Title: NEW! RSS/XML Christian Feeds On Christians Unite! Post by: nChrist on October 03, 2005, 12:28:15 AM http://rss.christiansunite.com/
Christian RSS/XML Feeds Directory Brothers and Sisters, This page represents a tremendous amount of work by ADMIN. I had originally planned to write a "how-to" type message regarding software and using this large selection of links. I have since found out there are many ways to access these feeds, and it's really just a matter of choice about what software to use and how to use the software. I guess the main reason I thought about writing a "how-to" type article was my complete lack of knowledge in how to use the links on this page. This is all brand new to me, but many of you are probably already using various types of software to access RSS/XML feeds. I have experimented with several types of software, and I do know now that there is a large variety of different kinds of software to enjoy these links. I have only experimented with FREEWARE, but many of you may already have software installed to access these links. So, I will simply tell you that I have really enjoyed many of these links, and I'm getting comfortable with some FREEWARE software that I will probably keep and use. Once the link feeds are installed in your reader, the content is very easy and quick to retrieve. I must say that ADMIN has done a wonderful job in selecting links and feeds with OUTSTANDING Christian content. I have enjoyed the feeds on this page so much that I sent ADMIN a thank you email. It really amounts to opening a Christian treasure chest with an almost unlimited amount of beautiful Christian material. Even if you are new to using RSS/XLM feeds like I was, please give it a try. It's really not difficult to learn how to use these feeds. I sincerely hope that you enjoy them as much as I do. Christian RSS/XML Feeds Directory Categories: Articles(7) Theology(1), Christian Living(1), more... Audio and Video(10) Ministries(7), more... Bible Study(5) Audio(1), Forums(2), more... Blogs(56) Ministries(4), Personal(13), Devotionals(2), Prayer(0), Social Issues(16), Music(1), Politics(9), Theology(2), Business(1), Christian Living(5), Evangelism(1), more... Commentary(19) Political(6), Social Issues(10), more... Devotionals(18) Bible Readings(5), Daily Devotionals(9), Audio(3), more... Entertainment(14) Humor(3), Music(11), more... Evangelism(28) Missions(3), Persecution(4), Churches(21), more... Family(7) Audio(1), Marriage(0), Health(1), Homemaking(3), more... Kids(6) Audio(2), more... Media(15) Radio(7), Television(1), Movies(1), Magazines(3), Internet(3), more... Ministry(26) Prayer(3), Radio Ministries(1), Apologetics(2), Prophecy(4), Theology(1), Creation Science(9), Cults(0), Youth(4), more... News(69) Christian News(10), World News(13), U.S. News(8), Political News(7), Video(4), Top Stories(4), Technology News(9), Business News(10), Religion News(2), more... Newsletters(4) Webmasters(12) Search Engines(5), News(2), Marketing(2), Site Design(2), more... |