Title: Steve Williams Post by: Luke O on September 02, 2004, 11:36:10 AM I dunno if this is out of place in here or not, but i am personally (i hope everyone else does to) going to be saying a prayer for Steve Williams, for those not familiar with Steve, he is a wrestler (i don't really know how people on this forum feel about proffesional wrestling, but most wrestlers tend to be very religious). Anywayz Steve Williams was diagnosed with cancer a couple of days ago, so my thoughts and prayers are with you Steve.
Title: Re:Steve Williams Post by: jive4005 on September 03, 2004, 08:17:31 AM Great God... what a priviledge and honor to be able to come before You. I come worshiping You... giving You the praise You surely deserve.
I come too Lord, on behalf of Steve Williams. Lord, make certain this man is or gets saved! That's the most important thing. Then Lord, I ask You to bless him... and his loved ones, so they can all truly enjoy the blessings You give! I speak salvation upon Steve and I further speak health and Christ's victory over all illness and infirmity.... even cancer. Let that evil cancer be thrown out with the rest of the garbage. Lord, I take the authority given to me by my big brother Jesus, to use His name and speak that which is to be! I do so now, today. I speak HEALING... SALVATION... VICTORY upon Steve Williams. Let the blessings flow. Let the victory be attained! In Jesus' name, which IS sufficient! Amen Thanks Abba, Deke Title: Re:Steve Williams Post by: felix102 on September 06, 2004, 01:35:46 AM Quote Great God... what a priviledge and honor to be able to come before You. I come worshiping You... giving You the praise You surely deserve. AMENI come too Lord, on behalf of Steve Williams. Lord, make certain this man is or gets saved! That's the most important thing. Then Lord, I ask You to bless him... and his loved ones, so they can all truly enjoy the blessings You give! I speak salvation upon Steve and I further speak health and Christ's victory over all illness and infirmity.... even cancer. Let that evil cancer be thrown out with the rest of the garbage. Lord, I take the authority given to me by my big brother Jesus, to use His name and speak that which is to be! I do so now, today. I speak HEALING... SALVATION... VICTORY upon Steve Williams. Let the blessings flow. Let the victory be attained! In Jesus' name, which IS sufficient! Amen I like wrestling. I think that wrestlers are greatly underrated. They are talented actors -they act on the spot under pressure in a very big audience. They are strong and agile athletes - they perform very dangerous wrestling moves, lift and throw men weighing 100 or more pounds, and they have muscular cut bodies. They are stunt devils. They are the best choreographers - people are quicker to believe that they are not getting hurt, that is true; I find it harder to believe that they don't get hurt, that is the objective. So...they are very good actors, stuntmen, athletes, and choreographers. I dont find many of the popular actors, stuntmen, athletes, or choreographers that can do all that but pro-wrestlers!!! |