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Fellowship => Parenting => Topic started by: Soldier4Christ on January 25, 2009, 11:38:24 AM

Title: Does 'No Name-Calling' campaign reject believers?
Post by: Soldier4Christ on January 25, 2009, 11:38:24 AM
Does 'No Name-Calling' campaign reject believers?
'Christians are not the oppressors, nor the creators of division in classes'

An upcoming "No Name-Calling" campaign for public schools sponsored by a homosexual activist organization is prompting concerns from a Christian group, which contends the effort promotes hate, not tolerance.

"Is respect for Christians part of these 'no-naming-calling' lessons?" asked Linda Harvey, head of Mission America. "Or does this effort in reality create more division by labeling and stereotyping objections to homosexuality?"

Harvey said, "The labels are 'homophobia,' or 'hate,' or claiming that opposing cross-dressing is 'heterosexism.' Thousands of us are highly offended because it's not true."

According to the website, the inspiration for the idea comes from the a book called "The Misfits," by James Howe.

"The book," the website explains, "tells the story of four best friends trying to survive the seventh grade in the face of all too frequent taunts based on their weight, height, intelligence, and sexual orientation/gender expression. Motivated by the inequities they see around them, the 'Gang of Five' (as they are known) creates a new political party during student council elections and run on a platform aimed at wiping out name-calling of all kinds.

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The website said the No Name-Calling Week Coalition, created by Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, or GLSEN, consists of more than 40 national partner organizations. The coalition organized the first No Name-Calling Week in schools across the nation during the week of March 1-5, 2004. This year, No Name-Calling Week will take place next week.

The website claims it wants to focus national attention on the problem of name-calling in schools.

Its GLSEN sponsor, however, offers a web page that specifically lists terms and their definitions, including condemnation of "heterosexism," defined as the "attitude that heterosexuality is the only valid or acceptable sexual orientation."

It also defines "ally" as someone "who supports and stands up for the rights of LBGT people."

The GLSEN site labels "homophobia" as the "fear of lesbians and gay men."

Mission America's Harvey, however, insists it's not hate that is behind opposition to homosexuality.

"There is in fact, grave concern for these kids, lots of prayers, etc.," she wrote.

The only hate around, Harvey said, is homosexuality itself.

"It hates the natural human body and spirit, and opposes truth at every level. It fights gender integrity as marvelously designed by God. It 'uglifies' a person, preventing the full blossom of natural beauty as a young male or female. It is a dead-end affection, fruitless, never creating new life," she said.

"All who enter it will be plagued by troubled spirits, anxious thoughts, unsatisfied desires, and insecurity, including separation from God and hostility and suspicion toward those who try to warn them," she said. "It is poison in any human life and it is poison in schools."

"No Name-Calling" campaign spokesman Daryl Presgraves told WND the campaign is intended to allow students to discuss "all types of hurtful names" including religious slurs, racist slurs and those about sexual orientation.

He said his organization sold 4,000 promotion kits to schools across the nation.

The $129 kit includes a 27-minute video, a guide with lesson plans, a copy of a book, two posters and 60 stickers.

He declined to confirm whether "homophobia" would be condemned also. He said "any type" of hurtful word should be avoided.

"The whole point is when someone hears a hurtful word, they can say, 'This hurts me,' and have a discussion," he told WND.

Harvey, however, said that simply misses the point.

"'Gay' student clubs only add fuel," she said, "by dwelling on supposed discrimination while urging entry into the behavior. The enemy? Traditionalists – students, teachers, parents – who know how harmful homosexuality is."

She said bullying students who are acting out homosexually cannot be excused.

"But the solution is not to endorse homosexuality. Instead, we need to get counseling for these troubled kids to help end their self-destructive behavior, at the same time schools should consistently punish all uncivil and unkind treatment by bullies."

Harvey said such programs "assume that homosexuality as a behavior is something worthy of respect and defense, and that it's harmless. It's not. Let's get it out of kids' lives."

She said the sponsorship of GLSEN should alarm parents.

"This is the extremist group that helps kids organize homosexual clubs, and has stated a goal to get homosexual student clubs in all schools, kindergarten through 12th grade. Grade schoolers declaring their homosexuality? This is child sexual abuse!" she said.

The solution isn't that complicated, she contended.

"It’s simple. Schools have to choose, one or the other. Both messages cannot remain with integrity. Either schools need to wise up and remove homosexuality and cross-dressing from the school climate (meaning: remove the propaganda and get help for these kids), or the conservatives and Christians need to go. That's what is desired – for Christians to leave or be suppressed," Harvey said.

"Christians are not the oppressors, nor the creators of division in schools. This horrendous behavior is. And it will not end, even if Christians were to leave. Actually, all that's restraining total barbarism is the few true Christians left," she said.

Other sponsors listed on the promotion's website include the Anti-Defamation League, Educators for Social Responsibility, the National Education Association and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.