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Entertainment => Computer Hardware and Software => Topic started by: gary cook on December 18, 2004, 03:22:22 AM

Title: FILES
Post by: gary cook on December 18, 2004, 03:22:22 AM
SAY ,I sure would like to know how to read my files as I have a lot ,I can not read .Also behind pictures ? I don"t know much about computers .as I never have had control over my computer .Once in a while it just goes to a page on its own .I"ve put xp in here about 25 times .about once a month ,I put isp disk in again .I am on foxfire and love it .I computer goes from one site to another in a second .it is really fast with foxfire .lots of my files say ,I can not read them or delete them ?any advice is good .THANK YOU !

Title: Re:FILES
Post by: 2nd Timothy on December 18, 2004, 10:16:05 AM
Kind of a tough question there gary. I'm not sure I completely understand all that you are asking, but let me see if I can explain in a simple way about files on your PC.  

A fair analogy would be, "my house has a lot of wires".... :D   You may not be able to see each wire or know its specific purpose, but you know they are all connected to various outlets or appliances in the house.   So it should be the appliances or outlets you are looking to use, not necessarily the wires.

Same thing with the PC.  There are many files.   You may not be able to open, or use individually every single file on your PC, but various programs will use them to preform different tasks.  Some programs use a large number of files to preform tasks, and others maybe only a select few.   But like the appliances in your house, its the Programs you are looking to make use of.   In turn, each program will make use of the various files.    So don't think of it as needing to see each and every file.

Now having said all this, lets talk about important individual files.    Documents for example.   You would use something like Microsoft Word to create, edit and save a document file.  The program, Microsoft word might make use of 50 various files on your PC without you ever knowing it, to preform the changes you make to your document .  But the end result is your single document having been created, and edited just the way you want it.   Same thing with images.  A program like Adobe Photoshop will use hundreds of files to operate and do all the various things you would need, to manipulate, view, and edit, a picture file.   The final product is the image file you changed or edited.   But it takes all those other files to create or edit your one image.  

I hope I am making some sense here....its been a long night at   Anyhoo....Hopefully this helps a little.

Grace and Peace!

Title: Re:FILES
Post by: Ralf on December 19, 2004, 04:08:25 PM
That made a tiny bit of sense to me. Ummm... It sounds like you are trying to figure out how to look at a certain file or something along those lines. If you can tell us what the filetype is we could help you more :)


Title: Re:FILES
Post by: gary cook on December 27, 2004, 08:31:30 PM
They are not written in english ,I do not know what they in ?The fonts are the problem ?I"v tried all kinds .But maybe I do not do it right ? I know it is not hard to open these in the right font ,but finding the right font seems to be a big deal .as I hate to have files I can not read ?Is there a program ?Which would help me .?BLESS YOU

Title: Re:FILES
Post by: gary cook on December 27, 2004, 08:33:11 PM
Another things I have a lot of is picyures with files hidden in them .not all micro soft . tried useing paint ,but can not ,

Title: Re:FILES
Post by: Shammu on December 27, 2004, 11:12:16 PM
They are not written in english ,I do not know what they in ?The fonts are the problem ?I"v tried all kinds .But maybe I do not do it right ? I know it is not hard to open these in the right font ,but finding the right font seems to be a big deal .as I hate to have files I can not read ?Is there a program ?Which would help me .?BLESS YOU
Well Gary, unless you know C++, C, ABAP, (object orientated) ect., ect, (which is a programing code) you wouldn't be able to read anything.

One thing you don't want to do, is to mess with any of them. If you mess with a critical file, your computer may crash. So please leave these files alone.

Resting with the Lord.

Title: Re:FILES
Post by: gary cook on February 21, 2005, 04:07:01 AM
I gave that computer to my wife .But it works great now .