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Title: The Patriot Post Digest 9-12-2016
Post by: nChrist on September 15, 2016, 05:27:25 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 9-12-2016
From The Federalist Patriot
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Mid-Day Digest

Sep. 12, 2016


“Energy in the executive is a leading character in the definition of good government. It is essential to the protection of the community against foreign attacks; it is not less essential to the steady administration of the laws; to the protection of property against those irregular and high-handed combinations which sometimes interrupt the ordinary course of justice; to the security of liberty against the enterprises and assaults of ambition, of faction, and of anarchy.” —Alexander Hamilton (1788.)


Clinton Collapses at 9/11 Memorial — Biden on Standby1

Questions raised by The Patriot Post last month regarding the failing health2 of Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton3 have been largely dismissed by the mainstream media. On Sunday, Clinton was hurriedly escorted out of New York’s 9/11 memorial service4 long before the ceremony was scheduled to conclude, and she collapsed before reaching her van. She was taken to Chelsea Clinton’s apartment for a medical check.

After avoiding her press pool, Clinton later emerged from the apartment and was asked, “What happened?” She dodged the question, responding, “It’s a beautiful day in New York.” According to The New York Times, Clinton was “feeling overheated.” But the only thing heating up is the frequency of investigations into her abject malfeasance5. The Washington Post insisted this incident “will catapult questions about her health from the ranks of conservative conspiracy theory to perhaps the central debate in the presidential race over the coming days.” But only on the pages of The Washington Post and Clinton’s other sycophantic media have concerns about her health been classified “conservative conspiracy theory.”

Clinton’s physician claims she was diagnosed last week with pneumonia, and that her uncontrollable coughing is associated with allergies. Clinton’s campaign team is trying to tie off any other questions about her health with that explanation, but as we noted in August, serious questions have persisted concerning her health after she fell and suffered a concussion in 2012, which resulted in hemorrhage on her brain. Clinton’s senior staff members have reported6, “She is often confused.” Of course, all the coughing could be that she has been choking on her own lies7, as her chronic allergy is to the truth. As National Review’s Kevin Williamson notes8, “Given her history of rampant, craven, deep, broad, sustained, overarching, continuous, relentless dishonesty about practically every aspect of her personal and public lives, is it really so implausible that she’d lie about her health? No. She’d lie about her health even if there were nothing to lie about, just to keep in practice.”

Fact is, Clinton will now be under more pressure to release her medical records. Recall that in 1996, after releasing his medical records, Bill Clinton9 said, “The public has a right to know the condition of the president’s health.” The same is true of presidential contenders, both Clinton and Donald Trump10.

The strategic question now: Will her pervasive health issues provide Clinton an out, given her declining poll numbers? This could provide the Democrat National Committee an “October surprise” ticket. No doubt the DNC already has a Clinton forfeit folder with signatures attached, and are prepared to appoint Joe Biden in her place. As I have warned, Biden has always been on standby, and a Biden-Warren ticket11 will prove far more formidable than the Clinton-Kaine ticket.

(Footnote: It is no small irony that Clinton would collapse at this ceremony given that we outlined in detail many years ago the fact Bill Clinton refused to green light U.S. Special Forces operators on at least two occasions12 when they had Osama bin Laden in their gun sights — two years before the 9/11 attacks.)

Hillary’s Deplorable Moment13

Remember just last week when Hillary Clinton’s campaign concluded that it needed to send a more positive message focusing on “inclusiveness”? Well, Hillary has a rather strange way of telegraphing her “inclusive” views. At a fundraiser in New York Friday, Hillary said of Donald Trump supporters, “To just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it.”

Not surprisingly she was called out for her insulting remarks. Trump’s running mate Mike Pence said, “Hillary, they are not a basket of anything, and they deserve your respect.” With criticism growing, Clinton attempted to walk back her insult just a bit. She stated, “I regret saying ‘half’ — that was wrong.” Notice that she didn’t regret calling Trump supporters “deplorables.” After all, it was just a couple of weeks ago that she denounced his supporters as racist14. She just regrets her estimation of “half.” For this “regret” she gets a pass from the Leftmedia. Remember when Mitt Romney was lambasted by the media for his comment that 47% of Americans were dependent upon the government? He was right, but he shouldn’t have said it because it was dismissive of a large segment of Americans and provided political fodder for Obama and the Democrats.

What is deplorable is just how condescending Hillary’s views of many Americans are. Leftists like Hillary believe that people serve the interest of government, rather than government being beholden to citizens via the Constitution.

