ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Prophecy - Current Events => Topic started by: Paul2 on April 01, 2005, 10:19:03 AM

Title: Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: Paul2 on April 01, 2005, 10:19:03 AM
      Do you think Pope John Paul II, will go to Heaven when he dies?

     If he goes to Heaven will he be highly exalted, or be among the lowest of the low in Heaven?

    What do you think?


Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: NateyCakes on April 01, 2005, 12:12:27 PM
Well I'm not aware of the Pope's heart or his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, so could not say.

As to him being highly exalted in heaven? Why would he be?

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: tsu05 on April 01, 2005, 03:31:07 PM
im going with no b/c i have seen no evidence that he is a Christian and if he is he will be put down in the lowest part for misleading so many people and supporting bad doctrine.

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: kjn on April 01, 2005, 10:52:32 PM
Will the Pope Go to heaven?

Two thousand years ago Jesus in dying and rising, allowed for the possibility of any individual to go to heaven.  John Paul II has always maintained the necessity of such an action in order to go to heaven.  While this web-site does not discuss Catholic/Protestant differences, it has allways been the mark of orthodoxy that those willing to identify themselves as Christians acknowledge the necessity of the sacrifice of Jesus.
However, just because Jesus made it possible for all to enter heaven, that does not mean all will.  In fact Christ said that the road to heaven was less travelled.  In the end, if a man relies on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, as the Pope claims to, all that is left for observers is to either believe or disbelieve.  We may consider Christ's statements about knowing individuals by the fruits of their labours.  The Pope has done a great many impressive things, and has promoted his version of Christianity all over the world.  He has given hope to the oppressed, and defended the voiceless.  Christ said that whatever we do to the least of his brothers, that we do to him.  I believe this will work strongly in the Pope's favor.
Though many may call into question certain teachings the Pope has promoted, in the end it is grace through faith that saves, and only God can fully know the faith that comes from the heart.  To those familiar with the Pope's life,  the majority would insist on the deep faith of this man.  I would also, and am absolutely convinced that when he dies he will enter heaven.
"This evening or this night, Christ opens the door to the pope," a most faithful servant.


Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: Paul2 on April 02, 2005, 06:21:26 PM
Will the Pope Go to heaven?

Two thousand years ago Jesus in dying and rising, allowed for the possibility of any individual to go to heaven.  John Paul II has always maintained the necessity of such an action in order to go to heaven.  While this web-site does not discuss Catholic/Protestant differences, it has allways been the mark of orthodoxy that those willing to identify themselves as Christians acknowledge the necessity of the sacrifice of Jesus.
However, just because Jesus made it possible for all to enter heaven, that does not mean all will.  In fact Christ said that the road to heaven was less travelled.  In the end, if a man relies on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, as the Pope claims to, all that is left for observers is to either believe or disbelieve.  We may consider Christ's statements about knowing individuals by the fruits of their labours.  The Pope has done a great many impressive things, and has promoted his version of Christianity all over the world.  He has given hope to the oppressed, and defended the voiceless.  Christ said that whatever we do to the least of his brothers, that we do to him.  I believe this will work strongly in the Pope's favor.
Though many may call into question certain teachings the Pope has promoted, in the end it is grace through faith that saves, and only God can fully know the faith that comes from the heart.  To those familiar with the Pope's life,  the majority would insist on the deep faith of this man.  I would also, and am absolutely convinced that when he dies he will enter heaven.
"This evening or this night, Christ opens the door to the pope," a most faithful servant.


     You said above and I quote you directly "The Pope has done a great many impressive things, and has promoted his version of Christianity all over the world."

      My question is what if "his version of Christianity" is not God's version of Christianity?

     Some say Christ was a great teacher but not the Son of God. Either Christ was the Son of God or he was a liar and not a great teacher. You can't say he was a great teacher who lied about being the Son of God.

     Pilate asked Christ, "what is truth?" My answer to that question would be "the Word of God". The only truth I know for sure is The Truth is the Word of God. Everything should be, and must be tested against the Word of God when searching for the truth.

     Does the Popes version of Christianity pass the test of the Word of God? Is the Popes version of Christainity found to be the truth according to the Holy Bible? Does the Bible speak of a Pope? Did Peter consider himself the vicar of Christ? Was Peter greater than Paul? Does the Bible teach us to pray to Mary? Does the Bible tell us Mary is waiting for us in Heaven? Is Rome the chosen city of God or the city of the harlot of Revelation 17? Does the Popes version of Christianity match your version of Christianity? Does the Holy Bible teach us to be Catholic? Does the Bible speak of Priests in the Church? Does the Bible tell us to call the priests "father"? Did Jesus ever present himself exalted as the Pope does? I haven't even mentioned the priest sexual abuse scandal in America. Is the doctrine of the Pope the doctrine of Christ?

