how terrorist can live freely in Canada
22.06.22 22:52

B’nai Brith Canada has issued a video compilation on Canadian resident Khaled Barakat, of whom it is has previously provided evidence to show is a high ranking member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

The purported member of the terrorist group is living freely in the country even though the PFLP is a banned organization in Canada.

B’nai Brith’s video is a “reminder of the threat posed by this senior member of the terrorist-designated Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 23, 2022, 12:49:41 PM
S'pore-based store apologises for selling swimsuits & pyjamas with prints of Quranic texts
Zi Shan Kow
June 23, 2022, 09:58 AM

A TikTok user has called out a Singapore-based apparel website for selling clothing with Quranic verses on them.

Following an email complaint from another man in Singapore, the apparel website took down the products in question and apologised.

"Islamic" pyjama sets In a TikTok video on Jun. 19, user @__abu.toz__ pointed out the Quranic verses printed on some pyjamas and one-piece swimsuits on the Playmate online store.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 23, 2022, 12:58:37 PM
Uttar Pradesh: Police arrest Faisal, Shohil and Salman for beating a middle-aged Dalit man to death after he opposed molestation of a girl
23 June, 2022

An incident of molesters beating a middle-aged Dalit man to death has come to light in district Pilibhit of Uttar Pradesh. On June 22, the Police arrested Mohammad Faizan alias Bhura, Mohammad Shohil and Mohammad Salman alias Munna for allegedly beating a Dalit man identified as Raju to death after he opposed the molestation of a girl by the trio. They have been arrested based on the complaint of Raju’s wife, Ram Beti. The incident took place on June 16.

The trio has been booked under Sections 147, 149, and 302 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Section 3(2)5 of the SC/ST Act.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 23, 2022, 01:00:33 PM
France: A man jumps out of a bush and attacks two police officers with a knife, shouting “Allah akbar”. He was overpowered and handed over to the authorities
June 22 2022

It was around 8.30 pm last Wednesday when two officers of the National Police arrested a person armed with a knife near the Fondation Vasarely. The 51-year-old man of no fixed address was known to the police for several common offences and was under the influence of alcohol. Although he seemed threatening to the two police officers and shouted “Allah akbar” from a bush

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 23, 2022, 01:04:16 PM
Two Months After Sex Worker Was Killed For Keeping Quran, Three Men Charged For Murder
bySwarajya Staff
Jun 23, 2022 10:27 AM +05:30 IST

The Lagos police in Nigeria have charged three men for lynching a sex worker for keeping a copy of Quran in her room.

The victim, Hannah Saliu, was dragged out of her room and beaten up, and later set on fire by the men, as per various reports including by the Guardian.

The incident took place in April in Alaba Rago area of Lagos state in Nigeria.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 23, 2022, 01:07:29 PM
Four Arab teachers from Acre questioned regarding incitement to violence
23.06.22 11:41

Four teachers from ORT Hilmi Shefa High School in Acre have been summoned for questioning with regard to posts they uploaded onto social media which contain incitement against Israel.

An investigative report authored by Yifat Erlich of Israel Hayom was apparently the catalyst for this development; the report will be published in full in this week's "Israel Hashavua" on Friday.

The four teachers - Eyadel Raayan, Adam Kashasha, Ghinan Muslamani, and Kholod Faudi - wrote posts encouraging violent confrontation on Facebook during Operation Guardian of the Walls. As educators, they were expected to attempt to calm the waters, especially in a "mixed city" like Acre which saw Arab riots during that period which led to loss of Jewish life.

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Title: Paedophile Rochdale grooming gang member, 51, who got a 13-year-old girl pregnan
Post by: Shammu on June 23, 2022, 01:11:50 PM
Paedophile Rochdale grooming gang member, 51, who got a 13-year-old girl pregnant argues he shouldn't be deported to Pakistan because his son needs a role model
22 June 2022

A member of the notorious Rochdale grooming gang has told a judge that he should not be deported back to Pakistan because his son needs a role model.

Adil Khan, 51, and Qari Abdul Rauf, 52, have been told they will be sent back to Pakistan for the good of the British public, after both were part of a gang convicted of a catalogue of serious sex offences in May 2012.

For two years from early 2008, girls as young as 12 were plied with alcohol and drugs and gang-raped in rooms above takeaway shops and ferried to different flats in taxis where cash was paid to use the girls.

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*****No, he is not a role model for his son and should be deported, today if possible*****

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:13:32 PM
Iranians Increasingly Oppose the Theocratic Dictatorship
Fri Jun 24, 2022
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh

The 1979 Iranian revolution was a repudiation of the Pahlavi dynasty’s self-serving economic policies and brutal repression of dissent. It was never intended to establish a theocratic dictatorship in place of a secular one.

Most of the factions involved in that revolution, such as the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), envisioned a democratic future for the country. But despite their support from the vast majority of Iranian citizens, they were not ultimately able to prevent Ruhollah Khomeini from co-opting the revolution to establish a system of absolute clerical rule, with himself at its head.

Now, Khomeini’s successor is overseeing efforts to stave off a renewed push for democratic governance by insisting that opposition to the theocratic dictatorship is tantamount to endorsement of the very monarchy that was rejected by virtually all Iranians more than four decades ago.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:16:26 PM
In Europe, the Left wins by forging an unholy alliance with Islam
Giulio Meotti, Italy
23.06.22 22:44

A few weeks ago, before the Champions League final at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, football champion Thierry Henry shocked the public by saying that "Saint-Denis is not Paris", before adding: "Believe me, not you would like to be in Saint-Denis, it's not the same as Paris".

Yet, there was a time when half the population of Seine-Saint-Denis was Breton. It was a great immigration, coming from the peninsula which has its center in Rennes, a region of oak forests and stone huts topped by long chimneys. This is the France that is disappearing.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:19:03 PM
In Ankara, Lapid praises security ties with Turkey after alleged Iran terror bust
23 June 2022, 7:00 pm

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid hailed security cooperation with Turkey in helping foil an Iranian plot to kidnap or kill Israeli nationals in Istanbul, as he met his counterpart in Ankara for high-level talks aimed at cementing the countries’ rapprochement Thursday.

Standing next to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu after talks in the Turkish capital, Lapid said Israel is confident that Ankara “knows how to respond to the Iranians” in the wake of ongoing attempts to harm Israeli travelers on Turkish soil.

“The lives of Israeli citizens have been saved thanks to security and diplomatic cooperation between Israel and Turkiye,” said Lapid, using the country’s new official name.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:21:30 PM
Slaying of German refugee aid worker: police search for asylum seeker
June 23, 2022

After a murder committed with an axe in Kalletal, North Rhine-Westphalia, the manhunt for the Azerbaijani Elchin Agaev continues. The man, who had arrived in Germany as an asylum seeker, allegedly beat a refugee helper to death because he had an affair with his ex-girlfriend, the Bild newspaper reported.

According to the report, Agaev entered the flat where his ex-girlfriend and her lover were sleeping on Saturday night. There he killed his rival with an axe. Afterwards, he allegedly raped the woman in the flat.

The suspected murderer then fled in a car with his ex-partner and their two and five year old sons. After police officers stopped the car, the Azerbaijani fled on foot. Since then he has been on the run. According to his ex-girlfriend, Agaev had already killed one person in his home country.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:24:39 PM
Germany’s top lifeguard advises against visits to open-air swimming pools because of violence committed by migrants
June 23 2022

"I wouldn’t go to an open-air swimming pool with my three grandchildren” – says the head of all lifeguards in Germany, the President of the Association of Lifeguards, Peter Harzheim.

After the shocking brawl in an open-air swimming pool in Berlin last weekend, the President of the Association of Lifeguards, Peter Harzheim, has now commented in the newspaper “Bildzeitung” on the transformation of our open-air swimming pools into no-go areas.

Harzheim, who has been a lifeguard for almost half a century, says quite openly that he cannot recommend families to go to the open-air swimming pool on weekends at the moment. He has “three small grandchildren myself – if I went in there with them, I would simply be acting irresponsibly!”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:27:00 PM
The PA’s priorities: Terrorist prisoners rather than cancer patients
Nan Jacques Zilberdik 
Jun 23, 2022

“The great shortage in aid to the Palestinian health sector has led to a severe shortage in medicine, and especially medicine for cancer patients,” PA Minister of Health Mai Al-Kaila stated recently at a meeting with supporters and donors to the Palestinian health sector.

Al-Kaila blamed Israel and international donors for this, stating it is “a result of the financial siege that the occupation is attempting to impose on Palestine and the shortage in international aid.”

But is that really true?
- No, it isn’t.

Is there a part of the PA budget that could have been allocated to pay for medicine for cancer patients and other things needed in the PA health sector?
- Yes, there is.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:31:39 PM
Paper crisis hits Pakistan, publishers say no books for new academic session
Edited By: C Krishnasai
Islamabad Updated: Jun 24, 2022, 09:44 AM(IST)

Millions of students in Pakistan may not have books for the new academic session starting August 2022 as the paper industry association has warned of an impending acute shortage of paper.

The current crisis stems from the rising prices of locally manufactured paper. The association has blamed the government for failing to control the domestic prices paper, reports local media.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:39:19 PM
Muslim Ms. Marvel Fans Express Serious Concerns About Kamala's Power Source
Brad Lang
Yesterday 7:35 AM

Some Muslim fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's latest series Ms. Marvel are expressing their displeasure with the recent revelation regarding the source of Kamala Khan's powers.

As revealed in Ms. Marvel Episode 3, "Destined" the titular hero's newfound abilities are apparently due to her heritage as a Djinn. As explained by Kamran's mother Najma, Kamala's ancestors are otherworldly beings from the Noor dimensions that were banished from their reality sometime before 1942. These people are quickly explained to be the Djinn, creatures from Islamic mythology which can be both good and evil. A number of fans have expressed frustration with the reveal, specifying that the Quran condemns the practice of worshipping Djinn.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:46:35 PM
Tunisia’s president is planning to drop any reference to “Islam” in the country’s new constitution.
By 5Pillars (RMS)
2 days ago

The secularist Kais Saied is putting the constitution to a referendum on July 25 in the hope of overhauling the country’s legal, political and economic structures and granting himself more powers.

“The next constitution of Tunisia won’t mention a state with Islam as its religion, but of belonging to an Ummah which has Islam as its religion,” Saied told journalists on Tuesday. “The Ummah and the state are two different things,” he added.

Earlier in June, the head of the drafting committee said that the new constitution would not mention Islam as the religion of the state to “prevent deploying religion for political extremism.”

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Title: ‘How can you ally with Kafirs? You will burn in Jahannam fire’: Ex-Muslim man na
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:48:55 PM
‘How can you ally with Kafirs? You will burn in Jahannam fire’: Ex-Muslim man narrates threats he received after ‘Ghar Wapsi’ to Hinduism
24 June, 2022

Hindi daily Dainik Bhaskar has obtained a recording of a phone conversation wherein a woman is heard persuading Shaikh Jafar Qureshi, an ex-Muslim to turn back to Islam. The 46-year-old Qureshi renounced Islam and accepted Hinduism in the Mandasaur district of Madhya Pradesh on May 27, 2022.

Qureshi was given the initiation to Hinduism by performing ritual worship by Mahamandaleshwar Swami Chidambaranand Saraswati at the Pashupatinath temple. From May 28 Shaikh Jafar Qureshi was known by his new name Chetan Singh Rajput.

In the telephonic conversation, the girl attempted to convince Qureshi to reaffirm his commitment to Islam. She rebuked Shaikh Jafar Qureshi aka Chetan Singh Rajput for allying with the ‘Kafirs'(non-Muslims). She claimed that Qureshi was convinced to convert to Hinduism with the sole intention of demeaning Muslims.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:51:22 PM
AIMIM MLA’s driver beats up journalist Mohammad Ali and his father, video viral: Watch what he said
24 June, 2022

In Telangana, a report of another journalist being assaulted for merely doing his job has emerged. News magazine Organiser uploaded a video on the 24th of June 2022 where two men were seen, injured, talking about how they were assaulted by the driver of the local AIMIM MLA. The victim has been identified as journalist Mohammad Ali and his father.

According to Organiser, the incident happened in the old city of Hyderabad, which is an AIMIM stronghold.

In the video which is now going viral, two men are seen injured, with blood dripping down their faces. The younger man in the video identifies himself as Mohammad Ali. He says that he is a camera person with a news channel that he identifies as HS News Channel. He says in the video that he made a video about the lack of water supply in the area and was beaten up brutally by the local AIMIM MLA’s driver.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:55:10 PM
Imam raped and sexually assaulted schoolgirl in mosque :(
By Jason Evans
24 JUN 2022

A respected imam raped a young girl in a mosque after luring her into a quiet area by asking her to accompany him to the library. Khandaker Mohammed Rahman pushed the child into a washroom and attacked her but the girl - who was described as coming from a "devout Muslim family" - did not report the matter at the time.

Rahman went on to sexually assault the girl, who was aged under 13, on further occasions by touching her breasts and bum when she visited the mosque.

Swansea Crown Court heard the offences happened in a mosque in south Wales in 2005, but it was not until 2018 that the victim told her husband about what had happened and the matter was reported to the police. The defendant was subsequently arrested at Heathrow Airport.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 01:57:42 PM
Indonesia nightlife chain Holywings accused of blasphemy after using ‘Muhammad’ in marketing campaign
Anne Grace Savitha
9h ago

PETALING JAYA, June 24 — Indonesian nightlife chain Holywings has issued an apology after backlash over what has been regarded as a blasphemous marketing campaign using the name Muhammad.

In the now-deleted post, Holywings promised a bottle of Gordon’s dry gin for men named Muhammad while women who are named Maria would get a bottle of Gordon’s Pink Gin every Thursday, reported Coconuts Jakarta.

Although Maria is an important figure in both the Bible and the Quran, the outrage was centred on the use of the name Muhammad, who is the last prophet in Islam.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 02:00:33 PM
Afghanistan’s Taliban crack down on vloggers
Daily News (via HT Media Ltd.)
Yesterday 5:00 PM

Well known for his YouTube channel and modeling shows – appeared in a very different kind of broadcast. Taliban officials arrested Haqiqi and his three colleagues and released a video showing the men, with bruised faces and clearly under duress, apologizing for encouraging “prostitution” and “insulting verses of the Quran.”

On May 28, the four had posted a YouTube video in which they recited Quranic verses in Arabic in a comical tone. Within a week, the Taliban’s General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI) had detained them.

“We have been promoting Western culture and values, and for this I apologize,” Haqiqi said in his evidently scripted “confession.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 02:02:35 PM
UN agency teachers urge terrorism and murder of Jews, report claims
Benjamin Weinthal
June 24, 2022 6:32am EDT

JERUSALEM, Israel – A shocking report by a watchdog organization on Thursday revealed that a UN agency tasked with, among other things, educating Palestinian students in places such as Lebanon, the West Bank and Jordan, employs teachers who promote terrorism and the murder of Jews.

UN Watch, a Geneva-based NGO, uncovered in its 49-page report that United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) computer teacher Nihaya Awad, who works in the West Bank, supported Hamas rocket attacks on Israeli civilians after last year’s war. The U.S. and the European Union classified Hamas—the Sunni jihadi organization that controls the Gaza Strip—as a terrorist entity.

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Title: The Gaza you don't see
Post by: Shammu on June 24, 2022, 02:05:03 PM
The Gaza you don't see
Mordechai Sones
08.07.19 21:28

The increasingly popular Twitter account called @Imshin disseminates videos, blog posts, and news from the middle-class and wealthy world of the Gaza Strip that never make it into the mainstream media.

According to the UN, 53% of Gazans live in poverty, despite humanitarian assistance. But while world media outlets choose to focus solely on photographs of destitute Gazans carting off sacks of UNRWA flour by donkey cart, the swank world of high-class hotels, black-tie restaurants, and gourmet supermarkets stocked to overflowing with Israeli products are ignored, presenting a misleading picture of what life in Gaza after Israeli "occupation" is truly like.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 10:59:14 AM
Sudan: The Genocide No One Talks About
by Pierre Rehov
June 24, 2022

In Darfur, an area of Sudan, massacres have been taking place on a daily basis for several decades. This is happening everywhere in the country.

