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Title: The Patriot Post Digest 1-15-2018
Post by: nChrist on January 17, 2018, 06:07:07 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 1-15-2018
From The Federalist Patriot
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The Patriot Post® · Mid-Day Digest
Jan. 15, 2018 ·


If there’s one thing the media can’t quit talking about, it’s Trump’s supposed remark.
Who are the Dreamers anyway?
Tech giants present perhaps a greater threat to freedom and privacy than anything.
Traitor Bradley Manning runs for Senate in Maryland.
Feminists have decided their offensive lady-part hats are “transphobic” and “racist.”
California and New York City attack oil companies over climate.
Plus our Daily Features: Top Headlines, Memes, Cartoons, Columnists and Short Cuts.


“Speak seldom, but to important subjects, except such as particularly relate to your constituents, and, in the former case, make yourself perfectly master of the subject.” —George Washington (1787)

The Real Demo/MSM ‘S—thole’ Agenda1

By Mark Alexander

Democrats and their MSM PR outlets2 have spent the last four days feigning outrage over a report by Jeff Bezos’3 tabloid, The Washington Post, regarding an alleged and disputed remark by Donald Trump4. You know the one…

As an update to our Friday post, “The Uncensored President and Press5,” here is the real takeaway about that spurious claim, and the intended political result.

It was CNN that blew up this unverifiable claim, mentioning or displaying the word “s—thole” no less than 40 times last Thursday. Predictably, Anderson Cooper then set up the Democrats’ “racist” claim: “The president of the United States is tired of so many black people coming to this country.” CNN’s Chief Washington Correspondent and anchor, Jake Tapper, then ratcheted up the race-bait rhetoric: “You know who loved the quote? Racists. Racists such as David Duke [and] Richard Spencer [and] the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer…”

The rest of the mainstream media outlets then propagated the report and racist assertion as a matter of fact — just in time to coincide with upcoming MLK Day6 observances.

But on Friday morning, Tapper posted a “clarification,” which you have most likely not read: “The president did not refer to Haiti as a ‘s—thole’ country.‘” Tapper now claims, “There was a conflation of two different remarks by the president. When talking about 'temporary protected status’ countries as part of the immigration deal, it was mentioned that Salvadorans, Hondurans and Haitians have that status.” Tapper says his sources now say it was later when Trump allegedly made a remark about “s—thole countries” in a conversation related to Africa.

That may or may not be true.

Of his revision about the alleged Trump remark, Tapper insisted: “This does not make what he said any more acceptable.” Unintentionally, that may be true, because if Trump didn’t say it, the erroneous reports about it are all just that. Of course, what Tapper was really implying is that the truth about what Trump said does not matter — all that matters is the MSM’s transparent promotion of the Democrat agenda.

As we noted Friday, that agenda is to frame Trump as a “racist” and then cast his immigration and border security plans7 as racist.

For the record, having to walk back the initial claim with the “conflation of the two” excuse would be sufficient grounds for any journalist with an ounce of integrity, and any other media outlet propagating the original claim, to issue a full and unconditional retraction. Of course, no journalist with an ounce of integrity would have reported this alleged remark in the first place, which is why no such retraction has been forthcoming from CNN or any other media outlets, because advancing the Democrat agenda trumps the truth.

But what is really newsworthy here is how the Leftmedia promotes the Democrat political agenda. This “s—thole” story is a case study in MSM propaganda.

A day after WaPo’s original report, they led with this “news”: “Trump’s comments about African countries and Haiti drew condemnation from around the world Friday, putting the White House and Republicans on the defensive while casting doubt on hopes of resolving disputes in the coming weeks over immigration legislation.”

No, MSM reporting of the alleged comments as fact drew condemnation … and cast doubts on immigration legislation — as intended. Mission accomplished!

This whole charade was orchestrated because the political future of the Democrat Party8 depends on the wholesale import of immigrants — a population they label as a “victim class,” which they can then exploit as a dependent identity constituency and a dependable voting bloc. As Democrats have veered further left, their working-class base has diminished. Rather than pivot their agenda back to the political center, they have doubled down on legal status for illegal immigrants, which is to say they have just been pandering to blue-collar Americans in order to maintain their power.

Saturday, Trump posted a comment confirming the obvious: “The Democrats are all talk and no action. They are doing nothing to fix DACA. … I don’t believe the Democrats really want to see a deal on DACA.”

Of course they don’t.

To that end, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) concluded, “You can’t have an immigration compromise if everyone is out there calling the president a racist. They’re actually destroying the setting in which anything meaningful can happen on immigration. … Some people in the media have just gone completely bonkers with ad hominem [attacks] on the president.”

Again, of course … that is the intended outcome!