Pentagon Politics, Obama Style15

Barack Obama promised fundamental transformation, and boy has he delivered. The Pentagon has borne much of the brunt, too — Obama’s overall social engineering has done a number on military morale16. But he’s also squeezed our Armed Forces on the budget front. In 2011, Obama and Congress hammered out sequestration, which capped spending increases across the board. Obama insisted then that the military bear a disproportionate part of the burden, and he’s still tying any possible defense budget increase to demands for more domestic handouts. Republicans seek to work around this temporarily and cover more basic military readiness needs17 by using Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funds, which are exempt from the sequester. But Obama’s defense secretary, Ash Carter, is pushing against this and even compiling what amounts to intelligence files on lawmakers so as to effectively apply pressure. Given that national defense is one of the few constitutionally enumerated powers on which the federal government is spending money, Obama’s gambit is even more egregious and dangerous.

Yesterday’s anniversary of 9/1118 illustrates why Obama’s policies are so dangerous. Obama attended the 9/11 ceremony at the Pentagon, where he insisted the moment of silence be moved up to accommodate his schedule. Each year, the moment of silence there takes place at 9:37 a.m., the exact moment the plane hit. Not this year.

But arguably the real offense is that he used his speech to crow about how “diversity” is “still and always will be one of our greatest strengths.” The problem is that Obama isn’t referring to the American melting pot. Instead, this was a thinly veiled rebuke of Donald Trump’s policy proposals for dealing with immigrants from terrorist-hub nations. Obama couldn’t have chosen a more inappropriate time or venue for a high-brow lecture about the “progressive” vision of diversity. But we also don’t expect any better from him.


    Peggy Noonan: Remembering a Hero, 15 Years After 9/1119
    George Will: The IRS Commissioner Merits Impeachment20
    John Goodman: Which Is the Party of Hate?21

For more, visit Right Opinion22.


    Appeals Court Blocks Voter ID Rule in Three States23
    SCOTUS Rejects Michigan Straight-Ticket Voting Appeal24
    Ferguson Effect: Murder Rates Up in 25 Nation’s 100 Largest Cities25

For more, visit Patriot Headline Report26.

Big Gov’t — The Key Ingredient in Corruption27

By Robin Smith

For decades, conservatives have warned about the coordinated efforts of most of the American media to frame the news and political figures in a leftist narrative. While many are dismissive of these cries in the wilderness, the reason to heed these warnings and respond is rooted in the blatant corruption on display in our government and its beneficiaries.

Thomas Jefferson prophetically declared, “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” Through misinformation and propaganda, the American people now have a “rigged” system that benefits and serves only those whose treasury permits the hire of Beltway lobbyists and consultants or those within the inner circles of the governing elite with no accountability to its people.

Melodramatic, you say?

Title: The Patriot Post Digest 9-12-2016
Post by: nChrist on September 15, 2016, 05:28:24 PM
The Patriot Post Digest 9-12-2016
From The Federalist Patriot
Free Email Subscription (

When did you ever believe you’d live to see the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) politicized despite the safeguards around its appointment processes and governance to prevent partisan influence? Director James Comey’s 10-year appointment, like all other directors, is intended to serve as a buffer from the politics of governing. Yet, as the headlines blare regarding the Hillary Clinton email scandal, the true crisis lies in the coordination of the FBI with the Department of Justice to “investigate” but do nothing28 with the findings that reveal illegal activity.

Not only did Clinton establish an external system of communication that circumvented safeguards to protect our national secrets against forces seeking intelligence to harm our nation, the very top “civil servants” employed to serve without favor or fear of political retribution willingly operated within that same system without alarm or whistleblowing. There are no records of reports to expose this violation of laws.

Where were the informers concerned about our nation? Where were the investigative reporters who could have uncovered this corruption?

The New York Times, among other news outlets, revealed, “Mrs. Clinton said in her [FBI] interview it was ‘common knowledge’ that she had a private email address because it was ‘displayed to anyone with whom she exchanged emails.’” In other words, it was apparently widely known that Clinton circumvented law set in place to protect America’s intelligence. And yet no one said a word.

So we have the law enforcement agency charged to find and expose public corruption and crime for the purpose of prosecution stepping past that role and advising the Department of Justice to refrain from any prosecutorial action despite clear proof of violations of law. How does this level of corrupt complicity occur within a system that’s created to serve citizens, entrusted with taxpayer money and charged with such a monumental role and jurisdiction of international relations?

When an entity grows so expansive that its accountabilities are no longer to those it serves but to its own existence and internal stakeholders, corruption is the seed that takes root and chokes out the good of that agency. And while an organization does not have its own morality, it takes that of its leaders.

The State Department was the first executive department established in 1789 and is led by the secretary of state, who serves as the president’s principal foreign-policy advisor. The element of protected communications is indisputably critical. Yet disregard by one individual grew into complicit participation of teams of support staff for Hillary Clinton.

The FBI is the nation’s prime law enforcement agency. The bureau declares on its website, “Our priority is to help protect you, your children, your communities, and your businesses from the most dangerous threats facing our nation — from international and domestic terrorists to spies on U.S. soil, from cyber villains to corrupt government officials [emphasis added].”

