ChristiansUnite Forums

Welcome => Questions, help, suggestions, and bug reports => Topic started by: musicllover on August 15, 2004, 10:08:57 AM

Title: trouble siging in
Post by: musicllover on August 15, 2004, 10:08:57 AM
Hi mod,
    I've had some  trouble getting signed in.
 If I come straight thru the internet on site the page won't load, but if I sign in from my email I have no problems. Is there a tech problem or do I have a glitch in my get-a-long ;D.
    I'm leaving on a short vacation so I'll check your response in a few days. Thanks Blessing to you all.

Title: Re:trouble siging in
Post by: Kristi Ann on August 15, 2004, 10:40:28 AM
Dear MusicLover,

Sometimes Christians Unite Server is Very slow do too it's volume of people all over the World.  I am on DSL and sometimes I cannot even get too the Forum at all either.

So, it's not your fault sweetie.

Blessings,  \o/

Title: Re:trouble siging in
Post by: nChrist on August 16, 2004, 02:04:01 AM
Hello MusicLover,

The Christians Unite server does provide services to thousands of Christian web sites, but it is big enough to do that without any problem.

I think that most of the server slow downs are caused by what is called "spam-bots or mail-bots". These are computers running on autopilot trying to harvest private email information for advertising. They can easily generate thousands of requests at a time to the system they are trying to get the information from. ADMIN has Christians Unite set to give them absolutely nothing. If you look at a raw web page in HTML format, you will see all kinds of things that are not displayed to folks browsing the site. On many of them, you can actually get private information that was not intended to be shown to the public. Your private information on Christians Unite is locked and safe from folks who want to send you tons of advertising. However, this locking does slow the system down while spam or mail-bots are sending thousands of requests, over and over again, to get the information.

There might be a rather rude method of dealing with these spam and mail-bots on some systems. You design a page to give them thousands or hundreds of thousands of bogus names and emails. This doesn't work on all systems, and it might cause more problems that what it is worth with some systems. However, giving the spam-bots thousands of false names and emails seems fitting.   :D  This actually ruins the rest of their list they got by doing the same thing all over the Internet.

Love In Christ,

Title: Re:trouble siging in
Post by: musicllover on August 19, 2004, 12:00:47 AM
WWJD  8)
ya I bet he would give them lots of names too...... ;D My kids have often asked me, and I have often wondered why did God create bitting bugs, slugs, and tics, guess spam, adware, ect  belongs in one of those groups. I'll just have to sign thru from my email each time.
thank you,


Title: Re:trouble siging in
Post by: sincereheart on September 08, 2004, 07:56:45 AM
My kids have often asked me, and I have often wondered why did God create bitting bugs, slugs, and tics, guess spam, adware, ect  belongs in one of those groups.

LOL!  ;D