ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Apologetics => Topic started by: jamesmic36 on November 02, 2004, 05:56:43 AM

Title: I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: jamesmic36 on November 02, 2004, 05:56:43 AM
I don't know if I am in the right place for this, but I need some help. First let me give the you the scoop. I have not to long ago encountered a Faith that calls themselves Universal Salvation. If anyone knows of this faith, they know they claim that their is a new message that is an old message that has been missunderstood since Christ died and resurrected. The message is that everyone is saved know one is lost, even the angels and Satan are going to be saved on the day of judgment. They say the lake of fire is not death but a purging and after the purging they will be saved.

Normaly I would not be so alarmed, but my brother because of me got mixed up in this stuff. I knew my brother had lots of knowledge and has written many things on certain topics. So I went to him So we could read and combat this if it has ever been brought up to us. Well to make a long story short now my brother is greatly confused and is fighting a battle now. He is not showing the fruits of the spirit right now. I need lots and lots of prayer for him, his name is Joe. I also would like it if only people who are very strong in the faith could give me help on combating this faith. Please only brothers and sisters who are very strong in the faith should go and read this stuff. Thank you so much God Bless

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: Symphony on November 02, 2004, 06:29:31 AM

Without the blood of Jesus Christ on our souls, we will be lost.


I pray for Joe, and for james, in Jesus' Name...

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: MalkyEL on November 02, 2004, 07:06:58 PM

Hello, jamesmic36:

I have a link here that might help you use Scripture to refute the teachings of universal salvation.  Please let me know if I can personally help you more.  I am willing to work with you and your brother one on one to help clear up confusion on this issue.  Please do not hesitate to contact me.

Shalom, Nana

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: jamesmic36 on November 03, 2004, 01:18:15 AM
I want to thank you very much for your quick response. And yes the link you have given me has been  a lot of help. But this is a link that I have already found. Surprisingly, there is not much info out there to combat this subject. I think it would be very nice and helpful if someone would do an in-depth study on this subject. I have a feeling this faith could be an attempt to change the message of the Gospel. I mean this stuff is dangerous to the mind of not only weak Christians but to anyone who might want to become a Christian in the future. During my reading of this faith I have found that that their main attack is directed and changing the meaning of the bible entirely. It was not bad enough for Satan to confuse people within the church but confusing the meaning of the bible for people can have devastating effects.

I am sorry for my rambling, thank you again for your response and I will be back to see if anyone has come up with any more info

GOD bless in Jesus name.

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: Soldier4Christ on November 03, 2004, 09:54:45 AM
I just ran into this same statement (Universal Salvation) on another forum. I guess I am behind the times on this one and am going to have to look into it. I agree with you it is a very dangerous teaching from what little I gather on it.

My prayers are with you and your brother.

Joh 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: Evangelist on November 03, 2004, 10:33:08 AM
Here is a link to a study I did quite some time ago on universalism. Hope you find it helpful.

Universalism has been around since the first century, and even played a large part in the formulation of the doctrine of purgatory (RCC) during the 300/400's.

It fell into some disfavor, especially when the reformation came along, but has been revived quite strongly in the past 30-40 years, and based almost entirely to the emphasis on "God is love."  This of course is NOT an untrue statement, but completely ignores the flip side of love....justice.

 The Slippery Slopes of Universalism (

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: Soldier4Christ on November 03, 2004, 11:05:52 AM

That link won't work for me?? It keeps giving me a not found and directs me to a

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: Evangelist on November 03, 2004, 11:12:21 AM
Sorry...I fixed the link....had a " that didn't belong.


Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: Soldier4Christ on November 03, 2004, 11:48:31 AM
Thank you, Evangilist. I found that enlightening. I was well aware of those erroneous beliefs just not under the term of "Universal Salavation". Thank you again.

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: jamesmic36 on November 03, 2004, 08:33:04 PM
Thank you very much for your site I am going to read it right now again thank you.