But who is talking about it?

The Western world seems lack empathy, perhaps due to its weariness in the watching this tragedy for so long, and masked by geopolitical and economic interests.

As for the international community, it remains focused on a conflict between two nuclear superpowers, the US and Russia, at the gates of Europe, Ukraine, and that could degenerate into a world war.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:01:04 AM
Opinion piece
Let UNRWA die already
The demise of the United Nations Relief Works Agency for Palestine Refugees is long overdue. Let’s hope that Commissioner-General Lazzarini is right to be worried.
June 26 2022

Despite managing to raise $160 million in New York on Thursday, at a pledging conference of the Ad Hoc Committee of the U.N. General Assembly, the head of the United Nations Relief Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) was not pleased.

Trying to sound grateful for the ill-deserved windfall, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini simultaneously boasted about the international community’s “firm commitment” to the organization and bemoaned that the funds pledged were far from sufficient to keep the place running past the end of the year.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:04:03 AM
Turkish Courts Continue to Let ISIS Suspects Go after Brief Detentions as Part of Revolving Door Policy
by Abdullah Bozkurt
Nordic Monitor
June 22, 2022

Turkish courts, under the strict control of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's Islamist government, continue to release detainees suspected of membership in the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as part of Turkey's revolving door policy, which is quietly practiced to let jihadist militants go free after a brief detention.

Instances of such a practice were recently observed in a number of provinces across Turkey, confirming the view that the Turkish judiciary was instructed to go easy on jihadists including ISIS suspects. Despite the leveling of serious charges and the seizure of guns, ammunition and ISIS propaganda materials during searches of the suspects' homes, most, if not all, were quickly released.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:06:39 AM
Germany: Tormented by Syrians because he is Jewish, His black eye patch is scary.
June 25 2022

It will stick with him forever. But Michael T. (61, name altered) wears it with defiance and determination. Just like his black kippah.

His fight against Jew-hatred in our city continues! On Friday, Michael T. came to the criminal justice building: He was a witness and joint plaintiff in the trial against the alleged thug Aram A. (17) and his brother (15). The two Berliners with Syrian roots allegedly attacked T. in September at a Jewish vigil in Mönckebergstraße, whereby only the older one is said to have struck: His cheekbone, nose bone and glasses were smashed. A piece of glass injured T.’s right eye so severely that he has been blind ever since.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:09:27 AM
Another ‘blasphemy’ arrest: 28-year-old arrested from Thane in Maharashtra for allegedly ‘insulting’ Prophet Mohammad
25 June, 2022

On Friday 24th June 2022, Nikesh Raju Pashte (age 28) of Sangampada, in the Thane district of Maharashtra, was detained for posting allegedly insulting remarks on Prophet Mohammad on social media. The arrested accused is a ‘mathadi’ worker (a wholesale market porter) from Sangampada in the district’s Bhiwandi town.

An official in the Nizampura police station said, “A plumber complained to the police about the objectionable and provocative post on the Prophet made in a WhatsApp group. Based on the complaint, the police registered the offense and arrested the accused. The complainant said that the post could trigger tension between two communities.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:12:40 AM
Pakistan holds 'dead' alleged mastermind of 2008 Mumbai attacks
WAJAHAT S. KHAN, Nikkei staff writer
June 24, 2022 16:00

Pakistan holds 'dead' alleged mastermind of 2008 Mumbai attacks
Sources: Sajid Mir in custody as Islamabad aims to exit terror finance watchlist

The Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai burns in November 2008, during a terrorist attack that killed about 170 people. Sajid Mir, included on the FBI's list of most-wanted terrorists, is alleged to have played a pivotal role in orchestrating the attack.   © Reuters
WAJAHAT S. KHAN, Nikkei staff writer
June 24, 2022 16:00 JST
NEW YORK -- Pakistan has arrested the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks after years of denying his presence and even claiming he was dead, Nikkei Asia has learned.

The man, Sajid Mir, is on the FBI's list of most-wanted terrorists, with a $5 million reward on his head. He has been sought by both the U.S. and India for over a decade. Mir is connected to Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), a United Nations-designated terrorist organization believed to have been behind the November 2008 siege, when a team of 10 men carried out coordinated attacks on multiple targets. About 170 people were killed -- mainly Indians, alongside six Americans as well as visitors from Japan and elsewhere.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:15:40 AM
Germany: “Physical violence is mostly perpetrated by Muslim schoolchildren”
June 24 2022

Agrammar school in Germany a few years ago: A Jewish teenager from Ukraine who has just arrived in Germany is exposed by classmates during his first days at his new school. Someone has stuck a note with the words “Jew” on the 14-year-old’s back. Because he does not notice this and no one else points it out to him, he walks around wearing it the whole school day.

When a social worker from the local Jewish community talks to the headmaster about the incident, he says: “Why do you think it happens to this particular boy? Have you seen the way he dresses and the way he looks? This boy does not come to school well groomed, he stinks. There is something wrong in the family.”

The social worker reported on the case in a study on anti-Semitism in schools, conducted by Julia Bernstein, professor of discrimination and inclusion in the immigration society at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:18:35 AM
Iranian Teens Arrested For 'Violating Religious Norms' At Skateboarding Gathering
June 24, 2022 16:31 GMT
By RFE/RL's Radio Farda

A viral video of male and female teenagers at a skateboarding day in the southern city of Shiraz has angered Iranian officials, who have arrested 10 participants for their role in the event.

The video, which was posted on social media on June 23, shows several teenagers of both sexes mixing freely on a boulevard in Shiraz to mark "Go Skateboarding Day."

The hijab became compulsory in Iran in public for females over the age of 9 following the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:22:11 AM
Islamist Youtuber Wali Ahmed insults Lord Ram, issues death and rape threats to Nupur Sharma, calls for beheading of her Hindu supporters
25 June, 2022

Although it’s been a month since former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma made certain innocuous comments about Prophet Muhammad, then apologised and retracted them, she continues to be on the radar of Islamists. Along with multiple death threats, several rabid Islamists have been taking to various social media platforms to openly vilify, humiliate and threaten the ex-BJP spokesperson.

In one such video uploaded on 16th June 2022 on the video-sharing and social media platform YouTube, an Islamist YouTuber Wali Ahmad not only went on a vile rant against the ex-BJP spokesperson but also went on to spread hate against Hinduism and insult Hindu God Shri Ram.

Sharing snippets from the video on June 24, a Twitter user Naveen Singh (@HeckIndia) requested Uttar Pradesh police, Bihar police and the NIA to take cognisance and demanded stringent action against the “Hinduphoic Jihadist” YouTuber Wali Ahmed from Patna, Bihar.

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*****If it would be a Christian or someone else, YouTube would pull the video and ban the person*****

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:23:57 AM
Oslo police believe mass shooting that killed 2 and injured 10 was terror attack
By Jon Haworth , Stephanie Guerilus , and Nadine El-bawab
June 25, 2022, 12:29 PM

LONDON -- Norwegian Police Security Service raised its terror alert to the highest level after a shooting in the country's capital left two people dead and several others injured, according to The Associated Press.

Two people were fatally shot and 10 were injured early Saturday in a nightclub in Oslo, Norway, in what Oslo police now suspect was a terror attack.

Authorities say the gunman, identified as a 42-year-old Norwegian citizen originally from Iran, was arrested after opening fire at three locations in downtown Oslo at approximately 1 a.m., including at a nightclub that is popular within the LGBTQ community called The London Pub.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:25:59 AM
Dolph Lundgren delivers scathing critique of Sweden’s immigration policy: “My home country doesn’t protect its women from rape”
June 25, 2022

Sadly, my home country Sweden still cannot protect their women from rape. In the past week three men were sentenced for gang raping a handicapped girl – one assailant got 4 years the other two 2 years prison term.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:28:11 AM
US amends ban, allowing entry to Iranian former IRGC members
Published: JUNE 25, 2022

Iranian men who served in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as part of their compulsory military service will now be allowed entry into the United States, a US Secretary of Homeland Security and Secretary of State notice published on Thursday said.

According to the notice, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken have, following consultations with Attorney General Merrick Garland, decided that aspects of the Immigration and Nationality Act will no longer apply to individuals who have either "provided insignificant material support or limited materiel a designated terrorist organization."

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:29:55 AM
Video: Australian imam tells gay-supporters to 'Go to Hell'
26.06.22 11:44

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Title: 2 killed, 19 wounded in shooting at Norway LGBT club
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 11:33:05 AM
2 killed, 19 wounded in shooting at Norway LGBT club
JUNE 26, 2022

Two people were killed and at least 19 more were wounded when a gunman opened fire at an LGBT nightclub in the Norwegian capital city of Oslo on Saturday morning.

The New York Times reported the early morning attack targeted people at the London Pub, which is a hub for LGBT nightlife in Oslo. The attack came as the city was preparing to host its LGBT pride parade later on Saturday. The Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) said authorities apprehended a suspect and they believe he was motivated by Islamic extremism, adding that they are treating the attack as terrorism.

"The perpetrator is previously known to PST,” the Norwegian security service said. “He has a long history of threats and violence. Our service has known him in connection with Islamic extremism since 2015 for possible radicalization and connections to an extreme Islamist network.” 

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Title: Islamic State says attack on Sikh temple is revenge for Prophet insults
Post by: Shammu on June 26, 2022, 02:46:50 PM
Islamic State says attack on Sikh temple is revenge for Prophet insults
by Sahar Akbarzai, Saleem Mehsud and Heather Chen, CNN
Updated 2:25 AM ET, Sun June 19, 2022

(CNN)An Islamic State affiliate has claimed responsibility for an attack on a Sikh temple in Afghanistan's capital Kabul that killed at least two people and injured seven.

The attack on Saturday was "an act of revenge" following insults made by members of India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party about the Prophet Mohammed, ISIS-Khorasan said on its Telegram channel.
Nupur Sharma, a spokesperson for the party, had made derogatory remarks regarding the Prophet Mohammed during a panel discussion on a news channel and her comments were allegedly followed by anti-Islam comments by another party leader on Twitter.

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*****As I've said before, muslims will kill, destroy at the drop of a hat for any excuse. Personally, I believe they enjoy killing, causing destruction and maiming innocent people but that is my own opinion*****  :'(

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 27, 2022, 09:32:34 AM
Muslim Man Tries to Slaughter Coptic Christian Woman with a Sickle
Jun 27, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

A Muslim man attempted to slaughter a Coptic Christian woman with a sickle in the village of Sharona, Minya governorate, Egypt.

According to a June 15 report, Qassim Falah Muhammad attacked Mona Wafdi Marzouk, 35, as she was walking to her family farm early in the morning to assist her sick and ailing father.  Muhammad crept up behind her and began to strangle her; then, according to the report, “he grabbed a sickle [a sharp tool used for cutting weeds] and tried to slaughter her with it.”  Luckily, the sickle had dulled over the years and did not fully slice though the arteries of her neck.

Muhammad then fled the scene, as reported by Mona’s cousin, Makari, who saw the incident from a distance and ran to the butchered woman’s aid.  He and other family members instantly transferred her to the nearest medical center, where she received seven stitches to her neck.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 27, 2022, 09:40:16 AM
'Drugs have become Assad regime's most important export'
By  Shahar Klaiman and ILH Staff 
Published on  06-27-2022

Bribes, criminal disputes, and an international drug-smuggling ring worth billions of dollars – no, this is not the trailer of a new thriller currently streaming, but rather the reality in Syria under the regime of President Bashar Assad, Germany's Der Spiegel magazine reported over the weekend.

Assad, who has survived the civil war tearing his country apart largely thanks to allies Iran and Russia, has used the past decade to turn Syria into what some have called the world's newest narcostate.

Built on Captagon, an illegal and highly addictive amphetamine substance popular across the Arab world the regime's drug scheme has grown into a multibillion-dollar operation. Its importance to the regime is illustrated by the fact that much of the production and distribution of the drug is overseen by the Fourth Armored Division – the Syrian Army's elite unit.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 27, 2022, 09:42:42 AM
Two priests killed in Nigeria in separate incidents
Denver Newsroom
Jun 26, 2022

Two priests were killed over the weekend in Nigeria, one in Kaduna state and one in Edo state.

Fr. Vitus Borogo, a priest serving in the Archdiocese of Kaduna, was killed June 25 “at Prison Farm, Kujama, along Kaduna-Kachia Road, after a raid on the farm by Terrorists,” the chancellor of the Kaduna archdiocese said in a statement shared with ACI Africa.

The priest, who was age 50, was the Catholic chaplain at Kaduna State Polytechnic.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 27, 2022, 09:45:31 AM
Man receives death sentence for murdering ex-wife with scissors
By Rana Husseini
Jun 26,2022

AMMAN — The Criminal Court last week sentenced a man to death after convicting him of murdering his divorced wife with scissors while at the Sharia Court in Rusiefeh in March 2021.

The court declared the defendant guilty of the premeditated murder of his wife on March 9 and handed him the maximum punishment.

Court papers said the couple was divorced for five years and the victim filed for alimony and custody rights at the Sharia Court.

The defendant decided to murder his wife as a result and began monitoring his wife’s movements almost three months before the incident, court transcripts added.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 27, 2022, 09:47:42 AM
Shelter Opens in Tijuana for Muslims Entering the U.S.
Mon Jun 27, 2022
Robert Spencer

What could possibly go wrong? Border Report reported Monday that “a shelter for Muslim migrants opened over the weekend in Tijuana, the first of its kind in all of Mexico.” This is no small-time effort: “The Latino Muslim Foundation, based in San Diego and Tijuana, raised half a million dollars to make the facility a reality.” Meanwhile, fifty people on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the Southern border so far this year, and there is no telling how many got across without being caught. Welcome to Old Joe Biden’s America.

The shelter is, of course, a humanitarian effort. Sonia Tinico, the president of the Latino Muslim Foundation (pictured above), explained: “Being on one of the largest borders in the world, this is a source of pride that we’re here able to help people arriving at the border. We’ll be able to provide shelter for Muslims who are seeking to get to the U.S. or Canada.” The shelter will provide “housing, medical care, meals and legal services inside the 8,000-square-foot facility.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 27, 2022, 09:50:53 AM
'Kut*i has ruined Islam’: Islamists abuse actor Hina Khan for posting pictures in swimsuit
25 June, 2022

Reality show and daily soap actor Hina Khan has drawn the wrath of radical Islamists on her social media account after she posted her picture in a monokini swimwear on the Abu Dhabi beach where she has currently been holidaying. While she received a lot of adulation from other social media users, Islamists brutally trolled the actor for posting ‘inappropriate’ pictures on social media.

On June 22, the actor took to her Instagram account to post a picture from a beach in Abu Dhabi. Though she did not mention her location, she uploaded these pictures soaking in the sun on a beach. Hina donned a green-coloured one-piece swimsuit with a printed cape over it. She captioned her post, ‘Soak up the sun Hon”.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 27, 2022, 09:53:28 AM
France: 1,098 people nationwide attacked with tainted syringes, several Muslims arrested
JUN 26, 2022 5:00 PM

A French reader has notified me of a mysterious and disturbing trend that is currently taking place in France: a wave of attacks involving syringes. There have been nearly 1100 victims. Many, but not all, of the attacks have taken place in nightclubs or during concerts. The victims have experienced symptoms ranging from dizziness and hot flashes to loss of consciousness, requiring hospitalization.

There have been just a few arrests: two Turks, one Yemeni, and two others named Aymen and Ahmed. A Tunisian was also arrested.

