Title: Bible Crosswords on Christians Unite! Post by: nChrist on October 02, 2005, 11:32:43 PM http://crosswords.christiansunite.com/
Bible Crossword Puzzles! WELCOME TO the ChristiansUnite Bible Crossword Puzzles. Puzzles range from specific themes to general knowledge questions. These Bible crosswords are a great and fun way to learn about the Bible. Be sure to have a good concordance or Bible search program in case you are stuck on any of the answers. Or you can use the ChristiansUnite Online Bible Study search. Be sure to keep the search window open so you can search the Bible if you need help. All scripture references used throughout the crossword puzzles are from the Authorized KJV version of the Bible. More crossword puzzles coming soon! Have fun! Bible People • David - David the shepherd boy and king of Israel was known for his diverse skills as both a warrior and a writer of psalms. • John the Baptist - John was called the voice of one crying in the wilderness, as he told of the soon coming of Jesus. • The Disciples of Jesus - Jesus chose his disciples from among the poor and working men. How much do you know about them? • Mothers in the Bible - There are many mothers in the Bible, and each can teach us some lessons. How much do you know about Biblical mothers? • Women in the Bible - A crossword puzzle on a few of the many important women of the Bible. • More Women in the Bible - A second crossword puzzle testing you on women of the Bible. • Bible Names - Test your knowledge of just a few of the 100's of names in the Bible. • More Bible Names - A second crossword of just a few of the 100's of names in the Bible. • Bible Prophets - Covers just a few of God's many prophetic messengers. Famous Stories • Noah's Ark - Because of man's wickedness on the earth, God decided to destroy man, and all living creatures that He had made. • The Story of Esther - A young Jewish girl finds the fate of her people in her hands, and God uses her courage to deliver them. • Jonah - A crossword puzzle on the reluctant prophet Jonah, his final repentance, and the forgiveness of God. • Daniel Meets Nebuchadnezzar - The introduction of Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar's first dream. • Joseph and His Brothers - Joseph's jealous brothers conspire against him. Themed Puzzles • Christian Doctrine - A puzzle covering many basic and essential Christian doctrines, from faith to salvation. • The Words of Jesus - A fill-in-the-blanks crossword puzzle on the words that Jesus spoke. • Animals in the Bible - Make the biblical animals come alive with this animal crossword. • More Animals in the Bible - More Animals from the Bible in this second animal crossword. • Books of the Old Testament - Authors and facts on many Old Testament books. • Books of the New Testament - Authors and facts on many New Testament books. Test your knowledge. • The Sermon on the Mount - From Matthew 5, 6, and 7, test your knowledge of this sermon Jesus gave us. • Who Said It? - Just a few of the Bible's many famous quotes. • Names Of Jesus - There are many names, titles, and characteristics of Jesus found in the Bible. General Knowledge Puzzles • Bible Crossword One - Words from both the Old and New Testaments. • Bible Crossword Two - A cross-section of questions from the Bible. • Bible Crossword Three - More Bible words from the whole Bible. • Bible Crossword Four - A range of Bible words from both Testaments. • Bible Crossword Five - Still more general knowledge words from the Bible. Title: Re:Bible Crosswords on Christians Unite! Post by: Soldier4Christ on October 02, 2005, 11:50:39 PM It doesn't work for me. I get the main page but when I select a crossword page all I get is the narrative portion?? Am I overlooking a function?
Title: Re:Bible Crosswords on Christians Unite! Post by: nChrist on October 03, 2005, 01:48:41 AM It doesn't work for me. I get the main page but when I select a crossword page all I get is the narrative portion?? Am I overlooking a function? Pastor Roger, It was the java script function of your browser being turned off, as you mentioned in the announcement area of the forum. This time, I carefully watched the loading of the crossword puzzle, and it definitely uses java. I thought it might have been PHP, but I was wrong. So, if you have java enabled on your browser, it should work fine. Love In Christ, Tom 1 Corinthians 2:2-5 NASB For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling, and my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God. |