ChristiansUnite Forums

Fellowship => You name it!! => Topic started by: Whitehorse on June 06, 2003, 11:50:48 PM

Title: Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Whitehorse on June 06, 2003, 11:50:48 PM
I need to ask everyone's opinion. I've been praying for a guy who claims to be a satanist. I have been for four years. Should I tell him, or is that a bad idea? I've prayed about it for weeks, weighed the pros and cons...but I would value your opinion. The pros, obviously, include planting seeds of faith and giving him a safety net when he starts to question life. But the cons include, well, he's a satanist.

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Tibby on June 09, 2003, 03:21:32 AM
I'd say no. He will think of you as a Holy Roller, a Jesus freak, and will hate you even more. I know, some people seem to think the name "Jesus Freak" is cool, but I'm sure he doesn't! He will look at your prayer as an attempt to be superior. We know it isn’t, but he could very well take it as such. Keep it to yourself. Most Satanist are just Satanist to annoy Christians anyways. It isn’t a REAL religion, it is Humanism with Judeo-Christian names added for kicks.

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Whitehorse on June 10, 2003, 02:00:39 AM
Sensei, I botched it beyond belief. I didn't mean to, and things went very well at first, but then I said one thing he took wrong and it was a mess. God is in control...

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Tibby on June 10, 2003, 02:40:26 AM
God is in control...

Right, that is the attitude to have.  What exactly happened? What was your relationship to them? What is it now? You have to keep praying for Gods will. Pray that is plants a seed in there mind, helps them understand that you care, not matter how misplace they think your attempt was.

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Symphony on June 10, 2003, 05:10:09 AM

Yep, tibby brings out some good points.  There are so many variables, it probably depends on the individual situation.  Jesus seemed to treat his healings and casting outs on that kind of basis--each on its own merits.

Maybe your friend needed to hear exactly that, that you are praying for him, even though it produced a reaction?

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: chanelle on June 10, 2003, 11:53:50 PM
Not stupid,  I know someone professing buddism and I witness a lot but without preaching.  I just say well,  I do this or I don't do that.  Forgiveness is good and right with christianity the same as buddism but Jesus Christ is the son of God and I believe the Bible, etc.

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Whitehorse on June 11, 2003, 12:35:28 AM
Wow, this is so awesome. Thanks guys. Well, what happened is, a *lot* of these people have been through incredible abuse and the attention lands more on you than on God for healing; that's not going to help anyone get saved. They sometimes feel they need more than you can give them. I can pray and be a friend and a support. But I can't give more than that. Symphony, yes; it created a reaction. Guys, when do I know when to call it quits?

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: chanelle on June 11, 2003, 01:04:48 AM
People who care tell me I don't have any responsibility beyond telling them where I stand, but realize these people are watching me close to see how I react to things, situations, my responses etc.

I don't know when to quit either so you are not the only one but it keeps me on my toes!

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Whitehorse on June 11, 2003, 11:49:01 PM
Yeah, exactly. I guess when expectations get dashed, in some people it can be more traumatic. And this satanism stuff is not a light problem. Now that is some serious stuff. It seems God is placing more and more of these people in my path, and I think He wants me to serve some of them and bring them the gospel. A lot of times they just need to know someone cares. But then, this is not something to take lightly either. If I'm going to witness to them, I better do a very effective job. It seems like these are not people you want disillusioned; how much farther from the Lord can they get?

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Symphony on October 30, 2003, 08:12:00 PM

Hmmm, wow, looks like it's been almost five months ago, last post here.   :-X

Wonder how it's going on this, Whitehorse.

(I'm looking through some of your earlier topics; 'trying to find the one where you ask, or talk, about the Christian fish symbol on the car.  I wanted to read through that thread again...   But was wondering how this was going since I came across it just now...)

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Whitehorse on October 30, 2003, 11:13:40 PM
Glad you asked, Symphony, and thank you for your godly concern. It's actually going incredibly well. I had forgotten about this post, so it's nice to compare how things are going now to how they were going when I wrote this, and it's very refreshing because a lot has come out of it. It is going far better than I could have imagined. It's grown. Thanks again for caring. Blessings to you, my friend.

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: KiwiChristian on October 30, 2003, 11:24:40 PM
Whitehorse, having been into the stuff that your friend is into, I can understand your concern for him.  Most people get into the witchcraft/new age scene because they think that it is "ok" and that it "leads somehow to God" - that's what I use to think anyway.  I would continue praying and really interceding for him and at the same time I would very gently tell him about what Jesus is doing for you in your life and how you have been greatly blessed by Him.  Also let him know that as his friend you will always be there for him if he needs prayer or help.  That way you can keep the doors open if he ever wants to talk to you about God.  I think that you should very carefully share Jesus with him but listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling you what to say.  I'm glad that someone told me about Jesus and said that what I was doing was wrong - it was great to also be shown some biblical scripture (deut 18:10) which backed up what they were saying.  I think you will regret it if you don't tell him and wish you had.

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Whitehorse on October 30, 2003, 11:54:26 PM
Wow-this is very good advice. Thank you. I'm very willing to hear any other ideas and suggestions you may have, too.

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Willowbirch on October 31, 2003, 05:15:50 AM
Don't give up!  :'( Our sense of time is different than the Lord's! When we think we've prayed too long, He says "Seek the Father"! When we are stumbling and ready to quit, "Be strong and of good courage!"

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Romans8_1 on October 31, 2003, 10:38:44 PM
This is the first I've seen of this thread, so please excuse me if I'm talking out of place ....

One, I would say be careful.  When Jesus sent His disciples out to preach the Gospel and face the enemy, how did He do that? .... by 2's.  Why?  You should be able to answer this.  There is a danger of one interacting with the enemy.  As close as we draw to God, or atleast attemp to, there is always the possibility of being deceived.  Some of you may say "but not me, I really love Christ."  Well what about Peter?  He knew God in the flesh, yet satan was able to speak through Peter.  I say this to say be careful.  If you are going to engage the enemy head on like that.  Inform a friend and pray protection.  Then take a friend with you.  The enemy wants to isolate you, get you one on one. But there isn't any precedense for this in the NT.  Paul always took someone with him on his missionary trips.  Jesus sent the disciples out by 2, He sent the 70 out by 2.  There is a reason for a minimum of 2.  If it is completely impossible to take a friend.  Have a friend pray for you while you interact with the enemy.  I'm not talking about simply the lost or unbeliever.  But if he is a satanist, then we are talking about active spiritual warfare.  Do not take this lightly.  Do not confuse an unbeliever with a satanist.  One is passively rejecting God, the other has decided to worship the enemy and pledge to fight God.  There is a huge difference.

How do you know when to call it quits.  There is only one answer to this.  When God tells you to.  Remember, God may use you for a while, then call someone else down the road to pick it up.  Pray to God and ask Him what to next.  Surrendure to God.

Grace and Peace to you.

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Whitehorse on October 31, 2003, 11:30:17 PM
Proverbs 25:11: A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

Thank you so much for this post. Can I PM you for more beta?

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Whitehorse on November 01, 2003, 11:28:06 PM
Found this at another site; thought anyone who is interested in how satanists think might want to take a gander. It's loaded to the gills with deception-no big surprise there.;

Title: Re:Good idea, or unbelievably stupid?
Post by: Tibby on November 01, 2003, 11:39:33 PM
Anyone saw the Report on the O'Realy Factor with the Satanist? Ah, it was priceless. Bill's ability to patronize was put to good use. Glad he’s on our side! ;D