If the FBI is supposed to protect us from “cyber villains” and “corrupt government officials,” the bureau has failed. Arguably, this is due to the politicized leadership of Director James Comey, who answers to the Attorney General Loretta Lynch — the friend of Bill Clinton who likes to talk grandchildren on private planes in the midst of criminal investigations29.

And, yes, the Justice Department, created to enforce the laws of the U.S. in order to administer justice, has been weaponized to advance Barack Obama’s political agenda. Is Lynch fulfilling her sworn duty to support and defend the Constitution? No. The same oath is taken by the FBI’s director. Has Comey fulfilled his pledge or is he complicit in permitting corruption? He too has failed. As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton clearly abdicated her sworn duties on many fronts, just one of which was successfully fleecing the taxpayers to support her family’s foundation while exposing key communications to cyberspies.

The corrupt bureaucracy of the U.S. government exists because the malignant size permits unseen and unknown activity. Those in oversight roles are more interested in their self-preservation than ferreting out criminal and unethical transactions.

Founding Father Samuel Adams summed up the sad state of those who tolerate corruption: “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom … crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

It’s time our elected leaders prosecute corruption and remove it; steward the people’s treasury with care; and do the job they claim to be obliged through oath to do. Otherwise, they are nothing but corrupt tyrants.


    SCOTUS-Enabled Criminal Alien Insanity30 — The courts' interference with immigration policy is making matters far worse.
    Religious Liberty Equals Intolerance?31 — Recent laws promote sexual license over and against religious liberty.
    Alarmists Tie Life’s Every Turmoil to ‘Climate Change’32 — Terrorism, bad health, bad grades — it’s all blamed on fossil fuels.


George Will: “Andrew C. McCarthy, former federal prosecutor and Justice Department official, reminded the Judiciary Committee that ‘the point of the Constitution’s vesting of all executive power in a single official, the president, is precisely to make the president accountable for all executive branch conduct.’ And impeachment of a subordinate official, far from being a radical remedy, is much less drastic than impeaching the president or defunding the official’s agency. One of the articles of impeachment filed by the House against Richard Nixon was that he, ‘acting personally and through his subordinates’ (emphasis added), had ‘endeavored’ to use the IRS to violate Americans' rights, causing IRS actions ‘to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.’ If presidents are, as McCarthy says, ‘derivatively responsible’ for misconduct by executive branch subordinates, surely those officials are responsible for their own misconduct and that of underlings. Refusing to impeach [John] Koskinen would continue the passivity by which members of Congress have become, in [Jonathan] Turley’s words, ‘agents of their own obsolescence.’”


The Gipper: “The Democrats may remember their lines, but how quickly they forget the lessons of the past. I have witnessed five major wars in my lifetime, and I know how swiftly storm clouds can gather on a peaceful horizon. The next time a Saddam Hussein takes over Kuwait, or North Korea brandishes a nuclear weapon, will we be ready to respond? In the end, it all comes down to leadership, and that is what this country is looking for now.”

“I hope she gets well soon. I don’t know what’s going on. Like you, I see what I see. … Something’s going on but I just hope she gets well and gets back on the trail and we’ll be seeing her at the debate.” —Donald Trump10 on Hillary Clinton’s collapse1 Sunday

Upright: “The irony is that the reporters who chased Sen. McCain are now dismissing any questions of candidate health as a conspiracy against Mrs. Clinton, as if her campaign has never fibbed about private email, the Clinton Foundation or sundry other topics. This pattern of dishonesty is one reason health rumors persist. By the way, Mrs. Clinton told the FBI recently that she didn’t remember certain briefings because she was recovering from her 2012 concussion. So add that to the list of reasons her neurological records are relevant.” —The Wall Street Journal

D'oh! “Can we just stop talking about Hillary Clinton’s health now?” —The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza last Tuesday. “Hillary Clinton’s health just became a real issue in the presidential campaign.” —The Post’s Cillizza yesterday.

Braying Jackass: “We all know how [Hillary’s] opponent has done well down in West Virginia and eastern Kentucky, because the coal people don’t like any of us [Democrats] anymore. They all voted for me. I won twice, and they did well. And they blame the president when the sun doesn’t come up in the morning now.” —Bill Clinton

Non Compos Mentis: “We’ll let history be the judge, how consequential [Colin] Kaepernick’s action is.” —NAACP president Cornell William Brooks, who suggests “it’s not a stretch” to equate the NFL quarterback and Rosa Parks

And last… “Not to cry racism, but how come no one had a problem with the national anthem before we had a black president?” —Frank Fleming

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis!
Managing Editor Nate Jackson

Join us in daily prayer for our Patriots in uniform — Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen — standing in harm’s way in defense of Liberty, and for their families.