ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Prophecy - Current Events => Topic started by: twobombs on May 09, 2003, 07:53:10 PM

Title: Trias Politica
Post by: twobombs on May 09, 2003, 07:53:10 PM
Many people might look at this subject knowing not what to think of it, but the Trias Politica is proven to be the best antidote against Despots and Dictators.

It is an ancient Greek recipie prescribed to all nations that wish to live long and prosper and its a state rule that divides
- the Law making force
- the Law executing force
and the
- Religious force

Any of these three powers combined into a institute or person is fertile ground for a dictator.

As we all know the AC will be bothering the jews for/in a little while,
and (surprise, surprise) the man will presumably have all three powers combined to do his thing.


Title: Re:Trias Politica
Post by: uzzia on May 10, 2003, 08:41:34 AM

There is something familiar here---it seems like this construct is quietly happening here in the USA.
