ChristiansUnite Forums

Welcome => About You! => Topic started by: Sweden on May 07, 2005, 04:43:21 PM

Title: new swedish person...
Post by: Sweden on May 07, 2005, 04:43:21 PM
I  Hello to you all!
My name is sara and as u already has got to know... I live in Sweden...
and I feel a little lost

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Bronzesnake on May 07, 2005, 05:27:13 PM
I  Hello to you all!
My name is sara and as u already has got to know... I live in Sweden...
and I feel a little lost

You laugh a lot in Sweden don't you?

Say hello to Matts Sundin and Eric the Redbeard!  :D

Velcome to da forum!  :D


Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Shammu on May 07, 2005, 05:54:46 PM
Hello Sara, welcome to Christians Unite forums. The are a bunch of great Christians here. Theres no need to feel lost. Just look around, make yourself comfy.

Resting with the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Revelation 21:23  And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: JudgeNot on May 08, 2005, 12:07:49 AM
Hi Sara!
Welcome!  ;D

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: 2nd Timothy on May 08, 2005, 12:12:15 AM

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Sweden on May 08, 2005, 02:38:54 AM
Thank you all!!
Actually.... I think I am one of the few that laughs that much.. :D
But I haven't really met everyone in Sweden, so I can't be sure...or maybe we laugh at totally different things which I am sure of when I see some of our swedish tv
Maybe I will laugh less when I get 18 next year... it's serious to be an (but I don't think so)
Matts Sundin.... sounds like a name from Sweden...?

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Bronzesnake on May 08, 2005, 03:26:51 AM
Thank you all!!
Actually.... I think I am one of the few that laughs that much.. :D
But I haven't really met everyone in Sweden, so I can't be sure...or maybe we laugh at totally different things which I am sure of when I see some of our swedish tv
Maybe I will laugh less when I get 18 next year... it's serious to be an (but I don't think so)
Matts Sundin.... sounds like a name from Sweden...?

You're from Sweden and you don't know Matts Sundin!!! >:(
Just kidding! I'm not really angry at you just because you don't know who the Captain of my beloved Toronto Maple Leafs is!  :D The Toronto Maple Leafs are the greatest team in the NHL (National Hockey League) EVER! Don't listen to anyone who tells you any different!

It's a great pleasure to have you here in the family.

How did you ever find us from Sweden?


Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Sweden on May 08, 2005, 08:48:28 AM
I really don't like sports....... 8)
well...I searched on Google for unite and then I found this place..
so simple was that...
I think it's much funnier to speak with people in the US or any other country. I can talk to swedish people any time.  :)
Where do u live? Canada?

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Kristi Ann on May 08, 2005, 01:24:36 PM
I  Hello to you all!
My name is sara and as u already has got to know... I live in Sweden...
and I feel a little lost

hej hej Sara ;D Warm welcome to Christian's Unite ja ja pull up a chair and make yourself ay home here. Oh, forgive me I Uff Da a lot *tee hee* ;D

Love n' Hugs, YSIC \o/

PS, I am Second Generation Nørwegian in the USA! :D

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Sweden on May 08, 2005, 01:31:36 PM
Ahhhh... that explains a lot!!
I got suprised when u wrote
Thank you!
How much swedish or (norweigan?) do u know?

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Kristi Ann on May 08, 2005, 01:48:09 PM
Ahhhh... that explains a lot!!
I got suprised when u wrote
Thank you!
How much swedish or (norweigan?) do u know?

You're most Velkommen Sara! ;D

Very little sorry, my Grand Father Olaf, whom I did not meet all through my life didn't teach my dadddy any Nørwegian, thus I don't know much...

Hej hej Velkommen again Sara!!! ;D

I am Love Abba, and I am listening to them now on my hard-drive as I type this *tee hee*, See, I told ja I Uff da  lot ;D

Love n' Hugs, Your Sister In Christ YSIC, \o/


Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Sweden on May 08, 2005, 01:53:41 PM
lol... I really feel welcomed too... as much as you are writing it very
WOW... a person in the US that has heard of Abba.. lol... sorry, but I couldn't help it... on other boards they don't know about them which I think is very >:(
well well....

I could teach u some ;D

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Kristi Ann on May 08, 2005, 02:03:41 PM
lol... I really feel welcomed too... as much as you are writing it very
WOW... a person in the US that has heard of Abba.. lol... sorry, but I couldn't help it... on other boards they don't know about them which I think is very >:(
well well....

I could teach u some ;D

Ah YaY Warm Velkommen woo hoo! ;D I am so happy you feel Velkommened Sara!

Really you could teach me some? That is wonderful SweetAngelSis! Very Nice of you ya know!

I have a Scandinavian Forum at Kristi Ann's Haven for all Scandinavian Countries and all Scandinavian's are Velkommen to Join *tee hee*.

Love ya Sis, YSIC, \o/


PS, Yes I Love ABBA a lot woo hoo. I have the whole Gold CD collection on my hard-drive. :)

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Sweden on May 08, 2005, 03:07:26 PM
Sure! No prob

Just ask me what that word or this word is called in swedish and I'll answer.
Maybe I will join... I don't know... :)

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Kristi Ann on May 08, 2005, 03:24:44 PM
Sure! No prob

Just ask me what that word or this word is called in swedish and I'll answer.
Maybe I will join... I don't know... :)

Thanks so much Sara! ;D

You're more than Welcome at Kristi Ann's Haven! My site is hyper-linked in my siggy below.

I will learn as I go I guess *tee hee*!

I hope and Pray you Enjoy the Forums SweetAngelSis. Christians Unite is pretty big!!

Love n' Huggles, YSIC, \o/


Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Bronzesnake on May 09, 2005, 03:07:48 PM
I really don't like sports....... 8)
well...I searched on Google for unite and then I found this place..
so simple was that...
I think it's much funnier to speak with people in the US or any other country. I can talk to swedish people any time.  :)
Where do u live? Canada?

I was born in Toronto. I lived there for the first 19 years of my 42 years of life.

 Now, my wife and I live about 40-50 miles North of Toronto, in a town called Keswick. We have three teenaged sons, and an 11 year old step daughter. I have a daught with my ex, and my daughter provided me with a beautiful wee grandson about three and a half years ago! :D

My wife, three sons and step daughter all live together in our brand spanking new house! For the first time since we had children,w e all have our own rooms, that is all except the wife and I, we share a room! :D but if I play my cards right, I'll soon have my own room also! ;) :D


Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Sweden on May 09, 2005, 03:54:54 PM
I was actually born in Gothenburg and lived there for three years. Then we moved here to Storvreta. I don't remember the time in Gothenburg but the people there are much nicer and I would like the people on this east coast to take after them in that.. Otherwise it's not too bad to live here. But of course... the winter is FAR too long!!! :P

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: nChrist on May 10, 2005, 06:39:08 AM
Welcome Sara!!!

I sincerely hope that you enjoy Christians Unite.


I would tell you to jump in and have some fun, but I see that you've already done that.  :D

Love In Christ,

John 14:16-18  And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

Title: Re:new swedish person...
Post by: Sweden on May 10, 2005, 01:08:56 PM
well thank you! :)
Yeah, I wanted to write more than one It makes it easier for people to write back.... ;D