Title: We Are Changed Post by: nChrist on May 28, 2005, 08:47:46 AM Author: Mary Wilder Tileston
Source: Joy and Strength Scripture Reference Romans 8:29 Isaiah 64:8 We Are Changed Now, O Lord, Thou art our Father; we are the clay, and Thou our potter; and we all are the work of Thy hand. ISAIAH 64:8 To be conformed to the image of His Son. ROMANS 8:29 THOU shalt do what Thou wilt with Thine own hand. Thou form'st the spirit like the moulded clay; For those who love Thee keep Thy just command, And in Thine image grow as they obey. JONES VERY HE who hath appointed thee thy task, will proportion it to thy strength, and thy strength to the burden which He lays upon thee. He who maketh the seed grow thou knowest not how, and seest not, will, thou knowest not how, ripen the seed which He hath sown in thy heart, and leaven thee by the secret workings of His good Spirit. Thou mayest not see the change thyself, but He will gradually change thee, make thee another man. Only yield thyself to His moulding hand, as clay to the potter, having no wishes of thy own, but seeking in sincerity, however faint, to have His will fulfilled in thee, and He will teach thee what to pray for, and will give thee what He teacheth thee. He will retrace His own image on thee line by line, effacing by His grace and gracious discipline the marks and spots of sin which have defaced it. EDWARD B. PUSEY _________________________ This devotional is freely distributed by Back To The Bible. Did you enjoy this devotional? Send it on for a friend to enjoy. To receive this e-mail regularly, just go to this page: http://www.backtothebible.org/aboutus/email_entry.htm (http://www.backtothebible.org/aboutus/email_entry.htm) |