Title: What is the difference? Post by: sabrina on June 10, 2005, 11:59:15 AM Ok, lets say we all have faith, but do you really, have the faith....what is the difference in untill death..........as oppsed to unto death?
Title: Re:What is the difference? Post by: JudgeNot on June 10, 2005, 12:18:23 PM The "until" timeline stops at death, and the "unto" timeline continues beyond the death of the body??????
Title: Re:What is the difference? Post by: cris on June 10, 2005, 01:19:49 PM The "until" timeline stops at death, and the "unto" timeline continues beyond the death of the body?????? Are you saying that your definition is questionable? ;D Title: Re:What is the difference? Post by: JudgeNot on June 10, 2005, 02:04:38 PM I'm saying that I can be as ignorant as any human in God's domain! (Maybe even MORE than most!) ;D
Title: Re:What is the difference? Post by: sabrina on June 10, 2005, 02:52:06 PM Not trying to be ignorant guys just saying this person after listening to a sermon on this asked me this......I'm just checking to see if this is an all dificult Statement or question for someone to digest. Trying to keep it real.
Title: Re:What is the difference? Post by: JudgeNot on June 10, 2005, 02:54:07 PM Sabrina - I'm definitley interested in your take on the question. Was my "questioned answer" anywhere in the ballpark?