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Prayer => Prayer Requests => Topic started by: Brother Christman on June 26, 2003, 12:13:22 PM

Title: URGENT WARNING: America's Christians are being deceived!
Post by: Brother Christman on June 26, 2003, 12:13:22 PM
Christians and Muslims are being pitted against one another today. The real goal of those behind it, my heart is heavy to report, in addition to mammon and power, is the slander and abolishment of all the world's religions:;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread

You won’t see this in the news (until we’re back in UNESCO’s fist, if we don’t oppose it). Especially now that the FCC rules against monopolies have been loosened (and companies cozy with the FCC are lobbying for another round of deregulation), this is not coincidence.

I know it’s not easy to hear, but Christians in America are being deceived by this administration and mislead by those church leaders who encourage us to follow it without question.[/b] I believe in Biblical respect for and submission to authority, but blind, unreasoning faith should be reserved for the almighty alone (and no man – particularly no politician).

The President, like many in the administration, professes to be a Christian man (and I realize only God can be his/their judge), but for the sake of world Christianity as well as America, we must ask ourselves: What man of true faith – or even loyalty to America’s long-term survival – would back our return to UNESCO (whose stated agenda is to brainwash children into thinking religion, family, and patriotism are evil)?

We are allowing media-propagated fear (and in turn, hatred) of prepackaged mass media villains to disable our logic centers. Just think for a moment (please): If you hadn’t been conditioned to fear “terror” (or to put it bluntly, another 9-11), would you really take the abolishment of the Constitution and our freedoms so lightly?

The PNAC, drafted before this administration took office and 9-11 occurred, clearly states this administration’s objectives, including the invasion of the Persian Gulf. It even speculates that something akin to another “Pearl Harbor” would be necessary to sell it to the American public:

For love of Christ the redeemer and our nation, I beg you to consider these facts in prayer and with an open mind.

Many leaders within CBN, the Christian Coalition, et cetera still aren’t aware of them, nor are they being told. Others (under the influence of the greatest of deceivers, it burdens my heart to say) may refuse to consider them. I know this is much to bear, but nothing less than the future of Christianity, the United States, and the globe hinges upon its immediate, widespread exposure.

“An iron veil is descending over the executive branch." – Congressman Dan Burton (R – IN)

The Bible tells of persecution of Christians in the end times. If we allow this world-hungry beast to keep control of our nation’s destiny, under its yoke, many will blame us for the untold innocent lives (in America and abroad) that it will consume. Please spread the word to anyone who’ll listen – especially clergy and Americans of other faiths. If you happen to have the ear of someone within the Christian Coalition, CBN, et cetera, please share this information and beg them to review it in prayer while there’s still (fleeting) time.

As I’ve said, you will not hear much, if any of this on TV before another 9-11 happens, at which time they’ll push to effectively strip the rest of the Constitution away (while everyone’s terrified). Until then, headlines will remain business as usual with reports on Iraq, interest rates, et cetera. We are not expected to perceive any of the (spiritual and physical) danger before it’s too late.

Please spread the word to all who’ll listen, get (and keep) in touch with your Congressman/woman and Representative(s), and register to vote in 2004 (if you’re not registered). Democracy is a gift from the divine and this nation has never been in greater danger of losing it.[/b] We must oppose America’s reunion with UNESCO (;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread - unread) and check the administration’s attempts to take away our rights (like a fair trial – which will seem far more important to you when they run out of Muslims to persecute and don’t slow down).

"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you, that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven." – our LORD and savior, Jesus Christ

The choice for Christ is a resounding no to fear, hatred, and deceit. We must awaken every Christian of every race in the United States and warn Americans of all faiths, as well.  Please do all that you can – and then pray fervently that God will open many more eyes and steer them clear of deceitful, pro-world-conquest propaganda. Only armed with the truth, aided by the almighty can we defeat such (deeply) entrenched wickedness.

Peace in Christ,

Brother Christman

Title: Re:URGENT WARNING: America's Christians are being deceived!
Post by: Kristen on June 26, 2003, 03:05:40 PM
I could have read parts of that wrong, but are you trying to say that there are other ways to the Father besides through Jesus Christ?!?!? Because I'm sure we all know that salvation is only found through Jesus...

And yes, you are very right that we need to be careful that we do not see others in hatred, but with the love of Jesus who lives in us.  Why don't we focus on God, and His divine will, and then all good things will follow.  If we align our will with that of the Father's, our spirits will be protected, and His work will be done.  :)

Title: Re:URGENT WARNING: America's Christians are being deceived!
Post by: Symphony on June 27, 2003, 05:11:32 PM

Yes, our only refuge is in the Man Christ Jesus...