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: jamesmic36 on November 03, 2004, 10:46:21 PM
I have read your site and I found it to be very edifying, thank you again for your response. I can not help to be so zealous about combating this subject of Universal Salvation. The reason being, I just had to witness the danger of this belief in the mind of someone very close and dear to me. He is someone who in my eyes has been strong in the faith. He has wrote many things on various subjects. I watched this belief in one short period of time totaly bring confusion and doubt into his mind. I to was reading this stuff and for a moment I entertained the thought for awhile, only to come to the realization of feeling a sweet stimulation in my stomach that became very sickening. This thought led me to believe there was something very wrong with this belief. Not just it being a bad doctrine, like many doctrines out there are. This doctrine is different, it attacks the very mind of a person and can leave traces of doubt even for a long time after even rejecting the idea. I can see this destroying the very heart of a Christian who was one ambitious to the cause, to become dead and unprofitable. To have that small trace of (maybe I can just wait until the end and maybe it is true that God will forgive me for my actions after all I am just a man) This idea can leave someone idle and dead to the fruits of the spirit. I just have a bad feeling that this belief can work its destruction in secret entering into the hearts of Christians and not only Christians, this belief is perfect for the whole world no matter what their belief. Even to those who worship other Gods can easily accept this thought of a new idea of Christ. After all in their mind they could be thinking, (look at the confusion and all the destruction people have done in the name of Christ). This belief can fill that little spot in the heart that has been against Christ for so long to being able to accept it, because it does not hinder them from being the way they are or even stop them from believing in other Gods. What ever the separation is between man and God can easily be resolved with this idea of Christ. This belief can very well shape the image of God who is Christ into an image made like unto corruptible man….I feel that this thought can lay hidden in the hearts of man and in the heart of a confessing Christian.
I am sorry again for my rambling just please pray for my brother and for all those who might be struggling with these kinds of thoughts.

God bless to you all
In the name of our precious Jesus Christ.  

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: Evangelist on November 04, 2004, 12:44:29 PM

Glad it was of some help. And, you are right in your discernment of the is straight from the pits of hell, and designed for no purpose other than to confuse and render useless a believer or seeker by holding out the false hope of "many" paths to heaven.

In talking with someone who clings to this aberration, there are several things that need to be stressed to reach an understanding. First, is whether or not the Word of God is exactly that....or is it just "guidance", as so many liberal interpreters want to believe. Second, is that IF the accept the Word as inspired, and true, then they must balance the nature of God in all of His revealed Word. He is love...and He is just...and He is jealous...and He does repay, and so on.

If God is just, and righteous, and Holy, then it makes no sense to believe that He will ignore that which is unjust, or unrighteous or unholy.

To believe in "universal" salvation is to decree that God is not who He says He is in His Word, and the final result of it is to believe that we will be in Heaven with: Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, and every other reprobate who has ever lived and rejected Jesus Christ and His atonement.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. NO ONE cometh unto the Father but by me."

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: nChrist on November 04, 2004, 01:47:11 PM

Brother Hank, I just wanted to add an extra thank you here from me. The material on your sites represent some beautiful additions to my personal Bible study. I will pray that God continues to bless your ministry.

Love In Christ,

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: jamesmic36 on November 05, 2004, 02:13:47 AM
I was searching the net for more Christian Forums to joins, because I love having fellowship. I found this one site called I did not get the reply back that I was a member until late last night. And wouldn’t you know it one of the main topics there is Universal Salvation. It is the biggest thread there. The poor brothers who are in there trying to defend the faith is being over whelmed. Took me awhile to catch up on the forum it was so huge…..And there is more in other topic places about the subject. Unlike all the other doctrines within the church, this doctrine stands alone. It is way different than doctrinal issues. I am going to study hard and hopefully bring some people to understanding. I have never been so scared or sickened by a doctrine as much as I am of this one. It took me awhile to ask others to help me on this subject, for fear of stumbling a brother or a sister. And than I realized that a true brother or sister would be able to see this for what it is. I even had a feeling last night that my brother will see the light and come back to the faith. Sometimes we have to go through a battle to learn growth and gain strength.
God bless to you all in Jesus Holy name I pray for each and everyone of our brothers and sisters out there. Especially those in other countries who are dieing in Jesus name.  

Title: Re:I need help and prayer for someone
Post by: Evangelist on November 05, 2004, 10:07:34 AM
Bro. Tom:
Thank you, and PRAISE GOD!! from whom ALL blessings flow.
I'm glad, and will pray that others may also be blessed.

Our prayers are with you.