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Prayer => General Discussion => Topic started by: BUTCHA on November 05, 2004, 10:45:54 PM

Title: going to a new church
Post by: BUTCHA on November 05, 2004, 10:45:54 PM
well in the summer, my catholic church closed my family and friends, are haveing a rough time adjusting. but we found a new church it is methodist . very small , wich i like .the paster is very nice i also like him i think we may have found a new home. only one problem my wife isnt on board. she hasnt gone back to church since ours closed . she cant bring herself to trying a non-catholic church. hopeing for some prayers for her to join me and the kids at service on sunday.

Title: going to a new church
Post by: Brother Love on November 09, 2004, 05:32:50 PM
Any Up-Dates?


Title: Re:going to a new church
Post by: Willowbirch on November 09, 2004, 07:27:05 PM
well in the summer, my catholic church closed my family and friends, are haveing a rough time adjusting. but we found a new church it is methodist . very small , wich i like .the paster is very nice i also like him i think we may have found a new home. only one problem my wife isnt on board. she hasnt gone back to church since ours closed . she cant bring herself to trying a non-catholic church. hopeing for some prayers for her to join me and the kids at service on sunday.
:'(  I sincerely hope and pray that you and your family will be able to fellowship with other believers again! I know its rough to go from one church to another, though I've never had to make a change quite as difficult as yours.

Title: Re:going to a new church
Post by: Symphony on November 10, 2004, 08:51:14 PM

becoming a noncatholic would be a hard thing, 'specially if it's not really by choice.

actually, for that matter, becoming anything, if not by choice, is a hard thing.  I'm not sure that it can really happen.  Maybe.

I like to 'believe' in what i'm doing...

Imagine that, actually believing in what you're doing.   Hmmm.

Title: going to a new church
Post by: Brother Love on November 12, 2004, 04:28:26 AM

becoming a noncatholic would be a hard thing, 'specially if it's not really by choice.

actually, for that matter, becoming anything, if not by choice, is a hard thing.  I'm not sure that it can really happen.  Maybe.

I like to 'believe' in what i'm doing...

Imagine that, actually believing in what you're doing.   Hmmm.


A lot of my Christian friends are ex-roman catholics, they never had any problems.


Title: Re:going to a new church
Post by: BUTCHA on December 09, 2004, 08:27:45 PM
Well, my wife finally has gone back to church this week first time since the closeing of ours . we went to the Methodist church that ive been going to. She liked it and is open to going again.

Title: Re:going to a new church
Post by: Shammu on December 09, 2004, 11:51:55 PM
Well, my wife finally has gone back to church this week first time since the closeing of ours . we went to the Methodist church that ive been going to. She liked it and is open to going again.
Praise God!

Title: going to a new church
Post by: Brother Love on December 11, 2004, 09:59:53 AM
I was once a Methodist along time ago

Title: Re:going to a new church
Post by: Willowbirch on December 13, 2004, 11:31:51 AM
Well, my wife finally has gone back to church this week first time since the closeing of ours . we went to the Methodist church that ive been going to. She liked it and is open to going again.
That's wonderful!

Title: Re:going to a new church
Post by: BUTCHA on January 25, 2005, 09:45:40 PM
well now we are going to a Episcopal church,again very nice people are great only been there 5 times but my wife seems to like it better than the methodist church. seems as though half of the parrishners are from catholic churches.

anyhow just thought id chime in

oh, and thanks blackeyepeas ;)

Title: Re:going to a new church
Post by: Melody on January 29, 2005, 11:55:33 AM
well now we are going to a Episcopal church,again very nice people are great only been there 5 times but my wife seems to like it better than the methodist church. seems as though half of the parrishners are from catholic churches.

anyhow just thought id chime in

Not surprising.  Aren't Episcopalians the protestant version of catholics?  I went to an episcopal church once and it reminded me very much of the catholic church I grew up in.

As an ex-catholic, I can say that I had difficulty switching over to protestant churches, but it mainly was because I was used to a specific ritual and without it, the service was "lacking" (in my opinion).

It took me many more years before God opened my eyes and heart enough to be comfortable.  It still amazes me that I'm now considering membership in a Baptist church.  Oh...and I don't miss the ritual anymore because I have something more important....a bible based church.

Title: Re:going to a new church
Post by: BUTCHA on April 09, 2005, 07:36:21 PM


tryed the other Catholic churches in the area but , ruled them out.

my catholic church was closed aprox. 9 months ago do to the preist scandels , and only 20% of the parrish is now enrolled in another catholic church. speaking with my catholic freinds thier is still alot of anger and pain still and many are floatting around like lost sheep trying to find a place of worship.

Title: Re:going to a new church
Post by: wormiesaber on April 14, 2005, 08:18:11 PM
I used to go to a Catholic Church because my Dad was Catholic and at one time, he wanted me to be Catholic and go through the school and everything. My Mom wouldn't allow it, she wanted me in a normal school with normal kids, but I was raised Baptist. I enjoy the Baptist Church and visit one frequently.
I used to go to the Oasis Christian Center in Los Angeles 2 days a week but I didn't like the big show they seemed to put on, and after awhile, it got to a point to where I felt it was sort of a scam, with the big cameras and lighting set-ups and acting skits. I just want to worship God on Sundays, all that other stuff is dressing and gravy, so I'm prone to more conventional churches like a good 'ol baptist church or the Harvest Rock church in Pasadena, california (where several of my friends go on Sundays anyway).