No one has any explanation for what is going on here, but it does recall this.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 27, 2022, 09:55:34 AM
Hindu group protests outside Pakistan High Commission over decapitation of a newborn Hindu child in Sindh
27 June, 2022

A Hindu group protested outside the Pakistan High Commission in Delhi over the horrifying incident of a decapitated head being left inside the womb of a Hindu woman in Pakistan’s Sindh province. The Jai Sri Ram Sena Foundation (JSRF) marched to the Pakistan High Commission in Delhi to voice their objection and pass over a memorandum to the mission personnel requesting action against the incident’s perpetrators.

OpIndia contacted Yash Rajveer, the General Secretary of the JSRF, to learn more about the protest. According to Yash, the Ramdoots of the JSRF were well prepared to visit the Pakistan High Commission, therefore a large police force was deployed in the area.

Yash stated that when they approached the High Commission, they were contacted by police officials from the Chanakyapuri Police Station and requested to visit the station. Following that, they all went to the station and were detained for almost 8 hours. Detainees chanted Hanuman Chalisa collectively in the Chanakyapuri police station to oppose their arrest.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 27, 2022, 10:01:51 AM
Terror in Oslo
Mon Jun 27, 2022
Bruce Bawer

At a quarter after one o’clock on the night before Oslo’s pride parade is scheduled to take place, a 42-year-old Iranian-born man shouts “Allahu akbar!” and starts shooting wildly and randomly at people in and around London Pub, the city’s largest gay bar. In all, he kills two people and wounds twenty-one. And within a few hours the police have a theory as to why he committed these latest barbaric acts: he has psychiatric problems.

Yes, “psychiatric problems” - the euphemism of choice for Islamic terrorism. They tried to get away with this in the case of another soldier of Allah who attacked a gay club - namely, Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando just over six years ago. By contrast, when the truly insane Anders Behring Breivik (just read his “manifesto”) killed 77 people in and near Oslo in 2011, authorities did everything they could to have him ruled sane - so that they’d be able to pin his actions on critics of Islam who’d never come close to calling for violence.

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*****From the many news stories I've read, it seems muslims who commit these crimes all have mental problems. It really isn't a wonder, as abusive as islam is, they are abused from birth. This is exactly why I call islam a cult, they follow what they are told without any questions*****  :'(

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 27, 2022, 10:04:09 AM
“The more despicable a thing is, it is an invention of the Jewish mind”
Nan Jacques Zilberdik 
Jun 27, 2022

“The more despicable a thing is, it is an invention of the Jewish mind.”

Whereas this sounds like

Nazi Germany hate-speech from the 1930s or 1940s, this antisemitic statement was made in 2022 just a few weeks ago by official PA TV’s “Israeli affairs expert,” Fayez Abbas:

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 27, 2022, 10:07:18 AM
Outrage as Hindu college principal is forced to wear garland of shoes in Bangladesh
Staff Correspondent,
Published: 2022-06-26 01:46:55 BdST

Many have questioned how a teacher can be assaulted in the presence of police after the incident occurred at Mirzapur United College in Narail's Sadar Upazila on Jun 17.

Protesters, who say the teacher was humiliated in such a way just because he belongs to the religious minority group, have also called a rally at Shahbagh in Dhaka on Monday.

"The teacher had no role in the incident. Police took him out without protecting him. What do those who run the administration want?” said Robin Ahsan, one of the organisers of the rally.

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Title: Growth of jihadism in Africa
Post by: Shammu on June 27, 2022, 10:09:33 AM
Growth of jihadism in Africa
By Mauricio Luque -June 27, 2022

The Malian government acknowledged last week that jihadists killed at least 132 civilians in central Mali. The government in Bamako accuses the Salafist group Macina Liberation Front (FLM) of perpetrating a series of indiscriminate attacks in various localities in the Bankass area over the weekend. In the last three months, more than 400 civilians have been killed by terrorist groups in the Sahel region, which is losing stability and gaining in violence with each passing day.

In the latest issue of al-Naba’ (a monthly magazine issued by the Islamic State), ISIS praised its fighters in Africa and called on Asian Muslims to migrate to the continent to join the fighting. The seven African affiliates of the Islamic State have perpetrated nearly half of the attacks attributed to the terrorist organization this year, while African and Western governments warn of a serious deterioration of the situation. In the last 15 years, more than 30,000 people have died in sub-Saharan Africa as a result of jihadist violence.

While jihadist actions in 2000 were confined to Algeria and Somalia, the cancer of religious violence was affecting Burkina Faso, Mali, Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Egypt and Mozambique by 2020. The problem is real, growing and worrying. The incorrect strategies implemented by African governments (two weeks ago the Malian army sent a helicopter attack to the border region with Burkina Faso… two hours after the battle that took place…) have led to the destruction of the country’s borders. two hours after the battle between ground forces), the added ethnic motives (the Fulani ethnic group has increased its participation in jihadism to unprecedented levels) and the lack of foreign aid (neither Chad, Nigeria, Mozambique nor Burkina Faso receive hardly any foreign military aid) encourage the development of terrorist activities, leading the situation of these states towards points of difficult return.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 09:59:26 AM
The declining minority Hindus in Islamic Pakistan.
Huge downfall of numbers of Hindus in Pakistan. Only 22 lakh Hindus exist there now: National database report.
Vandana Kaneria
June 27, 2022

Hinduism is the second largest religious affiliation in Pakistan after Islam.[1] While hundreds of years ago Hinduism was the dominant faith in the region,[2] Hindus account for 2.15% of Pakistan’s population or 4.5 million people according to available data in 2017 by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, although Pakistan Hindu Council (PHC) had claimed that there are 8 million Hindus living in Pakistan at the same time period, making up 4% of the country’s population. This claim of PHC was never supported with any authentic proof.

Before the partition, according to the 1941 census, Hindus constituted 14% of the population in West Pakistan (now Pakistan) and 28% of the population in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). After Pakistan gained independence from the British Raj, 4.7 million of West Pakistan’s Hindus and Sikhs moved to India as refugees. And in the first census afterwards in 1951, Hindus made up 1.6% of the total population of West Pakistan (now Pakistan)

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 10:02:33 AM
Islamists Have a Lobby, White Supremacists Do Not — Guess Which the Feds are Targeting
By J.M. Phelps
June 27, 2022

If the Biden Administration is to be believed, the American people need to worry about the threat of terror attacks perpetrated by white supremacists but can ignore the threat of Islamist violence perpetrated by U.S. citizens. That’s exactly what the White House did in a “comprehensive” report about domestic terrorism issued on June 15.

Released with some fanfare, the text makes repeated references to white supremacists and militias but says nothing about the threat of jihadi attacks by U.S. citizens. The word “Muslim” appears once in the text — in a sentence listing Muslims, Jews and homosexuals as potential victims of violence. (The word “Islam,” by the way, appears nowhere in the document).

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 10:04:19 AM
Opinion piece
Why won’t CAIR condemn an anti-Semitic BDS map? The answer is obvious.
It’s because CAIR opposes Israel's existence.
June 27, 2022

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank asked that simple question last week after the normally publicity-mad Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) told him it had nothing to say about a Boston BDS organization’s promotion of a “mapping project” that has been condemned as anti-Semitic and possible incitement to violence.

The interactive map posted online earlier this month “mapped” the addresses of dozens of Jewish institutions and organizations in Massachusetts. Its stated goal was “to reveal the local entities and networks that enact devastation, so we can dismantle them. Every entity has an address, every network can be disrupted.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 10:06:24 AM
Anti-Semitic activist campaigned with multiple Democrats over the past year
June 27, 2022

An anti-Israel activist who shared a number of social media posts with anti-Semitic content has campaigned with multiple Democrats over the past year.

Mahel Abdel Qader has come under fire for repeatedly promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. In 2017, he shared a graphic that included the names of dozens of Jewish members of Congress, implying that they have a dual loyalty to Israel and the United States. The Daily Caller reported that, in 2018, Qader shared an anti-Semitic video that claimed Jews are “satanic” and control the media. The video also dipped into Holocaust denial, questioning whether six million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis. It also claimed that Jews aren’t actually Jewish, but rather invented their historical claims to Israel.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 10:08:11 AM
Germany: Raid against Islamist organisation “Caliphate State”
June 28 2022

Araid against members of the banned association “Caliphate State” has been underway in six federal states since the morning. In Hesse, twelve searches took place.

The raids against the so-called “Caliphate State” have been going on since 6 a.m. According to the investigators, 47 search warrants were executed, twelve of them in Frankfurt, according to hr information. The Rhineland-Palatinate State Office of Criminal Investigation, which is in charge of the investigation, will give details in the course of the afternoon.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 10:10:49 AM
The Surprising Success of the Truce in Yemen
By Peter Salisbury and Alexander Weissenburger
June 28, 2022

Just a few months ago, the war in Yemen looked like one of the most intractable conflicts in the world. After seven years of brutal fighting, the country had disintegrated into a patchwork of increasingly well-armed rival groups backed by an array of outside powers, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). None of the actors involved in the conflict—the Houthi rebels who control Sanaa, Yemen’s capital; the numerous Yemeni groups battling the Houthis on the ground; Yemen’s internationally recognized government; or the Saudi-led coalition that backs the government—appeared willing to make the compromises needed to end the conflict. With Yemeni cities under siege, Sanaa’s airport shuttered to commercial flights, and the government and coalition limiting the flow of fuel into the Houthi-held Red Sea port of Hodeidah, a vital trade conduit, the population was facing one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. Severe fuel shortages rocked Houthi-controlled areas, and a collapse in the value of the national currency was rendering food unaffordable in the parts of the country under the government’s nominal control. The UN and other mediators seemed to have few options for breaking the stalemate.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 10:12:44 AM
Sharia court jails woman for changing ex-husband’s visitation dates with children
Ronnie Bergmann and Noah Lee

Starting Monday, a Malaysian single mother of three is spending a week behind bars for rescheduling her ex-husband’s visitation dates with their children, a move considered contempt of court under Islamic law which governs Muslim families in the country.

Emilia Hanafi, the former wife of a businessman from a wealthy Malaysian family, surrendered to the Kuala Lumpur Sharia Court on Monday morning and was sent to a women’s prison in Selangor state.

“I am disappointed because I have to go to prison because of this injustice. I tried to sort this out via judicial review, but my stay application was rejected. The court wanted to hear from both parties instead and the date was set for July 20,” she said in a Sunday Instagram post.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 10:17:50 AM
'Not fit’: Ex-Melbourne imam who married off 14-year-old girl loses bid to officiate marriages
June 28, 2022 - 8:57PM

A former imam who officiated the wedding of a 14-year-old girl to a man 20 years her senior has been deemed an unfit and improper person to solemnise marriages, a tribunal has upheld.

Ibrahim Omerdic was convicted in 2017 of solemnising an invalid marriage after conducting a wedding ceremony between the girl and a 34-year-old man in Melbourne.

At the time of the marriage in 2016, he was the Imam of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Islamic Centre in Noble Park and authorised under the Marriage Act to solemnise marriages.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 10:19:33 AM
Bomb alert at jihadist trial in Graz, Austria – The court suspects sympathisers of the jihadist behind the threat
June 27 2022

The trial of the Islamic hate preacher Mirsad O. and three followers was supposed to take place today at the Graz Criminal Court. On Monday morning, however, there was a bomb threat. The court suspects sympathisers of the jihadist behind the threat.

There was a bomb threat in the Graz Criminal Court on Monday morning in connection with a jihadist trial. The trial was interrupted, the courtroom was cleared and searched by a special team.

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Bomb alert at jihadist trial in Graz, Austria – The court suspects sympathisers of the jihadist behind the threat
The trial of the Islamic hate preacher Mirsad O. and three followers was supposed to take place today at the Graz Criminal Court. On Monday morning, however, there was a bomb threat. The court suspects sympathisers of the jihadist behind the threat.

There was a bomb threat in the Graz Criminal Court on Monday morning in connection with a jihadist trial. The trial was interrupted, the courtroom was cleared and searched by a special team.

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 10:21:31 AM
Sangli mass murder: Occultist Abbas arrested for poisoning a family to death, ‘secular’ media gives a Hindu spin by calling him ‘Tantrik’
28 June, 2022

The so-called secular media has long worked to water down heinous crimes, especially when the accused belongs to the minority community. By calling a Muslim occultist, who reportedly poisoned nine members of the Sangli family a ‘Tantrik’, many renowned media outlets like Aaj Tak, News 18, Hindustan Times and The Indian Express on Tuesday proceeded to give this incident a Hindu spin as well.

In general parlance, the ‘Tantrik’ is a practitioner of the “tantra vidya“, and is mainly associated with Hinduism, leading to a perception that a Hindu individual committed the crime.

On June 20, nine members of the same family namely Dr Manik Vanmore (49), a veterinarian and Popat Vanmore (52), an art teacher, their mother, wives, and four children of the two couples, were found dead inside their house in Maharashtra’s Sangli.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 10:25:17 AM
Iranians Falsely Claim Soccer Star Cristiano Ronaldo is ‘Anti-Zionist’
PhotoShopped fabrications from anti-Semitic media propagandists.
Tue Jun 28, 2022
Hugh Fitzgerald

We are all familiar with Muslims falsely attributing antisemitic sentiments to great men of the past, such as Benjamin Franklin. The “Franklin forgery” is a classic anti-Semitic canard that falsely claims that American statesman Benjamin Franklin made anti-Jewish statements during the Constitutional Convention of 1787. It has found widening acceptance in Muslim and Arab media, where it has been used to criticize Israel and Jews. It was supposedly delivered as a speech by Franklin, warning of the danger of admitting Jews to the United States:

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 10:27:14 AM
Syria civilian death toll over 306,000 since 2011 - UN
Published: JUNE 28, 2022 11:51

The UN human rights office said on Tuesday that 306,887 civilians had been killed in Syria during the conflict since March 2011 in what it said was the highest estimate yet.

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Title: New damage to Hagia Sophia – Marble floor is broken By
Post by: Shammu on June 28, 2022, 10:30:05 AM
New damage to Hagia Sophia – Marble floor is broken By
Panagiotis Savvidis
 2 mins ago

New images of damage to the Hagia Sophia has caused outrage and anger, this time due to a cleaning machine being used inside the cathedral-turned-mosque breaking the marble floor.

With the headline: “Marbles were broken in Hagia Sophia”, Cumhuriyet talks about: “Endless martyrdom of Hagia Sophia” due to the new damage.

“The destruction continues in Hagia Sophia, which has been turned from a museum into a mosque. The historic marbles were broken in many places by the heavy machine used to clean the marbles,” the newspaper notes.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 09:44:25 AM
Who cares when the PA violates human rights?
 By  Nitsana Darshan-Leitner 
Published on  06-29-2022 10:46

Over the past decade, the Palestinian Authority has poured considerable energy into "branding" itself internationally as a "champion of human rights" and a victim of Israeli human rights violations. Among other things, after it was granted "non-member observer state" status by the United Nations General Assembly, the PA joined a host of international conventions pertaining to human rights, including the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court at The Hague, and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (the "Torture Convention"). Its goal in signing these conventions was two-fold: Establish the PA's status as a state, and more importantly, to use these as a tool with which to bludgeon Israel.

The PA's use of these international forums, however, is cynical and manipulative. The one motivation it lacks is any true intent to comply with and respect human rights. Anyone looking at the human rights situation in the Palestinian Authority will see an appalling reality, with torture in Palestinian prisons being just one example of its egregious violations of basic human rights. The situation for women, children, homosexuals, and minority groups in the PA is even worse. According to Palestinian law, a husband is allowed to rape his wife. Women are forced to marry the rapist who impregnated them. Homosexuals are brutally persecuted and so-called "honor killings" are still prevalent. These and many other injustices are commonplace in the Palestinian Authority and are met with leniency by the authorities.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 09:46:37 AM
Religion of Peace activists slit the throat of a Hindu tailor
29 June, 2022

On 28 June 2022, social media websites were awash with a gut-wrenching video of a Hindu man, Kanhaiya Lal, being beheaded by two Islamists for supporting former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma after religious zealots, instigated by Mohammed Zubair, targeted her for her remarks on Prophet Muhammad.