Two conclusions about the “s—thole” case study:

First, I am astounded at the growing number of Americans who absorb MSM hyperbole like sponges — “news” that is patently designed to sell advertising and advance political agendas. As for what Trump did or did not say, nobody actually knows, because nobody in the MSM filling the public opinion troughs actually knows. This is all conjecture being advanced as absolute fact.

The great danger here is that too many media consumers don’t have the ability to discern what is and, more importantly, what is not genuine and relevant “news.” These media addicts are like pieces of driftwood afloat in the currents of the MSM’s s—tstorms. While there are plenty of ignorant members of Congress and MSM talkingheads, the “s—thole” story and others like it are strategically framed by clever colluding political and media strategists, who are playing the American people for fools.

Second, it is dangerous when an alleged and disputed remark can be wildly propagated as absolute fact by the MSM across the board, with no regard for what was actually said, and every regard for advancing revenues and political agendas.

Jeff Bezos has converted the once-respected Washington Post into a cheap fake news9 tabloid. I personally find this distressing because, even though left of center in its reputable days, WaPo featured outstanding genuine journalism. No longer. In 2015, Bezos converted it into the PR platform for Hillary Clinton’s10 2016 campaign, and it is now the Beltway’s Democrat propaganda2 flagship — a gross affront to the First Amendment11 that should concern all Americans.

The Real ‘Dreamers’12

By Thomas Gallatin

As Donald Trump and congressional leaders are ostensibly working toward a legislative solution to the DACA problem created by Barack Obama, it’s important to note exactly who these “Dreamers” really are. They are about 800,000 young adults brought here illegally by their parents, and are called “Dreamers” because of the acronym of the DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act, which has never passed Congress. Thus, it’s not surprising that myths abound in the mainstream media’s reporting on Dreamers. Using language designed to blur the distinctions between legal or illegal and child or adult, the MSM paint Dreamers en masse as poor children abused by an “unjust” U.S. immigration system. On top of this all-too-sympathetic and simplistic description is the regularly repeated claim that the presence of these illegal Dreamers equates to an economic benefit outweighing any welfare burden the American taxpayer has been forced to provide. So, what is the reality?

Title: The Patriot Post Digest 1-15-2018
Post by: nChrist on January 17, 2018, 06:11:49 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 1-15-2018
From The Federalist Patriot
Free Email Subscription (

The Congressional Budget Office recently released its findings on the cost of granting amnesty to Dreamers, concluding that it would add $26 billion to the deficit over the next decade. So much for the economic benefit regularly parroted by the MSM. Steven Camarota, research director for the Center for Immigration Studies, also noted that the CBO “estimated that about one-third of the [DACA] adults … have not even graduated high school, and only about 15 percent have at least two years of college.” Camarota pointed out that “54.1 percent of households headed by native-born Hispanics access one or more of the welfare programs, and they tend to have poverty rates twice as high as the general population.”

While it is certainly understandable to have sympathy for those who were young children when their parents illegally smuggled them into the U.S., the fault for their current predicament lies not with American citizens, nor U.S. border laws, but with their parents. Where is the condemnation from Democrats and the MSM on those who blatantly broke U.S. law? It’s nowhere to be found; rather it is reserved solely for those Americans who dare to call for the upholding of our laws and national sovereignty. These American citizens are the ones Democrats and the MSM continually decry as heartless, bigoted and racist. Once again, it’s a case of feelings trumping facts.

Finally, as our Arnold Ahlert writes13, “It’s time to cut through the progressive hype with a couple of simple questions: Who doesn’t have dreams, and in what universe should the dreams of those who have no business being here supersede those of American citizens?”

Top Headlines14

90% of workers likely to see more money in paycheck next month (CNN Money15)

How tax reform will put more money in your wallet this year (The Daily Signal16)

Trump has kept many promises during his first year in office (Associated Press17)

Trump: “I’m the least racist person you will ever interview” (The Hill18.)

Trump administration resumes accepting DACA renewals after court ruling (The Wall Street Journal19)

American Psychiatric Association tells shrinks to stop armchair analyzing Trump (The Washington Free Beacon20)

Trump administration keeps Iran nuclear deal alive for now, but issues new sanctions unrelated to the agreement (The Washington Post21)

False Hawaii missile-alert feeds doubts about a real emergency (Associated Press22)

Illinois, New Jersey and New York are top states for outbound moves in 2017 (The Washington Free Beacon23)

Humor: Merciful Mark Zuckerberg allows three whole people to see conservative post (The Babylon Bee24)

Policy: The importance Martin Luther King Jr. placed on moderation (The Daily Signal25)

Policy: “Yes” to the FCC’s proposed Office of Economics (National Review26)

For more of today’s news, visit Patriot Headline Report27.


