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Entertainment => Politics and Political Issues => Topic started by: Soldier4Christ on October 08, 2005, 04:05:48 PM

Title: Terrorist Threat in NYC -- ACLU Lawsuit Questioned
Post by: Soldier4Christ on October 08, 2005, 04:05:48 PM
Terrorist Threat in NYC -- ACLU Lawsuit Questioned
By NewsWires
Oct 7, 2005


On August 3, 2005 the ACLU announced that they were suing the city of New York for violating the rights of subway riders by subjecting them to random searches.

This case has not yet been brought before the court.  However, if the ACLU had already won this case, the 19 suspected terrorist American officials are searching for right now, could have already been allowed to simply walk onto our New York City trains and detonate their bombs.

The ACLU must not be allowed to win this lawsuit or others like it.    

Our August 4th press release stated "these searches are part of a well thought out security plan that may stop a terrorist from walking onto New York City subway trains and blowing up thousands of innocent Americans."

"With the current, very real, terrorist threat to the New York Subway System, the truth could not be any clearer.  The terrorists must be stopped at any cost or we may see the loss of many American lives right here in New York," said Don Swarthout, President of Christians Reviving America's Values.

The ACLU seems to be confused according to Swarthout.  "Let's get it right, it is really quite simple, you are either for the criminals or you are for the law abiding citizens.  Apparently the ACLU is more interested in protecting the rights of terrorist than they are in protecting the rights of law abiding American citizens."

In the case of the New York lawsuit, the ACLU's actions may also be dangerous to citizens of New York City.  "Let's face it, when you are dead, your rights have been taken away from you.  Why doesn't the ACLU really want to protect your rights?" Swarthout asked.

"With the knowledge that we already have terrorists living in America, we believe it is time to stop kidding each other and pull out the stops to protect America and our American way of life," Swarthout added.

"We believe that the ACLU's abuse of the legal system is criminal.  For that reason Christians Reviving America's Values has already drafted a letter to Congress asking them to investigate the ACLU, their policies and their true intentions," Swarthout said.