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Title: The Patriot Post Digest 3-3-2017
Post by: nChrist on March 04, 2017, 04:22:53 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 3-3-2017
From The Federalist Patriot
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Mid-Day Digest

Mar. 3, 2017


    Jeff Sessions has recused himself. Here are a few Democrats who didn’t.
    While Obama coddled Russia, Trump is actually standing up to Moscow.
    Still reeling with Trump Derangement Syndrome, all Democrats can do is obstruct.
    Daily Features: Top Headlines, Cartoons, Columnists and Short Cuts.


“There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily.” —George Washington (1795)


Democrats Hypocritical on Recusal1

Newly installed Attorney General Jeff Sessions is being harshly castigated over conflict of interest allegations that link him to last year’s non-scandal Russia scandal2. Unsurprisingly, those Democrats who aren’t calling for his immediate removal from office are urging Sessions to recuse himself from any investigations into Donald Trump’s links to Russia. And, to his credit, that’s just what Sessions did late yesterday. As the National Review editors write3, “Government officials ought to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Given that that standard has been honored mainly in the breach over the past eight years — especially in the Justice Department — Sessions’s decision is a marked improvement on the conduct of his most recent predecessors.”

On that note, let’s step back and evaluate several conflicts of interest the Leftmedia sidestepped when Barack Obama was in power. Let’s start with Justice Elena Kagan. Before her promotion to the Supreme Court, Kagan served as Obama’s solicitor general. Her job was to convince the High Court on the legality of Obama’s agenda. After her ascension to the Supreme Court, however, Kagan refused to recuse herself from NFIB v. Sebelius, the contentious ObamaCare case. This is critical because, despite the administration’s assurances, she was clearly involved in defending the health care overhaul4
as solicitor general. That ruling, you’ll recall, was 5-4, and it had a far bigger impact than any meetings Sessions had with Russian officials.

Then there’s Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Despite being, as Daniel Horowitz wrote last year5, “a long-time activist in open borders activism,” she ignored her own prejudice and voted in United States v. Texas. This case pertained to Obama’s Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) program, more accurately described as executive amnesty. The only good thing that can be said of this case is that the 4-4 tie (Justice Antonin Scalia died before the vote) didn’t change a lower court’s ruling. Regardless, if Democrats were truly concerned about impartiality, Sotomayor would have stepped aside.

And finally, recall the utter malfeasance of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who masqueraded last summer’s private meeting with Bill Clinton6 as a happenstance that included friendly small talk and nothing more. Democrats actually expected Americans to believe the exchange had nothing to do with the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email. Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi even called the meeting “serendipitous.” Despite the obvious conflict of interest, Lynch ultimately refused to recuse herself7.

These are just a few examples of non-recusals. Democrat shenanigans go far beyond this. Remember that Eric Holder’s DOJ targeted media outlets8 and trafficked guns to Mexico9 as part of an elaborate gun control agenda. Where was the Democrat opposition then? The most embarrassing of hypocrisy came from Sen. Claire McCaskill, who this week claimed on Twitter: “I’ve been on the Armed Services Com for 10 years. No call or meeting w/Russian ambassador. Ever.” Yet that very same Twitter feed reveals that in 2013 and 2015, respectively, she tweeted “Off to meeting w/Russian Ambassador,” and, “Today calls with British, Russian, and German Ambassadors re: Iran deal.” Moreover, some 30 Democrat senators met with the Russian ambassador in 2015 as Obama was hawking his nuclear deal with Iran.

But now, there’s blood in the water, and the Left is doing its best to exploit it. The reality is that the Sessions uproar is a political witch hunt. One that Democrats embark on while ignoring their own hypocrisy.

Coddling Communications With Russia10

By Mark Alexander

If you want to contain rather than coddle Russia, you certainly would not do what Barack Obama did ahead of his 2012 presidential election. Recall if you will, Obama told11 then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that incoming President Vladimir Putin needed to “give me space” on missile defense and other major policy and security matters ahead of the 2012 presidential election, and that after the election Obama would have “more flexibility.” Medvedev said he would “transmit” the message to Putin.

So as opposed to Obama’s weak and subservient sop to Moscow, let’s examine if Donald Trump’s policy is promoting or containing Russian power. There are a couple of key elements:

First, Russia’s anemic economy is totally dependent on oil and gas prices, so what has Trump done — opened the gate on oil exploration to keep the price down. And in general, to ensure dominance over totalitarian and dictator states, Trump is taking action to rekindle America’s economic might.

Second, Trump is following Ronald Reagan’s playbook to rebuild our military12 to contain threats like Russian expansion into Ukraine, which got a yawn from Obama.