In the horrific crime that has emerged following the Nupur Sharma controversy, it has been learnt that the incident took place near the Bhoot Mahal on Maldas Street in Udaipur. The victim who is a tailor and proprietor of Supreme tailors was killed in broad daylight amidst the hustle-bustle on the adjoining road. The Udaipur Police rushed to the scene after the enraged merchants in the surrounding area complained of the inhumane incident.

In the video posted by Delhi BJP politician Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga, it could be seen that one Muslim man entered the victim’s shop as a customer while the other was possibly shooting the video. While the tailor was taking the man’s body measurements, he grabbed his neck and attacked him from the back. After this, the man started hitting the tailor, with the victim pleading with him to let him go.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 09:50:04 AM
Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s Favorite BDS Group Mourns an ISIS Terrorist
 Jun 29, 2022
Daniel Greenfield

When Baraa Lahlouh, an Islamic terrorist, was recently buried, he was draped in what the Agence France-Presse (AFP) misleadingly described as "a flag showing the seal believed to have been used by Islam’s Prophet Mohamed".

The wire service neglected to mention that it was more specifically the ISIS flag.

The Associated Press, as documented by CAMERA, distributed photos of the burial while neglecting to describe the ISIS flag. Along with burying a terrorist, they buried the lede.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 09:52:44 AM
Why is it Okay to Blame Right-Wing Culture Warriors for the Oslo Attack but not Radical Islam?
 28 JUNE 2022 7:00 AM

This year, more than ever before, Norwegians are celebrating Pride with a gusto that I haven’t seen before, even here in the UK, and the focus seems to be increasingly on children, with ‘Mini-Pride’ in Oslo presented by a popular children’s TV character. Trans ideology is now being taught in Norwegian schools, free rainbow backpacks are being handed out to children as young as five, and, on the horizon, yet more liberal laws are on the way that will do away with the two gender-model and introduce a third legal gender, not to mention the forthcoming ban on ‘conversion therapy‘. There’s been a lot going on, and hurtful words have been thrown by both sides in the debate: the wokesters claiming ‘far right’ culture warriors are using children to disguise their own homophobia, and arguing Pride is just about love and acceptance, whereas those of us on the other side have pointed to the intolerance of trans activists (such as when feminist Christina Ellingsen was reported to the police for claiming men can’t become women and had to endure four hours of questioning by police), the denial of biological sex and exposing children to ideas and imagery they’re not ready for.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 09:54:31 AM
TRT World declared that there would be no Shakespeare without Islam, this is how they are wrong
30 June, 2022

Recently, conjectures about supposed Islamic references in Shakespeare’s works have been made by commentators from the Middle East. This includes the latest assertion by Turkish state media portal TRT World, in which a commentator Nadia Khan absurdly claimed in her latest piece “The centrality of the Muslim world to Shakespeare’s work” that there would have been ‘no Shakespeare’ were it not for Islam.

Earlier in 1989, Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi claimed that Shakespeare was an Arab by origin whose real name was “Sheikh Zabir.” Kadir Mısıroğlu, a Turkish writer has earlier claimed in an interview that the original name of the English Playwright is “Sheikh Pir” and he was secretly a Muslim.

American Conservative Magazine, National Review has published a rebuttal to the Islamist claims of appropriating Shakespeare as an ‘Arab’ or a ‘Muslim’. AJ Caschetta, a principal lecturer at the Rochester Institute of Technology has written has presented a watertight argument against the recent claims of Shakespeare having a Muslim influence on him.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 09:59:57 AM
'Anyone Who Touches the Prophet, No Punishment -- Just Kill!'
Jun 30, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

On May 12, the Islamic State in Nigeria released a video of its members slaughtering 20 Christians (image above). The Muslim militants were dressed in black garb, which covered everything except their eyes. In the video, the Christians appear on their knees, with their hands tied behind their backs.  A militant stands above and behind them holding a knife. The terrorists claimed that the murder of these 20 Christians is “payback” for the killing of ISIS leaders by the U.S. in Syria three months earlier.  Although it is very reminiscent of the 2015 video of another pack of Muslim terrorists slaughtering 21 Coptic Christians in Libya, it received significantly less media coverage. The 2015 video of the Copts itself had received six times less media coverage than the killing of a gorilla that occurred at the same time. This video of the Nigerian Christians barely made a peep in the Western media (as if to suggest that the ritual slaughter of Christians has become so hackneyed as to be unworthy of reporting on).

On the same day the video was released, a Muslim mob beat, stoned and then burned the body of Deborah Emmanuel, a Christian college student: earlier she had refused the sexual advances of a Muslim man, who retaliated by loudly proclaiming that she had blasphemed Muhammad, the prophet of Islam.  According to Pastor David Ayuba Azzaman, a local well acquainted with the incident:

Deborah Emmanuel was complaining in a class WhatsApp group chat, kicking against how they discriminate against Christians in the school in areas of assignments and test in favor of the Muslims.  This is what they used as a yardstick to say she insulted Muhammad. She didn’t insult prophet Muhammad, but it was discovered that she turned down a Muslim proposal to date her. That led to him accusing her of insulting prophet Muhammad.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:02:18 AM
Hindu shopkeeper beheaded in Udaipur over social media post on Nupur Sharma, 2 held
Sharat Kumar
June 28, 2022

A shopkeeper was murdered in broad daylight in Udaipur on Tuesday, sparking tensions in the city. The shopkeeper, named Kanhaiya Lal, was murdered by two men who chopped his head off and later recorded a video admitting to killing the man over a social media post in support of Nupur Sharma.

The police arrested the two accused in Bheem area of Rajsamand district on Tuesday night. The accused were caught while they were trying to flee.

India Today TV has learnt that the murder followed a post put up by the shopkeeper's eight-year-old son in support of Bharatiya Janata Party leader Nupur Sharma. Nupur Sharma was recently in the news for her controversial statements about Prophet Muhammad.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:03:38 AM
Eight killed in suspected jihadist attack in Burkina Faso
28 June 2022

Eight people in eastern Burkina Faso have been killed in an attack by suspected jihadists on a baptism party, a security source and a local resident said on Tuesday.

“A terrorist attack” in the village of Sandiaga in Koulpelogo province “left eight civilians dead”, the security source said.

The toll was confirmed by a local resident, who said armed men burst into a baptism ceremony on Monday morning and opened fire.

On Sunday, six people died and two were injured in two villages in the northern province of Bam when carts carrying women were hit by roadside bombs, another security source said.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:05:26 AM
Iran trying to disrupt UNIFIL in Lebanon with cyberattacks - Gantz
Published: JUNE 29, 2022 10:50

Iran is trying to disrupt UNIFIL in Lebanon in cooperation with Hezbollah by “carrying out a cyber operation aimed at stealing materials about UNIFIL’s deployment in the area for the use of Hezbollah,” Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Tuesday at the International Cyber Conference.

“This is another attack by Iran and Hezbollah on Lebanese citizens, and on Lebanon’s stability,” he said.

According to Gantz, Iran is challenging Israel not only in the air, land and at sea, but has been waging cyberattacks against it for over a decade. While Israel faced several significant cyberattacks a decade ago, it now faces over 1,000 attacks a year.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:08:57 AM
Udaipur killing: Fanatics are so dangerous that even Hindus are not safe in India, says Taslima Nasrin
Jun 29, 2022 | 06:45 AM

Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen has condemned the Udaipur killing incident saying fanatics are so dangerous that even Hindus are not safe in India.
The horrific murder of a tailor in Udaipur sparked outrage in the entire state.

“Riaz & Gias brutally killed Kanhaiya Lal, a tailor, in Udaipur and then uploaded the video of the killing on social media & happily declared that they killed & they can do anything for their prophet. Fanatics are so dangerous that even Hindus are not safe in India,”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:11:18 AM
An accusation of blasphemy in Germany, again!
By Zac Alrayyis
June 26, 2022

On the first anniversary of the murder of the french teacher, Samuel Paty, on the 16th of October 2021, the Ex-Muslim A.M. carried out a demonstration in Stuttgart to condemn the brutal murder, which was authorized by the relevant authorities without any special conditions.
The aim of the event was to point to the danger of political Islam.

To warn of the danger of an inhuman ideology which through the pretense of democratic values in many ways has become a cooperating partner to the state, it aims to undermine German society.

Since the teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded in relation to the Mohammed caricatures by a Muslim in Paris on the 16th of October 2020, said caricatures were, among others, displayed in the demonstration.
Mr. M. held a speech in Persian in which he clearly expressed his right to freedom of expression, he was consequently attacked by a Muslim and many of his signs were destroyed.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:14:45 AM
Kanhaiya Lal’s location was leaked by neighbour Nazim on WhatsApp the way it happened to Kashmiri Hindus
29 June, 2022

On June 28, a Hindu tailor named Kanhaiya Lal was brutally murdered by two Islamists identified as Mohammed Riyaz Akhtar and Mohammed Gos for an alleged post in support of former spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Nupur Sharma. It has now come to light that his name, photograph and location were leaked and made viral by his neighbour Nazim who had also filed a complaint against Kanhaiya Lal for the alleged post.

On June 15, 2022, five days after the initial complaint by Nazim, Kanhaiyal had approached Police for legal action and had sought protection. In his application to the Police, he said few days prior to the complaint, his son accidentally shared a post on Facebook while playing games on his mobile phone. Two days after the post was made, two men approached him at his shop and demanded to see his phone. They told him about the post, to which Kanhaiya Lal replied that he did not know how to operate the phone, and his son used it to play games. They deleted the post and warned him not to repeat it.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:16:37 AM
Payoffs, threats, secret marriages: An accused preacher saving his empire
Mar 08, 2021

In the spring of 2017, 29-year-old N.M.’s life took a sharp turn.

She, along with her mother, was left homeless after her parents’ nasty breakup. They left London and crashed with a relative in northwest England. The move cost her the job she loved at an Islamic school. Broke and bewildered in a new city, N.M. was desperate for a spiritual boost.

That’s when she heard about Losing My Religion, a conference where some of Islam’s most popular speakers were to discuss big political and religious issues affecting Muslims. She was particularly curious about one of the speakers: Nouman Ali Khan, a Texas-based preacher who has earned millions of fans through his plainspoken Qur’an lessons aimed at millennials. Unofficial recordings of his lectures, such as one about material wealth titled “I feel sorry for Justin Bieber,” break the half-million mark for views.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:18:34 AM
How Israel foiled attempts to poison its water supply, disrupt US power plants
29.06.22 12:32

The deputy commander of the IDF’s signal intelligence, or “SIGINT” unit, also known as Unit 8200, spoke at the Cyber Week Conference hosted by Tel Aviv University this week.

The address marked the first time an officer from the unit has made a public appearance, though military censors barred publication of the officer’s full name, referring to him only by his first name, Uri.

Uri described Unit 8200’s cyber defense operations, citing two recent examples, including a foiled attempt – widely attributed to Iran – to gain control of Israel’s water distribution system and poison the water supply, as well as a planned attack on American power plants.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:20:00 AM
France: Muslims attack alleged homosexual man on public bus
June 29 2022

On Monday June 27, two people aged 16 and 28 were arrested by the police and taken into police custody for homophobic insults. The attack took place in the early afternoon at around 3.30 pm on a bus of line 10 at the “Carrefour Genève” stop on the Avenue de Genève in Annecy.

According to initial information, confirmed by a woman who had witnessed the scene, the two men violently attacked a man on the bus.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:21:09 AM
Kanhaiya Lal, the Hindu man beheaded by Islamists, was earlier arrested by police over the Nupur Sharma post
28 June, 2022

Two Muslim men in Rajasthan’s Udaipur murdered a Hindu tailor Kanhaiya Lal, on Tuesday afternoon over his post in support of ex-BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma. It has been learnt now that the Udaipur Police had arrested Kanhaiya Lal over the said post, which was shared by his 8-year-old son from his mobile.

According to news reports, the eight-year-old son of the deceased victim Kanhaiya Lal had shared a social media post in support of Nupur Sharma from his mobile. However, after this, Kanhaiyalal was arrested by the Dhanmandi police station officials. He continued receiving death threats over the post after his release.

Scared of the threats, Kanhaiya Lal appealed to the police for protection but the police did not take him seriously. As reported by Nav Bharat Times, even after arresting Kanhaiyalal, the murderers were threatening to intimidate him and kill him. On this, Kanhaiyalal informed the Dhanmandi police station and requested security for him. Despite this, the police did not take the matter seriously.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:25:28 AM
Message from Dutch MP Geert Wilders who supports Nupur Sharma
Published on Jun 29, 2022 01:31 PM IST
Written by Poulomi Ghosh

Geert Wilders, the Netherland MP who had earlier supported former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma, reacted to the Udaipur horror where a Hindu tailor, identified as Kanhaiya Lal, was beheaded by two Muslim men Riyaz Attari and Ghous Mohammed for a social media post related to Nupur Sharma. "The only answer is that we ALL stand up Now and say ‘I Support Nupur Sharma’, because they can't kill all of us," the controversial MP, known for his Islamophobic comments, tweeted. Also Read: Pakistan links emerge from savage Udaipur murder

"Hindus should be safe in India. It is their country, their homeland, it's theirs! India is no Islamic nation," the MP tweeted.

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*****Appeasing islam will cost India more than what Nupur Sharma thinks*****

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:28:26 AM
After Udaipur murder, similar killing of Umesh Kolhe in Maharashtra raises questions, BJP leader claims he was killed for supporting Nupur Sharma
29 June, 2022

On June 22, Umesh Kolhe, a chemist living in Maharashtra’s Amravati, was murdered by four Muslim assailants while he was returning from his pharmacy that night. While the reasons of the murder are not clear yet, Maharashtra BJP Spokesperson Shivrai Kulkarni has alleged that he was killed for supporting Nupur Sharma. Kulkarni has said that the police should investigate whether Kolhe was killed over a post in support of Nupur Sharma on social media.

The 54-year-old Medical professional ran a pharmacy ‘Amit Medical’ in the Tehsil office area, in Maharashtra’s Amravati. On the night of the murder, on June 22, Umesh Kolhe was on his way home with his son Sanket and daughter-in-law Vaishnavi on different bikes. In the attack, Kolhe was attacked with a knife from the back on his neck in which he was seriously injured. With heavy blood overflowing, Kolhe died on the spot.

Kolhe’s son and daughter-in-law rushed to his aid, but the assailants had managed to escape because of darkness. As told by Kolhe’s son to the police, there were two men stopped the vehicle and attacked it. The Crime Branch and the City Kotwali Police launched a joint investigation and arrested the two suspects named Mudassir Ahmed Sheikh Ibrahim and Shah Rukh Pathan Inayat Khan. The police have also arrested two more accused – Abdul Taufiq and Shoaib Khan in connection with Kolhe’s murder.

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Title: Girl held captive for 6 months and raped by one Zakir, was forced to convert to
Post by: Shammu on June 30, 2022, 10:29:37 AM
Girl held captive for 6 months and raped by one Zakir, was forced to convert to Islam
30 June, 2022

On Thursday, June 30, a 20-year-old woman filed a complaint against her neighbour Zakir and his two accomplices with the Majhgawan police in the Hamirpur district of Uttar Pradesh. She alleged that Zakir had kidnapped her with the help of his two aides, held her captive for six months, and had sexually exploited her during that time. She has further stated that Zakir coerced her into converting to Islam.

According to TV9Hindi, the 20-year-old girl is a resident of Majhgawan village located in Rath tehsil of Hamirpur district in Uttar Pradesh. She had gone missing six months ago and suddenly returned home yesterday. After coming back, she narrated her ordeal to her family who then approached the police to lodge a complaint against Zakir and his two accomplices Chandu and Sagir Mohammad. They accused the trio of abducting, abusing, physically assaulting and forcing her to convert to Islam.

As per the report, the police had been on the lookout for the girl since she suddenly went missing six months ago. The family had lodged a missing complaint with the Majhgawan police. Yesterday, she returned home, after she managed to flee Zakir’s captivity.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 05:24:19 PM
Wishing Israel away
July 1, 2022

 A disparate group of Islamist clerics has been busily predicting that the State of Israel will disappear in 2022, citing the Koran for support.