     These are just a few of my questions. I'm scared for the Popes soul. I wouldn't want to be him. He's got some serious explaining to do!!!


Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: John 3:16 on April 02, 2005, 06:27:44 PM
Well I'm not aware of the Pope's heart or his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, so could not say.

As to him being highly exalted in heaven? Why would he be?

I agree with you NateyCakes

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: John 3:16 on April 02, 2005, 06:33:23 PM
Will the Pope Go to heaven?

Two thousand years ago Jesus in dying and rising, allowed for the possibility of any individual to go to heaven.  John Paul II has always maintained the necessity of such an action in order to go to heaven.  While this web-site does not discuss Catholic/Protestant differences, it has allways been the mark of orthodoxy that those willing to identify themselves as Christians acknowledge the necessity of the sacrifice of Jesus.
However, just because Jesus made it possible for all to enter heaven, that does not mean all will.  In fact Christ said that the road to heaven was less travelled.  In the end, if a man relies on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, as the Pope claims to, all that is left for observers is to either believe or disbelieve.  We may consider Christ's statements about knowing individuals by the fruits of their labours.  The Pope has done a great many impressive things, and has promoted his version of Christianity all over the world.  He has given hope to the oppressed, and defended the voiceless.  Christ said that whatever we do to the least of his brothers, that we do to him.  I believe this will work strongly in the Pope's favor.
Though many may call into question certain teachings the Pope has promoted, in the end it is grace through faith that saves, and only God can fully know the faith that comes from the heart.  To those familiar with the Pope's life,  the majority would insist on the deep faith of this man.  I would also, and am absolutely convinced that when he dies he will enter heaven.
"This evening or this night, Christ opens the door to the pope," a most faithful servant.


     You said above and I quote you directly "The Pope has done a great many impressive things, and has promoted his version of Christianity all over the world."

      My question is what if "his version of Christianity" is not God's version of Christianity?

     Some say Christ was a great teacher but not the Son of God. Either Christ was the Son of God or he was a liar and not a great teacher. You can't say he was a great teacher who lied about being the Son of God.

     Pilate asked Christ, "what is truth?" My answer to that question would be "the Word of God". The only truth I know for sure is The Truth is the Word of God. Everything should be, and must be tested against the Word of God when searching for the truth.

     Does the Popes version of Christianity pass the test of the Word of God? Is the Popes version of Christainity found to be the truth according to the Holy Bible? Does the Bible speak of a Pope? Did Peter consider himself the vicar of Christ? Was Peter greater than Paul? Does the Bible teach us to pray to Mary? Does the Bible tell us Mary is waiting for us in Heaven? Is Rome the chosen city of God or the city of the harlot of Revelation 17? Does the Popes version of Christianity match your version of Christianity? Does the Holy Bible teach us to be Catholic? Does the Bible speak of Priests in the Church? Does the Bible tell us to call the priests "father"? Did Jesus ever present himself exalted as the Pope does? I haven't even mentioned the priest sexual abuse scandal in America. Is the doctrine of the Pope the doctrine of Christ?

     These are just a few of my questions. I'm scared for the Popes soul. I wouldn't want to be him. He's got some serious explaining to do!!!

and very good point paul2 i agree I Just Pray That  The POPE  John Paul GOT SAVED  BEFORE THE LORD CALLED FOR HIM

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: Dyskolos on April 02, 2005, 10:39:41 PM

     Does the Popes version of Christianity pass the test of the Word of God? Is the Popes version of Christainity found to be the truth according to the Holy Bible? Does the Bible speak of a Pope? Did Peter consider himself the vicar of Christ? Was Peter greater than Paul? Does the Bible teach us to pray to Mary? Does the Bible tell us Mary is waiting for us in Heaven? Is Rome the chosen city of God or the city of the harlot of Revelation 17? Does the Popes version of Christianity match your version of Christianity? Does the Holy Bible teach us to be Catholic? Does the Bible speak of Priests in the Church? Does the Bible tell us to call the priests "father"? Did Jesus ever present himself exalted as the Pope does? I haven't even mentioned the priest sexual abuse scandal in America. Is the doctrine of the Pope the doctrine of Christ?

     These are just a few of my questions. I'm scared for the Popes soul. I wouldn't want to be him. He's got some serious explaining to do!!!


Good to see that good old fashioned anti-Catholic nincompoopery is still alive on this forum!

What has any of this to do with John Paul's immortal soul? What does the city of Rome have to do with the Pope's walk with Jesus?

