ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => General Theology => Topic started by: rafter on March 22, 2005, 06:02:30 PM

Title: empathetic gifting
Post by: rafter on March 22, 2005, 06:02:30 PM
has anyone heard of such a gifting as this and is it biblical. I am just trying to find out as I have only recently heard of such a thing.  To be honest it scares me a bit because of several reasons, mostly that it is not anywhere in my bible unless, it is just words I am stubbling over.
the person who said to me they had this gift claims to "feel" others from as far away and a 100 miles.
I am not on a witch hunt and I hope no one makes it so. Just asking if anyone has anything information on it. Thank you in advance and God bless....
I will not add my thoughts till I hear from you guys thx again

Title: Re:empathetic gifting
Post by: felix102 on March 23, 2005, 12:29:26 AM

I never heard of that gift before. I dont think that's biblical because it provides nothing for God's economy, purpose, or glory.

What does it mean that they can "feel" others far away? Is it their feelings or presence?

Title: Re:empathetic gifting
Post by: Bronzesnake on March 23, 2005, 07:15:37 AM
 Sounds new age to me. Stick with the Bible and all will be well!  :D


Title: Re:empathetic gifting
Post by: Jemidon2004 on March 23, 2005, 08:44:06 AM
Well, I don't know if I have a gift such as that or not. I certainly don't see it in Scripture. However, I do think that God does allow us sometimes to sense when something is wrong sometimes. In order that His will be done, and that He, working through us, will break through the walls of someone's heart. I'll give you one example.

I have a friend who lives 500+ miles away in TN. We talk on the phone every night. Well she's been having some problems, physically and emotionally and we've been talking. She has a severe case of Asthma. Well she's an hour behind me in the time frame since she's in a different time zone. Well the other day, I woke up suddenly and sat up in my bed for no apparent reason at all and I had a bad feeling come over me, like something was wrong ( I normally wake up at 6:15, but this particular morning I woke up at 6:00, startled). My heart was beating rapidly as well. Well, I got calmed back down and i tried to go back to sleep, but it was time for me to get up anyway, because my dad came in 30 seconds after I had woken up in order to wake me up. Well I still thought something was wrong. I took the cell phone and called her about 11:00 AM that morning when I was on my break and I ask her if anything was wrong. She told me that she had an asthma attack at 5:00 in the morning her time and that it was one of the most severe she's had. They had to put her on breathing treatment. It was the Asthma attack that woke her up , and if she hadn't gotten her inhaler, it could have been alot worse. This girl and I are very close friends, i might add, but I thoguht it was wierd that I would wake up startled at the exact same time she was having an asthma attack, but she's fine now.

I honestly don't know what woke me up, but it was as if I could sense something was wrong. I've had other encounters with senseing something wrong or feeling uneasy, and I just thank God sometimes for it, because it helps me to break down the walls, or to be alert for trouble coming my way. I wouldn't call it a gift, I honestly don't know what to call it, but I know it's from God. I don't know if that's ansnwered your question, but that's my own personal experience with anything similar to that. God Bless