The prediction has been circulating in earnest since March, when Muslims around the world marked the holy month of Ramadan. According to an article on the pro-Hamas MEMO website by Mohammad Makram Balawi, a Palestinian writer living in Istanbul, the belief that Israel will be removed from the map at some point this year “is widely spread by some Muslim religious scholars, Palestinian and non-Palestinian.”

Balawi mentioned two clerics in this regard. One of them, Sheikh Bassam Jarrar, preaches at a mosque on the outskirts of Ramallah in the West Bank. The sheikh is apparently “97%” certain that Israel will vanish in 2022 due to calculations based on an ancient numerical system that assigns number values to the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 05:26:33 PM
Paedophile Rochdale grooming gang member, 51, who is battling decision to send him back to Pakistan suggests his prosecution was racist during 'long rant' at deportation hearing
PUBLISHED: 11:51 EDT, 23 June 2022

A member of the Rochdale grooming gang who is battling deportation to Pakistan went on a 'long rant' at his hearing today as he denied his crimes and suggested his prosecution was racist.

Adil Khan, 51, appeared before an immigration tribunal today during which he referred to the 'allegations' made against him and described it as a 'laughing matter.'

Khan, speaking through a Miripuri translator, said: 'I'm today denying it, and I was denying it at the time as well and in the future, never will such a thing happen.'

The translator later described Khan as 'going on a long rant'.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 05:29:02 PM
Moroccan beheaded a homeless man – Heads are rolling in Germany: Severed head found in front of Bonn Regional Court
June 29, 2022

Heads have been rolling for years in the “best Germany ever”. It is known who the victims are. In Bonn, the severed head of a 44-year-old homeless man lay before the regional court on June 29, 2022. In a cemetery in Koblenz, investigators found the decapitated body of 59-year-old homeless man Gerd Michael Straten in 2018. Police are looking for parallels between the two crimes.

In the Bonn case, a 38-year-old suspect was arrested. He sat motionless next to the head and made no attempt to escape. The man, whose nationality the police did not give any information about, is homeless just like the victim, but is also known to the police for drug offences.

The range of victims obviously excludes any – however organised – background to the acts. Nevertheless, conclusions can be drawn about a problem that goes beyond each individual regrettable case:

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 05:31:14 PM
Twitter restricts artist-activist account for listing crimes committed by Muslim mobs and Islamists while not finding hailing of murderers in ‘violation of rules’
30 June, 2022

On June 30, Twitter restricted the account of standup comic Nitin Gupta for listing crimes committed by Muslim mobs and Islamists. It happened amid reports of the social media giant refusing to take action against those who hailed the murderers of Kanhaiya Lal on the microblogging site. In a notice received by Nitin, Twitter asked him to delete a tweet from 2020.

Twitter said his tweet was found “Violating our rules against posting media depicting gratuitous gore.” The notice added, “You may not share excessively graphic media (e.g., severe injuries, torture). Exposure to gratuitous gore can be harmful, especially if the content is posted with intent to delight in cruelty or for sadistic pleasure.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 05:35:16 PM
PA celebrates “political victory” over EU
Itamar Marcus 
Jun 29, 2022

The European Union’s recent announcement that it will be renewing its aid to the PA means that the EU is accepting that the PA continues to reward terror and continues its antisemitic, hate-filled school curriculum, according to the Palestinian Authority Minister of Public Works and Building Muhammad Ziyara. According to the PA, this “political victory” over the EU is more important that the financial aid:

Upon the signing of the EU funding agreement, PA PM Muhammad Shtayyeh confirmed this message stressing that the EU funding comes “without conditions”:

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 05:37:48 PM
Moment pregnant Iranian woman is shoved to the ground by hijab-wearing attacker 'for dancing and failing to dress correctly' - before fighting back in front of shocked onlookers
PUBLISHED: 10:59 EDT, 29 June 2022

This is the shocking moment a pregnant Iranian woman is shoved to the ground because she was dancing and not wearing a hijab.

Video shows the pregnant woman dancing in front of onlookers at a gathering before a woman wearing a hijab shoves her to the floor - causing the victim to fall on top of a child who was sitting down.

But the pregnant woman fights back and slaps the attacker in the face in front of a crowd of shocked onlookers.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 05:46:25 PM
Twitter had refused to take action against a user who hailed Kanhaiya Lal’s murderers as ‘tigers of Islam’
30 June, 2022

On June 30, Twitter user kansaratva shared screenshots of an email received from Twitter in response to a complaint he had submitted about a Twitter user who hailed Kanhaiya Lal’s murderers as ‘tigers of Islam’. In his tweet, kansaratva said, “Why I have absolutely no expectation from Twitter India that it would ever grow a spine. I just remembered to take a snapshot before reporting this tweet but this is just one of many for which the response has been the same.”

The Tweet that he had reported was by a Twitter user, Haiderrrrrr3, who had shared a video of the two Islamists who brutally murdered a Hindu tailor named Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur, Rajasthan, for merely sharing a social media post in support of former Bharatiya Janata Party spokesperson Nupur Sharma. In his tweet, Haider wrote, “These are real lions of Islam. Even God hates the cowards, finally Indian Muslims are standing up to Modi.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 05:49:18 PM
“I brought him up like this”: The father of Samuel Paty’s murderer still works for private security firms in France
June 30, 2022

In the months following the murder of Samuel Paty committed by the jihadist Abdullakh Anzorov, his father had frequently spoken out in the French media. According to Le Parisien, he expressed regret and emphasised his love for France. However, this statement changed in June 2021 during an interview with a Chechen influencer. At the time, he declared that he was “satisfied” with the attack committed by his son: “He went to defend the honour of all Chechens and all Muslims in the world.”

“I brought Adbullakh up like this: You must love Allah more than your own parents,” he also said, claiming that his son had received “a religious upbringing, as is customary in the Chechen tradition”. Today, the man still works in France as a private security guard. According to Le Parisien, he still holds a professional card issued by the Conseil national des activités privées de sécurité (Cnaps). It was even renewed for five years in 2019. This card, explains the daily from the Paris region, allows him to carry out surveillance or security services anywhere in France.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 05:53:40 PM
Terrorist murderers from Munich Olympic massacre are “heroes,” says Fatah official
Nan Jacques Zilberdik 
Jun 30, 2022

Although almost 50 years have passed since Palestinian terrorists murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, the planners and those who carried out the attack - “the operation” in Palestinian terminology – are still regularly lauded as “heroes” by Fatah.

Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi, a senior member of Abbas’ party, recently kept this tradition alive when he glorified the perpetrators of the massacre as “heroes of the Munich operation.” He also called the head of the Black September terror organization Salah Khalaf, who was among the planners of the attack, a “Martyr leader”:

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*****I remember that day, it was also my introduction to islam and the terror they want the world to feel. Now y'all know why I'm the way I am towards islam and terrorist*****

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 05:55:35 PM
Wife 'learns that her husband of TEN MONTHS is actually a WOMAN - despite the couple being intimate numerous times - after her suspicious mother forces "him" to strip naked'
PUBLISHED: 07:02 EDT, 23 June 2022

A wife has learned that her husband of ten months is actually a woman, despite the couple being 'intimate' multiple times, local media claims.

The Indonesian wife, named only as NA, 22, is suing her ex-partner who also claimed to be a neurologist who graduated in New York.

The couple first met on a dating app with the 'husband' going by the name Ahnaf Arrafif in Jambi City.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 05:57:49 PM
Hamas restoring ties with Syria ‘source of concern’ for Israel
June 30, 2022

Reports that appeared in recent days stating that Hamas and Syria have re-established relations after a decade of rupture between them represent a source of concern for Israel, a senior terrorism research has said.

According to a report by Reuters, “Hamas has decided to restore ties with Syria 10 years after its leadership shunned Damascus over opposition to President Bashar Assad’s crackdown on a revolt against his rule,” and cited two Hamas members.

“One official who asked not to be named said the two sides have held several ‘high-profile meetings to achieve that goal,’ ” stated the report.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 05:59:00 PM
Prince Charles took bags stuffed with millions in cash from controversial Qatari sheikh: report
By Mary Kay Linge
June 25, 2022

Prince Charles personally accepted suitcases and shopping bags stuffed with millions of dollars’ worth of cash from a controversial Qatari politician between 2011 and 2015, according to an explosive new report.

“Everyone felt very uncomfortable about the situation,” a former adviser to the Prince of Wales told the Sunday Times of London.

The “only thing we could do was to count the money and make a mutual record of what we’d done,” the source said. “And then call the bank.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 06:00:54 PM
Islamists celebrate the beheading of Kanhaiya Lal: 3 arrested in Uttar Pradesh
1 July, 2022

Following the ruthless beheading of Kanhaiya Lal by two Islamists in Rajasthan’s Udaipur, several incidents have been recorded in which other Islamists supported the act and in some even cheered the horrendous crime. Now, police have arrested several such persons in Uttar Pradesh who were found celebrating the murder.

According to reports, the Uttar Pradesh police have arrested a person accused of celebrating the beheading of Udaipur tailor Kanhaiya Lal.

Asif Khan, a native of Chhaprauli village in Noida Sector 168, has been nabbed by the Noida Police near the Expressway canal area. The individual reportedly posted a video of the crime on Facebook and commented in support of Kanhaiya Lal’s murder. He has been booked under sections 505(2) and 295A of the Indian Penal Code.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 06:02:56 PM
Rights group: Palestinian Authority and Hamas systematically torture critics in jail
1 July 2022, 11:30 am

Palestinian authorities in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip systematically torture critics in detention, a practice that could amount to crimes against humanity, an international rights group said Friday.

In its report, Human Rights Watch (HRW) called for donor countries to cut off funding to Palestinian security forces that commit such crimes and urged the International Criminal Court to investigate.

The report alleged that Palestinian security forces “use solitary confinement and beatings, including whipping feet and forcing detainees into painful stress positions for prolonged periods, hoisting their arms behind their backs with cables or rope, to punish and intimidate critics and opponents, and elicit confessions.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 06:04:15 PM
UN Agency Suspends 6 Staff for Calling to Murder Jews
June 29, 2022

The UN agency that runs schools for Palestinians announced to donor states yesterday that it has just placed six employees on administrative leave after a report on Thursday by UN Watch exposed UNRWA teachers who publicly call to murder Jews.

“Teachers who call to murder Jews must be barred from the classroom for life, while these temporary suspensions are just a slap on the wrist,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, an independent non-governmental organization based in Geneva.

“UNRWA is trying to pretend the problem is now gone, while at the same time signaling to Palestinian staff—and to terrorist organizations like Islamic Jihad which pressed UNRWA to reject the UN Watch report—that they don’t really object to the virulent antisemitism of their teachers, which UNRWA and its donors know pervades the agency,” said Neuer.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 06:05:25 PM
'Stop Interfering In Afghanistan', Says Taliban Leader In Rare Appearance
By Qubad WALI
07/01/22 AT 3:05 AM

The Taliban's reclusive supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada called Friday for the world to stop telling them how to run Afghanistan, insisting sharia law was the only model for a successful Islamic state.

Akhundzada, who has not been filmed or photographed in public since the Taliban returned to power in August, was addressing a major gathering of religious scholars in the Afghan capital called to rubber-stamp the hardline Islamist group's rule.

More than 3,000 clerics have gathered in Kabul since Thursday for the three-day men-only meeting, and Akhundzada's appearance had been rumoured for days -- although media are barred from covering the event.

"Why is the world interfering in our affairs?" he asked in an hour-long speech broadcast by state radio.

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Title: Bauchi Court Sentences 70-yr-old Man, 2 Others To Death Over Homosexuality
Post by: Shammu on July 02, 2022, 06:07:36 PM
Bauchi Court Sentences 70-yr-old Man, 2 Others To Death Over Homosexuality
by Kamal Ibrahim 
1 day ago in News

A Sharia Court sitting in Ningi, headquarters of Ningi local government area of Bauchi State, has sentenced three men to death by stoning.

The men were convicted for engaging in homosexuality, which is forbidden in Islam.

The convicted persons are: Abdullahi Abubakar Beti (30), Kamilu Ya’u (20) and Malam Haruna (70) based on the provisions of Section 134 of Bauchi State Penal Law of 2001, as well as the provisions of Fiquhussunah Jizu’i Number 2, page 362.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 03, 2022, 04:55:13 PM
A ‘Miraculous’ Christian Victory over Jihad
Jun 30, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

This week in history witnessed a Crusader victory over the forces of Islam that, for those present, could only be interpreted as a miracle.

As discussed here, on June 3, 1098, the Crusaders managed to liberate the ancient Christian city of Antioch—where the very word “Christian” was first coined (Acts 11:26)—from Islamic abuse.

Before they could celebrate, however, or even recuperate, Kerbogha, the Turkish lord (or atabeg) of Mosul, arrived with a “countless and innumerable throng” of forty thousand fighters, consisting of Turks, Arabs, Egyptians, Africans, and Persians. “It is quite obvious that these people are completely mad,” the atabeg observed of the hopelessly outnumbered Crusaders: “They are a presumptuous race…. Doubtless they have every confidence in their courage. But by Muhammad, it was a bad day for them when they entered Syrian territory.”

He quickly blockaded Antioch; and they who only yesterday were the besiegers became the besieged. Worse, by the time the Crusaders took Antioch, most of its stores had been depleted by the Turks during their lengthy besiegement, forcing the feral Franks to eat leather shoes and drink horse blood.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 03, 2022, 04:56:37 PM
The history forgotten: The persecution of Parsis by Muslims in Persia and their migration to India
3 July, 2022

The spread of Islamic radicalism has resulted in the migration of native communities from their motherland on multiple occasions in the past. The departure of Parsis, or Zoroastrians, from Persia to other areas of the world as a result of the expansion of Islam in the 7th century AD is one such instance. We shall cover the entire history of the Religion with reference to the infamous events of religious persecution as we delve deeper into the exodus of Zoroastrians as a result of Islamic invasions and their migration to India.

The Parsis are an ethnoreligious minority currently residing in the Indian subcontinent. Following the invasion of Sassanid Iran by Arab Muslims under the Rashidun Caliphate in the 7th century AD, their ancestors moved to India. Parsis adhere to Zoroastrianism, also known as Mazdayasna in its original form, one of the world’s oldest religions. Until the middle of the seventh century, Persia (modern-day Iran) was a politically independent state with a Zoroastrian majority. For about 1000 years, until the Sassanian Empire, Zoroastrianism was the recognised official religion of the state.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 03, 2022, 04:59:32 PM
Herdsmen attacks: 300 amputees flood Benue as state seeks help to manage them
July 1, 2022
By Peter Duru, Makurdi

THE real impact of the frequent attacks on Benue State communities over the years has begun to emerge, with the awful and disheartening sights that now greet anyone visiting the state. Formerly vibrant men, women and children, they have since been reduced to pathetic human wrecks following the relentless onslaughts by armed herders who take delight in attacking, maiming and forcing their hapless victims out of their homes and communities.

That is the unfortunate lot of these fellows who now go about as incomplete humans as their limbs and other vital parts of the body had since been violently chopped off by their assailants.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 03, 2022, 05:02:11 PM
France: 15 years’ imprisonment for a former gendarme who promoted jihadism
July 1 2022

The Paris Court of Appeal (Cour d’Assises Spéciale) on Friday July 1 sentenced a 27-year-old former gendarme who had converted to Islam to 15 years in prison with a two-thirds security detention. He was charged with advocating armed jihad in Western countries. The former gendarme had been arrested in January 2018 “in view of the risk that a possible act of violence was imminent”.

