Title: Raising a son in the faith. Post by: Polarisandy on January 08, 2005, 03:18:38 PM Sorry to be a burden when i have not been here so long. I have a 15 year old son (16 next week) and i think he is either an atheist or worse. I live in britain although from the US and I worry that this country and its secluar ways hve turned my son from CHRISTS LOVE. I would retirn to the US but i don't want to disturb my sons education. How can i tell if his faith has waivered? should I ask him strait out or leave him to make his own decision?
Title: Re:Raising a son in the faith. Post by: Soldier4Christ on January 08, 2005, 08:54:00 PM If you love your son and are concerned with his welfare by all means ask him. It is no different than a parent that may think their child is on drugs. Ask talk with them not at them. Show your loving concern and council with them as needed. It is our place as parents to insure our children are being led the right way.
Title: Re:Raising a son in the faith. Post by: ephesians429 on January 16, 2005, 01:11:40 AM I completely agree both with (1) talking about it and (2) talking "with" your son, not "at" him. If you think about how you might talk with a nephew, it can help you avoid getting angry or giving parental speeches (which can do more harm than good unless you truly are following the Spirit).
Title: Re:Raising a son in the faith. Post by: david87 on February 23, 2005, 12:14:27 AM [Quote:]" How can i tell if his faith has waivered? should I ask him strait out or leave him to make his own decision?"
Im 17 and I am no longer a christian because of my parents. Take it from me dont pressure him let him live his life if he's meant to be a christian he will find his way back to God. 8) Title: Re:Raising a son in the faith. Post by: Soldier4Christ on March 02, 2005, 01:44:13 PM [Quote:]" How can i tell if his faith has waivered? should I ask him strait out or leave him to make his own decision?" Im 17 and I am no longer a christian because of my parents. Take it from me dont pressure him let him live his life if he's meant to be a christian he will find his way back to God. 8) Don't put the full blame on your parents. Yes, they may have an influence on you and your decision but the final choice is yours. You are the one that is ultimately responsible for your decisions and the route that you take. Title: Re:Raising a son in the faith. Post by: Polarisandy on March 29, 2005, 02:30:58 PM Thankyou for all of your kind replies and I'm soory I've not responded quicker but these have been quite trying times.
My son has told me straight out that he now thinks that the HOLY BIBLE is a work of fiction and that he doesn't beileve and never really did. It grieves me to think that he had been keeping up the pretence of being a CHRISTian when if he had but told me when he had been vaivering in his faith in THE LORD I could have supported him and lead him in the ways of CHRIST. It grieves me to see my own flesh and blood hanging out with people I know his father would not allow him to be seen with if he were around more often. I really don't know what to do for the best |