Martin Luther King Jr.6 — Statist policies have turned MLK’s dream into a nightmare.
Tech Totalitarians30 — “The federal government is no longer the main threat to your privacy and to your freedoms. Big corporations are.”
Life Expectancy Drops for a Second Year — Why?31 — As American culture has been deliberately degraded, more people seek escape in the form of painkillers.
Feminists: Lady-Part Hats Are ‘Transphobic’ and ‘Racist’32 — The activists’ anti-Trump apparel was silly before. Now it’s hilariously bad.
California’s Crude Court Attack on Oil Companies33 — Both the Golden State and New York City are targeting oil companies over climate change.
Traitor Manning Runs for U.S. Senate34 — One year ago, Obama commuted Bradley’s sentence. Obviously, it’s time for a political bid.


Gary Bauer: Now That’s Pathetic35
Kathryn Jean Lopez: Don’t Rage Against or With a Machine36
Tony Perkins: Public School Kids Get Assembly on Sex Changes37
George Will: In Oregon, Progressivism Spills Over at the Pump38
Burt Prelutsky: The Rise and Fall of Steve Bannon39
For more of today’s columns, visit Right Opinion40.


Gary Bauer: “A reporter from The Daily Caller asked Pelosi to reconcile her claim of ‘Armageddon’ versus the reality of bigger paychecks and bonuses. Incredibly, she suggested that the bonuses were ‘pathetic,’ that the pay raises and other benefit increases were ‘crumbs’ and ‘insignificant.’ For the record, Nancy Pelosi is one of the wealthiest members of Congress. Perhaps a few extra dollars per hour is ‘insignificant’ to her. But to the millions of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck, it is anything but ‘insignificant.’ No doubt a $1,000 bonus seems like ‘crumbs’ to Ms. Pelosi. That’s probably just a nice dinner at a fancy San Francisco restaurant for her and a few friends. But to millions of Americans who would struggle to pay for a $400 emergency, that $1,000 bonus is anything but ‘crumbs.’ Pelosi spends so much time flying back and forth from the DC Swamp to the San Francisco zoo that she has no idea how the typical family lives in ‘flyover country’ or the American heartland. Now that’s pathetic!”


Insight: “We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” —Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968.)

For the record: “I really believe that if my uncle were here today, he would encourage us to find solutions to the problems, even women’s problems, and all problems, without having to do violence to babies in the womb.” —Alveda King

Reading between the lines: “I know personally about [Trump’s] feelings towards Haiti and toward Central America because … I went down there on a medical mission trip. I did about 200 cataract surgeries with a group of surgeons in Haiti and the same in Central America, and when we asked Donald J. Trump as a private citizen to support those trips, he was a large financial backer of both medical mission trips. So I think it’s unfair to sort of draw conclusions from a remark that I think wasn’t constructive … when I know for a fact he cares very deeply about the people in Haiti.” —Sen. Rand Paul

The BIG Lie: “When you reflexively refer to the press as the ‘enemy of the people’ or ‘fake news,’ that has real damage. It has real damage to our standing in the world. And I noted how bad it is for a president to take what was popularized by Joseph Stalin, the ‘enemy of the people,’ to refer to the press.” —Sen. Jeff Flake

Non Compos Mentis, part I: “This Hawaii missle [sic] scare is on YOU Mr. Trump. The real FEAR that mothers & fathers & children felt is on YOU. It is on YOUR ARROGANCE. HUBRIS. NARCISSISM. RAGE. EGO. IMMATURITY and your UNSTABLE IDIOCY. Shame on your hate filled self. YOU DID THIS!” —actress Jamie Lee Curtis

Non Compos Partis, part II: “I woke up this morning in Hawaii with ten minutes to live. It was a false alarm, but a real psychic warning. If we allow this one-man Gomorrah and his corrupt Republican congress to continue alienating the world we are headed for suffering beyond all imagination.” —actor Jim Carrey

Braying Jackass: “One of the biggest challenges we have to our democracy is the degree to which we don’t share a common baseline of facts. If you watch Fox News, you are living on a different planet than you are if you are listening to NPR.” —Barack Obama

And last… “We should all be able to agree to two basic propositions: (1) It is inarguable that some countries are crappy. (2) It is bigotry to suggest that all people who want to immigrate from those countries to America are crappy.” —Ben Shapiro

Join us in daily prayer for our Patriots in uniform — Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen — standing in harm’s way in defense of Liberty, and for their families. We also humbly ask prayer for your Patriot team, that our mission would seed and encourage the spirit of Liberty in the hearts and minds of our countrymen.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis

Nate Jackson, Managing Editor
Mark Alexander, Publisher