The young man, who is on trial for involvement in a terrorist criminal organisation in preparation for one or more crimes against persons, will also have to undergo five years of socio-legal supervision (SSJ) after his sentence expires. Dylan Toussaint had been investigated by the Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI) at the end of 2017 due to his suspicious activities on social networks.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 03, 2022, 05:05:55 PM
Udaipur murder accused fled in bike with 2611 as number plate, say police
July 1, 2022

The motorcycle used for escape by the accused in Udaipur tailor murder case had "2611" as its registration number, a possible reference to the Mumbai terror attacks in 2008. To obtain this specific number, the accused had paid Rs 5000 to the Regional Transport Office (RTO).

The accused, who killed Kanhaiya Lal over a post supporting Nupur Sharma, were caught in the Bhim area by the Rajsamand Police hours after the incident. The accused have been sent to 14-day judicial custody.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 03, 2022, 05:08:00 PM
You have to worship rapists to be a Hindu: YouTuber Shazia Nuzar makes shocking Hinduphobic comments, says it was in response to someone commenting on Islam
2 July, 2022

Making derogatory comments about the Hindu religion and Hindu Gods has become a fashion these days. With no fear of any repercussion or reprisal, Hinduism has become a fair target for bigots of all suits. Popular YouTuber Shazia Nuzar has also joined the ranks of Hinduphobic personalities by making some shockingly offensive comments on Hinduism.

Nuzar, who runs a YouTube channel with 99 thousand subscribers and Instagram account with nearly 11 thousand followers made these remarks in one of her videos.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 03, 2022, 05:10:02 PM
Hate-crime charges filed against protester who beat Jewish man in New York
July 1, 2022

A Palestinian activist has been charged with a hate crime by federal prosecutors for attacking a Jewish man following a rally in April in New York City, the New York Post reported on Thursday.

Saadah Masoud of Brooklyn, N.Y., allegedly assaulted Matt Greenman because of his “actual and perceived religion” after a pro-Palestinian demonstration on April 20 in Midtown Manhattan, according to a newly unsealed criminal complaint filed by the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Greenman, 28, was at the rally as a counterprotester and had an Israeli flag draped around himself when he was attacked by Masoud. He previously said that Masoud and his friends “started to make a little circle and he got me from behind, got me on the ground and punched me in the face. I got this black eye. He kicked me in the face a whole bunch.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 03, 2022, 05:11:59 PM
CCTV footage shows 13-yr-old Madrasa student tearing his Kurta; blames other communities
7/2/2022 11:44:00 AM

Mangalore: On Monday (June 27, 2022) in Mangalore, Karnataka, a 13-year-old madrasa student alleged that he was assaulted by people of other religions and tore his kurta. Now the same boy has retracted his statement during the interrogation by the police. A madrassa student, who portrayed himself as a victim, admitted to the police on Thursday (June 30, 2022) that he had made up a false narrative due to a lack of proper attention at home and school.

According to the report, Mangalore Police Commissioner N Shashi Kumar has told that the boy himself had torn his shirt with a pen, to tell people that he had been beaten up. After the boy alleged assault, the police swung into action to avoid any communal tension.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 03, 2022, 05:12:41 PM
TLP Workers On Streets Once Again, Destroy Samsung Billboards In Karachi Over ‘Blasphemous’ QR Code
News Desk by News Desk 
July 1, 2022

Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) workers held violent protests and destroyed Samsung billboards and products in different mobile markets in Karachi for introducing a QR code that is allegedly blasphemous.

Videos of the incident went viral on social media, in which it can be seen that the protesters are uprooting Samsung billboards in a mobile market in Karachi.

In a Twitter post, the South Asia Media Research Institute (SAMRI), while quoting its local sources, said that the TLP workers staged their protests and destroyed Samsung billboards after an employee of the company allegedly specified a blasphemous name for his WiFi device. “The police have arrested the accused.”

However, the police have yet to make a statement.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 03, 2022, 05:15:33 PM
Veterinarian arrested for ‘provoking’ murder of chemist in Amravati who ‘supported’ Nupur Sharma
by Jayprakash S Naidu | Amravati |
Updated: July 2, 2022

The Kotwali city police in Amravati arrested a 44-year-old veterinarian in connection with the June 21 murder of Umesh Kolhe (54) who was killed allegedly for circulating a WhatsApp post supporting the controversial comments made by BJP’s Nupur Sharma against Prophet Mohammed.

The sixth accused in the case, Yusuf Khan Bahadur Khan (44), a doctor who runs a clinic in the city, was arrested on Friday night. Confirming the link between Sharma’s comments and Kolhe’s murder, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Amravati city) Vikram Sali on Saturday said, “The motive behind the murder is for seeking revenge for the post made by him (Kolhe) in support of Nupur Sharma.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 03, 2022, 05:16:53 PM
 shot dead, 11 injured after argument over power cut at Pakistan mosque
July 2, 2022

An argument over massive power outages among worshippers after the Friday prayers at a mosque escalated into a fatal shooting, killing two people and injuring 11 others in Pakistan's northwestern tribal districts bordering Afghanistan.

A group of worshippers after the Friday prayers at the mosque in Eisak Khel area of Lakki Marwat district had a heated argument over power outages in their area.

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Title: Germany wants to naturalise almost 200,000 Syrians as soon as possible
Post by: Shammu on July 03, 2022, 05:18:43 PM
Germany wants to naturalise almost 200,000 Syrians as soon as possible
July 1 2022

In recent years, many people from Syria have been seeking asylum in Germany to escape the terror of the “Islamic State” and the Assad regime. According to experts’ estimates, a large proportion of the refugees will gain German citizenship in the coming years.

“We observe a far above-average motivation for naturalisation among the group of refugees from Syria,” said Jan Schneider, the head of the scientific staff of the German Council of Experts on Integration and Migration (SVR). Schneider presented a forecast on the naturalisation of refugees. The expected rush could possibly even lead to bottlenecks in the administration.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 11:25:08 AM
Oslo warns gays not to inflame terrorists further by marching - then permits terrorists to build a mosque.
Jul 4, 2022
Bruce Bawer

On the night of Friday, June 24, a 42-year-old Muslim named Zaniar Matapour shot up the city’s largest gay bar, London Pub, and the tiny watering hole next door, Per På Hjørnet (Per on the Corner). He killed two and wounded twenty-one. But even though Matapour kicked off his evening of mayhem by shouting “Allahu akbar” and was later shown to belong to a radical Islamic clique, don’t think for a moment that his offense had anything to do with Islam. And even though he committed his dastardly deeds on the eve of Oslo’s scheduled Pride parade, a week after his buddy Arfan Bhatti, a convicted terrorist, posted a note on Facebook calling for the murder of gays, don’t dare suggest that the crime might have been rooted in Islam’s deadly view of homosexuality.

After all, as I reported here on June 27, no less eminent a figure than Masud Gharahkhani, the 39-year-old president of the Norwegian parliament who is (after the king) the country’s highest-ranking person - and who, like Matapour, came to Norway as a child refugee from Iran - was quick to deny that this was an Islamic act. “Hate is hate,” Gharahkhani told a reporter for VG, “and has nothing to do with religion or background.” (Why, then, did his parents flee Iran after it became an Islamic theocracy?)

Norway’s leading Muslim organizations agreed with Gharahkhani. The Islamic Council (IRN), which for years refused to take a position on punishing homosexuality with the death penalty,  condemned the atrocity and denied any Islamic connection. Ditto Senaid Kobilica of the Muslim Dialogue Network (MDN). Ditto, too, Fahad Qureshi of IslamNet, who asserted, in total contravention of the Koran, that “Islam does not permit taking the life of an innocent person, no matter gay or straight.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 11:27:13 AM
Poland Completes Belarus Border Wall To Repel Middle East And African Migrants
FRIDAY, JUL 01, 2022

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and a delegation of security officials traveled to their country's border on Thursday to mark the completion of a 186-mile steel wall along the Belarus frontier.

In remarks to reporters, Morawiecki used some some spin to deflect liberal attention from Poland's selective approach to immigration that welcomes Ukrainians while rejecting Syrians—by portraying the migrant barrier as part of the West's confrontation with Russia:

“The first sign of the war in Ukraine was (Belarus President) Alexander Lukashenko’s attack on the Polish border with Belarus. It was thanks to (our) political foresight and the anticipation of what may happen that we may focus now on helping Ukraine, which is fighting to protect its sovereignty,” he told reporters.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 11:29:56 AM
Amravati police chief tried to hide chemist's killing by calling it robbery, alleges MP Navneet Rana
Jul 03, 2022, 02:50 PM

Amravati MP Navneet Rana has levelled allegations against the city police commissioner in the case of a chemist's murder, which has sparked outrage, just days after the beheading of a tailor in Udaipur whose throat was slit last month over supporting suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma's comment on Prophet Mohammad.

Rana claimed that the city's police commissioner, Aarti Singh, attempted to cover up the murder as a robbery. "She is providing clarification on the incident after 12 days... She initially claimed it was a robbery and tried to suppress the case. An enquiry must also be done against Amravati Commissioner of Police," the MP said.

Umesh Kolhe, 54, was killed on his way back home from work on June 21 in Maharashtra's Amravati city, by two men on a motorcycle. The murder took place just a week before a similar one in Udaipur.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 11:35:43 AM
27 Samsung employees detained for committing blasphemy by using a WiFi network name insulting to Ummayad Caliph
3 July, 2022

According to sources familiar with the matter, the Karachi police in Pakistan have filed an FIR against Samsung employees under Section 298A of the Pakistan penal code. As per reports, Samsung Pakistan employees have been booked for allegedly creating a WiFi network name that was derogatory to Ummayad Dynasty Caliph Muavia.

Reports suggest that cops detained 27 other Samsung employees after an unruly mob staged violent protests all over Karachi suspecting blasphemy. According to a police official in Pakistan, they are working with the Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) Cyber Crime Wing to trace the individual who installed the gadget.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 11:39:38 AM
Islamist attack on critic of Islam posted on twitter (VIDEO)
July 2 2022

The crime was committed on Saturday, a week after the deadly shooting in Oslo, which was considered an “act of Islamist terrorism”. The car chase was filmed and broadcast for several hours.

After a motorway chase, the leader of a Norwegian anti-Islamic group was the victim of a spectacular drive-by attack on Saturday, just minutes after burning a Quran in an Oslo suburb.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 11:43:01 AM
Non-integrated migrant pushes his daughter off the bridge because he didn’t like her lifestyle
July 2 2022

The father of the family suspected of having thrown his 18-year-old daughter off the bridge in Saint-Nazaire was charged with murder and remanded in custody. Both had lived in Donges. According to Mayor François Chéneau, the family lived in seclusion. “Nobody knew them”.

The father of the family suspected of throwing his 18-year-old daughter off the bridge in Saint-Nazaire on Tuesday June 28 was charged with murder – premeditation was assumed – and remanded in custody, the Nantes prosecutor confirmed. The couple and their two children lived in the commune of Donges. “A very inconspicuous family” confided the mayor François Chéneau to France Bleu Loire Océan radio.

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*****The islamic invasion of France (and Germany) is worse than the Nazis of WWII*****

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 11:47:27 AM
Afghan national arrested for brutally stabbing young woman in Hamburg
June 29, 2022
editor: REMIX NEWS

Authorities in Germany have arrested a 29-year-old Afghan national in connection with a brutal knife attack on a 19-year-old woman in Hamburg.

According to local reports, the attack took place on Thursday morning as a woman waited at a bus stop in Kandinskyallee in the Billstedt district of Hamburg.

The victim was about to get on the bus when the perpetrator attacked her with a knife.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 11:49:34 AM
Islamic body urges Muslims not to slaughter cows during upcoming Eid al-Adha celebrations
Pallav Bora
5 hours ago

Badruddin Ajmal, who is the Lok Sabha MP from Assam's Dhubri constituency as well as the state president of Jamiat Ulama, said that the Hindus revere cows as a mother and so one should refrain from harming it.

While talking to media persons in Assam's Cachar district, Badruddin Ajmal said, "The Hindus consider cows as a mother, the Sanatan faith worships it as a holy symbol. Even Islam says not to harm any animal."

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 11:52:59 AM
Nigerian Islamic scholars reject newly launched Igbo Quran
July 4, 2022 - 8:06 AM

‘Nso Koran’ Means Forbidden Quran not Holy Quran, Nigerian Islamic Scholars Reject Newly Launched Igbo Quran.

The credit for the first Qur’an to be translated into Igbo language goes to Professor Jumbo Ugoji in 1984.

His daughter, Ngozi Ugoji, drew my attention to this fact, saying Sheikh Chukwuemeka’s claims were wrong. She shared with me the cover and some pages of the Qur’an.

The spokesman for the South Eastern Muslims Organization of Nigeria, Yahya Abugu, also contacted me on the issue, saying there are fundamental errors right from the title of Sheikh Chukwuemeka’s work.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 11:54:58 AM
Maulana who threatened to chop hands and gouge eyes for ‘blasphemy’ released on bail within 24 hours of arrest
4 July, 2022

A day after being arrested for making provocative speeches over the Nupur Sharma row, Maulana Mufti Nadeem and Maulana Alam Raza Ghor were released on bail from the Bundi jail in Rajasthan on Saturday (July 2).

The duo was released on a surety bond of ₹1 lakh each. The development had elated the supporters of Maulana Nadeem, who gathered outside the Bundi jail in violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) Section 144.

The Islamic cleric was initially sentenced to 14 days in judicial custody but nevertheless released on bail within 24 hours of arrest.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 11:56:36 AM
No law in AJK contradicts Quran, Sunnah: AJK President
July 3, 2022

Mehmood Chaudhry has said there can be no law in Azad Jammu Kashmir that is in contradiction to Islam, the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

He was talking to a delegation of religious scholars that called on him in the federal metropolis on Sunday. The president said that Seerat Conference would be organized soon to reexamine whether there was any law in the AJK that contradicts the Quran and Sunnah.

Hailing the prevailing religious harmony in the state, the president said that it was heartening to see the sense of respect and patience among different religions, faiths, and schools of thoughts in the AJK. There was a dire need to keep up this spirit to ensure religious and interfaith harmony, he added.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 12:03:00 PM
Umesh Kolhe helped ‘friend’ Dr. Yusuf Khan at the time of his sister’s wedding and his children’s admissions, Khan instigated his murderers
3 July, 2022

As the investigations in the Umesh Kolhe murder case in Amravati of Maharashtra have achieved major progress with the seven accused including the mastermind, more details about the case have come forward. It is revealed in the police investigation that Dr. Yusuf Khan, the eldest of the arrested accused instigated all the murderers for this murder.

Dr. Yusuf Khan was a good friend of Umesh Kolhe who had helped him many times. Dr. Yusuf Khan was the admin of the WhatsApp group in which Umesh Kolhe had shared a post supporting former Bharatiya Janata Party spokesperson Nupur Sharma, which led to his murder.

Umesh Kolhe’s murderers were all closely related, as several of them worked with an NGO run by the key conspirator Sheikh Irfan, who has been identified as the mastermind behind the crime.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 12:05:27 PM
Watch: Ilhan Omar Booed Off Stage at Somali Concert in Home State :)
Jul 2022

A viral video shows Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) being booed off stage at a concert for Somalians in her home state of Minnesota.

Hosted by Somali singer Soldaan Seraar, the concert went off the rails on Saturday night when the controversial congresswoman came out on stage and the audience greeted her with a chorus of boos and angry chants. Such phrases as “Get out!” and “Get the f*ck out of here!” were heard being shouted. The reactions became so intense that a gentleman had to plead with the audience to calm down. Take a look:

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 12:10:27 PM
Pro-Palestinians, pro-Israelis clash on Canada Day at kosher stores
Published: JULY 4, 2022

Canadian supporters of Israel and the Palestinians clashed in the Thornhill suburb of Toronto on Friday in front of a shopping plaza with mainly Kosher stores.