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: Reba on April 02, 2005, 11:07:46 PM

Sorry Mr. Bepster, you  just hoped this war was over.   ;)

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: John 3:16 on April 02, 2005, 11:33:31 PM
What has any of this to do with John Paul's immortal soul? What does the city of Rome have to do with the Pope's walk with Jesus
because if he was not walking with Jesus there was no Change for him being in Heaven only Jesus Can Save a Losted Soul

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: Paul2 on April 03, 2005, 12:59:17 AM

     Does the Popes version of Christianity pass the test of the Word of God? Is the Popes version of Christainity found to be the truth according to the Holy Bible? Does the Bible speak of a Pope? Did Peter consider himself the vicar of Christ? Was Peter greater than Paul? Does the Bible teach us to pray to Mary? Does the Bible tell us Mary is waiting for us in Heaven? Is Rome the chosen city of God or the city of the harlot of Revelation 17? Does the Popes version of Christianity match your version of Christianity? Does the Holy Bible teach us to be Catholic? Does the Bible speak of Priests in the Church? Does the Bible tell us to call the priests "father"? Did Jesus ever present himself exalted as the Pope does? I haven't even mentioned the priest sexual abuse scandal in America. Is the doctrine of the Pope the doctrine of Christ?

     These are just a few of my questions. I'm scared for the Popes soul. I wouldn't want to be him. He's got some serious explaining to do!!!


Good to see that good old fashioned anti-Catholic nincompoopery is still alive on this forum!

What has any of this to do with John Paul's immortal soul? What does the city of Rome have to do with the Pope's walk with Jesus?

     He was the leader of 1 billion Catholics. He was considered by them to be the representative of Christ on earth. He accepted the title and everything that went along with the title of being the Pope. Where is the vatican located? Rome!

    I'm sorry if I have upset anyone but these are questions I myself have. I'm not try to start a war but am analazing the teachings and the life and death of the Pope.


Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: Dyskolos on April 03, 2005, 12:39:49 PM
Well I'm not upset.  :) Just annoyed when people who know nothing about Catholicism repeat the same scurrilous charges that have been posted ad nauseum on the internet.

I'm not Catholic, but over a billion of my Christian brothers and sisters are in mourning right now, so would it have hurt you to stifle yourself, keep your anti-Catholic thoughts to yourself for a while? It would seem to be a decent thing to do.

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: John 3:16 on April 03, 2005, 01:20:55 PM
He was the leader of 1 billion Catholics
he mite have been the leader for 1 billion Catholics
but Jesus Christ is a leader over a Hole World

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: kjn on April 03, 2005, 10:39:30 PM
Some quotes from John Paul II:

"THE REDEEMER OF MAN, Jesus Christ, is the centre of the universe and of history. To him go my thoughts and my heart in this solemn moment of the world that the Church and the whole family of present-day humanity are now living..." Redemptor Hominis, 1979

"The Resurrection of Jesus is the fundamental event upon which Christian faith rests..." "Dies Domini", 1998

"...the Redemption was accomplished through the Cross of Christ, that is, through his suffering...This is the love of the Redeemer: a love that flows from all the human and divine depths of the Redemption. This love reflects the eternal love of the Father, who "so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." The Son, invested with that love, accepted the mission from the Father in the Holy Spirit and became the Redeemer of the world"Redemptionis Donum", 1984

Though some may disagree with certain teaching the Pope propogated, it is clear that he had a real, living faith in the One who died for him.  John Paul II works only make this faith all the more real and powerful, and show us that we too need to look beyond mere accaptnace of gifts, and attempt to help others with them.  We have two commands: Love God, and Love your neighbor.  John Paul did both.


Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: 2nd Timothy on April 04, 2005, 01:06:23 AM
This is certainly a hot button item from back in the day here at CU  ;)

I would just add, that only God is able to judge the heart of any man.   As the previous poster states, I do have some issues with many teachings in Catholicism, but when it points others to Christ as Saviour that is when it is at its best.

My hope is that whoever is selected to replace John Paul, will be a man of God who's heart is set on the Gospel of Christ.  My fear is that acceptance of spiritual diversity, and political correctness will be become more of the focus.   Only time will tell.

Grace and Peace!

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: Evangelist on April 04, 2005, 02:20:51 PM
Rom 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: JudgeNot on April 05, 2005, 12:20:33 PM
I have family members who are so filled with Jesus that they bleed love.  They will tell anyone anytime about our Lord.  It so happens these family members are Catholics.

My point:  Being Catholic doesn’t condemn a soul to hell.  Being without Jesus does that.

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: cephas on April 05, 2005, 05:46:05 PM
If the pope does not get into heaven folks,after acknowledging Jesus Christ as his savior. Well the rest of you who say Jesus is your savior are going to be disappointed when your turned away.

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: tsu05 on April 05, 2005, 11:19:39 PM
OK STOP!!!!! STOP NOW!!!! NO MORE!!! WELL FIND OUT WHEN WE GET TO HEAVEN ITS NOT IMPORTANT!!!!! JUST STOP!!!!    >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re:Will the Pope go to Heaven?
Post by: JudgeNot on April 07, 2005, 01:03:21 PM

Thanks tsu05, that's good advice.