ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Prophecy - Current Events => Topic started by: Symphony on June 28, 2003, 06:12:10 AM

Title: IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Symphony on June 28, 2003, 06:12:10 AM Condaleeza Rice the AntiChrist??  (

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: twobombs on June 28, 2003, 06:28:50 AM
I don't think so....   ( why do you think she is the AC ? )

Title: IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 28, 2003, 08:50:03 AM
I don't think so....   ( why do you think she is the AC ? )

TwoBombs should know Symphony  ;D
The End Is Near  ;D 29th march 2006  ;D
TwoBombs New COUNTDOWN Will Start Soon ;D

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Seven_Tides on June 28, 2003, 11:18:43 AM
Another countdown A4C?

Oh boy... ;D

Title: IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 28, 2003, 01:41:42 PM
Another countdown A4C?

Oh boy... ;D

Its a job someone has to do Bro, and we all know TwoBombs is counting on me  ;D

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Symphony on June 28, 2003, 11:10:11 PM


Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Krazeekkc on June 29, 2003, 06:23:50 PM
I don't think so....   ( why do you think she is the AC ? )

TwoBombs should know Symphony  ;D
The End Is Near  ;D 29th march 2006  ;D
TwoBombs New COUNTDOWN Will Start Soon ;D
Why are you saying 29th march 2006 is the end??? No one knows besides God!

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: ollie on June 29, 2003, 06:37:22 PM


It is!


Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: twobombs on June 30, 2003, 04:54:53 AM
Why are you saying 29th march 2006 is the end??? No one knows besides God!

I never said 29th marth will the end; in fact I regard the 70th week as the start of a new beginning. It's the actual fullfillment of "the day the lord hath made"

The 70th week of Daniel is brought forth by the execution of the Messiah ( as written in Daniel: "Messiah will be cut off but not for himself" )

Jesus was 33 years old when this happened, and this leaves 7 years over to fullfill

a) a 40 year long generation
b) the 70 week prophecy

This day has been prophecied by Isiah when he spoke

Isa 13:10  For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.

That looks to me like a solar eclipse, and there are not that many in the middle east, once every 20 or 40 years or so, and this one needs to be from the west to the east (covering the whole ancient world) as it is written:

Luk 17:24 For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one [part] under heaven, shineth unto the other [part] under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day.

But all this, of course, is academical and time will tell who will be right in this matter.....

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Brother Love on June 30, 2003, 04:58:41 AM
Why are you saying 29th march 2006 is the end??? No one knows besides God!

I never said 29th marth will the end; in fact I regard the 70th week as the start of a new beginning.

It's the actual fullfillment of "the day the lord hath made"


Brother Love :)

Title: IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 30, 2003, 01:28:02 PM
Why are you saying 29th march 2006 is the end??? No one knows besides God!

I never said 29th marth will the end; in fact I regard the 70th week as the start of a new beginning.

It's the actual fullfillment of "the day the lord hath made"


Brother Love :)

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Kris777 on July 06, 2003, 06:02:46 PM
I was just wondering how you could guess on something like that when int he Bible it says that only the Father knows the time and the hour?  I am just going to sit back and relax until He comes.  I think that you can get your self all worked up and anxious if you worry about the future.  In the mean time bring as many people to God as you can, because you never know.


Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: missyann250 on July 06, 2003, 06:51:11 PM
Geeeez Symphony, it's any day, that's why you feel the ugency of knowing.  It doesn't really matter when.  When the Lord comes, it will only matter personally when the Lord says, as in Matthew within the parable of the ten virgins, that He knew you.  Your life walk,( getting rid of soul and giving your whole life to the Lord Jesus), will be a testimony for others.  Peace is the result of this, and others will see it, therefore, you will be busy sharing with others your forutnate escape from fear, confusion, and petty concerns the unsaved has to deal with without the Lord because you are a believe in Him.
Don't you ever notice how others just know?  They don't even know they know at times what it is they know, they just are unconscienciously aware and take notice.  Watch for this,it's really cool to notice.  I am one not to even be suspected, until they say something that I can unoticibly slide something in about my belief founded in that subject, and how it saves me from any problem about it.  Byee.

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Symphony on July 08, 2003, 08:05:32 PM

Hi, Kris.  I think there's a chance we can know the general time--though as you say not the day nor the hour.

Well said, missy.  Yes, that's really how it should work, or does work.  Thank you!!

In Jesus' Name...

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: joyunending on July 08, 2003, 11:09:34 PM
This guessing game has been goin on for over 2000 years!  We are to be ready WHENEVER it comes, not sit around figuring out what day and hour... no one knows, not even Christ knew what day it would come..... Just be ready and live each day as if this is it!!!!!   Joy ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: missyann250 on July 09, 2003, 12:05:20 AM
yea, but ain't it cool to watch it all go down? You guys are right, it's been happening .. over 2,000 years now.  But, we are seeing the end of it all.  All things are lined up.  I don't have a scripture handy that I would like to share about the anti-christ and what nationality the nasty thing is suppose to be, but, I'll get it tonight and send it tomorrow.  It was plain as day.  Think about the false peace treaty.  It isn't happening yet.  But.... it's after the rapture.  Hmmm, .... :D
does that mean it's soon.  What about people, false movements in what people believe, have you noticed and huge movement in christians that might be a false movement? I have.  Are people setting up other people ( to fall for the anti-christ playing God), with miracles that aren't suppose to happen until after the rapture?  I don't know.  There are so many things to consider, but why?  I still say Praise God for his power because it's taking a lot of it to keep my mind with him.  Heart's there, but the buziness is there around us all. Still say, don't worry, be happy, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.  

