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Theology => Prophecy - Current Events => Topic started by: Symphony on July 16, 2003, 04:54:25 PM

Title: Abortion
Post by: Symphony on July 16, 2003, 04:54:25 PM  (

I'm just starting to read some of the recent articles on the above website.

Others' thoughts?

Title: Re:Abortion
Post by: Psalm 119 on July 16, 2003, 05:36:34 PM
For those wondering what this picture's Norma McCorvey ,the Roe in Roe v Wade. This is her baptism!

Norma never had the abortion ( her daughter is living in the Northwest). She had been a pawn for the pro abortion lobby to "legalize" abortion. Norma was a lesbian and worked for a number of years for an abortion clinic. She did accept Christ a number of years ago (but has since joined the Catholic Church  ???)

The legalization of abortion was all based on a lie from the father of lies (devil); unfortunately abortion continues with the complicity of the church.

Psalm 119

Title: Re:Abortion
Post by: Symphony on July 16, 2003, 08:31:52 PM

Oooooh, I had no idea, Psalm, that was Roe.  Hmm.  I just really liked the picture(I'd like to be swimming right now--98f here today).

Here's something re: Flip(Pastor Benhem, above) from one of the articles at the website:

Tuesday, July 8, 2003

Flip Released-Forbidden to Return

Flip Benham was released this morning from the Mecklenburg County Jail. The morning began with Christians holding signs and passing out literature in front of the County Court building, where Flip's arraignment was going to be held. The city was greeted with the truth about abortion through the Malachi signs, and the injustice of Flip's incarceration. Security guards emerged, telling us that we could not be within 300 feet of the court building. We moved to the side of the street, as folks went in to the courthouse. We watched as the security guards protected the courts from the truth and took pamphlets away from people who had received them. After an hour of being on the streets, we went into the courthouse for Flip's arraignment. Sitting in the courtroom, waiting for Flip's turn, we watched as the judge disregarded one person after another. Flip's face showed in the screen, and he was greeted by the judge's cynical comments about the protesters outside. Flip was told not to return to where the disturbance occurred, that he could go, and to 'take your friends with you.'

Title: Re:Abortion
Post by: Hitch on July 16, 2003, 10:47:01 PM
For those wondering what this picture's Norma McCorvey ,the Roe in Roe v Wade. This is her baptism!

Norma never had the abortion ( her daughter is living in the Northwest). She had been a pawn for the pro abortion lobby to "legalize" abortion. Norma was a lesbian and worked for a number of years for an abortion clinic. She did accept Christ a number of years ago (but has since joined the Catholic Church  ???)

The legalization of abortion was all based on a lie from the father of lies (devil); unfortunately abortion continues with the complicity of the church.

Psalm 119

unfortunately abortion continues with the complicity of the church.

Yup.  Thanx to the 'born-again' President Jimmy Carter will e still have hundreds of federal judges  still serving who were appointed on the basis of their 'proper feminist credentials' .  AKA abortion rights support.


Title: Re:Abortion
Post by: missyann250 on July 17, 2003, 04:10:42 AM
Love all these facts you people are writing.  Going to basics, that's me, seems one world unification in a church, but, good overcomes evil when it's God's movement.  Don't really know Symphony.  Don't really have time to read it all, and just skimmed.  Only noticed many beliefs, okay, good movements and taking a stand, okay great.  That's all I get so far.  I'm for all that.  But, would have to praise God for these people and stands they take for God's principles in life.  
Thanks for this, extremely interesting and cool.  I'll check it out after tomorrow's workday. ;D missyann

Title: Re:Abortion
Post by: Psalm 119 on July 18, 2003, 09:00:00 AM
Want to add a few things why abortion continues in our nation.

1) Children are an unwanted burden to Christians and non christians alike. Here is a quote I copied the other day.
"The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing. But in our culture we apply for a curse and reject blessings. Something is wrong with this picture." Doug Phillips

2) Christians have equal culpability in abortion either by themselves having an abortion(actually a true born again believer would not do this), or taking the pill, depo-provera, norplant, etc.....all which cause early term abortions.

3) Ask a non Christian why they don't want children i.e. timimg issues, financial reasons, etc. and they will ususally give the same answer as a Christian (what happened to thinking biblically?)

4) There are many "pastors" who have counselled women to have abortions and or personally aided. (complcit in murder)

5) The Church in America continues to remain silent .(like the German Church did during the killing of the Jews)

However, there will always be a remnant that will not remain silent.

Psalm 119

Title: Re:Abortion
Post by: Brother Love on July 18, 2003, 09:28:09 AM
However, there will always be a remnant that will not remain silent.

Psalm 119


Brother Love :)

Title: Re:Abortion
Post by: musicllover on July 18, 2003, 03:05:41 PM
Checked out the site and book marked it for further use. Found it very painful to read, but joyus when there are lives of infants being saved. Its better than none. I see nothing wrong with the site.
   Many years ago I after much prayer and thoughtI wore a paper for my Church to sign about abortions...the just of what I wrote goes something like this........ Example of Karen Ann Quinlen, (sp) who lived off a respirator, family unplugs it and she lives for several years....can't remember if she had brain or heart activity. But there was a big debate over her land what determines life, brain waves or heart beat? They still haven't decided. Seems each state has its own law, so there still remains the question does brain waves indicate life or the heart beat......if majority of people can't decide how can ANYONE be allowed to abort a baby when it has  brain waves or a heart beat, or in some cases both.
 Another thing, I live in Mo. abortions are illegal here, so what happens but the girls in this area simply cross over the state line in Ks and get them done. What good do laws do anyway.
       I'm going to sound like my kids now but DUUUHHH !!!!!!!!! >:( I don't understand the double standards we live by sometimes. Its stuff like this that makes me want Jesus to hurry up I'm want to go home, I'm not having fun anymore.
 OK off my soap box.

Title: Re:Abortion
Post by: Psalm 119 on July 18, 2003, 06:30:29 PM

Abortion is "legal" in Missouri, and there are clinics (I've been to one in St. Louis). There may not be any late term clinics in your state. But the killing of the unborn is going on in your state. Just look in the yellow pages....I'm sure there are clinics in the bigger cities. Planned Parenthood also does abortions (not at all sites)

There is a professor in the Northeast ( can't recall the school right now) who just won an award in his work in ethics. He advocates that a born child up to twenty eight days old could be where does it all end?

We are living in perilous days...

Psalm 119

Title: Re:Abortion
Post by: musicllover on July 18, 2003, 07:31:50 PM
       I'm not sure if they were legal over 20 yrs ago. Several girls from this area just skipped over the state lines pg came home not. Supposely they miscarried while shopping or something.... But yes you are right, the person who I knew personally was one day shy of being into her 4th month so it was a late term abortion. Another day at 14 weeks they won't have done it. Doesn't make sense anyway shape or form does it. How can the Lord tarry any longer. :'(