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Fellowship => Witnessing => Topic started by: Refuge on May 04, 2005, 08:07:51 PM

Title: How to Witness to Pagans
Post by: Refuge on May 04, 2005, 08:07:51 PM
How to Witness to Pagans

"What advise would you give to those who have someone they care about involved in Paganism:

First of all, don’t "go after them" and try to show them where they are wrong. You don’t want it to be an "I’m right, your wrong" situation. There is a reason that they believe what they do, and we need to respect that.

I firmly believe that if you have a close relationship with Christ, that it will show up in your day to day living. You may not even notice, but others will. We need to be living examples. We need to be authentic in Christ.

Those who walk the left hand path are usually incredible judges of character. It is sometimes a dangerous journey, and their life often depends on the ability to spot a fake. You are not perfect, and all of us are human, but don’t be a hypocrite.

For most of my life I refused to even consider Christianity because of the many hypocrites that I saw. I have seen hypocrites of all flavors. Some that acted as if they had an interest in me, but really only wanted to make themselves look pious by showing concern. Others sought me out to tell me just how wrong I was for my pagan beliefs, but yet their own beliefs were shallow at best. There are other examples that I could use, but what I’m saying is don’t act out of pride because you see yourself above those poor Pagans. Many of them put Christians to shame in their constant pursuit of a stronger spirituality.

The only time they will hear us, is when we speak out of genuine love and humility. But even before they will hear us, they will be watching our lives to see if we are authentic.

Prayer is our greatest tool. People have approached me and asked what they can do to reach someone they care about. When I responded, "pray for them", I have been met with the response of "oh, is that all."

Is that all? What greater work could we ever do than to carry someone to the throne of Almighty God and intercede on their behalf. Through prayer, we get to be a part of the amazing work that God wants to do.

We need to pray that God will show those we love, that they have a need for Him. People are so good at hiding, especially from themselves. Sometimes we are frustrated when a need is so obvious to us, but the other person is completely unaware of it. But we have to remember that it may not be possible for them to see the need, and only God can show it to them.

The first time that I became aware of my own need will always stick in my memory. I was preparing to take part in a ceremonial ritual, concentrating on the task at hand, when God spoke to me. I did not know that it was God at the time, and I don’t even know that it was an audible voice, but I heard it very clearly. "Your life doesn’t have to be this way." I stood for a moment in shock, and then I was overwhelmed by a profound sense of emptiness. I quickly regained my composure, but I remained shaken by the experience. It was so unexpected, and it made me start to think about who and what I was. Because of that experience, I have no doubt that God can break through to a person’s heart.

If your loved one does begin asking questions, give them time. When your entire life has been based on a certain belief system, you are not going to change overnight. The issues that I faced were so deeply ingrained in me, that it was excruciating trying to sort it all out. Be patient, and keep praying.

There were many times when my first Christian friends had no idea how to address some of the issues that I raised. Sometimes you don’t have an answer for certain questions because you have never faced that particular situation in your own life. Don’t be afraid to admit that you don’t know right off-hand, but take the time to find an answer. Honesty is better than a know-it-all attitude. If needed, seek out a trusted spiritual leader, such as a pastor, who may be able to provide more information. But never simply pass the person off to someone else. Stay involved in their life, and keep building the relationship.

Finally, I would remind you not to focus so much on someone else, that you lose sight of your own relationship with God. Without that close intimacy with Christ, you will not be able to provide the example and support that your loved one needs."

Annie Fintan
Refuge Ministries

Title: Re:How to Witness to Pagans
Post by: SweetLyn on May 26, 2005, 02:03:17 PM
As a former pagan, very recently I can say that also a help would be to show Pagans that everthing is a creation in God. That helped me to realize that I was on a very destructive path. And that God has a way of speaking to you , you just need to open up and see it. Pagans are very close minded and set in thier ideas.