Make no mistake, Obama and his secretary of state, Hillary “Reset Button” Clinton, were soft on Russia. Trump, on the other hand, is restoring America’s standing in the world.

And as for the Demo claims that Jeff Sessions perjured himself in confirmation testimony, that’s all political theater2 designed to derail Trump’s momentum after his congressional address Tuesday night.

Top Headlines13

    Jeff Sessions recuses himself from Trump campaign probes. (The Wall Street Journal14)

    Trump calls criticism of Sessions a “witch hunt.” (CNS News15)

    Pelosi: Loretta Lynch’s clandestine meeting with Bill Clinton6 was “serendipitous.” Yeah, right. (Washington Free Beacon16)

    Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) lies about her Russia meeting? (The Federalist17)

    Press coverage of Trump in first month of office: 88% “hostile,” says new study. (The Washington Times18.)

    DoD Sec. Mattis furious over politically motivated disputes about value of Yemen raid. (Washington Examiner19)

    Senate confirms former Texas governor Rick Perry as energy secretary. (The Washington Post20)

    Trump vows to build “12-carrier Navy” during visit to USS Gerald R. Ford. (Navy Times21)

    War on women: Democratic Congressman makes sexist “joke” about Kellyanne Conway. (Hot Air22)

    The Trump rally — How will the Left explain an improving economy? (The Wall Street Journal23)

    Kaepernick refused to stand with the national anthem. Now that he’s jobless, he’s changed his mind. (The Daily Wire24)

    Islam on track to overtake Christianity, become the world’s biggest religion by century’s end. (CNS News25)

    Policy: Wind energy is not the answer. (Manhattan Institute26)

    Policy: The right way to repeal Obamacare. (Ted Cruz27)

For more, visit Patriot Headline Report28.

Disillusioned Demos Driven to Disrupt29

By Michael Swartz

Last November, radical leftists failed to elect Hillary Clinton and thus failed to break the glass ceiling of electoral politics. Instead, having had their hearts broken by Donald Trump, they’ve been expressing their disapproval in a number of ways. And the bottom line is simple: “Resist” by whatever means necessary.

As the vote counting wrapped up, it became clear that one of their tactics would be the constant reminder that Hillary Clinton received more votes on a nationwide basis than Donald Trump did, even if the entirety of that margin can be attributed to California — a state that accounts for one-eighth of our population but one-third of our welfare recipients. That might have something to do with the vote count…

Corollary to that is the continuing insistence that only Russian interference propelled Trump to victory. Among other things, the Russian influence narrative was preserved when former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn30 resigned and has led to the creation of a Democrat charge of perjury2 against Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Title: The Patriot Post Digest 3-3-2017
Post by: nChrist on March 04, 2017, 04:24:01 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 3-3-2017
From The Federalist Patriot
Free Email Subscription (

Senate Democrats have also opposed, practically in lockstep31, almost every one of Trump’s cabinet nominees — particularly Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who needed the assistance of Vice President Mike Pence to break a 50-50 Senate tie with her nomination. They also made a scene at President Trump’s joint address to Congress32 earlier this week, with Democrat women wearing white in solidarity and others doing their best to ignore the president33 afterward.

But while one can complain about the obstinate congressional Democrats, at least they’re maintaining some sense of decorum. It’s the party rank-and-file who “felt the Bern” a year ago and grudgingly supported Hillary Clinton out of fear of a Donald Trump regime that has gone well beyond the edge.

Vowing to resist and persist in their opposition, this group has taken the moniker “Indivisible” and recently partnered34 with Barack Obama’s permanent campaign arm, Organizing for Action, that began life nearly a decade ago as “Obama for America.” Their key tactic is reminiscent of one the Tea Party used in opposing Obama’s stimulus package and Affordable Care Act in 2009: coming out in force to congressional town hall meetings. However, this group is taking its dissent several steps further.

In a pamphlet called “The Indivisible Guide35” — which should be required reading for those who want to be aware of the Left’s tactics — the group notes: “This constant reelection pressure means that (members of Congress) are enormously sensitive to their image in the district or state, and they will work very hard to avoid signs of public dissent or disapproval.” It means that protesters are pleased to make a scene during an opening prayer36 for a town hall meeting, because it’s all part of the plan37. If their constant siege protests get a senator evicted from his regional office38, so much the better — even though Senator Marco Rubio is safely in the Senate until 2022.

