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Fellowship => Just For Women => Topic started by: TigerLily on February 11, 2007, 10:09:46 PM

Title: A Mother's Love (was sent this, tho't it beautiful)
Post by: TigerLily on February 11, 2007, 10:09:46 PM
A Mother's Love

I do not believe that all the orators and all the writers working together could ever pay a really fitting tribute to the one whose knee was my altar and where I knelt and was taught to say, "Now I lay me down to sleep". I like to think that back in the beginning when God saw that man needed some of the real essence of heaven, He gave to the man and to you and to me that essence of heaven. He gave us a mother.

How truthfully it has been said, "The only time mother ever hurts you is when she dies and leaves you". Of all persons who hate to die, I think it is a mother. She wants to live in order that her withered hands may perform more services; her tired feet go upon more journeys for her children.

With mother's love we like to think of her faith in God. To me, both were pictured at the crucifixion when that little mother gazed upon the world's greatest tragedy and when her child cried, "My God, why have you forsaken me" and turned His eyes from heaven. He beheld just what you and I would have beheld, "Kneeling at His feet was His mother with faith in God and the inability to forsake her child'.

Now to those of you who are still blessed with a living mother, be good and kind to her in every way for should your world darken and the populace turn from you, your mother will still cling to you, still love you and still pray for you.

To those of you whose mothers are waiting on the other side as a part of her reward, live as she would have you live. Then when you come to the end of life's journey and you turn your footsteps into the darkened trail you will not tread alone nor will you be afraid for you will walk hand in hand with your mother's and your God, You will be comforted by Him saying, "Lo, I am with you always" and when you enter heaven's gates, Your mother,when she again holds you to her breastin that moment of extreme ecstasy,exclaims, Father in heaven, my cup runneth over for my child is here.

Title: Re: A Mother's Love (was sent this, tho't it beautiful)
Post by: airIam2worship on February 15, 2007, 11:43:43 AM
How true this is TL.
My mom is waiting for me in Heaven and to be honest even though I know I will be going to Heaven, I don't want to die until I see all my children and grandchildren giving their lives to the Lord. There is nothing more that a mother wants than to see her children saved. I ask God everyday to give me long enough to live to see all my children living for the Lord.

Title: Re: A Mother's Love (was sent this, tho't it beautiful)
Post by: Faithin1 on February 28, 2007, 09:30:16 PM
Simply beautiful!  I am blessed to still have my mother, and believe me, I truly appreciate and love her.  I always considered her to be a great mom, but I really don't think that I actually understood the true essence of a mother's love until I became one.  That is when I REALLY knew how great my mom is, and what a tremendous responsibility it is to raise a child.  I am so thankful to her that I can't remember a time in my life without Jesus.  I have so many fond memories of being a little girl asleep on my mom's lap in church, reciting poems and scripture for Christmas and Easter programs, singing in the children's choir, etc.  I also had the pleasure of being a member of the same choir with my mom as an adult.  Thank you for posting this beautiful tribute to mothers.

Title: Re: A Mother's Love (was sent this, tho't it beautiful)
Post by: TigerLily on March 01, 2007, 02:34:57 PM
Your welcome.. I to still have my mom thank God, we are really very close, they are living with me right now, (are pastors and father had cancer and so they had to wait till he beat the cancer and got the strength back etc to take on a new church, which should be soon..) but I truly thank God every day for my mom and dad as well, I watched my mom loose her mom to cancer, and her loss of her mom (they were real close to ) nearly did my mom in, she never stopped crying for days and nights. the wake and funeral was sooo hard to watch her grieve,, I know that
(God forbid) anything happens to my mom and / or dad, I'd be completely devestated, So yes I also thank God for my parents always ( I to was brought up in church as well backslid as a teen but been back for years now and am a momma myself of 2 boys (14 and 7)

Hugs TL

Title: Re: A Mother's Love (was sent this, tho't it beautiful)
Post by: airIam2worship on March 02, 2007, 07:49:54 AM
TL, my mom passed away on April 27th 2004, wouldn't you know on Mother's day a couple of weeks later, I got up real early to call my mom and wish her a Happy Mother's Day, I dialed her phone number, then I heard it ring once and I realized she was gone. That was such a sad day for me. My mom and I used to play "who will call first" she had Parkinson's Disease and as a result of the disease she suffered a stroke on her birthday February 10. "I used to tell my mom don't call me, I'll call you." Because it was a long distance call for her and I knew she and my step dad were on a very tight budget, so I would try to call her everyday, but my mom was an early bird and she started calling me at 6am, so she could be first, so of course I started calling her a 5:45am so she would make a long distance call, that went on for about a month until my brother call me up a 4am to tell me about mom's stroke, I thought it was her calling me.  :'( :'( :'(

I still miss her so much ... but I know I will see her again  :D