According to Melissa Lantsman, a member of Parliament representing Thornhill, pro-Palestinian protesters had gathered at the plaza and harassed Jewish shoppers. Video shared by the MP showed protesters waving Israeli flags and chanting slogans in front of the shops.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 12:13:23 PM
Afghan women activists denounce 'illegitimate' Taliban rule
Wion Web Team
Yesterday 7:28 am

Afghan women activists asserted on Sunday that the Taliban remained illegitimate rulers in spite of endorsement of their hardline rule by thousands of male clerics. These clerics pledged allegiance to the Taliban rule on Saturday following  three-day meeting. This meeting failed tio address thorny issue such as right of teenage girls to go to school. Taliban seized power in August last year. The group has sought to present the meeting as vote of confidence.

They insisted last week that women would be represented at the meeting -- attended by over 3,500 men -- but only by their sons and husbands.

"Statements released or pledging allegiance to the Taliban in any gathering or event without the presence of half of the nation's population, the women, are not acceptable," Hoda Khamosh, a rights activist currently in exile in Norway, told AFP.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 12:15:37 PM
Taliban, Al Qaeda, IS-K, TTP Want To Make Pakistan A Sharia State; Pak Army Fails To See Design
News Desk
7hours ago

The Taliban, Tehrik-e-Taliban (TTP), Islamic State – Khorasan (IS-K) and Al Qaeda want to see Pakistan become a Sharia state but view the Pakistan Army as a major obstacle in their quest.

Pakistan army is also playing into its hands by using the Tehrik-e-Taliban (TTP) to suppress the secular and nationalist struggles spearheaded by the National Democratic Movement (NDM) and Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM), the president of Gilgit Baltistan Institute in Washington Senge Sering wrote in the Baltimore Post-Examiner.

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Title: Time Magazine Paints Muslims as Victims - Even When Hindus are Murdered
Post by: Shammu on July 04, 2022, 12:21:37 PM
Time Magazine Paints Muslims as Victims - Even When Hindus are Murdered
Hindu Lives Matter is a ‘dangerous slogan’ after Kanhaiya Lal beheading: How Time Magazine is trying to snatch away our last remaining recourse
4 July, 2022

Days after the brutal murder of a Hindu tailor Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur by two Islamists, the American news magazine Time sought to downplay the severity of the heinous crime.

In an article published on Friday (July 1), Time reporter Sanya Mansoor used the gruesome killing to peddle the narrative of ‘Muslim victimhood’ and trivialise the security and safety concerns of the Hindu community in India.

At the very onset, Mansoor shifted the discourse from the beheading of Kanhaiya Lal to supposed ‘chilling calls for revenge’ against the ‘marginalised’ Muslim population.

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*****All lives matters in my opinion!! Islam has the world believe that they are the victim, not those who they kill. As I've said before, these muslims (not all) will kill just to for the sake of killing other who don't believe as they do. In case you don't know, islam does worship the moon*****

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 05, 2022, 10:33:32 AM
The Ayatollah's Model for the World
by Amir Taheri
July 3, 2022

While Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping are marketing their authoritarian rules as alternatives to a "moribund" Western democratic system, the Khomeinist mullahs in Tehran are also throwing their hat, sorry turban, into the ring as contenders for leading a New World Order.

An early version of the mullahs' bid came almost 30 years ago, when Hojat al-Islam Muhammad Khatami suggested that, by separating religion from politics, the Renaissance and Enlightenment in Europe had created a world order that fomented wars, slavery and colonialism. The way to salvation was to restore religious control of politics by granting theologians a role in the leadership.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 05, 2022, 10:35:16 AM
The Woke Inquisitors Have Come for the Freethinking Heretics
by J.B. Shurk
July 3, 2022

Attacks on free speech are on the rise. A British college recently expelled a student for expressing support for the government's official policy of deporting illegal immigrants. A Wisconsin school district charged three middle-schoolers with sexual harassment last month for refusing to use the plural pronoun "they" when referring to a single classmate. US President Joe Biden's National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy recently encouraged social media companies to censor from their online platforms any opinions that contradict Biden's climate change narrative.

In its continued commitment to preserve the government's monopoly over COVID-19 information, Twitter actually suspended a medical doctor for merely sharing a scientific study that suggests the Pfizer vaccine affects male fertility. And the NFL's Washington Commanders fined defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio $100,000 and forced him to apologize only weeks ago for having expressed his opinion that 2020's summer of riots across the United States after George Floyd's death was more destructive than the few hours of mayhem at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 05, 2022, 10:37:38 AM

When Christian Knights First Experienced the Muslim Way of War
Tue Jul 5, 2022
Raymond Ibrahim

It had been two years since the First Crusade was called, and Europe’s Christians, led by the Franks and Normans, were deep in Asia Minor.  They had already achieved their first victory, by liberating Nicaea (where the Nicaean Creed, which most Christians still profess today, was formulated in 325).  The much more numerous Muslims, led by the Turks, were outraged at having lost the ancient city.  Thus, once the Crusaders set off on the long road to Jerusalem, their foes laid in ambush for them.

They got their chance at Dorylaeum, where the Crusader army divided its forces to better forage during their march. On July 1, 1097, one of the smaller contingents beheld some thirty thousand mounted Muslims flying towards them while “shrieking heaven knows what barbarisms in loud voices,” writes a contemporary. Along with these hysterical cries of “Allahu Akbar,” which “seemed to rise to the skies,” was the “clang of armor, the neighing of horses, the trumpet’s blast,” and “the awe-inspiring roll of the drum”—all of which “struck terror to the hearts of the [Christian] legions, unaccustomed as they were to such a scene.”

Intent on annihilating the insolent infidels, the Turks let loose a torrent of arrows, killing hundreds. On getting closer, they targeted the weak and even “slaughtered mothers with their children.” Bohemond, the Norman warlord heading this besieged contingent, instantly dispatched a quick rider to inform the other leaders that “what they want is now here: come quickly.” Duke Godfrey of Bouillon and his men were first to the rescue; they “wondered where in the world such an infinite number of people had come from. Turks, Arabs, and Saracens stood out among the others.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 05, 2022, 10:40:12 AM
34 Killed In Two Jihadist Attacks In Burkina Faso
By AFP - Agence France Presse
July 4, 2022

Suspected jihadists killed at least 34 people in attacks on villages in northern Burkina Faso at the weekend, officials and sources said Monday.

In the northwest of the country, 22 people, reportedly including children, were killed late Sunday at Bourasso in Kossi province, said Boucle du Mouhoun regional governor Babo Pierre Bassinga.

"Armed men moved around the village at around 5:00 pm, firing in the air. They came back at night and blindly opened fire on people," a security source said.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 05, 2022, 10:42:31 AM
Don’t Steal Rams For Festival — Don
By Next Edition
July 5, 2022

Imam, who gave the warning during an interview with newsmen in Ilorin, said Allah would not accept the stolen sacrifice, as He is pure and does not accept anything impure.

“Those who can not afford a ram should not go out of their ways to steal or commit other unwholesome acts, to be able to sacrifice a ram.

“Everybody should show gratitude to Allah and glorify Him for keeping them safe and alive,” he explained.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Imam, who teaches in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ilorin, explained that slaughtering rams during Sallah was important both spiritually and for other purposes.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 05, 2022, 10:45:17 AM
Hamas is more popular than Fatah and its popularity keeps growing
Itamar Marcus and Maurice Hirsch
Jul 4, 2022

Hamas rules the Palestinian street, despite costly Western efforts to bolster Fatah 
One of the backbones of Israeli, American and European policy vis-à-vis the Palestinian Authority over years has been to attempt to encourage Palestinian popular support for Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah party, and reduce Palestinian support for Hamas, an internationally designated terror organization. 

However, the results of Palestinian public opinion surveys over the last four years, show the steady growth in popularity of Hamas, and its leaders, at the expense of Fatah and its leaders. 

Every quarter, the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) releases a poll, inter alia, looking at the relative popularity of Fatah and Hamas. Comparing the results of the June polls for the last 4 years shows the steady and consistent growth of Palestinian support for the Hamas terror organization:

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 05, 2022, 10:47:14 AM
Bangladesh: 79 Hindus killed, 56 temples attacked, 468 homes vandalized, $2,783,170 in damage
JUL 4, 2022 3:00 PM

"Govinda Chandra Pramanik, secretary-general of the Bangladesh Jatiya Hindu Mahajot, claimed that 79 members of the Hindu minority had been killed in Bangladesh till June 30 this year. From January 1 to June 30, 26 crores 2 lakh 30 thousand rupees were extorted and 157 Hindu families and temples were looted, 620 people were threatened with death, 145 murder attempts, 183 people were injured and 32 people were missing….

According to the report of Bangladesh Jatiya Hindu Mahajot, in the first six months of this year, 468 Hindu houses were vandalized and looted, 343 were set on fire, 93 Hindu businesses were attacked, 2159.36 acres of Hindu land were seized and 419.63 acres are on the process of seizing. 17 Hindu houses have been occupied, 29 Hindu businesses have been occupied, 29 temple lands have been occupied and 132 houses have been evicted. Besides, attempts have been made to evict 717 Hindu families, threaten to evict 8,943 Hindu families, forcing 154 Hindu families to flee the country, threaten to flee 3,897 families and leave 1,15,429 families without security."

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No one is concerned about this. It doesn’t fit the establishment media narrative, in which Muslims are universally the victims, no matter what the actual circumstances. If a story cannot be made to fit that paradigm, it is ignored

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 05, 2022, 10:49:57 AM
Why is Egypt witnessing a rise in gender-based violent crime?
Kamal Tabikha
Yesterday 8:00 PM

When Naira Ashraf's throat was slit on a busy street in the Nile Delta city of Mansoura on June 20, Egyptians were horrified.

Millions of social media users viewed a horrifying video of her murder by a man whose romantic advances she had rejected.

A few days later, the body of Egyptian television presenter Shaimaa El Gammal, who had been missing for two weeks, was found buried in a private residence on the outskirts of Cairo. She had suffered severe head injuries and her face was disfigured by nitric acid.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 05, 2022, 10:52:17 AM
Christian Man hacked by sickles then tied around neck with hose and dragged through streets to nearby home.
June 23 2022

Younis Masih (50 years) worked as a labourer at a cattle farm for his Muslim  employer Javed Lamberdar.  In exchange for daily cattle feed a place to stay and daily meals for himself, Mr Masih agreed to tend to the cattle of Mr Lamberdar.  Mr Masih was very much in a feudal serf agreement and was required to protect and care for cattle.  He lived in a barn with the animals and would most times actually be accompanied by Mr Lamberdar who was known to treat him kindly.

Sometime during the evening of 17th June Mr Masih was murdered by two men Muhammad Pervaiz Kamran and Muhammad Abubakar Zaman who smashed bricks on his head and sliced his face with vicious blows from scythes.  After the two men had killed Mr Masih they tied a water hose around his neck and used that to drag his carcass onto a public road between his family home and the farm that he works on.   The two men involved in the murder are known to own neighbouring farms..

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 05, 2022, 10:54:07 AM
Ajmer Dargah’s Khadim Salman Chishti threatens to kill Nupur Sharma, offers his own house as bounty to anyone who murders her
5 July, 2022

On July 5, a video of Ajmer Dargah Khadim Salman Chishti surfaced on social media platforms in which he threatened to kill the former spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Nupur Sharma. In the video, Chishti, who is a history-sheeter with over 13 cases filed against him, including murder and attempt to murder, claimed that he would hand over his house to anyone who brings Sharma’s head. A case has been filed by Ajmer Police in the matter.

Notably, a few days ago the head of Ajmer Dargah Zainul Abedin Ali Khan had claimed Indian Muslims would not allow Talibanization in the country.

The video released by Chishti is similar to the one that was created before killing Hindu tailor Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur. It is being said that the video is around 4-5 days old.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 05, 2022, 10:58:35 AM
Terrorists Warned Others Not to Displease Allah by Singing
Nitin Jain
4h ago

In yet another evidence that the Udaipur butchers are long-term extremists, voice notes of one of them accessed by India Today suggest the killers were already weaponized by radical ideology before they slaughtered Kanhaiyalal Teli over the alleged disrespect to the Prophet.

In an audio message to his former employer in February, assailant Riyaz Attari could be heard expressing his contempt for singing and music in accordance with some interpretations of Islamic law.


Attari taunted Shoyab Pathan, a factory owner, about committing religious wrongdoing for posting a song and happy family moments in a WhatsApp status after recovering from an accident.

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Title: The Unholy Alliance Between White Supremacism and Islamic Jihad
Post by: Shammu on July 05, 2022, 11:07:17 AM
The Unholy Alliance Between White Supremacism and Islamic Jihad
Army Private sent sensitive military info to white supremacist group to facilitate jihad attack.
Tue Jul 5, 2022
Robert Spencer

The official propaganda line that the regime would have us believe, solemnly repeated by Old Joe Biden, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland, and others is that “white supremacists” constitute the greatest terror threat the nation faces today. The only problem with this scenario is that in the absence of a large number of white supremacist terror attacks, the narrative has had to be shored up by branding parents as terrorists for being angry about drag queen story hour in elementary schools. That is not to say, however, that there is no white supremacist terrorism at all. It’s just not a matter of MAGA hat-wearing rednecks descending on obscure gay black actors in sub-zero weather while declaring that Chicago is “MAGA country.” Reality, as always, is more complicated than the narrative, as a recent case illustrates.

Last week, according to the Justice Department, a U.S. Army private named Ethan Phelan Melzer, who also went by the name Etil Reggad, “pled guilty to attempting to murder U.S. service members, providing and attempting to provide material support to terrorists, and illegally transmitting national defense information.” Melzer was involved with the Order of the Nine Angles (O9A), which the DOJ says is “an occult-based, neo-Nazi, and white supremacist group.” But no one is wearing MAGA hats in this crowd: “O9A espouses neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic, and Satanic beliefs, and promotes extreme violence to accelerate and cause the demise of Western civilization.  The group has expressed admiration both for Nazis, such as Adolf Hitler, and Islamic jihadists, such as Usama Bin Laden, the now-deceased former leader of al Qaeda.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 09:41:32 AM
Man stabbed near Givat Shmuel in suspected terror attack
Published: JULY 5, 2022

A 47-year-old man was stabbed near a pedestrian bridge on Highway 4 in Givat Shmuel early Tuesday morning, Israel Police announced. He was evacuated to a nearby hospital in moderate condition with a head injury. The assailant has not been identified or caught yet.

The circumstances of the incident are being investigated. Initial Palestinian and Israeli media reports indicate that it was nationally motivated. N12 noted that there initially did not seem to be any known connection between the assailant and the victim. 

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 09:43:36 AM
The bullet that doesn’t matter
July 5, 2022

The bullet that the Palestinian Authority handed over to U.S. officials may or may not have been the one that killed Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh in Jenin earlier this year.

The bullet may or have been too damaged to determine conclusively whose gun it came from. The bullet may or may not have been fired by an Israeli soldier.

All that matters is who bears responsibility—legal and moral responsibility—for Akleh’s death. And it has been indisputably clear from day one who the guilty parties are: the Palestinian Arab terrorists who initiated the gun battle that resulted in her death, and the Palestinian Authority that coddles and shelters those terrorists.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 09:46:12 AM
UNRWA Suspends Six Teachers Palestinians are enraged.
Wed Jul 6, 2022
Hugh Fitzgerald

In suspending six teachers – not firing them – UNRWA has done the absolute minimum in response to a devastating report from UN Watch, about 120 of UNRWA teachers who were found to teach murderous antisemitism in the classroom. Yet even this small step has enraged the Palestinians, who don’t want any UNRWA teachers to lose their jobs for urging their young charges to murder Jews. A report on this handful of suspensions, and the Palestinian response, is here: “Report: UNRWA suspends 6 staffers who incited violence against Jews,” Israel Hayom, June 30, 2022:

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees has placed six employees on administrative leave following an NGO report implicating them in inciting violence against Jews, Israel Hayom learned Thursday.

A recent review of UNRWA operations in Palestinian schools funded by donor states to the agency by UN Watch found that six teachers had repeatedly and publicly called to [sic] murder Jews.…

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 09:49:51 AM
Christians in Pakistan are victims of rape, forced marriages, and violent mobs using blasphemy laws against them
Zelda Caldwell
published on 07/01/22

Each year, human rights observers report that as many as 1,000 mostly Christian and Hindu girls and young women in Pakistan are raped and subjected to forced conversions and marriages to Muslim men.