Perhaps it’s a good time to remind readers that the Tea Parties didn’t begin until over a month into Obama’s term. (This past week marked the eighth anniversary of the first set of those organized protests, which occurred in more than 30 cities nationwide.) At the time, Barack Obama long since had most of his cabinet in place — many confirmed by voice votes in the Senate — and had already signed his first major legislative initiative, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus bill. That bloated graft spending was the primary impetus for the Tea Party. In contrast, Donald Trump drew a massive protest less than 24 hours after taking office — well before his cabinet choices were even nominated, much less confirmed, or any significant legislation or orders signed.

Besides, he’s been busy reducing executive power39, not expanding it like Obama did.

It seems that the legacy of a president who did his best to divide us by race, gender, immigration status, and many other ways is being reflected in this reaction to his successor. Which side will blink first, the Indivisible side that wants the Obama nanny state preserved as a stepping stone to even greater tyranny, or the Deplorables40 who’d like to roll back the excesses of government and place America first? While the opposition has made a lot of noise with its protests and marches around the nation, the pro-Trump side may have a trick or two up its sleeve as well. The failed Obama agenda can be rolled back, but it will take some backbone from a group prone to going wobbly41 at the most inopportune time — congressional Republicans.

Our representatives have to realize they can’t please everybody. But they can and should accomplish what they’ve sworn an oath to do — support and defend the Constitution. We already have more than enough evidence that the media and the Left (but we repeat ourselves) will scream about any attempt to right-size government, so it’s time for the silent majority to speak up and remind the congressional majority what they were sent to do.


    The Fine Line of Free-Market Health Care42 — Republicans must repeal and replace. And that’s the tricky part.
    The Left’s Crusade to Ruin Sports43 — The call for baseball players to engage in social justice causes will only detract from the sport.
    Jiminy Cricket! Disney Goes Gay44 — These days everything is about the LGBTQIA agenda.


    Gary Bauer: The New McCarthyism45
    Erick Erickson: Madness, Contradictions and Post-Modernity46
    Charles Krauthammer: Revolt of the Attorneys General47

For more, visit Right Opinion48.


Gary Bauer: “[Jeff] Sessions met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak once at a public event where dozens of other ambassadors were present and once in his Senate office. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for that second contact. Sessions had met with the Ukrainian ambassador the day before he met with Kislyak. According to Fox News, ‘These meetings took place a week before a seven-day unilateral ceasefire plan was accepted by Russia on behalf of separatist rebels it backed in the conflict with Ukraine.’ Now back to the confirmation hearings. Sen. Franken asked Sessions about a ‘continuing exchange of information.’ Sessions said he wasn’t aware of any. Sen. Leahy asked Sessions if any Russian officials contacted him specifically ‘about the 2016 election.’ Sessions said no. There is zero evidence of perjury here. Apparently, Democrats and their media allies have no shame. They are running around with their hair on fire, demanding to know if anyone in the Trump administration, now or at any time, ever spoke with a Russian. Joseph McCarthy must be cheering Senate Democrats and Big Media from his grave.”


Insight: “Liberty … was a two-headed boon. There was first, the liberty of the people as a whole to determine the forms of their own government, to levy their own taxes, and to make their own laws…. There was second, the liberty of the individual man to live his own life, within the limits of decency and decorum, as he pleased — freedom from the despotism of the majority.” —H. L. Mencken (1880-1956)

Upright: “Our founding fathers had a remarkable solution to [socioeconomic disagreements]. They believed people should be allowed to live in communities of common interest. Those who favor transgender bathrooms can live somewhere and those who believe in science can live somewhere else. Freedom of movement was encouraged. But now everybody claims every issue is a civil rights issue and the only allowed solution is conformity. That conformity, however, only breeds resentment. It is all madness.” —Erick Erickson

For the record: “What we are seeing [in regards to Jeff Sessions] is a lot of political theater. … I think everyone is getting worked up because it’s a chance to beat up the attorney general and beat up the president.” —Ted Cruz

Never forget: “AG Eric Holder ran guns to Mexico, lied to Congress about it, was found in contempt & never prosecuted.” —Ann Coulter

That term doesn’t mean what you think it means: “Our Millennials are a force. I recognize it. And I was a millennial once. No longer of course, but I love what you’re doing.” —Maxine Waters

Friendly fire: “I don’t mind saying when we make mistakes. And [former Gov. Steve Beshear’s rebuttal to Trump] was a mistake.” —Rep. Emanuel Cleaver

Late-night humor: “President Trump … announced the creation of a department called ‘VOICE,’ which will deal specifically with crimes committed against Americans by immigrants. Not to be confused with ‘The Voice,’ which deals with crimes against music committed by teenagers.” —Seth Meyers

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Managing Editor Nate Jackson

Join us in daily prayer for our Patriots in uniform — Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen — standing in harm’s way in defense of Liberty, and for their families.