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: joyunending on July 09, 2003, 02:52:54 PM
Missyanne, you are sooo right about the signs of the times... it seems that there are so few signs left.  I would be excited about it for myself, but there are sooooooo many people out there who should hear the word and be saved. Family members amoung them... We should all pray that there is still time for those who need to hear the word.....
     I pray that they still want to hear!!!!     Joy ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: missyann250 on July 09, 2003, 07:58:14 PM
ummm, I know Joy, I share your somberness, I am extremely mournful over the lost.  I actually have a poster up-raw- on my livingroom wall to remind my girls and me of the persectuted in the world, and to be thankful for our salvation and God's provision. It's a poster of the persecuted and map of the world with athiest countries highlighted.  I just thought we should also joy in the Lord and look forward to His day in Glory.  I have read that this should be our motivation.  So, I was proclaiming that excitement among bretheren, kind of grabbing onto some kind of joy once in a while with the body of Christ.
Just sharing the joy  on living in the Lord so He can shine through us because our testimony will reach others by this.  I'm sure you understand this by just reading your compassion also for others.  Thanks! :)  Missy

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Kris777 on July 09, 2003, 08:37:29 PM
Missyann you said that you have a map on your wall of atheist countries, but in the Bible it says that every nation will hear about God and that the gosphel will be preached to every nation, country and in every tongue.  So if there are atheist countries still, then it can't be that close to Jesus comeing back.  Then again things can snow ball quickly.


Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Symphony on July 09, 2003, 09:13:05 PM

Kris, thanks.  There's always the chance too, that the gospel has already gone to some of these nations, and they've rejected it/Him...

Russia, or the USSR, might be an example.  They had the Eastern Orthodox, until 1917, when they then became, at least officially, atheist.

Of course, there are random believers distributed throughout all these up to today.  China is undergoing a persecution.  North Korea--U.S. News carried an article several weeks ago, mentioning Christians there being persecuted for their faith.  North Korea is horrible--for all kinds of people--HUGE death camps, starvation.

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Marc on July 09, 2003, 11:52:59 PM
Dear Symphony: How I wish Jesus would come right NOW!
This whole world sucks like the mother of all sour lemons.
Oh well...until He comes.

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Kris777 on July 10, 2003, 12:40:21 AM
Dear Marc,  you know that the earth is slowly going bad, that is why we need to bring as many people to God as we can.  Looking at people that aren't saved I think of how truly scary life is without being saved by Jesus.  I think of the fate that I would have had in eternal hell if Jesus didn't care and love us enough to die for our sins.  I am not good at relationships either, but I do believe that God will take care of me and that is all of the insurence that I need.  I think that it is in Methew that God says those that endurith to the end will see the kingdom of heaven, so all I can tell you is hold on in there.  No one's life is perfect, your not the only one suffering.  But just as advice, you need to pull yourself back up and follow God to the best of your ability and you will get rewards.  Not to say only do things for rewards, but if you put your all in loving God, He will give you reassurance and unwavering love that no one on earth can give.  It is an awsome overwhelming peace and feeling that is undiscribable when you give your WHOLE trust in God to the extent that He can have EVERYTHING, to bad God had to through a "brick" at me to realize it though.  I'm just saying that if you put your whole trust in God and believe in His promises He will make you comfortable.  You might not get everything in life that you want, but if you pray and believe in your prayer and that God can accomplish anything and have no doubt and God will make it happen.  I got a question for you, are you saved?  It is an overwhelming feeling of comfort at literally knocks you to your knees.  Please, if your not saved I would love to share this feeling with you because Jesus is the best friend that I ever had and He will never let ANYONE down.  ;D

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: missyann250 on July 12, 2003, 09:14:17 PM
I'm sorry, I should have chosen better terms.  I was talking about the governments of countries that kill, torture, and persecute christians if they have a bible, or meetings.  I didn't mean the citizens.  
The Lord is coming back soon, even some of the Israelites are claiming this.  Prophecy has slowly been fulfilled and all we have to wait for is until- before that generation dies out the Lord is promised to return.  It's been 55 years since 1948 when Israel became a nation.  Back then a generation, I berlieve was forty years.
What I have found by the scripture where the gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth is after the rapture.  I know that many believe it's before the rapture.  No matter which way you look at it, no one knows when the gospel is preached to every person on earth.  But, it is quite easy to look at all this and take into consideration we do need to share the gospel with whomever we are lead to.  

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: Symphony on July 14, 2003, 08:47:52 PM

Kris, I just bought a bag of "Cheese Stix" with your verse on it there--"Romans 10:9,10".  A brand called, "Brim's", out of Tennessee.  'Happened to look down at the bag, printed out on the back.  Apparently their whole line of chips.

Title: Re:IS IT JUST ME, OR...
Post by: musicllover on July 14, 2003, 10:43:43 PM
 Hey ya,
          coming in a little late with this thread, I love to talk about the end times, I just wonder tho how many of us get all worried about this. I use to real bad when I hadn't done any studying. I know one thing for sure, my end could be when the lord comes, or if I don't watch when I cross the street........OH DIDN"T SEE the  BBBBUSSss SPLAT.....just be ready right. But there are signs that will have to come about before the Lord returns. As I found out, there are several diff views as to when pretrib, midtrib or or post tribulations. There defiantly isn't a way to truly predict when, no way the time or hour. I sometimes thing God is sitting up in Heaven laughing at all these predictions. So sad too he could be crying, As the wise virgins, always be ready, and be careful crossing the street. ;)