These crimes have helped earn Pakistan its ignominious designation as a “Country of Particular Concern” on the U.S. Department of State’s Religious Freedom Report. Representing only 2% of the population of Pakistan, Christians are often victims of the country’s harsh blasphemy laws and mob violence.

That number however, represents only about half of the actual number of victims, says Shaheed Mobeen,

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 09:55:43 AM
Texas Man Sentenced for Jihad Plot Against Trump Tower
Tell us again about white supremacy?
Wed Jul 6, 2022
Robert Spencer

While Merrick Garland’s hyper-politicized Justice Department keeps hunting for terrorists at school board meetings, real terrorism continues: San Antonio’s KSAT reported Saturday that “a Gonzales County man was sentenced to 18 years in federal prison for conspiring to provide material support to the foreign terrorist organization Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham/Syria, also known as ISIS.” The convict’s name is Jaylyn Christopher Molina, or rather, it was Jaylyn Christopher Molina; now’s it’s Abdur Rahim. Molina/Rahim is “accused of conspiring with a South Carolina man to provide services to ISIS by administering a chat group to share pro-ISIS propaganda and instructions on firearms training and bomb-making.” What was that you were saying again about “white supremacists” being the biggest terror threat the nation faces today?

Molina was very clear about his allegiances, writing in an online chat: “Let it be clear, I am against America. America is my enemy.” He and another American, Kristopher Sean Matthews, or rather, Ali Jibreel of Elgin, South Carolina, to commit “Netflix worthy” terror attacks at Trump Tower and the New York Stock Exchange, which they thought would gain them “rock star status.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 09:58:07 AM
Eight Soldiers Injured In Suicide Attack In North Waziristan, Says Police
05 Jul 2022 3:15 Pm

At least eight Pakistani soldiers were injured when a suicide bomber rammed his bike on a military convoy in the country’s restive North Waziristan, of whom three are in a critical condition, police said on Tuesday.

The police said the incident happened on late Monday night when the military convoy was on its way to Miran Shah in North Waziristan during which the bomber rammed his bike into one of the vehicles of the convoy.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 10:01:02 AM
Hindu boy brutally assaulted by a Muslim mob for sharing social media post in support of Nupur Sharma
6 July, 2022

Days after Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur and Umesh Kolhe in Amravati were killed over social media posts in solidarity with Nupur Sharma, a frenzied Muslim mob in Arrah, Bihar, attacked a Hindu boy for posting a social media post in support of the former BJP leader.

Deepak, the victim, had shared a post on Facebook in support of Nupur Sharma that drew the ire of one Islamist named Raees, who responded to the social media post with indecent remarks. The matter escalated on Tuesday evening when the war of the words spilt onto the streets in the form of a fierce fistfight between Raees and Deepak, following which Raees brought 20 to 30 men to beat Deepak up. Reportedly, the Islamists also vandalised the tea shop owned by one Sonu Kumar Singh.

SDM Jyotinath Sahdev and Assistant Superintendent of Police Himanshu Kumar, along with hundreds of police officers, rushed to the spot after being informed about the mob attack. The police claim tensions have been pacified, and the current situation is normal. However, the entire area has been converted into a cantonment, and a large contingent of the police force has been deployed in the region in order to avoid further clashes.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 10:04:27 AM
Ex-Iranian president’s daughter indicted after ‘insulting’ Islam’s Prophet
By IFP Editorial Staff
July 3, 2022

Fa’ezeh Hashemi Rafsanjani, an Iranian politician and ex-lawmaker, has been indicted in a legal case brought against her over her comments deemed insulting to Islam’s Holy Prophet Muhammad as well as accusations of propaganda activities against the country’s Islamic establishment.

Ali Salehi, prosecutor of Tehran’s Public and Revolution Court, said Sunday that an indictment had been issued against the politivian who is the daughter of former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

“Following legal proceedings, an indictment was issued against the individual and submitted to the court on charges of engaging in propaganda activities against the Islamic Republic of Iran’s establishment and insulting religious sanctities,” he said.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 10:06:56 AM
Most popular UK baby names of 2022 revealed: Muhammad, Noah and Lily clinch top spots while Johnny and Amber fall out of favour with new parents after explosive court case
PUBLISHED: 09:14 EDT, 5 July 2022

The most popular UK baby names so far for 2022 have been released - with Lily knocking Olivia off the top spot for girls for the first time in seven years.

A list of the top 100 names for baby boys and girls in the UK has been released by BabyCentre which gives an insight into the on-trend names parents are turning to this year.

Although the top girls' names have shifted, firm favourites for boys' names have remained fairly stable, with Muhammad clinging onto number one.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 10:08:18 AM
Italian police take down violent ‘Arab Zone 90133’ gang in Palermo
July 05, 2022

Italian police say they have dismantled a criminal gang called ‘Arab Zone 90133’ that committed a range of violent attacks between Jan. 7 and June 15 in the historic center of Palermo.

Police took a total of 11 people, six adults and five minors, under preventative custody. Five adults ended up in prison and one under house arrest. For the minors, precautionary measures were ordered against two of them, and three were placed in community juvenile centers.

The gang carried out violent attacks with broken glass bottles and sticks, mainly on weekends in Palermo’s historic center where young people usually gather. The charges against the members include aggravated injury, assault, threats, resisting an off-duty police officer, and aggravated robbery, according to news outlet

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 10:10:33 AM
Migrants in Libya forced into rape for food
June 29, 2022 7:50 AM

Migrants detained in Libya face horrific abuse, with women especially facing sexual violence, and often forced to submit to rape in exchange for food, UN investigators said on Wednesday.

In a fresh report, the Independent Fact-Finding Mission on Libya reiterated that the worst crimes under international law were likely being committed in the war-ravaged country, with migrant women suffering some of the worst abuse.

"The mission has reasonable grounds to believe that the crimes against humanity of murder, torture, imprisonment, rape, enforced disappearance and other inhumane acts have been committed in several places of detention in Libya since 2016," it said.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 10:12:12 AM
Lynching of migrants in southern Turkey triggered by ‘unease’, says local journalist
Jul 03 2022 04:52 Gmt+3
Last Updated On: Jul 03 2022 04:53 Gmt+3
Friday's attacks against undocumented migrants who escaped from a holding facility in Turkey’s southern Osmaniye province were triggered by locals feeling uneasy, owner of local Osmaniye Newspaper İsmail Karadağ said.

“Shots were fired by security forces to scare people off,” daily BirGün cited Karadağ as saying.

According to Karadağ, a group of mostly Afgan nationals were brought to Osmaniye by authorities to be housed in the migrant centre in the province close to the Syrian border two weeks ago. Most of the migrants were undocumented and had entered the country illegally, he said.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 10:19:23 AM
Iran Shuts Three Cafes In Qom Over Unveiled Women
July 05, 2022 13:09 GMT

Authorities in Iran have closed three coffee shops in the central city of Qom because female customers were not wearing their head scarves, local media report.

"Three coffee shops were closed in Qom due to numerous violations, including women's lack of veils and other issues," said a July 4 statement by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps published in the newspaper Hamshari.

"The owners of the cafes were summoned by police before legal action was taken," the statement added.

The holy Shi'ite city of Qom is home to dozens of religious seminaries and senior clerics.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 10:26:50 AM
European Parliament members denounce the use of international law to single out Israel
July 6, 2022

Two European Parliament members spoke out on Monday against the E.U.’s use of international law to condemn the Jewish state for “illegal settlements” while not making such legal claims against any other nation in the world. The MEPS made their comments in the European Parliament plenum in Strasbourg.

Netherland MEPs Bert-Jan Ruissen and Michiel Hoogeveen made their remarks in the European Parliament plenum in Strasbourg following numerous statements regarding Israel’s “occupation” from the European External Action Service led by E.U. High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. Both MEPs belong to the European Conservatives and Reformists Group,

Ruissen, vice-chairman of E.U.-Israel Relations in the European Parliament, introduced the subject, saying that Borrell’s characterizations of Israeli settlement activity were “incorrect and careless.”

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*****Finally, Two Parliament members spoke out on Monday against the E.U.’s use of international law to condemn the Jewish state for “illegal settlements” while not making such legal claims against any other nation in the world It's about time for Europe to realize that other countries do the same thing as Israel has done in the past but hasn't in a while. In fact Israeli government has told people to move out of these areas*****

Edited to correct a spelling error

Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 10:28:34 AM
Afghan shouts “Allahu Akbar” and stabs construction worker
July 5 2022
A22-year-old Afghan national was arrested in Bordeaux shortly before 2pm on Friday July 1. He is accused of entering a bar where construction work was being carried out and then taking a blunt-tipped knife with which he tried to stab a worker, according to police sources. When the victim then ran away, the attacker chased him and tried to strike several passers-by with the stabbing weapon, shouting “Allah Akhbar”. There were no injuries. The Afghan national, who is in the country illegally, is unknown in the law enforcement database (TAJ). He was taken into police custody and an investigation was opened.

On the same day, another person entered the entrance hall of the police station of Avignon, a commune in the Vaucluse department, and shouted the same words: “Allah Akhbar” in front of the police officers at the reception.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 10:32:13 AM
‘Allah on Modi’s side’ & Wilders tweets — 27 posts Pakistani law agencies want Twitter to delete
5 July, 2022 09:21 pm

Citing the country’s anti-blasphemy laws, Pakistani law-enforcement agencies are believed to have sought the removal of two Twitter accounts and 27 tweets, including those by French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and Dutch MP Geert Wilders.

One of the tweets in question, posted in response to a comment on a tweet by former Jammu and Kashmir CM Mehbooba Mufti, mentions that “Allah is on Modi’s side”.

A notice in this regard was served to Twitter under “Rule 6 (2) of the Removal and Blocking of Unlawful Online Content (Procedure, Oversight and Safeguards), Rules 2020 w.r.t blasphemous content”.

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Title: Muslims sabotage dyke, leading to catastrophic flood that has killed 173 people
Post by: Shammu on July 06, 2022, 10:35:05 AM
Muslims sabotage dyke, leading to catastrophic flood that has killed 173 people
JUL 5, 2022 9:00 AM BY

According to reports, two people have been arrested in Assam’s Cachar district in connection with the breaking of the Barak river embankment, which resulted in a catastrophic flood in Silchar. Mithu Hussain Laskar and Kabul Khan have been recognised as the arrested persons.

Laskar was apprehended on Saturday, while Khan was nabbed on Friday night. Ramandeep Kaur, Superintendent of Police in Cachar, confirmed their arrest. She stated that the police were further investigating the issue.

On May 24, the Water Resources Department filed a police complaint against unknown miscreants for breaking through the embankment at Bethukandi, some 3 kilometres from the town centre, to allow rainwater from a marsh to pour into the Barak river.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 08, 2022, 02:47:52 PM
15 years since Hamas took Gaza: ‘Most dramatic development in Palestinian arena’
July 6, 2022

Fifteen years ago, in June 2007, the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict underwent a seismic shift. The Islamist terror faction Hamas seized power in the Gaza Strip through a series of deadly raids, firing rockets and mortars at Fatah-run Palestinian Authority bases and storming their positions. In brutal executions, Hamas hurled P.A. personnel to their deaths from rooftops and conducted shootouts in hospitals, forcing many of the remaining P.A. personnel to flee to the West Bank.

Looking back at the Palestinian arena over the past generation, Col. (res.) David Hacham, a former Arab-affairs adviser to seven Israeli defense ministers and a senior research associate at the MirYam Institute, told JNS that “there is no doubt that the main, most significant and dramatic development has been Hamas’s takeover of the Gaza Strip and its forceful expulsion, through the use of violence, of the Palestinian Authority and its personnel from the area.”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 08, 2022, 02:50:30 PM
Human Rights Watch Accuses Palestinian Authority and Hamas of Torture
Thu Jul 7, 2022
Hugh Fitzgerald

The NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) has made quite a name for itself for its incessant and virulent attacks on Israel. Here’s a sample of its many denunciations of the Jewish state:

Israeli authorities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis and discriminate against Palestinians. Laws, policies, and statements by leading Israeli officials make plain that the objective of maintaining Jewish Israeli control over demographics, political power, and land has long guided government policy. In pursuit of this goal, authorities have dispossessed, confined, forcibly separated, and subjugated Palestinians by virtue of their identity to varying degrees of intensity. In certain areas, as described in this report, these deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.

The Country Page of Israel/Palestine at the website of HRW repeats the same charge of “crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution”

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 08, 2022, 02:53:29 PM
Ilhan Omar Loudly Booed by Somali Crowd in Minneapolis
A feel-good story.
Thu Jul 7, 2022
Robert Spencer

Amid all the division and strife in America today, there are a few bright spots. The Somali singer Suldaan Seeraar was making his first appearance in North America last Saturday night at the Target Center in Minneapolis, and the place was packed with his expatriate countrymen, eager to see the show. But then who should show up to spoil the moment but the ardently patriotic and notably charming Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu), who was treated to a remarkable display of how unpopular she has become with her core constituency. Is Ilhan Omar headed for a lucrative commentator job on MSNBC? Hey, America is the land of hope.

According to the Daily Wire, “as Omar was introduced on stage with her husband, the crowd began to boo loudly. Some other performers on stage told the audience, ‘don’t do this,’ as they continued to boo Omar. ‘Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, we don’t have all night,’ Omar said as the crowd kept booing.”

The husband in question was not Omar’s famous brother, but her latest better half (who doubles as her political strategist), Tim Mynett.

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 08, 2022, 02:55:20 PM
In Molenbeek: Jihadists, Guns and (Drug) Money
by Abigail R. Esman
IPT News
July 6, 2022

Gunshots. Knifings. Cars being set aflame. All in broad daylight, all on the streets of Molenbeek.

Molenbeek, Belgium, you may recall, was the Brussels neighborhood that was home to almost half of the jihadists responsible for the 2015 Paris attacks and several subsequent terror attacks in Belgium. The bomber of a train at Brussels Central Station in 2017, for instance, lived in Molenbeek. Mehdi Nemmouche, who shot and killed four people at Brussels' Jewish Museum in 2014, had previously lived in Molenbeek. The mastermind of the Paris killings, Abdelhamid Abboud, grew up and still lived in Molenbeek.

Most of Molenbeek's population is Moroccan, though immigrants from elsewhere in North Africa and from Eastern Europe have also settled there. It is an area of Brussels where, according to the Oasis Center, an Italian foundation that studies relations between Muslims and Christians, "a type of Islam has been propagated over the decades that, if not radical, has nevertheless prepared the ground in which the radicalism would then take root."

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Title: Re: May - islam in the news 2022
Post by: Shammu on July 08, 2022, 02:57:01 PM
Syria’s Devil You Know
For Christians and other minorities, is Assad safer than fiendish jihadists?
Thu Jul 7, 2022
Andrew Harrod

“In a movement of sheer masochism, the West encouraged political developments that would destroy systems designed as a safeguard against extremism,” writes Alexandre Goodarzy in a new Sophia Institute Press translation of his French memoirs. In Kidnapped in Iraq: A Christian Humanitarian Tells His Story, this French Catholic aid worker critically examines foolish Western beliefs that the 2011 “Arab Spring” would democratize the Middle East.

Working in Syria and the wider Middle East with SOS Chretiéns d’Orient, an organization assisting beleaguered Middle East Christians, Goodarzy experienced firsthand Syria’s post-2011 fall into sectarian violence. As he learned, jihadists, not democrats, dominated the revolt against Syria’s dictator, Bashar al-Assad. Yet his ruthlessness earned him infamy among many in the West as “our best enemy—the one we loved to hate,” Goodarzy notes.

Nonetheless, Goodarzy has his justification for Assad, who was “guilty of being faithful, in his governing style, to what the Europeans of an earlier era expected of him—namely, to head a secular authoritarian regime.” As Goodarzy elaborates:

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