Title: From Here To There Post by: Sulfurdolphin on November 03, 2004, 11:06:40 AM Eyes like stars twinkle, it prevails over the unanimous.
Who then shall walk through evil waters we tread? The stars must unfold until the night falls like fallen Heroic gods. Columns that uphold there thoughts falls prey of sick days corrupted are there godless feet there eyes shine with hell’s fury my hand slowly open it’s gate! Fallen gods I, shall never have a hero divine or human I shut where there are no doors. Take up thy shield and burst the corrupt fountains with fiery passions. with gasoline skies they scream with animal screams. Diamond shape thrones, whiter away in heaven, in heaven, only blizzards exist from camels breathe. Who does this dream belong? Ant size dreams blows across yards like lonely beds, in lonely beds darkness is my comrade. The night suffocates the eyes as the embers corrode the moving ground beneath our snake like bodies the gods fill our heavens with existential despair. Who then shall besides death will march against Hieroglyphic ships? I ask once again with the crushing tide of God’s hand to whom and where is this City of God, and His loving grace, embrace His crucifix. Written by Michael Jones |