ChristiansUnite Forums

Theology => Prophecy - Current Events => Topic started by: Evangelist on October 08, 2004, 09:51:36 AM

Title: "Unless there come a GREAT falling away..."
Post by: Evangelist on October 08, 2004, 09:51:36 AM
 Homosexual S&M - part of Christianity?
Religion 'scholars' ponder 'leather' as foundation for 'spiritual identity' (

If there are any questions or doubts as to how far we (mankind, and Christianity in particular) has fallen......  :'(

Title: Re:"Unless there come a GREAT falling away..."
Post by: nChrist on October 10, 2004, 05:44:48 AM
Homosexual S&M - part of Christianity?
Religion 'scholars' ponder 'leather' as foundation for 'spiritual identity' (

If there are any questions or doubts as to how far we (mankind, and Christianity in particular) has fallen......  :'(


Brother, this is sickening and quite true. If you had told me twenty years ago that the Democratic Party of America would have gay and lesbian marriage as part of their platform, I would have told you - You're out of your mind!

Brother, here we are in something Christians could never imagine. This is a time of great evil. I sometimes think that Christians can slow the devil's train before it becomes an unattended runaway. There are other times that I think we may be seeing either a preview or the actual end of this age. If these are the prophesied times of the Holy Bible, Christians will not be able to slow the devil's train.

Regardless, today and every day is a time to share the GOOD NEWS and pray that every Christian yields to the will and purpose of God in our lives.

Love In Christ,

Title: Re:"Unless there come a GREAT falling away..."
Post by: 2nd Timothy on October 10, 2004, 06:04:09 AM
Regardless, today and every day is a time to share the GOOD NEWS and pray that every Christian yields to the will and purpose of God in our lives.

Amen!!!  This is the only reality in which we as Christians can ever hope to affect the wickedness around us.   Its hard to not become ill thinking about some of the things going on around us, but the only hope for this ugly world is Christ.

I sure do want to go Home!  Maranatha Lord Jesus!

Grace and Peace!

Title: Re:"Unless there come a GREAT falling away..."
Post by: Melody on October 10, 2004, 10:45:16 AM
Homosexual S&M - part of Christianity?
Religion 'scholars' ponder 'leather' as foundation for 'spiritual identity' (

If there are any questions or doubts as to how far we (mankind, and Christianity in particular) has fallen......  :'(

It's not "Christianity in particular" that has's non-believers.  True Christians would never promote this type of garbage.

On some of the more atheist run boards, they're even stating that Ruth and Naomi were lesbians and David and Jonathan (?) were homosexuals, and perverting Bible verses to do it.

This isn't Christianity.  I don't believe it's even atheism since there is no value to be had in an atheism making derogatory comments about something they believe doesn't even exist.  I believe this is a greater evil than not just believing in God.

Title: Re:"Unless there come a GREAT falling away..."
Post by: nChrist on October 10, 2004, 04:19:12 PM
2nd Timothy,

AMEN BROTHER! This second would not be too soon for Christ to catch us up together with Him. I yearn for that time.


We've had many people try to post the same miserable garbage on Christians Unite. This world is getting more evil by the minute, and many are starting to persecute and hunt Christians for sport. There will come a time where the Restrainer (Holy Spirit) will be removed, and the devil will roam free. That time may be soon, or that time may be upon us. I simply know that the worst thing Christians could do would be to sit down and be quiet.

It is time to share the GOOD NEWS with great urgency.

Love In Christ,

Title: "Unless there come a GREAT falling away..."
Post by: Brother Love on October 11, 2004, 04:11:29 AM
It is time to share the GOOD NEWS with great urgency.

Love In Christ,

